The earliest recording I have is 'hark Watchman, what of the night' and playing it for me anyway transcends the inexorable.passage of time. I have my fathers' wartime collection of popular favourites- he could never remember past the first line, but hey! A simpler time amongst the trauma of modern living.
Yes. I totally agree. Listening affects me in the same way. Ahhh. Thank you for commenting here. Is your “Hark, Watchman, What Of The Night” also sung by Koshetz? It’s a lovely Hymn..
The earliest recording I have is 'hark Watchman, what of the night' and playing it for me anyway transcends the inexorable.passage of time. I have my fathers' wartime collection of popular favourites- he could never remember past the first line, but hey!
A simpler time amongst the trauma of modern living.
Yes. I totally agree. Listening affects me in the same way. Ahhh. Thank you for commenting here. Is your “Hark, Watchman, What Of The Night” also sung by Koshetz? It’s a lovely Hymn..