There had been subtle casting before on few occasions throughout the length of the video, but... An Evil Weapon suddenly decided it felt naked without its Stoneskin, just off camera, near the end at 1:54:10 lol
Very true. There are Goblin Leecher's (WHM) walking about, but I'm more suspicious about the roaming Evil Weapons (Warrior or Red Mage) that occasionally walks on screen, on the bottom right; one appearing mere seconds after the time code I posted. In any case, these sounds all add to the (re)experience of Vana'diel!
Played FFxi for 13 years and the music never ever got old, thanks for this!!
nope never... just had it turned down ro 50% but i played wow... {enters stormwind} {turns off music} so loud! {enters Bastok} {hears music} Home!!!
So many memories. Thanks for this
only BGM that never got old.....*walks into stormwind* CTRL+M! ..."turns off music" They dont make em like they use to.
There had been subtle casting before on few occasions throughout the length of the video, but...
An Evil Weapon suddenly decided it felt naked without its Stoneskin, just off camera, near the end at 1:54:10 lol
prolly a damn goblin!
Very true. There are Goblin Leecher's (WHM) walking about, but I'm more suspicious about the roaming Evil Weapons (Warrior or Red Mage) that occasionally walks on screen, on the bottom right; one appearing mere seconds after the time code I posted. In any case, these sounds all add to the (re)experience of Vana'diel!
[Party] [Do you need it?]
Nin/war LFG!
Viewtiful ASMR Lol...
Viewtiful ASMR “sorry we just got a tank. Thanks though.”
[Can I have it?] [Galka] [Meatstick]
(yes, please) whm/rdm (do you need it?)
Good damn tigers
oof the memories try it out they have 6k players active at once sometimes and it has squares blessing as long as its free
I kinda hear a 'Bella Notte' from Lady and the Tramp thing going on 8:59
Only for you