To be fair, if people said we were rolling for loot and then backed out when I won and then proceeded to not fuck anyone else over after I'd be way less civil than her.
Don't act like having a set of balls is 100% guarantee you always get what you roll. If I go hang out with a group of guys I don't vibe with, I just move on. There is no need to dress down a group of people I don't know BC I didn't get along with them. The world does not start and stop at your convenience.
@@iceman22myou are reaching so far, you must be elastic-man. If you think people don’t intentionally conceal loot agreements or glaze past them, you’re more diluted than you realize.
All I'm saying is that people nowadays think everything revolves around them and it's some big situation. It's not a big situation there's nothing special about you now Move Along nobody owes you anything . This is the cost of making new friends @@ray1170
there are some videos where Asmon talks about his tough process. So he was probably thinking "This bitch is a Priest Healer, we can't lose that asset."
@Roshea who cares about profile pictures. You dont have one either. That shit isnt you, its just an image. Show your real face if you're gonna talk shit about it. We can dislike whoever we want. Mccuck is a terrible person, and I can barely even watch asmons stream anymore because of him.
"Without their master's command, the restless spergs will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained... There must always be... a Sperg King..."
I'm fully convinced McConnel and Asmongold realize they're basically making a reality TV show out of an MMO. McConnel is just stirring the pot, makes great drama. I mean, they're also assholes. They just know they're selling that.
asmon is reasonable. i just wouldn't want to play the same class as him in the same raid because he's gonna ninja all my gear. as long as the gear you need is different from asmon's it is fine.
McConnel is a piece of shit human. Period. Drama queen doesn't cover how much of a piece of shit he is. I don't know why asmons fans can listen to his shit non stop.
@@demetter7936 I don't know why you think the fact that it's an act changes anything. It is still obnoxious as all hell. McCuck turned McCool and with classic he turned McSperg.
You guys put the WORST possible people in power I swear to god. Anybody who volunteers to be an Officer should be the last person to be picked for that role. It's going to be abused 100% to gear up their friends or themselves.
I mean.. isn't real life EXACTLY that? Like people who ask power, and then get the power, they procceed to "Gear" themselfs and their friends... Ever heard about politicians? An officer in wow is exatly what politicians are in real life. I can't understand why people are surprised by this.
"hey hold on, im co gm so im part of that decision" >okay, so what do you want to do? "no thats cool im just saying im part of that decision" notice me senpai
McC rages enough when a woman calmly states her case, but thinking she was a rival paladin really baked his noodle. She nicely owned his "listen, lady" comments with "yes what do you have to say, Sir"
"quitting raiding with that group" She said it from the start. It isn't her fault you parse half-sentences, like McConnel. Fooking reeetards need to learn to read fully, butthurt spergf a gs.
@@hajinka98_ i would potentially join his guild if i were on his server, but i intentionally avoided it so i didnt have to deal with queue times. But i would also have zero expectations about the quality of the people in said guild
note.. im into peoples thought processes.. not really right or wrong... so... imagine having a brain on ur shoulders and expecting humans who are clearly capable of being fair to actually be fair... if anything.. she came in expecting people to live up to their reputations.. how is that wrong..? streamer or not... note.. humans exist who dont play favorites with even family members.. u know that right...? i actually admire these people.. and some people who i also admire.. do not surround themselves with people who kiss their ass... those people exist too u know..? some people actually surround themselves with people who will challenge them on everything.. as people like that see taht as a means.. a very effective way to not fall into confirmation bias and favoritism.. so she might have that personality archtype..? where they assume the best of people by defualt.. whereas as most people actually dont... even though they SAY they do... or rather.. lots of people always assume the worst or the less of people.. UNTIL PROVEN reliable/trustworthy while some people have respect do have high values in everyone by defualt.. until PROVE false.. literally a case of innocent till proven guilty vs guilty/suspect until prove innocent thats literally waht it is.. hands down.. or let me put it like this... people often by default assume kids are stupid.. which is also 100% why calling grown men kids or 12 is an insult right...? where as i for one dont assume that.. my impression of kids is very much intelligent and capable.. UNTIL said individual proves that false.. which also is why i really dont trash people at the expense of making kids look bad by comparing adults to kids.. right.. see what im saying... so this leads me in general .. in any situation.. to default people being genuine and at their best.. by DEFAULT.. literally innocent till prove guilty approach.. u reflect said reputation u give to people. thats how go into things.. until u prove that wrong... thats something MOST PEOPLE DONT DO.. thats a quality that should be valued.. the exact opposite of that.. is to assume the worst of people/groups.. and its fitting how this view is personified in characters like say little finger.. u assume the worst of people going in.. they there is potential bad intentions.. so ur own actions are designed and planned around that.. so that leads to lying and manipulation... and at the end of the day... all agree even those who complained about her.. she was CORRECT and she got cucked.. and again.. this probably relates right back to how u view people by default.. had she came into this expecting bullshit.. i highly doubt she would have came off as calm and pragmatic about it as she did.. there is a method tot he madness.. also note. most guilds start off good right... good intentions.. then there is ALWAYS a first fk up.. which can lead to a 2nd 3rd eventually u have a whole corrupt guild.. right.. is that literally now make sense objectively..? often what happens.. these things arent taken seriously.. maybe people might argue like mcconnel did... by saying "this dont happen.. its probably just a one time thing" well reality.. one time things can eventually be a all the time common thing... and what always the best counter to keeping things checked and working properly... thats calling out and addressing issues... the point is.. what mcconnel failed to understand. which asmongold did... theres something for everyone in wow.. and people have different standards.. sometime u might end up in the wrong place for various reasons.. say a person who like clear structure and order would be at uneasy in chaotic enviroment and visa versa... note she didnt say substructure was bad.. she said it was unprofessional.. and that she is leaving that raid to go into one thats more professional.. then we have mecconnal taking that personally and demanding an apology for something she didnt actually state... if u walk around farting on people and people call u out.. u dont have grounds to get mad and demand an apology.. lol
@@InanisNihil i have zero desire to read this entire response to a comment i left 9 months ago, but i got far enough in to see your point about some people being impartial and totally fair to everyone. Ok, sure, id like to think i am one of those people. But it is VERY obvious that these people are not those people, so, like, yknow, she shouldnt have been surprised that she got a lil screwed over. Thats not to say she doesnt have a right to be a little upset about it, but idk i dont exactly remember what all went down but im pretty sure i remember her making quite a big deal about the whole thing Edit i saw your point at the end about her saying the guild was unprofessional which reminded me of that being the thing i found most ridiculous. OF COURSE its unprofessional! If you watch asmon for more than 20 minutes hes going to reference how immature he is and how hes barely a functioning member of society - if you want to join a "professional" guild in wow (first of all - LMFAO) then go do some research about the guild youre actually joining and apply to one that actually vets the members/officers and doesnt just make their friends officers. Pretty simple stuff
Its the same Manchild that went into a fit because someone in a Raidgroup rolled and won fair Ji'Kun that dropped in Throne of Thunder, and he started yelling, calling the guy who won an idiot because he wasn't giving the Mount out to him as he demanded and threatened that "he would never stream again if he learns the Mount". Luckely the guy didnt handed the Mount over to him. Basicaly Eric Cartman irl.
As a guild leder you Linda need to take evryone seriously when they complain about stuff. And having 1 bad run through a dungeon May be a little deal to some. But if i was a guild leader, i would wanna hear some details too and make things right. A guild should be right for evryone
McConnell was 100% correct, she straight up said she’s gonna not play with the guild anymore, and the McConnell says if you’re gonna gquit then fuck you and we will keep the bracers. As soon as he says that her attitude changes hard and she says she’s never do that, when she literally just said she’d do that 15 second before.
Common sense ~ IF Healer Gear Drops it automatically goes to healers TO HELP TOOOO HELP them become better healers and get stronger heals ~ same goes for tank gear Those types of BOE's do not get loot council …. When tanks healers go said items and they drop again you save them for up coming tanks/healers all other BOE Gear should be used towards dps
I can understand where she's coming from with her comments to an extent, but I think she's kind of off basis. I don't like disorderly raids full of noise and BS either, but when I join a raid and I'm the new person, not to mention 1 person of 40, I don't expect a whole guild to shift behavior to my expectations. If she came in expecting some pro guild and was met with a bunch of spergs then she should just find a different guild and not waste people's time with it. Valid complaint regarding the bracers, but why cause the drama if you're going to pass and walk anyway?
That was the thing though. It didn't seem like she was trying to get everyone to change. Her thought was, "OK this isn't what i expected, im goin to find another raid group that more fits my style." Asmon agreed with that too. Everyone else (McConnel) blew it up.
She. Won. The. Bracers. Then they passed it off to some other bloke. She got shafted and the guys even admitted it was a mistake and offered to save the next pair for her or find one on the auction house. They were in the wrong and majority knew it. Then you got McAsshat coming in with his power tripping who can't even admit fault. Poor co-owner. Asmon better not go into any sort of business with a persona like that.
@K D getting something? she won the roll, its not a question if she should get something, what they did was wrong, and to hate on her just becouse shes a woman? get a life. she dont wanna raid whit the guild again becouse not only did they cuck her for her item that she WON but they also act like spergs just making the entire raid a bad experience, even if she got the item, the raid itself would still be horrible, but she would atlest had got an item from that hell run. now she wanna find people who play more seriusy and everyone atck her for it, and why? becouse she has boobs and a vagina. (sry bad english)
K D I agree with women always creating drama but her and Asmond were the only ones talking reasonably. Then McFuckface had to go on a power trip and act like a little baby
I was with her at first about working for something and not getting it fairly but then she turned into a Karen wanting to complain about their techniques and never happy. Plus using a fake voice on and off
Yeah she only wanted to fucking complain. Even after asmon granted her every wish she still went on complaining about the raid experience for 15 minutes
I know Asmond is just a character but stuff like this isnt surprising. His "online persona" attracts people who act like that in real life and online so running into drama like that should not be shocking.
The part about her saying she performed her best in the dungeon had the chat going 😂 She then proceeds to say she's fucking with her heal bots. Too good.
This happens when you have a toxic person like Royson, I hear him talking today and really is not a guy that you can trust in, Asmongold in the other hand or McConell, are a cople of guys that enjoy the game and spend the time on other perspective. You will have problems with this guy.
@@Krokodilius yeah, but you don't have to keep doing something that you don't like either. If you did not like how this raid went, then of course you would change group.
Sounds like she deserves a better guild if you are yelling and shouting because your raid group got called out.. like raid groups suck sometimes we dont fit in and shit, her saying that doesnt mean you should kick her
@asmongold spoke about how toxic people in your guild should be kicked. If they consistently show shit behavior and are just hot heads. McConnel is what you were talking, the day you drop his dead weight the day people may hate a little less
@@demetter7936 Actually, being respectful is in no way "social justice" anything, its just being a decent person, and if shes not referring to him as "man" then why is he referring to her as lady :P
@@DeathIsLethal Because McConnels plays a passive aggressive condencending character a lot of the time on stream. Calling someone "lady" can be interpretted as passive agressive, so he's playing off of his character. You must be Pepega af is you can't understand that. Also why are you @ me in a 8 month old post.
@@DeathIsLethal Strawmanning at it's finest. I never attacked you, my point was to show you that humor is subjective. You might think that what mconnell said isn't funny and you don't see the joke, while i told you your banner isn't funny and i don't see the joke. That's not "attacking". The fact you have your banner means you likely find the joke humurous, while i don't, reinforcing my entire point that humor is subjective.
As far as what I can tell, she just came into the stream to complain for attention/her stream. Yes she is playing McConnel and asmondgold. Notice how they come to a reasonable solution that both Asmon and McConnel are okay with, and then only after she says "I'm going to take boe and leave the guild" McConnel loses his shit because McConnel knows he's being played, and for some reason Asmond is distracted by something and doesn't realize what's happening. Pretty cut clean. Typical 'eat cake and have it too' type behavior. She's also got that yaas queen slay egocentric accent some girls have w/ that accentuated S sound. There. Can't believe this went past all your guys' head.
the way she complained about not getting her classic first experience was kinda cringey all 3-4 times she said it..... BUT! that one guy making a huge scene about her calling his raid group a bunch of spergs was at that exact moment acting like a sperg lord. that kinda proves her point? i don't blame her for not wanting to be a part of a raid team with a boy will be boys, defending sperg lord. she was shafted from a BIS, and the raid group razzed her that she healed a raid and got a trash item. and the way that guy dismissed her complaints at the end like a thin skinned pansy in a way to get maximum attention? embarrassing really. i watched a few vids here because i stumbled across this Asmongold on reddit all, and i was stuck in by the video of the ROY guy rubbing it in that he ninja'd an item from his group. But for some reason there was a lot of hate against the guild leader? pulled up these videos and i don't see the hate against him really. seems very reasoned to me unless i missed some public freakout.
can't say I'm surprised, last video I watched opened up with Asmongold calling people cucks - seems a plausible complaint in a couple of the MMO's I play, there are a handful of groups/guilds/corps that routinely poach members of the more toxic groups the end result is that the more toxic groups end up being a sausage fest of angst , and the groups that poach their members are more diverse and supportive It got to a point that several of the largest toxic groups decided, after so many years , to reform their culture. The GM's (or equivalent, CEO's) of the groups that did the poaching are on record publicly saying they don't know where they will get their recruits from any more now that ______ is no longer toxic XD The toxic culture of MMO's can become so widespread and bad that it drives players away from the game, if not just away from those groups. Leave that shit in the chans - or dont and have your toxic sausagefest poison the playerbase and your immediate community. Its not a big ask to try not to behave in a way that makes people uncomfortable to be exposed to you. Most of us learn this basic skill at our first real life job. More youtubers should consider a similar level of professionalism; at the very least you will be more likely not to demonetize your own vids if you can be professional about your content. You know... like a real life job?
Blizzard would be so proud of you, if they really cared about your content you did exactly what their office did. The CEO letting his staff do what ever they want and disrespect. XD.
McConnell is so insecure he has to reaffirm his position in the guild and he's so insecure about the guild he can't handle any negative comment about it. He behaves like a true child would instead of a grown-up.
14:18 The way he emphasizes the word lady is really cringy. As if it's not the part where it's only one raider complaining, but the fact that the complaint comes from someone who doesn't have any Y-Chromosomes. The last time I acted like that, I was 9 years old and didn't want any girls spreading their cooties in me and my friends' treehouse.
Why are people saying they are playing characters? They are not... yea I’m sure they exaggerate for the sake of content but that doesn’t make it that they are playing a character or whatever, when you exaggerate a past scenario for the sake of laughs.. doesn’t mean you are now an entire different persona
What time is this on the VODs? Im tryna have the rest of the story. I found it and the dude explaining the whole story wanted a girl so bad “I was cheering her on in whisper” 😭😭😭
Let's be real, Asmongold's viewers(and by extension guilds) are toxic spergs with no professionalism. You can just read chat during the clips to see that lmao, McConnell is a hilarious character though, lots of people hate him but really he's just putting on a great act.
@@Tallborn5 It depends... it doesn't matter if it's a game. If a person is doing something for more than 8-10 hours per day, then of course he takes it seriously... Some people are spending so much time from their lifes into this game that it's completly justified to be serious about it. Imagine spending 8-10 hours doing ANYTHING...wouldn't u take that "anything" seriously?
@@curiousfishie but it is funny to hear everytime asmongold goes to the "bathroom" and McConnell talks shit to the chat or he just randomly says some bullshit he made up
Tbh... with the maga hat, and I’m super anti communism as my entire family came from communism... aside from making this political but seeing someone supporting capitalism and supporting trump, and then saying oh you don’t deserve something because someone we like deserves it.. that’s pretty fucked. It ain’t my guild y’all do what you want. But just keep some things in mind, especially when you support some sort of ideology that we know works then people go against it. I’m glad y’all worked it out in a civil manner, that’s how it should be. The fact it came this far is completely ridiculous. I hope it wasn’t just because she was a women, but I have some feeling she wasn’t the only one getting fucked. But hey, what gets views?
The only time it’s ok to forgo rolls is when the person has been useless or a sperg otherwise a roll is law no matter what or you do loot council which is actually fair
All hard on the internet, same old. Sucks to see assandgold be surrounded with yelling idiots. Was really having a better opinion about him before. Now it's just sad
She even got loot that night but it wasn't good enough. Then after making her demands, she says she isn't even going to raid with that group. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up leaving them the first time she gets passed over for gear because she underperforms but still wants carried.
@@GlamourDonkey It just really goes to show the sense of entitlement that some people have now a days. literally she ran the instance once and feels like she put in her work and time haha. That is a joke in itself.
@@dropitlikeitshot815 3 MC clears here and 4 onyxia, as Officer in my guild.. no loot yet.. and people cry about not getting shit on there first run xD what a fucking incredible joke :D
That McConnell dudes a doucebag. Nobody wants to be treated like crap. Just because your in a position of power doesn't mean you abuse that privilege. Maybe someone need a reality check? 🤔
Complaining that Olympus raids are “Spergy” is like going to Olive Garden and complaining about shitty italian food. You knew damn well what you were getting into. Don’t act so surprised.
You’re right. It’s been that way since Vanilla. Typically the older more mature people Horde and the little kids play Alliance. I have toons on both factions and there is a huge difference
To be fair, if people said we were rolling for loot and then backed out when I won and then proceeded to not fuck anyone else over after I'd be way less civil than her.
shes a women and all these stinky ugly men (besides asmon) want to assert dominance over her over a screen
She’s right, let’s be honest. If they win the roll, they keep it. If someone else wins that ain’t “ The boys” then it’s getting taken.
Don't act like having a set of balls is 100% guarantee you always get what you roll. If I go hang out with a group of guys I don't vibe with, I just move on. There is no need to dress down a group of people I don't know BC I didn't get along with them.
The world does not start and stop at your convenience.
That's the exactly definition of "Loot Council"!!
@@iceman22myou are reaching so far, you must be elastic-man. If you think people don’t intentionally conceal loot agreements or glaze past them, you’re more diluted than you realize.
All I'm saying is that people nowadays think everything revolves around them and it's some big situation. It's not a big situation there's nothing special about you now Move Along nobody owes you anything . This is the cost of making new friends @@ray1170
_THE BOOOOOOIIIIIIIYYYYYZ!_ -Those freaky fukkin unicorns bruh
"We are kinda spergy"
Ya know, i've tried to defend him in the past, but it's so sad how bipolar, power hungry, and spergy McCuckel is.
there are some videos where Asmon talks about his tough process. So he was probably thinking "This bitch is a Priest Healer, we can't lose that asset."
I hate mccock so much
@Roshea who cares about profile pictures. You dont have one either. That shit isnt you, its just an image. Show your real face if you're gonna talk shit about it. We can dislike whoever we want. Mccuck is a terrible person, and I can barely even watch asmons stream anymore because of him.
We should thank Asmongold for gathering all the Sperglords of the server in a single guild.
Asmongold the tard wrangler
"Without their master's command, the restless spergs will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained... There must always be... a Sperg King..."
Well, this girl has a reasonable demand. Asmonsgold said it himself in one of his streams "i am not having fun when i am wasting my time".
"It was literally 40 people sperging"
No shit, it's a twitch streamer guild...
I can never tell if Mcconnell is just acting or being serious.
He just sounds like a massive douchebag.
Mcconnel is an asshat 100%. "acting" is just an excuse
Vexial Nes
You just Said YOU have low iq
I'm fully convinced McConnel and Asmongold realize they're basically making a reality TV show out of an MMO. McConnel is just stirring the pot, makes great drama.
I mean, they're also assholes. They just know they're selling that.
With all due respect, I would never want these guys as guild leaders.
asmon is reasonable. i just wouldn't want to play the same class as him in the same raid because he's gonna ninja all my gear. as long as the gear you need is different from asmon's it is fine.
same, fun to watch but I would gquit so fast because they are shit leaders
Love the dude as a content creator, but no way in Hell would I raid with him or his guild 😣
Admin alone is ok mconnell is just a cry baby
Joining Asmongold's guild expecting civil and professional interactions is like buying Fallout 76 expecting a bug-free well designed game. Wtf
maybe to the informed person but who the fuck cares about watching wow streams? not everyone is doing it
16 times the detail
4x the size
Hahaha so true
Fallout 76 is actually good now ngl
Mcconnell is such a drama queen all the time
McConnel is a piece of shit human. Period. Drama queen doesn't cover how much of a piece of shit he is. I don't know why asmons fans can listen to his shit non stop.
Yeah he's kinda of a bitch
@@jarettwright3642 lmao a "shit human being"
Jarett Wright Sir, this is MMO entertainment. Go to church if you’re looking for purity.
with explosive emotions
McConnell is the salt to Asmon's pepper, and chat is the meat.
Can we take a moment to think about how much this girl sounds like Quissy? Like I'm convinced its her in this video
Whose the parsley?
And twitch and wow are the two slices of bread this is all wedged betwixt.
No, the chat is cancer.
I love how as she's saying she's quitting, Asmon is digging to narnia in his nostrils for some treasure XD
That was intense lol
Lol THANK YOU I thought I was the only one seeing it, chat didn't say anything 😅
I appreciate asmon's demeanor in this video. Especially as a leader
Mcconnell has the personality of a 16 year old.
@Natty R It's an act he does as a joke and everyone knows it, other than you and the other pepega as fuck youtube frogs.
Ye he is like a black man in white man skin
@@demetter7936 so because he 'acts' like a annoying 16 year old, its supposed to be cool? Sounds like shit logic to me..
@@demetter7936 I don't know why you think the fact that it's an act changes anything. It is still obnoxious as all hell. McCuck turned McCool and with classic he turned McSperg.
that does kind of make sense cuz he's short he's like 5 ft below personality of a 16 year old. i can see at or 14 year old
Imagine joining a raid group with people like Roysun in it and expecting fair loot distribution..
You guys put the WORST possible people in power I swear to god. Anybody who volunteers to be an Officer should be the last person to be picked for that role. It's going to be abused 100% to gear up their friends or themselves.
I mean.. isn't real life EXACTLY that?
Like people who ask power, and then get the power, they procceed to "Gear" themselfs and their friends...
Ever heard about politicians?
An officer in wow is exatly what politicians are in real life.
I can't understand why people are surprised by this.
Mike Hicks think it is by design, he got a whole day worth of content out of it.
Your extremely dense and your world view is miniscule
The best leaders are reluctant
@Thelondonbadger Or Trump appointing his daughter to a position she has no experience in.
"hey hold on, im co gm so im part of that decision"
>okay, so what do you want to do?
"no thats cool im just saying im part of that decision"
notice me senpai
McC rages enough when a woman calmly states her case, but thinking she was a rival paladin really baked his noodle. She nicely owned his "listen, lady" comments with "yes what do you have to say, Sir"
"I mean this is Olympus. Let's be real"
Funny, oooh it's olympus. 😂
there happened so much drama today, might as well just upload the whole vod.
but who cares
True lol I was in it 😂😂😂
I'd /gquit any guild that had Royson in it.
Who gives a fuck your a fucking nobody that cries over shit happening on a different server
Get a fucking life loser
@@ryanjacklin2705 Whoa, triggered.
@@ryanjacklin2705 Hey look guys, it's the kettle calling the pot black.
@@ryanjacklin2705 damn, talk about having issues....
Asmond is the most level headed of the lot, stay off the coffee and redbull lads.
She was offered a resolution, took it. Then dug herself a hole and was like *"yeah and once I get my bracers I'm quitting"*
"quitting raiding with that group"
She said it from the start. It isn't her fault you parse half-sentences, like McConnel. Fooking reeetards need to learn to read fully, butthurt spergf a gs.
People getting mad at Mcconnell who dont realize his only mission is to piss you off :D
Petition asmon to get rid of McConnell
I couldn't stop laughing from the part where asmon walked straight into the dragons pulling the patrol and getting PUNTED DOWN INTO LEEROY
Goddamn, Olympus is a total dumpster fire lmao
lol you're surprised?
Came back just to feed on the lore since her seal has been broken
its all fun and games until you borderline about to lose the raid healer in the guild XD
its a guild of spergs you can replace them
some of the chat got so triggered when she called the raiders obnoxious spergy man-children lmfao i bet they were the ones she was talking about.
imagine joining a streamer guild and then being upset that the streamers friends are treated better
Coleman Korb imagine joining asmon guild at all
@@hajinka98_ i would potentially join his guild if i were on his server, but i intentionally avoided it so i didnt have to deal with queue times. But i would also have zero expectations about the quality of the people in said guild
note.. im into peoples thought processes.. not really right or wrong... so...
imagine having a brain on ur shoulders and expecting humans who are clearly capable of being fair to actually be fair...
if anything.. she came in expecting people to live up to their reputations.. how is that wrong..? streamer or not...
note.. humans exist who dont play favorites with even family members.. u know that right...? i actually admire these people.. and some people who i also admire.. do not surround themselves with people who kiss their ass... those people exist too u know..?
some people actually surround themselves with people who will challenge them on everything.. as people like that see taht as a means.. a very effective way to not fall into confirmation bias and favoritism..
so she might have that personality archtype..? where they assume the best of people by defualt.. whereas as most people actually dont... even though they SAY they do...
or rather.. lots of people always assume the worst or the less of people.. UNTIL PROVEN reliable/trustworthy while some people have respect do have high values in everyone by defualt.. until PROVE false..
literally a case of innocent till proven guilty vs guilty/suspect until prove innocent
thats literally waht it is.. hands down..
or let me put it like this... people often by default assume kids are stupid.. which is also 100% why calling grown men kids or 12 is an insult right...?
where as i for one dont assume that.. my impression of kids is very much intelligent and capable.. UNTIL said individual proves that false.. which also is why i really dont trash people at the expense of making kids look bad by comparing adults to kids.. right.. see what im saying...
so this leads me in general .. in any situation.. to default people being genuine and at their best.. by DEFAULT.. literally innocent till prove guilty approach.. u reflect said reputation u give to people. thats how go into things.. until u prove that wrong...
thats something MOST PEOPLE DONT DO.. thats a quality that should be valued..
the exact opposite of that.. is to assume the worst of people/groups.. and its fitting how this view is personified in characters like say little finger..
u assume the worst of people going in.. they there is potential bad intentions.. so ur own actions are designed and planned around that.. so that leads to lying and manipulation...
and at the end of the day... all agree even those who complained about her.. she was CORRECT and she got cucked.. and again.. this probably relates right back to how u view people by default.. had she came into this expecting bullshit.. i highly doubt she would have came off as calm and pragmatic about it as she did.. there is a method tot he madness..
also note. most guilds start off good right... good intentions.. then there is ALWAYS a first fk up.. which can lead to a 2nd 3rd eventually u have a whole corrupt guild.. right.. is that literally now make sense objectively..?
often what happens.. these things arent taken seriously.. maybe people might argue like mcconnel did... by saying "this dont happen.. its probably just a one time thing"
well reality.. one time things can eventually be a all the time common thing...
and what always the best counter to keeping things checked and working properly... thats calling out and addressing issues...
the point is.. what mcconnel failed to understand. which asmongold did... theres something for everyone in wow.. and people have different standards.. sometime u might end up in the wrong place for various reasons.. say a person who like clear structure and order would be at uneasy in chaotic enviroment and visa versa...
note she didnt say substructure was bad.. she said it was unprofessional.. and that she is leaving that raid to go into one thats more professional..
then we have mecconnal taking that personally and demanding an apology for something she didnt actually state...
if u walk around farting on people and people call u out.. u dont have grounds to get mad and demand an apology.. lol
@@InanisNihil i have zero desire to read this entire response to a comment i left 9 months ago, but i got far enough in to see your point about some people being impartial and totally fair to everyone. Ok, sure, id like to think i am one of those people. But it is VERY obvious that these people are not those people, so, like, yknow, she shouldnt have been surprised that she got a lil screwed over. Thats not to say she doesnt have a right to be a little upset about it, but idk i dont exactly remember what all went down but im pretty sure i remember her making quite a big deal about the whole thing
Edit i saw your point at the end about her saying the guild was unprofessional which reminded me of that being the thing i found most ridiculous. OF COURSE its unprofessional! If you watch asmon for more than 20 minutes hes going to reference how immature he is and how hes barely a functioning member of society - if you want to join a "professional" guild in wow (first of all - LMFAO) then go do some research about the guild youre actually joining and apply to one that actually vets the members/officers and doesnt just make their friends officers. Pretty simple stuff
How old is Mcconnell? Co GM and yet can't take criticism? I've dealt with people like him before. Cause more harm than good.
Its the same Manchild that went into a fit because someone in a Raidgroup rolled and won fair Ji'Kun that dropped in Throne of Thunder, and he started yelling, calling the guy who won an idiot because he wasn't giving the Mount out to him as he demanded and threatened that "he would never stream again if he learns the Mount". Luckely the guy didnt handed the Mount over to him.
Basicaly Eric Cartman irl.
I would have joined a guild like Olympus 15 years ago. Then I grew up.
As a guild leder you Linda need to take evryone seriously when they complain about stuff. And having 1 bad run through a dungeon May be a little deal to some. But if i was a guild leader, i would wanna hear some details too and make things right. A guild should be right for evryone
What have things come to when Asmongold looks like the adult in the room?
If you’re going to tell people to roll and they do, then the item is given to someone else, that’s BS, I’d feel the same as her!
McConnell showed some true colors here.
You must be hella new haha
I assume you mean how he played out the joke and made it sound like he was being serious?
McConnell was 100% correct, she straight up said she’s gonna not play with the guild anymore, and the McConnell says if you’re gonna gquit then fuck you and we will keep the bracers. As soon as he says that her attitude changes hard and she says she’s never do that, when she literally just said she’d do that 15 second before.
@@rileycowan5884 lol uses cuckboy unironically. You're spare parts bud
@@karlsteeves8116 shut up you mccool hating loser
No roasts here. I thought her points were fair.
Common sense ~ IF Healer Gear Drops it automatically goes to healers TO HELP TOOOO HELP them become better healers and get stronger heals ~ same goes for tank gear Those types of BOE's do not get loot council …. When tanks healers go said items and they drop again you save them for up coming tanks/healers all other BOE Gear should be used towards dps
I could never be in a guild who berates yells degrades their guildies or goes half-cocked that's toxic !
I remember Kungen talking 1-2 days ago that they didn't take girls in the Nihilium for obvious drama reasons. Times don't change.
Exactly what I thought :D
His gf is in or?
and then you have royson making it up for all of them haha
let's be honest. without the drama not much is going on.
I can understand where she's coming from with her comments to an extent, but I think she's kind of off basis. I don't like disorderly raids full of noise and BS either, but when I join a raid and I'm the new person, not to mention 1 person of 40, I don't expect a whole guild to shift behavior to my expectations. If she came in expecting some pro guild and was met with a bunch of spergs then she should just find a different guild and not waste people's time with it. Valid complaint regarding the bracers, but why cause the drama if you're going to pass and walk anyway?
That was the thing though. It didn't seem like she was trying to get everyone to change. Her thought was, "OK this isn't what i expected, im goin to find another raid group that more fits my style." Asmon agreed with that too. Everyone else (McConnel) blew it up.
She. Won. The. Bracers.
Then they passed it off to some other bloke. She got shafted and the guys even admitted it was a mistake and offered to save the next pair for her or find one on the auction house. They were in the wrong and majority knew it. Then you got McAsshat coming in with his power tripping who can't even admit fault. Poor co-owner. Asmon better not go into any sort of business with a persona like that.
@K D getting something? she won the roll, its not a question if she should get something, what they did was wrong, and to hate on her just becouse shes a woman? get a life. she dont wanna raid whit the guild again becouse not only did they cuck her for her item that she WON but they also act like spergs just making the entire raid a bad experience, even if she got the item, the raid itself would still be horrible, but she would atlest had got an item from that hell run. now she wanna find people who play more seriusy and everyone atck her for it, and why? becouse she has boobs and a vagina. (sry bad english)
K D I agree with women always creating drama but her and Asmond were the only ones talking reasonably. Then McFuckface had to go on a power trip and act like a little baby
I was with her at first about working for something and not getting it fairly but then she turned into a Karen wanting to complain about their techniques and never happy. Plus using a fake voice on and off
Yeah she only wanted to fucking complain. Even after asmon granted her every wish she still went on complaining about the raid experience for 15 minutes
I know Asmond is just a character but stuff like this isnt surprising. His "online persona" attracts people who act like that in real life and online so running into drama like that should not be shocking.
Imagine being in one of these Olympus satellite guilds. Imagine raiding with that rat Royson...
Tesla 369 who’s Royson ?
The part about her saying she performed her best in the dungeon had the chat going 😂
She then proceeds to say she's fucking with her heal bots.
Too good.
Girls locker room: this is so unprofessional
Boys locker room: it's just the boys bein boys!
Watch how he says that sentence. His mouth stops. He keeps going. He's an alien.
What the actual fuck....
This happens when you have a toxic person like Royson, I hear him talking today and really is not a guy that you can trust in, Asmongold in the other hand or McConell, are a cople of guys that enjoy the game and spend the time on other perspective. You will have problems with this guy.
@Trizzle Hizzle 13 BTW
@Trizzle Hizzle 11,5
Trust and McConnell are oxymorons
"we meme a lot during the raid" jesus christ...
Its hard enough running one guild, let alone multiple guilds. I also prefer a more mature raid group, that kiddie crap gets boring.
''Boys will be boys'' Fucking yikes lmao, i would have left at that moment if i was her.
If You
Joins Asmons guild, gets mad that its full of Spergs.... Clueless
But, this would never happen in special olympus
"that's not what i wanted my first molten core experience to be"...funny thing about life, you don't get to choose how things go all the timez.
@@teddy90636 Special Olympus is actually the nicest Olympus somehow....
Toxic = I don't like it.
@@Krokodilius yeah, but you don't have to keep doing something that you don't like either. If you did not like how this raid went, then of course you would change group.
people in chat are so weird when theres a female wtf
Sounds like she deserves a better guild if you are yelling and shouting because your raid group got called out.. like raid groups suck sometimes we dont fit in and shit, her saying that doesnt mean you should kick her
Asmon: I belive its cool to have a place to everyone
Mconnel: Don't listen to a word she says, she's just one person!
It looks good on paper, but is impossible in practice
@asmongold spoke about how toxic people in your guild should be kicked. If they consistently show shit behavior and are just hot heads. McConnel is what you were talking, the day you drop his dead weight the day people may hate a little less
ninja loot guild what did you expect? fairness amongst manchilds?
Why would you even join Asmons guild? I like watching Asmongolds content, but i would NEVER be in hes toxic trash guild 😂
It would be super fun tho. I wouldn’t go in it expecting something serious but it sure as hell would be fun.
That shit sounds so scripted, I wouldn't be surprised if Asmon had the genius idea of hiring a couple of writers to create drama situations for views.
Lol what a joke of a guild.
It's too big. Their guild is practically the whole server. Of course it's a joke. It's not a real guild, aside from Olympus 1.
Like America basically
why so serious? lmao fucking nerd
That's the joke.
Thats the point of the guild lol
8:36 the video starts
McConnell is the most annoying beta boy I've ever heard in my life.
@@demetter7936 Actually, being respectful is in no way "social justice" anything, its just being a decent person, and if shes not referring to him as "man" then why is he referring to her as lady :P
@@brettessex5634 Because it's a joke. If you are seriously offended by that then you are honestly a butt hurt little bitch.
@@DeathIsLethal Because McConnels plays a passive aggressive condencending character a lot of the time on stream. Calling someone "lady" can be interpretted as passive agressive, so he's playing off of his character. You must be Pepega af is you can't understand that. Also why are you @ me in a 8 month old post.
@@DeathIsLethal Humor is subjective. Your earth-chan banner meme isn't the least bit funny in my opinion, i really don't even see the joke.
@@DeathIsLethal Strawmanning at it's finest. I never attacked you, my point was to show you that humor is subjective. You might think that what mconnell said isn't funny and you don't see the joke, while i told you your banner isn't funny and i don't see the joke. That's not "attacking".
The fact you have your banner means you likely find the joke humurous, while i don't, reinforcing my entire point that humor is subjective.
As far as what I can tell, she just came into the stream to complain for attention/her stream. Yes she is playing McConnel and asmondgold. Notice how they come to a reasonable solution that both Asmon and McConnel are okay with, and then only after she says "I'm going to take boe and leave the guild" McConnel loses his shit because McConnel knows he's being played, and for some reason Asmond is distracted by something and doesn't realize what's happening. Pretty cut clean. Typical 'eat cake and have it too' type behavior. She's also got that yaas queen slay egocentric accent some girls have w/ that accentuated S sound. There. Can't believe this went past all your guys' head.
"no hard feelings" right after she calls them sperglords and man child. Okay queen slay.
She definitely didnt roast them lol, its a normal conversation
If you call that a normal convo lol
@Wes Takahashi yes and so is calling a food shit in front of the chef that cooked it. Its direct but still a roast.
too much mcconnell in this video, cant watch..
Lejtan then dont watch
Asmon is like the customer support for Olympus.
At the end people should ask him for a wow joke.
the way she complained about not getting her classic first experience was kinda cringey all 3-4 times she said it..... BUT!
that one guy making a huge scene about her calling his raid group a bunch of spergs was at that exact moment acting like a sperg lord. that kinda proves her point? i don't blame her for not wanting to be a part of a raid team with a boy will be boys, defending sperg lord. she was shafted from a BIS, and the raid group razzed her that she healed a raid and got a trash item. and the way that guy dismissed her complaints at the end like a thin skinned pansy in a way to get maximum attention? embarrassing really.
i watched a few vids here because i stumbled across this Asmongold on reddit all, and i was stuck in by the video of the ROY guy rubbing it in that he ninja'd an item from his group. But for some reason there was a lot of hate against the guild leader? pulled up these videos and i don't see the hate against him really. seems very reasoned to me unless i missed some public freakout.
well said
1:17 MY WOMAN squadW
can't say I'm surprised, last video I watched opened up with Asmongold calling people cucks - seems a plausible complaint
in a couple of the MMO's I play, there are a handful of groups/guilds/corps that routinely poach members of the more toxic groups
the end result is that the more toxic groups end up being a sausage fest of angst , and the groups that poach their members are more diverse and supportive
It got to a point that several of the largest toxic groups decided, after so many years , to reform their culture. The GM's (or equivalent, CEO's) of the groups that did the poaching are on record publicly saying they don't know where they will get their recruits from any more now that ______ is no longer toxic XD
The toxic culture of MMO's can become so widespread and bad that it drives players away from the game, if not just away from those groups. Leave that shit in the chans - or dont and have your toxic sausagefest poison the playerbase and your immediate community. Its not a big ask to try not to behave in a way that makes people uncomfortable to be exposed to you. Most of us learn this basic skill at our first real life job.
More youtubers should consider a similar level of professionalism; at the very least you will be more likely not to demonetize your own vids if you can be professional about your content. You know... like a real life job?
Blizzard would be so proud of you, if they really cared about your content you did exactly what their office did. The CEO letting his staff do what ever they want and disrespect. XD.
McConnell is so insecure he has to reaffirm his position in the guild and he's so insecure about the guild he can't handle any negative comment about it. He behaves like a true child would instead of a grown-up.
There is a unique relationship between asmon and McConnell that transends video games and is comparable to Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon.
14:18 The way he emphasizes the word lady is really cringy. As if it's not the part where it's only one raider complaining, but the fact that the complaint comes from someone who doesn't have any Y-Chromosomes. The last time I acted like that, I was 9 years old and didn't want any girls spreading their cooties in me and my friends' treehouse.
they use rolling system unless it doesn't suit them then they just ninja , thank god there are no streamers on my server
I'm starting to see where the "McCuck" nickname came from.
Mcconell was getting very toxic, and really should reevaluate how he talks to people.
Why are people saying they are playing characters? They are not... yea I’m sure they exaggerate for the sake of content but that doesn’t make it that they are playing a character or whatever, when you exaggerate a past scenario for the sake of laughs.. doesn’t mean you are now an entire different persona
Why is anyone friends with Mcconell?
It's videos and streams like this that remind how WoW is more than just an MMO.
What time is this on the VODs? Im tryna have the rest of the story.
I found it and the dude explaining the whole story wanted a girl so bad “I was cheering her on in whisper” 😭😭😭
What is the vod time?
VOD time starts at 6:40:00, its about a two hour long fucking conversation about a damn girls healing bot LOL.
Dr Syndrome .
Shit, when Asmongold of all people is the one who acts the most mature, you know you've got a problem on your hands.
Mcconnell thought she was a pala all the time lmao
The fact that the rest of the loot was rolled but hers was council'd says it all.
Let's be real, Asmongold's viewers(and by extension guilds) are toxic spergs with no professionalism. You can just read chat during the clips to see that lmao, McConnell is a hilarious character though, lots of people hate him but really he's just putting on a great act.
Act or not, he portrays a man child I would never be caught dead around.
Enough with the "professionalism" bullshit. Let's all remember that this is a game after all and people sometimes don't take it all that serious.
@@Tallborn5 It depends... it doesn't matter if it's a game.
If a person is doing something for more than 8-10 hours per day, then of course he takes it seriously...
Some people are spending so much time from their lifes into this game that it's completly justified to be serious about it.
Imagine spending 8-10 hours doing ANYTHING...wouldn't u take that "anything" seriously?
@@curiousfishie but it is funny to hear everytime asmongold goes to the "bathroom" and McConnell talks shit to the chat or he just randomly says some bullshit he made up
The Definitions of Chill can differ very much from Person to Person. Honestly this hole Argument is laughable.
Is Mcconnell always this pissed off or is he just acting?
Tbh... with the maga hat, and I’m super anti communism as my entire family came from communism... aside from making this political but seeing someone supporting capitalism and supporting trump, and then saying oh you don’t deserve something because someone we like deserves it.. that’s pretty fucked. It ain’t my guild y’all do what you want. But just keep some things in mind, especially when you support some sort of ideology that we know works then people go against it. I’m glad y’all worked it out in a civil manner, that’s how it should be. The fact it came this far is completely ridiculous. I hope it wasn’t just because she was a women, but I have some feeling she wasn’t the only one getting fucked. But hey, what gets views?
Jaime_FANG it says make Azeroth great again bud lol
It's a video game.
It is terrifying that people think that raiding in a group that is having fun, talking and such, is 'unprofessional'.
Some people treat video games more serious than an IRL job.
The only time it’s ok to forgo rolls is when the person has been useless or a sperg otherwise a roll is law no matter what or you do loot council which is actually fair
Damn Azmongold -- I'm not even apart of your community and *I'd* even kick this Roy guy.
All hard on the internet, same old. Sucks to see assandgold be surrounded with yelling idiots. Was really having a better opinion about him before. Now it's just sad
Literally shows up for one raid ever.
"I feel that I put in my time so I think all of you need to farm a piece for me."
That is basically exactly what she implied too.. smh...
She even got loot that night but it wasn't good enough. Then after making her demands, she says she isn't even going to raid with that group. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up leaving them the first time she gets passed over for gear because she underperforms but still wants carried.
@@GlamourDonkey It just really goes to show the sense of entitlement that some people have now a days. literally she ran the instance once and feels like she put in her work and time haha. That is a joke in itself.
@@dropitlikeitshot815 3 MC clears here and 4 onyxia, as Officer in my guild.. no loot yet.. and people cry about not getting shit on there first run xD what a fucking incredible joke :D
@@Vasana612 I mean if you roll for an item, win the roll and then they give it to someone else, that is shitty and everyone would be upset
That McConnell dudes a doucebag. Nobody wants to be treated like crap. Just because your in a position of power doesn't mean you abuse that privilege. Maybe someone need a reality check? 🤔
Professional? I already got a job
Complaining that Olympus raids are “Spergy” is like going to Olive Garden and complaining about shitty italian food. You knew damn well what you were getting into. Don’t act so surprised.
You got to expect juvenile, unprofessional, and sloppy play. Grown ups and Professionals play Horde!!!!
Horde are terrorists
You’re right. It’s been that way since Vanilla. Typically the older more mature people Horde and the little kids play Alliance. I have toons on both factions and there is a huge difference
This is why I do not do guild raids I only come to play and try and get my armor to much drama
Clearly Royson needs to get the axe lol