Before I started my carnivore life, was having a lot of problems with my posture and my bones at all. Now I drink more than 3 liters milk daily, yoghurt, cheese, eggs and of course a lot of meat. Plants don’t deliver what we need but, like I told you once, hope to see you in 300 years.
I had a spinal issue from poor posture and I've been learning about it ever since (as a hobby, not professionally) so I always share my experiences and findings where possible! My entry point to posture was when I started experiencing pain in my left arm, chest and upper back. It would come in waves and at its worst I was waking up in the night every 30 minutes from the pain and nodding off again from pure exhaustion. I had an MRI and I discovered I had a couple of bulging disks in my neck. Most of the physios I had gave me generic advice, but here are the gems I've taken away over the last 5 years (the advice is mostly applicable to people who have desk jobs, as I do): - You need to move well and move often. If you sit all day (e.g. driver or desk job), the muscles that are in short positions will adapt to be short. Aim to move around every 20-30 minutes. This lines up nicely with the theory of being productive where concentration and focus is at its best in 25 minute chunks (the pomodoro technique) so use this time to give your brain a rest and get moving. - When sitting, keep your spine straight (your hips, ribcage and head should all stack directly on top of each other). Disk issues in the lower back and neck often happen because the weight of your torso isn't distributed through your entire spine. Either your butt is too far forward underneath you and the spine curves forward at the bottom, so a few discs at the bottom, on the curved junction are taking too much weight, or your head is too far forward and the same thing is happening on one or more disks in your neck, where they're taking too much of the weight of your head, which was my issue. Note: every extra inch forward your head is adds another 10lbs of pressure to those disks! - Don't use a back rest or all this ergonomic gear, like postural braces, soft chairs that mould around you etc. You need to learn good habits and adopting a healthy posture. Sit on a hard chair (ideally you would be standing and perched against something like a bar stool, this is detailed more in one of the books I mention below) but for a seated setup, your hamstrings aren't meant to be sat on all day. Different muscles do different things, some are movers (hamstrings, quads etc) some are stabilisers (rotator cuff etc). If you sit on a hard chair, your hamstrings will let you know when you need to move. A lot like sitting down driving all day and your lower back starts to hurt. Sitting on something soft disguises this. - Do daily maintenance to prevent muscle stiffness. You muscles will adapt to whatever you put them through. So if you sit all day, your muscles in the front of your hips will get short and stiff, pulling your hips down and making you stuck your butt out. Stretching alone is not enough to fix this, neither is yoga (though it is better than just stretching). Getting rid of muscle stiffness can be in the form of sports massages, or you can do it yourself with things like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, bands etc. This is called myofascial release and it can be painful but in essence you apply pressure to a muscle by sinking on to an object like a hard lacrosse ball until your nervous system realises that it's OK to relax that muscle. There are various things you do here, like controlling deep breathing and tensing and relaxing the muscle. This is not the place to go into all that, do your research. I talk about experts whose books and content I read along the way below: Two stars of mobility: 1) Dr Kelly Starrett, who has written books for both the general public and athletes on performing daily maintenance on their bodies to undo the negative effects of sitting down all day. He has a great book for the general public called Deskbound and another for Athletes called Becoming a Supple Leopard. He's also got a mobile app called The Ready State (which is also the name of his podcast). 2) Dr Aaron Horschig of Squat University. He has amazing free content on his youtube channel and insta/tiktok, as well as a book called Rebuilding Milo, which is about recovering or building a strong preventative body. He's more focussed on testing for mobility issues and performing exercises correctly to avoid injury and lift more efficiently and effectively, whereas Kelly has a lot more content on daily maintenance, muscle stiffness and moving well day to day outside of the gym (as well as inside it). Bonus star: if you really want to know the nitty gritty mechanics of the back and spine, check out Dr Stu Mcgill, who the above two specialists base a lot of their work on. He is the foremost expert in the area, but not as effective a communicator as the other two, IMO. Incidentally, all three of the above experts talk about trying to sit on the ground, instead of in a chair whenever possible and also sitting in a deep squat for at least 10 minutes a day, to reclaim some spinal mobility. Stu Mcgill is well known for recommending "the big three" which are three exercises to do daily to keep your spine healthy (curl up, side plank, bird dog) - Google them, they are simple exercises that only take a few minutes and you can do them from anywhere. As for issues with the upper spine (cervical) if your upper back is curved, a great exercise to do is the 'wall stand' - like Kjetil says in the video, you have to focus on lengthening the spine. Stand with your back to the wall and try to get your entire back to touch the wall, from lower back all the way up to your traps, without a gap between your middle back and the wall. Now try to stand as tall as possible and tuck your chin to your chest. Imagine someone is pulling your head up to the ceiling with a piece of string. Try to stand here for 20-30 seconds at a time. Repeat 2-3 times daily. You can also try wall angels, which involve sitting with your lower back flat against the wall, legs out straight in front of you, arms up at shoulder height, elbows bent at 90 degrees, palms facing forward, hands pointing to the ceiling, backs of hands touching the wall (like a "hands up" position); try and get all of your back and arms flat against the wall, as in your entire back from lower to middle to upper and traps, as well as the backs of your arms, elbows, forearms and backs of your hands. Now you have to try and straighten your arms over head whilst keeping everything flat to the wall and back down again. These two exercises will be fantastic for straightening out your thoracic spine. I really hope this helps someone and if you're experiencing issues like I was, it WILL get better, with patience and dedication.
Be aware that physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture. Good posture, chest out, chin inward, back of the head up to the sky means open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more joy 👍 Mental and physical always go together
You don't want to overcompensate in correcting posture. You mostly want to roll your shoulders back, and your chest will come out enough. If you push your chest out it will straighten your back too much, quite often. Neutral spine
@@brucejensen3081 Agreed. Always the least amount of energy. Same applies to mental and emotional. That's why overcompensating insecurities rarely works and it always smells fishy from miles away.
> open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more jo complete horseshit. I've known plenty of folks with TERRIBLE posture who would never do something like say everyone with a certain posture is doesn't have an open heart. Does "good" posture also produce your type of hostile, judgemental bullshit attitude? Then give me bad posture all day long. > physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture Yeah, this is a load of BS. I changed my posture hugely in my 30s, no mental changes whatsoever. I've known good-natured people with good postures and bad postures. Assholes with good postures and bad.
@@TonyMoze Oh, isn't that cool - you told people with scoliosis they couldn't have an open heart? Good on yer mate. @TonyMoze Love you saying that. I use to say this to my patients @bastian6173 Be aware that physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture. Good posture, chest out, chin inward, back of the head up to the sky means open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more joy 👍 Mental and physical always go together
I truly value how Bryan always aim for the least invasive treatments, that really shows how we can be better selves mostly with better habits ! Thanks again and congrats
This is what a decent doctor should aim for. It is always better if the body repairs itself with some help than doing some intervetion. Our body is a fully integrated system, better if we help it out and let it do its work..
I discovered a posture exercise for hunched over back and neck, and found it improved my confidence immediately, which I did not expect. Stand flat against the wall, then inch out your feet til your heels are at about 3-5 inches away from the wall. Push the back of your head gently into the wall, leaving your shoulders to relax, straight back. Stay here for a minute or two, then notice. I did this before public speaking and it helped a lot. Unexpected, neat trick.
I've been waiting to see this longer video ever since the 5 minute one released. Thank you both for sharing this helpful information with us all! Combining both videos gives us the following recommendations: **Sub-occipital Exercise:** (Neck) Start with ~5lbs of pressure (both hands on forehead) Do 1 set to fatigue 2x/week **Levator Scapulae Exercise:** (Shoulder) Start with 8-10lbs Do 1 set to fatigue 2x/week Again, you are really doing the world a solid by putting in so much effort and documenting the results. Much love.
1. String pulling head straight. No clenching 2. Suboccipital, hand on forehead pushing down 5lb pressure look 30 degrees up. 3. Levator scapula, elbows back scap tilted forward, shoulder go up and forward. no traps. 5-10lb. Dont go back and down or collarbone hit brachial plexus.
Amazing guy just trying to make the world a better place through his example. Sharing us the lessons he’s learned from the pain and mistakes of his life so we don’t do the same. You may get a lot of hate but you’ve helped many people like me immensely, thanks a lot for everything!! Keep going!
This is such a common problem nowadays with people working so many hours in front of the computer. Thank you so much for going into detail about the subject and sharing it with the world for free.
Thanks to Bryan and Kjetil for sharing your call and describe in detail this kind of posture issue and the suggested exercises, I really appreciate it! I've major "foward neck" issues ( but as Kjetil explained in another video forward is not the correct term) to a level that in those last two years is affecting me physically and neurologically in everyday life and often limiting my sport activites. It took me a lot of time to pinpoint what caused it (mostly years of bad posture in front of the pc) and what are my postural dysfunctions. For me the neck is the most affected part but this also come from multifactorial causes, expecially the pelvis and thorax. In any case this video was for me one of the missing pieces, I started to introduce those posture exercises along my workout daily routine ( which by the way I alternate with the rest of Bryan workout), I will also start to monitor my posture behaviours during the day and try to correct myself, and hopefully having some good result in few weeks or months!
How's your progress so far? I've been struggling with neck pain for almost a decade now for basically the same reasons and have spent thousands of dollars but nothing really helps in the long term. Going to try this routine, at least it's free
Hi @codevev I managed to get over the inflammation stage (the worst period), get aware of bad and good posture and learned to limit the stress on my neck during certain condition (working too long or weird positions which I was unaware) I saw a couple of your video and it's funny because I too during the worst weeks when I wasn't able to stay at the chair for more than a couple of hours but had work to do, re-organized my workstation by lying flat with a overhanging lcd and a diy support for the arms and a splitted keyboard :) luckily I'm a freelancer and work from home almost all the time Also to my eye you don't seem to have any evident postural deviations like forward head, anterior pelvic tilt or hyperkyphosis so I can only guess that your pain could be related from different reasons compared to mine. Have you done a cervical MRI? This could help to look for example for a potential nerve compression due to herniated disc or facet joint spurs. But in any case you have to be aware of two things: neck tension and the long time passed on a static position are in my opinion the culprits...we arent' designed to spend 8-10hr in front of a monitor, some people manage to find and equilibrium nd withstand for years without issue but others sooner or later will suffer from it. The few time I radically change my routine to the point I frequently move around and don't sit for more than 3-4hr (ex: during a vacantion) I probably still suffer for a couple of days but then I start to feel better. It's empirical evidence but make sense.
Perfect timing, this confirms the error my Physiotherapist found with my neck posture. She correct my neck posture for me and I immediately understood how bad my old posture was. I had been going to see her for problems I was having with my jaw muscles and even that has been resolving with the new neck posture. I've been concentrating on the upwards neck position ever since, I can feel how weak those muscles are but the soreness has helped drill into me how to properly support my head with my neck. Will add these exercises to the one she gave me. Thank you, for sharing this with everyone, I hope many others can benefit from this information!
Pure pure gold! I have neck pain for 15 years. I have figured I had the same problem explained, but finally the ultimate solution is here. Can’t thank you and the specialist in the video enough!
This guy is a Legend. I have been following his diet for a month now and I have so much more energy less fat and more strength. Thanks for sharing all your data and information
This is highly effective. Been doing these for months and I also noticed a change in height. I have been suffering from severe back pain since I was in high school. But with Bryan's protocol, it changed my life forever. FYI: Female, 5'2, 45kg, and 44 years old but most people say I look 22. Plus my energy is great. Thanks.
13:43 I like how fast the shirt came off, I know it was edited but it cracked me up. The side by side different angles are very helpful. I need someone to flinch my neck... Thank you both.
Thanks for sharing this amazing explanation from Kjetil, also thanks so much to Kjetil for willingly helping everyone by sharing his knowledge, very well done Sr. All my respect 💪👍
This is INVALUABLE INFORMATION. Thank you for giving us this private consultation. I was working on my posture before I started following you, but I don't think I was getting the best results.
I've recently found out that neurodivergent people (e.g ADHD etc.) often have comorbidities with EDS and POTS. That means that some of our important posture muscles don't work as well and we often have various symptoms because of it. Apparently exercising 'posture' muscles helps to relieve the symptoms. Thanks for sharing posture related info and exercises❤
@@ChileanChimp I've been doing a lot of research for a few years now (in an attempt to fix my health). I looked first and mainly into the gut microbiome because digestion symptoms were the most severe in my case. This led me to realise that my microbiome was similar to neurodivergent people's microbiome (certain fungal and bacteria overgrowths). Then realised I have ADHD and, just recently, when I started digging into this topic, I started hitting on info that ADHD, autism, POTS, MCAST, EDS, IBS messed up immune system etc. are comorbid (often connected through gene polymorphisms like MTHFR etc). It's a new topic for me therefore, I won't comment in detail but, if you start doing your own research on the Internet you can find the info. Most often nathuropaths/functional doctors who comment on such topics but you can also find some pubmed articles on specific topics.
We can't control how great or not our hair is we can't make ourselves significantly taller, we have to accept our age and mortality but we all can develop amazing posture if we want it badly enough..and thats what l love about it.
in every video i've seen you featured in, my first thought is always "His posture is AMAZING!" thank you for what you do! you're teaching soo many things to me that I would have never even considered! Love the content Bryan!! 💕
Excellent video!!!! As soon as I saw it I understood where the sudden dizziness that has been occurring sporadically for two years and causing me anxiety attacks has been coming from! Thanks for the very helpful video! The coach gave excellent analysis!
I am from another country, I suffer from scoliosis but I have never watched exercises for posture, although I do sports and lift barbells and dumbbells. As a sign of fate, I saw this video after buying a corset for Spine. Many thanks to the author of this UA-cam channel, longevity and health. Thank you that there are such people who give advice on how to maintain health and youth. Subscription and like from me
Really cool to do man. You’re changing people. Every man / woman can fix his home before trying to fix the world! Congrats dude. As a tech founder who sold, it’s hard to find your passion. I’m onto mine now - I think. And you clearly are!
This information right here would have costed you a lot of resources, instead you chose to put it out for free. Forget about blueprint and healthy living, this gesture of selflessness tells a lot about your character and mindset. Of course you will succeed in every venture of your life. Easily the best content available on the internet for everyone to see. I would urge you to carry on this mission with the same enthusiasm and mindset. Absolute Badass.
I love this, and am already sitting and standing straighter. Trying to use the rear long muscles at the back of my neck to softly pull upwards, and lifting my chest up a little as I do so. I'm also mesmerised by Bryan's magical hair tie that appears at 15:46!!!
Thank you so much for this, Brian and Kjetil. I've hit 30 this year and started strength training for the first time, but recently, I've had this case of migraines and throbbing headaches. Being a programmer, I strongly suspected all the sitting and postural problems (even my standing desk doesn't help because it's postural! ) I started some occipital exercises and neck elongation earlier this week, and the headaches are gone. Now I'll be introducing these exercises too. I will share this knowledge with friends and colleagues, too, but thanks again for making this vital information public in an accessible way.
I suffered from IJVs and recently had bilateral styloidectomy. I had a great improvement in my symptoms but I then improved my posture over the course of a few months and I noticed even more positive results.
There is a huge connection between stenosis and tinnitus. Have we seen any evidence that people with tinnitus who correct this issue through posture see improvements?
Yes, I definitely want to see that as well, especially since he has achieved such great results. It's an incredibly important topic that often gets neglected.
Thanks for this, I've been trying to improve my posture for 8 years and this is the first video I felt actually had good advice other than wall raises.
Great job finding Kjetil. I used to watch his channel MSK Neurology and read his articles, and his devotion to understanding the systems at work from a fundamental perspective was always impressive.
Wonderful talk! Hi Bryan. I’m a physical therapist and I hope the people hear this message about stenosis and posture. It looked a little bit like your lumbar spine was a bit too extended when you were doing that levator exercise but maybe it was just a bad camera angle. Keep up the good work!
Our younger dog is pretty little but she can jump high and likes to get up on top of stuff. A couple of days ago she slipped and fell from a few ft off the ground. I was worried she might have had a concussion, but here we are two days later she’s totally fine, so I probably don’t need to worry too much. Unless she has new symptoms like a seizure or different pupil sizes.
Would only recommend to try and keep your ribs more collapsed to make sure your are also fixing any possible hyper kyphosis. This was a game changer for me because having a proud chest with flared ribs sometimes hides kyphosis.
A cool video idea: could you film your chef preparing nutty pudding, super veg and an example of a third meal? would be great to see how your chef actually prepares all these meals, a visual how to video. Thanks for all the great content.
Thanks for the exercises! What is an easy cue for correct posture in everyday life? How can I avoid a pelvic tilt and rib flair? I see a lot of posture hating UA-camrs on here denouncing correct posture.
I am familliar somewhat with Kjetil's work from his articles and videos. I never would have imagined to see him on this video, kinda funny somehow and was very surprised to see his face pop up for a second on the video preview😂
Hi Ryan, your recent session with Kahita highlighted the importance of posture and its connection to managing internal jugular vein stenosis. While focusing on muscles is a valuable starting point, we at Posturepro believe in a more holistic approach. Understanding the brain's role in posture, along with the significance of the feet, oculomotor muscles and tongue posture, is crucial for changes in posture and lasting improvement. I'd be thrilled to delve deeper into this perspective with you and hear your thoughts. Best regards, Annette Verpillot, Founder of Posturepro.
Can confirm as a layman, there was recently a nice video by the "What I've Learned" guy that covers the influence of jaw and mouth issues over posture and strength. In short, if you have malocclusions, crooked teeth, overbite etc. you are more likely to have scoliosis and various posture issues ensue. If your vestibular system is overcompensating due to imbalanced jaw then your whole body is imbalanced as a result. Fixing posture would need to involve almost every area of the body, from head to feet.
A snappy 5 minute version for you here:
Hi Bryan. Where can we buy the abs machine that you use? Thank you.
You have some ulna nerve entanglement in your lower elbow, explains the short bicep
Sweaty armpits are at the other end of that nerve entanglement, visible signs are 'stretch' marks between the tricep and rear deltoid.
Before I started my carnivore life, was having a lot of problems with my posture and my bones at all. Now I drink more than 3 liters milk daily, yoghurt, cheese, eggs and of course a lot of meat. Plants don’t deliver what we need but, like I told you once, hope to see you in 300 years.
@@brettfine3444 utilise google search. I did that and found the product. £5k.
I had a spinal issue from poor posture and I've been learning about it ever since (as a hobby, not professionally) so I always share my experiences and findings where possible!
My entry point to posture was when I started experiencing pain in my left arm, chest and upper back. It would come in waves and at its worst I was waking up in the night every 30 minutes from the pain and nodding off again from pure exhaustion. I had an MRI and I discovered I had a couple of bulging disks in my neck.
Most of the physios I had gave me generic advice, but here are the gems I've taken away over the last 5 years (the advice is mostly applicable to people who have desk jobs, as I do):
- You need to move well and move often. If you sit all day (e.g. driver or desk job), the muscles that are in short positions will adapt to be short. Aim to move around every 20-30 minutes. This lines up nicely with the theory of being productive where concentration and focus is at its best in 25 minute chunks (the pomodoro technique) so use this time to give your brain a rest and get moving.
- When sitting, keep your spine straight (your hips, ribcage and head should all stack directly on top of each other). Disk issues in the lower back and neck often happen because the weight of your torso isn't distributed through your entire spine. Either your butt is too far forward underneath you and the spine curves forward at the bottom, so a few discs at the bottom, on the curved junction are taking too much weight, or your head is too far forward and the same thing is happening on one or more disks in your neck, where they're taking too much of the weight of your head, which was my issue. Note: every extra inch forward your head is adds another 10lbs of pressure to those disks!
- Don't use a back rest or all this ergonomic gear, like postural braces, soft chairs that mould around you etc. You need to learn good habits and adopting a healthy posture. Sit on a hard chair (ideally you would be standing and perched against something like a bar stool, this is detailed more in one of the books I mention below) but for a seated setup, your hamstrings aren't meant to be sat on all day. Different muscles do different things, some are movers (hamstrings, quads etc) some are stabilisers (rotator cuff etc). If you sit on a hard chair, your hamstrings will let you know when you need to move. A lot like sitting down driving all day and your lower back starts to hurt. Sitting on something soft disguises this.
- Do daily maintenance to prevent muscle stiffness. You muscles will adapt to whatever you put them through. So if you sit all day, your muscles in the front of your hips will get short and stiff, pulling your hips down and making you stuck your butt out. Stretching alone is not enough to fix this, neither is yoga (though it is better than just stretching). Getting rid of muscle stiffness can be in the form of sports massages, or you can do it yourself with things like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, bands etc. This is called myofascial release and it can be painful but in essence you apply pressure to a muscle by sinking on to an object like a hard lacrosse ball until your nervous system realises that it's OK to relax that muscle. There are various things you do here, like controlling deep breathing and tensing and relaxing the muscle. This is not the place to go into all that, do your research. I talk about experts whose books and content I read along the way below:
Two stars of mobility:
1) Dr Kelly Starrett, who has written books for both the general public and athletes on performing daily maintenance on their bodies to undo the negative effects of sitting down all day. He has a great book for the general public called Deskbound and another for Athletes called Becoming a Supple Leopard. He's also got a mobile app called The Ready State (which is also the name of his podcast).
2) Dr Aaron Horschig of Squat University. He has amazing free content on his youtube channel and insta/tiktok, as well as a book called Rebuilding Milo, which is about recovering or building a strong preventative body. He's more focussed on testing for mobility issues and performing exercises correctly to avoid injury and lift more efficiently and effectively, whereas Kelly has a lot more content on daily maintenance, muscle stiffness and moving well day to day outside of the gym (as well as inside it).
Bonus star: if you really want to know the nitty gritty mechanics of the back and spine, check out Dr Stu Mcgill, who the above two specialists base a lot of their work on. He is the foremost expert in the area, but not as effective a communicator as the other two, IMO.
Incidentally, all three of the above experts talk about trying to sit on the ground, instead of in a chair whenever possible and also sitting in a deep squat for at least 10 minutes a day, to reclaim some spinal mobility. Stu Mcgill is well known for recommending "the big three" which are three exercises to do daily to keep your spine healthy (curl up, side plank, bird dog) - Google them, they are simple exercises that only take a few minutes and you can do them from anywhere. As for issues with the upper spine (cervical) if your upper back is curved, a great exercise to do is the 'wall stand' - like Kjetil says in the video, you have to focus on lengthening the spine. Stand with your back to the wall and try to get your entire back to touch the wall, from lower back all the way up to your traps, without a gap between your middle back and the wall. Now try to stand as tall as possible and tuck your chin to your chest. Imagine someone is pulling your head up to the ceiling with a piece of string. Try to stand here for 20-30 seconds at a time. Repeat 2-3 times daily. You can also try wall angels, which involve sitting with your lower back flat against the wall, legs out straight in front of you, arms up at shoulder height, elbows bent at 90 degrees, palms facing forward, hands pointing to the ceiling, backs of hands touching the wall (like a "hands up" position); try and get all of your back and arms flat against the wall, as in your entire back from lower to middle to upper and traps, as well as the backs of your arms, elbows, forearms and backs of your hands. Now you have to try and straighten your arms over head whilst keeping everything flat to the wall and back down again. These two exercises will be fantastic for straightening out your thoracic spine.
I really hope this helps someone and if you're experiencing issues like I was, it WILL get better, with patience and dedication.
thank you
My mom is my posture coach
Hahaha Love this
best posture coach:))
stop slouching!
This is definitely a treat! It's not often you get this quality of advice for free!!
Loving the content Bryan!
This man has TONS of subscribers and money. Do you think he gives a shit that you "Love" his content?
It’s not often you get this quality of advice even when you pay tbh.
I love how this guy isn't trying to sell you his products or courses. He's simply enlightening people on how to improve their health.
Not yet!
hes already a fucking billionaire
Be aware that physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture. Good posture, chest out, chin inward, back of the head up to the sky means open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more joy 👍 Mental and physical always go together
You don't want to overcompensate in correcting posture. You mostly want to roll your shoulders back, and your chest will come out enough. If you push your chest out it will straighten your back too much, quite often. Neutral spine
@@brucejensen3081 Agreed. Always the least amount of energy. Same applies to mental and emotional. That's why overcompensating insecurities rarely works and it always smells fishy from miles away.
Love you saying that.
I use to say this to my patients
> open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more jo
complete horseshit. I've known plenty of folks with TERRIBLE posture who would never do something like say everyone with a certain posture is doesn't have an open heart.
Does "good" posture also produce your type of hostile, judgemental bullshit attitude?
Then give me bad posture all day long.
> physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture
Yeah, this is a load of BS.
I changed my posture hugely in my 30s, no mental changes whatsoever.
I've known good-natured people with good postures and bad postures. Assholes with good postures and bad.
@@TonyMoze Oh, isn't that cool - you told people with scoliosis they couldn't have an open heart?
Good on yer mate.
@TonyMoze Love you saying that.
I use to say this to my patients
@bastian6173 Be aware that physical posture also translates into mental and emotional posture. Good posture, chest out, chin inward, back of the head up to the sky means open heart, more drive, less resistance, more flow, less brain fog, more joy 👍 Mental and physical always go together
I truly value how Bryan always aim for the least invasive treatments, that really shows how we can be better selves mostly with better habits ! Thanks again and congrats
This is what a decent doctor should aim for. It is always better if the body repairs itself with some help than doing some intervetion. Our body is a fully integrated system, better if we help it out and let it do its work..
@@selyemperzsa1Medicine treats either symptoms only or through surgery.
I discovered a posture exercise for hunched over back and neck, and found it improved my confidence immediately, which I did not expect. Stand flat against the wall, then inch out your feet til your heels are at about 3-5 inches away from the wall. Push the back of your head gently into the wall, leaving your shoulders to relax, straight back. Stay here for a minute or two, then notice. I did this before public speaking and it helped a lot. Unexpected, neat trick.
I've been waiting to see this longer video ever since the 5 minute one released. Thank you both for sharing this helpful information with us all! Combining both videos gives us the following recommendations:
**Sub-occipital Exercise:** (Neck)
Start with ~5lbs of pressure (both hands on forehead)
Do 1 set to fatigue 2x/week
**Levator Scapulae Exercise:** (Shoulder)
Start with 8-10lbs
Do 1 set to fatigue 2x/week
Again, you are really doing the world a solid by putting in so much effort and documenting the results. Much love.
Brian doesn’t need the UA-cam money, he’s providing all this for the betterment of mankind ❤
1. String pulling head straight. No clenching
2. Suboccipital, hand on forehead pushing down 5lb pressure look 30 degrees up.
3. Levator scapula, elbows back scap tilted forward, shoulder go up and forward. no traps. 5-10lb. Dont go back and down or collarbone hit brachial plexus.
Amazing guy just trying to make the world a better place through his example. Sharing us the lessons he’s learned from the pain and mistakes of his life so we don’t do the same. You may get a lot of hate but you’ve helped many people like me immensely, thanks a lot for everything!! Keep going!
You can tell bryan is such a nice and humble guy. Thanks for these videos !
How can you tell?
This is such a common problem nowadays with people working so many hours in front of the computer. Thank you so much for going into detail about the subject and sharing it with the world for free.
Thanks to Bryan and Kjetil for sharing your call and describe in detail this kind of posture issue and the suggested exercises, I really appreciate it!
I've major "foward neck" issues ( but as Kjetil explained in another video forward is not the correct term) to a level that in those last two years is affecting me physically and neurologically in everyday life and often limiting my sport activites.
It took me a lot of time to pinpoint what caused it (mostly years of bad posture in front of the pc) and what are my postural dysfunctions.
For me the neck is the most affected part but this also come from multifactorial causes, expecially the pelvis and thorax.
In any case this video was for me one of the missing pieces, I started to introduce those posture exercises along my workout daily routine ( which by the way I alternate with the rest of Bryan workout), I will also start to monitor my posture behaviours during the day and try to correct myself, and hopefully having some good result in few weeks or months!
How's your progress so far?
I've been struggling with neck pain for almost a decade now for basically the same reasons and have spent thousands of dollars but nothing really helps in the long term. Going to try this routine, at least it's free
Hi @codevev
I managed to get over the inflammation stage (the worst period), get aware of bad and good posture and learned to limit the stress on my neck during certain condition (working too long or weird positions which I was unaware)
I saw a couple of your video and it's funny because I too during the worst weeks when I wasn't able to stay at the chair for more than a couple of hours but had work to do, re-organized my workstation by lying flat with a overhanging lcd and a diy support for the arms and a splitted keyboard :) luckily I'm a freelancer and work from home almost all the time
Also to my eye you don't seem to have any evident postural deviations like forward head, anterior pelvic tilt or hyperkyphosis so I can only guess that your pain could be related from different reasons compared to mine.
Have you done a cervical MRI? This could help to look for example for a potential nerve compression due to herniated disc or facet joint spurs.
But in any case you have to be aware of two things: neck tension and the long time passed on a static position are in my opinion the culprits...we arent' designed to spend 8-10hr in front of a monitor, some people manage to find and equilibrium nd withstand for years without issue but others sooner or later will suffer from it.
The few time I radically change my routine to the point I frequently move around and don't sit for more than 3-4hr (ex: during a vacantion) I probably still suffer for a couple of days but then I start to feel better. It's empirical evidence but make sense.
Perfect timing, this confirms the error my Physiotherapist found with my neck posture. She correct my neck posture for me and I immediately understood how bad my old posture was. I had been going to see her for problems I was having with my jaw muscles and even that has been resolving with the new neck posture. I've been concentrating on the upwards neck position ever since, I can feel how weak those muscles are but the soreness has helped drill into me how to properly support my head with my neck. Will add these exercises to the one she gave me. Thank you, for sharing this with everyone, I hope many others can benefit from this information!
Hi, what exercise did your physiotherapist give you? I'm dealing with jaw issues and tinnitus as well. Thanks for your help!
Pure pure gold! I have neck pain for 15 years. I have figured I had the same problem explained, but finally the ultimate solution is here. Can’t thank you and the specialist in the video enough!
Did you get the pain resolved?
Such an amazing coach
This guy is a Legend. I have been following his diet for a month now and I have so much more energy less fat and more strength. Thanks for sharing all your data and information
This is highly effective. Been doing these for months and I also noticed a change in height. I have been suffering from severe back pain since I was in high school. But with Bryan's protocol, it changed my life forever. FYI: Female, 5'2, 45kg, and 44 years old but most people say I look 22. Plus my energy is great. Thanks.
better posture for you?
@@thecptproject8184 extremely
i like that the coach is honest when somethings not entirely as he would suggest it and does not fake anything for the video
Bryan, THANK YOU for sharing all the knowledge and documenting your progress! You’re a true inspiration!!!
13:43 I like how fast the shirt came off, I know it was edited but it cracked me up. The side by side different angles are very helpful. I need someone to flinch my neck... Thank you both.
This is what we need. Someone who speaks to specialists and those leaders get to educate us.
Bryan is a good human being. I thank you Bryan helping so many of us to take our healthy.
My teens have terrible posture & when I’m on my cell phone my posture is bad too. This detail description is going to help us. Thanks!
Thank you, Bryan. You inspired me to take care of my sleep. I'm no rich-man, but that change nothing.
Greetings from Poland.
Post more content, Bryan!!! Long form informative videos are great and very helpful! Thank uuu!!
Dear Bryan, please more content like this. Thank you so much❤
Big fan of yours Bryan.
It’s very kind and generous of you to share all this information for free. Plus you seem so happy doing this.
Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing this amazing explanation from Kjetil, also thanks so much to Kjetil for willingly helping everyone by sharing his knowledge, very well done Sr. All my respect 💪👍
This is INVALUABLE INFORMATION. Thank you for giving us this private consultation. I was working on my posture before I started following you, but I don't think I was getting the best results.
Bryan, thank you so much for sharing your session with Kjetil! I just love your content, it's a life changer!
I've recently found out that neurodivergent people (e.g ADHD etc.) often have comorbidities with EDS and POTS. That means that some of our important posture muscles don't work as well and we often have various symptoms because of it. Apparently exercising 'posture' muscles helps to relieve the symptoms. Thanks for sharing posture related info and exercises❤
How did you recently find this out? Got any resources on this?
@@ChileanChimp I've been doing a lot of research for a few years now (in an attempt to fix my health). I looked first and mainly into the gut microbiome because digestion symptoms were the most severe in my case. This led me to realise that my microbiome was similar to neurodivergent people's microbiome (certain fungal and bacteria overgrowths). Then realised I have ADHD and, just recently, when I started digging into this topic, I started hitting on info that ADHD, autism, POTS, MCAST, EDS, IBS messed up immune system etc. are comorbid (often connected through gene polymorphisms like MTHFR etc). It's a new topic for me therefore, I won't comment in detail but, if you start doing your own research on the Internet you can find the info. Most often nathuropaths/functional doctors who comment on such topics but you can also find some pubmed articles on specific topics.
Any updates?
We can't control how great or not our hair is we can't make ourselves significantly taller, we have to accept our age and mortality but we all can develop amazing posture if we want it badly enough..and thats what l love about it.
It's amazing that you share all this stuff for free. Truly improving humanity.
in every video i've seen you featured in, my first thought is always "His posture is AMAZING!"
thank you for what you do! you're teaching soo many things to me that I would have never even considered!
Love the content Bryan!! 💕
It's amazing how we have access to this incredible knowledge for free. Thanks for this Bryan, you are the man.
Excellent video!!!! As soon as I saw it I understood where the sudden dizziness that has been occurring sporadically for two years and causing me anxiety attacks has been coming from!
Thanks for the very helpful video! The coach gave excellent analysis!
Thank you so much for this. I’ve had horrible posture all my life and have had a neck hump since 2-4th grade. I now can hardly notice it.
Kjeyil is an amazing human! Thank you both
I am from another country, I suffer from scoliosis but I have never watched exercises for posture, although I do sports and lift barbells and dumbbells. As a sign of fate, I saw this video after buying a corset for Spine. Many thanks to the author of this UA-cam channel, longevity and health. Thank you that there are such people who give advice on how to maintain health and youth. Subscription and like from me
Love the way the exercises were explained by this posture coach.
Thank you I will add these movement exercises into gym routine. Finding out new information that can make such a difference is great.
The first move lengthening the neck and the therapist turning your head is similar to the Alexander Technique I’ve seen in other videos.
Yeah, this is great content, wow. Thank you for sharing Bryan. Just jumped on board with Blueprint today.
Really cool to do man. You’re changing people. Every man / woman can fix his home before trying to fix the world! Congrats dude. As a tech founder who sold, it’s hard to find your passion. I’m onto mine now - I think. And you clearly are!
This information right here would have costed you a lot of resources, instead you chose to put it out for free. Forget about blueprint and healthy living, this gesture of selflessness tells a lot about your character and mindset. Of course you will succeed in every venture of your life. Easily the best content available on the internet for everyone to see. I would urge you to carry on this mission with the same enthusiasm and mindset. Absolute Badass.
I love this, and am already sitting and standing straighter. Trying to use the rear long muscles at the back of my neck to softly pull upwards, and lifting my chest up a little as I do so. I'm also mesmerised by Bryan's magical hair tie that appears at 15:46!!!
Thank you so much for this, Brian and Kjetil. I've hit 30 this year and started strength training for the first time, but recently, I've had this case of migraines and throbbing headaches. Being a programmer, I strongly suspected all the sitting and postural problems (even my standing desk doesn't help because it's postural! )
I started some occipital exercises and neck elongation earlier this week, and the headaches are gone. Now I'll be introducing these exercises too.
I will share this knowledge with friends and colleagues, too, but thanks again for making this vital information public in an accessible way.
This video has straightened me out immediately!
I think I just found a solution to all my problems 😮 Thank you, Bryan, for sharing this!!!
Bryan your the best man ever for sharing your journey with the world. Stay Kind and Stay Strong 💪
I had a few sessions with Kjetil Larsen in 2021 he is a very good guy !
His sessions are insanely expensive tho
I suffered from IJVs and recently had bilateral styloidectomy. I had a great improvement in my symptoms but I then improved my posture over the course of a few months and I noticed even more positive results.
There is a huge connection between stenosis and tinnitus. Have we seen any evidence that people with tinnitus who correct this issue through posture see improvements?
Do one about oral health (routine and stuff) and about pp strength
My pp makes women feel like virgin again
Yes, I definitely want to see that as well, especially since he has achieved such great results. It's an incredibly important topic that often gets neglected.
A life saving video, I have this problem too and I didn't realize it until I watched this video! thanks so much for sharing
Lots of value here. Thank you both!
I love your way of speech, Brian. So adorable.
Wow! Thank you for this! I have a desk job and I realized something is not right but this makes so much sense!
Thanks for this, I've been trying to improve my posture for 8 years and this is the first video I felt actually had good advice other than wall raises.
Thank you Brian for displaying that this can be fixed without surgery.
I have definitely been suffering with posture related headaches , thanks so much for this advise.
Great job finding Kjetil. I used to watch his channel MSK Neurology and read his articles, and his devotion to understanding the systems at work from a fundamental perspective was always impressive.
I actually knew about Kjetil Larsen before from his channel MSK Neurology. Cool to see him on your channel!
Thank you for sharing valuable information Brian and Kjetil.
Golden Pthos plant for cleaner - better air quality, my friend you are true Master!! all those details are awesome !!!
This will save lives. Thanks for posting.
Wonderful talk! Hi Bryan. I’m a physical therapist and I hope the people hear this message about stenosis and posture. It looked a little bit like your lumbar spine was a bit too extended when you were doing that levator exercise but maybe it was just a bad camera angle. Keep up the good work!
Our younger dog is pretty little but she can jump high and likes to get up on top of stuff. A couple of days ago she slipped and fell from a few ft off the ground. I was worried she might have had a concussion, but here we are two days later she’s totally fine, so I probably don’t need to worry too much. Unless she has new symptoms like a seizure or different pupil sizes.
Would only recommend to try and keep your ribs more collapsed to make sure your are also fixing any possible hyper kyphosis. This was a game changer for me because having a proud chest with flared ribs sometimes hides kyphosis.
A cool video idea: could you film your chef preparing nutty pudding, super veg and an example of a third meal? would be great to see how your chef actually prepares all these meals, a visual how to video. Thanks for all the great content.
Thank you both so much for willing to share such important information 🙌🏻
Needed this! Love your project and the health mindset you are trying to spread! Thank you so much!😄
I do lean forward and am afraid I’ll get a hunchback when I get older, this is amazing and insightful
Thanks for the exercises! What is an easy cue for correct posture in everyday life? How can I avoid a pelvic tilt and rib flair? I see a lot of posture hating UA-camrs on here denouncing correct posture.
big generosity , Bryan! Thanks !
this is facinating
What a gem of content, this will benefit my life
Thank you both so much.
Love your effort. Keep up. Can you pleeease do a vid on your hair care regime esp how you reverse greys ? treatments, nutrition, hygiene?
I dont think he reversed his gray hair, he colors it, I might be wrong but pretty sure you cant stop gray hair if its genetic
Amazing, I definitely have the same problem. Now I know what to do and I will definitely follow the advice stated here, Thank you.
17:20 wouldn't this exercise be way easier on an incliened bench so you just have to pull upward?
This is so helpful, thank you so much and I appreciate him going into details!
Wow, we learned alot of you guys, thank you for sharing.
Thank you Bryan and coach Kjetil. Will be working on it
I am familliar somewhat with Kjetil's work from his articles and videos. I never would have imagined to see him on this video, kinda funny somehow and was very surprised to see his face pop up for a second on the video preview😂
Awesome content and so needed by me and most of the world right now, posture is critical to how we feel and move
Very good cure. Thank you for sharing your insights and experience gentlemen.
I’ve been dealing with jaw pain this past year, so this is exactly what I needed!
Wow, I’ve been watching a few of this guys videos, no idea you two were working together, he’s got great content
Hi Ryan, your recent session with Kahita highlighted the importance of posture and its connection to managing internal jugular vein stenosis. While focusing on muscles is a valuable starting point, we at Posturepro believe in a more holistic approach. Understanding the brain's role in posture, along with the significance of the feet, oculomotor muscles and tongue posture, is crucial for changes in posture and lasting improvement. I'd be thrilled to delve deeper into this perspective with you and hear your thoughts. Best regards, Annette Verpillot, Founder of Posturepro.
Can confirm as a layman, there was recently a nice video by the "What I've Learned" guy that covers the influence of jaw and mouth issues over posture and strength. In short, if you have malocclusions, crooked teeth, overbite etc. you are more likely to have scoliosis and various posture issues ensue. If your vestibular system is overcompensating due to imbalanced jaw then your whole body is imbalanced as a result.
Fixing posture would need to involve almost every area of the body, from head to feet.
Oh nice to see you are back! Thank you for this helpful video
18:23 I love the light pale pastel color of those shorts.
Eagerly waiting to be part of Blueprint
This is so good and helped me so much!
TY all
Did this just while watching and oh wow... thanks so much!
Bryan I am so into what you’re doing and tell literally everyone about your work. People are starting to say, “who’s that Bryan guy again?” 😂
What an amazing video! I thought I would never have better posture