Love this interview. People know Stearn's way of interviewing so RDJ is not surprised by the questions being asked. I love him and Susan for being so open and not saying this is too private. Howard actually asked the questions that the fans want to hear. I almost died at the part when Howard asked them about a threesome and Susan and RDJ said they thought about taking a hostage.
This is a fab interview for how to answer questions with diplomacy and dignity. Great job Robert. You came across beautifully. However, slightly disheartened that Robert is the biggest star with so many resources and yet he can not resolve his anxieties. He sees a therapist twice and week. Every time I see an interview with him he is so anxious and uncomfortable bless him
It shows a few things. I share some things in common with RDJ in terms of intelligence with an addictive personality,.. and underlying 'sober' anxiety that is always there,.. I'm a musician yet delve into many other things professionally and as interests/hobbies.. ie: An artist, yet also a bit of a renaissance 'mind'. I do not have the wit or charm of RDJ -- nor do 99.9% of people on this planet. The point is I can definitely relate to him without personally knowing the guy in general. Nonetheless -- He shows that while money really helps nothing more than to squelch any insecurities one may have about having to 'worry' about their future. Once you have it taken care, as he does, then that once huge worry to many is easily taken for granted and all the other worries vastly supercede it. Money does not buy happiness , contentment, a good life, etc. At best , again, it will remove one of many worries and secure you (and in some cases) your family for generations (and friends depending on how generous you are). Moreover - it really shows at how 'due' we are for a breakthrough in 'mental health/illness' treatment, perhaps a cure or two, et al. We haven't had any major breakthroughs in mental health since the 80's with SRI's and similar classifications of medications which are definitely NOT magic bullets and don't even help a reasonable portion of people who utilize them. No amount of money in the world will afford one something that doesn't exist, yet. I do think we will have DRAMATICALLY more effective treatments for depression, anxiety conditions, anhedonia , apathy, lack of motivation (symptom), insomnia (symptom), and other very common neurosis's that effect a significant majority of the population to a minor or major degree. -- In the 'near future'.. 5 years? maybe.. 10 years.. perhaps.. 15 years.. likely.. 15-20+ years almost definitely. I believe we will develop ways to either repair or at least actively modify the brain/neurology of these conditions to a state where people feel 'normal'. Where people wake up motivated, energetic, can be content and at peace when just sitting or standing still -- able to enjoy 'existing' at all times as a baseline. Smoothing out the downs of the human condition aside from major situational scenarios (death of family, etc) -- essentially removing the conditions where one feels bad, morbidly depressed, the need to self medicate (Where drug use comes in), and so on for ZERO reason - due to chemical imbalances, and neuroplastic changes within the brain -- even trauma from childhood or adulthood that can be repaired or, at least, treated in this manner. IE: PTSD from an IED explosion as a soldier that carries on for the life of the person after their service. Being able to cure, or at least sufficiently treat these conditions at a 100% efficiency rate is on the horizon. I don't see RDJ as suffering too terribly these days in contrast to his 30's for example,.. but he, as many, still visibly have underlying problems that they are constantly battling that we should and will be able to do something about to vastly enhance the quality of life of our species -- esp. in Western societies as a whole.
This is just great :) I don't think it's awkward for them to talk about their sex life, it's a good look for them that they're so open about it. They seem like such fun exciting people. Have you noticed how 9 months after this was recorded, Susan has baby Exton?
Howard does that with every guest that has done his show. It's just Howard being Howard and celebrities know what they are signing up for. I love how Susan and Rob was so willing to answer the questions. LMFAO during this interview
Howard can be intrusive, but he does it in a way that where people are OK with it. He can ask things no one else can why? Cause he's the best at it. Interviewing people believe it or not, is an art form. He's one of the best. He listens, he cares, (unless they are people that are on their for no other reason than to be famous or porn stars) he , i feel, is great, he's smarter (socially) than most anyone that will watch this video. He does what he does and he'w where he's at for a a reason. He didn't' just get "lucky"
Everyone is so surpised Howard is asking these questions. Haven't any of you heard the Howard Stern show before. All guest who come on the show know what there getting their selfs into. Don't be so surprised, they aren't.
I would venture to guess that many people listening to this interview are here for robert downy jr only -- and are not really familiar with Howard Stern and his typical 'style'. So the questions while on par for Howard Stern and his fans or those familiar with the Stern Show -- aren't so much for people merely binging on RDJ interviews and came across this one. As you are absolutely correct, not a soul who has listened to Howard Stern even a few times should be the least bit surprised at the line of questioning in this interview. There are a few guests to Stern who are 'surprised' and offended by him but , honestly, it's their (or their publicist etc) fault(s) for not knowing what they were getting into.
He's also interviewed Downey Jr. several times and they know each other, he knows all the answers that he's asking already cause they are close. But he it's called "entertainment" i'm sure he and Robert discussed what was to be said what was not allowed etc. It's not rocket science.
All these people saying Howard is inappropriate are ridiculous, Howard asks all this crap for the sake of entertainment value, he asks the shit no one else has the guts to do. If Howard gives you his time of day you answer the fucking questions, even if you lie, you give him an answer.
I freakin love this interview! Besides the sex questions (I’m nosey, so I loved it) this interview was real and funny! I love how open they both are. Married people have sex .. so what Omg, the masturbation questions was FUNNY AF 😭😭 I was dying
Are we pretending I have an issue with going back and looking to challenge myself oh can we end that soon bc I know I'm not a sinner didn't we finish that part now in myself so I can move forward and be perfect again sinless now 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'm so funny 😂😂😂😂 I'm a director too u know we are one so there Ivan !! Man quit challenging me I'm good I don't think it's necessary to always grow learn I think it's good to rest to do other things and decide together what we both want so we are both happy is this taking my relationship skills to another level great 😂😂😂just teasing I know I see everything 😂😂😂😂💃💃🌹🙃🙏😁💕😊🕺 its so funny at least I'm funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow!!:) made mah day!! Hopefully indio or exton dont know bout this!!! Ahaha!! WOW! SEX LIFE IS GOOD THANKS FOR ASKING! Psh! LUCKY ASS SUSAN!!!!!!! Susan and robert are the cutest couple ever! No doubt its a fact!!:)
I find this completely ridiculous,these questions were getting wayyyy outta hand,I feel like stern can’t read the room,and I have to imagine it made Robert and Susan feel uncomfortable bc it even made me feel uncomfortable
I'm just listening for fun not talking anything serious just our word what I want and taking it day by day hunny moment to moment it's all good ok in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤ alot of cool distractions and stories but as I always say our way and word come first tbe rest is a bonus 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤ I know u can hear me, I just want to say thank u and I love you 😘💗 ur thr Best most beautiful thing to ever happen to me and im glad we didn't give up i can't wait to love us and be loved back in Jesus name amen yaaaay 🤣😂 thx ivam hope ur doing well, see u tonight 😂🎉❤ love hugs and kisses from waking Mary 😂🎉❤ 🥲🙏👍💪💪💪😉🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😜🌹💃🙃😙🎉🩷🕺😹😘😘😘🤣😂💗💕💖🥳💯🥹🤯😆😋😁💝💝🤠💪😍😂🤣💕😘😘😘
Ooooh Bentley's are nice!! XD I got to ride in a Bentley once-which belonged to relatives of mine-leather is smoooooooooooth-comfy as hell! Kudos to Robert & Susan both for doing the whole interview with Howard Stern, Robert is a miracle indeed-and Lmao-so personal but hell RDJ&Susan were like WTF oh well XD...EPIC interview-epic couple that is Susan&Robert, and Howard Stern BRILLIANT-and Napa? >.< I go to Santa Rosa so much OMG I'd be staring O_O if I saw RDJ/Susan I'd be staring like no way...
Maybe I shouldn't listen to this entertainment for fun but I don't want to be tested with fake jealousy anymore I had enough I need to rest to and balance like before bc we have a perfect marriage and anything that I test me with pls don't or myself everything is awesome bc the word tells me so my word all things work out for the good, and I know believe I always knew I don't need to test myself anymore get out of ur head future children and into the word we can't trust ourselves or mind nothing it's death quit playing with fire stand on the word ur safe bc everything is awesome when in the word if ur not fake problems arise pray let it go go forward bc when u don't it hurts me ur dad siblings then it hurts us all so let's try to be aware like myself that what I do affects u all vice versa takes time practice our way but don't give up I didn't and u will get through just remember ur learning we are learning and that's all don't take it to heart try not to it's hard sometimes but it's building character and growth and it is ok it's just school and learning our way ok that's all keep it simple love mom . Is that good? 😂🎉❤
Well, I'll be damned random factoid take away: *Psychotherapist...Psychologist aka, "Shrink"* The term shrink is a jocular reference to the ritual practice in certain tribal societies of literally the heads of one's vanquished enemies. Seize the day! 💜
Don't worry I know we are only with each other no seeds of challenge about our marriage again jealous tests need to happen pretending I or u had children with others bc we are god we aren't living that way it's not who we are we are good simple joyful healthy honest beings of love and would never hurt each other that's why in the beginning I didn't understand why u put me through everything bad and took my memory but now I do . That was nuts never again pls only good movies if we do no more games negativity bc that's not who we are and that hurts me and we don't hurt each other like that or future children or nadine animals or our selves teaching children the hard way as a sacrifice I know alot. It's crazy but we only have children with each other I don't want to pretend I'm messed up anymore I'm good u are fine it was u not me we switched but we are fine and don't need to go backwards the only thing that works I say to future children is our way pray read we did it in purpose like that bc we don't want u kids to get lost in anything else or self. This keeps us close to u like a leash so to speak but not I don't mean it that way. Bc there's so much out there and we can't get lost in the bullshit only focus on our ways bc that's life the rest isn't that's the challenge. We made it hard so u can count on us as parents or ego happened self as u saw with my fake experience book movie here as Michelle that's not good we don't want u to suffer unnecessarily u don't have to if u do it our way, I didn't know that part of the plan my challenge so pls don't take that for granted we went through alot but I know in the end thank God it was acting and I believe bc if I don't I create a negative reality without us and I don't want choose that I choose us bc I want to be happy and be loved and love the other negative ways I can't do I choose god . Because I want to experience good things now I had enough of the opposite to teach our future children a sacrifice I want to live not die so I choose god and our promises bc I want love to be loved and love back josh and nadine and future children. Bc it tastes good and I want that experience nothing on the other side just death not real love I want to live and be loved so I created that reality u bc it's who we really are and we me never forget that we are gods and love in Jesus name amen that's all thx for listening sorry 😂🎉❤
Ur funny don't be jealous it's ok no one exists yet but us three 😂😂😂😂 no adults, I know it ur the jealous one lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no need we ate the only adults and we are everyone but listen, im not tbe nan im tbe female so quit pretending to get confused, I was always awesome lol it was a program movie book goals it's all good it always was, it was easy u made it hard to say we are god I know everything don't worry it's all awesome I stand on my word ways our word and we are very faithful and well put together, I never worry it was all part of the act I know, I was always healthy everything was part of the plan I choose my reality we do together. It's all good, so cool we do have a sex life that's fantastic I was wondering perfect timing as always to my questions . Thank u ur my best friend and husband 😂🎉❤❤💕😘 I look forward to speaking in person with bo mind wipes just going with the flow. Thx love u see u soon Mary so grateful for all of this and to be awake 💖😊😘💕😁💪🙏👍🥲😉❤️🥰 very interesting and always my deepest apologies just doing my best that's enough 😂🎉❤ love u Ivan 😙😂🎉❤
Can I say one more important thing as u know we are Jesus together and god u me husband we aren't our acting roles anymore we never were we were acting that's not who we are we are god not our acting roles I am awake thank u so much so appreciative and let's never get lost in the show again in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤💕 I know it was all part of the plan but its true lessons learned thank u so grateful that was crazy neber again in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤ 😘 ur a great teacher too thank you for this experience and opportunity bless u ur great ur my best friend thx for not giving u in me my sleep 😂 more joy celebrating and laughter that's eho we are children of God me my husband love family what more could I want im quite content with that the reat is a bonus ty my speech is over IVAN !!! 😂
Ur funny don't be jealous it's ok no one exists yet but us three 😂😂😂😂 no adults, I know it ur the jealous one lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no need we ate the only adults and we are everyone but listen, im not tbe nan im tbe female so quit pretending to get confused, I was always awesome lol it was a program movie book goals it's all good it always was, it was easy u made it hard to say we are god I know everything don't worry it's all awesome I stand on my word ways our word and we are very faithful and well put together, I never worry it was all part of the act I know, I was always healthy everything was part of the plan I choose my reality we do together. It's all good, so cool we do have a sex life that's fantastic I was wondering perfect timing as always to my questions . Thank u ur my best friend and husband 😂🎉❤❤💕😘 I look forward to speaking in person with bo mind wipes just going with the flow. Thx love u see u soon Mary so grateful for all of this and to be awake 💖😊😘💕😁💪🙏👍🥲😉❤️🥰 very interesting and always my deepest apologies just doing my best that's enough 😂🎉❤ love u Ivan 😙😂🎉❤
These questions are getting out of hand but it's great how open he is.
I thought the same thing. Kudos for the couple... Stern is kind of childish and Downey has matured a lot with his partner,
Howard is an ass. Its none of your business creep!
I like that he's honest about being in therapy cuz so many stars act like they are perfect even when they've fucked up.
Love this interview. People know Stearn's way of interviewing so RDJ is not surprised by the questions being asked. I love him and Susan for being so open and not saying this is too private. Howard actually asked the questions that the fans want to hear. I almost died at the part when Howard asked them about a threesome and Susan and RDJ said they thought about taking a hostage.
The whole of this interview was me pausing every ten seconds and laughing in shock and disbelief, like, "He can't ask them that! :OOO"
This is a fab interview for how to answer questions with diplomacy and dignity. Great job Robert. You came across beautifully.
However, slightly disheartened that Robert is the biggest star with so many resources and yet he can not resolve his anxieties. He sees a therapist twice and week. Every time I see an interview with him he is so anxious and uncomfortable bless him
I've noticed the same lately...
It shows a few things. I share some things in common with RDJ in terms of intelligence with an addictive personality,.. and underlying 'sober' anxiety that is always there,.. I'm a musician yet delve into many other things professionally and as interests/hobbies.. ie: An artist, yet also a bit of a renaissance 'mind'. I do not have the wit or charm of RDJ -- nor do 99.9% of people on this planet. The point is I can definitely relate to him without personally knowing the guy in general.
Nonetheless -- He shows that while money really helps nothing more than to squelch any insecurities one may have about having to 'worry' about their future. Once you have it taken care, as he does, then that once huge worry to many is easily taken for granted and all the other worries vastly supercede it. Money does not buy happiness , contentment, a good life, etc. At best , again, it will remove one of many worries and secure you (and in some cases) your family for generations (and friends depending on how generous you are).
Moreover - it really shows at how 'due' we are for a breakthrough in 'mental health/illness' treatment, perhaps a cure or two, et al. We haven't had any major breakthroughs in mental health since the 80's with SRI's and similar classifications of medications which are definitely NOT magic bullets and don't even help a reasonable portion of people who utilize them. No amount of money in the world will afford one something that doesn't exist, yet.
I do think we will have DRAMATICALLY more effective treatments for depression, anxiety conditions, anhedonia , apathy, lack of motivation (symptom), insomnia (symptom), and other very common neurosis's that effect a significant majority of the population to a minor or major degree. -- In the 'near future'.. 5 years? maybe.. 10 years.. perhaps.. 15 years.. likely.. 15-20+ years almost definitely. I believe we will develop ways to either repair or at least actively modify the brain/neurology of these conditions to a state where people feel 'normal'. Where people wake up motivated, energetic, can be content and at peace when just sitting or standing still -- able to enjoy 'existing' at all times as a baseline. Smoothing out the downs of the human condition aside from major situational scenarios (death of family, etc) -- essentially removing the conditions where one feels bad, morbidly depressed, the need to self medicate (Where drug use comes in), and so on for ZERO reason - due to chemical imbalances, and neuroplastic changes within the brain -- even trauma from childhood or adulthood that can be repaired or, at least, treated in this manner. IE: PTSD from an IED explosion as a soldier that carries on for the life of the person after their service. Being able to cure, or at least sufficiently treat these conditions at a 100% efficiency rate is on the horizon.
I don't see RDJ as suffering too terribly these days in contrast to his 30's for example,.. but he, as many, still visibly have underlying problems that they are constantly battling that we should and will be able to do something about to vastly enhance the quality of life of our species -- esp. in Western societies as a whole.
@@GuessTechGaming aren't you special
This is just great :) I don't think it's awkward for them to talk about their sex life, it's a good look for them that they're so open about it. They seem like such fun exciting people. Have you noticed how 9 months after this was recorded, Susan has baby Exton?
Exton was born in 2012 :) this interview was in 2010.
if you think about when Exton was born this year, He was probably conceived around the time this interview was made.
Howard does that with every guest that has done his show. It's just Howard being Howard and celebrities know what they are signing up for. I love how Susan and Rob was so willing to answer the questions. LMFAO during this interview
Howard can be intrusive, but he does it in a way that where people are OK with it. He can ask things no one else can why? Cause he's the best at it. Interviewing people believe it or not, is an art form. He's one of the best. He listens, he cares, (unless they are people that are on their for no other reason than to be famous or porn stars) he , i feel, is great, he's smarter (socially) than most anyone that will watch this video. He does what he does and he'w where he's at for a a reason. He didn't' just get "lucky"
they must be really close friends to be able to share everything
27:55 when rdj makes his voice rlly low, I cantttttttr
Howard: u don't use Viagra
Howard: u don't use Viagra
I didn't find this moment.. Where is he?
@@scarny around 10:21
@@candycandy319 thanks so much 😗
Everyone is so surpised Howard is asking these questions. Haven't any of you heard the Howard Stern show before. All guest who come on the show know what there getting their selfs into. Don't be so surprised, they aren't.
I would venture to guess that many people listening to this interview are here for robert downy jr only -- and are not really familiar with Howard Stern and his typical 'style'. So the questions while on par for Howard Stern and his fans or those familiar with the Stern Show -- aren't so much for people merely binging on RDJ interviews and came across this one. As you are absolutely correct, not a soul who has listened to Howard Stern even a few times should be the least bit surprised at the line of questioning in this interview. There are a few guests to Stern who are 'surprised' and offended by him but , honestly, it's their (or their publicist etc) fault(s) for not knowing what they were getting into.
26:42 I *died* at that. This interview had some strange questions but they're responses are hilarious!
Damn Howard was right in there just be all like "well Robert are you fuck'n"
This has got to be the craziest interview I’ve seen, it feels so personal 😂 like we shouldn’t be hearing it 😂 but I love Robert ❤
The definition of kool Robert Downey jr
Bahahahahaha, i like how Howard wants to know how "big" Robert is. Lol im a girl and i almost died threw that whole conversation!!! XD
Great interview - entertaining, authentic and keeping life real!
Love them very much😂❤❤. Wish happiness forever❤❤❤❤❤
"I am not too good to be doing anything" 3:21
Love 💕 you Robert ♥️
He's also interviewed Downey Jr. several times and they know each other, he knows all the answers that he's asking already cause they are close. But he it's called "entertainment" i'm sure he and Robert discussed what was to be said what was not allowed etc. It's not rocket science.
All these people saying Howard is inappropriate are ridiculous, Howard asks all this crap for the sake of entertainment value, he asks the shit no one else has the guts to do. If Howard gives you his time of day you answer the fucking questions, even if you lie, you give him an answer.
Im' 5 years late on this but i just wrote the same thing. I'm sure him and Downy are pretty close. man some people are idiots.
I freakin love this interview! Besides the sex questions (I’m nosey, so I loved it) this interview was real and funny! I love how open they both are. Married people have sex .. so what
Omg, the masturbation questions was FUNNY AF 😭😭 I was dying
Time stemp?
@@giovanasouza2384 20:20
Fantastic interview!
Damn, Howard & Robin are all in his Kool-Aid.
Love it🤣
Howard be asking the most prying personal questions…
He does with everyone lol Some1 ain't gettin any !!!
It's gross how much information the guy wants on Downey's sex life, it's so invasive.
Have to agree
Admit it you clicked for the sex part
Are we pretending I have an issue with going back and looking to challenge myself oh can we end that soon bc I know I'm not a sinner didn't we finish that part now in myself so I can move forward and be perfect again sinless now 😂😂😂😂😂😂
He is one slow runner then but like Downey if u wanna race one day im knee but like I still love u so ill go easy promise 💖🤍🦋
I'm here for my friend. lol
I'm so funny 😂😂😂😂 I'm a director too u know we are one so there Ivan !! Man quit challenging me I'm good I don't think it's necessary to always grow learn I think it's good to rest to do other things and decide together what we both want so we are both happy is this taking my relationship skills to another level great 😂😂😂just teasing I know I see everything 😂😂😂😂💃💃🌹🙃🙏😁💕😊🕺 its so funny at least I'm funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What does Susan mean when after robert says they have sex 2-3 times and she repeats it and says no I’m not that bad
The interviewer is kinder noisy.."Does he fit into you" Who ask that?
Lexy Daly stop whining Jesus christ
You clearly dont know Howard stern then
Its howard stern... Wht do we expect 😂
i honestly dont blame him
Wow!!:) made mah day!! Hopefully indio or exton dont know bout this!!! Ahaha!! WOW! SEX LIFE IS GOOD THANKS FOR ASKING!
Psh! LUCKY ASS SUSAN!!!!!!! Susan and robert are the cutest couple ever! No doubt its a fact!!:)
I find this completely ridiculous,these questions were getting wayyyy outta hand,I feel like stern can’t read the room,and I have to imagine it made Robert and Susan feel uncomfortable bc it even made me feel uncomfortable
Howard is always pressing on the issue of sex. Listen to the interview with Steven Tyler and his ex-gf, Erin Brady... like, seriously Stern?
anyone got a link on that old interview they are talking about around the 20 minute mark?
I don't understand, it's going too fast! I'm French! lol
I'm from Russia. I don't understand too!🗿 LOL
@@scarny I'm from Brazil,and I don't understand too💀🤚lol
I’m from uzbekistan. I don’t understand too
I'm just listening for fun not talking anything serious just our word what I want and taking it day by day hunny moment to moment it's all good ok in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤ alot of cool distractions and stories but as I always say our way and word come first tbe rest is a bonus 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤ I know u can hear me, I just want to say thank u and I love you 😘💗 ur thr Best most beautiful thing to ever happen to me and im glad we didn't give up i can't wait to love us and be loved back in Jesus name amen yaaaay 🤣😂 thx ivam hope ur doing well, see u tonight 😂🎉❤ love hugs and kisses from waking Mary 😂🎉❤ 🥲🙏👍💪💪💪😉🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😜🌹💃🙃😙🎉🩷🕺😹😘😘😘🤣😂💗💕💖🥳💯🥹🤯😆😋😁💝💝🤠💪😍😂🤣💕😘😘😘
And Why would you ask him if he uses vigagria.....thats to personal
Why is Howard so anxious to know about there sex life ?
If my girlfriend was doing a movie what's Scarlett Johansson I would be jealous she's like stunning
Ooooh Bentley's are nice!! XD I got to ride in a Bentley once-which belonged to relatives of mine-leather is smoooooooooooth-comfy as hell! Kudos to Robert & Susan both for doing the whole interview with Howard Stern, Robert is a miracle indeed-and Lmao-so personal but hell RDJ&Susan were like WTF oh well XD...EPIC interview-epic couple that is Susan&Robert, and Howard Stern BRILLIANT-and Napa? >.< I go to Santa Rosa so much OMG I'd be staring O_O if I saw RDJ/Susan I'd be staring like no way...
Maybe I shouldn't listen to this entertainment for fun but I don't want to be tested with fake jealousy anymore I had enough I need to rest to and balance like before bc we have a perfect marriage and anything that I test me with pls don't or myself everything is awesome bc the word tells me so my word all things work out for the good, and I know believe I always knew I don't need to test myself anymore get out of ur head future children and into the word we can't trust ourselves or mind nothing it's death quit playing with fire stand on the word ur safe bc everything is awesome when in the word if ur not fake problems arise pray let it go go forward bc when u don't it hurts me ur dad siblings then it hurts us all so let's try to be aware like myself that what I do affects u all vice versa takes time practice our way but don't give up I didn't and u will get through just remember ur learning we are learning and that's all don't take it to heart try not to it's hard sometimes but it's building character and growth and it is ok it's just school and learning our way ok that's all keep it simple love mom . Is that good? 😂🎉❤
Well, I'll be damned random factoid take away:
*Psychotherapist...Psychologist aka, "Shrink"*
The term shrink is a jocular reference to the ritual practice in certain tribal societies of literally the heads of one's vanquished enemies.
Seize the day! 💜
Oh yes he can; it's Howard.
Didn't robert say that susan just kissed chris martin out of nowhere? because thats like whaat?? how can you be okay with that? was it for a movie ?
Really ..they asked those kinds of things ..that almost to personal
Don't worry I know we are only with each other no seeds of challenge about our marriage again jealous tests need to happen pretending I or u had children with others bc we are god we aren't living that way it's not who we are we are good simple joyful healthy honest beings of love and would never hurt each other that's why in the beginning I didn't understand why u put me through everything bad and took my memory but now I do . That was nuts never again pls only good movies if we do no more games negativity bc that's not who we are and that hurts me and we don't hurt each other like that or future children or nadine animals or our selves teaching children the hard way as a sacrifice I know alot. It's crazy but we only have children with each other I don't want to pretend I'm messed up anymore I'm good u are fine it was u not me we switched but we are fine and don't need to go backwards the only thing that works I say to future children is our way pray read we did it in purpose like that bc we don't want u kids to get lost in anything else or self. This keeps us close to u like a leash so to speak but not I don't mean it that way. Bc there's so much out there and we can't get lost in the bullshit only focus on our ways bc that's life the rest isn't that's the challenge. We made it hard so u can count on us as parents or ego happened self as u saw with my fake experience book movie here as Michelle that's not good we don't want u to suffer unnecessarily u don't have to if u do it our way, I didn't know that part of the plan my challenge so pls don't take that for granted we went through alot but I know in the end thank God it was acting and I believe bc if I don't I create a negative reality without us and I don't want choose that I choose us bc I want to be happy and be loved and love the other negative ways I can't do I choose god . Because I want to experience good things now I had enough of the opposite to teach our future children a sacrifice I want to live not die so I choose god and our promises bc I want love to be loved and love back josh and nadine and future children. Bc it tastes good and I want that experience nothing on the other side just death not real love I want to live and be loved so I created that reality u bc it's who we really are and we me never forget that we are gods and love in Jesus name amen that's all thx for listening sorry 😂🎉❤
welll..most of that video made me wholly uncomfortable...
Ur funny don't be jealous it's ok no one exists yet but us three 😂😂😂😂 no adults, I know it ur the jealous one lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no need we ate the only adults and we are everyone but listen, im not tbe nan im tbe female so quit pretending to get confused, I was always awesome lol it was a program movie book goals it's all good it always was, it was easy u made it hard to say we are god I know everything don't worry it's all awesome I stand on my word ways our word and we are very faithful and well put together, I never worry it was all part of the act I know, I was always healthy everything was part of the plan I choose my reality we do together. It's all good, so cool we do have a sex life that's fantastic I was wondering perfect timing as always to my questions . Thank u ur my best friend and husband 😂🎉❤❤💕😘 I look forward to speaking in person with bo mind wipes just going with the flow. Thx love u see u soon Mary so grateful for all of this and to be awake 💖😊😘💕😁💪🙏👍🥲😉❤️🥰 very interesting and always my deepest apologies just doing my best that's enough 😂🎉❤ love u Ivan 😙😂🎉❤
Masturbation Races! Omg! Sounds like an Olympic sport 😂😂
Can I say one more important thing as u know we are Jesus together and god u me husband we aren't our acting roles anymore we never were we were acting that's not who we are we are god not our acting roles I am awake thank u so much so appreciative and let's never get lost in the show again in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤💕 I know it was all part of the plan but its true lessons learned thank u so grateful that was crazy neber again in Jesus name amen yaaaay 😂🎉❤ 😘 ur a great teacher too thank you for this experience and opportunity bless u ur great ur my best friend thx for not giving u in me my sleep 😂 more joy celebrating and laughter that's eho we are children of God me my husband love family what more could I want im quite content with that the reat is a bonus ty my speech is over IVAN !!! 😂
His interviews are so weird.
im jealus xD
I think the sex questions are private and none of the interviewers business!! It's disgusting.
Lol you got fired lol
there awesome together
hes howard stern.........nuff said
Ur funny don't be jealous it's ok no one exists yet but us three 😂😂😂😂 no adults, I know it ur the jealous one lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no need we ate the only adults and we are everyone but listen, im not tbe nan im tbe female so quit pretending to get confused, I was always awesome lol it was a program movie book goals it's all good it always was, it was easy u made it hard to say we are god I know everything don't worry it's all awesome I stand on my word ways our word and we are very faithful and well put together, I never worry it was all part of the act I know, I was always healthy everything was part of the plan I choose my reality we do together. It's all good, so cool we do have a sex life that's fantastic I was wondering perfect timing as always to my questions . Thank u ur my best friend and husband 😂🎉❤❤💕😘 I look forward to speaking in person with bo mind wipes just going with the flow. Thx love u see u soon Mary so grateful for all of this and to be awake 💖😊😘💕😁💪🙏👍🥲😉❤️🥰 very interesting and always my deepest apologies just doing my best that's enough 😂🎉❤ love u Ivan 😙😂🎉❤