in 16:15 you calculate the percentage of the area which is mostly suitable for the clownfish. You only use the Total amount of suitable m2 and divide that by the total amount of raster cells in your suitability raster. the actual percentage of the suitable area should be 0.599%
In part 1 there is more information about the rugosity value, there is a URL in the description to part 1. Basically it is a value that was used in the Rugosity toolset. For this particular type of fish the Rugosity should be higher, so it is a value that would vary by species.
in 16:15 you calculate the percentage of the area which is mostly suitable for the clownfish. You only use the Total amount of suitable m2 and divide that by the total amount of raster cells in your suitability raster. the actual percentage of the suitable area should be 0.599%
I really appreciate your video and beyond of it in your self who encourage you in producing this video. To be honnest and honor as well
In part 1 there is more information about the rugosity value, there is a URL in the description to part 1. Basically it is a value that was used in the Rugosity toolset. For this particular type of fish the Rugosity should be higher, so it is a value that would vary by species.
Thanks! Glad that it helped you out.
haha I had diploma thesis on it :-) pitty that this video didn't exists back then. But I was using MaxEnt software + Arc Map 10 :-)
Hi how u?
I want to ask a question. How can reclassify the ASCII format to suitability class?
can u please provide ne that datasets