How come the only guard used in tournaments are posta breve and longa? Ox and plough is almost never used. Are they just not viable in real life?
8 років тому
To be honest, I have no idea :) May be this video about posta brave explain it. I don't know how "longa" looks like. Can you send me a picture?
Fencing techniques for tournaments are not exactly the same as fencing techniques, or guards, used in real combat. This video shows guards that are applicable in combat, but rarely seen in fencing tournaments.
Very good instruction. Thank you from Nashville, TN USA
Ciekawy filmik :) a z kolei jak by ktoś bardziej chciał posłuchać o nie średniowiecznej szabli polskiej to zapraszam na swój kanał - szablotłuk polski
Thanks I was having some issues with those techniques
Thanks for watching :)
How come the only guard used in tournaments are posta breve and longa? Ox and plough is almost never used. Are they just not viable in real life?
To be honest, I have no idea :) May be this video about posta brave explain it.
I don't know how "longa" looks like. Can you send me a picture?
vmfjru47 they are used but not as opening guard
Fencing techniques for tournaments are not exactly the same as fencing techniques, or guards, used in real combat. This video shows guards that are applicable in combat, but rarely seen in fencing tournaments.