I absolutely enjoyed your take on the build. I've been trying to work one out myself but it wasn't feeling quite right but i didn't want to give up on it. Your guide helped me a TON! thank you so much for the build information and advice.
Day 1 sentinel in global and i never looked back once. Been rejected from so many speed clear party boards bc of my class being off meta, so glad to see videos like this
Alrighty really eager to watch it ! I've been thinking about it more and I feel like using wand for big sleep with the Xbow AOE could do some big bombing in PvP as well as pve. I just dunno how good of a healer it is.@@grobs4678
You can't fathom how much you helped me! Finally found my main and I love being off-meta. The build is exactly what I was looking a melee blaster. Was sad not to find a type of weapon to do proper DoTs like a warlock or frost death knight. This for now seems the closest. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I was about to stop playing, i was a tank that then tried to play as GS/dagger but it was no fun, this build has me playing every day haha. PLease keep us updated if you change things around! Thank you.
This may be late, but I would love to see your suggestion of the Dagger + Greatsword build, as well the Xbow + Daggers or Bow & Staff build. I really love how you explain everything! Can't wait till you ever release a build guide for these wep combos
finally someone who goes over this. I have been playing this from the beginning and have to piece together my build from other people builds and find my own way to make it work. This is helping a lot
i would love to see your take on Longbow Dagger. Ive been contemplating what weapon I want to use with longbow. Been a longbow/wand, longbow/staff and getting bored of spamming longrange spells and not moving much. great video as always!
Love it. I've been using Sentinel and Paladin myself. I am a lot more focused on STR, 50. Using the Field General Body and Feet for the additional melee heavy chance.
I've been playing this setup for almost a month and I didn't really think much about the charged skills because you see big number, must be good, but today after watching the video I took at look at my setup, and tweked it to my preferences and indeed I got a significant boost to my clear on the single target dungeons, props for the build setup. While I prefer more of a bruiser with more HP (around 19k for PVP) this is still a very solid setup, thanks.
Got tired of playing tank on my alt and dropped the dungeon staff with heavy attack. Decided to transfer my sns into it and have been having so much fun. It is just a pve alt so meta means nothing to me and I am having so much fun with this combo. Just came by to check out what skills others are using and seeing that 42 second secret dungeon clip at the start has me excited. I only have a generic hybrid single/aoe spec skilled up right now but can't wait to play this combo more.
Thanks for great guide. Helped me understand a ton.. Question: You didnt show what skills to upgrade, and to what level. I just started this game yesterday, and there is so much to learn. Thanks again.
First of all thanks a lot for the guide, it was excactly what i was looking for. Now my point of view on charged skills at 7:02, they add 100% damage (Greatsword) and 120% (Staff) for just 1 extra second spent. Unless its a really weak undeveloped skill i think its worth the time and especially if you are going short on mana they can actually hugely increase the dps and give you some breath. On the other hand i havent done the math to back up my claims but every time i mash the buttons and dont hold/charge the skills i get massively disapointing numbers.
Ranger isn't that good for pve or pvp. I play but it is very niche. The dps is only good for burst dmg then you stuck on long cds with no systain. Sustain is pretty much everything in this game. Bow needs a sustain dps skill
Hello, i have been using your build for a while and it gave me the ideal gameplay i would expect for the sentinel: a melee class with a lot of spell. Thank you very much for your build, it is awesome. I was asking myselft if you are planning to do a PVP build for GVG aswell? I know it is not META a lot more of PVE, but i think i am missing something i could do more with my actual setup
So I'm using probably the least-played class; Disciple. It's been an interesting experience. There's very little information on this class except for a few videos here and there. I am curious on your thoughts, and if possible, a build guide on an Off-Tank or Sub-DPS. I play around Cleaving Roar + Spectrum of Agony(passive) with majority of Staff's Burn damage; produces high uptime on its Endurance debuff. Thunder's Blessing + Reflective Barrier + Counter Barrier is hilarious to watch. I also tried this in PvP, and it works surprisingly well, being able to fight at any range with lots of CC: hook, push(stun), petrify, bind, slows. I started the game as Crusader but I like off-meta. I do miss having GS's stun though. (Ice Tomb ain't that good in PvE) Thanks.
For PVE, I think Sentinel is fun and engaging. It has A LOT of answers for enemy/boss mechanics. DPS is great but not exactly god tier. It is very dependent on gear/weapons and requires a lot of investment for that god tier damage. Where it shines is that it has the ability to do a lot of damage throughout an entire boss fight and brings quite a few CC's... 1 big stun, 1 prone, a few slows/binds. Its great for farming too, quite a lot of powerful AOE abilities between GS/Staff skills. For PVP though... it doesn't have a lot of survivability. A lot of the survivability comes from skill specializations, there are no good base survivability skills. Even when you do spec into these survivability specializations, you compromise so much! For example, the game does give you a bubble that will deplete mana instead of HP... but fighting without mana is basically a death sentence! Inner Peace can be spec'ed for CC immunity and AOE damage, but then you're a sitting target for 6 seconds. You must use both Inner Peace and mana bubble at the same time to survive using either skills. Then you cannot use them together again for like 1 minute! In PVP, 1 minute is a like an eternity. And reallly.... other than stacking a butt load of evasion/damage reduction/endurance.... that's about all the survivabililty you get. This can also be problematic in farming Saurdoma Island and higher level open dungeons. You cannot really kite more than 1 enemy easily, it will require having to switch targets a lot and on console that's difficult.
So I use something very similar to this for mine however, instead of the ice shards I go with frost cleaning with the attack speed increase afterward. Definitely helps up until you get the gear for a tax speed and even more so once you have it. I can say I’ve never tried it with the ice shards so that might be better, but just throwing my idea out love the video seeing other sentinels
All of your vids are so good ! You making me want to try some off meta build but I don't think I got the knowledge for it. I do wonder how good would wand/Xbow be as dps or healer 🤔
Danke für deine ausführlichen Erklärungen, mit deiner Hilfe verstehe sogar ich alter Sack dieses Spiel immer besser! :) Wenn ich einen Wunsch frei hätte, dann würde ich mir wünschen du startest eine Serie in der einzelne Waffen wie z. B. die Dolche erklärt werden. Denn ich lese mir die Fähigkeiten Beschreibungen durch und verstehe teilweise gar nicht was da alles beschrieben wird und welche zusammenhänge entstehen können. Oder ein Video in dem Gift / Feuer / Sturm / Donner etc. erklärt wird, das würde mir unheimlich helfen :) VG
Could a Paladin build work with Greatsword/wand, where it focuses on using the Dots from wand along with the sword skills as a pure dps instead of the defensives and heals? Great videos btw! Your tank video helped out soo much!
If we are suppose to stack DEX, why wear the Sapphire Dimensional ring instead of the Amber variant? Wouldn't Amber be the better choice since it dumps into Dex with some strength?
greatsword/dagger: pretty sure... need to do more testing but I am almost 100% sure it will have more damage. XBow/dagger: Probably not in T1 gear... maybe in T2 gear... because generally XBow/Dagger T2 weapons are not so nice... but usually Xbow/Dagger is the king in PVE... but maybe ^^ I have to do more testing with this build :)
What was the gear you were wearing in the clip for the 42 second gate? was that the gear you showed you currently have with little traits? or did you do that on a more geared character
as a gs/dagger and staff/dagger user I did not even think about the charge times actually ruining dps but now it makes so much sense. yeah im hitting 17k guillotine blades but it doesn't matter when karnix teleports to the other side of the arena or other bosses just walk away or cc me out of it. often making me miss the window for the extra damage via shock and ruin my rotation because now im running after the boss try to charge a big hit on it. definitely can't wait to go home and try this build, was one of the first builds i tried at level 20 and it just didn't feel good so i dropped it and saw a tier list saying it was bad. never thought to turn it into a machine gun with attackspeed with a focus on heavy attack.
I recently made a build very different from this as a sentinel and still utilizes up to 510 hvy at and 471 skill dmg boost with maxed epics. Rotation/Skills: - High Focus (Base Dmg) - Davinci's Courage (Added Self Heal) - Focused Fire Bombs (Focused/Mobility/AoE) - Chain Thunder (Thunder/Transfer) - Inferno (x2 proc chance/Burning/CDR) - Fireball Barrage (Extend fireballs/CDR) - Precision Dash (Extend hvy atk chance) - Frost Cleaving (Frost/Atk Speed/Crit) - Stunning Blow (Dmg Up) - Death Blow - Guillotine (Charge/AoE) - Chain Thunder - Focused Fire Bombs - Inferno (x2 if proc) - Precision Dash - Death Blow - Cruel Smite (Smite) - Chain Thunder That's the whole rotation and you can simply do it on a loop. Fireball Barrage with the CDR re-aligns with the GS burst window perfectly in this rotation :D Chain Thunder and Cruel Smite are your filler attacks, and Precision Dash can be swapped for Judgement Lightning, but the hvy atk chance it generates is ridiculous and lasts for 5 seconds with minimal buff duration traiting.
@RainorShineMotivation yeah.. for some reason I read over the skill description in game after using it for some time. I found out yesterday. But i do appreciate the comment, thanks and happy hunting
This looks like a lot of fun! For something like soloing Abyssal dungeons, how is the sustain? I see you getting health back but I'm not sure what ability is providing that heal. Thanks so much for making this video!
Challenge: frost master sentinel. as of right now the different skills that apply frost seem to not allow for overlap between gs and staff. could you validate that?
I saw a lot of GS/XBow and it seems also really strong. But I have never played it myself. So its really hard for me to tell. Both will be fine. XBow is for sure more meta.
@@grobs4678 Nice, so ill get base skills purple and somehow loot that frickin rex xbow to finally be at the same progression or close to dps players XD.What's nice is that staff can act on that frozen bound effect.
Serial Firebombs is Faster to shoot yes, but Focused Fire Bombs turns it into a massive AOE with a lot of Splash damage, easily tripling the amount of damage what the Serial one would do, serial is 10x Better in PvP because of the Mobility and no Charge time. For Comparison : A Fully Charged Focused Firebomb can do up to 12k damage on my Character, the serial firebombs combined only do 3,7k Also, yes attack speed is also important, but getting that heavy attack chance up is like S-Tier important with that class, especially once u go into the PvP direction, so neitherless its good to have it straightaway, since that class will be played with Endurance and not Evasion later on, u need long endurance time to charge your big impacting attacks. Staff/GS is so easy if not one of the easiest classes in PVE if well combined, theres totally no need to keep PvE and PvP content apart for now until T3 Gear, u can simply go for your PVP setup from the start, and still be one of the top 2 DD's in your dungeon.
with this built you have so many abilities to use. the time you charge up the skill you already used 3-4 more skills. and shooting the 3 fireballs with so much attackspeed goes so fast like is an instant skill. Big numbers look nice but they dont give you DPS. In PVE its just about damage per second. But additionally there are 2 other problems with the upgrade: 1st you dont get instantly you 10 fire stacks. probably have to play with meteor? meteor again terrible DPS. damage is ok but cooldown way too long. 2nd you have to cancel the skill sometimes and when this happens then of course DPS drops even more We really need a DPS meter in the game... But yeah I like the spells also but there is just not good PVE. It just PVP upgrades :S
@@grobs4678 basically, 500 damage every 1 second is better than 3000 damage every 5 seconds. even though the 3000 is more in the same amount of time, it becomes a time to kill question. if the enemy has 1900 HP, which one kills it faster? 500 damage every 1 second will kill it in 4 seconds, while 3000 will kill it in 5. in this case it's even more so because the time it takes to cast 3000 damage, you can do 2-3 other skills that equal the 3000 damage and more. not to mention boss could move, you could get stunned, pulled or otherwise cc'd out of your cast time. which as a staff/dagger user, it happens to me ALL THE TIME.
@grobs4678 I currently have that in place of the mana regen per hit passive. But right now my buld has those charges on the firebox and the two greatsword abilities. Might change that with the info here.
Werde mal deine Skill-Kombi testen, da ich GS/Staff als Farm/DD-Variante für meinen Tank nutze, der ansonsten als SnS/Staff unterwegs ist. Da ich deswegen eher Heavy Gear habe und eher auf Stärke gehe als Geschicklichkeit, werde ich auch nie an den Schaden rankommen, aber eventuell wird mir der Build helfen das Farmen etwas erleichtern.
i think the 4 set bonus shadow harvest is better than 2/2 phantom/harvest cause u get 10% attackspeed which is beneficial for all ur skill gs and staff but the bonus dmg is only good for all the staff skills i got alrdy lvl 9 plate of feldgeneral should i focus on getting this setbonus ? but stacking to much heavy is deminishing the return ( 500 heavy = 33% chance and 1000 heavy= 50% chance ) and isnt it better to use staff on mainhand cause it gives u 8% cdr because of mastery ?
the problem is you cant change the gloves because you need the attackspeed from the gloves. you could do chest and boots in addition. so boots are super hard to get and chest has no good stats for PVE. yes you can do it but I think the attackspeed in my build is enough. maybe if you a couple of deadly markers in your team having more attackspeed is better but in general I wouldnt recommend 4 peace. for my build only melee heavy attack is for sure not worth it. If it would be general heavy attack its almost always good to take it but only melee heavy attack is not good enough. so dont go general if you want to play this build
@@grobs4678 yes only melee heavy is not good cause it focus to much on gs skills and on the other side bonus dmg is not good cause it focus to much on the staff skills which hit alot but to be fair not as much as xbow so i think we can keep the gloves for the attackspeed + 2 set shadow harvest and the rest maybe strong stat armour or another 2 set bonus like the cdr one but ye this is minmax talking XD
@@myrkshideouts6020 true that. But I was also testing different foods for the build and I noticed the biggest damage increase against the screct dungeon bosses with "bonus damage" food ^^ the good thing about the 2 peace is also its just fits stat wise really good
100% disagree on the charged skills thing. Losing 1 sec (even less with attack speed) to get double damage from your hardest hitting skills is in no way a DPS loss. Especially right now where most people have outgeared the PVE content and bosses are getting nuked out of existence but even after that.
either you go 50 strength or you dont go strength at all in PVE. we have so much heavy attack chance -> diminishing returns...not worth it I think for me i go heavy into Dex. this is the first prio. just because of attackspeed. but this results in a lot of Crit Chance which is 2nd prio. If you crit you are utilizing your max damage. how do you get the most max damage? through Dex and wisdom :) thats why we going for wisdom over strength.
Looking for Staff/Wand DPS build, healing skill 2 (singel target and fountain) the heal only for self or emerency tank heal. (if possible without curses)
I main gs and staff. The staff spells are too weak with long cooldowns. I just run fire bomb and blast for dots and heavy hit passive. I stay stationary and with the dash I also gain 100+ more heavy hit and it also doesn’t disable my stationary passive. One charged guillotine does 44k heavy. I’m 2600 cp and my weapon isn’t even lvl 9 or max traited. I focus more on the GS for dmg just because it’s doing way more than any other weapon.
this will change as you level up. I main GS/Staff with a little variance from this build. Its extremely strong in PVE ! PvP not so sure as i predominately play PVE. If you after a very solid PVE damage dealer to put all other classes to shame, this is the class to use. Rememeber its PVE and the skills/synergy chosen is to suit PvE which many commenters seem to miss...
definitely not how you optimize your dmg for GS/Staff in the slightest, looks fun but is highly ineffective missing out on guillotine doing upwards of 140k instead its hitting like a wet noodle in this build for 5-10k. Yes gs/staff can be amazing if you build around the right things mainly Guillotine I do think your take is interesting though
@@rizzlybear204 clearly you haven't seen a properly hit guillotine charge where deathblow hits around 70-80k best-case and guillotine hits literally 70.1k x2 heavy attack so yes 140k+ at around 3.1k gearscore already (let alone when we hit tier 2 gear) its preference of course in playstyle but its really not hard to hit insane numbers on guillotine
@@snowflakeblanket2924 How is it possible to hit 70k? I have 3000 CP and my Guilllotine (as GS/Dagger) hits for 21k without buffs from other players. Fully buffed with stellarite, maaaybe I could hit 40k. What am I missing?
hast du dir das selber ausgedacht oder von jemaden inspirieren lassen und denkst du das wird viral gehen in der community weil davon habe ich noch nie was gehört aber es scheint stärker als mein semi endgame 2900 gs gs/xbow zu sein und ich bin an sich immer rang 1 in infinity + skillboost traits + 3/3/3 weapon traits XDD aber du bist mit dem low budget build einfach mal 20-40 sekunden schneller als ich ja moiiiin
ja selber ausgedacht ^^ also wenn ich 20-40 sekunden schneller bin bist du über einer minute? dann ist dein gear nicht richtig ausgewählt oder du benutzt nicht die richtigen skills. du solltest locker unter eine minute in den meisten secret dungeons kommen :S ja ich werde auf jeden fall noch ein update machen in der zukunft :)
@@grobs4678 wie gesagt bin imer rank 1 habe full gear bis waffen sogar mit 3/3/3 traits lvl 11 mastery , maxed out guillotine , all epic skills , und behersche meine rota an sich sehr gut
@@myrkshideouts6020 würde mich sehr wundern wenn die combo so viel schlechter ist ... aber hab es leider noch nicht selber gespielt daher kann ich nicht so viel dazu sagen S:
I absolutely enjoyed your take on the build. I've been trying to work one out myself but it wasn't feeling quite right but i didn't want to give up on it. Your guide helped me a TON! thank you so much for the build information and advice.
I've been playing Sentinel since launch and it is a great class. I'm never changing.
Day 1 sentinel in global and i never looked back once. Been rejected from so many speed clear party boards bc of my class being off meta, so glad to see videos like this
You really impressed me. Very well tought and well explained build. You've won a new subscriber
nice :)
Im a SNS/GS player but now you gave me real interest in adding staff as a possible choice in my build once i have the resources
nice :)
Alrighty really eager to watch it ! I've been thinking about it more and I feel like using wand for big sleep with the Xbow AOE could do some big bombing in PvP as well as pve. I just dunno how good of a healer it is.@@grobs4678
You can't fathom how much you helped me! Finally found my main and I love being off-meta. The build is exactly what I was looking a melee blaster. Was sad not to find a type of weapon to do proper DoTs like a warlock or frost death knight. This for now seems the closest. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
OFFMETA is the way, Great Job men
yes :) and thx :)
love your out of the box builds... building it as i type....keep em coming! Been using your wand/bow pve heal build since i started.
Really excited and eagerly waiting for the PvP build.
I was about to stop playing, i was a tank that then tried to play as GS/dagger but it was no fun, this build has me playing every day haha. PLease keep us updated if you change things around! Thank you.
will do
This may be late, but I would love to see your suggestion of the Dagger + Greatsword build, as well the Xbow + Daggers or Bow & Staff build. I really love how you explain everything! Can't wait till you ever release a build guide for these wep combos
this video has become my bible thank you for making the class as I imagined how I want it to play great video
finally someone who goes over this. I have been playing this from the beginning and have to piece together my build from other people builds and find my own way to make it work. This is helping a lot
i would love to see your take on Longbow Dagger. Ive been contemplating what weapon I want to use with longbow. Been a longbow/wand, longbow/staff and getting bored of spamming longrange spells and not moving much. great video as always!
i play gs/dagger with my gears i only swapped on tublek staff and went on a total new level in pve. love the build
great, looking forward for more content with staff GS
yeah as soon as we have battlegrounds I will test it out more in PVP :)
My man, could you please make more videos on the Sentinel class? Especially a more PvP focussed build would be dooope.
Actually I am swapping currently completely from SNS/GS to the Sentinel :) So you expect more content for it in the future :)
@ Awesome, nice to hear! but same here. I recently ditched my SnS and switched to Sentinel. It‘s so much more fun tbh.
Followed your build and love it definitely recommend damage is crazy idk how this is considered off meta so fun
Love it. I've been using Sentinel and Paladin myself.
I am a lot more focused on STR, 50. Using the Field General Body and Feet for the additional melee heavy chance.
I thought about that but I think attack speed is too important in the build... but I think your build will be way better in PVP :)
@grobs4678 currently 50 STR / 50 DEX! Unsure what my H attack is. It's high. Honestly the build is great, MP a big issue but Imner Peace solves that.
@@bryanmackay8732 yeah maybe if you are complete BIS you dont need inner peace anymore but till then its for sure a must have
I definitely enjoyed your build. Please feature a build on xbow/wand, another off meta build.
Is fun for sure. Hope you keep it updated Grobs! +1
yes for sure :)
Wow this looks fun I'm run this for my alt. I sub also love the off meta builds videos
Shifting from sns to this great guide
Great video. You could try a Fury build (Crossbow/Wand). Thnx!
I've been playing this setup for almost a month and I didn't really think much about the charged skills because you see big number, must be good, but today after watching the video I took at look at my setup, and tweked it to my preferences and indeed I got a significant boost to my clear on the single target dungeons, props for the build setup. While I prefer more of a bruiser with more HP (around 19k for PVP) this is still a very solid setup, thanks.
I like off-meta builds. They prove you can be effective & have fun without being a lemming.
yes :)
Got tired of playing tank on my alt and dropped the dungeon staff with heavy attack. Decided to transfer my sns into it and have been having so much fun. It is just a pve alt so meta means nothing to me and I am having so much fun with this combo. Just came by to check out what skills others are using and seeing that 42 second secret dungeon clip at the start has me excited. I only have a generic hybrid single/aoe spec skilled up right now but can't wait to play this combo more.
This build is insane!
thats what I thought :D
Thanks for great guide. Helped me understand a ton.. Question: You didnt show what skills to upgrade, and to what level. I just started this game yesterday, and there is so much to learn. Thanks again.
just make all epic1 one. focus on whatever you like :)
First of all thanks a lot for the guide, it was excactly what i was looking for. Now my point of view on charged skills at 7:02, they add 100% damage (Greatsword) and 120% (Staff) for just 1 extra second spent. Unless its a really weak undeveloped skill i think its worth the time and especially if you are going short on mana they can actually hugely increase the dps and give you some breath. On the other hand i havent done the math to back up my claims but every time i mash the buttons and dont hold/charge the skills i get massively disapointing numbers.
I answered that a couple of times in the comments. I know people like it ^^ I think its not worth it
Thank you for this video it was very helpful
I picked up the Karnix Bow and main SnS/GS. Would be cool to see a Ranger build that works well in PvE and even PvP situations.
Cool stuff!
Ranger isn't that good for pve or pvp. I play but it is very niche. The dps is only good for burst dmg then you stuck on long cds with no systain. Sustain is pretty much everything in this game. Bow needs a sustain dps skill
Hello, i have been using your build for a while and it gave me the ideal gameplay i would expect for the sentinel: a melee class with a lot of spell. Thank you very much for your build, it is awesome. I was asking myselft if you are planning to do a PVP build for GVG aswell? I know it is not META a lot more of PVE, but i think i am missing something i could do more with my actual setup
Great guide, can you also do some for pvp buddy?
it looks so fun :) i am gonna test it
Dark Blighter is my go to
Thanks dude
So I'm using probably the least-played class; Disciple. It's been an interesting experience. There's very little information on this class except for a few videos here and there. I am curious on your thoughts, and if possible, a build guide on an Off-Tank or Sub-DPS.
I play around Cleaving Roar + Spectrum of Agony(passive) with majority of Staff's Burn damage; produces high uptime on its Endurance debuff. Thunder's Blessing + Reflective Barrier + Counter Barrier is hilarious to watch.
I also tried this in PvP, and it works surprisingly well, being able to fight at any range with lots of CC: hook, push(stun), petrify, bind, slows.
I started the game as Crusader but I like off-meta. I do miss having GS's stun though. (Ice Tomb ain't that good in PvE)
For PVE, I think Sentinel is fun and engaging. It has A LOT of answers for enemy/boss mechanics. DPS is great but not exactly god tier. It is very dependent on gear/weapons and requires a lot of investment for that god tier damage. Where it shines is that it has the ability to do a lot of damage throughout an entire boss fight and brings quite a few CC's... 1 big stun, 1 prone, a few slows/binds. Its great for farming too, quite a lot of powerful AOE abilities between GS/Staff skills.
For PVP though... it doesn't have a lot of survivability. A lot of the survivability comes from skill specializations, there are no good base survivability skills. Even when you do spec into these survivability specializations, you compromise so much! For example, the game does give you a bubble that will deplete mana instead of HP... but fighting without mana is basically a death sentence! Inner Peace can be spec'ed for CC immunity and AOE damage, but then you're a sitting target for 6 seconds. You must use both Inner Peace and mana bubble at the same time to survive using either skills. Then you cannot use them together again for like 1 minute! In PVP, 1 minute is a like an eternity.
And reallly.... other than stacking a butt load of evasion/damage reduction/endurance.... that's about all the survivabililty you get. This can also be problematic in farming Saurdoma Island and higher level open dungeons. You cannot really kite more than 1 enemy easily, it will require having to switch targets a lot and on console that's difficult.
So I use something very similar to this for mine however, instead of the ice shards I go with frost cleaning with the attack speed increase afterward. Definitely helps up until you get the gear for a tax speed and even more so once you have it. I can say I’ve never tried it with the ice shards so that might be better, but just throwing my idea out love the video seeing other sentinels
thank you bro ♥
I assume someone already commented, but can we get a pvp build aswell? Great video btw, Sentinel is so fun
yes you will get an updated pvp guide around 2-3 weeks. currently swapping completely to the class :) but you have to a little :S
All of your vids are so good ! You making me want to try some off meta build but I don't think I got the knowledge for it. I do wonder how good would wand/Xbow be as dps or healer 🤔
thanks mate :) good question ... I will doe a healer comparison video in the next weeks. the video will take some time but there I will test it :)
Danke für deine ausführlichen Erklärungen, mit deiner Hilfe verstehe sogar ich alter Sack dieses Spiel immer besser! :) Wenn ich einen Wunsch frei hätte, dann würde ich mir wünschen du startest eine Serie in der einzelne Waffen wie z. B. die Dolche erklärt werden. Denn ich lese mir die Fähigkeiten Beschreibungen durch und verstehe teilweise gar nicht was da alles beschrieben wird und welche zusammenhänge entstehen können. Oder ein Video in dem Gift / Feuer / Sturm / Donner etc. erklärt wird, das würde mir unheimlich helfen :) VG
✋ Sentinal here. I started with this build because it looked like fun. Can confirm its not great at any one thing, but fun to play pve
nice :)
Another question for ya.. Do you play with staff or sword as main weapon, or do you switch back and forth?
I didnt do here in the video all the time but try to stay on your staff
Could a Paladin build work with Greatsword/wand, where it focuses on using the Dots from wand along with the sword skills as a pure dps instead of the defensives and heals? Great videos btw! Your tank video helped out soo much!
I run Paladin for my solo / aoe farm build. Also use it when I have questionable healers. Works well, great self sustain and decent heals/ buffs.
can it work? Yes. will it have competitive damage? No ^^
im switching from Sns Gs to GS Staff. Thank you.
Excellent video, how efficient would it be in massive wars and how would you use the build?
If we are suppose to stack DEX, why wear the Sapphire Dimensional ring instead of the Amber variant? Wouldn't Amber be the better choice since it dumps into Dex with some strength?
Would you say this build has even more damage than the greatsword and daggers? And what about the crossbow and daggers?
greatsword/dagger: pretty sure... need to do more testing but I am almost 100% sure it will have more damage.
XBow/dagger: Probably not in T1 gear... maybe in T2 gear... because generally XBow/Dagger T2 weapons are not so nice... but usually Xbow/Dagger is the king in PVE... but maybe ^^ I have to do more testing with this build :)
@@grobs4678 i heard a streamer say top 2 dps is xbow/dagger and xbow/bow, this is better than xbow/bow?
@@Tom67Slick xbow/bow is better in dungeons for sure. just because of deadly marker ^^ deadly marker just too good^^
waiting for SNS/GS dps built :)
What do you think about the Icebound Tomb + Judgment Lightning + frost specialised Gaia Crush combo? I've been enjoying it a lot recently.
a lot of frost and ice :) I like it but for pure DPS in PVE there are better things... but I think could be nice for a PVP build :)
What was the gear you were wearing in the clip for the 42 second gate? was that the gear you showed you currently have with little traits? or did you do that on a more geared character
I showed the gear ^^
as a gs/dagger and staff/dagger user I did not even think about the charge times actually ruining dps but now it makes so much sense. yeah im hitting 17k guillotine blades but it doesn't matter when karnix teleports to the other side of the arena or other bosses just walk away or cc me out of it. often making me miss the window for the extra damage via shock and ruin my rotation because now im running after the boss try to charge a big hit on it.
definitely can't wait to go home and try this build, was one of the first builds i tried at level 20 and it just didn't feel good so i dropped it and saw a tier list saying it was bad. never thought to turn it into a machine gun with attackspeed with a focus on heavy attack.
I recently made a build very different from this as a sentinel and still utilizes up to 510 hvy at and 471 skill dmg boost with maxed epics.
- High Focus (Base Dmg)
- Davinci's Courage (Added Self Heal)
- Focused Fire Bombs (Focused/Mobility/AoE)
- Chain Thunder (Thunder/Transfer)
- Inferno (x2 proc chance/Burning/CDR)
- Fireball Barrage (Extend fireballs/CDR)
- Precision Dash (Extend hvy atk chance)
- Frost Cleaving (Frost/Atk Speed/Crit)
- Stunning Blow (Dmg Up)
- Death Blow
- Guillotine (Charge/AoE)
- Chain Thunder
- Focused Fire Bombs
- Inferno (x2 if proc)
- Precision Dash
- Death Blow
- Cruel Smite (Smite)
- Chain Thunder
That's the whole rotation and you can simply do it on a loop. Fireball Barrage with the CDR re-aligns with the GS burst window perfectly in this rotation :D
Chain Thunder and Cruel Smite are your filler attacks, and Precision Dash can be swapped for Judgement Lightning, but the hvy atk chance it generates is ridiculous and lasts for 5 seconds with minimal buff duration traiting.
I might have missed this in the vid but you mentioned that instead of stun you shock them since bosses are immune to stun. how to shock...
Stunning blow stuns targets but shocks them if they cant be stunned like bosses
@RainorShineMotivation yeah.. for some reason I read over the skill description in game after using it for some time. I found out yesterday. But i do appreciate the comment, thanks and happy hunting
This looks like a lot of fun! For something like soloing Abyssal dungeons, how is the sustain? I see you getting health back but I'm not sure what ability is providing that heal. Thanks so much for making this video!
yeah its really a lot of fun :D its the passive called "victors morale". Its gives you on each hit mana and life back
@@grobs4678 Oh that's amazing, thanks so much! I'm definitely going to give this build a try.
@@N3gated nice :)
will there be update guides to the big balance changes for Bow/Wand?
of course. but they are not live on global. thats just in Korea. Dont get confused here. Our patch had no weapon balance changes ;)
@ nice :) but how I know AGS we will get those changes aswell, even though it’s balanced for a whole different state of the game.
Challenge: frost master sentinel. as of right now the different skills that apply frost seem to not allow for overlap between gs and staff. could you validate that?
how much heavy attack chance do you have
What about gs and xbow how does it compare? Im looking for a third weapon, gs sns is so hard to even beat 3minjte at secret boss
I saw a lot of GS/XBow and it seems also really strong. But I have never played it myself. So its really hard for me to tell. Both will be fine. XBow is for sure more meta.
@@grobs4678 Nice, so ill get base skills purple and somehow loot that frickin rex xbow to finally be at the same progression or close to dps players XD.What's nice is that staff can act on that frozen bound effect.
@@emeukal7683 sometimes it just feels good to deal some damage :D have fuN!
This build is much more fun than bow/xbow
I'd love to see if you can make SnS + Bow viable, i tried it, it was just too clunky and didn't mesh well.
Is staff daggers good still? Any advice on it?
What if I already did both my mastery at the bottom? 😢
just change it :D costs you just a bit of sollant ;)
Hi do you have a darkblighter build? Im having trouble with gearing.
sadly not :S
What’s the current epic gear you would get for each piece?
there is a link to questlog
How is the class for large scale pvp? ive been thinking of swaping from GS/dagger to GS/staff.
its bad. video is pve bait.
Sr can you make a build with blue gear for newbie like me pls
Serial Firebombs is Faster to shoot yes, but Focused Fire Bombs turns it into a massive AOE with a lot of Splash damage, easily tripling the amount of damage what the Serial one would do, serial is 10x Better in PvP because of the Mobility and no Charge time. For Comparison : A Fully Charged Focused Firebomb can do up to 12k damage on my Character, the serial firebombs combined only do 3,7k
Also, yes attack speed is also important, but getting that heavy attack chance up is like S-Tier important with that class, especially once u go into the PvP direction, so neitherless its good to have it straightaway, since that class will be played with Endurance and not Evasion later on, u need long endurance time to charge your big impacting attacks.
Staff/GS is so easy if not one of the easiest classes in PVE if well combined, theres totally no need to keep PvE and PvP content apart for now until T3 Gear, u can simply go for your PVP setup from the start, and still be one of the top 2 DD's in your dungeon.
with this built you have so many abilities to use. the time you charge up the skill you already used 3-4 more skills. and shooting the 3 fireballs with so much attackspeed goes so fast like is an instant skill. Big numbers look nice but they dont give you DPS. In PVE its just about damage per second. But additionally there are 2 other problems with the upgrade:
1st you dont get instantly you 10 fire stacks. probably have to play with meteor? meteor again terrible DPS. damage is ok but cooldown way too long.
2nd you have to cancel the skill sometimes and when this happens then of course DPS drops even more
We really need a DPS meter in the game... But yeah I like the spells also but there is just not good PVE. It just PVP upgrades :S
@@grobs4678 basically, 500 damage every 1 second is better than 3000 damage every 5 seconds. even though the 3000 is more in the same amount of time, it becomes a time to kill question.
if the enemy has 1900 HP, which one kills it faster?
500 damage every 1 second will kill it in 4 seconds, while 3000 will kill it in 5.
in this case it's even more so because the time it takes to cast 3000 damage, you can do 2-3 other skills that equal the 3000 damage and more. not to mention boss could move, you could get stunned, pulled or otherwise cc'd out of your cast time. which as a staff/dagger user, it happens to me ALL THE TIME.
Nice we have a similar set up. Im suprised you didnt bring the constitution passive for hp boost to tie it with vital focus.
I thought about it but its just 6 skill damage boost ^^ thats not worth it for PVP I think.. what would you change for it?
@grobs4678 I currently have that in place of the mana regen per hit passive. But right now my buld has those charges on the firebox and the two greatsword abilities. Might change that with the info here.
@@botdog78 have fun testing it :)
@grobs4678 thanks for the vid btw. Builds for sential pve are hard to come by
@@botdog78 haha thats true :D
With this build is it mandatory to have the staff as the main weapon? Or can I use the greatsword
really doesnt matter
Werde mal deine Skill-Kombi testen, da ich GS/Staff als Farm/DD-Variante für meinen Tank nutze, der ansonsten als SnS/Staff unterwegs ist. Da ich deswegen eher Heavy Gear habe und eher auf Stärke gehe als Geschicklichkeit, werde ich auch nie an den Schaden rankommen, aber eventuell wird mir der Build helfen das Farmen etwas erleichtern.
i think the 4 set bonus shadow harvest is better than 2/2 phantom/harvest cause u get 10% attackspeed which is beneficial for all ur skill gs and staff but the bonus dmg is only good for all the staff skills i got alrdy lvl 9 plate of feldgeneral should i focus on getting this setbonus ? but stacking to much heavy is deminishing the return ( 500 heavy = 33% chance and 1000 heavy= 50% chance ) and isnt it better to use staff on mainhand cause it gives u 8% cdr because of mastery ?
the problem is you cant change the gloves because you need the attackspeed from the gloves. you could do chest and boots in addition. so boots are super hard to get and chest has no good stats for PVE. yes you can do it but I think the attackspeed in my build is enough. maybe if you a couple of deadly markers in your team having more attackspeed is better but in general I wouldnt recommend 4 peace. for my build only melee heavy attack is for sure not worth it. If it would be general heavy attack its almost always good to take it but only melee heavy attack is not good enough. so dont go general if you want to play this build
@@grobs4678 yes only melee heavy is not good cause it focus to much on gs skills and on the other side bonus dmg is not good cause it focus to much on the staff skills which hit alot but to be fair not as much as xbow so i think we can keep the gloves for the attackspeed + 2 set shadow harvest and the rest maybe strong stat armour or another 2 set bonus like the cdr one but ye this is minmax talking XD
@@myrkshideouts6020 true that. But I was also testing different foods for the build and I noticed the biggest damage increase against the screct dungeon bosses with "bonus damage" food ^^ the good thing about the 2 peace is also its just fits stat wise really good
Any updates for the build?
not yet
The berserker aka SNS - daggers or paladin GS - wand
100% disagree on the charged skills thing. Losing 1 sec (even less with attack speed) to get double damage from your hardest hitting skills is in no way a DPS loss. Especially right now where most people have outgeared the PVE content and bosses are getting nuked out of existence but even after that.
I hit 52k X2 i think this isnt a dps drop 😂
You can do one guide for Outrider?? GS/XBOW
Why Not going for str and dex tho? All Builds i found are str dex. Id love to use ur build but i just want to know why Not doing str dex Build
either you go 50 strength or you dont go strength at all in PVE. we have so much heavy attack chance -> diminishing returns...not worth it I think
for me i go heavy into Dex. this is the first prio. just because of attackspeed. but this results in a lot of Crit Chance which is 2nd prio. If you crit you are utilizing your max damage. how do you get the most max damage? through Dex and wisdom :) thats why we going for wisdom over strength.
I love this build too, i dont understand why it's considered off-meta
im runnin a similar build but going 50str for double chance and 50dex 40wis and rest in perception. works well too for me =)
so geil wie ich englisch immer besser versthe wenn ein deutscher es spricht. ^^ danke für das video!
is this good for pvp also?
More or less sale build for me
I have a reroll I never play it again anymore ! I am really enjoying sentinel
Looking for Staff/Wand DPS build, healing skill 2 (singel target and fountain) the heal only for self or emerency tank heal. (if possible without curses)
Check out hacktheminoraur for that
Please do great sword in crossbow
Ok Single target seem really good but what about farming?
also really good. you can just use the dungeon build for that. Staff has one of the best AOE damage :)
needs an update now with the new stat etc
Outrider (GSXbow) sounds hella stupid but hella fun
i played it, it was stupid fun
I play gs Wand it’s fun with good Dps I’ve also tried wand crossbow & Gs Bow
sounds also interesting :D
I main gs and staff. The staff spells are too weak with long cooldowns. I just run fire bomb and blast for dots and heavy hit passive. I stay stationary and with the dash I also gain 100+ more heavy hit and it also doesn’t disable my stationary passive. One charged guillotine does 44k heavy. I’m 2600 cp and my weapon isn’t even lvl 9 or max traited. I focus more on the GS for dmg just because it’s doing way more than any other weapon.
this will change as you level up. I main GS/Staff with a little variance from this build. Its extremely strong in PVE ! PvP not so sure as i predominately play PVE. If you after a very solid PVE damage dealer to put all other classes to shame, this is the class to use. Rememeber its PVE and the skills/synergy chosen is to suit PvE which many commenters seem to miss...
Bro telling people not to use guillatine ability… my guiillatine does 30k crit if I heavy that that is 60k… interesting build tho
On gs staff? I doubt it
@ whats your discord? Ill send you one where i did 42k x2 = 84k damage guillatine
Pvp build pls!!
definitely not how you optimize your dmg for GS/Staff in the slightest, looks fun but is highly ineffective missing out on guillotine doing upwards of 140k instead its hitting like a wet noodle in this build for 5-10k. Yes gs/staff can be amazing if you build around the right things mainly Guillotine
I do think your take is interesting though
yeah I have my opinion on the chargeable skills and I said it in the video :S
140k? Remove that zero lmao. Guillottine charged is just too slow for this build. it-s only good in pvp when enemy is stunned or GS Dagger player
@@grobs4678 as i said its a very interesting take definetly opens up more different playstyles for it
@@rizzlybear204 clearly you haven't seen a properly hit guillotine charge where deathblow hits around 70-80k best-case and guillotine hits literally 70.1k x2 heavy attack so yes 140k+ at around 3.1k gearscore already (let alone when we hit tier 2 gear) its preference of course in playstyle but its really not hard to hit insane numbers on guillotine
@@snowflakeblanket2924 How is it possible to hit 70k? I have 3000 CP and my Guilllotine (as GS/Dagger) hits for 21k without buffs from other players. Fully buffed with stellarite, maaaybe I could hit 40k. What am I missing?
really really
hast du dir das selber ausgedacht oder von jemaden inspirieren lassen und denkst du das wird viral gehen in der community weil davon habe ich noch nie was gehört aber es scheint stärker als mein semi endgame 2900 gs gs/xbow zu sein und ich bin an sich immer rang 1 in infinity + skillboost traits + 3/3/3 weapon traits XDD aber du bist mit dem low budget build einfach mal 20-40 sekunden schneller als ich ja moiiiin
hab abo und like mal da gelassen hoffe in zukunft kommt noch ein endgame finetune video vom build
ja selber ausgedacht ^^ also wenn ich 20-40 sekunden schneller bin bist du über einer minute? dann ist dein gear nicht richtig ausgewählt oder du benutzt nicht die richtigen skills. du solltest locker unter eine minute in den meisten secret dungeons kommen :S ja ich werde auf jeden fall noch ein update machen in der zukunft :)
@@grobs4678 wie gesagt bin imer rank 1 habe full gear bis waffen sogar mit 3/3/3 traits lvl 11 mastery , maxed out guillotine , all epic skills , und behersche meine rota an sich sehr gut
@@myrkshideouts6020 würde mich sehr wundern wenn die combo so viel schlechter ist ... aber hab es leider noch nicht selber gespielt daher kann ich nicht so viel dazu sagen S:
Sns wand in pvp