I've been to many knot shows. The show at Jiffy Lube last night was fucking perfect, except for them not allowng fire lol. Was great! I posted a vid of Manson falling off the stage during Beautiful People. Last time I saw them at Jiffy Lube the sound was HORRIBLE. Worst Knot show fore ever. Before last night, being on the rail at the Patriot Center in 2004 was my favorite show. Got to see Joey's drum solo from a few feet away. Intense! Last night's show was better. Seems like they are peaking again. Thanks for sharing. Hoping to eventually find the whole show.
I've been to many knot shows. The show at Jiffy Lube last night was fucking perfect, except for them not allowng fire lol. Was great! I posted a vid of Manson falling off the stage during Beautiful People. Last time I saw them at Jiffy Lube the sound was HORRIBLE. Worst Knot show fore ever. Before last night, being on the rail at the Patriot Center in 2004 was my favorite show. Got to see Joey's drum solo from a few feet away. Intense! Last night's show was better. Seems like they are peaking again. Thanks for sharing. Hoping to eventually find the whole show.
i was right behind you