Of all Catholic teaching, this is one that I have never struggled with understanding. There is no argument against intercession of saints. It is absolutely biblical. NOW, how you pray to the saints is a different story. #proudcatholic #easterncatholic
Saint Bernadette: Patron of bodily illness. She is how I came into the Church, crossing myself with water form the grotto in Lourdes. She has sustained me through four cancers now, three of them simultaneous stage IV blood/marrow cancers. My atheist hematologist called my recovery "a miracle."
@TribalNathan well if you read Revelation 6:9-11 it talks about the martyrs in heaven who cry out to the lord as they can see thier brethren on earth suffering. Revelation also talks specifically about angles presenting incense to God as "prayers of the saints". Christ also speaks of his followers as people who will never face death. So you can use just these three instances from the Bible to prove a principle, that 1:saints are alive in heaven 2: saints prayers are offered up to God as a sacrifice. 3:the saints in heaven can still hear and see what is happening on the earth.
Amen, I can't imagine saints in heaven this sitting around! Their perfected bodies practice the role of interceding and offering these prayers to the Father.
Great video. This is one of my favorite quotes from Scripture on the intersession of Angels. “I shall now tell you the whole truth and conceal nothing at all from you. I have already said to you, ‘A king’s secret should be kept secret, but one must declare the works of God with due honor.’ Now when you, Tobit, and Sarah prayed, it was I who presented the record of your prayer before the Glory of the Lord; and likewise whenever you used to bury the dead.* When you did not hesitate to get up and leave your dinner in order to go and bury that dead man, I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord.” Tobit 11-15. Nice to meet you today
Those in heaven surround us as a “great cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1), and the book of Revelation teaches that the prayers they offer for us “saints” is an integral part of the eternal worship given to God.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Asking for a sister in Christ who is in heaven (purified/righteous) to pray for me, does not in any way take away from my devotion, trust or belief in God. It is the beauty of the whole church & the communion of saints. The Saints are more alive than we are, since the Lord is “not God of the dead, but of the living” (Luke 20:36-38) IF someone is praying to saints and it takes away from one’s devotion to God, then it is a practice that should end at once.
Not only that but Revelation tells us that John was able to hear every creature in Heaven, earth, under the earth, and in the sea praising the Lord. Which totally obliterates Protestant arguments about the Saints being omnipotent. It only takes an omnipotent God to make these things known to them and that God is the Holy Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
When Jesus going up into the mountain of Tabor. The three disciples witnesses the events, they saw Moses and Elijah talking to Lord Jesus. They are all Saints. Amen ❤
Oh really. When Peter suggested setting up tabernacles for them all, the cloud overshadowed them and when it was removed, so were Moses and Elijah and God said, 'this is my beloved Son, hear ye Him'. The Law and the Prophets are gone.
@@fantasia55 All you and the Roman Catholic system are doing is continuing the pagan worship of other gods with a wee hint of Judaism threw into the pan. Did you watch BBC4 this evening, 11/11/24. All about Rome.
It is so obvious from both OT and NT that like the Angels (fallen or not); our souls do not go unconscious or suffer soul-sleep between our Earthly deaths and the coming general resurrection. It was never a teaching of the True Church and is a rather recent invented heresy. So as conscious beings (the souls); they are certianly aware of those in the current battle and are praying for us or passing on our good requests.
Notice that the trolls think as man does and not as God does. Neither do they pay attention to almost 2,000 years of Christian practice, nor do they attentively read the Book of Revelation.
When Jesus sent out His Apostles to spread the good news there was no sacred scripture to guide them but only the orally transmitted teachings of Our Lord.
We see how the "reformation" has greatly diluted the Christian faith. Those who love to argue never bother to check the history of the Orthodox Churches and their practices regarding the Saints.
Saints also hear our prayers and intercede with God for us. They are glorified in heaven before the Lord. God answered so many prayers through their intercession. And the souls in purgatory hear our prayers that we pray for the souls and they pray for us. And when we die, they will wait for us and plead with God for us that they entered heaven through my, your and our prayer. They know which person prayed when they entered heaven. Then he will intercede for everyone who prayed for the souls in purgatory and through those prayers saw the face of the Lord in glory, in paradise. That is why our Catholic Church is called a still traveling and suffering church. We pray for them, they for us, because they cannot pray for themselves. All this month pray for the souls in purgatory. A special grace that God has given us. From the rosary and various prayers such as Saint Matilda, Saint Gertrude, the flame of love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary... All these are prayers for our deceased and for the souls in purgatory. Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and may eternal light shine upon them. Bathed in the peace of God!
I pray the Rosary daily including the Fatima prayer on the decades, separate prays for the souls in purgatory and a Divine Mercy Chaplet on Saturday's as I pray the Rosary in Church in the morning adoration on Saturday so have the spare time later.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Sorry, I know what saves me. I am 100% sure and 1000...0% know. But unfortunately, many do not know, but talk more and pray less. She would not leave her Catholic Church at the cost of her life because the truth is the only one and has everything compared to any other religion. Experienced, shown, seen, spiritually, by prayer. I don't need advice because I know the truth. And I testify for her. For Jesus.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Of course, you can know the answer from the attached Jesus. One thing is faith in words where 90% of people here speak only in words. I don't need words, Jesus gave me the grace not to be limited to words. Big difference. A living faith. Thanks and glory to him always! My God and my everything! Christ the King!
@ZWAYTOLIFEyou are holding to a non-apsotolic teachings and tradition with baptism. Water baptism saves which includes the infants. This is written in Didache which is the same as old as scriptures and held by all Apostolic churches which are the early christians.
Protestants aren't being forced to pray to saints, you don't need to so just let Catholics do what the Catholic Church request them to do. Y'all arguing over who's right or wrong as if we all know more than Jesus and the Church He founded and its priests. Prots should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church plus writings of the early church fathers and stop arguing online over things you don't even understand. And read up on saints. Pray to God everyday and ask for the truth! 🙏
While caution and prudence are certainly necessary, the Church does not forbid _private_ prayer asking the intercession of those the Church has not canonized. Canonization authorizes a _public_ cult of devotion.
The 'church' has no authority at all. It is the Bible is our authority. The apostles are all dead and buried and they have no successors ordained of God.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 lol, I appreciate the directness. But the Bible itself, especially Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus, declares and demonstrates the authority of the Church and apostolic Tradition and succession. Happy to share those verses if you are actually open-minded enough to consider them. Can't help but think you didn't watch the video (least not carefully) when you say the Apostles are "dead." God is the God of the living. They are in heaven and thus more alive than us in some sense. Moreover, they are sitting on the thrones Jesus promised to them, exercising authority in His name.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 *The 'church' has no authority at all. It is the Bible is our authority. The apostles are all dead and buried and they have no successors ordained of God.* John 20:21 - He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you. _As the Father hath sent me, I also send you._ So He sent all the Apostles in the full authority the Father sent Christ Himself, so anyone they ordain were ordained of God, because Christ gave them that authority. It's called Apostolic succession, and you were refuted by Christ Himself. The Church has authority and Christ gave it to her.
@@fantasia55 Exactly. Saints and Mother Mary are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. God is, and because God is omniscient and omnipotent, allowing the Saints and Mother Mary to listen to our prayers is actually a 'piece of cake'. That's what protestants do not understand and by questioning it they are actually questioning God's omniscience and omnipotence.
@@TribalNathan whatch this video again, only this time empty yourself of your learned ancestral biases against the catholic church in order to be more receptive to the truth.
Disciples themselves said prayer of a righteous man is powerful so why didn't they pray to Abraham, Elijah and David. Why is there no mention of Jesus's immediate disciples praying to righteous people of God.
@@midairfortress-revert well it's not about verse but there is not even the concept of praying to dead person (dead on earth) in the Bible. Even Jesus prayed only to His father not Abraham or David. His disciples also didn't pray to any righteous prophets before so I don't buy that. Jesus Christ is sufficient and His grace is enough, He can accept the most wicked person I don't need to feel that somebody should go on my behalf and ask favour to Jesus so that He listens. Jesus is kind and He listens to the heart that is genuine. He is the only mediator and replacing Him as the only mediator is an idolatry. Amen
@@Kitiwake You must be a catholic. When faced with biblical truth, your first reaction is not to believe it. Well friend, there is no law that says you have to believe the bible.
If you are trully a christian and trully believe in Jesus then explain to me and according to Jesus who is 'dead' and who is 'alive'? I think either you don't know the teachings of Jesus on this issue or you do but don't believe in Him.
Asking a friend, relative, etc. here on earth to pray for us is in keeping with God's will. God calls us to be a blessing and a help to others in love. Asking someone to pray for us gives them an opportunity to be a blessing and a help to us. Plus, when two or more agree on something godly in Jesus' name, we are told that God will grant the request. So there is authority involved in that agreement. But when someone asks a departed saint in heaven to pray, what good does that do? Scripture suggests that they are at rest and are not tasked with the duty of conducting 'divine messenger services.' When Paul was about to be killed, he wrote to Timothy, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Rev. 14:3 says in part, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours..." Prayer to saints in heaven also assumes a fact not in evidence: namely, that God has bestowed upon them the superhuman ability to 'hear', understand, and keep track of potentially millions of prayers daily addressed to them. Yes, we tend to have some 'faith' that the friend we ask on earth will pray for us. We don't know how well, how much, or how sincerely they will pray. But at least we know that they heard us, because we asked them directly and we saw or heard a response from them. With saints in heaven, we have no feedback; it's just a matter of _hoping_ they heard us and are doing something about it. Never thought I'd hear a guy argue that praying to departed saints is more reliable than asking living people to pray, just because living people are variable. That's a new one! Sure, the saints in heaven are righteous and have Jesus' ear, but that begs the question: we cannot know that they hear our prayers and act upon them. What you also do in this video is deny the common usage and meaning of the word "dead". When the body has ceased to function and the person's soul/spirit has left, this is what we commonly call "dead." You are making the error of equivocation by insisting that we can no longer use this meaning when we speak of departed saints. Rev. 5:8 is not really helpful, since it does not say that the elders did anything with the prayers other than hold them in bowls. Do they know the content of each prayer? Do they know who prayed each prayer? Are they doing anything about, or with, the prayers? Are the prayers in the bowls the prayers of saints on earth, or the prayers of heavenly saints? We don't have any definitive information from which to draw the sort of conclusion that you seek to draw. Rev. 6:9-10 -- we see that the martyrs have a general concept that the Second Advent has not yet occurred. This does not tell us whether they have detailed knowledge of earthly affairs. You interpret the words of this vision so literally, and you read so much of your preconceptions and desires into the verses, it's incredible! Yet at the same time, when you read that Jesus is going to follow the Second Advent by reigning for 1,000 years before He obliterates the earth and creates a new one, you probably think to yourself, "That can't be taken literally." 😂
@@HAL9000-su1mzthis mans faith is so attached to the flesh that he does not understand our brotherhood/sisterhood in christ is in spirit. Our union in christ as his one body is in spirit that is why we can ask the saints in heaven to pray for us.
@@jeazurlantes Amen! Notice how he has to complicate it, like the evil one does? He is a known habitual/pathological troll and stalker. He refuses to be taught. I report all of his harassment.
Is it because he doesn't know God in a personal way, so he didn't pray to God, just the ceiling. Anyone who is indwelt by the Spirit of God would know that praying to anyone or anything other than God the Father and God the Son is a total waste of time.
You have an incomplete understanding of the basic definition of the word "pray." The very first definition on Merriam-Webster online is "to make a request in a humble manner." The second (the only ones Protestants know): "To address God or a god with adoration." So whether you realize it or not, when you ask a friend or your pastor to pray for you, you are "praying that they pray for you." Do you think you're just wasting your time to ask ("pray") another for prayer?
@@midairfortress-revert There is a complete difference between a living person praying or interceding for you before the throne of grace, and praying to someone who is dead and buried, just because some sinner with the title of Pope has 'made' that dead person a saint. Just so as you know, I am a Christian over 60 years, and know the difference between worship of God and intercessory pray on behalf of another person. If adoration of God was all YOU knew as a protestant pastor, it is no wonder you went from the frying pan into the fire of the Roman Catholic system.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 It's a shame you will die never knowing the fullness of the faith. Maybe you can step back and do some research, it is possible that your understanding of Christianity isn't as complete or thorough as you probably think it is.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 You are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of differing beliefs in the world today based on the Bible, just pick one. But to glean this from the historically decidedly Catholic Trinitarian book is just plain silly… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books, and ONLY the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 4th century, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself? Peace!!!
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 This is incredibly ignorant! What did the Lord say to the hell-bound Sadducees - the Protestants of His day? Mark 12:27 "He is not God of the dead, but of the living; YOU ARE QUITE WRONG." Some "PASTOR" you are!
Abraham interceded with his god for the people of Sodom. Moses same with his people. They we're not saints who died, they were alive. Who decides that your catholic saints from the long past we're confirmed by God. What about now.
@po18guy-s4s it's not about me it's about staying away from traditions of any kind. Traditions keep people from discovering the world and not inside an ornate church or mosques or cathedral's. They prefer man made objects of beauty in icons or statues or portraits. Nature itself is not just about outward appearances of beauty but it's about the struggle and battle for survival with different species.
when you pray to "saints" you are praying to demons. only jesus hears prayer. read john 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, the life, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME". jesus is our only priest- read the book of hebrews. jesus doesn't need some puny human help him to do anything! catholicism is of the devil.
You are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of differing beliefs in the world today based on the Bible, just pick one. But to glean this from the historically decidedly Catholic Trinitarian book is just plain silly… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books, and ONLY the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 4th century, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself? Peace!!!
I appreciate how thorough you were in your explanation.
Of all Catholic teaching, this is one that I have never struggled with understanding. There is no argument against intercession of saints. It is absolutely biblical. NOW, how you pray to the saints is a different story.
#proudcatholic #easterncatholic
They certainly do hear our prayers because God allows it! He let's them know.
Saint Bernadette: Patron of bodily illness. She is how I came into the Church, crossing myself with water form the grotto in Lourdes. She has sustained me through four cancers now, three of them simultaneous stage IV blood/marrow cancers. My atheist hematologist called my recovery "a miracle."
Where in the Bible is that mentioned or are you just making it up. Are you saying that God told you he allowed them.
@@TribalNathan Christians need no bible. They need to HEAR the Gospel which the Apostles delivered. Luke 10:16.
@@HAL9000-su1mzthat’s what you call cherry picking
@TribalNathan well if you read Revelation 6:9-11 it talks about the martyrs in heaven who cry out to the lord as they can see thier brethren on earth suffering. Revelation also talks specifically about angles presenting incense to God as "prayers of the saints". Christ also speaks of his followers as people who will never face death. So you can use just these three instances from the Bible to prove a principle, that 1:saints are alive in heaven 2: saints prayers are offered up to God as a sacrifice. 3:the saints in heaven can still hear and see what is happening on the earth.
Pastor, thank you for your enlightening and highly informative teaching. You are God-sent to proclaim to the world.
Amen, I can't imagine saints in heaven this sitting around! Their perfected bodies practice the role of interceding and offering these prayers to the Father.
Great video.
This is one of my favorite quotes from Scripture on the intersession of Angels.
“I shall now tell you the whole truth and conceal nothing at all from you. I have already said to you, ‘A king’s secret should be kept secret, but one must declare the works of God with due honor.’ Now when you, Tobit, and Sarah prayed, it was I who presented the record of your prayer before the Glory of the Lord; and likewise whenever you used to bury the dead.*
When you did not hesitate to get up and leave your dinner in order to go and bury that dead man, I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord.” Tobit 11-15.
Nice to meet you today
Fantastic reminder to re-read Tobit.
Chapter 12.
What an awesome book Tobit is! Such a pity that it gets so overlooked!
@ Well, it gets overlooked because it’s not in the Protestant Bible.
Excellent explanation!
Those in heaven surround us as a “great cloud of witnesses” (Heb. 12:1), and the book of Revelation teaches that the prayers they offer for us “saints” is an integral part of the eternal worship given to God.
@ZWAYTOLIFEBones might be “dead/left” in the grave, but their soul is very much alive in Christ.
@ZWAYTOLIFEplus we don’t pray to….. we ask them to pray for us (intercede). Big difference. Think “pray/ask” like in Shakespeare.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Asking for a sister in Christ who is in heaven (purified/righteous) to pray for me, does not in any way take away from my devotion, trust or belief in God. It is the beauty of the whole church & the communion of saints. The Saints are more alive than we are, since the Lord is “not God of the dead, but of the living” (Luke 20:36-38)
IF someone is praying to saints and it takes away from one’s devotion to God, then it is a practice that should end at once.
Not only that but Revelation tells us that John was able to hear every creature in Heaven, earth, under the earth, and in the sea praising the Lord. Which totally obliterates Protestant arguments about the Saints being omnipotent. It only takes an omnipotent God to make these things known to them and that God is the Holy Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
@ZWAYTOLIFE I will NOT pray to you, as you seem to be dead.
When Jesus going up into the mountain of Tabor. The three disciples witnesses the events, they saw Moses and Elijah talking to Lord Jesus. They are all Saints. Amen ❤
Oh really. When Peter suggested setting up tabernacles for them all, the cloud overshadowed them and when it was removed, so were Moses and Elijah and God said, 'this is my beloved Son, hear ye Him'. The Law and the Prophets are gone.
@smeatonlighthouse4384 Yes really.
@@fantasia55 All you and the Roman Catholic system are doing is continuing the pagan worship of other gods with a wee hint of Judaism threw into the pan. Did you watch BBC4 this evening, 11/11/24. All about Rome.
That, in no way, refutes the intercession of Saints.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 Stop harassing! Not Christian.
Amen! Another great video!
It is so obvious from both OT and NT that like the Angels (fallen or not); our souls do not go unconscious or suffer soul-sleep between our Earthly deaths and the coming general resurrection. It was never a teaching of the True Church and is a rather recent invented heresy. So as conscious beings (the souls); they are certianly aware of those in the current battle and are praying for us or passing on our good requests.
Notice that the trolls think as man does and not as God does. Neither do they pay attention to almost 2,000 years of Christian practice, nor do they attentively read the Book of Revelation.
Good teaching!
When Jesus sent out His Apostles to spread the good news there was no sacred scripture to guide them but only the orally transmitted teachings of Our Lord.
We see how the "reformation" has greatly diluted the Christian faith. Those who love to argue never bother to check the history of the Orthodox Churches and their practices regarding the Saints.
We see what standard you go by. Not Acts 17:10-12 is it?
I totally agree. They argue because they have no authority.
@@Spiritof76Catholic Sheep without a shepherd: Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
@@soteriology400 Silly child! We embrace ALL of the ENTIRE bible - But hate sells big! The ego leads, Christ follows.
@@HAL9000-su1mz Without the authors intent. Eisegesis brings you nowhere when it comes to the intent of the author.
Saints also hear our prayers and intercede with God for us. They are glorified in heaven before the Lord. God answered so many prayers through their intercession. And the souls in purgatory hear our prayers that we pray for the souls and they pray for us. And when we die, they will wait for us and plead with God for us that they entered heaven through my, your and our prayer. They know which person prayed when they entered heaven. Then he will intercede for everyone who prayed for the souls in purgatory and through those prayers saw the face of the Lord in glory, in paradise. That is why our Catholic Church is called a still traveling and suffering church. We pray for them, they for us, because they cannot pray for themselves. All this month pray for the souls in purgatory. A special grace that God has given us. From the rosary and various prayers such as Saint Matilda, Saint Gertrude, the flame of love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary... All these are prayers for our deceased and for the souls in purgatory. Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and may eternal light shine upon them. Bathed in the peace of God!
I pray the Rosary daily including the Fatima prayer on the decades, separate prays for the souls in purgatory and a Divine Mercy Chaplet on Saturday's as I pray the Rosary in Church in the morning adoration on Saturday so have the spare time later.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Sorry, I know what saves me. I am 100% sure and 1000...0% know. But unfortunately, many do not know, but talk more and pray less. She would not leave her Catholic Church at the cost of her life because the truth is the only one and has everything compared to any other religion. Experienced, shown, seen, spiritually, by prayer. I don't need advice because I know the truth. And I testify for her. For Jesus.
@ZWAYTOLIFE She answered what saves me, I know the answer... I live and experience it. The experience of faith.
@ZWAYTOLIFE Of course, you can know the answer from the attached Jesus. One thing is faith in words where 90% of people here speak only in words. I don't need words, Jesus gave me the grace not to be limited to words. Big difference. A living faith. Thanks and glory to him always! My God and my everything! Christ the King!
@ZWAYTOLIFEyou are holding to a non-apsotolic teachings and tradition with baptism. Water baptism saves which includes the infants. This is written in Didache which is the same as old as scriptures and held by all Apostolic churches which are the early christians.
Protestants aren't being forced to pray to saints, you don't need to so just let Catholics do what the Catholic Church request them to do. Y'all arguing over who's right or wrong as if we all know more than Jesus and the Church He founded and its priests.
Prots should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church plus writings of the early church fathers and stop arguing online over things you don't even understand. And read up on saints. Pray to God everyday and ask for the truth! 🙏
Everyone is saved! Its automatic!
While caution and prudence are certainly necessary, the Church does not forbid _private_ prayer asking the intercession of those the Church has not canonized. Canonization authorizes a _public_ cult of devotion.
The 'church' has no authority at all. It is the Bible is our authority. The apostles are all dead and buried and they have no successors ordained of God.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 lol, I appreciate the directness. But the Bible itself, especially Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus, declares and demonstrates the authority of the Church and apostolic Tradition and succession. Happy to share those verses if you are actually open-minded enough to consider them.
Can't help but think you didn't watch the video (least not carefully) when you say the Apostles are "dead." God is the God of the living. They are in heaven and thus more alive than us in some sense. Moreover, they are sitting on the thrones Jesus promised to them, exercising authority in His name.
yes good point - thank you.
*The 'church' has no authority at all. It is the Bible is our authority. The apostles are all dead and buried and they have no successors ordained of God.*
John 20:21 - He said therefore to them again: Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you.
_As the Father hath sent me, I also send you._
So He sent all the Apostles in the full authority the Father sent Christ Himself, so anyone they ordain were ordained of God, because Christ gave them that authority.
It's called Apostolic succession, and you were refuted by Christ Himself. The Church has authority and Christ gave it to her.
No prayer is ever wasted.
"This is not a late Middle Age pagan development." No, it is an early Greek pagan development.
Can you show me any early christian scripture condemning to pray saints?
That's what pagans said about the Christians' dying and rising God.
@luissalazar6960 The tomb of Peter has ancient graffiti: "Peter, pray for us."
you'll have to show your work here.
How are saints and mary omnipotent able to hear and understand billions of prayers at once? Tell that according to the Bible
By questioning it you clearly do not believe that God is omniscient and omnipotent.
Saints have been given this special charism.
@fantasia55 Bible verse about special charisma and omnipotent please.
@@fantasia55 Exactly. Saints and Mother Mary are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. God is, and because God is omniscient and omnipotent, allowing the Saints and Mother Mary to listen to our prayers is actually a 'piece of cake'. That's what protestants do not understand and by questioning it they are actually questioning God's omniscience and omnipotence.
@@TribalNathan whatch this video again, only this time empty yourself of your learned ancestral biases against the catholic church in order to be more receptive to the truth.
Disciples themselves said prayer of a righteous man is powerful so why didn't they pray to Abraham, Elijah and David. Why is there no mention of Jesus's immediate disciples praying to righteous people of God.
A more fundamental question: Why is there no Bible verse that says that we need a Bible verse to prove everything?
@@midairfortress-revert well it's not about verse but there is not even the concept of praying to dead person (dead on earth) in the Bible. Even Jesus prayed only to His father not Abraham or David. His disciples also didn't pray to any righteous prophets before so I don't buy that. Jesus Christ is sufficient and His grace is enough, He can accept the most wicked person I don't need to feel that somebody should go on my behalf and ask favour to Jesus so that He listens. Jesus is kind and He listens to the heart that is genuine. He is the only mediator and replacing Him as the only mediator is an idolatry. Amen
The optional bible is not complete. It tells you so - IF you read it.
Theres a impassable gulf between the living and the dead(passed on). Period.
According to.... you.
@@Kitiwake You must be a catholic. When faced with biblical truth, your first reaction is not to believe it. Well friend, there is no law that says you have to believe the bible.
If you are trully a christian and trully believe in Jesus then explain to me and according to Jesus who is 'dead' and who is 'alive'?
I think either you don't know the teachings of Jesus on this issue or you do but don't believe in Him.
@@Kitiwake You must be catholic.
@@Nilunam Jesus said there is an impassable gulf. But you want to keep asking the dead for favors. Dead means dead to this world.
Asking a friend, relative, etc. here on earth to pray for us is in keeping with God's will. God calls us to be a blessing and a help to others in love. Asking someone to pray for us gives them an opportunity to be a blessing and a help to us. Plus, when two or more agree on something godly in Jesus' name, we are told that God will grant the request. So there is authority involved in that agreement.
But when someone asks a departed saint in heaven to pray, what good does that do? Scripture suggests that they are at rest and are not tasked with the duty of conducting 'divine messenger services.' When Paul was about to be killed, he wrote to Timothy, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Rev. 14:3 says in part, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours..."
Prayer to saints in heaven also assumes a fact not in evidence: namely, that God has bestowed upon them the superhuman ability to 'hear', understand, and keep track of potentially millions of prayers daily addressed to them.
Yes, we tend to have some 'faith' that the friend we ask on earth will pray for us. We don't know how well, how much, or how sincerely they will pray. But at least we know that they heard us, because we asked them directly and we saw or heard a response from them. With saints in heaven, we have no feedback; it's just a matter of _hoping_ they heard us and are doing something about it.
Never thought I'd hear a guy argue that praying to departed saints is more reliable than asking living people to pray, just because living people are variable. That's a new one! Sure, the saints in heaven are righteous and have Jesus' ear, but that begs the question: we cannot know that they hear our prayers and act upon them.
What you also do in this video is deny the common usage and meaning of the word "dead". When the body has ceased to function and the person's soul/spirit has left, this is what we commonly call "dead." You are making the error of equivocation by insisting that we can no longer use this meaning when we speak of departed saints.
Rev. 5:8 is not really helpful, since it does not say that the elders did anything with the prayers other than hold them in bowls. Do they know the content of each prayer? Do they know who prayed each prayer? Are they doing anything about, or with, the prayers? Are the prayers in the bowls the prayers of saints on earth, or the prayers of heavenly saints? We don't have any definitive information from which to draw the sort of conclusion that you seek to draw.
Rev. 6:9-10 -- we see that the martyrs have a general concept that the Second Advent has not yet occurred. This does not tell us whether they have detailed knowledge of earthly affairs.
You interpret the words of this vision so literally, and you read so much of your preconceptions and desires into the verses, it's incredible! Yet at the same time, when you read that Jesus is going to follow the Second Advent by reigning for 1,000 years before He obliterates the earth and creates a new one, you probably think to yourself, "That can't be taken literally." 😂
Stop trolling and learn the Christian faith.
@@HAL9000-su1mz The last thing I want to do is to go to HAL. 😂
@@HAL9000-su1mzthis mans faith is so attached to the flesh that he does not understand our brotherhood/sisterhood in christ is in spirit. Our union in christ as his one body is in spirit that is why we can ask the saints in heaven to pray for us.
@@jeazurlantes Amen! Notice how he has to complicate it, like the evil one does? He is a known habitual/pathological troll and stalker. He refuses to be taught. I report all of his harassment.
@@rexlion4510 You are already in a hell of your own making.
WoW if you don't know what the Bible says you get deceived in it.
Because he is lost ?
Harassment from the penis gallery reported.
Is it because he doesn't know God in a personal way, so he didn't pray to God, just the ceiling. Anyone who is indwelt by the Spirit of God would know that praying to anyone or anything other than God the Father and God the Son is a total waste of time.
You have an incomplete understanding of the basic definition of the word "pray." The very first definition on Merriam-Webster online is "to make a request in a humble manner." The second (the only ones Protestants know): "To address God or a god with adoration." So whether you realize it or not, when you ask a friend or your pastor to pray for you, you are "praying that they pray for you." Do you think you're just wasting your time to ask ("pray") another for prayer?
@@midairfortress-revert There is a complete difference between a living person praying or interceding for you before the throne of grace, and praying to someone who is dead and buried, just because some sinner with the title of Pope has 'made' that dead person a saint. Just so as you know, I am a Christian over 60 years, and know the difference between worship of God and intercessory pray on behalf of another person. If adoration of God was all YOU knew as a protestant pastor, it is no wonder you went from the frying pan into the fire of the Roman Catholic system.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 It's a shame you will die never knowing the fullness of the faith. Maybe you can step back and do some research, it is possible that your understanding of Christianity isn't as complete or thorough as you probably think it is.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 You are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of differing beliefs in the world today based on the Bible, just pick one. But to glean this from the historically decidedly Catholic Trinitarian book is just plain silly…
History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books, and ONLY the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time.
Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 4th century, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
@@smeatonlighthouse4384 This is incredibly ignorant! What did the Lord say to the hell-bound Sadducees - the Protestants of His day? Mark 12:27 "He is not God of the dead, but of the living; YOU ARE QUITE WRONG."
Some "PASTOR" you are!
Abraham interceded with his god for the people of Sodom. Moses same with his people. They we're not saints who died, they were alive. Who decides that your catholic saints from the long past we're confirmed by God. What about now.
Ask an Orthodox priest, since you seem to have an OCD hatred of Christ.
@po18guy-s4s Christ hated traditions of corrupt priests and hypocrisy. The blind leading the blind both fall into the ditch
@@frederickanderson1860 Pharisees. Matthew 23 for the bible-illiterate. Give it a read!
@@frederickanderson1860 So your religion is fredism?
@po18guy-s4s it's not about me it's about staying away from traditions of any kind. Traditions keep people from discovering the world and not inside an ornate church or mosques or cathedral's. They prefer man made objects of beauty in icons or statues or portraits. Nature itself is not just about outward appearances of beauty but it's about the struggle and battle for survival with different species.
when you pray to "saints" you are praying to demons. only jesus hears prayer. read john 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, the life, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME". jesus is our only priest- read the book of hebrews. jesus doesn't need some puny human help him to do anything! catholicism is of the devil.
You are certainly welcome to believe and profess whatever you want to believe, there are plenty of differing beliefs in the world today based on the Bible, just pick one. But to glean this from the historically decidedly Catholic Trinitarian book is just plain silly…
History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books, and ONLY the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time.
Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 4th century, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
Hate speech and extreme ignorance reported.
Excuse me, but that has ALWAYS been Catholic teaching. I thought Christ was to judge, but He gave all power to YOU???