This is a really hard watch but man is it good. You both make very well thought out points. If politicians were able to talk like this maybe we'd actually come up with some compromises in the government that actually can get things done. This is a good vid
This was excellent. One thing I especially enjoyed about Shawn this podcast was that he let the other guy say his piece (which was 80% incorrect and misinformed) but he played in the other guys court and poked holes in his argument. While there is a time and a place to crush the opposing viewpoint with facts and jump down their throat in the end it doesn’t solve much but get both sides angry. This man lives in a fantasy land of high ideals but no experience. I would love to see him go through police scenarios and training to see if his viewpoint slightly changes.
I agree. i think this is a good look into the psychology of both sides, and both make really good points. If there is any proof that came from this conversation is that we are still really far apart on a middle ground.
The interviewer is incorrect. Supreme Court stated police can shoot in the back if there is a likelihood of the person fleeing being a threat to the public. Having a weapon he stole from the police counts.
In seattle that just means you are cooler than the rest of the loons. City council knows who votes here. I will be coming to a community that is not 100% marxist soon behind me will be a fuck ton of marxists. They have no idea or will ever have any idea that it's the philosophy not individuals that is wrong. And they have no idea they are marxists. When you talk sence and get through? Same line every time every individual. "I dont know" then it is forgotten.
It is a truly big and painful thing to admit to yourself that what you have belived you're entire life is based off bullshit. Most people ignore it and move on. No matter how good of a person you are. All my friends are good caring quality people. With lockdowns? All my friends are for them. Love you guys a little too orwell for me see you on fb.
Retired LEO: Early in my career I was shot at by a person with a rifle down the street from Yankee Stadium. What was I doing at the time? I was directing traffic. Later that month I was shot at probably by that same person while I was sitting in my car further down the street. My car was hit three times. Driving home from Bronx Criminal Court I was shot at in my personal car because I was in uniform. I was just trying to go home. I was involved in a shooting after a man robbed a drug dealer. We had him surrounded. We tried talking to him and he just came out guns blazing. I just had a baby. I was wondering if this guy had children at home. I saw people at their worst. I was always running to save people from the bad guys and this is how I get treated and I am the bad guy. I need to be defunded? I retired and was doing home inspections and had a guy walk up to me with a gun. I saw him coming and had my own gun out behind a clip board but instead of getting the upper hand I just yelled at him…Home Inspector. He stopped waived his gun at me, smiled and said, you good. So you see. We are targeted just because we are cops. This guy thought I was doing intel as a narcotics officer. This is the crap that you don’t hear about. There over a million LEO’s nation wide. Each probably have 15 interactions with the public each day. Let’s do the math 15 million a day, 30 days a month is 450 million a month. That’s is over 5 billion a year. How many police involved shootings are there a year? How many of those are with felons? Now tell me who we should defund.
Had a woman fire inspector who I met one day. She told me a story about going to do a fire inspection in a high crime area. She had "issues" with neighborhood gang members. Her husband, a SRT member was in the area. He responded, as did other officers. Her uniform clearly identified her as Fire Dept. You have seconds to respond. Let the naysayers try to do the job for a week. Then negotiate funding. The negotiators need to clear a high stress scenario and not kill any good guy first. And they should have to choose the lightning or the pepper spray. That will help.put things into balance.
We don't have a gun or cop problem in America, we have a black problem. I see a lot of people talk about the cops are militarized, what do people expect? They continue to make excuses for blacks (who are responsible for the majority of gun crime despite being a small portion of the population) and instead want to blame it on legal gun owners because some White nerd shoots up a school once every couple of years. School shootings make up less than 1 percent of gun crime in this country. If you remove the cities with the highest amount of gun crime (which just so happen to have large black populations and are Democrat run) America is safer than a handful of first world nations. In this country you're more likely to be shot by a cop as a White man than you are any other race yet the media and their useful idiot lap dog citizens only want to talk about how hard and dangerous it is for a black man. Until we're ready to deal in facts nothing will ever change.
Defund ATF, FBI, TSA, DHS, BLM (bureau of land management, for those who didn't know it exists), DEA, FDA, Dept of Education, HHS, IRS, SSA, NSA, and CIA, just for starters. None of them have any Constitutional basis, and all of their functions are based on unconstitutional power grabs & violations of the Constitutional Rights of Americans.
@@JanO209 It literally doesn't even take a minute to just google him. But to answer your question, yes. He has seen quite a bit of war. About a decades worth as a matter of fact.
@@JanO209 irrelevant. Google his name. Most people watching this know who he is. Also this day and age post 911 there really isnt a special operator out there without combat experience.
@@Joshua-jf3df It's not irrelevant since I replied to the original poster, then you replied to me, then I re-replied to you, within that context my reply makes sense. And that last statement of yours absolutely isn't true. I train and work with a lot of these guys, and many of them have never seen combat, though they have been deployed to dangerous zones. For the most part, things are pretty stable right now, but a big war is looming over the horizon.
Because percentage number frames them as being less harmful than they were. The interviewer is a complete shill, even divulging "facts" that were disproved, or framing things in wrong context in an attempt to get him to say what the interviewer wanted. Tamir Rice, Breanna Taylor, and the Kenosha shooting... completely disregarded all the abundant evidence on those cases, to frame it how He "wanted" it to be.
If you run numbers on the percentage that shawn was asking about for police, the best case arguement you have to support the police are bad narrative is about 0.2 percent. If that isnt acceptable then why should 5 percent be?
@@ryanfuller3835 The simpleton interviewer can't understand the simple idea of a tazer being a deadly weapon yet claims to be "WOKE" and wants to change the constitution based on a Beetles song he heard when he was mentally incapacitated from laced low quality weed and propaganda his American hating socialist commie loVV life L0$3r college propagandist posing as a professor taught him without an ounce of if being challenged by truth and reality, or w.e. propaganda site he visits for his daily Kibbles and Lies.
As a retired officer from Ohio with over 20 years I would have loved to have been a 3rd party to give insight into the police side. Great episode. Surprisingly this just now reached my feed. Over 2 years later. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm
@SaiyanPride What's wrong with criticizing police? I am not anti police but let's face it, police are criminals too. They are public servants and use our tax dollars to pay thier salaries. Every government worker should be criticized and constantly servaled and watched by the people they took an oath to protect! Look at the outright corruption in all forms of government going on right now!! Police are just human beings like everyone else. They can, lie, cheat steal, murder and commit the same crimes any citizen can. To constantly boot lick and act like they are always morally right is pure ignorance! They do not possess any kind of advanced DNA or are born with any rights or privileges that any other humans have. Just because you graduated high school and you have a badge does not make you the moral high ground. Any rotten lying human can take that oath and get that badge. I get really tired of the police investigating themselves. There are many bad cops out there and they should be punished 2 fold for crimes they knowingly commit not given special treatment! Cops do have to make serious decisions that can take their life or the lives of others, but you know that when you sign up for the job. Shooting and asking questions later just because your pissing in your boots with fear is outright wrong and your in the wrong field of work. But truth is only a small percentage of officers ever have to even fire their weapons. Most of them are out on the streets policing for profit, entrapping citizens, creating false crimes, illegally detaining, and destroying families by bankrupting the very citizens that pay their salaries! We are in charge as citizens of this country! Police were created and established by We The People to do 2 things and 2 things only.... Protect and Serve!
@@Ott3rKing The Police are never held accountable for the evil they do. They are free to murder, rape, falsely charge people, they are arrogant and egotistical.
Sadly, this is where PROPER governments are supposed to "govern." If we simply allowed all of humanity to live in the actual consequences of their stupidity, the human race would have burned millennia back. We rely on more sensible people keeping us safe from our own idiocy, and fortunately we have a system which, despite its many flaws, usually keeps us safe from ourselves.
@@NiSiochainGanSaoirse fascinating. So are you going to ignore the fact that it's members of the American government which want to tear down the police completely? Thereby causing said chaos? Even governments aren't immune to stupid. Never forget that.
It's a sense of respect. I won't look below you, because you arent above me. I wont look above you, because you are not below me. I look you in the eye, because we are the same.
I think we can show respect to the activist too being able to see things from Shawn’s point of view, finding middle ground, and not taking opposing opinions personal.
“Police have been idolized” “there are movies around them”. Gangsters have been idolized and have their fair share of movies as well. At the end of the day I still know which one I’d turn to if I needed help, and it’s not the guy that’s gonna expect a favor in return.
Well...there is good cop bad cop. Unfortunately George Floyd's killers was a bad cop....ignored a lot of protocols. I say don't defund though. Put it all in training....and be HARDER on those who don't want to follow their job safely!!!
@@seppetoni7874 I saw the full George Floyd video. He was resisting arrest, yes. But cops are trained to detain someone in a specific way and the cop did not do that.
That interview cupcake sounds like the most ingnorant idiot walking. I doubt he was ever in a confrontation in his life. Where do these cream puffs get the gall to arm chair QB police shoot outs?
“The cop wasn’t going to die.” “How do you know that?” These people have never been in any danger in their entire lives. They honestly believe criminals have good intentions, even when they pull weapons out and come at a cop with it. He thinks that cops are required to take a knee and play roulette with a criminal, cross their fingers and hope this dude isn’t going to kill him? These people don’t live in reality. They live in their cushy safe world, provided by the police they demonize. I wish all these people would all move to a place where they don’t have police and see what happens. Maybe they’ll get a wake up call about what reality is really like.
"These people" what makes you think he's not talking to a combat vet? I've deployed twice as an infantryman and spent my fair share of time in danger and I support defunding the police. You seem to think defunding is the same as abolishing. Defunding means re-prioritizing the police's role in our society. Should they get 80% of a cities budget while other projects get 1%-5%? Every Policeman I know says they're overworked and expected to respond to things they have no business responding to. We keep expanding their responsibilities without preparing them for those tasks. Instead they are trained on firearms and their budget goes to tactical gear and then we're surprised when they show up at a mental health crises and shoot someone. Its the only thing they know how to do.
I’m serious bro. People need to wake up to this fact: You and I go to bed at night. CRIMINALS are shooting a shot of meth- and heading out all night to steal , rob, and murder if you get in the way. I’ve known these people personally. I was a terrible person in a previous life. There are career criminals- Everywhere. Y’all think they operate in poor neighborhoods- you’re wrong. They know white folks leave their doors unlocked and have more shit to steal. These people are predators. There are SERIAL CHILD MOLESTORS, killers, Human Trafficking, kidnappers, burglars, mail thieves, ID thieves, .. The list is endless. Our only line of defense is the police. Criminals all around the country are laughing at the unrest. Police are less likely to pull cars over now- etc. people need to wake up.
@@wellread8649 if all they know is how to shoot someone, then wouldn’t we want to fund them more so they get better training? Or do we want to take away some of their training by defunding them?
@@wellread8649 if it takes 80 percent to keep people safe then yeah they should ill admit not in all cities but in the most dangerous yes what if they lost half their budget and couldnt respond in a timely manner when you called for help Maybe if in these communities the citizens actually stepped up to stop criminals but it a lot of cities people are scared of retaliation from gangs but it everyone stepped up the gangs wouldnt run the cities the law abiding citizens would
@RandomOrForgotten u UsEd aPpEaL tO AuThOrITY fAlLaCy. No I responded to someone that said that those who wish to defund police have never been in danger and don't know what hard work is. Clearly that is false. I also assume 90% of the audience of this channel are vets so my "status" isn't one of superiority, I'm just on par. As for everything else, its hard to argue with someone who is so emotional that they cannot comprehend what's being said even if its literally written out. Nobody said anything about cutting pay. The only proposition is that Police only respond to actual crime. Not a drug overdose, not a car wreck, not a fire, not a health emergency, not a dispute, not a domestic dispute, not a commercial event, not a noise complaint, not a cat in a tree, etc.. They don't need training on mental health because it shouldn't be their job. Mental health counselors have been dealing with these situations fine for decades. So how would I deal with a mental health emergency if I were a cop? I fucking wouldn't because I have no idea how to handle that and I would only make things worse.
I think we did that once. We just stopped going to communities that didn't want us, the violence sky rocketed and they wanted us to come back. These were low income communities and it was a long time ago. I think It was in the 60's maybe the 70's. I really don't remember, sorry.
@ejumac8ted910 idk maybe it is bs. Lies are usually pretty easy to remember, that has nothing to do with it. Maybe it happened, maybe not, I can only go off what people say who were there. And I wasn't born yet so there ya go.
@@Tyrelguitarist well dude you saying stuff that either isnt true or ur making up or simply going by what u have heard with no confirmation. Whats worse is this is precisely why things are so messed up with the thought process. Everyone blurts stuff out without actually listening or truly understanding whats being said. These “low income” or whatever word u use to go around what u really mean dont mind policing. But keep the race soldiers that come there with bad upbringing and is ultimately there for the wrong reasons. Its that simple. No complications. If a person commits a murder whether or not they have immunity given to them by the law its still murder.. and its only adding to the crime they claim to be fighting. Are there legit activity aimed at the police? I would agree there is but NO MORE than any other “suburban” area. I dont care what some statistic says to justify keeping the numbers of cops on payroll. Cops that come with good energy dont have issues. Period
Well of course there's respect in this conversation. The liberal was talking to a legit SEAL face to face. Wouldn't be a smart move to be disrespecting him by telling him he's a toxic white man, and needs to check his privilege or some other bs. lol
Yea but they were looking for him for what he did, and he made a lot of videos of himself with an AK 47.... but he compared Bin Laden to unarmed civilians who didn't deserve to die... its not that great of a line when u think about it... but I do admit, when he said that I was like "damn" but then I was like, but he comparing a known terrorist to unarmed US citizens... FOH
@@laronahouseentertainment2271 I do agree that the analogy is a little weak under some scrutiny, but I think what he's getting at is this: Neither the Police nor the SEALs know if who they're going for is armed or not. And even unarmed people can run to get weapons or try to take them from the police/SEALs. I'm going off of memory here, but my understanding of the Bin Laden raid was that they shot him as he was running into a side room, assuming he was going to get a weapon. Within the context of "that's Osama Bin Laden" that seems like a safe assumption to me, with regular citizens though it varies a lot and should be taken on a case by case basis. Not really trying to take a side here, just elaborating on what I believe he meant by that. But yeah that silent pause is something else.
@@laronahouseentertainment2271 fid Osama help Larry Silverstein plant the explosives in building 7 so Lucky Larry could just "pull it" ? Osama was a pure WWE psyop character . Read a book called the Trigger and see how ridiculous the debate over Osama and OP End Freedom was in Iraq. Wete still in Afghanistan 20 years later. Why?
@@wvmountaineer69 lol if we took all police away you have no idea how fast shit would hit the fan and you’d probably be either dead or crying in a corner scared lol.
I can't say as I really blame him. Having a reasonable conversation with anyone left of AOC on ideology has never resulted in anything but shaming at best.
Very true....and spend the money on a quality trained officer rather than money on landmine avoiders. And stop locking up civilians that protect themselves from great bodily harm by using their (legally owned) guns.
That is more then 99% of the problem ....when are people going to be held responsible for their actions. If a cop tells you ..don’t move , put your hands up are under arrest ! You do just that. If you make a conscious decision to ignore those orders and YOU choice to escalate the situation ....YOU , and only you ..are responsible for the out come.
Sure weren't. There is so much misinformation about that case and so many other it's ridiculous. People jump on the mainstream media train and start spouting out bullshit
She was still handling money for the ex boyfriend. Not to mention the stuff with the rental car that had her name on it, but was found with a dead body in it after he borrowed it.
The same way I feel about Trump supporters. I assume most will be treasonous, and try and storm federal buildings. As well as assault Police. See what I did there.... Obviously that's not true, and is a gross over generalization. People blanketing protestors as rioters = stifling their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. It's almost treasonous. Rioters are criminals. Peaceful protesters are just that. Peaceful protestors. The same people saying "The media lies", are the same ones that will see rioters on media outlets and say "All protestors are rioting"... the irony.
@@bronichiwa984 Even if it was a peaceful protest he had a predetermined opinion of the case before he set foot in the courtroom. I just wish the protestors had any idea wtf they were even protesting.
My son spent 3 hours at an elderly couples house trying to help the husband convince his wife she was at home because she suffers from dementia. He’s a police officer. It’s not something they have to respond to. A few nights earlier he was in a foot chase... I could not be more proud of him... and THANK YOU Mr. Navy Seal HERO!!!!! For your service and for your practicality. This world lacks balance to a severe degree.. you brought it and it was A MILLION THUMBS UP
After 30 minutes I would figure I'm not the one for that job and would have gotten, Oh I don't know, A DOCTOR to deal with that instead of half the day being unsuccessful at something you have zero training with. I love our police and tell him thank you for what he does. Tell him make sure he goes home and let us "the jury" handle the rest, in Tennessee anyway.
And i think that it's funny they talk about how only 5% of BLM protests are violent. But if less than 1% of police encounters are violent then they say 1% is to many... but the own logic doesn't apply to their statistics.
The guy not shown on camera seems like an idealist. He also seems like a guy who thinks he knows how the job should go, but has never walked in those shoes for even one day.
Yeah well obviously someone who “ walking a mile in someone in same shoes” is bias. That’s the whole issue. When a “bad apple cop” does do something it’s same department that investigates the bad cop. That’s what the SEAL was saying chauvin had 20 complaints and did the same thing to a teenagers for 19 min before he killed Floyd. They are public servants of course the public has opinion of the people they pay.
Yeah my roommate is the same way. Talks a lot of shit about police but he's never been in a fight before. He knows nothing about confrontation and making life saving decisions under pressure. It is the public right to have an opinion, but it's sheer arrogance to claim that you know better without having ever done the job.
Tamir rice removed the bright orange plastic tip from the gun. It looked exactly like a 1911. Tamir rice was pointing the gun at people in the park thats why the cops were called. Tamir rice pointed the gun at the cop when he pulled up, end of story.
Ryan's final sentence has literally come out of my mouth almost verbatim "if you are not willing to take accountability for your actions, you're just a fuckin' piece of shit" I would say the single greatest thing I learned in the military was a how to take and accept accountability- good and bad. Great interview, as a companion to it, I recommend folks read "Extreme Ownership" by Navy Seal Jocko Willink. The lack of accountability across society these days is the true plague of our time. It's the real epidemic that threatens life as we know it - far fuckin' greater than a pandemic with 98% survivability.
Ive never been in the military but ive found myself constantly saying theres no acceptance of fault or ownership of it. How can you ever grow or learn if you never accept you are wrong? And most people love to watch a 10 second clip of a 10 minute incident and think we know everything and pass judgment on whats been seen.Its so worrying the way things are going.
Dude Bolsonaro right now is fucking up the amazon rain forest that's are largest supplied oxygen source in the world he is Brazilian he is not taking accountability. Most americans are accountable its the CEO's and the highly wealthy who don't pay there taxes and fuck shit up on a grand scale that ruins everything it has always been this way since the medieval ages it must stop their must be a limit to human expansion and our population or at least attainable fuel sources and material that can last cause when we run out of oil we're fucked.
@@hawkmithra9879 If people took responsibility for there actions and learned to respect and expect it. Eventually it reaches the top. Instead the top has people divided and are using the media to do it. Also its not everyone just the ones who want power and control.
Also, how hard is it to recruit ppl, when ppl know you hate them being cops? You end up lowering your hiring standards cause you can't get good ppl. And you end up hiring worse. Always happens. The good quit, the bad stay
@@dontgiveinfo exactly! Who in the hell wants to be a cop nowadays? Kids grow up seeing police do good and want to be one when they grow up. Now they are being taught that cops are bad.
@Jarvz Kanxcell All my life I’ve been told, and I’ve seen good cops. Good men and women, and a part of me wants to be a cop. Yet at the same time, I don’t want that hate, and pain that follows.
Exactly. I'm an irishman, and lived through the worst years of a bloody civil war which scanned almost five decades. But we're also a country which has an armed police force, a hostile population, and a history of revenge and brutal murders. We have many similarities to the states, but in other aspects, we're markedly different. If you don't have a police force, but have a largely armed population, in which addiction is rampant, gang culture is thriving, and the murder rates are astronomical, and you choose to remove the police force, it is BLIDNINGLY OBVIOUS that crime is going to rise in frightening rates. The police force, despite their flaws, arethe only service which is working to actively keep you safe. Yes they have faults, but if you remove them, your lives will become unbearable unless you're an armed alpha males type who is ready, able and fit enough to wage war. Being an ex boxer, I have a lifetime of experience which proves to me that the vast majority of people have absolutely no fighting skills whatsoever, and the small minority of men who CAN fight and compete against other alpha male types in some form of combat are going to be far too busy sieving themselves to save YOUR dumb arse ..
Who are you talking about? The liberal? Everything he said is backed up by the numbers. You can disagree with WHY or try to explain it but you can’t disagree with the reality and act like THAT is wrong. Come on dude.
@@joeymcallister8033 negative, he has false information and as well correct information. BLM violent protesting is majority of the time, not 5%. i'm not talking about rioting burning sh*t down. just as much as attacking 1-2 people, that turned violent.
@@joeymcallister8033 the liberal also acted like this ones actually unarmed white male. when unarmed white men are more likely to be killed by cops than unarmed black males, then its unarmed hispanic males are more likely to die by cops than unarmed blacks. he's stuck with the liberal news that fits his narrative. he's so one sided, shows 1 video & pretends everyone's like that. pretends that's how everyone thinks. this liberal obviously doesn't have the intelligence to understand firefights, and doesn't understand guns or anything in that aspect. actually experiencing it arguing against a child who knows NOTHING about the situation is a bit much. sounds like a little crying over something he doesn't know. he states 3 things on a cop shooting instead of looking at the context, seeing everything that has happened. this guys a joke GJ Shawn
@emily fox just because he’s a SEAL doesn’t mean anything as far as law enforcement goes. Being a SEAL means he’s an insanely trained killing machine that won’t give up. It doesn’t mean SHIT about his opinion on law enforcement.
@@joeymcallister8033 his scenarios presented on Breonna Taylor and the guy in Kenosha that was shot by police was incorrect. That's as far as I've made it so far.
We have more in common than not. It’s finding the similarities that makes for a civilized society. And the key to that is calm, respectful conversations.
Not even that, but you can feel how tense they get in certain parts of the talk yet they remain professional and civil about it. Very commendable and hard to do, both of them 👏
@@tomrawrzzz5096 the guest isn’t far left like most of the democrats are. The far left will not sit down for a conversation example being nobody other then vaush has been on timcastIRL. They all make excuses because they’re ideas are bad
@@jerronbennington6169 I guess the fact that he wasn't on Camera. I'm also assuming Shawn never mentioned his name. I doubt that's because he didn't want to. It'll have been the guests choice. Again, I assume. Didn't speak with the guest personally.
@@zagorith14 because its our right as americans? Look i dont like him as much as the next guy but he is still a u.s citizen and is entitled to the same things aa we are
He keeps saying 1300 civilians killed by police but avoids the fact that majority of them are committing crimes and or trying to cause bodily harm to another person or the responding officers.
The guy also kept saying "I cant shoot someone in the back" no shit you're not a cop. How do you expect to stop people breaking the law by following the law.
Ultimately it comes down to this guy trying to create a gotcha moment. However, he forgets he’s talking to an ex Navy Seal! Someone who has seen it all! And will speak with 100% honesty and will show the uneducated that they need to understand the life that our military and police have to endure on a daily basis
Barack Obama recently complained that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh destroyed his "connection" with conservatives. The arguments he used to "prove" that, instead prove that his most monstrous, most anti-American, most anti-Christian, most anti-Human contribution ever is this: that we are entitled to a sociopathic-psychopathic imagination were our mere words and blind feelings can creat a "reality" and that we are not responsible for the very negative results, disasters, deaths and rejection produced by that criminally insane imagination and feelings. Him and all others like him could be called The Criminal-Crazyfiers-In-Chief. Following what you said, Stephane, total lack of accountability, total lack of responsibility, is the roof of the evil in society today. Entitled Irresponsibility is legalized criminality.
@@fawnieee A total lie. I stay up to date on both sides of criminal justice and corrupt police officers have been judged and incarcerated for various crimes long, long, long before the fake "justice warriors" showed up. The only difference is that now the officer is guilty-by-mob-judgment until proven innocent and some have been falsely accused. The idea is the same as always with Marxist infiltrators and saboteurs: Systemic Psychological Warfare, Gaslighting, Infinite Accusation and Sentimental Infantilism. The whole principle, old but effective, TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER SO THEY ARE SEEN AS SAVIORS. Police are not the problem, it's all a distraction and cover up for the Abusive Criminal Marxist Thought Control Force!! Resist and cancel the Marxist Police!!
That's slippery slope falacy. Is there no middle ground between having an overly aggressive militaristic police and having no police force at all? When most people say "defund the police" it doesn't mean abolish the police. There will always be a need for law enforcement. However, we shouldn't have to live in fear of the police. Overall, we need more crime prevention in the US. Crime is heavily correlated to income, so creating policies that reduce income inequality and give people an opportunity to live a comfortable life would be so much better than investing in a reactionary police force. You wouldn't have to deal with a crime that never occurs.
@@thespecialsoup308 The problem is defunding is the opposite of what should be done, more funding should be put toward better and continual training then you're quality of officers will rise. The problem is many only are trained in their brief time in the academy then after that all they have is firearms requalifications every couple years. Jocko said it best on Rogan's podcast "You should have enough police that 40 percent of their time is spent in training whether it be de-escalation, safe restraint training, etc, etc".
@Ronnie B: It’s kinda like when Leftists complain about this country, but continue to live here and live off the government. Crazy stuff man. This is the best country ever. Btw please don’t take Our Lord’s Name in vain. Peace!
fortunately for both of them (especially faceless) no real threat was ever presented, (although their were some fanciful imaginary ones) way to R.O.E. SEAL
@@runtoth3abyss It's not just one groups fault, but they teach police the worst case scenario so that they are prepared for when it eventually happens. I believe they need to teach the worse case scenario but put more money into better training for the cases that aren't the worse case.
@@runtoth3abyss The reason they default to the worse case is because right now we don't train them enough in other areas if we did, and did it right, they wouldn't default to worst case... Now I've heard many pro-police people talk about wanting reform I'm one of them AND I've heard many anti-police people say that we shouldn't have police at all. Also if no group is perfect doesn't mean every group is at fault to an extent..... Yes some cops violate people's rights and they should be held accountable for that but just because some do doesn't mean they all do, and there are BLM protests that turn violent, that doesn't make them all violent.
By the way, NO traffic stop is routine! Also, he mentioned no one is trying to "bomb" cops. He obviously doesn't know of the dad in the nineties of individuals making improvised explosive devices with household chemicals and shrapnel that were being tossed in police vehicles!
I was a Police Officer for 17 years, there are good cops and not so good cops. Overall, where I worked cops will go out of their way to be better people. We all have bad days, problem is, one bad day can be what your career is judged on. You get what you pay for, if you cut funding and Police get less training, you get a worse quality of cop. It's easy to watch video and judge someone's decision in a life and death situation from a couch, and say "I would have done this or that" it's different when you're there. A slightly different angle can give you a completely different picture of what's happening. I struggle with my career, partly from what I've seen, but mostly from the lack of support and judgement from management. You mean nothing to the department, you're just a number and you'll be burned up in the politics.
My biggest problem with these type of "liberal" arguments is that they don't also say what the civilians did wrong and should've done differently. They only critique the police
Guess why... Because the people are living their lives however they want to live, and the cops are there with the power of the government violating our rights. The police are the only ones who need to be held accountable for shitting on our rights.
I am a staunch Christian conservative who supports police. But these no knock warrants are wrong. It does not matter what the "criminal " did, they are innocent until proven guilty, they still have rights. Coos go to the wrong house often. If you are asleep in your bed and they do a no knock warrant, they loose their authority because they are violating rights. We have a right to be secure in our homes. The only ppl who enters a home without permission is CRIMINALS, why do you think we knock first? The moment that door is kicked in you have seconds to live, there is no time to identify anyone. All you want is for your loved ones to make it through alive. Right is right wrong is wrong, no knock warrant are wrong on every level. And I will never support any cop who does that. It is so anti American it is not even funny. It's straight out of the playbook of a tyrannical govt. The kind we fought to be free. The founding fathers would have these officers put to death for treason. And the danger it puts the cops in is above what they should be put in. It can be handled in so many better ways its almost as if who ever came up with the idea was wanting to be in a shoot out. My God what are these cops thinking. They are creating a war everytime they do this.
Biggest take away for me is having a CIVILIZED conversation and LISTENING to one another...regardless of your position. Republicans/Democrats, Conservatives/Liberals et et can and should engage in meaningful discussions. I honestly believe we can ALL learn something... if both "sides" can stop attacking and engage respectfully. Shawn, you killed it man... super impressed with your taking this on. I think there were interesting points from both sides during the course of the conversation. It's ok not to agree with all of it (or any of it for that matter) but providing the setting to exchange ideas is paramount. The fact that you and your guest have such different backgrounds and perspectives only added to the value of your discussion. Nice work.
I couldn't do it the liberal is Wrong on a lot he stated as fact and his sister must have finished last in law school or is a liberal with a agenda these are the turds we will be fighting in the streets and they will loose
No, her boyfriend was shooting (pistol I think) but she had her own warrant that was being served. They also had the option of going “no knock” they chose not to and did in fact knock.
@@douglasshepherd9419 forgot to mention that at first Whittaker first said that she fired at the officers on video, upon his arrest after the incident. Now he is saying he shot at the officers.
"Osama Bin Laden was unarmed". *crickets* "Ok, well, what about......" Until you've been in a shooting of any kind, you're armchair quarterbacking. This guy is speaking only from news stories, not from experience. Go do the job, and then you can talk. I don't talk about accounting, cause I don't know shit about accounting..... This guy is not credible....
@@coreyhall4872 I don't disagree with you, but facts need to be present in something that's ultimately caused so much division. He wasn't just giving opinions, he was saying that he had facts; some that were just not true. The combo can hopefully bridge those gaps.
Like how he says, "It is proven through court precedent that cops aren't allowed to shoot someone in the back." I think he needs to research his case law, specifically Tennessee v. Garner.
So underrated, it’s just a blame game, no self accountability and now we have empathy for criminals because people decided to blame racism. The nations future doesn’t look good.
Look up the Kansa city experiment! In that experiment policer were taken out of a neighbor hood and crime did not go up, and in another the police were tripled and crime did not go down.
This statement sounded very ignorant and stupid and it made me think twice about watching this video. I don't know the context that it was said because it's just a clip in the preview, but I don't know much about the DEFUND position, but I haven't heard anything about anyone wanting to to keep cops out of neighborhoods. What I've heard is that cops shouldn't be the first response for people in mental health crisis, and cops shouldn't be executioners, and cops shouldn't make routine traffic stops since too often they end up shooting someone who is no threat to anyone. It sounds like this guy's position is "if you're not going to be grateful for the police system that you have now, then you don't get any police at all" and if he has dead friends or family because a police officer killed them, I'll give him some respect. But otherwise it sounds like he's saying "it's not my problem, so shut up. I don't want to hear it."
@@erichughes2636 By those who are actually reporting crimes, that said the majority of crimes don't get reported. Studying criminology seems to upset many because it conflicts what people are told. Just remember people have their own self serving motives that are usually clocked in nobility.
@Newell Orban Cool facts, you must deliver pizza. A pizza delivery guy doesn't deal with the same problems that cops do. Try working the inner city of Philly, pizzaboy.
They were not at the wrong house. Breonna Taylor’s name was on the warrant as well as her boyfriend’s. It also came out that the police did announce themselves. The full report came out maybe 2 months ago now.
@@UA-camuser1aa it was issued as a no knock warrant the officers were told by supervisor to knock and announce. According to witnesses in the complex and the officers they knocked and announced and waited approx 45 sec to a minute before announcing they were coming in.
@@UA-camuser1aa the warrant had a provision for a no knock entry but the full badge cam video and testimony from the neighbors concluded that the police did announce their presence before being shot at and gaining entry to the house.
9:40 let’s make sure we get the facts straight here. Tamir Rice was 5’7” and 195 lbs. He was holding an Airsoft Gun, with a removable magazine, that looked indistinguishable from a real gun going so far as removing the bright orange identifier at the end of it. He was pointing it at people. When the officers arrived, he did not raise his hands and made movements towards his waste. Until you’ve been in a position where you have been shot at, you’ll have no idea what people deal with.
"The law says you cannot shoot someone in the back." Wrong... "Court precedent says that." Wrong again... you cannot shoot a fleeing person who poses no threat to you or another, but you can shoot a threat in the back. Conflating the two is dishonest.
@Jared Repass I put that in my initial response but since that is more for police and I believe he was singling out civilians, I deleted it. However the case he cited (as stated) that the guy was running out of someone's house is not self defense. If he didn't state the case correctly, which is a real possibility given his accuracy on everything else, then it could be. Still, he seemed to be conflating shooting someone in the back who were no longer a threat and those who are. This would be great to redo after he is given the real facts.
@@ryand4533 Yes, that is national using Tennessee vs Garner (although some departments may have policies against it), but he was stating civilians can't. It will use the same justification, but I don't know the specific case for civilians that allows that, but I know it does.
The vet straight owned him. But the liberal dude agreed with him on most parts. This is the way it should be. Fuck if you hurt someone’s feelings . If it makes the good for the better so be it. We all need to unite together and speak without any violence. This requires hundreds of thousands of people. They need to hear our opinions and we can settle this to where everyone comes out happy. Because we pay their salaries. Pretty much they work for us.
@@troycampbell1995 exactly! "You are entitled to your own feelings but not your own facts." People nowadays can't debate because they can't handle having their feelings hurt. People think your first amendment rights should end where their feelings begin. It's ludicrous.
Bullshit the race is all ways a cops can't even do or attempt to do what white cops do and Get away with.then we see how white suspects are treated vs. Black suspects.
“However they killed 1340 people in the us alone” bruh in 2022 just in Chicago ALONE, well over 2000 black men were murdered in the streets like dogs BY OTHER BLACK MALES🤦♂️ shit ain’t a police problem those numbers are actually pretty decent when you think about the millions of people that’s out of, we have a culture problem and not just saying that it’s only black Americans that was just a true statistical fact that I found absolutely shocking and horrific, and all these people that claim “black lives matter” aren’t saying anything about that, nope. The police are the problem🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Funny cause the most drugged out states are Vermont, New Hampshire, and Utah .... more drug deaths in these states then Illinois, New York or any other states in America.
I know!! I'm watching his breathing....that dude IS SO in control. I grew up in the projects and have seen plenty of criminal activity by punk asses that absolutely acted like they hadn't done anything (when they had) and their MOMMA's (girlfriends, sisters, wives...) attack the police when even THEY knew the police were right.
@@tonyr3440 that's the rub. The same D.A. came down on both sides of the argument. Both times resulted in police officers being charged and people breaking the law not (although one is dead).
@@davidtoney8399 and that’s because rayshard brooks got himself killed he resisted arrest after police were being calm with him assaulted police and they told him to stop but he didn’t then he took one of there tazzers fired it on the police and in Georgia there considered deadly weapons so in the end rayshard brooks was responsible for his own demise
@@tonyr3440 we are in complete agreement on Brooks being responsible for his own death. The point I'm making is the D.A. said it wasn't a deadly weapon when Brooks fired at the police officers.
Not to mention, the guy in Kenosha was given many verbal warnings to stop, tazed, tackled, and again, told to stop several times before he was shot while trying to get a weapon from his vehicle.
No amount of training makes you bullet explosion or fist proof lol. The idea that cops are fucking robots and have to take responsibility for actions of another party is actually moronic. Every case has many details and to use blanket bans and statements is just non-sense.
@@Phenomatron right but as far as accountability goes. With the breonna Taylor incedent who was responsible for dropping the ball on the bad intel? They should be held accountable. I think that is more what they are talking about when it comes to “accountability”
@@Mtullos86 The intel wasn't bad. Have you read the warrant? It was a SEARCH warrant. Not an arrest warrant. It was the right house and they knew it was Taylor's house. What intel was bad?
You're not accounting for the propaganda machine (media) who will spin it regardless of the true statistics. Also, no media mentions the non-compliance and how that played into the fatalities.
@@zman92630 Statistics can be manipulated to say what you want them to say even if they show the opposite. Right down to how the question is asked to obtain the statistics. NONE of the discussion here talks about WHY police exist and WHY they MUST be different than civilians. It's a (really great) military tactics guy talking to a REALLY badly informed (or lying) political ideologue over topics that BOTH are unqualified to discuss unless they are talking about the tactical merits of night vision devices (and even then I disagree with Shawn, there are times when NVD's are essential in law enforcement work). WHY are police sent on calls? WHY are they expected and required to use force? WHY are they poorly trained in this country (like SEALs, cops overseas spend a minimum of TWO YEARS training to be police, we can't even get past six months here in the U.S.)
the Constitution permits an officer to use deadly force when he or she has probable cause to believe that a suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm to the officer or to others.
Not possible. MILSOF is approximately .007% of the total population. 350m ppl...that’s approx 24500 of all living ppl at any one time in the US. Of those, perhaps 3k-4K are active. Those are our statistics, not many of us. Period.
This kid says "It's the job police sign up for" when talking about an officer fending for his own life is a draconian and an entitled statement. Who signs up for not being able to go home to their families to die at the hands of a criminal or non-compliant? Yes, police take on the risk of possible death in line of duty, but to place an expectation on them to die needlessly is incredibly backwards thinking. When the SEAL asks him where does it say in their oath they're supposed to die for their job, the kid says "well, it's different in each state". Police take a Constitutional oath to protect and serve the public - it's universal. It is NOT a Constitutional oath for police vowing to sacrifice their lives for members of the public who are committing crime or present themselves as a threat.
When people spout that bullshit and actively try to make policing harder, they are only pushing for a radicalized, overly stressed police force which will absolutely be far worse than anything we’ve seen
@@starfury8660 they abuse authority sounds like you are making a blanket statement about all police. Yes, when they are in the wrong hold them accountable...thats not the case anymore because media has tried them before any evidence.
I love how he asks him the loaded question, "what does the military do with a disarmed suspect" and then when he answers him, he comes back and says, "oh well that's war so..."
@@markhowells13 why even ask the question as if they are the same, this discussion was about comparison. This question contradicted the whole discussion.
I love that first part. " If you don't want any police,u won't get none" couldn't have said it better myself. Oh yea you don't get no EMS either cause they don't come unless there are cops there so they will be safe.
way more, in fact. Natural Born Killers, Fargo, Heat, Breaking Bad(a tv show, but still), Goodfellas( any mob movie, really), The Oceans movies( 11, 12, and 13), Bad Santa, so on and so forth. named those right off the top of my head. I challenge you to name just as many that "idolize" cops. I'll wait.
I kinda love that "social contract" part. According to the interviewer the policemen and military is supposed to offer their lives as a sacrifice, but he doesn't even BEGIN to explore the other side of the social contract, i.e. the obligations of the citizens to not get themselves into situations that necessitates the need for the police to intervene in the first place? :/
Read about “THE HAMMER” and “SCORECARD”: That’s the hardware and software combination used to make the “glitch’s” used to change people’s votes from Trump to Biden. Tell your friends to learn about HAMMER and SCORECARD as well because BigTech is censoring it!e
Minneapolis is proof of that they are complaining there are not enough police 🤦♀️ but ilhan omar stood beside BLM and said she would dismantle the police department now theynare trying to blame the police chief
@@Jay-fq8uz we know what happened we have seen the proof and you want to continue living in your fantasy land investigate the preponderance of evidence before you comment then you won’t make ignorant comments and make yourself look so ignorant
I don't see the issue with something like that. If a neighborhood doesn't want police, don't send police. Can't the neighborhood fend for itself? They can put together their own community police force. CHAZ/CHOP did it in a few days.
@@SoulCrapper The communities they claim to be “fighting for” are the communities that are hurt the most when there are no police. The people that want to defund the police are not affected AT ALL by policing or lack of policing. They are simply posers. But if Nancy Pelosi, AOC and all the rest want to defund the police they should hire their own police. Oh.....wait.......we the people pay for their police details.......hypocrisy at its best.
After seven years as a Ranger, I don't have any respect for anyone that won't show his face while "standing for they believe in" Even the evil men in Africa that thought it was they're right to control and deny access to clean water that was life to children, had the courage to face us man to man in conference then battle. They died of course because Rangers lead the way! Well done Shawn!
You don’t have to respect him, but tuning out his words because he won’t show his face is a cop out. You really respect scum warlords more than this anonymous dude, just because he remains anonymous?
Let’s have every federal agent exposed as well during court. All of our undercover special force to be exposed as well. There’s reasons people and entity’s want to stay anonymous. It has everything to do with who they are wanting to anonymous from, not the individuals themselves. Sad an Army ranger can’t have an open mind.
@@sweetlove9237 He obviously has a point and it pissed you off. The point is this guy is a coward, that's it. No need to twist words around IE "You really respect scum warlords more than this anonymous dude?" you sound like a politician. You must be the guy in the video 🤣
@@judjudersawn2596 You bet, A man that faces his enemy in conference and battle that shows his face shows courage in both arenas. We talked as men and fought as men, both believing whole heartedly in our beliefs. A crybaby dude that refuses to face his enemy is nothing more than a coward. I don't agree completely with police behavior, but I know my rights, have put in the work to be unafraid, have no trouble with law enforcement officers, so enjoy fresh water, toilet paper, flat screen tv's and air conditioning in the greatest nation on earth. Cops aren't perfect but without them you better find a way to be a dangerous man because weather he's a scum bag or not there's an armed man out there that will take everything from you. The police all though not perfect, guard you from that level of evil 24-7. I'll be okay what's your plan when they are not there to take care of you?
@@judjudersawn2596 I didn't sat my ears or mind were closed. The whole idea of defunding the police weather or not the system is perfect, puts you in charge of your own safety. I'm ready for that are you? Without the police you are in a situation where there is no help and evil rains. This person was listed as a liberal, not a federal agent or otherwise identity sensitive, held position. Many men and woman of courage have hidden they're identities while still holding such positions, in order to solidify they're account. understandable. This particular individual listed no such station. Coward is a coward.
The patience you had addressing this politically charged subject and taking time to educate and listen and answer his questions of this young man who seems intelligent is proof that you are a class act! Thank you so much for producing content to balance out the white noise out there! 💯
In the beginning of this table were talking numbers percentages and statistics. There's something they forgot to mention. The police are outnumbered by about 20000 to 1 and that's a conservative estimate. Figure those numbers into your percentages folks.
35:50 This guy was NOT honest about what happened. Before shooting him, they attempted to arrest him twice which he fought off, they tased him, he ignored repeated commands to surrender, he ignored repeated commands to stop, and he ignored the warnings from the cops that they would shoot him. ALL of this he intentionally left out, this man got shot because of his careless and potentially dangerous actions. He also LUNGED into his car, he didn't just calmly walk away like he claims and he did in fact have a large knife that he reached for. This man was shot as a consequence of his own stupidity, not the cops responsibility to think for civilians.
There are a ton. I enjoyed watching the tv show “Breaking Bad” and it idolized the methamphetemine trade. The movie “Den of Thieves” made criminals look like good family guys and the cops were portrayed as borderline corrupt. Hollywood typically portrays cops as corrupt, low-paid degenerates with drug and alcohol problems. It’s a sad break from reality and the American people lap it up with a spoon unfortunately.
I’m being genuinely serious when i say this, are you stupid?... A quick check on Netflix, Amazon Prime, YT, etc... will show you that criminals are idolized and there’s countless movies to show that
Yes America mythologies cops just like they have done to its brutal savage history. We have mythologized the slave owning, native American genociding founding fathers
Watch any old west show or movie. The hero is almost always a murderer of some kind, Ocean's whatever movies are about thieves, Heat is about bank robbers and the police are looked at like the bad guys. I could go on and on
I am a police officer. This is hands down the best discussion I have seen regarding modern policing. I respect the liberal’s arguments and points of view honestly, even if I do disagree with quite a few of his assessments. This is how a discussion should be. Two people discussing a subject objectively, calmly, not letting emotion take over. There were many excellent points made in this. Thank you Shawn, seriously. On a side note, I completely agree with you on the training aspect. Police agencies really need to focus on providing more training. Well run agencies usually have much better training for their officers that focus on many aspects, not just combative skills.
I absolutely agree on the training. Training should be all encompassing on skills that officers use on the daily. Not just combative skills, which are the fall back skills to use and should absolutely be solid if not excellent, but also non-lethal forms of self defense and hand/ground skills, de-escalation skills, techniques for building stronger rapport with the community to increase trust, and training with non-lethal tools (tasers, pepper spray, baton, beanbag guns, etc...) and general tactics. The issue is funding. Many smaller agencies, and even larger ones, are actually under staffed, over worked, poorly equipped, and poorly trained resulting in higher chances of lethal options being deployed in intense situations. "Defunding" the police is actually the absolute worst thing they can do to the already financially strained police forces. That will INCREASE the potential for innocent lives being put in danger. Though, as an officer, I'm confident you are well aware of all this. So no real need for me to reiterate any further.
Our of that 1300 people that died by police, how many were accidentall, how many were brought on by violent people, how many were suicide by cop, how many were caused by bad police judgement.
It's refreshing to see a mature argument on this issue. Regardless of my personal opinion, you both articulated good points. Keep up the good fight, Shawn.
He looks chill and he's viking while he's talking a respectful liberal if all liberals was like that I wouldn't hate on them so much there's bad apples in every group
@@Backtothehat one guy can change everything. Look back in just the last 100 years, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Moa. These men changed their countries and the world. Just one man.
@@Backtothehat lol you think 5 cops will take out a seal?! They literally are trained to go into combat with small numbers against high numbers of combatants. I have some SF buddies. The level they are at in combat is leaps and bounds above any civilian or law enforcement. Not to mention regular military.
Osama bin laden was not a terrorist a killer a mastermind or anything like that he was an accountant a money man he raised money for his war with Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia called the usa into the holy land and depended on america to protect mecca and medina osama pleaded with the saudis to let al Qaeda do it and do not bring infidels into the holy land Saudi Arabia denied osama and this is what Osama war was about expelling the infidels out of the holy land no caliphate that was isis and why isis split from al Qaeda osama never killed never planned a terrorist attack and wanted the infidels out of the holy land and he raised money for this cause it wasn't until the cia got involved with the hardliners and executed rogue terror attacks that got blamed on Osama so the worlds most wanted man no a martyr true to the cause
This kid would be the first one squealing for the police when there's a crime against him. He's complaining about people doing a job that he couldn't do.
@@jimyeetast9335 hi, I actually volunteer with the ACLU, and have been a legal observer for many of the protests that happened this year. I have seen murders, been shot at with rubber bullets, and even enjoyed the wonderful sting of tear gas burning my face, eyes, and throat, multiple times. I can confirm those numbers are accurate as I have seen them myself. I’m sure this will get downvoted and harassed by the less intelligent members of society patronizing this thread but, this comment isn’t for you anyways. By the way, the ACLU are a non-partisan organization, they have walked with everyone from BLM to Neo-Nazis, to ensure that everyone’s rights are being respected. If they say something is, then it is.
35:30 Jacob Blake was shot while reaching INTO his car, not “before he got to the car” as the “liberal” claims. The officers were also yelling “Drop the knife,” at gunpoint, while he was walking to the car. The knife was found in the driver side floorboard after Blake was shot. This implies that he did, in fact, already have the knife on his person when he was trying to get into the car. Furthermore, the responding officers knew that Blake had an active warrant AND a restraining order placed upon him. Yes, his kids were in the car, but he was prohibited from being around them due to the restraining order. Should the officers simply allowed a man with an active warrant and restraining order to just drive away with the kids in the car? The officers tased him, which didn’t work; held him on the ground, which he resisted and got away; gave him verbal commands at gunpoint, which he ignored; and even tried to pull him out of the car, which (surprise surprise) he resisted, before finally being forced to shoot him. Tell me, what more could the officers have done? Another inconvenient fact that BLM and the MSM left out if the story: the officer who shot Blake also immediately rendered first aid and saved his life until the paramedics arrived on scene. They weren’t there to kill a black guy; they were there to PROTECT A WOMAN AND HER CHILDREN from a violent criminal. And they did. The officers who responded that day were HEROES. Just imagine what could’ve happened to the woman if the police hadn’t shown up or to the children if they hadn’t stopped Blake from driving away. Here is another example of the liberal not knowing any of the facts but happily being a useful idiot just parroting BLM talking points. Guys like this ARE THE PROBLEM with discourse in our country. Everyone has a literal supercomputer in their hand, yet no one is willing to spend 5 minutes researching a topic that they claim to be passionate about. He’d rather continue to spread absolutely false information to perpetuate his narrative.
You identified one of my problems with this guy. His "facts" about the Blake and Taylor incidents are incomplete or worse. The video is out there for Blake and the grand jury investigation is out there for Taylor.
Just FYI Blake was stealing the car with the lady's keys that had originally called the police. While Blake was walking around the car with the knife in hand she was screaming at the officers to not let Blake take her children. He was in the act of kidnaping a child. I don't know about anybody else, but if someone is kidnapping my child I would not have stopped at firing 7 shots.
The guy wasn’t spitting facts about the Breonna Taylor case, he needs to do more research. His accounts of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha was inaccurate as well. Great video Shawn
@@krwsfyme8459 actually it looks like he missed a ton of facts, there’s another thread in the comments you’ll have to scroll through it and read into what you can. I always say try to find your own facts though, looking for the real released affidavit now to read it myself.
@@krwsfyme8459 navy seals are very smart kiddo. They are some of the smartest people in the military. It takes dedication not strength to become navy seal. He has one of the most dangerous jobs in the world while your sitting on ur couch. Get some respect.
That my friend is what libs do! Talking points always, and when actual facts are presented by the non liberal then the great deflection and semantics flow from the libs wiener holster.
Lib is using leftist talking points and calling them facts. Usually missing most of the important information. The other guy is just taking what he says as fact, clearly without any research into any of it. Glad that they could come together and have a conversation, but with the only so called "facts" coming from one side, its sorta pointless
This is a really hard watch but man is it good. You both make very well thought out points. If politicians were able to talk like this maybe we'd actually come up with some compromises in the government that actually can get things done. This is a good vid
This was excellent. One thing I especially enjoyed about Shawn this podcast was that he let the other guy say his piece (which was 80% incorrect and misinformed) but he played in the other guys court and poked holes in his argument. While there is a time and a place to crush the opposing viewpoint with facts and jump down their throat in the end it doesn’t solve much but get both sides angry. This man lives in a fantasy land of high ideals but no experience. I would love to see him go through police scenarios and training to see if his viewpoint slightly changes.
Exactly, you can disagree with people and not fucking hate them
Defunding the police is the first step.
Just started to watch vid, and I've paused it for second, 'cause by 2:40 in... I'm already glued to the fuck'n screen for this one! 👊
I agree. i think this is a good look into the psychology of both sides, and both make really good points. If there is any proof that came from this conversation is that we are still really far apart on a middle ground.
"That's what cops sign up for when they take the job."
"That's what criminals sign up for when they choose to break the law."
And the innocent people who were killed in their homes?
@@KarlaRei did you not watch the whole video?
The interviewer is incorrect. Supreme Court stated police can shoot in the back if there is a likelihood of the person fleeing being a threat to the public. Having a weapon he stole from the police counts.
Best come back ever
@@Expertspecter thank you sir 💪
Throwing a molotov isn't protesting, that's rioting.
In seattle that just means you are cooler than the rest of the loons. City council knows who votes here. I will be coming to a community that is not 100% marxist soon behind me will be a fuck ton of marxists. They have no idea or will ever have any idea that it's the philosophy not individuals that is wrong. And they have no idea they are marxists. When you talk sence and get through? Same line every time every individual. "I dont know" then it is forgotten.
It is a truly big and painful thing to admit to yourself that what you have belived you're entire life is based off bullshit. Most people ignore it and move on. No matter how good of a person you are. All my friends are good caring quality people. With lockdowns? All my friends are for them. Love you guys a little too orwell for me see you on fb.
Arsony or attempted murder and so what.
@@matochkinsaasia7350 you want to start this fight? Ok more afraid for my property. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. See you near me. Have fun
No using a molotov cocktail against another person is attempted murder.
Funny how this guy starts out saying the officer should be in prison but once forced to answer what he would do, admits he would do the same thing.
Exactly. They think that other people should be punished for doing what it takes to protect their own lives. It's a shitty outlook on life.
I absolutely agree 100%
@Mike Smith Conservatives and Republicans all full of complete lies. Just look at their leader Donald Trump.
@@thomasreaves588 sounds like like like like like like like like like like you you you you you you you you are a hypocrite like like sleepy Joe
@Mike Smith yeah. like your president
Retired LEO: Early in my career I was shot at by a person with a rifle down the street from Yankee Stadium. What was I doing at the time? I was directing traffic. Later that month I was shot at probably by that same person while I was sitting in my car further down the street. My car was hit three times. Driving home from Bronx Criminal Court I was shot at in my personal car because I was in uniform. I was just trying to go home. I was involved in a shooting after a man robbed a drug dealer. We had him surrounded. We tried talking to him and he just came out guns blazing. I just had a baby. I was wondering if this guy had children at home. I saw people at their worst. I was always running to save people from the bad guys and this is how I get treated and I am the bad guy. I need to be defunded? I retired and was doing home inspections and had a guy walk up to me with a gun. I saw him coming and had my own gun out behind a clip board but instead of getting the upper hand I just yelled at him…Home Inspector. He stopped waived his gun at me, smiled and said, you good. So you see. We are targeted just because we are cops. This guy thought I was doing intel as a narcotics officer. This is the crap that you don’t hear about. There over a million LEO’s nation wide. Each probably have 15 interactions with the public each day. Let’s do the math 15 million a day, 30 days a month is 450 million a month. That’s is over 5 billion a year. How many police involved shootings are there a year? How many of those are with felons? Now tell me who we should defund.
That Home inspector story is crazy 😳
You are more valuable than you know. 💙
Taxes are theft, you definitely need defunded.
Had a woman fire inspector who I met one day. She told me a story about going to do a fire inspection in a high crime area. She had "issues" with neighborhood gang members. Her husband, a SRT member was in the area. He responded, as did other officers. Her uniform clearly identified her as Fire Dept. You have seconds to respond. Let the naysayers try to do the job for a week. Then negotiate funding. The negotiators need to clear a high stress scenario and not kill any good guy first. And they should have to choose the lightning or the pepper spray. That will help.put things into balance.
We don't have a gun or cop problem in America, we have a black problem. I see a lot of people talk about the cops are militarized, what do people expect? They continue to make excuses for blacks (who are responsible for the majority of gun crime despite being a small portion of the population) and instead want to blame it on legal gun owners because some White nerd shoots up a school once every couple of years. School shootings make up less than 1 percent of gun crime in this country. If you remove the cities with the highest amount of gun crime (which just so happen to have large black populations and are Democrat run) America is safer than a handful of first world nations.
In this country you're more likely to be shot by a cop as a White man than you are any other race yet the media and their useful idiot lap dog citizens only want to talk about how hard and dangerous it is for a black man. Until we're ready to deal in facts nothing will ever change.
only the ATF should be defunded.
Hell yeah
And the FBI
Defund ATF, FBI, TSA, DHS, BLM (bureau of land management, for those who didn't know it exists), DEA, FDA, Dept of Education, HHS, IRS, SSA, NSA, and CIA, just for starters. None of them have any Constitutional basis, and all of their functions are based on unconstitutional power grabs & violations of the Constitutional Rights of Americans.
Imagine trying to tell a navy seal what constitutes "Being at war."
Exactly. Collateral damage is a part of war. Everybody dies while completing a mission. Don't be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
@@JanO209 It literally doesn't even take a minute to just google him.
But to answer your question, yes. He has seen quite a bit of war. About a decades worth as a matter of fact.
@@JanO209 irrelevant. Google his name. Most people watching this know who he is. Also this day and age post 911 there really isnt a special operator out there without combat experience.
@@Joshua-jf3df It's not irrelevant since I replied to the original poster, then you replied to me, then I re-replied to you, within that context my reply makes sense. And that last statement of yours absolutely isn't true. I train and work with a lot of these guys, and many of them have never seen combat, though they have been deployed to dangerous zones. For the most part, things are pretty stable right now, but a big war is looming over the horizon.
@yung strudel hahaha so funny based blue pilled 👎🏻
He acts like 600 violent riots is a perfectly acceptable number.
Right?, that fact didn't get talked about properly unfortunately.
Because percentage number frames them as being less harmful than they were. The interviewer is a complete shill, even divulging "facts" that were disproved, or framing things in wrong context in an attempt to get him to say what the interviewer wanted. Tamir Rice, Breanna Taylor, and the Kenosha shooting... completely disregarded all the abundant evidence on those cases, to frame it how He "wanted" it to be.
Unrelated fact haha
If you run numbers on the percentage that shawn was asking about for police, the best case arguement you have to support the police are bad narrative is about 0.2 percent. If that isnt acceptable then why should 5 percent be?
The simpleton interviewer can't understand the simple idea of a tazer being a deadly weapon yet claims to be "WOKE" and wants to change the constitution based on a Beetles song he heard when he was mentally incapacitated from laced low quality weed and propaganda his American hating socialist commie loVV life L0$3r college propagandist posing as a professor taught him without an ounce of if being challenged by truth and reality, or w.e. propaganda site he visits for his daily Kibbles and Lies.
As a retired officer from Ohio with over 20 years I would have loved to have been a 3rd party to give insight into the police side. Great episode. Surprisingly this just now reached my feed. Over 2 years later. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm
Thank you for your service!
@ShawnRyanShowOfficial replying to a 3 year old video. You are a legend brother.
Three years later fir my u-tube feed. Shawn has so many great impacting videos . I could listen from start finish and then listen again .
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.....
Just now reaching my feed in 2024... Definitely interesting 🤔
The biggest critics are those who have never walked the walk.
A more true statement hasn't been said. Just like the soldiers that fought in Vietnam, and were met with complete disgust by the protestors back home.
@SaiyanPride What's wrong with criticizing police? I am not anti police but let's face it, police are criminals too. They are public servants and use our tax dollars to pay thier salaries. Every government worker should be criticized and constantly servaled and watched by the people they took an oath to protect! Look at the outright corruption in all forms of government going on right now!! Police are just human beings like everyone else. They can, lie, cheat steal, murder and commit the same crimes any citizen can. To constantly boot lick and act like they are always morally right is pure ignorance! They do not possess any kind of advanced DNA or are born with any rights or privileges that any other humans have. Just because you graduated high school and you have a badge does not make you the moral high ground. Any rotten lying human can take that oath and get that badge. I get really tired of the police investigating themselves. There are many bad cops out there and they should be punished 2 fold for crimes they knowingly commit not given special treatment! Cops do have to make serious decisions that can take their life or the lives of others, but you know that when you sign up for the job. Shooting and asking questions later just because your pissing in your boots with fear is outright wrong and your in the wrong field of work. But truth is only a small percentage of officers ever have to even fire their weapons. Most of them are out on the streets policing for profit, entrapping citizens, creating false crimes, illegally detaining, and destroying families by bankrupting the very citizens that pay their salaries! We are in charge as citizens of this country! Police were created and established by We The People to do 2 things and 2 things only.... Protect and Serve!
Plenty of Innocent Americans have been murdered by police
It's super easy to say DEFUND the police when you've never had to call them. You don't know what you got until its gone.
@@Ott3rKing The Police are never held accountable for the evil they do. They are free to murder, rape, falsely charge people, they are arrogant and egotistical.
“Let people live in what the fuck they created” love that line👊🏻
Sadly, this is where PROPER governments are supposed to "govern."
If we simply allowed all of humanity to live in the actual consequences of their stupidity, the human race would have burned millennia back.
We rely on more sensible people keeping us safe from our own idiocy, and fortunately we have a system which, despite its many flaws, usually keeps us safe from ourselves.
I felt chills at that line.
It's cold. And terrifying.
But sadly, the seal may be right.
@@NiSiochainGanSaoirse fascinating. So are you going to ignore the fact that it's members of the American government which want to tear down the police completely?
Thereby causing said chaos?
Even governments aren't immune to stupid. Never forget that.
That's right. Government is your daddy and is protecting you. Wear your face diaper and follow your government shot regime.
Except that the police created the poverty as a matter of policy.
This guy looks like he held eye contact the entire time.
Fucking Legend.
It's a sense of respect. I won't look below you, because you arent above me. I wont look above you, because you are not below me. I look you in the eye, because we are the same.
@@jacobd6315 right on broski
I'm convinced he's staring at dude's neon pink faux hawk the whole time. Until I see otherwise I'm sticking to that sentiment.
@@daisyj4035 when an alpha male finds a beta male showing off.
@@EpicAlcatraz99 more like a theta male finding his voice
Thank you Shawn for this. Your patience is admirable with this activist that's clearly never walked the walk.
I think we can show respect to the activist too being able to see things from Shawn’s point of view, finding middle ground, and not taking opposing opinions personal.
“Police have been idolized” “there are movies around them”.
Gangsters have been idolized and have their fair share of movies as well. At the end of the day I still know which one I’d turn to if I needed help, and it’s not the guy that’s gonna expect a favor in return.
The gangster would be my choice as well. Just not the one in the blue uniform.
Well...there is good cop bad cop. Unfortunately George Floyd's killers was a bad cop....ignored a lot of protocols. I say don't defund though. Put it all in training....and be HARDER on those who don't want to follow their job safely!!!
I don't know man I'm pretty sure there's plenty of cops out there who ask women for favors in return.hahaha
@@jasonclark5856 which version of the video did you see? the first one that was shown by the media or the full version?
@@seppetoni7874 I saw the full George Floyd video. He was resisting arrest, yes. But cops are trained to detain someone in a specific way and the cop did not do that.
Kudos for the Seal for his patience and calling out bullshit.
@Lindzy Krusens lol
Seriously. That is a Skill in itself
That interview cupcake sounds like the most ingnorant idiot walking. I doubt he was ever in a confrontation in his life.
Where do these cream puffs get the gall to arm chair QB police shoot outs?
He’s more patient than me.
@@busa4091 Anytime these "defund the police" have an issue they call THE POLICE who at some point should not respond.
“The cop wasn’t going to die.”
“How do you know that?”
These people have never been in any danger in their entire lives. They honestly believe criminals have good intentions, even when they pull weapons out and come at a cop with it. He thinks that cops are required to take a knee and play roulette with a criminal, cross their fingers and hope this dude isn’t going to kill him? These people don’t live in reality. They live in their cushy safe world, provided by the police they demonize.
I wish all these people would all move to a place where they don’t have police and see what happens. Maybe they’ll get a wake up call about what reality is really like.
"These people" what makes you think he's not talking to a combat vet? I've deployed twice as an infantryman and spent my fair share of time in danger and I support defunding the police. You seem to think defunding is the same as abolishing. Defunding means re-prioritizing the police's role in our society. Should they get 80% of a cities budget while other projects get 1%-5%? Every Policeman I know says they're overworked and expected to respond to things they have no business responding to. We keep expanding their responsibilities without preparing them for those tasks. Instead they are trained on firearms and their budget goes to tactical gear and then we're surprised when they show up at a mental health crises and shoot someone. Its the only thing they know how to do.
I’m serious bro. People need to wake up to this fact: You and I go to bed at night. CRIMINALS are shooting a shot of meth- and heading out all night to steal , rob, and murder if you get in the way. I’ve known these people personally. I was a terrible person in a previous life. There are career criminals- Everywhere. Y’all think they operate in poor neighborhoods- you’re wrong. They know white folks leave their doors unlocked and have more shit to steal. These people are predators. There are SERIAL CHILD MOLESTORS, killers, Human Trafficking, kidnappers, burglars, mail thieves, ID thieves, .. The list is endless. Our only line of defense is the police. Criminals all around the country are laughing at the unrest. Police are less likely to pull cars over now- etc. people need to wake up.
@@wellread8649 if all they know is how to shoot someone, then wouldn’t we want to fund them more so they get better training? Or do we want to take away some of their training by defunding them?
@@wellread8649 if it takes 80 percent to keep people safe then yeah they should ill admit not in all cities but in the most dangerous yes what if they lost half their budget and couldnt respond in a timely manner when you called for help
Maybe if in these communities the citizens actually stepped up to stop criminals but it a lot of cities people are scared of retaliation from gangs but it everyone stepped up the gangs wouldnt run the cities the law abiding citizens would
@RandomOrForgotten u UsEd aPpEaL tO AuThOrITY fAlLaCy. No I responded to someone that said that those who wish to defund police have never been in danger and don't know what hard work is. Clearly that is false. I also assume 90% of the audience of this channel are vets so my "status" isn't one of superiority, I'm just on par. As for everything else, its hard to argue with someone who is so emotional that they cannot comprehend what's being said even if its literally written out. Nobody said anything about cutting pay. The only proposition is that Police only respond to actual crime. Not a drug overdose, not a car wreck, not a fire, not a health emergency, not a dispute, not a domestic dispute, not a commercial event, not a noise complaint, not a cat in a tree, etc.. They don't need training on mental health because it shouldn't be their job. Mental health counselors have been dealing with these situations fine for decades. So how would I deal with a mental health emergency if I were a cop? I fucking wouldn't because I have no idea how to handle that and I would only make things worse.
“Let the people live in what they created.” Awesome Sean.
I think we did that once. We just stopped going to communities that didn't want us, the violence sky rocketed and they wanted us to come back. These were low income communities and it was a long time ago. I think It was in the 60's maybe the 70's. I really don't remember, sorry.
how did they "create" it..
You need to do some research my man...
They were put there.. redlined..and given terrible education and rights...
@@Tyrelguitaristthats because what your saying is BS and lies are hard to remember.
@ejumac8ted910 idk maybe it is bs. Lies are usually pretty easy to remember, that has nothing to do with it. Maybe it happened, maybe not, I can only go off what people say who were there. And I wasn't born yet so there ya go.
@@Tyrelguitarist well dude you saying stuff that either isnt true or ur making up or simply going by what u have heard with no confirmation. Whats worse is this is precisely why things are so messed up with the thought process. Everyone blurts stuff out without actually listening or truly understanding whats being said. These “low income” or whatever word u use to go around what u really mean dont mind policing. But keep the race soldiers that come there with bad upbringing and is ultimately there for the wrong reasons. Its that simple. No complications. If a person commits a murder whether or not they have immunity given to them by the law its still murder.. and its only adding to the crime they claim to be fighting. Are there legit activity aimed at the police? I would agree there is but NO MORE than any other “suburban” area. I dont care what some statistic says to justify keeping the numbers of cops on payroll. Cops that come with good energy dont have issues. Period
Im sure this has been said already, but the fact that this person doesn't want to be on camera says a lot.
Probably because police don't hesitate to abuse their authority to go after political enemies who haven't broken a law
Amen. Good point.
He’s not on camera cause he is not a liberal
Would you show your face in public if you were a "limp lib"?
The cops 100% seek retaliation. I have experience first hand.
Did you notice no one in this conversation interrupted each other....respect goes along way!
Pretty amazing when people can be on opposite sides of things and still be able to sit and talk. 😆
Often its well rehearsed. Mr fendorf
Shmotzel, it is a dramafool. Infact its a series and keep following 405.
Well of course there's respect in this conversation.
The liberal was talking to a legit SEAL face to face.
Wouldn't be a smart move to be disrespecting him by telling him he's a toxic white man, and needs to check his privilege or some other bs. lol
“Osama bin laden wasn’t armed” was the greatest response ever
@George Washington "Loaded silence" is a fantastic fucking term for that, lol.
The tax funded psyop and docu drama thriller during an election period essentially a wag the dog event
Yea but they were looking for him for what he did, and he made a lot of videos of himself with an AK 47.... but he compared Bin Laden to unarmed civilians who didn't deserve to die... its not that great of a line when u think about it... but I do admit, when he said that I was like "damn" but then I was like, but he comparing a known terrorist to unarmed US citizens... FOH
@@laronahouseentertainment2271 I do agree that the analogy is a little weak under some scrutiny, but I think what he's getting at is this: Neither the Police nor the SEALs know if who they're going for is armed or not. And even unarmed people can run to get weapons or try to take them from the police/SEALs. I'm going off of memory here, but my understanding of the Bin Laden raid was that they shot him as he was running into a side room, assuming he was going to get a weapon. Within the context of "that's Osama Bin Laden" that seems like a safe assumption to me, with regular citizens though it varies a lot and should be taken on a case by case basis.
Not really trying to take a side here, just elaborating on what I believe he meant by that. But yeah that silent pause is something else.
@@laronahouseentertainment2271 fid Osama help Larry Silverstein plant the explosives in building 7 so Lucky Larry could just "pull it" ? Osama was a pure WWE psyop character . Read a book called the Trigger and see how ridiculous the debate over Osama and OP End Freedom was in Iraq. Wete still in Afghanistan 20 years later. Why?
Man this is brutal to watch. I tried 3 times. Can’t get through it all. This guy is the reason our country is coming apart at the seams.
I don't need cops, do you?
@@wvmountaineer69 lol if we took all police away you have no idea how fast shit would hit the fan and you’d probably be either dead or crying in a corner scared lol.
@brandonzufall459 I think means he is a law abiding gun owning citizen
Law abiding means you'll obey whatever your overlords tell you to!
@GiovanniDnoreso what is he going to do when his car gets broken into? Daughter raped? Son murdered? Home burgerlized when's he's not home?
I find it funny that the Liberal decided he didn't want to be filmed.
I can't say as I really blame him. Having a reasonable conversation with anyone left of AOC on ideology has never resulted in anything but shaming at best.
So brave.
Right exactly
Well I've seen leftists on debate videos get doxxed and got sent death threats until they all went dark sooooo
He didnt have time to do his makeup that day
You can tell he was having flashbacks... thank you for your service!
Liberal: look at this outcome. Navy seal: experience, reasoning, and logic.
99.9% of the time if you were shot by a police officer you fucking had it coming
Still pray for them
"As civilians, we are not holding ourselves accountable.." -Shawn Ryan 2020
That is more than 90% of the problem right well said
Very true....and spend the money on a quality trained officer rather than money on landmine avoiders. And stop locking up civilians that protect themselves from great bodily harm by using their (legally owned) guns.
Police are Civilians as well hense why this is all a shit show. The fact there's no National Police Training Standards is wild
That is more then 99% of the problem ....when are people going to be held responsible for their actions. If a cop tells you ..don’t move , put your hands up are under arrest ! You do just that. If you make a conscious decision to ignore those orders and YOU choice to escalate the situation ....YOU , and only you ..are responsible for the out come.
Holding yourself accountable is defunding police and relying on yourself from here on out, he’s arguing against himself.
@@victorygarden556your not too bright are you
They weren’t at the wrong house for Breonna Taylor. That’s untrue FYI
Sure weren't. There is so much misinformation about that case and so many other it's ridiculous. People jump on the mainstream media train and start spouting out bullshit
This guy didn’t have the facts right on the breonna Taylor case at all.
Breonna Taylor’s name was on the arrest warrant
Also it wasn't a "no knock" arrest. The police called out their presence and knocked before being shot at from inside the apartment.
She was still handling money for the ex boyfriend. Not to mention the stuff with the rental car that had her name on it, but was found with a dead body in it after he borrowed it.
When I heard him say, "I participated in a couple protests, peaceful ones", my first thought was "Oh, how much sh*t did you set on fire?"
My first thought is, even if what you’re saying is true, not every protest was peaceful.
The same way I feel about Trump supporters. I assume most will be treasonous, and try and storm federal buildings. As well as assault Police. See what I did there.... Obviously that's not true, and is a gross over generalization.
People blanketing protestors as rioters = stifling their constitutional right to peaceful assembly. It's almost treasonous. Rioters are criminals. Peaceful protesters are just that. Peaceful protestors. The same people saying "The media lies", are the same ones that will see rioters on media outlets and say "All protestors are rioting"... the irony.
"What were you protesting" .... " Some asshole that was murdered by cops"... (not actual quotes of the juror)
@@bronichiwa984 Even if it was a peaceful protest he had a predetermined opinion of the case before he set foot in the courtroom. I just wish the protestors had any idea wtf they were even protesting.
I couldn’t get through it. Sorry Shawn. But I have to say, I have so much respect for you on how you handled this interview.
Same here
the best part about this debate is both letting each other finish your thoughts
That’s where it starts to move to a better place
@@travisjohnson3124 love this.
Gotta love theres more respect here than in a presidential debate
@@jacobdittmer6586 Absolutely
Thats a rarity.
My son spent 3 hours at an elderly couples house trying to help the husband convince his wife she was at home because she suffers from dementia. He’s a police officer. It’s not something they have to respond to. A few nights earlier he was in a foot chase... I could not be more proud of him... and THANK YOU Mr. Navy Seal HERO!!!!! For your service and for your practicality. This world lacks balance to a severe degree.. you brought it and it was A MILLION THUMBS UP
After 30 minutes I would figure I'm not the one for that job and would have gotten, Oh I don't know, A DOCTOR to deal with that instead of half the day being unsuccessful at something you have zero training with. I love our police and tell him thank you for what he does. Tell him make sure he goes home and let us "the jury" handle the rest, in Tennessee anyway.
@@ranbymonkeys2384 lol lol 😂 I will tell him lol lol 😂
May God keep your son safe.
@@suzannenichols6900 thank you ma’am! Very thoughtful!
And i think that it's funny they talk about how only 5% of BLM protests are violent. But if less than 1% of police encounters are violent then they say 1% is to many... but the own logic doesn't apply to their statistics.
The guy not shown on camera seems like an idealist. He also seems like a guy who thinks he knows how the job should go, but has never walked in those shoes for even one day.
Yeah well obviously someone who “ walking a mile in someone in same shoes” is bias. That’s the whole issue. When a “bad apple cop” does do something it’s same department that investigates the bad cop. That’s what the SEAL was saying chauvin had 20 complaints and did the same thing to a teenagers for 19 min before he killed Floyd. They are public servants of course the public has opinion of the people they pay.
That's why he's interviewing a guy like this lol.
The guy interviewing Shawn was a total lib no nothing tool.
Yeah my roommate is the same way. Talks a lot of shit about police but he's never been in a fight before. He knows nothing about confrontation and making life saving decisions under pressure. It is the public right to have an opinion, but it's sheer arrogance to claim that you know better without having ever done the job.
Isn’t that ALWAYS the case...none of these fools want to get it or understand...they have been brainwashed and have zero accountability
Tamir rice removed the bright orange plastic tip from the gun. It looked exactly like a 1911. Tamir rice was pointing the gun at people in the park thats why the cops were called. Tamir rice pointed the gun at the cop when he pulled up, end of story.
Ryan's final sentence has literally come out of my mouth almost verbatim "if you are not willing to take accountability for your actions, you're just a fuckin' piece of shit" I would say the single greatest thing I learned in the military was a how to take and accept accountability- good and bad. Great interview, as a companion to it, I recommend folks read "Extreme Ownership" by Navy Seal Jocko Willink. The lack of accountability across society these days is the true plague of our time. It's the real epidemic that threatens life as we know it - far fuckin' greater than a pandemic with 98% survivability.
It was a good book
Ive never been in the military but ive found myself constantly saying theres no acceptance of fault or ownership of it. How can you ever grow or learn if you never accept you are wrong? And most people love to watch a 10 second clip of a 10 minute incident and think we know everything and pass judgment on whats been seen.Its so worrying the way things are going.
Dude Bolsonaro right now is fucking up the amazon rain forest that's are largest supplied oxygen source in the world he is Brazilian he is not taking accountability. Most americans are accountable its the CEO's and the highly wealthy who don't pay there taxes and fuck shit up on a grand scale that ruins everything it has always been this way since the medieval ages it must stop their must be a limit to human expansion and our population or at least attainable fuel sources and material that can last cause when we run out of oil we're fucked.
I agree everyone is passing the buck and scapegoating's.
@@hawkmithra9879 If people took responsibility for there actions and learned to respect and expect it. Eventually it reaches the top. Instead the top has people divided and are using the media to do it. Also its not everyone just the ones who want power and control.
Three months later "Minneapolis to spend $6.4 million to hire more police" after defunding them led to a skyrocket in crime.
Also, how hard is it to recruit ppl, when ppl know you hate them being cops? You end up lowering your hiring standards cause you can't get good ppl. And you end up hiring worse. Always happens. The good quit, the bad stay
@@dontgiveinfo exactly! Who in the hell wants to be a cop nowadays? Kids grow up seeing police do good and want to be one when they grow up. Now they are being taught that cops are bad.
@Jarvz Kanxcell All my life I’ve been told, and I’ve seen good cops. Good men and women, and a part of me wants to be a cop. Yet at the same time, I don’t want that hate, and pain that follows.
One reason is due to the idolization of gangsters and criminals in pop culture
I'm an irishman, and lived through the worst years of a bloody civil war which scanned almost five decades.
But we're also a country which has an armed police force, a hostile population, and a history of revenge and brutal murders.
We have many similarities to the states, but in other aspects, we're markedly different.
If you don't have a police force, but have a largely armed population, in which addiction is rampant, gang culture is thriving, and the murder rates are astronomical, and you choose to remove the police force, it is BLIDNINGLY OBVIOUS that crime is going to rise in frightening rates.
The police force, despite their flaws, arethe only service which is working to actively keep you safe.
Yes they have faults, but if you remove them, your lives will become unbearable unless you're an armed alpha males type who is ready, able and fit enough to wage war.
Being an ex boxer, I have a lifetime of experience which proves to me that the vast majority of people have absolutely no fighting skills whatsoever, and the small minority of men who CAN fight and compete against other alpha male types in some form of combat are going to be far too busy sieving themselves to save YOUR dumb arse ..
This guys “facts” are highly selective, to put it mildly.
Who are you talking about? The liberal? Everything he said is backed up by the numbers. You can disagree with WHY or try to explain it but you can’t disagree with the reality and act like THAT is wrong. Come on dude.
@@joeymcallister8033 negative, he has false information and as well correct information. BLM violent protesting is majority of the time, not 5%. i'm not talking about rioting burning sh*t down. just as much as attacking 1-2 people, that turned violent.
@@joeymcallister8033 the liberal also acted like this ones actually unarmed white male. when unarmed white men are more likely to be killed by cops than unarmed black males, then its unarmed hispanic males are more likely to die by cops than unarmed blacks. he's stuck with the liberal news that fits his narrative. he's so one sided, shows 1 video & pretends everyone's like that. pretends that's how everyone thinks. this liberal obviously doesn't have the intelligence to understand firefights, and doesn't understand guns or anything in that aspect. actually experiencing it arguing against a child who knows NOTHING about the situation is a bit much. sounds like a little crying over something he doesn't know. he states 3 things on a cop shooting instead of looking at the context, seeing everything that has happened. this guys a joke
GJ Shawn
@emily fox just because he’s a SEAL doesn’t mean anything as far as law enforcement goes. Being a SEAL means he’s an insanely trained killing machine that won’t give up. It doesn’t mean SHIT about his opinion on law enforcement.
@@joeymcallister8033 his scenarios presented on Breonna Taylor and the guy in Kenosha that was shot by police was incorrect. That's as far as I've made it so far.
Don't fire until you're fired upon?! That's totally outrageously idiotic.
I love how chill they are, it's dope to see people sit down and talk like normal people and not yell at eachother.
We have more in common than not. It’s finding the similarities that makes for a civilized society. And the key to that is calm, respectful conversations.
Wish our freaking politicians watch this and learn how to have civilized conversations and debates.
Not even that, but you can feel how tense they get in certain parts of the talk yet they remain professional and civil about it. Very commendable and hard to do, both of them 👏
@@tomrawrzzz5096 the guest isn’t far left like most of the democrats are. The far left will not sit down for a conversation example being nobody other then vaush has been on timcastIRL. They all make excuses because they’re ideas are bad
He believes in his ideas so much that he wont even be filmed or named? Makes sense to me..
where did you see that he didn't want to be filmed or named?
@@jerronbennington6169 I guess the fact that he wasn't on Camera. I'm also assuming Shawn never mentioned his name. I doubt that's because he didn't want to. It'll have been the guests choice. Again, I assume. Didn't speak with the guest personally.
its called personal privacy
whether we like him, or agree with his ideas or not. everyone is entitled to it until proven otherwise
@@quinn8599 Then why go on a talk show if you want to hide your identity? That's the opposite of what you would do if you want privacy...
@@zagorith14 because its our right as americans? Look i dont like him as much as the next guy but he is still a u.s citizen and is entitled to the same things aa we are
He keeps saying 1300 civilians killed by police but avoids the fact that majority of them are committing crimes and or trying to cause bodily harm to another person or the responding officers.
Exactly the point that I noticed too. They weren't 1300 law abiding citizens and probably got what they deserved.
@@so19sfo95 Satan!
Plus America's population is 350 million people strong. 1348 trash bags taken out tottally fine by me
The guy also kept saying "I cant shoot someone in the back" no shit you're not a cop. How do you expect to stop people breaking the law by following the law.
@@me4654 get back in your lane psyco!
Ultimately it comes down to this guy trying to create a gotcha moment. However, he forgets he’s talking to an ex Navy Seal! Someone who has seen it all! And will speak with 100% honesty and will show the uneducated that they need to understand the life that our military and police have to endure on a daily basis
Politicians are NEVER held accountable for anything. This thing is the root of most of the big issues of the modern society.
Barack Obama recently complained that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh destroyed his "connection" with conservatives. The arguments he used to "prove" that, instead prove that his most monstrous, most anti-American, most anti-Christian, most anti-Human contribution ever is this: that we are entitled to a sociopathic-psychopathic imagination were our mere words and blind feelings can creat a "reality" and that we are not responsible for the very negative results, disasters, deaths and rejection produced by that criminally insane imagination and feelings.
Him and all others like him could be called The Criminal-Crazyfiers-In-Chief. Following what you said, Stephane, total lack of accountability, total lack of responsibility, is the roof of the evil in society today. Entitled Irresponsibility is legalized criminality.
Neither are police.
@@fawnieee A total lie. I stay up to date on both sides of criminal justice and corrupt police officers have been judged and incarcerated for various crimes long, long, long before the fake "justice warriors" showed up. The only difference is that now the officer is guilty-by-mob-judgment until proven innocent and some have been falsely accused.
The idea is the same as always with Marxist infiltrators and saboteurs: Systemic Psychological Warfare, Gaslighting, Infinite Accusation and Sentimental Infantilism. The whole principle, old but effective, TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER SO THEY ARE SEEN AS SAVIORS. Police are not the problem, it's all a distraction and cover up for the Abusive Criminal Marxist Thought Control Force!! Resist and cancel the Marxist Police!!
God I love that line. You dont want police you wont get any. NONE! Seal understands
Cool get rid of em
That's slippery slope falacy. Is there no middle ground between having an overly aggressive militaristic police and having no police force at all? When most people say "defund the police" it doesn't mean abolish the police. There will always be a need for law enforcement. However, we shouldn't have to live in fear of the police. Overall, we need more crime prevention in the US. Crime is heavily correlated to income, so creating policies that reduce income inequality and give people an opportunity to live a comfortable life would be so much better than investing in a reactionary police force. You wouldn't have to deal with a crime that never occurs.
@@thespecialsoup308 The problem is defunding is the opposite of what should be done, more funding should be put toward better and continual training then you're quality of officers will rise. The problem is many only are trained in their brief time in the academy then after that all they have is firearms requalifications every couple years. Jocko said it best on Rogan's podcast "You should have enough police that 40 percent of their time is spent in training whether it be de-escalation, safe restraint training, etc, etc".
@Ronnie B: It’s kinda like when Leftists complain about this country, but continue to live here and live off the government. Crazy stuff man. This is the best country ever. Btw please don’t take Our Lord’s Name in vain. Peace!
That millions of dollars in training is really paying off here. The patience is incredible.
instead of tactical training, too many time and manpower goes into diversity training, sensitivity training, culture training
@@Spider-Too-Too sensitivity training?
Bruh 😂💀
fortunately for both of them (especially faceless) no real threat was ever presented, (although their were some fanciful imaginary ones) way to R.O.E. SEAL
That comes with experience and training
What you're doing on your channel Sean. I just simply applaud you man. And in such a stand up , professional manor dude. America needs this
The guy providing the “facts” keeps lying.
So much of what he said on Breonna Taylor was straight lies.
I think this was before more information came out about the case.
He must work for Facebook
@@Team_ghost9503 video was posted 2 weeks ago. Most that info has been out for 4 or so months.
It may be a case it was recorded longer before release. A disclaimer would be good
The deception is so strong just like Mark twain said "no amount of evidence will ever convince a idiot" that comes to my mind pretty much everyday!
Great statement
@@runtoth3abyss It's not just one groups fault, but they teach police the worst case scenario so that they are prepared for when it eventually happens. I believe they need to teach the worse case scenario but put more money into better training for the cases that aren't the worse case.
@@runtoth3abyss The reason they default to the worse case is because right now we don't train them enough in other areas if we did, and did it right, they wouldn't default to worst case... Now I've heard many pro-police people talk about wanting reform I'm one of them AND I've heard many anti-police people say that we shouldn't have police at all. Also if no group is perfect doesn't mean every group is at fault to an extent..... Yes some cops violate people's rights and they should be held accountable for that but just because some do doesn't mean they all do, and there are BLM protests that turn violent, that doesn't make them all violent.
I like it:) perfect point
Fun fact: Domestic violence calls lead to the most officer deaths.
Domestics are the worse call for Police and any first responder. So bad that first aiders are held back from the scene until it is secure.
Is it? I thought it was the (rightfully) dreaded "routine traffic stop". Dollars to doughnuts they run a close 2nd then.
that WAS fun!
oh, wait...
...and assaults on police. It was nice how the interviewer focused on deaths and not assaults. Never mentioned assaults on officers.
By the way, NO traffic stop is routine! Also, he mentioned no one is trying to "bomb" cops. He obviously doesn't know of the dad in the nineties of individuals making improvised explosive devices with household chemicals and shrapnel that were being tossed in police vehicles!
I was a Police Officer for 17 years, there are good cops and not so good cops. Overall, where I worked cops will go out of their way to be better people. We all have bad days, problem is, one bad day can be what your career is judged on. You get what you pay for, if you cut funding and Police get less training, you get a worse quality of cop. It's easy to watch video and judge someone's decision in a life and death situation from a couch, and say "I would have done this or that" it's different when you're there. A slightly different angle can give you a completely different picture of what's happening. I struggle with my career, partly from what I've seen, but mostly from the lack of support and judgement from management. You mean nothing to the department, you're just a number and you'll be burned up in the politics.
My biggest problem with these type of "liberal" arguments is that they don't also say what the civilians did wrong and should've done differently. They only critique the police
The only legitimate critique target is government because taxes are theft. Those people make their own decisions.
My problem with a lot of liberal’s arguments is that they are mostly based on anecdotal vague evidence.
Guess why... Because the people are living their lives however they want to live, and the cops are there with the power of the government violating our rights. The police are the only ones who need to be held accountable for shitting on our rights.
I am a staunch Christian conservative who supports police.
But these no knock warrants are wrong. It does not matter what the "criminal " did, they are innocent until proven guilty, they still have rights.
Coos go to the wrong house often.
If you are asleep in your bed and they do a no knock warrant, they loose their authority because they are violating rights.
We have a right to be secure in our homes. The only ppl who enters a home without permission is CRIMINALS, why do you think we knock first?
The moment that door is kicked in you have seconds to live, there is no time to identify anyone. All you want is for your loved ones to make it through alive.
Right is right wrong is wrong, no knock warrant are wrong on every level. And I will never support any cop who does that. It is so anti American it is not even funny. It's straight out of the playbook of a tyrannical govt. The kind we fought to be free. The founding fathers would have these officers put to death for treason.
And the danger it puts the cops in is above what they should be put in.
It can be handled in so many better ways its almost as if who ever came up with the idea was wanting to be in a shoot out. My God what are these cops thinking. They are creating a war everytime they do this.
@@dude8223 all cops serve no knocks, there ya go now you don’t have to support police.
Biggest take away for me is having a CIVILIZED conversation and LISTENING to one another...regardless of your position. Republicans/Democrats, Conservatives/Liberals et et can and should engage in meaningful discussions. I honestly believe we can ALL learn something... if both "sides" can stop attacking and engage respectfully. Shawn, you killed it man... super impressed with your taking this on. I think there were interesting points from both sides during the course of the conversation. It's ok not to agree with all of it (or any of it for that matter) but providing the setting to exchange ideas is paramount. The fact that you and your guest have such different backgrounds and perspectives only added to the value of your discussion. Nice work.
Thank you 🙏🏻
I couldn't do it the liberal is Wrong on a lot he stated as fact and his sister must have finished last in law school or is a liberal with a agenda these are the turds we will be fighting in the streets and they will loose
Civil conversations tend to shed light on the truth pretty quickly
@@ShawnRyanShow Garner vs. Tennessee Cleary states about fleeing suspects and shots to the back he is 100% wrong
This interviewer should work for CNN. Doesn't know or doesn't want to reveal ALL the facts!
Wasn't brianna taylor holding a shotgun and a convicted felon for drug making and distribution?
No, her boyfriend was shooting (pistol I think) but she had her own warrant that was being served. They also had the option of going “no knock” they chose not to and did in fact knock.
@@douglasshepherd9419 forgot to mention that at first Whittaker first said that she fired at the officers on video, upon his arrest after the incident. Now he is saying he shot at the officers.
I was thinking the same thing 🤔
didn't they find a body in a rental car she had?
Rochester NY two cops executed while sitting in their car by a gang hired hitman from Boston.
This guy is claiming "Facts" and "Law" yet none of what he is saying is true. Thank you Shawn for your responses.
"By statistical fact..." he says. Okay, which one? By whom?
"Osama Bin Laden was unarmed".
"Ok, well, what about......"
Until you've been in a shooting of any kind, you're armchair quarterbacking. This guy is speaking only from news stories, not from experience. Go do the job, and then you can talk. I don't talk about accounting, cause I don't know shit about accounting.....
This guy is not credible....
its more important to be ABLE to have this conversation than whos right or wrong
@@coreyhall4872 I don't disagree with you, but facts need to be present in something that's ultimately caused so much division. He wasn't just giving opinions, he was saying that he had facts; some that were just not true. The combo can hopefully bridge those gaps.
Like how he says, "It is proven through court precedent that cops aren't allowed to shoot someone in the back." I think he needs to research his case law, specifically Tennessee v. Garner.
Media needs to be held accountable as well. Accountability is a huge problem right now
We live in a Lawless COUNTRY now! The department of Justice and Supreme Court Justice's won't do a thing to help to help AMERICA!
So underrated, it’s just a blame game, no self accountability and now we have empathy for criminals because people decided to blame racism. The nations future doesn’t look good.
Trump definitely set that standard of never being accountable. I agree. We need to change that.
“Take the police out of the neighborhoods that don’t want them.” Best idea I’ve heard so far👍
Bring them all to those who are truly appreciative of them.
Look up the Kansa city experiment! In that experiment policer were taken out of a neighbor hood and crime did not go up, and in another the police were tripled and crime did not go down.
This statement sounded very ignorant and stupid and it made me think twice about watching this video. I don't know the context that it was said because it's just a clip in the preview, but I don't know much about the DEFUND position, but I haven't heard anything about anyone wanting to to keep cops out of neighborhoods. What I've heard is that cops shouldn't be the first response for people in mental health crisis, and cops shouldn't be executioners, and cops shouldn't make routine traffic stops since too often they end up shooting someone who is no threat to anyone.
It sounds like this guy's position is "if you're not going to be grateful for the police system that you have now, then you don't get any police at all" and if he has dead friends or family because a police officer killed them, I'll give him some respect. But otherwise it sounds like he's saying "it's not my problem, so shut up. I don't want to hear it."
@@Graymanone If there were no police then how would they know if crime didn't go down?
@@erichughes2636 By those who are actually reporting crimes, that said the majority of crimes don't get reported. Studying criminology seems to upset many because it conflicts what people are told. Just remember people have their own self serving motives that are usually clocked in nobility.
How many of those 1300 was shooting at the cops or pointing guns at them. Then that 1300 comes down to 40 something unarmed. Seems pretty even to me
That dude is severely misinformed
He probably gets his info from CNN.
@Newell Orban Cool facts, you must deliver pizza. A pizza delivery guy doesn't deal with the same problems that cops do. Try working the inner city of Philly, pizzaboy.
They were not at the wrong house. Breonna Taylor’s name was on the warrant as well as her boyfriend’s. It also came out that the police did announce themselves. The full report came out maybe 2 months ago now.
Exactly. This anonymous guy is acting like he knows all the facts then when he is pressed on information he says " I don't know....." headroll
Wait what proof is there that they announced?
Was it a no knock warrant?
Dam said before me . Yes she was on the warrant
@@UA-camuser1aa it was issued as a no knock warrant the officers were told by supervisor to knock and announce. According to witnesses in the complex and the officers they knocked and announced and waited approx 45 sec to a minute before announcing they were coming in.
@@UA-camuser1aa the warrant had a provision for a no knock entry but the full badge cam video and testimony from the neighbors concluded that the police did announce their presence before being shot at and gaining entry to the house.
9:40 let’s make sure we get the facts straight here. Tamir Rice was 5’7” and 195 lbs. He was holding an Airsoft Gun, with a removable magazine, that looked indistinguishable from a real gun going so far as removing the bright orange identifier at the end of it. He was pointing it at people. When the officers arrived, he did not raise his hands and made movements towards his waste. Until you’ve been in a position where you have been shot at, you’ll have no idea what people deal with.
"The law says you cannot shoot someone in the back."
"Court precedent says that."
Wrong again... you cannot shoot a fleeing person who poses no threat to you or another, but you can shoot a threat in the back. Conflating the two is dishonest.
@Jared Repass I put that in my initial response but since that is more for police and I believe he was singling out civilians, I deleted it. However the case he cited (as stated) that the guy was running out of someone's house is not self defense. If he didn't state the case correctly, which is a real possibility given his accuracy on everything else, then it could be. Still, he seemed to be conflating shooting someone in the back who were no longer a threat and those who are. This would be great to redo after he is given the real facts.
In Pa police are allowed to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back if they are believed to be a possible violent threat.
@@ryand4533 Yes, that is national using Tennessee vs Garner (although some departments may have policies against it), but he was stating civilians can't. It will use the same justification, but I don't know the specific case for civilians that allows that, but I know it does.
Penns vs. Mi...... Damnit Donut!!!!!!
I like Shawn, he's as straight of a guy as they come, no bs, free thinker, says it like it is....thumbs up brother!
Is that the liberal off camera?
The vet straight owned him. But the liberal dude agreed with him on most parts. This is the way it should be. Fuck if you hurt someone’s feelings . If it makes the good for the better so be it. We all need to unite together and speak without any violence. This requires hundreds of thousands of people. They need to hear our opinions and we can settle this to where everyone comes out happy. Because we pay their salaries. Pretty much they work for us.
@@troycampbell1995 exactly! "You are entitled to your own feelings but not your own facts." People nowadays can't debate because they can't handle having their feelings hurt. People think your first amendment rights should end where their feelings begin. It's ludicrous.
“it’s a white guy, so you can take the race factor out” the pop culture has done a number on this dude
seriously. The propaganda machine does wonders to some people.
Especially little kids, they’re getting brainwashed by the media while most of us just get irritated, it’s the adults of 2030 ish that there targeting
Yessir. Since, as we know, whenever a black person is shot and killed it's always due to racism.
Bullshit the race is all ways a cops can't even do or attempt to do what white cops do and Get away with.then we see how white suspects are treated vs. Black suspects.
@@TheRealZJE313 where’s your source for that made-up BS you just spewed?
“However they killed 1340 people in the us alone” bruh in 2022 just in Chicago ALONE, well over 2000 black men were murdered in the streets like dogs BY OTHER BLACK MALES🤦♂️ shit ain’t a police problem those numbers are actually pretty decent when you think about the millions of people that’s out of, we have a culture problem and not just saying that it’s only black Americans that was just a true statistical fact that I found absolutely shocking and horrific, and all these people that claim “black lives matter” aren’t saying anything about that, nope. The police are the problem🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
"just let them live in the world they created." - mannnnn ive been saying this forever. Let them see how wonderful that idea is.
It’s already started in New York and other places where they have started this. Crime and murder way up.
I totally. Agree.
Funny cause the most drugged out states are Vermont, New Hampshire, and Utah .... more drug deaths in these states then Illinois, New York or any other states in America.
the problem is that they want to push that world on others.
Well history might surprise you as to “who created the world”
I love how calm the Navy Seal looks even tho i know hes pissed
Training pays off lol.
This SEAL is an operator his mind will never relax. He's thinking how he can kill everyone in that room.
I know!! I'm watching his breathing....that dude IS SO in control. I grew up in the projects and have seen plenty of criminal activity by punk asses that absolutely acted like they hadn't done anything (when they had) and their MOMMA's (girlfriends, sisters, wives...) attack the police when even THEY knew the police were right.
Well he is a Navy SEAL, they are the BEST of the best
A paradigm of a trained professional.
Just 2 weeks before the Brooks shooting the Atlanta DA said, "A taser is considered a deadly weapon under Gerogia law."
Yes ma'am. I'm glad someone else remembered this.
True so police were in the right to open fire
@@tonyr3440 that's the rub. The same D.A. came down on both sides of the argument. Both times resulted in police officers being charged and people breaking the law not (although one is dead).
@@davidtoney8399 and that’s because rayshard brooks got himself killed he resisted arrest after police were being calm with him assaulted police and they told him to stop but he didn’t then he took one of there tazzers fired it on the police and in Georgia there considered deadly weapons so in the end rayshard brooks was responsible for his own demise
@@tonyr3440 we are in complete agreement on Brooks being responsible for his own death. The point I'm making is the D.A. said it wasn't a deadly weapon when Brooks fired at the police officers.
He’s so confident in this argument he won’t show his face?
The Kenosha incident, the guy grabbed a knife out of the van when the cops shot him! He was told to drop the knife, and he refused!
As I recall he also said he had a gun which he had been arrested for a gun possession charge. I’ve seen the video, it was a good shoot.
So what your saying it was suicide by cop
@@Ph4r4oh_444g No, because the man didn't die!
Not to mention, the guy in Kenosha was given many verbal warnings to stop, tazed, tackled, and again, told to stop several times before he was shot while trying to get a weapon from his vehicle.
@@b4idie2 Exactly! All he had to do was obey their commands and he would've walked away unscathed!
Training and accountability. One costs money, the other takes backbone.
No amount of training makes you bullet explosion or fist proof lol. The idea that cops are fucking robots and have to take responsibility for actions of another party is actually moronic. Every case has many details and to use blanket bans and statements is just non-sense.
@@Phenomatron right but as far as accountability goes. With the breonna Taylor incedent who was responsible for dropping the ball on the bad intel? They should be held accountable. I think that is more what they are talking about when it comes to “accountability”
@@Mtullos86 The intel wasn't bad. Have you read the warrant? It was a SEARCH warrant. Not an arrest warrant. It was the right house and they knew it was Taylor's house. What intel was bad?
You're not accounting for the propaganda machine (media) who will spin it regardless of the true statistics. Also, no media mentions the non-compliance and how that played into the fatalities.
@@zman92630 Statistics can be manipulated to say what you want them to say even if they show the opposite. Right down to how the question is asked to obtain the statistics. NONE of the discussion here talks about WHY police exist and WHY they MUST be different than civilians. It's a (really great) military tactics guy talking to a REALLY badly informed (or lying) political ideologue over topics that BOTH are unqualified to discuss unless they are talking about the tactical merits of night vision devices (and even then I disagree with Shawn, there are times when NVD's are essential in law enforcement work). WHY are police sent on calls? WHY are they expected and required to use force? WHY are they poorly trained in this country (like SEALs, cops overseas spend a minimum of TWO YEARS training to be police, we can't even get past six months here in the U.S.)
Shawn is a good listener. He is good at waiting to talk.
“How to win friends & influence people.”
Read it.
Read it again.
Then read it again.
@@saltoftheearth7341 Dale Carnegie, hell of a guy.
I have a feeling he has a nicorette patch on
I probably would have cut this guy off so many times and told him to double-check his facts angry I love liberals
That’s Navy Seal training 🇺🇸
the Constitution permits an officer to use deadly force when he or she has probable cause to believe that a suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm to the officer or to others.
We need waaaayyyy more men like this in our current society.
@George Washington huh????????
Not possible. MILSOF is approximately .007% of the total population. 350m ppl...that’s approx 24500 of all living ppl at any one time in the US. Of those, perhaps 3k-4K are active. Those are our statistics, not many of us. Period.
There are lots of them in Texas... Thats why everyone wants to live there
This kid says "It's the job police sign up for" when talking about an officer fending for his own life is a draconian and an entitled statement. Who signs up for not being able to go home to their families to die at the hands of a criminal or non-compliant? Yes, police take on the risk of possible death in line of duty, but to place an expectation on them to die needlessly is incredibly backwards thinking. When the SEAL asks him where does it say in their oath they're supposed to die for their job, the kid says "well, it's different in each state". Police take a Constitutional oath to protect and serve the public - it's universal. It is NOT a Constitutional oath for police vowing to sacrifice their lives for members of the public who are committing crime or present themselves as a threat.
Police are not innocent they abuse authority we just wanted cops held accountable what's so hard to understand about that ?
When people spout that bullshit and actively try to make policing harder, they are only pushing for a radicalized, overly stressed police force which will absolutely be far worse than anything we’ve seen
@@starfury8660 read my comment
@@SiegePerilousEsauMaltomite 👍
@@starfury8660 they abuse authority sounds like you are making a blanket statement about all police. Yes, when they are in the wrong hold them accountable...thats not the case anymore because media has tried them before any evidence.
I love how he asks him the loaded question, "what does the military do with a disarmed suspect" and then when he answers him, he comes back and says, "oh well that's war so..."
no shit lol
well yes.......a war zone is different to community policing ? whats hard to understand ?
@@markhowells13 why even ask the question as if they are the same, this discussion was about comparison. This question contradicted the whole discussion.
Imagine him thinking military law is better then civilian law. Whenever military law comes into effect shit will get real so quick. He won't like it
I love that first part.
" If you don't want any police,u won't get none" couldn't have said it better myself. Oh yea you don't get no EMS either cause they don't come unless there are cops there so they will be safe.
"Protester" : I think, i feel, i wonder
Actual Soldier: "Here are the facts"
He begins at the very start of the video (the soldier) saying he doesn't know any facts or stats 🙃
@@fawnieee that's cherry picking, he brought up many facts further in the video
Just because you were a soldier doesn’t mean you know shit about anything
@@souloftheswarm You're right. I served alongside one soldier who was mistaken into believing CNN was a reliable source of information.
@@souloftheswarm not but they like to get to the point and not waste time.
“There are movies about police, they’re idolized!” Aren’t there dozens of movies about crime and criminals?
The “culture” that oftentimes finds itself butting heads with police idolizes criminals.
Way more films about criminals
way more, in fact. Natural Born Killers, Fargo, Heat, Breaking Bad(a tv show, but still), Goodfellas( any mob movie, really), The Oceans movies( 11, 12, and 13), Bad Santa, so on and so forth. named those right off the top of my head. I challenge you to name just as many that "idolize" cops. I'll wait.
I kinda love that "social contract" part. According to the interviewer the policemen and military is supposed to offer their lives as a sacrifice, but he doesn't even BEGIN to explore the other side of the social contract, i.e. the obligations of the citizens to not get themselves into situations that necessitates the need for the police to intervene in the first place? :/
The only people who really could survive a world without police dont want it.
Yessir!!! Old school outlaw justice!!!
Read about “THE HAMMER” and “SCORECARD”: That’s the hardware and software combination used to make the “glitch’s” used to change people’s votes from Trump to Biden. Tell your friends to learn about HAMMER and SCORECARD as well because BigTech is censoring it!e
Minneapolis is proof of that they are complaining there are not enough police 🤦♀️ but ilhan omar stood beside BLM and said she would dismantle the police department now theynare trying to blame the police chief
@@lizfranco8218 ahh maybe you just are delusional and people were fed up with trump.
@@Jay-fq8uz we know what happened we have seen the proof and you want to continue living in your fantasy land investigate the preponderance of evidence before you comment then you won’t make ignorant comments and make yourself look so ignorant
If you pull the police out of your neighborhood send our way, we still believe in law enforcement in Idaho.
Best idea Ive heard so far “You don’t want any police, you wont get any”.
I don't see the issue with something like that. If a neighborhood doesn't want police, don't send police. Can't the neighborhood fend for itself? They can put together their own community police force. CHAZ/CHOP did it in a few days.
@@annec6584 it didn't work out too well for them. Imho
The problem is I dont think the community as a whole is actually given a say in that. Just incompetent idealogues holding the levers of power
@@SoulCrapper The communities they claim to be “fighting for” are the communities that are hurt the most when there are no police. The people that want to defund the police are not affected AT ALL by policing or lack of policing. They are simply posers. But if Nancy Pelosi, AOC and all the rest want to defund the police they should hire their own police. Oh.....wait.......we the people pay for their police details.......hypocrisy at its best.
@@annec6584 LOL and we saw how well that went.... 😂
After seven years as a Ranger, I don't have any respect for anyone that won't show his face while "standing for they believe in"
Even the evil men in Africa that thought it was they're right to control and deny access to clean water that was life to children, had the courage to face us man to man in conference then battle. They died of course because Rangers lead the way!
Well done Shawn!
You don’t have to respect him, but tuning out his words because he won’t show his face is a cop out. You really respect scum warlords more than this anonymous dude, just because he remains anonymous?
Let’s have every federal agent exposed as well during court. All of our undercover special force to be exposed as well. There’s reasons people and entity’s want to stay anonymous. It has everything to do with who they are wanting to anonymous from, not the individuals themselves. Sad an Army ranger can’t have an open mind.
@@sweetlove9237 He obviously has a point and it pissed you off. The point is this guy is a coward, that's it. No need to twist words around IE "You really respect scum warlords more than this anonymous dude?" you sound like a politician. You must be the guy in the video 🤣
You bet, A man that faces his enemy in conference and battle that shows his face shows courage in both arenas. We talked as men and fought as men, both believing whole heartedly in our beliefs. A crybaby dude that refuses to face his enemy is nothing more than a coward. I don't agree completely with police behavior, but I know my rights, have put in the work to be unafraid, have no trouble with law enforcement officers, so enjoy fresh water, toilet paper, flat screen tv's and air conditioning in the greatest nation on earth. Cops aren't perfect but without them you better find a way to be a dangerous man because weather he's a scum bag or not there's an armed man out there that will take everything from you.
The police all though not perfect, guard you from that level of evil 24-7. I'll be okay what's your plan when they are not there to take care of you?
I didn't sat my ears or mind were closed. The whole idea of defunding the police weather or not the system is perfect, puts you in charge of your own safety. I'm ready for that are you? Without the police you are in a situation where there is no help and evil rains. This person was listed as a liberal, not a federal agent or otherwise identity sensitive, held position. Many men and woman of courage have hidden they're identities while still holding such positions, in order to solidify they're account. understandable. This particular individual listed no such station. Coward is a coward.
The patience you had addressing this politically charged subject and taking time to educate and listen and answer his questions of this young man who seems intelligent is proof that you are a class act! Thank you so much for producing content to balance out the white noise out there! 💯
I just subscribed to you because you’re hot
i said the same thing essentially, its impressive to say the very least
She's so much more then hot 😍.
but his statistics were from unreliable sources other then that i dont no whether i wanted have pushed back a little harder but yeah it is what it is
In the beginning of this table were talking numbers percentages and statistics. There's something they forgot to mention. The police are outnumbered by about 20000 to 1 and that's a conservative estimate. Figure those numbers into your percentages folks.
This is the most adult conversation I've witnessed in over 10 years.
35:50 This guy was NOT honest about what happened. Before shooting him, they attempted to arrest him twice which he fought off, they tased him, he ignored repeated commands to surrender, he ignored repeated commands to stop, and he ignored the warnings from the cops that they would shoot him. ALL of this he intentionally left out, this man got shot because of his careless and potentially dangerous actions. He also LUNGED into his car, he didn't just calmly walk away like he claims and he did in fact have a large knife that he reached for. This man was shot as a consequence of his own stupidity, not the cops responsibility to think for civilians.
The guy says "fuck" every other word. He has the mind of a child.
@@markvail2147 it's still more of a civilized conversation than most you see on the modern media, correct?
@@markvail2147 The opposite, this man has seen it all and adapted that language. Have some respect on his name you keyboard warrior
@@markvail2147 is that your only criteria?
"police are idolized in our culture, there's movies about them." So there aren't any movies idolizing criminals?
There are a ton. I enjoyed watching the tv show “Breaking Bad” and it idolized the methamphetemine trade. The movie “Den of Thieves” made criminals look like good family guys and the cops were portrayed as borderline corrupt. Hollywood typically portrays cops as corrupt, low-paid degenerates with drug and alcohol problems. It’s a sad break from reality and the American people lap it up with a spoon unfortunately.
I’m being genuinely serious when i say this, are you stupid?... A quick check on Netflix, Amazon Prime, YT, etc... will show you that criminals are idolized and there’s countless movies to show that
@@based1905 once you sober up you'll realize just how stupid you were 🤣
Yes America mythologies cops just like they have done to its brutal savage history. We have mythologized the slave owning, native American genociding founding fathers
Watch any old west show or movie. The hero is almost always a murderer of some kind, Ocean's whatever movies are about thieves, Heat is about bank robbers and the police are looked at like the bad guys. I could go on and on
I am a police officer. This is hands down the best discussion I have seen regarding modern policing. I respect the liberal’s arguments and points of view honestly, even if I do disagree with quite a few of his assessments. This is how a discussion should be. Two people discussing a subject objectively, calmly, not letting emotion take over. There were many excellent points made in this. Thank you Shawn, seriously.
On a side note, I completely agree with you on the training aspect. Police agencies really need to focus on providing more training. Well run agencies usually have much better training for their officers that focus on many aspects, not just combative skills.
I really appreciate what you wrote here. Thank you 🙏🏻
This is how real men act..
I absolutely agree on the training. Training should be all encompassing on skills that officers use on the daily. Not just combative skills, which are the fall back skills to use and should absolutely be solid if not excellent, but also non-lethal forms of self defense and hand/ground skills, de-escalation skills, techniques for building stronger rapport with the community to increase trust, and training with non-lethal tools (tasers, pepper spray, baton, beanbag guns, etc...) and general tactics. The issue is funding. Many smaller agencies, and even larger ones, are actually under staffed, over worked, poorly equipped, and poorly trained resulting in higher chances of lethal options being deployed in intense situations. "Defunding" the police is actually the absolute worst thing they can do to the already financially strained police forces. That will INCREASE the potential for innocent lives being put in danger. Though, as an officer, I'm confident you are well aware of all this. So no real need for me to reiterate any further.
I have so much respect for you sir,please be careful on duty
Our of that 1300 people that died by police, how many were accidentall, how many were brought on by violent people, how many were suicide by cop, how many were caused by bad police judgement.
The leftist needs to do a ride along in Chicago
It will give them more reason. I live in Chicago
@@cordelllongstreath9070 more reason for what? I'm not sure what you mean....
@@bmurr0325 im guessing you don't know about Chicago or the reasons or million dollar blocks. Look it up yourself
@Bumble Bee 🤣🤣👍
They will get everyone killed
No you don't half to shoo....
Police:why did you walk in front of the shooting.... Bullets don't stop
This guy has no balls staying off camera Shawn definitely has some stone cold patience
He got that from being trained with the seals ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
The irony of staying off camera out of fear for your safety but saying defund the police 😅
Amen ❤
Sometimes Shawn doesn’t show them if they aren’t great. Probably something he did not at request of the coward
Yea...what's the point of a debate of you cannot show your face...cowards
It's refreshing to see a mature argument on this issue. Regardless of my personal opinion, you both articulated good points. Keep up the good fight, Shawn.
I'm glad Shawn is a good guy because he would be a terrifying bad guy...
He looks chill and he's viking while he's talking a respectful liberal if all liberals was like that I wouldn't hate on them so much there's bad apples in every group
Nah... he’s just one guy. 5 Cops surround him, and he’s gone... 1,2,3...
@@Backtothehat one guy can change everything. Look back in just the last 100 years, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Moa. These men changed their countries and the world. Just one man.
@@Backtothehat lol you think 5 cops will take out a seal?! They literally are trained to go into combat with small numbers against high numbers of combatants. I have some SF buddies. The level they are at in combat is leaps and bounds above any civilian or law enforcement. Not to mention regular military.
Dude spent 5 years doing coke in Columbia....according to him. That didn't go well, I guarantee it.
"Osama bin Laden wasn't armed" LOL Best quote whole thing.
Time stamp plz lol
Edward Snowden says ,we placed osama in the Bahamas, just saying .
@@sebastianmorris4316 30:57
Osama bin laden was not a terrorist a killer a mastermind or anything like that he was an accountant a money man he raised money for his war with Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia called the usa into the holy land and depended on america to protect mecca and medina osama pleaded with the saudis to let al Qaeda do it and do not bring infidels into the holy land Saudi Arabia denied osama and this is what Osama war was about expelling the infidels out of the holy land no caliphate that was isis and why isis split from al Qaeda osama never killed never planned a terrorist attack and wanted the infidels out of the holy land and he raised money for this cause it wasn't until the cia got involved with the hardliners and executed rogue terror attacks that got blamed on Osama so the worlds most wanted man no a martyr true to the cause
@@vincentrepins5825 yup pretty sure you know more than the CIA that watched and studied him for 6+ years
This kid would be the first one squealing for the police when there's a crime against him. He's complaining about people doing a job that he couldn't do.
No body signs up for that is right, cops have every right to defend themselves as much as any American.
Mr. Liberal won't even show his face. I'd like to see this guy go on some police calls, then run his mouth.
Yah that 5% blm movement shit is bullshit. More like 90% are violent
@@jimyeetast9335 not true lol
@@jimyeetast9335 that’s false lmao
@@jimyeetast9335 hi, I actually volunteer with the ACLU, and have been a legal observer for many of the protests that happened this year. I have seen murders, been shot at with rubber bullets, and even enjoyed the wonderful sting of tear gas burning my face, eyes, and throat, multiple times.
I can confirm those numbers are accurate as I have seen them myself. I’m sure this will get downvoted and harassed by the less intelligent members of society patronizing this thread but, this comment isn’t for you anyways.
By the way, the ACLU are a non-partisan organization, they have walked with everyone from BLM to Neo-Nazis, to ensure that everyone’s rights are being respected. If they say something is, then it is.
The ACLU? 😂 what a load of BS! The ACLU is garbage and only supports Marxism.
35:30 Jacob Blake was shot while reaching INTO his car, not “before he got to the car” as the “liberal” claims. The officers were also yelling “Drop the knife,” at gunpoint, while he was walking to the car. The knife was found in the driver side floorboard after Blake was shot. This implies that he did, in fact, already have the knife on his person when he was trying to get into the car.
Furthermore, the responding officers knew that Blake had an active warrant AND a restraining order placed upon him. Yes, his kids were in the car, but he was prohibited from being around them due to the restraining order. Should the officers simply allowed a man with an active warrant and restraining order to just drive away with the kids in the car?
The officers tased him, which didn’t work; held him on the ground, which he resisted and got away; gave him verbal commands at gunpoint, which he ignored; and even tried to pull him out of the car, which (surprise surprise) he resisted, before finally being forced to shoot him. Tell me, what more could the officers have done?
Another inconvenient fact that BLM and the MSM left out if the story: the officer who shot Blake also immediately rendered first aid and saved his life until the paramedics arrived on scene. They weren’t there to kill a black guy; they were there to PROTECT A WOMAN AND HER CHILDREN from a violent criminal. And they did. The officers who responded that day were HEROES. Just imagine what could’ve happened to the woman if the police hadn’t shown up or to the children if they hadn’t stopped Blake from driving away.
Here is another example of the liberal not knowing any of the facts but happily being a useful idiot just parroting BLM talking points. Guys like this ARE THE PROBLEM with discourse in our country. Everyone has a literal supercomputer in their hand, yet no one is willing to spend 5 minutes researching a topic that they claim to be passionate about. He’d rather continue to spread absolutely false information to perpetuate his narrative.
You identified one of my problems with this guy. His "facts" about the Blake and Taylor incidents are incomplete or worse. The video is out there for Blake and the grand jury investigation is out there for Taylor.
Well said.
Just FYI Blake was stealing the car with the lady's keys that had originally called the police. While Blake was walking around the car with the knife in hand she was screaming at the officers to not let Blake take her children. He was in the act of kidnaping a child. I don't know about anybody else, but if someone is kidnapping my child I would not have stopped at firing 7 shots.
@@billcampbell1627 you’re right, I should’ve clarified that it wasn’t his vehicle. Thanks.
The guy wasn’t spitting facts about the Breonna Taylor case, he needs to do more research. His accounts of the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha was inaccurate as well. Great video Shawn
Sure, because the guy lifting weights knows more, that’s why you’re on the show, right 😂
@@krwsfyme8459 actually it looks like he missed a ton of facts, there’s another thread in the comments you’ll have to scroll through it and read into what you can. I always say try to find your own facts though, looking for the real released affidavit now to read it myself.
@@CM-hd4pb lol ok Cameron 😂
@@krwsfyme8459 navy seals are very smart kiddo. They are some of the smartest people in the military. It takes dedication not strength to become navy seal. He has one of the most dangerous jobs in the world while your sitting on ur couch. Get some respect.
He needs to get out of the interviewing business. The GHOST interviewer..
I dont know what state yall living in but in TEXAS aint no civilian going to jail for shooting in self defense.
Shawn looking like he`s using every restraint in his body to keep from lunging at this dude and snatching the life out of him. LOL
Dudes lucky to leave that podcast without his head literally up his ass. Even though figuratively his heads up his ass.
I don't think so. He just wants the lightbulb to turn on inside this guys head.
I thought the same thing!
There are A LOT of missed facts involved in the unseen person’s relating of “facts” when presenting them to the SEAL.
I noticed that too. I'm not surprised there.
That my friend is what libs do! Talking points always, and when actual facts are presented by the non liberal then the great deflection and semantics flow from the libs wiener holster.
I think he's a typical lib thats full of crap
Yeah he missed some items in the Kenosha incident
Lib is using leftist talking points and calling them facts. Usually missing most of the important information. The other guy is just taking what he says as fact, clearly without any research into any of it.
Glad that they could come together and have a conversation, but with the only so called "facts" coming from one side, its sorta pointless