Pandemic keeps Jehovah's Witnesses from door-to-door ministry

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • For the faithful across the globe, the pandemic means time away from their fellow believers, including outreach. Jehovah's Witnesses have had to adjust with the limitations.


  • @jevonpiper9307
    @jevonpiper9307 3 роки тому +54

    Lloyd Evans on repeat during this pandemic! 👌🏽
    Being raised as a JW and finally understanding how guilt and shame have shaped my life in a harmful way has really been enlightening and life-changing. I use to think “apostates” were Satan in disguise, but have come to find out, are activists in the hope of helping people heal from this atrocious cult.

    • @toscanoplaster5603
      @toscanoplaster5603 3 роки тому +1

      Apostates help ?
      In what way ?

    • @-Zer0Dark-
      @-Zer0Dark- 3 роки тому +7

      Same. I've been out for just over ten years, but I recently found Lloyd's channel and have taken a deep-dive back into my former beliefs. I used to think there was something wrong with me, but so many of my issues make complete sense now.

    • @HenriettaMRiley
      @HenriettaMRiley 3 роки тому +4

      Think you will find that its the 8 Governing Body members that are apostate....

    • @cain2655
      @cain2655 3 роки тому


    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +12

      JW’s are scared to look at apostate information because they know they’ll discover the truth about the “truth” and they don’t want anything to shatter their world view. Cognitive dissonance.

  • @jwescape5876
    @jwescape5876 3 роки тому +5

    I went to a "public" convention and had police called. No, I was not protesting or causing any disturbance. I was simply having a conversation with some folks at lunch and was spotted by some elders who know me.

    • @tagaway6173
      @tagaway6173 3 роки тому

      I still don't understand what happened.

    • @jwescape5876
      @jwescape5876 3 роки тому +2

      @@tagaway6173 , makes two of us. I suppose because I disassociated myself from the organization they didn't want me speaking to folks. This was public property as well.

    • @vicegrips188
      @vicegrips188 Рік тому +1

      @@jwescape5876 I still don’t understand, you disassociated yourself from the group and then continued to meet with them? On top of having a name “”JW Escape”? That sounds like you don’t know if your coming or going my dare

  • @nickgagnon3626
    @nickgagnon3626 3 роки тому +5

    Hope she gets out of that cult.

  • @Rupunzelsawake
    @Rupunzelsawake 3 роки тому +39

    Its so sad that JWs make the effort to contact strangers during "this difficult time" while at the same time they ostracise and shun their nearest and dearest who leave their religion. My elderly friend is shunned by her jw daughter. She was all alone during the height of covid .

    • @eyeswideopen8570
      @eyeswideopen8570 3 роки тому +10

      Their goal is to make new converts to keep the leaders happy. There is very little love for family who leave the religion. My own mother was shunned by her witness relatives even though she was still a believer. It is a sickening.

    • @estherrivers6840
      @estherrivers6840 3 роки тому +5

      Ex Jehovah witness activist. Your comment sums up the cruelty of the this organisation. That cruelty is then passed down to the rank and file via false indoctrination and fear to root out and punish anyone that challenges their power and money and may wake up the sleeping flock.

    • @markusbrauns4274
      @markusbrauns4274 3 роки тому +1

      That's very sad. Let's hope she is left out of her will. She does not deserve a penny.

    • @dianasliva5697
      @dianasliva5697 3 роки тому +1

      the daughter didn’t have to do that, it was her choice. Jehovah never said “don’t talk to someone who disfellowshipped” it’s recommended but if it’s family it’s something different.

  • @1981cvalentine
    @1981cvalentine 2 роки тому +8

    “Been going to door for half her life” don’t saaaaayyyy🤡

    • @simonrankin9177
      @simonrankin9177 2 роки тому

      She dose say lol and she dosent leave out words in her sentences. .😊😊

    • @EmperorOfChaos
      @EmperorOfChaos 2 роки тому

      Wife, what are you doing? They needed to be at the Johnson's house to show the children how we perform ministry. Also, your comments make us look bad.

  • @LightoverDarkMinistry
    @LightoverDarkMinistry 3 роки тому +47

    See, something good did come out of Covid! Also one more step to them becoming a fully online religion.

    • @deksper
      @deksper 3 роки тому +2

      You're deluded.

    • @GullahGeecheeFarmer
      @GullahGeecheeFarmer 3 роки тому +7

      @@deksper you lack common sense. Jehovah's witnesses are dillisional. I know because my insane mother is one.

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +5

      Those 8 men in NY love being on camera doing their televangelist programming. Watchtower is nothing more than a greedy publishing company/real estate entity that uses religion to manipulate and control millions of people worldwide. It’s all about money and power. Lol and Tony Morris is a lush 😂

    • @LightoverDarkMinistry
      @LightoverDarkMinistry 3 роки тому +5

      @@krissykatportal Yeah from what I see, Tony hits that sauce pretty hard. Deceiving 8 million people has to effect you in some way.

    • @LightoverDarkMinistry
      @LightoverDarkMinistry 3 роки тому +7

      @Damien Little As someone who studies high control group, the JW religion in detail, and who's comforted EXJW's that have been shunned by loved ones; I'm absolutely justified in calling out their false religion.

  • @eyeswideopen8570
    @eyeswideopen8570 3 роки тому +32

    It will be a long time before they go door knocking again. Thank the Lord!

  • @zip6404
    @zip6404 3 роки тому +9

    what about that PUBLIC elders book,that you are keeping from the PUBLIC ,Psalms 26:4-5

  • @kingofthedots3835
    @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому +8

    You got fooled channel 5 .....nobody goes to India for Jehovah's Witnessess unless they are a trained missionary at Gilead in New York State ....and nobody starts door to door at 14 ....all parents take the children at age 5 at the latest .....How did you find this ringer ?????? Did you at least ask her to speak Hindi ???....Please set the story straight !

  • @kingbd7777
    @kingbd7777 3 роки тому +18

    They break up family! And if you want to leave then they treat you like crap!

    • @zhHfukk
      @zhHfukk 3 роки тому

      anyone who wants to leave is just letting them go without being obsessed

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d More idiotic comments from the JW cult apologist. So you're a "sinner" for wanting to leave a cult? What a load of fucking bollocks you talk Jeremiah.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d You don't even have kids. Wait until you have kids and then see if you feel the same way. Easy for a loner singleton like you to pontificate about shunning your family but you'll soon change your mind once (if) you ever find an idiot who'll accept your aggressive and cultish ways, to settle down with you and have children.

  • @youngrios
    @youngrios 3 роки тому +32

    Jehovah knows the exact time for the right actions. 🙏

    • @glennmouritz3924
      @glennmouritz3924 3 роки тому +10

      Your a nut case 😂😂 grow up lol

    • @GullahGeecheeFarmer
      @GullahGeecheeFarmer 3 роки тому +10

      Nobody cares. It's not like jehovah's witnesses do anything for the community. Their absence won't be missed. My low iq mother is still in after 30 years.

    • @housefamily9784
      @housefamily9784 3 роки тому +5

      Literally right before COVID happened I had a conversation with a Jehovah's Witness who said that the way you can know that they are the true religion is BECAUSE they knock on doors. She argued that Jesus said to do that and if you're not doing that then you're not doing God's will. So... Are JWs no longer doing God's will??

    • @freeatlast.
      @freeatlast. 3 роки тому +3

      Terminally I'll JWs can't chicken out from not having a blood transfusion, but the majority are now too afraid to face the ever so important preaching work because of the flu, heck they can even take the placenta derived vaccine if they feel like it cause jehovah don't know if it's ethical or not for his people.

    • @nicklewis9299
      @nicklewis9299 3 роки тому +1

      @@freeatlast. I'm not a JEHOVAH WITNESS but I am a servant of JEHOVAH and I personally wouldn't want the blood transfusion, I ready to go to heaven, death is so brief from the perspective of the dead person( blink of a 👁️), and ur instantly ( from the perspective of the dead person) transformed into a spiritual creature, granted I have no kids to leave behind, but I'm ready to go to heaven, when my MINISTRY is done and JEHOVAH and Jesus take me, bet, take me✌️, I will be smiling😇 that will start the best moments of life(a everlasting life), I'm not scared of it, I could find out I have cancer to tomorrow and I had 6 months to live, and all I heard was I have 6 months until I meet JEHOVAH, my heavenly father and Creator, and I get my spiritual body and truly become alive, is that cancer supposed to scare me, a person of true faith and follower of Christ should welcome death, heaven should be that real to you, the next life, the better life should be that real to you, you should want that, there should be nothing on this wicked Earth that you would want to stay here for because your kids will be there too, if they continue to remain faithful and follow Jesus, your next thought, the second after death will be heaven and your family will be there as well.. I just don't understand why I take the blood transfusion what am I staying here on this Earth to do ACTUALLY? To work and slave for the men and government and to stack paper or wood and see how many numbers I can make, how many possessions I can buy, although 2 Peter 3:7 and Matthew 13:40-42 teaches all the stumbling blocks on the earth or all of these possessions, the fancy cars the fancy houses the gold, the silver ,all the flashy and fancy things you love they are all going to get burnt up in🔥, 🔥 is stored up for all of the 🌎 its all going to burn up, what am I staying here for? forget that blood transfusion, I'm ready to go to heaven, I ready for the REAL LIFE ( BECAUSE I PROMISE YOU THIS ISN'T IT)

  • @BambiRojas
    @BambiRojas 3 роки тому +6

    Can someone help me find a (scripture ) where I can read who was the first disciple who got baptized in the Name of Jehovah or who was the first one who preached door to door in Jehovah s Name… I literally can’t find one ..🧐 I’ll keep searching…

    • @kannot1
      @kannot1 3 роки тому +1

      What do you mean "door to door"? Isn't that just a way to go out and spread the truth about God's grace? I'm not JW so I might be missing something😅

    • @BambiRojas
      @BambiRojas 3 роки тому +1

      @@kannot1 Hello 👋 😊😊😊I’m Not a Jehovah witness, I’m an individual that takes the gospel very serious 🧐 I’m a researcher
      And this is what I found out in the scriptures
      On 2 Corinthians 11:4
      For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
      Or there’s another in
      Galatians 1:8
      But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
      Galatians 1:6-9
      I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
      This is very serious to me that’s why I’m trying to found out who was the first disciple who proclaimed or mentioned JEHOVAH in there ministry… or even gotten baptized..
      Acts 4:12
      And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
      I’m not saying I got all the answers , because I don’t… God knows I’m trying to understand and so far so good.. little by little..God blessed 😊

    • @jeffspagnuolo4382
      @jeffspagnuolo4382 3 роки тому

      Hello Bambi R.

    • @dianasliva5697
      @dianasliva5697 3 роки тому

      hi! I’m a publisher so I’m still starting out but if you go on the website just search up “preaching” or “service” you should find all ur information there !!☺️

    • @leadanon127
      @leadanon127 2 роки тому

      First learn what is God's name. It is mentioned over 7000 times. Churches tried to hide, but even in King James is used.

  • @meditationstation2000
    @meditationstation2000 3 роки тому +29

    How has it affected their child abuse activity though?

    • @eyeswideopen8570
      @eyeswideopen8570 3 роки тому +6

      For those who are abused at home, it probably got worse for them, sadly.

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому +1

      @Damien Little Australian Royal Commission case 29. Check it out.

    • @mybum1tch641
      @mybum1tch641 3 роки тому

      @@justinthyme3396 dont believe everything you read without facts, and if one person is like this, doesnt mean all of us are

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому +1

      @@mybum1tch641 the FACT is Geoffrey Jackson LIED under oath, quote " it would be PRESUMPTUOUS to say that we are the ONLY spokesperson God is using "see the FACTS for yourself, case 29 Australian Royal Commission. And I KNOW that the majority of JWs are good people, I was a jw.for 46years, but am now a conscienceous objector to the GB. The leadership of WTBTS has become corrupt, mainly through it's Love of MONEY, And everyone knows its the ROOT OF ALL EVIL. WTBTS Is now a multi billion dollar organisation. I wish you all the best in continuing to invest time and money to help keep afloat WTBTS. Agape from Australia.

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little none so blind as those that WILL NOT SEE.

  • @kevintaylorwynn2279
    @kevintaylorwynn2279 3 роки тому +16

    Please keep it shut down!!
    Sincerely Jehovah.

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +1

      This cracked me up 😂

    • @notVulture
      @notVulture 3 роки тому

      You all are disrespectful. Have some discipline. Its not like they forced you to believe in the bible smh

    • @kevintaylorwynn2279
      @kevintaylorwynn2279 3 роки тому +1

      @@notVulture they know how to bug the hell out of people... bless bless!

    • @notVulture
      @notVulture 3 роки тому

      @@kevintaylorwynn2279 Just ignore them then jeez. Its not like they are forcing you to learn the bible.

    • @notVulture
      @notVulture 3 роки тому

      @@kevintaylorwynn2279 Everyone of us have our own beliefs. If you want to believe what your religion teaches you. Then at least have some respect to others

  • @anti-christ.666
    @anti-christ.666 3 роки тому +12

    Well that's definitely one good thing to come out of the pandemic. A true blessing from Jehovah 🤣🤣🤣

  • @rubenmartinez-zs7wh
    @rubenmartinez-zs7wh 3 роки тому +2

    Daisy, I Agree with you that they can be nice people. However, I will highly recommend you to be extra careful with JW men ( specially Elders) if you have small children or grandchildren. Never allow your beloved kids to be alone with them at their homes or to accompany them during preaching. Too many pedophiles within the Organization. If you want to confirm how bad their CHILD ABUSE problem is, start researching the Australian Royal Commission Investigation.

    • @drummer7557
      @drummer7557 2 роки тому +2

      No you're thinking of Catholics, even though I'm NOT a Witnesses my parents are. And I grew up going for 25 years and they are the coolest people you can find. Nobody I would trust my life or childs life with more than a Witness. Not saying it's never happened, as everyone is flawed. But I would trust them before my REAL family. I just don't believe everything they do, don't believe much in God/or Satan for that matter. But I know good people when I've been around them for so long. ;o)

    • @simonrankin9177
      @simonrankin9177 2 роки тому

      I agree drummer ,,im a christian a baptist, but i have many watch towers and awakes ,and there silver cover Bible ,people are people, i am not convinced the Jehovah witnesses practise evil acts of any type ,no more than any other organizations, when the witnesses knock on your door ,you should feel blessed that people care enough to want to save your soul....

    • @MrMrabaunza
      @MrMrabaunza Рік тому

      @@drummer7557 look it up JW have a LONG history of hiding child predators.

  • @DistractedDaisy
    @DistractedDaisy 3 роки тому +37

    And I am missing them. Their nice people!

    • @HenriettaMRiley
      @HenriettaMRiley 3 роки тому +19

      Really - 1006 child rapes and not one reported to the police?
      Maybe the JW's are nice, but the GB like the Vatican are complete and utter......

      @WHIRLINFIST 3 роки тому +13

      @@HenriettaMRiley you have to up the number from 1001. That is only in the small country of Australia and that's only the ones that came forward. They protected pedos in the entire 🌎

    • @GullahGeecheeFarmer
      @GullahGeecheeFarmer 3 роки тому +11

      Until you stop believing,use logic and your parents start acting like you dont exist.

    • @lisasmith2286
      @lisasmith2286 3 роки тому +3

      Aww how lovely they are 😊

    • @rubenmartinez-zs7wh
      @rubenmartinez-zs7wh 3 роки тому +15

      Nice people corrupted and mislead by the Governing Body criminals.

  • @MrMario477
    @MrMario477 3 роки тому +7

    it is not a matter of impediment not the issue and that supposedly people are evading by series of questions in the ORG that if you discuss theology there with them you are even disfellowshipped and take with you ostracism if your family remains in this sect

    • @sabinalife1359
      @sabinalife1359 3 роки тому +2

      Not a sect if everyone is welcome to come and listen in our meetings.

    • @MrMario477
      @MrMario477 3 роки тому +1


    • @MrMario477
      @MrMario477 3 роки тому +1

      @@sabinalife1359 because if they weren't the JW sect on you tube, there wouldn't be a lot of ex jw CLAIMING THE ANTIBIBLICAL RULES IMPOSED BY ANCIENT PEOPLE WHO EXAMPLE THAT EXAMPLE OF THIS OSTRACISM AND CHILD ABUSE.

    • @Rupunzelsawake
      @Rupunzelsawake 3 роки тому +2

      @@sabinalife1359 Sect is the wrong word. JW literature refers to the "sects of Christendom", just meaning all the various denominations. I think you're confusing it with the word "cult". What defines a cult is how easy it is to GET OUT not how easy it is to get in. ( Cults are known to be very warm and inviting to potential recruits ...otherwise people would never join. ) That is, getting out with your life intact. Those who exit the JW org will lose their JW friends and family. If they are disfellowshipped or disassociated that loss is absolute. If they "fade", becoming inactive, they will find themselves " soft shunned". They have a very warped sense of love. For example shunning is a loving provision from Jehovah.

    • @marvelprince9893
      @marvelprince9893 3 роки тому

      @@sabinalife1359 Australian Royal commission case can see governing body member Geoffrey Jackson's testimony. Also ABC indepth on Jehovah's witnesses Produced by Four Corners.

  • @stephencox1237
    @stephencox1237 3 роки тому +16

    It has absolutely nothing to do with bringing reproach on jehovah, it's all about bringing reproach on the governing body giving the cult a bad name and endangering the chance influx of new very gullible witnesses

    • @marwatson7408
      @marwatson7408 3 роки тому +3

      Stephen Cox Exactly everything is a reproach on Jehovah if you stub your toe it’s a reproach on Jehovah. I was in this Cult for 3 years I couldn’t wait to get out of it.

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +3

      The leadership uses manipulation to keep power and control.....but most importantly the CASH FLOW.

    • @Godly-Beard
      @Godly-Beard 3 роки тому +1

      @Damien Little wake up! the organization has an its us vs them attitude. Outside research on the organization is viewed as very "dangerous" and wrong all independent research must only be done on the organization controlled website. This was Quoted in a watchtower "You must obey the (governing body) even if it does not make sense from a human standpoint". You must never question the teachings or especially the governing body. For A fully indoctrinated Jehovah witness all of their money,time & energy & again time! all goes towards the (organization)... This is 100% a cult!

    • @simonrankin9177
      @simonrankin9177 2 роки тому

      If you become a witness, its only fair you follow there teachings ,people love to take cheap shots ,because these people are easy targets ,all organizations have a code of ethics ,religion shouldn't be a free for all ,it should be the love of Christ ,and knowing God ,,and follow the Bibles teachings..

  • @KeithBryantOfficial
    @KeithBryantOfficial 4 місяці тому

    The government should've kept them behind bars for life. How culty they always are

  • @RX7821979
    @RX7821979 3 роки тому +15

    This is Satan's media
    -Anthony Morris (one of the JW leaders) 🤣

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +4

      😂😂😂😂 this comment needs way more likes

    • @redlake1599
      @redlake1599 2 роки тому +1

      Man created by God..
      Robot created by satan?

    • @Aislinhood
      @Aislinhood 2 роки тому

      yeah, it is and very sad too as I hear children not being protected by Their Parents who are responsible for them.

  • @user-wl8hw3nh9j
    @user-wl8hw3nh9j 3 роки тому +10

    I imagine most JWs are relieved not to drag themselves from one door to another 😅

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому +1

    Jesus Christ is leading with angelic direction the ministry he began on earth 2000 years king in heaven he has myriads of angels to lead the Kingdom ministry...Gods spirit makes it happen...daily we see Jehovahs spirit profoundly guiding sheep like ones together to share God's hope for mankind....the experiances are overwhelming seeing God's spirit guide and direct...I make no particular effort no matter what I'm doing or where I'm always in the ministry always ready to answer questions share God's promises..when you hear them tell their story they know it is under Jehovahs direction we met....the experiances are joyfull...I let Jehovah guide every step and thought he knows what they need to hear...his spirit will adjust your thoughts to each's natural to think you have become skilled and extremely kind and likeable but we know the truth it is completly is the greatest privilege to be used by him to speak for him. Mathew 24 : 14. Mathew 28 : 19, 20.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      Please don't post comments when high on drugs. Your words make no sense and your puctuation and grammar clearly indicate the perils of the JW doctrine on higher education. Educate yourself on the basics of the English language before trying to make profound statements that simply make you look foolish.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @@danielraymadden I presume that English is not your first language or you've obediently followed the JW edict on higher education?! You really must stop regurgitating phrases from jw.0rg and elsewhere then paraphrasing them using your pigeon English. And please learn the importance of puctuation. 😂🤣 In your first diatribe, you claim "the experiences are overwhelming...." (spelt correctly). Please tell us Daniel, what 'experiences' have you witnessed that 'overwhelmed you'? Or is this just more cult hyperbole? 😘

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @@danielraymadden *"You'll never make it as a writer......."* says the man whose badly spelt and puctuated English is barely above elementary school level. And *"mindless bore....."* from the person posting pseudo-religious nonsense with phrases that sound more akin to a pirate movie than the Bible! 😂🤣 Just admit it Daniel, you've not done well in life and are obviously poorly educated, evasive and resort to your silly domesday speak when outsmarted. The vast majority of JWs have not done well in life (a.k.a. losers) and therefore seek the comfort blanket and false prestige of an organisation that promises an "earthly paradise" in a vain attempt to feel 'superior' to the rest of the world. Just continue with your miserable life and pontificate all you want about the 'end of the world'. It won't happen and even if it does, there'll be no 'Jehovah' to save pious idiots like you. 😘

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      And all his comments now deleted to hide his embarrassment! 😂😂🤣🤣

  • @nogod7184
    @nogod7184 2 роки тому +1

    Years ago, when they approached me when I was washing my car, I told them if they came onto my property again I'd release the dogs. Never came back since.
    P.S. I did not and still do not have dogs.

  • @QuacklikeaFish2243
    @QuacklikeaFish2243 3 роки тому +8

    Maybe you should cover all the lawsuits against the JW organization for covering up child sex abuse?

    • @eveie210
      @eveie210 3 роки тому

      I think you were mistaken, they are talking about Jehovah’s witnesses in this video, not the Catholics.

    • @QuacklikeaFish2243
      @QuacklikeaFish2243 3 роки тому +1

      @@eveie210 not mistaken at all. JWs have been covering up child sex abuse for decades. There are countless lawsuits against them. A simple Google search and you can find out the truth.

    • @kimberking7686
      @kimberking7686 3 роки тому

      @@eveie210 The original commenter did not get this wrong but you certainly have. They do cover up abuse...I should know because I was abused and victimized. All you have to do is Google JW sex scandals and you’ll see that this is in fact about the witnesses and not Catholic people. Do your research before making outrageous claims that it isn’t JW’s involved in this.

  • @cain2655
    @cain2655 3 роки тому +10

    She's a liar there all excited that they don't have to go anymore

    • @evsalas3
      @evsalas3 3 роки тому +3

      @Damien Little every JW I know was relieved no more door 2 door 🎉🎉🎉

    • @cain2655
      @cain2655 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little I was born into that religion I've been around it off and on for over 55 years I don't blame you you just defending what you were taught it's not your fault I do not hate anybody there I just feel bad for them All I see is somebody parroting exactly what the society says

    • @cain2655
      @cain2655 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little I probably should not have worded my comment the way I did that makes me guilty of being just like the rest of you I apologise the way I worded it I take it back

    • @zip6404
      @zip6404 3 роки тому +1

      @@cain2655 you didnt say anything harsh,you just spoke the truth you have know need to apologize. john 8:32 and john 4:23-24

  • @vinimarshall7301
    @vinimarshall7301 3 роки тому +5

    Their changing to an online religion

  • @paincalledliving
    @paincalledliving 2 роки тому +1

    Where the F was Covid-19 when I was a kid?

  • @punkassjoey7880
    @punkassjoey7880 2 роки тому +1

    If their god were true he would protect them from a virus in order to adhere to his commandments of going therefore and making disciples. A perfect opportunity to make a great witness of his promises of a world where sickness is no more on a grand stage for all to see. Such a display would be life saving to the masses.

    • @leadanon127
      @leadanon127 2 роки тому

      You do not know Bible. God does not protect anyone from sickness. If does, everybody would wish to be Jehovah’s witness.

    • @sn1k5svenom78
      @sn1k5svenom78 2 роки тому

      I thought you were smarter this

  • @llpo9627
    @llpo9627 3 роки тому +4

    Was this an advertisement for the Jehovah's witnesses?

    • @marvelprince9893
      @marvelprince9893 3 роки тому +2

      Good advertising would be Australian Royal commission case 29.

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому life the majority of my ministry was always ready to teach answer questions any time everywhere....I often would dress suit and meet with congregation for couple hours...then put on street clothes and go to SF and let Gods spirit guide and create opportunities the spontaneous informal has always been most successful...I love watching Jehovahs spirit at the conversation goes is just as exciting to me as immediantly know you just met someone who Jehovah is drawing to him for eternal life...the warmest experiance I know....when on earth Jesus ministry was informal anytime anywhere everywhere he went...he loved teaching comforting building up with hope...

    • @ScottyKirk1
      @ScottyKirk1 2 роки тому +1

      Obviously since the JWs frown on education, your grammar is atrocious. You really need to look closely at this cult. They destroy families. The difference between a cult and a religion is that happens when you leave. We all know what happens when you leave.... Don't we?

  • @Rhonda_Maldonado_61824
    @Rhonda_Maldonado_61824 3 роки тому +13

    POMO since 2011 and couldn't be happier!

  • @jamesgastaldo4710
    @jamesgastaldo4710 3 роки тому +27

    Take some of your free time and research your organization!!!

    • @markusbrauns4274
      @markusbrauns4274 3 роки тому

      They are afraid to find out , how bad they really are.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @Miguel Ângelo יְהֹוָה "true christians" who shun members of their own family. "true christians" who discourage the young from higher education. "true christians" who base their lives on a version of the Bible so obviously "translated" by uneducated charlatans. "true christians" who revel in the destruction of 8 billion people. And yet *we* are the monsters?!?! 😂😂🤣

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому +1

    Jesus ministry on earth was always informal anyone anywhere everywhere he was led by Gods holy spirit to sheeplike is no diffrent today....immediantly they tell me they know Jehovah sent me to them...his spirit of peace comes upon them it always is joyfull...they are happy to see Jehovah answer their prayers...

  • @_think_3827
    @_think_3827 3 роки тому +5

    I mean when covid happened, the js governing body said not go door-to-door to avoid covid

    • @carolwrinkles6204
      @carolwrinkles6204 3 роки тому

      Please just say what you mean. What does that have to do with anything ?

    • @carolwrinkles6204
      @carolwrinkles6204 3 роки тому

      We all know that, so what is your point

    • @zip6404
      @zip6404 3 роки тому +1

      @@carolwrinkles6204 THINK cant THINK

    • @leadanon127
      @leadanon127 2 роки тому +1

      Not because of fear of covid, but not to stumble others.

    • @leejohnson6328
      @leejohnson6328 2 роки тому

      Can You Trust The Watchtower 1914 Prediction? (59 seconds)

  • @c.t8958
    @c.t8958 3 роки тому +3

    Jehovah's witnesses miss going door to door!!! That's a joke!!!
    I'm ba Jehovah's Witness and let me tell you I DON'T MISS IT!!!😆

  • @caroltownsend2722
    @caroltownsend2722 3 роки тому +8

    They miss the mark of
    Faithfulness----and they
    Do not have Holy Spirit --

    • @rolandtony591
      @rolandtony591 3 роки тому

      Hello sister how are you doing 🙏 ❤️

  • @carlschleicher5516
    @carlschleicher5516 3 роки тому +13

    Google "origin of the cross," and be ready the next time they come to your door. It's common knowledge.

    • @kannot1
      @kannot1 3 роки тому +2

      Everything in this world is pagan then... Your comment is really eye opening but what now?

    • @carlschleicher5516
      @carlschleicher5516 3 роки тому +2

      @@kannot1 Jesus said to follow his God for everlasting life. John 17:3 Psalms 83:18

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому +1

    I have conducted bible studies by android phone 8 hrs apart since 2010...and have become dedicated no adjustment for was why I got the the first Evo phone I felt guilty keeping bible studies who did not live near me..but I could see Jehovahs spirit blessing it...and their progress not knowing it was the makes no difference to long as people respond I'll do whatever it takes...dogs have been extremely helpful in finding sheeplike ones the good ol man's best friend leads their owner right to me..the dogs give me that welcome like they know their helping their owner the best experiances were a initiated by their dogs man's best friend.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      Why do you defend a cult that fragments families, shields sexual abusers, sells-off its Kindom Halls under the noses of the people who built them and repeatedly mispredicts the end of the world? Before making these pious comments, you should research the history of the Bible you quote from and be aware that it was translated by people who were not true Greek or Hebrew scholars. Look outside the whitewashed realms of jw.0rg and you'll quickly find some very disturbing facts about your so called "religion".

    • @danielraymadden
      @danielraymadden 2 роки тому +1

      Stop sinning stop practicing sin, confess your sins impale your flesh Jehovah will help you...Satan is the accuser of Jehovahs dedicated servants do not become like him...if someone is lying and slandering others Jehovah will correct it...Jehovah will expose the gossipers the murmerers the complainers the slanderers self rightouse hypocrites...those who spread Satans wicked suspicions inside the congregation...let Jehovah correct false brothers...correct yourself read Gods word to become clean and rightouse in Gods eyes...until you do you will only keep attacking Jehovah and Jesus Christ...your imperfect their imperfect if ones have a bad heart a selfrightouse heart as Cain and wicked king Saul Jehovah will expose them...

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @@danielraymadden What a load of pious fucking nonsense. Try thinking for yourself and responding to my very valid points before defaulting to your copy and paste cliches. Oh and your grammar is terrible - a consequence I fear of the JW cult and their ridiculous mandate on higher education.

  • @jonathanjollimore7156
    @jonathanjollimore7156 2 роки тому +1

    Did this as a kid thought me every trick in the book on how debate and win arguments

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому +2

      Really? Most JWs I debate are naive with a low level of education and very easily outsmarted. The JW cult is more interested in keeping its ranks dumbed-down so that they don't question the bizarre doctrines and mandates.

    • @ScottyKirk1
      @ScottyKirk1 2 роки тому +1

      @@Pac-Man.. Exactly! Usually you can tell when the JWs comment on threads, their grammar is 4th grade level.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @@ScottyKirk1 '4th grade level' - really, that high?! 🤣

    • @AreyemMeyera
      @AreyemMeyera 2 роки тому

      @@Pac-Man.. u do know that not all JWs are in the US, right?
      Do u expect all catholics or born agains speak as fluent as you r in your language when they are from diff countries?

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @@AreyemMeyera When debating JW cult members, I make no judgement on people who are not native English speakers and my last comment was just an opportunistic jibe. There's a difference between a person's ability to articulate a point in a given language versus someone who is quite obviously naive, easily led and unaware of basic falsehoods and deceptions concerning the JW cult. It's a fact that JWs are the poorest educated amongst all the major faith groups, thanks to their non-Biblical, very cult-like policy of discouraging higher education. They're also clueless about the very dubious origins of their cult including the fake NWT Bible they so readily quote from. So before you defend this cult, do your research.

  • @markusbrauns4274
    @markusbrauns4274 3 роки тому +6

    Glad to hear that India was saved from your cult nonsense propaganda.

  • @JC-be5cc
    @JC-be5cc 3 роки тому +13

    Who's paying for the stamps???? Leaders are very smart

    • @gildagarbuttwyer4534
      @gildagarbuttwyer4534 3 роки тому +2

      We do, we don’t need to buy fuel for our cars when we travel to reach people , so we can buy stamps. After all the son of God gave us his life.but we only have one leader and he’s smart alright.

    • @hellen70666666
      @hellen70666666 3 роки тому +3

      .....:) Just Replaced the Car Gas Money, for Stamp Money---No Big Deal...!!!!

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 3 роки тому +7

      @@hellen70666666 There's one born every minute! While Anthony Morris purchases litres of extremely expensive, single-malt whiskey and Kingdom Halls are sold-off generating billions of dollars for Watch Tower, you are mandated to lead a humble life and pay to distribute your cult's propaganda! You couldn't make this stuff up! 🤣

    • @hellen70666666
      @hellen70666666 3 роки тому +1

      @@Pac-Man.. Hey There.....JW's feel like They are actually Helping 'Creator of Universe' ( Jehovah God ) with the Spreading of His message of Hope and Good News to all of Mankind....Bible says God's Angels Assist, Also....!!!!....Scriptures say Creator is a Worker, so He made People to be Workers, too....!!!!....So, a Few Bucks for Gas, or Stamps, or Phone Service---is Not asking too much, to show some kind of Appreciation for God's 'Gift of Existence' to us ALL...!!!.....You can Join in, too---We always need more help....Consider Yourself Invited....!!!

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 3 роки тому +4

      @@hellen70666666 You may "feel" like you're helping some God (that's exactly what your charlatan leaders want) but rational people outside your cult *KNOW* you are being financially fleeced. And it's interesting that in your jolly, pious bravado, you conveniently fail to explain or justify why your precious Kingdom Halls are being sold off under your noses. Face it, you cult is shrinking (-0.6%) in 2020 and in a crisis but you're too proud and indocrinated to admit or see it.

  • @r.e.4640
    @r.e.4640 3 роки тому +5

    Jehovahs Witnesses are SOO AWESOME!!!!😊👍

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +3

      Why are there so many Jehovah’s Witnesses who are pedophiles?

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +1

      @Damien Little the fact that you aren’t aware of active elders and ministerial servants who are sexually abusing kids is my point. The watchtower leadership goes to considerable length to hide this fact from the congregations. If you are an elder then u know exactly what I’m talking about. All these judicial committees happen in private. I have been through this situation so I know that when a brother molests a kid, the elders NEVER report it to the police. They say they don’t want to bring reproach on Jehovah’s name. I know it’s hard to believe. I was shocked when I found out there were so many witnesses who had gone through the same exact thing as me. It’s easy to just call everyone a liar but if you really want truth, you have to be willing to hear both sides and weigh the evidence. There is plenty of evidence available online, court’s there if u really want the truth.

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little enjoy

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 3 роки тому +1

      @Damien Little It's not the fact there are paedophiles in your ranks. That's true of any organisation. It's the fact that when discovered, these people have been shielded from prosecution by your cult. But of course, you have "the truth" so won't acknowledge this given your programming. Then you wonder why you're considered a cult.

    • @SlothyWoffy
      @SlothyWoffy 2 роки тому

      @@Pac-Man.. amen

  • @junbug1029
    @junbug1029 3 роки тому +19


    • @russellzachary5495
      @russellzachary5495 3 роки тому

      Hello Miss Junbug.. Am Russell Zachary karalfa... Can We Be Friends... I Have Some Proposals For You?

    • @nathandaigle3032
      @nathandaigle3032 3 роки тому

      Hello beloved sister,I would like to know you more if you don't mind.

  • @ariloves10
    @ariloves10 3 роки тому +6

    Thank You Father for freeing Your Sheep. Thank You for exposing this false prophet. Thank You for allowing us to watch this evil cult disintegrate before our very eyes.
    Please help us do Your Will to show love to all of Your lost sheep in Jesus Almighty Name Amen 🙏

  • @lisasmith2286
    @lisasmith2286 3 роки тому +23

    So proud to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, love sharing the good news by letter,

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому +8

      Nobody misses the door to door work .....You are a liar ....I did it thirty years and converted twenty poor suckers ....Two are still elders ....GET A REAL LIFE ,before it's too late !

    • @lisasmith2286
      @lisasmith2286 3 роки тому +10

      @@kingofthedots3835 oh but I did when I finally found what I was looking for had it all material things business ect am so happy I found the truth

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому

      @@lisasmith2286 well I'm goi g to wish you luck !....Oh right ...I can't do that

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому +1

      By the way Pride comes before a fall 🤣......

    • @rochellesonza6505
      @rochellesonza6505 3 роки тому +3

      @@kingofthedots3835 so what is REAL LIFE to you?

  • @justinthyme3396
    @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому +13

    When they start printing the WT on toilet rolls I'll be happy to subscribe.

  • @lloydgilpin8403
    @lloydgilpin8403 3 роки тому +4

    What really upsets me is all the brothers and sisters that went to bethel New York to work at bethel didn't get paid no money they just use people free labor

    • @mybum1tch641
      @mybum1tch641 3 роки тому +2

      they dont use people, its willing people who want to work out of love

    • @mybum1tch641
      @mybum1tch641 3 роки тому

      @Miguel Ângelo יְהֹוָה I appreciate the words, and ive been trying to stay away from apostate thinking. Thanks again, I hope you enjoy the rest of the convention.

  • @mind_control_really_sucks_
    @mind_control_really_sucks_ 3 роки тому +21

    So much harm gets done by that cult and they still get paraded around like examples everybody else should follow

    • @sandral438
      @sandral438 3 роки тому +2

      You're so wrong about that.

    • @sixonegoddess
      @sixonegoddess 3 роки тому +2

      @@sandral438 Remember Jehovah says they are lead by darkness and they will never see the light! He’s left them! No need to try to get them to see differently!

    • @sandral438
      @sandral438 3 роки тому +1

      @@sixonegoddess We'll see. I know better.

    • @estherrivers6840
      @estherrivers6840 3 роки тому +2

      @@sandral438 really? So Sandra what are your thoughts on a JW mother who throws her 15yr old child out of the house because she starts to question the credibility of her mother's religion then proceeds to shun her even when that child goes down with a bad case of shingles becomes quite ill and just wants to go home and be back in her own bedroom. She goes back to her mother and asks her to take her back to be faced with 'Only if you come back to the meetings' She then pleads with her mother that she is ill and just wants to come home but can not go back to a religion that she has serious doubts about. The mother then literally physically pushes her away and says 'Then I can't have having anything more to do with you because the elders have now warned me that you are now a bad association' Is this child abuse and neglect of your own child Sandra? Your thoughts please.

    • @Rupunzelsawake
      @Rupunzelsawake 3 роки тому

      @@sixonegoddess Are you a prophetess? You illustrate perfectly what is wrong with religion. I imagine you salivate at the prospect of the slaughter of infidels.

  • @geoffunwin196
    @geoffunwin196 3 роки тому +2

    Do please get hold of a copy of DOOMSDAY DECEPTION - the rise and fall of the Watchtower Society (published amazon August 2021) which tells all. Based on more than 50 years investigative journalism and experience of a former JW. Soon after it was published the Watchtower Society removed Pastor Russell's graveside pyramid monument because of the revelations in the book.

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому

    Jehovahs spirit Jesus Christ and the angels are guiding the kingdom preaching ministry...Satan and his wicked politicians cannot stop Jehovah and Jesus Christ....Mathew 24 : 14. Mathew 28 : 19 20

  • @danielraymadden
    @danielraymadden 2 роки тому

    Jesus Christ rules as king Gods kingdom is ruling all mankind should rejoice Jesus Christ will end all wickedness evil and suffering on earth...he will cast Satan into the abyss and those who choose to follow Satan into rebbellion against Jehovah...Revelation 20...Revelation 21 : 3, 4, 8...Jehovah will bless mankind with peace and eternal life... all mankind will live by GODS DIVINE LAW OF LOVE....

  • @jf8461
    @jf8461 3 роки тому +5

    One of the few benefits of the lockdown. No door-to-door

    • @hellen70666666
      @hellen70666666 3 роки тому +1

      ....:) Hey there---They will try to reach You by Phone or Mail...!!!....The Sharing Doesn't Stop...!!!......No Worries...!!!!....:)

  • @deksper
    @deksper 3 роки тому +5

    Nearly 250K baptised? Their religion is a revolving door then. World-wide, they are losing numbers.

  • @christinecarr4693
    @christinecarr4693 3 роки тому +9

    Thank God !!

  • @shellystone3211
    @shellystone3211 2 роки тому

    Oh and by the way Jesus didn’t appoint or anoint your church nobody from heaven did
    that fool Charles Russell decided to start the church on his own you can’t write yourself into the Bible
    newsflash and you can’t make yourself something you’re not because you think you are that is called not in touch with reality it is about time Christian started telling you people the truth

  • @khrissievalayadam5637
    @khrissievalayadam5637 3 роки тому +11

    Jehovahs spirit never fails. His will shall be done on earth as in heaven despite persecution. Jesus and the Apostles and now the witnesses all never failed their God and father Jehovah. All the glory to to our great God Jehovah!!!

    • @RubenNurse
      @RubenNurse 3 роки тому +5

      Jesus Christ is God. The JWs religion is completely false. Please open up your eyes. I’m a Christian and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ✝️✝️🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️

    • @omarseneriz5577
      @omarseneriz5577 3 роки тому +6

      You are basically indicating that out of all Christianity, Only the is the only one that is equal to Jesus Apostles. Please tell us all where in the Bible does it say that. Oh you heard it from your Governing Body and that makes it right. The JW.Org is a Billion Dollar Publishing and Real Estate company. That I could guarantee you and they are very far from anything resembling a truth.

    • @RubenNurse
      @RubenNurse 3 роки тому +3

      @@omarseneriz5577 Your religion the JWs was founded by Charles Taze Russell. I’m very well informed on your religion which was founded in the 1800’s. Christianity was founded way over 2000 years ago. So don’t give me your bullshit. Just because you think it’s right, that doesn’t mean it’s right. Your Bible is corrupted. You guys depend on the “Watch Tower” or “Elders” to tell you what to do and you guys shun people if they don’t follow your beliefs. That does not sound right to me. Catholics is the TRUE religion not yours. You guys copied our Bible and corrupted it. Who on Earth let’s people die and does not allow them to receive blood ??? Do you actually think for 1 minute that our Heavenly Father would actually want his children not to receive a blood transfusion if they were dying ??? Not my God. My God would want you to save yourself. Also believing that Our Lord Jesus Christ died on an upright stake and not on a cross. News flash. Go to Jerusalem where Jesus is at and you will see for yourself. You guys are very twisted with your beliefs. Stop corrupting people to believe in your false teachings. And please stop corrupting the Bible and changing it’s verses. I pray you find the correct way. Look at all the Ex Jws who are now catholic and found the truth. ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @omarseneriz5577
      @omarseneriz5577 3 роки тому +1

      @@RubenNurse You are absolutely right. If you read what I wrote you will see that it was for the original JW that wrote the comment. I don’t agree with Watchtower’s rules and unscriptural laws.

    • @RubenNurse
      @RubenNurse 3 роки тому +2

      @@omarseneriz5577 I’m so sorry Omar. I didn’t mean any disrespect to you. I just really hate all the false teachings that JWs preach out here. I’m not a religious fanatic, but I know who my Lord and Savior Is. Many people like the JWs are twisted in their beliefs. I’m not saying they are bad people, they just are very lost in knowing the truth. And as a Christian I feel it’s my duty to lead my brothers and sisters in the right direction. Sorry for the confusion earlier 😁🙏✝️

  • @sandral438
    @sandral438 3 роки тому +6

    About time somebody got the true reason out.

  • @beautyRest1
    @beautyRest1 3 роки тому +8

    Have you heard how they lied, once again in Belgium courts? Shame on them how they twist their teaching when they are in the worldly courts! Oh, yes, the END IS JUST THE CORNER😂😢😅

    • @markusbrauns4274
      @markusbrauns4274 3 роки тому +3

      Perpetual liars especially the JW lawyers(liaryers)

  • @joshuaramirez5041
    @joshuaramirez5041 3 роки тому +8

    brothers and sisters the day is near!!!!🙂

    • @beautyRest1
      @beautyRest1 3 роки тому +7

      Joshua, how old are you? I have been hearing that the end is near 60 years now. “Millions now living will never die”. And “stay alive til 75” those were the slogans. They all dead now. That’s what happens when you listen to men and follow 8 old dudes in NY. Jesus said NOONE knows the time and hour and the governing body is saying basically :Jesus, you may not know, but we (GB) know!

    • @deksper
      @deksper 3 роки тому +3

      Yes. They're needing to install more exit doors in their 'quick builds' now :)

    • @Nica-Ra-Wata
      @Nica-Ra-Wata 3 роки тому

      Tetragrammaton is Egyptian meaning FOUR LETTERS of aton atum adam electron and the SUN or jehovah is the SUN...
      Israel is ISIS AMUNRA ELOHIM
      PARIS is para ISIS
      AMUNRA is amen
      Vitamin is vitality and AMUNRA
      Jacob saw god and named that place penial as in the penial gland or 3rd eye...DMT

    • @joshuaramirez5041
      @joshuaramirez5041 3 роки тому +1

      @@beautyRest1 i’m 16, 60 years wow that’s a long time but yk i’ve been hearing it for 14 years and in those 14 years i’m aware it’s near 1 step closer everyday, yk ima be honest and say this, when i was 14 i was brought into the adult film it was hard i was a little teen but jehovah gave me his help i begged him and he replied it’s amazing when you see his hand it changes your point of view in life, although there’s times when doubts are gonna come but that’s when those times that jehovah has helped his worshipers kick it they stabilize you. look why don’t you pray to jehovah and jusy talk to him and i promise you you’ll feel his holy spirt cuz i’m 1000% sure he’s real and the day is near!!!!!

    • @joshuaramirez5041
      @joshuaramirez5041 3 роки тому

      @@Nica-Ra-Wata yes jehovah is the “sun” to us human beings just like the sun is to the plants with out the sun the plants are dead no photosynthesis and us as human beings we need our “sun” which is jehovah god

  • @shemdickson7235
    @shemdickson7235 2 роки тому


  • @benjaminfalzon4622
    @benjaminfalzon4622 2 роки тому

    Knocking from door to door is just like using carrier pigeons to spread the message, considering the unlimited media outlets via satellite technology we have today.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d What the fuck has that got to do with what Benjamin says!??! You're quick to criticise others when they don't comment on the subject matter of this video, yet you come out with random nonsense like this. Hypocrite alert!

  • @vivaamexicoopinchesputos6719
    @vivaamexicoopinchesputos6719 3 роки тому +19

    Good news finally!!

  • @Pac-Man..
    @Pac-Man.. 3 роки тому +9

    Over 1000 Kingdom Halls sold off since 2004. Interesting that they show no signs of returning and one can only assume an ulterior motive here i.e. move everything online and further mass sell-off making millions of dollars to help offset and fund the multiple litigation cases against them and the general decline in donations. Time will tell!

    • @laymanphil8513
      @laymanphil8513 3 роки тому +3

      The end of Watchtower society is before us. The more time passes, the more absurd the date of 1914 will become.

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d Ahh my old friend Jeremiah with his "secret" UA-cam account (I'm guessing you've now made a friend and are using his account!). Unfortunately, this dimwit cannot disguise his pigeon English and 'copy and paste" cliches which he uses to compensate for his lack of rational discussion and inability to answer any of the embarrassing questions posed to him. And his tiny brain still can't digest the fact that it's "actions speak"! Hope all is well in Baltimore. Hugs and kisses from your favourite obsession! 😘

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d What "action" exactly do you perceive as demonstrating that I "definitely wanna be a Jehovah's Witness"?

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d More copy and paste, generic nonsense. Why not answer the question Jeremiah? I hate to embarrass you yet again but people reading this will be wondering how you can make such bold claims without any evidence. I appreciate being in a cult, you prefer to ignore evidence but when accusing others, you need to justify your baseless claims. So I ask you again, *What "action" exactly do you perceive as demonstrating that I "definitely wanna be a Jehovah's Witness"?*

    • @Pac-Man..
      @Pac-Man.. 2 роки тому

      @d Oh dear. You really do like to embarrass yourself don't you. You have the unfortunate characteristics of someone who is bitter and angry at the world, but who is too ill-educated to express himself properly. Perfect cult fodder. 😂😂🤣🤣

  • @kingofthedots3835
    @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому +13

    The one year anniversary 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    • @williamsawyer9894
      @williamsawyer9894 3 роки тому

      We appreciate the respite.

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little Give me your address ,and let me send you a couple of letters telling you how wrong your religion is ....and I can stop by every other month until your home ....Please don't hide !

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little Damien !.....You are not even supposed to be talking to me at all ....The Blundering Body made that rule ,and you disobeyed it ......What is wrong with you ?

  • @kimberking7686
    @kimberking7686 3 роки тому +10

    One can hope that they will never go back to door to door and get shut down. This cult is anything but loving.

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому

      You are showing to true fire of the truth ......

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +3

      Absolutely right. It is truly evil how they use fear and manipulation to keep their tight grip of control. They need that flow of money to keep streaming in! Only 2 things they care about: Money and power.

    • @gildagarbuttwyer4534
      @gildagarbuttwyer4534 3 роки тому

      No worries to the people who slander the witnesses for what you say they are . But what gives me comfort is that we will all find out if there right or if there wrong because if they are wrong scientists say the earth is in such a bad way with climate change and pandemic,and violence, that we’ve all shot it . But what if there right.

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому +2

      @@gildagarbuttwyer4534 there is no climate change .....watchtower follows the world like a lap dog !

    • @gildagarbuttwyer4534
      @gildagarbuttwyer4534 3 роки тому

      @@kingofthedots3835 hello , when I read your reply I didn’t understand what you meant,

  • @lloydgilpin8403
    @lloydgilpin8403 3 роки тому +6

    I remember when I was 18 and a jehovahs witness I was sleeping with a 32 year old woman and the elders of the congregation called me in to talk to me saying I need to apologize or they were going to have to disfellowship me. I told them I wasn't apologizing for something that felt good and I was going to do it again so go right ahead and disfellowship me.

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +3


    • @tobytaggert7369
      @tobytaggert7369 3 роки тому +2

      a HIT THE WALL 32 year old lady probably with children, when u r are 18 which is BASICALLY PROOF that u could not satisfy ur carnal sexual urges with someone YOUR AGE .............. NO girl your age WANTED YOU !
      But, OF COURSE, u are PROUD of yourself !
      Basically u are bragging about hitting a ONE DOLLAR lottery ! ! !

    • @dianasliva5697
      @dianasliva5697 3 роки тому +1

      sorry this wasn’t it😂, this is just embarrassing 😭. You risked it for a 32 year old. I cant imagine how Jehovah felt, one of his children leaving for some 32 year old women who could care less about u

    • @lloydgilpin8403
      @lloydgilpin8403 3 роки тому +1

      @@dianasliva5697 no I realized that jehovahs witness is a cult. I just love how they meaning the elders try to play God being their decision when someone has true repentance and is allowed to get reinstated. Put your trust in God no man. And they love to use you if you have money they would always have my dad and mom taking the Sunday guest speaker in his family out to dinner didn't see anyone else just my father but then my father hurt his back and couldn't go to the meetings the chairs at the kingdom hall made it worse. My mom told my dad they will come by and check on you to make sure you are ok. Nobody from the kingdom hall came to check on you but when you are giving them money left and right they will pretend to love you

    • @lloydgilpin8403
      @lloydgilpin8403 3 роки тому +1

      @@dianasliva5697 besides she saved my life at least it opened my eyes that is definitely a cult

  • @leadanon127
    @leadanon127 2 роки тому +1

    Most of Jehovah’s witnesses got baptized. I am not and not willing. There are more of us who do not want. Although Governing body leaves to everyone to decide according own conscience, some elders do pressure on brothers to do so. Also I am not close to some my friends any more. I am patient, since I know they will regret their decisions very soon. I hope their faith in God stays strong.

  • @anthonywade1849
    @anthonywade1849 3 роки тому

    No Religion.

  • @babyloniafallano7124
    @babyloniafallano7124 3 роки тому +1

    That is a very dangerous cult Please do some research on that religion

  • @jeffspagnuolo4382
    @jeffspagnuolo4382 3 роки тому

    Hi my name is George , Jeffery's only Brother. I have his Blessing to use his phone love G

  • @greggrimer1428
    @greggrimer1428 2 роки тому

    Shouldn't they trust in Jehovah?

  • @sheilamore3261
    @sheilamore3261 3 роки тому +7

    Jehovah makes the way to keep us going🥰

    • @krissykatportal
      @krissykatportal 3 роки тому +3

      That is a false religion. They have predicted the end of the world too many times and they protect pedophiles.

    • @kimberking7686
      @kimberking7686 3 роки тому +2

      So Jehovah will make this possible but where was he when my 18 month old sister died? When is Jehovah going to bring back the old light where shunning is un-biblical and pagan? Shunning destroys families and takes peoples lives. Thank goodness it’s now considered a hate crime in Belgium to shun people. Now all the rest of the countries need to get on board. Jehovah can step in for this one.

  • @gregbrown9476
    @gregbrown9476 3 роки тому +1

    Good, stay far away from me

  • @AnnA-ve7im
    @AnnA-ve7im 3 роки тому +12

    Thank god lol

  • @Syed_12
    @Syed_12 3 роки тому +1

    Islam The Beautiful Religion
    ( Be Just )
    Quran 5:8
    '' O you who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the > HATRED OF OTHERS TO YOU < make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that you do. ''
    Quran 4:58
    '' Indeed, God commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which God instructs you. Indeed, God is ever Hearing and Seeing.''
    ( God's The Rules Of War )
    Quran 2:190
    '' Fight in the way of God > THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU < but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors. ''
    Quran 2 :193
    '' And fight them on until there is no more oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. ''
    Quran 4:90
    ''.........So if they withdraw from you and cease their hostility and offer you peace, in that case Allah has not granted you permission to fight against them.''
    Quran 8:61
    ''And if they seek peace, then you also seek it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.''
    ( Stand Up For Justice )
    Quran 4 :135
    '' Ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against > YOURSELVES < or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.''
    ( Who Are The Good Human Beings? )
    Quran 2.177
    '' Righteousness is "NOT" that you turn your faces ( in worship ) toward the east or the west but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth,> IN SPITE OF LOVE FOR IT,< to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for > freeing slaves < [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. ''
    ( Freedom To Believe And To Reject )
    Quran 2:256
    '' Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error ''
    Quran 10:99
    '' And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed > all of them entirely < Then would you compel the people in order that they become believers? ''
    ( Tolerance For Other Religions )
    Quran 109: 1- 6
    Say,"O disbelievers,
    I do not worship what you worship.
    Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
    Nor will I be a worshiper of what you worship.
    Nor will you be worshipers of what I worship.
    For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
    ( Protection for Idol Worshiper )
    Quran 9:6
    "And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are people who do not know. "
    “Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in the most courteous way”
    Quran7:199 “Be tolerant....”
    ( Friendship With Non Muslims )
    Quran 60:8
    '' God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly. ''
    ( Do Christians And Jews and "OTHER" non-Muslims go to Heaven? )
    Quran 2:62
    '' Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,-> ANY { On Judgement Day }
    ( According to the Quran Christians and Jews worship TRUE God )
    (Quran 3:113-114)
    '' Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book ( Christians and Jews ) are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.''
    Note: According to the Quran that Jesus is not God nevertheless Christians still worship one '' TRUE '' God.
    ( > Allah < Is The Protector Of Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues And The Mosques )
    Quran 22:40
    [They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.
    ( Why Are There So Many Different Religions In The World ? )
    Quran 5 48
    ''...... If God wanted He could have made all of you a > single nation < But He willed otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you;(scriptures) therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately you all shall return to God; then He will show you the truth of those matters in which you > DISPUTE submission < to God), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (Salvation)''
    My explanation of above verse
    Islam mean > submission < to God
    ( The above verse saying is that God will not accept a religion from the > MUSLIM < and the Non-Muslims but total > submission < to God.)
    Question: How Can Muslim And the > Non-Muslim < > submit < to the God ?
    Answer: Be kind to other human beings and Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat, Do not hurt others, Do not be prideful and Do the charity work.
    ( God Allow Muslims To Marry And Eat Food From the Christian And Jew And Vice Versa )
    Quran 5;5
    ''This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture ( Christian and Jew) before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.''
    ( Kindness Toward Atheists / > APOSTATE < )
    Quran 60:8
    '' As for such [ of the unbelievers ( atheist) ] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, > Allah < does not forbid you to show them > kindness < and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, Allah loves those who act equitably. ''
    ( All The Terrorists / Killers Will Enter Hell Fire )
    Quran 5:32
    "......Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely......"
    ( Turned Your Enemies Into Your Awesome Friends )
    Quran 41:34
    "The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then lo! he, between whom and thee there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend."
    ( The Husband and The Wife Are > Protecting Friends < One Of Another )
    Quran 9:71
    ''And the believers, men and women, are > Protecting Friends < one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey God and His messenger. As for these, God will have mercy on them. Lo! God is Mighty, Wise.''
    “To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions.
    Quran 30:21
    “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you > affection and mercy { Love }
    The Prophet Muhammad said, “The best among you is the best to his wife”
    ( Human Are One Big family )
    Quran 49:13
    " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
    ( All The Racist People Will Enter Hellfire )
    Quran 30:22
    "And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge."
    My conclusion:
    The > BASIC < message of God to the human is that '' YOU '' believe in God and be kind to other human beings / > animals < and in the > RETURNED < God will > REWARD < you with a new life in Paradise.
    * The Quran ONLY guides you how to become a good human being " Nothing Else ".
    * You are a good human being or a bad human being that is YOUR choice.
    * No one can force you to become a good human being.
    * You MUST work HARD to become a good human being.
    * Why should '' YOU '' do good deeds and avoid bad deeds?
    * Do Good - it's for You. Do Bad - It's against you.
    * '' YOUR '' life is a TEST from God that you will choose to do either Good or Bad.
    * Find the excuse to help others and forgive others NOT the other way around.
    * '' YOUR '' final destination is either Hell or Heaven.
    * So work HARD toward choice of YOUR destination.
    Quran 17:7
    If you do good, you will do so for your own good. And if you do evil, it will be to your own loss.

    • @annabanks6727
      @annabanks6727 3 роки тому +3

      Islsm is a terrost organization is a false religion .

    • @Michael_Chater
      @Michael_Chater 3 роки тому +2

      Don’t make me scroll down that far again

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому

      Oh yes, remember 9 11.

    • @justinthyme3396
      @justinthyme3396 3 роки тому

      @Damien Little you are so right, I apologise for the post I was probably put off by the first person who commented. I do believe there's good and bad people in all religions, I'm sorry if I caused anyone to be offended. In fact I learnt that quite a few people of the Islamic faith lost their lives in the horror of 9/11 .please accept my apology.

  • @yezycherry2133
    @yezycherry2133 3 роки тому

    Nearly 250,000 this past year dedicated themselves to God, Praise be to Yahweh! 🥰

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 3 роки тому +1

      Actually they dedicated themselves to watchtower not jehovah.

    • @yezycherry2133
      @yezycherry2133 3 роки тому

      @@rickybobby9886 Nope, Dedicated to Jehovah.

    • @yezycherry2133
      @yezycherry2133 3 роки тому

      @Truth Shark Must be really triggered to write all that nonsense. 😂

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 3 роки тому +1

      @@yezycherry2133 nope, you worship watchtower. Jehovah doesn't want you to shun it's pagan. The elders are not the mediator, Jesus is. The elder/disfellowship arrangement is pagan.

    • @rickybobby9886
      @rickybobby9886 3 роки тому +1

      @@yezycherry2133 read your own literature. 1947 awake article entitled are you excomunicated?

  • @Nica-Ra-Wata
    @Nica-Ra-Wata 3 роки тому

    Tetragrammaton is Egyptian meaning FOUR LETTERS of aton atum adam electron and the SUN or jehovah is the SUN

  • @timmccabe9251
    @timmccabe9251 3 роки тому +1

    Acts 28:22 King James Bible
    But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 3 роки тому

      That's what watchtower likes ,because it has a persecution complex .....It keeps your feet locked in cement ....Flee from her sins !.....