Get Your Why before AI: Technology is The How, Not the Why or What

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024
  •  Technology is the new religion, Silicon Valley - the new Promised Land, and entrepreneurs - the new prophets. They promise a future of abundance and immortality-a techno-heaven beyond our wildest dreams. And we are all believers. We often forget technology is the how, not the why or what. It is a means to an […]


  • @MattAngiono
    @MattAngiono 4 місяці тому +1

    Excellent talk, filled with wisdom!
    I feel like our society has forgotten that we need wisdom, as is shown by how we treat the elderly..... either making them go into care homes or be the puppet president of the united states lol.
    We have all this talk lately about AI, but little questioning about it's lack of wisdom or ethics.
    I think maybe there's still hope to bring these back into the culture, but it's going to take a lot of work.
    I don't know many people who take the time to learn about these things, let alone really live by them.
    It's also hard to discern because there's so much virtue signaling with little living in a truly virtuous way.
    We've become more obsessed with our appearance to society than with our own integrity.
    I really appreciate what you're trying to do here!

    • @SingularityFM
      @SingularityFM  4 місяці тому

      Thank you! I appreciate your words of support!

  • @MrIzzyDizzy
    @MrIzzyDizzy 4 місяці тому +2

    Technology feels like a demon not a god. , but as you say technology itself is just a tool and is not the problem. The problem is the system we are working and living in will become obsolete, when AI breaks the money for labor paradigm.
    Will we be Genocided or Apartieded if we can't compete with Bots ? Make no mistake we cant beat bots much longer in large numbers at much of anything. Or will we find a way to share their outputs. for the benefit of all people.? I too like technology but i like it better when i could still beat it at Chess or know some could win at Go or many could write better or paint.( yes bots are already winning artistic painting competitions). When AI and bots can do the dishes and the taxes, put out the fires ,do brain surgery ,diagnose disease with far more accuracy, drive cars, fly planes, quote legal precedent and logically argue the law. run companies pick stocks, play poker, build homes etc etc etc - probably without limits. What will people do?
    Will we still be required to ""earn"" our living ? If so what will we continue do in large numbers better than bots?

    • @MattAngiono
      @MattAngiono 4 місяці тому +1

      Many important questions!
      I too think the real issue is the social structures we've set up and their maximization algorithms that determine everything.
      We've got entirely the wrong incentives and live in a system that runs contrary to nature.
      It has little ability to balance runaway trends, or to apply ethics to so many areas where it's needed.
      Technology is a tool, but it's also important to remember that tools have inherent qualities about them that lead them to certain uses or outcomes.
      People often say certain tech isn't good or bad, but it's just how you use it, and I believe this is just plain wrong.
      Certain tech will always lean towards specific uses that can be favorable or not so much.
      Yet our society just acts like all tech is just neutral and we shocks develop it all regardless.
      This is so crazy.
      You can't reverse so much of what's already happening.
      You can't give the cellphone generation their childhood back.
      You can't just teach them to suddenly appreciate nature or adventure when they've grown up coddled and "safe" and we're only at the tip of the iceberg with immersive tech.
      We will just have to see, but in the meantime, all of us who value our humanity should be discussing the ethics around this all....