I love that as a Catholic, we use all of our senses to worship, including smelling incense, kneeling, standing, listening to beautiful religious music, tasting the bread and drink of Life, etc. I think it is what God intended, as He created our senses to be closer to Him.
I think one of the most common misconceptions the protestants have about statues is that we Catholics worship them as idols. Throughout the entire old and new testament, worship = sacrifice. Ironically Protestants do not worship God because they do not offer a sacrifice. We do not sacrifice to statues, we can venerate statues or have them just add to the experience because art is beautiful, but the mass is the catholic sacrifice, and it's to God directly by the priest at the altar. Not to a statue.
No misconceptions as Christians know you do it to and prayer is a form of worship. Mass is a Catholic sacrifice, and the reason Christians don't say mass as Christ and the apostles never said mass as God forbid the drinking of blood which was not what Christ was saying. BTW Christ's church does not have priests serving in an official role as all Christians are members of the priesthood.
@@sammygomes7381 Prayer isn't worship. Worship involves the offering of a sacrifice. You do not worship God, you merely venerate him. See for example Malachi 1:10-11. Jesus said the first Mass at the last supper as well as finishing off by what Jews of the first century would recognise as ordination into the priesthood. Isaiah prphesied this (The offering and the new priesthood) in Isaiah 66:18-21. Saint Paul writes about it in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 and says you must not be unworthy in 1 Corinthians 11:27-32. If it was just a bit of bread and not a representation of the Sacrifice at Calvary then it would not be important May God bless you and guide you into all truth. Edit: Forgot to add: Where does it say you can't drink blood and why? What does Jesus say you will not have in you if you do not eat his flesh and drink his blood?
@@BensWorkshop Prayer is a form of worship. If you read the gospels the word of God is pretty clear, in about 2 dozen verses that the Last supper was a Passover meal which included the Jewish custom of breaking bread, not a mass. Every born-again Christian is a member of the priesthood and the reason the bible gives us Elders and deacons to lead us. Elder, Bishop and Pastor are used interchangeably in the word, no priest, no pope. If you read 1 Cor 11:17 22 you will see what Paul was speaking of as they were disrespecting Christ death on the cross. Some throwing lavish meals and getting drunk while others had nothing to eat, the love of Christ was missing. We break bread and it is a representation of what Christ did on the cross, the reason He told us to do it in remembrance of the price He paid. How many times have you read the bible and never read God forbid drinking blood as did the apostles in Acts 15.
@@sammygomes7381 Prayer is not worship. Do you disagree with Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 that Christians (That is Catholic, Orthodox, and to a lesser extent Lutherans and Anglicans) partake in the Body and Blood of Christ? Do you refuse to make the perfect offering (Malachi 1:10-11) or deny Isaiah's prophecy in Isaiah 66:18-21? And yes, The Last Supper was The Passover meal, Jesus Is The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29) which is why you need to partake in this sacrifice. (Not a new one, but a representation of the one and only). As the Bible says "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9)
Jean Calvin and Iconoclasm Jean Calvin: “Smash all religious images as IDOLATRY!!!” Various artists: “Monsieur Calvin, we are here to paint your portrait” Calvin: “Yes! Do you like this pose? How is my dress? Is the light ‘just right’?” Iconoclast Calvin posed for various portraits and his STATUE is in the Reformation Wall in Zurich.
Why is it that I often see Protestant pastors speaking ill of the Catholic Church instead of concentrating on preaching? What I can confirm as a Catholic is that at every single Mass our priests pray for our Protestant brothers and sister? Makes you wonder??
Are they protestants or Christians. Christians know that Christ and the apostles never said mass and Christ's church does not have priests serving in an official position as all born-again Christians are members of the priesthood. Christians constantly pray for Catholics to be born-again and become Christians to follow the teachings of Christ.
@@sammygomes7381 Jesus started the Catholic Church when he gave Peter the keys to start His church - whereas Martin Luther , Zwingli, Calvin et al started the over 30 000 Protestant churches. Jesus said this church would not prevail no matter what. Read up about the early church fathers and enlighten yourself on Martins Luther’s vile personality. Catholics where born again by spirit and water in accordance with scripture. When Jesus attended the temples there were always high priests and priests who performed the sacrifices. Si to say that Catholics are not Christians is beyond but I leave it at that. God Bless
@@alexducasse830 Christ started a church that came to be called the Christian Church, not Catholic. He gave all the apostles (Mat 18:18) the keys to heave as well as all Christians. The "keys" to heaven is the gospel of Jesus Christ, accept it and one can be called a child of God, reject it and the gates of heaven are closed. The individuals you mentioned were used by God to stop the gates of hell from prevailing against His church as the Catholic church came close to wiping out the Christian church. Why would one put so much faith in man and read their words when they have the word of God. When Christ died on the cross, He tore the veil that required one go to a priest making all born-again believer's members of the priesthood with a direct connection to the Father and the reason there are no priests serving in an official capacity in Christ's church, only Elders and Deacons, Elder, Bishop, and Pastor are used interchangeably in the NT.
As a former Baptist anti-Catholic I came to understand that the Catholic teaching and practice of icon veneration is Biblical and entirely reasonable. Besides there's mounting evidence that Jesus left His image on a Holy Shroud so that we could remember His resurrection and adore Him as our Lord and Savior.
I gotta admit my catholic brother that everything that you’ve presented of defending the Catholic Churches teachings is to sublime and transcendent for protesters to understand for what I’ve been noticing about protesters is that they don’t have much spiritual understanding or insight of what God allows and does not allow I’m truly impressed with your presentation not because I’m a catholic but you make total spiritual sense yeah Alleluia Amen Deo Gratis Gloria in Excelsis Deo 🙏🐑🕊️✨🔥
They always like to quote the "graven" image. The graven image that God was referring to are the Golden cow, the half human half animal statues and actually considering the actual wood or stone that what is made of god. If I have a picture of Mary, I don't consider the paper the actual God. The picture of Mary is just like a picture of my mother. It reminds me of my mother. The representation of the Virgin Mary who is in heaven, the mother of God. I just really hope more and more Protestants will see these lies and deceit. Believe in the 2,000 y/o tradition than those someone who picked a Bible and read it from cover to cover and decided to become a pastor.
@@MyJustOpinion OF course they are not, they belong to a goddess and idol they call immaculate, perpetual virgin, queen of heaven and mother of God that does not exist in the word of God.
@gloriapatriparcedomine I'm a Christian and follow the teachings of Christ, the word of God and there is no immaculate, perpetual virgin, queen of heaven and mother of God in the bible.
@@HenryLeslieGraham Is a iconoclast someone who tears up images? In america, it illegal to destroy someone property. I never got the urge to break a a statue. Never have and never will.
What I always compare the pictures, statues and glass images of the saints with are the portraits of ancestors that were painted in the past or today's photographs. These pictures simply help us to better remember the special events in their lives and, in this case, also their path to and with God. And don’t forget that Protestant church publishers also have picture books with the relevant Bible stories for the little ones.
I would lay this fault (the lying about the Catholic Church) more at the feet of Evangelicals than mainline Protestants. I was SBC for 40 years before my conversion to the Catholic Church and I can count numerous times where what I now know to be lies were told about the Catholic Church from the pulpit. These sermons usually happened on Sunday nights or maybe during the Wednesday night business meeting. These were even more informal services, in the 80’s that meant we could wear jeans to church, than Sunday morning services. I was taught that the Church was the whore of Babylon and the “Romans” as they like to call them twisted and perverted the Gospel of Christ. I would be 40 years before I would be open to hearing the truth for myself. Evangelicals, and Baptists in particular believe in a version of Christianity where everything is spiritual and symbolic. Take the Last Supper, they will typically only celebrate once a month or maybe every once a quarter, and usually during a Sunday evening service. They see the bread and grape juice as purely symbolic. They won’t even use the word “communion” as there is too much of a Catholic conotation. I remember a Christmas pageant where the music director wanted to sing “Veni, Veni, Emmanuel.” Nope, the use of Latin made it too Catholic. Evangelicals and Protestants want to dismiss 1500 years of Christian tradition and pretend absolutely nothing of worth happened in Christology between the 1st century and the Protestant Reformation. I’ve said this before in response to your videos, but it bears repeating, look how they always use the word “Roman” when identifying the Catholic Church. John MacArthur and James White love to strawman us by calling us “Roman”. Why? Here’s my thoughts: 1. Historical Context: The term “Roman Catholic Church” became more common in Protestant discourse after the Reformation as a way to emphasize differences from the Catholic Church, which refers to itself simply as the “Catholic Church.” By adding “Roman,” Protestant theologians sought to highlight the Church’s association with the papacy and Rome, distinguishing it from other Christian traditions. 2. Theological Framing: For some Evangelicals, the term “Roman” is used to imply that the Catholic Church is a local or regional tradition rather than the universal Church that it claims to be. This framing can be a theological statement rather than a neutral descriptor. 3. Audience Appeal: In the context of the Bible Belt, where cultural and theological conservatism is strong, referring to the Catholic Church as “Roman” may indeed resonate with existing biases. This can sometimes create a strawman by reducing Catholicism to a caricature-viewing it as foreign, hierarchical, or overly ritualistic-while overlooking the complexity and universality of Catholic teaching. 4. Xenophobia: While not all Evangelicals who use “Roman” do so with xenophobic intent, in some cases, it may subtly appeal to cultural biases against “foreign” or “European” influences, especially in regions of the U.S. where such sentiments are historically rooted. 5. Potential Strawman: The term “Roman” can oversimplify or misrepresent Catholic theology by suggesting that it is merely a subset of Christianity tied to Rome rather than the original, apostolic Church. This rhetorical strategy can make it easier to dismiss Catholic claims without engaging with the full depth of its theology.
@gloriapatriparcedomine Christian tradition is to follow the word of God. If you want to know what Catholic tradition is you will need to ask a Catholic, but good luck with that as I can never get an answer.
0:19 His holy hardware consists of a drum set an electric guitar and a projection screen. His understanding of Catholicism is so poor I wonder why anyone listening to him believes any of the words coming out of his mouth.
I was thinking the same thing. By this "pastor's" standards, how is the rock band and light show are not idolatrous. Do they not aid their "worship?" Maybe not, since no sacrifice, means no worship. Praise maybe, not worship.
Any protestants on here, please watch the youtube video called: Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie. It's by Brother Peter Diamond. He gives incredible detail about both protestant and catholic teaching on justification and totally refutes protestantism in the process. The video is so incredibly detailed that it cannot be refuted. A must watch for anyone serious about their salvation, or even if you just want to learn about both protestant and catholic teaching on justification.
CAUTION! Regardless of his fame and fortune, the "Michael" Dimond is not a monk - NEVER has been a vowed anything - and his facility (he calls it "Holy Family Monastery" ) is not a monastery. It is all fake and I would not listen to a single syllable anyone there says. It is a lie founded on a lie. Look it up online. Fake.
@@sammygomes7381 John chapter 6, and this is really important to fully understand what Jesus himself is saying. Amen, amen I say unto you: He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life. 48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven; that if any man eat of it, he may not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. 52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world. 53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. 55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. [54] "Eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood": To receive the body and blood of Christ, is a divine precept, insinuated in this text; which the faithful fulfil, though they receive but in one kind; because in one kind they receive both body and blood, which cannot be separated from each other. Hence, life eternal is here promised to the worthy receiving, though but in one kind. Ver. 52. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. Ver. 58. He that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. Ver. 59. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever. 56 For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. 57 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. 58 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. 59 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever. 60 These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.
I would like to know, if it was possible, how often are these evangelical pastors called out by their listenners on their false withnesses regarding the catholic faith. On one hand these pastors should not bare false witness. One the other, the protestants who listen to them should not accept what they say at face value. In both sides there are bad consequences, and in both sides the truth of the matter is despised, but which one is worse? Now, when act of false witness is commited, what is in the conscience of the protestant? Does he do this in light of the fact that _he believes_ and therefore he can sin and still be saved? Does he do this in light of the _enslaved will_ and therefore he cannot help himself and lie with a straight face because _God made he do it_ ? You see, it may be a bit extreme to say this but a protestant cannot be a honest person and a protestant at the same time for long enough. One or the other has to give.
So I cannot used the symbolism of the cross, to connect visually to God? You know that we don't believe that the statue itself is not God? What do you bow to when you pray? A wall? Your parish? The Bible? You don't bow at all?
@@georgepierson4920they’re criticizing what they THINK the Catholic Church teaches/practices, rather than learning about what the CC ACTUALLY teaches/practices
I have to say this and this is for protesters and that is if there wasn’t any crucifixion then there wouldn’t be salvation and I’m appalled and horrified by people who speak bad things about our God and Lord Jesus Christ who fulfilled his Fathers Holy Will infinitely and Eternally In All Immaculateness yeah AMEN TO THAT 🙏🐑🕊️✨🔥
I'm an older Catholic, from a long line of Irish Catholics. Not all Protestants are against statues/imagery etc. My High Anglican friends in the Church of England venerate Mary, the Saints and claim Apostolic succession. They can claim succession because duing the Reformation quite a few Roman Catholic bishops left the Catholic Church and moved to the Church of England. Those bishops carried Apostolic succession and that didn't cease to be just because they switched churches. My friends and I agree to disagree on a few points but we do it politely. To me, my friends are Catholics without the hierarchy of the Vatican. Arguments from Protestants about statues are as daft as Catholics arguing about the books "left out" of the "proddies" King James Bible. Yes, some books were left out, like Maccabees 1 and 2, but the Roman Catholic Bibles leave out Maccabees 3 and 4. It's wrong for them to leave out books but it's okay for us to do it? Those of us who think we are holier than though with regards to our faith, are completely missing the point with regards to being a Christian. Best wishes to all who pass this way.✝
Growing up as RC, my parents prayed and worshipped mary and even claimed she healed them. Let me ask you if I smashed a statue of Mary would the sin only be damage to property? Who is the Mediatrix, co redeemer and I can go on and on. Do you really know what you think you believe?
Saints can bring healing through intercession, just as your prayer to God can bring healing for others. We do not give worhship to saints. We venerate them. Sacrefice is to God alone. Smashing a statue of Mary, of Christ, or any saint, is akin to smashing a Bible. It's sacrilege to not properly honour that which is holy. Mary, as the mother of God full of grace, is closest to Christ. She interceeds for the faithful, as we have become brothers in Christ she becomes our mother. As we, the church, become the bride of Christ, she becomes our mother-in-law. We know what we believe, do you know what we believe?
If someone prayed over you and then you were healed, would you consider honoring him/her for their service or would you consider murdering him/her for impersonating Christ?
There is no doubt that Catholic Church is extremely rich in every spiritual aspect which Evangelicals or Protestants lack. To that end, they are usually protestants, nervous, envious or even jealous like a neighbor who is jealous about his/her successful neighbor always looks for ways to bring him/her down. One thing is sure, the Catholic Church, Founded by and Built on Christ, will endure Forever!! Amen!
But Jesus is a person with a human body too and divine. He walked this earth, so therefore we remember Him with pictures too. The same way we do to our family members that we so dearly love.
In Marienkirche in city of Lübeck in Germany,Protestants placed out of church statue of Devill,like litle cartoon Devill.only statue is Devill s statue who don't belive me ,look your self on internet
Let us not forget the Catholic church took the attributes of Roman gods and put saints name on them such as the saint of travel being Christopher which was taken from Mercury. Worshipping Mary is not an ignorant claim. You take a human being God found favor with, call her immaculate, perpetual virgin after numerous children, assumed, queen of heaven which millions pray to more than God, yet there is no such person in the word of God.
That’s a very inaccurate, warped false claim about the Catholic Church. St. Christopher died a martyr killed by a Roman emperor for spreading the Gospel.
@ Like who, St Peter, St Andrew, both apostles of Jesus? How about the rest of the apostles? How about John the Baptist, Jesus’ own cousin? He’s a saint who was beheaded for speaking out on the sanctity of marriage, or how about St John Paul II? St Therese of Lisieux, who lived in the late 1800s, long long after the Roman Empire. Spare me the sensationalist anti-Catholic nonsense.
@@chrisb5958 Cupid, The God of Love= St Valentine Mars The God of War = Michael the Archangel You might want to do a search for the hundreds of patron saints out there that people pray to rather than God. Might as well build a golden calf.
Then you put yourself above groups and become your own Pope. You have your own religion. There is a verse on this about not interpreting the bible by yourself but trusting the Apostles leadership as they are guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot be in the Catholic Church and each of the Protestant churches, temples, halls, megachurches, etc. The Holy Spirit is with the Magesterium, but also in individual people. So Protestant church 1, Protestant church 2 and Protestant church 3 if they differ in any beliefs or even if they agree cannot be because since most Protestant do not agree on anything... just think ordination and authority. So stepping away from this discussion does not make you right. Because only one of the is right, it's a binary option. But the Catholic Church is the whole truth - at least here on earth. What things does a non-denominational give up by forming their own group - pretty much every thing Protestants believe in. All Protestants have those same beliefs: - Don't believe in the Sacraments, most important of which is the Eucharist, Baptism, confession. (John 6, the verses for each one of the sacraments...) - Don't believe in the Pope and the Magesterium ( verse on Peter receiving keys to kingdom on earth; and binding things here on earth... ) - Transubstiation. ( John 6 ) Anything, that makes the Catholic Church unique in religion. So all non-denominational Christians are Protestants, they are not a separate group that will bypass all the doctrinal differences. I hear this all the time just stay home and read the bible. Reading, memorazing the bible will not get you anywhere because you did not put it's teachings in action. Not even a lukeworm Christian, but a cold Christian. We can't be all action either, because we'd all be saints. So those are my two cents on your reserved comments. Jesus only wanted on church... so you are even saying you don't want to be a part of that church. See what I am saying? Much better than the heavy unrepentant sinners, but could use some work.
Do unto others as you would have done unto you! If you don't want your faith lied about, don't lie about the faith of others. Imagine this: eternal security means you can go out and rape children while drugging them and then kill them and you will neither lose your salvation nor have your faith put in question--after all, once saved, always saved! Would those who agree with eternal security agree with this characterization of their belief on the matter? Of course not! But yet that's exactly how evangelicals consistently mischaracterize Catholic doctrines. Shame on you; you can't be intellectually dishonest and claim to be spiritually pure!
Catholics omit Peter confession. Jesus replied flesh and blood did not reveal who l am. Also jesus said the flesh profits nothing,the spirit giveth Life. So pointless having images of porcelain and whatever material they make .
@ Peter literally said “you are the Christ, the son of the living God.” While Jesus was there…. In the flesh. Even putting that aside, how do you get to “statues don’t have any spiritual significance at all”?
@IG88AAA consider jesus reply to Peter. Peter did not receive by his own reasoning. So if a flesh and blood image cannot reveal him, neither can a statue of a Mary or Jesus.
Look Im a Prot and I Love your passion, I love you.I do not agree with all that you say, but not all Catholics agree with you. I don’t agree with all prots. At the end of the day Jesus calls us to love our Neighbors! He calls us all to love one another! ❤️
@@Ebreeze1976 Your are not a Prot. Your are a good hearted Christian who is not in communion with Rome. A Prot is a Protestant who is dead set on attacking Catholics.
Actions speak much louder than words. Catholic actions support the protestant pastors viewpoint. Catholics ascribe God like power to multiple individuals other than God. That's what catholics do! Try as you like, your actions are indefensible and wholly unscriptural!
@@IG88AAA The catholic hierachy decide who is and isn't a saint. Not so in the Bible! The catholic hierachy decide what is and isn't a miracle Not so in the Bible! The catholic hierachy decide which saint is effective for what type of prayer Not so in the Bible! The catholic hierachy decide who is and isn't in heaven Not so in the Bible! The catholic hierachy have decided that God is incapable of cleaning up some people's lives prior to their death. Not so in the Bible! That's some of the actions. In the Bible, God and/or Jesus hear our prayers. According to catholicism, a saint that is created by concensus post mortem, somehow gets to heaven and has somehow gained the ability to hear and convey millions of prayers. Not only that, but specific saints pay special attention to prayers based on certain criteria. That criteria was established post mortem and also by concensus.
You can call it what you want, and say how wonderful it is.....the bottom line is that the CC makes statues and catholics bow down befor them. You cant sweep that under the rug.
Bowing and kneeling is not necessarily worship. You are conflating things to support something we don't believe. You can claim what want, it doesn't make it true.
@@Doug8521 My point is that this guy bends over backwards to prove statues arent gods and this and that and the other thing. And everybody is falsely accusing poor ol catholics. The point is, the CC makes statues, and catholics bow befor them. Thats it. Simple as that. This guy canj blow all the smoke he wants, but this simple fact remains the same. Cant deny this.
There is nothing wrong with statues. It is Idols that God commands against having Much as how Protestants bow before their food and kneel before their beds. Yet you haven't ever complained about that. If you truly object against statues then you also have to include images in this view, yet here you are using a computer or Phone both of which use pictures to function.
I love that as a Catholic, we use all of our senses to worship, including smelling incense, kneeling, standing, listening to beautiful religious music, tasting the bread and drink of Life, etc. I think it is what God intended, as He created our senses to be closer to Him.
I think one of the most common misconceptions the protestants have about statues is that we Catholics worship them as idols. Throughout the entire old and new testament, worship = sacrifice. Ironically Protestants do not worship God because they do not offer a sacrifice. We do not sacrifice to statues, we can venerate statues or have them just add to the experience because art is beautiful, but the mass is the catholic sacrifice, and it's to God directly by the priest at the altar. Not to a statue.
Very true. They do not worship they merely venerate God and so see worship in our veneration.
No misconceptions as Christians know you do it to and prayer is a form of worship. Mass is a Catholic sacrifice, and the reason Christians don't say mass as Christ and the apostles never said mass as God forbid the drinking of blood which was not what Christ was saying. BTW Christ's church does not have priests serving in an official role as all Christians are members of the priesthood.
@@sammygomes7381 Prayer isn't worship. Worship involves the offering of a sacrifice. You do not worship God, you merely venerate him. See for example Malachi 1:10-11. Jesus said the first Mass at the last supper as well as finishing off by what Jews of the first century would recognise as ordination into the priesthood. Isaiah prphesied this (The offering and the new priesthood) in Isaiah 66:18-21.
Saint Paul writes about it in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 and says you must not be unworthy in 1 Corinthians 11:27-32. If it was just a bit of bread and not a representation of the Sacrifice at Calvary then it would not be important
May God bless you and guide you into all truth.
Edit: Forgot to add:
Where does it say you can't drink blood and why?
What does Jesus say you will not have in you if you do not eat his flesh and drink his blood?
@@BensWorkshop Prayer is a form of worship.
If you read the gospels the word of God is pretty clear, in about 2 dozen verses that the Last supper was a Passover meal which included the Jewish custom of breaking bread, not a mass.
Every born-again Christian is a member of the priesthood and the reason the bible gives us Elders and deacons to lead us. Elder, Bishop and Pastor are used interchangeably in the word, no priest, no pope.
If you read 1 Cor 11:17 22 you will see what Paul was speaking of as they were disrespecting Christ death on the cross. Some throwing lavish meals and getting drunk while others had nothing to eat, the love of Christ was missing.
We break bread and it is a representation of what Christ did on the cross, the reason He told us to do it in remembrance of the price He paid.
How many times have you read the bible and never read God forbid drinking blood as did the apostles in Acts 15.
@@sammygomes7381 Prayer is not worship. Do you disagree with Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 that Christians (That is Catholic, Orthodox, and to a lesser extent Lutherans and Anglicans) partake in the Body and Blood of Christ?
Do you refuse to make the perfect offering (Malachi 1:10-11) or deny Isaiah's prophecy in Isaiah 66:18-21?
And yes, The Last Supper was The Passover meal, Jesus Is The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29) which is why you need to partake in this sacrifice. (Not a new one, but a representation of the one and only). As the Bible says "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9)
Jean Calvin and Iconoclasm
Jean Calvin: “Smash all religious images as IDOLATRY!!!”
Various artists: “Monsieur Calvin, we are here to paint your portrait”
Calvin: “Yes! Do you like this pose? How is my dress? Is the light ‘just right’?”
Iconoclast Calvin posed for various portraits and his STATUE is in the Reformation Wall in Zurich.
💯 Hypocrites the lot of them.
God: make these statues and put them into the holiest of holy!
Prots: THaTh’s IdOlaTry!
God made statutes of who, Mary.
Why is it that I often see Protestant pastors speaking ill of the Catholic Church instead of concentrating on preaching? What I can confirm as a Catholic is that at every single Mass our priests pray for our Protestant brothers and sister? Makes you wonder??
Are they protestants or Christians. Christians know that Christ and the apostles never said mass and Christ's church does not have priests serving in an official position as all born-again Christians are members of the priesthood. Christians constantly pray for Catholics to be born-again and become Christians to follow the teachings of Christ.
@@sammygomes7381 Jesus started the Catholic Church when he gave Peter the keys to start His church - whereas Martin Luther , Zwingli, Calvin et al started the over 30 000 Protestant churches. Jesus said this church would not prevail no matter what. Read up about the early church fathers and enlighten yourself on Martins Luther’s vile personality.
Catholics where born again by spirit and water in accordance with scripture.
When Jesus attended the temples there were always high priests and priests who performed the sacrifices.
Si to say that Catholics are not Christians is beyond but I leave it at that.
God Bless
@@alexducasse830 Christ started a church that came to be called the Christian Church, not Catholic. He gave all the apostles (Mat 18:18) the keys to heave as well as all Christians. The "keys" to heaven is the gospel of Jesus Christ, accept it and one can be called a child of God, reject it and the gates of heaven are closed. The individuals you mentioned were used by God to stop the gates of hell from prevailing against His church as the Catholic church came close to wiping out the Christian church.
Why would one put so much faith in man and read their words when they have the word of God.
When Christ died on the cross, He tore the veil that required one go to a priest making all born-again believer's members of the priesthood with a direct connection to the Father and the reason there are no priests serving in an official capacity in Christ's church, only Elders and Deacons, Elder, Bishop, and Pastor are used interchangeably in the NT.
As a former Baptist anti-Catholic I came to understand that the Catholic teaching and practice of icon veneration is Biblical and entirely reasonable. Besides there's mounting evidence that Jesus left His image on a Holy Shroud so that we could remember His resurrection and adore Him as our Lord and Savior.
I guessing you were not born-again.
I've been in a Methodist church that had a statue of John Wesley.
And probably no Tabernacle.
Did you pray to him?
@@georgepierson4920 Maybe for Christian unity? He knows the truth now.
@@po18guy-s4s So, Protestants pray to various Protestant Reformers for what exactly?
@@georgepierson4920 He's not a saint.
They don’t like the statues yet all of the Protestants that I personally know are perfectly fine with nativity’s at Christmas
I gotta admit my catholic brother that everything that you’ve presented of defending the Catholic Churches teachings is to sublime and transcendent for protesters to understand for what I’ve been noticing about protesters is that they don’t have much spiritual understanding or insight of what God allows and does not allow I’m truly impressed with your presentation not because I’m a catholic but you make total spiritual sense yeah Alleluia Amen Deo Gratis Gloria in Excelsis Deo 🙏🐑🕊️✨🔥
Been there done that.
Should have become a Christian and followed Christ.
V'al ay kh am.
St. Jerome said; Ignorance in the scripture's is ignorance in Christ. Amen 🙏
Yet people thing bread can be changed into the body of Christ and they are to drink His blood.
Thank you for shedding light on that topic. Many of our brothers and sisters especially the anti catholic need to listen to know that.
“I just know Jesus and the Church are one”
St Joan of Arc
Won't be the first mistake she made.
Jesus and the church are one.
@@PInk77W1 As long as your talking about the Christian church and not the Catholic church.
St Joan of Arc was Catholic.
You fail.
@@PInk77W1 So she was not born-again, she failed.
Amen and Amen
Oh, the difference between slander and libel. I was taught that the “s” in slander stands for spoken, whereas libel is written.
Yes, exactly the difference.
None so blind as those who don't want to see.
or think they can drink the blood of Christ.
They always like to quote the "graven" image. The graven image that God was referring to are the Golden cow, the half human half animal statues and actually considering the actual wood or stone that what is made of god. If I have a picture of Mary, I don't consider the paper the actual God. The picture of Mary is just like a picture of my mother. It reminds me of my mother. The representation of the Virgin Mary who is in heaven, the mother of God. I just really hope more and more Protestants will see these lies and deceit. Believe in the 2,000 y/o tradition than those someone who picked a Bible and read it from cover to cover and decided to become a pastor.
How could yu possibly have a picture of Mary?
@@sammygomes7381 What I mean are the icon images of Mary found in the churches and not the actual picture of Mary.
@@MyJustOpinion OF course they are not, they belong to a goddess and idol they call immaculate, perpetual virgin, queen of heaven and mother of God that does not exist in the word of God.
@gloriapatriparcedomine I'm a Christian and follow the teachings of Christ, the word of God and there is no immaculate, perpetual virgin, queen of heaven and mother of God in the bible.
the MOST embarrassing thing about being a protestant is being in the same camp as the rabid iconoclasts of today and yesteryear.
If you want to get on your knees befor a statue, i dont know of anyone who would stop you.
@@peterzinya1 woah way to miss the point my friend
@@HenryLeslieGraham Is a iconoclast someone who tears up images? In america, it illegal to destroy someone property. I never got the urge to break a a statue. Never have and never will.
@Henry …spot on!🎯
@@HenryLeslieGraham He is a known internet psychopath.
You did a wonderful job presenting this information.
What I always compare the pictures, statues and glass images of the saints with are the portraits of ancestors that were painted in the past or today's photographs. These pictures simply help us to better remember the special events in their lives and, in this case, also their path to and with God.
And don’t forget that Protestant church publishers also have picture books with the relevant Bible stories for the little ones.
I would lay this fault (the lying about the Catholic Church) more at the feet of Evangelicals than mainline Protestants. I was SBC for 40 years before my conversion to the Catholic Church and I can count numerous times where what I now know to be lies were told about the Catholic Church from the pulpit. These sermons usually happened on Sunday nights or maybe during the Wednesday night business meeting. These were even more informal services, in the 80’s that meant we could wear jeans to church, than Sunday morning services. I was taught that the Church was the whore of Babylon and the “Romans” as they like to call them twisted and perverted the Gospel of Christ. I would be 40 years before I would be open to hearing the truth for myself.
Evangelicals, and Baptists in particular believe in a version of Christianity where everything is spiritual and symbolic. Take the Last Supper, they will typically only celebrate once a month or maybe every once a quarter, and usually during a Sunday evening service. They see the bread and grape juice as purely symbolic. They won’t even use the word “communion” as there is too much of a Catholic conotation. I remember a Christmas pageant where the music director wanted to sing “Veni, Veni, Emmanuel.” Nope, the use of Latin made it too Catholic.
Evangelicals and Protestants want to dismiss 1500 years of Christian tradition and pretend absolutely nothing of worth happened in Christology between the 1st century and the Protestant Reformation. I’ve said this before in response to your videos, but it bears repeating, look how they always use the word “Roman” when identifying the Catholic Church. John MacArthur and James White love to strawman us by calling us “Roman”. Why? Here’s my thoughts:
1. Historical Context: The term “Roman Catholic Church” became more common in Protestant discourse after the Reformation as a way to emphasize differences from the Catholic Church, which refers to itself simply as the “Catholic Church.” By adding “Roman,” Protestant theologians sought to highlight the Church’s association with the papacy and Rome, distinguishing it from other Christian traditions.
2. Theological Framing: For some Evangelicals, the term “Roman” is used to imply that the Catholic Church is a local or regional tradition rather than the universal Church that it claims to be. This framing can be a theological statement rather than a neutral descriptor.
3. Audience Appeal: In the context of the Bible Belt, where cultural and theological conservatism is strong, referring to the Catholic Church as “Roman” may indeed resonate with existing biases. This can sometimes create a strawman by reducing Catholicism to a caricature-viewing it as foreign, hierarchical, or overly ritualistic-while overlooking the complexity and universality of Catholic teaching.
4. Xenophobia: While not all Evangelicals who use “Roman” do so with xenophobic intent, in some cases, it may subtly appeal to cultural biases against “foreign” or “European” influences, especially in regions of the U.S. where such sentiments are historically rooted.
5. Potential Strawman: The term “Roman” can oversimplify or misrepresent Catholic theology by suggesting that it is merely a subset of Christianity tied to Rome rather than the original, apostolic Church. This rhetorical strategy can make it easier to dismiss Catholic claims without engaging with the full depth of its theology.
Christians are not dismissing Christian tradition, only Catholic tradition which started a few hundred years after the Christian church.
@gloriapatriparcedomine Christian tradition is to follow the word of God. If you want to know what Catholic tradition is you will need to ask a Catholic, but good luck with that as I can never get an answer.
At a time when we should all come together to pray for peace this is really unfortunate
0:19 His holy hardware consists of a drum set an electric guitar and a projection screen.
His understanding of Catholicism is so poor I wonder why anyone listening to him believes any of the words coming out of his mouth.
Itching ears. Heaven's Gate cult. Jim Jones. The Ku Klux Klan. The fallen human mind is capable of believing anything.
I was thinking the same thing. By this "pastor's" standards, how is the rock band and light show are not idolatrous. Do they not aid their "worship?" Maybe not, since no sacrifice, means no worship. Praise maybe, not worship.
Any protestants on here, please watch the youtube video called: Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie. It's by Brother Peter Diamond. He gives incredible detail about both protestant and catholic teaching on justification and totally refutes protestantism in the process. The video is so incredibly detailed that it cannot be refuted. A must watch for anyone serious about their salvation, or even if you just want to learn about both protestant and catholic teaching on justification.
CAUTION! Regardless of his fame and fortune, the "Michael" Dimond is not a monk - NEVER has been a vowed anything - and his facility (he calls it "Holy Family Monastery" ) is not a monastery. It is all fake and I would not listen to a single syllable anyone there says. It is a lie founded on a lie. Look it up online. Fake.
Does he cover Christians or just protestants and catholics? If he thinks one has to eat Christ and drink His blood it can be refuted with the truth.
John chapter 6, and this is really important to fully understand what Jesus himself is saying.
Amen, amen I say unto you: He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life. 48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven; that if any man eat of it, he may not die.
51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. 52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world. 53 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 54 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. 55 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.
[54] "Eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood": To receive the body and blood of Christ, is a divine precept, insinuated in this text; which the faithful fulfil, though they receive but in one kind; because in one kind they receive both body and blood, which cannot be separated from each other. Hence, life eternal is here promised to the worthy receiving, though but in one kind. Ver. 52. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. Ver. 58. He that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. Ver. 59. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever.
56 For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. 57 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. 58 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. 59 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever. 60 These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.
@@sammygomes7381 Feel free to butt out, non-believer.
@@HAL9000-su1mz You are correct, I am a non-believer in the teachings of the Catholic church, but not the word of God.
I would like to know, if it was possible, how often are these evangelical pastors called out by their listenners on their false withnesses regarding the catholic faith.
On one hand these pastors should not bare false witness. One the other, the protestants who listen to them should not accept what they say at face value. In both sides there are bad consequences, and in both sides the truth of the matter is despised, but which one is worse?
Now, when act of false witness is commited, what is in the conscience of the protestant? Does he do this in light of the fact that _he believes_ and therefore he can sin and still be saved? Does he do this in light of the _enslaved will_ and therefore he cannot help himself and lie with a straight face because _God made he do it_ ?
You see, it may be a bit extreme to say this but a protestant cannot be a honest person and a protestant at the same time for long enough. One or the other has to give.
Which statue is your favorite one to bow down befor?
Lord Jesus on the Cross
@@ivoandrijasevic2826 Well friend, that ones just as good as any. (;-D
So I cannot used the symbolism of the cross, to connect visually to God? You know that we don't believe that the statue itself is not God?
What do you bow to when you pray? A wall? Your parish? The Bible? You don't bow at all?
@@peterzinya1 Gos bless you
Good work. Shame they spend so much time criticising a Church which doe not exist.
@@georgepierson4920 They say the Catholic Church teaches things it does not teach.
@@georgepierson4920they’re criticizing what they THINK the Catholic Church teaches/practices, rather than learning about what the CC ACTUALLY teaches/practices
I have to say this and this is for protesters and that is if there wasn’t any crucifixion then there wouldn’t be salvation and I’m appalled and horrified by people who speak bad things about our God and Lord Jesus Christ who fulfilled his Fathers Holy Will infinitely and Eternally In All Immaculateness yeah AMEN TO THAT 🙏🐑🕊️✨🔥
Wasn't the Christian ruins in megiddo have fish icons. Don't tell me the gnostic protestant will say and accuse that as a fish god.....
I'm an older Catholic, from a long line of Irish Catholics. Not all Protestants are against statues/imagery etc.
My High Anglican friends in the Church of England venerate Mary, the Saints and claim Apostolic succession.
They can claim succession because duing the Reformation quite a few Roman Catholic bishops left the Catholic Church and moved to the Church of England. Those bishops carried Apostolic succession and that didn't cease to be just because they switched churches.
My friends and I agree to disagree on a few points but we do it politely. To me, my friends are Catholics without the hierarchy of the Vatican.
Arguments from Protestants about statues are as daft as Catholics arguing about the books "left out" of the "proddies" King James Bible.
Yes, some books were left out, like Maccabees 1 and 2, but the Roman Catholic Bibles leave out Maccabees 3 and 4.
It's wrong for them to leave out books but it's okay for us to do it?
Those of us who think we are holier than though with regards to our faith, are completely missing the point with regards to being a Christian.
Best wishes to all who pass this way.✝
Growing up as RC, my parents prayed and worshipped mary and even claimed she healed them.
Let me ask you if I smashed a statue of Mary would the sin only be damage to property?
Who is the Mediatrix, co redeemer and I can go on and on. Do you really know what you think you believe?
Saints can bring healing through intercession, just as your prayer to God can bring healing for others. We do not give worhship to saints. We venerate them. Sacrefice is to God alone. Smashing a statue of Mary, of Christ, or any saint, is akin to smashing a Bible. It's sacrilege to not properly honour that which is holy. Mary, as the mother of God full of grace, is closest to Christ. She interceeds for the faithful, as we have become brothers in Christ she becomes our mother. As we, the church, become the bride of Christ, she becomes our mother-in-law. We know what we believe, do you know what we believe?
Lying is a sin. Why do you need to hate Mary?
If someone prayed over you and then you were healed, would you consider honoring him/her for their service or would you consider murdering him/her for impersonating Christ?
There is no doubt that Catholic Church is extremely rich in every spiritual aspect which Evangelicals or Protestants lack. To that end, they are usually protestants, nervous, envious or even jealous like a neighbor who is jealous about his/her successful neighbor always looks for ways to bring him/her down. One thing is sure, the Catholic Church, Founded by and Built on Christ, will endure Forever!! Amen!
But Jesus is a person with a human body too and divine. He walked this earth, so therefore we remember Him with pictures too. The same way we do to our family members that we so dearly love.
Jehovah God Himself was the first icon maker. In the LXX of Genesis 1: 27, the Koine Greek for "image" is "eikon" or "icon"!
In Marienkirche in city of Lübeck in Germany,Protestants placed out of church statue of Devill,like litle cartoon Devill.only statue is Devill s statue who don't belive me ,look your self on internet
In Lutherkirche in Germany in city of Lübeck too,Luther statue a side of the front door
Let us not forget the Catholic church took the attributes of Roman gods and put saints name on them such as the saint of travel being Christopher which was taken from Mercury.
Worshipping Mary is not an ignorant claim. You take a human being God found favor with, call her immaculate, perpetual virgin after numerous children, assumed, queen of heaven which millions pray to more than God, yet there is no such person in the word of God.
That’s a very inaccurate, warped false claim about the Catholic Church. St. Christopher died a martyr killed by a Roman emperor for spreading the Gospel.
@@chrisb5958 Actually it's a very accurate claim and all one needs to do is compare the attributes of the Roman gods with that of Catholic saints
@ Like who, St Peter, St Andrew, both apostles of Jesus? How about the rest of the apostles? How about John the Baptist, Jesus’ own cousin? He’s a saint who was beheaded for speaking out on the sanctity of marriage, or how about St John Paul II? St Therese of Lisieux, who lived in the late 1800s, long long after the Roman Empire. Spare me the sensationalist anti-Catholic nonsense.
@@chrisb5958 Cupid, The God of Love= St Valentine
The God of War = Michael the Archangel
You might want to do a search for the hundreds of patron saints out there that people pray to rather than God. Might as well build a golden calf.
Just because two people are fighting doesn't mean either one is right. Fear God😮
Then you put yourself above groups and become your own Pope. You have your own religion. There is a verse on this about not interpreting the bible by yourself but trusting the Apostles leadership as they are guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot be in the Catholic Church and each of the Protestant churches, temples, halls, megachurches, etc.
The Holy Spirit is with the Magesterium, but also in individual people. So Protestant church 1, Protestant church 2 and Protestant church 3 if they differ in any beliefs or even if they agree cannot be because since most Protestant do not agree on anything... just think ordination and authority.
So stepping away from this discussion does not make you right. Because only one of the is right, it's a binary option.
But the Catholic Church is the whole truth - at least here on earth. What things does a non-denominational give up by forming their own group - pretty much every thing Protestants believe in.
All Protestants have those same beliefs:
- Don't believe in the Sacraments, most important of which is the Eucharist, Baptism, confession. (John 6, the verses for each one of the sacraments...)
- Don't believe in the Pope and the Magesterium ( verse on Peter receiving keys to kingdom on earth; and binding things here on earth... )
- Transubstiation. ( John 6 )
Anything, that makes the Catholic Church unique in religion.
So all non-denominational Christians are Protestants, they are not a separate group that will bypass all the doctrinal differences.
I hear this all the time just stay home and read the bible. Reading, memorazing the bible will not get you anywhere because you did not put it's teachings in action. Not even a lukeworm Christian, but a cold Christian. We can't be all action either, because we'd all be saints.
So those are my two cents on your reserved comments. Jesus only wanted on church... so you are even saying you don't want to be a part of that church.
See what I am saying? Much better than the heavy unrepentant sinners, but could use some work.
Do unto others as you would have done unto you! If you don't want your faith lied about, don't lie about the faith of others. Imagine this: eternal security means you can go out and rape children while drugging them and then kill them and you will neither lose your salvation nor have your faith put in question--after all, once saved, always saved! Would those who agree with eternal security agree with this characterization of their belief on the matter? Of course not! But yet that's exactly how evangelicals consistently mischaracterize Catholic doctrines. Shame on you; you can't be intellectually dishonest and claim to be spiritually pure!
Catholics omit Peter confession. Jesus replied flesh and blood did not reveal who l am. Also jesus said the flesh profits nothing,the spirit giveth Life. So pointless having images of porcelain and whatever material they make .
I honestly don’t see how you get from point a to point b. Can you clarify?
@IG88AAA Peter never knew that jesus was the Messiah Even when he was in the flesh. Statues don't have any spiritual significance at all.
@ Peter literally said “you are the Christ, the son of the living God.” While Jesus was there…. In the flesh.
Even putting that aside, how do you get to “statues don’t have any spiritual significance at all”?
@IG88AAA consider jesus reply to Peter. Peter did not receive by his own reasoning. So if a flesh and blood image cannot reveal him, neither can a statue of a Mary or Jesus.
@ We don’t think Jesus is revealed to us as the messiah through statues. So you are arguing against a straw man.
Look Im a Prot and I Love your passion, I love you.I do not agree with all that you say, but not all Catholics agree with you. I don’t agree with all prots. At the end of the day Jesus calls us to love our Neighbors! He calls us all to love one another! ❤️
@@Ebreeze1976 Your are not a Prot. Your are a good hearted Christian who is not in communion with Rome. A Prot is a Protestant who is dead set on attacking Catholics.
Call out the Catholics who Mary is an eternal virgin. Who believe in purgatory.
You would have to prove that nobody prior to the Reformation taught that she is a perpetual virgin.
Yeah and call out luther, Calvin and zwingly who believed Mary was ever virgin and immaculately conceived.
Actions speak much louder than words.
Catholic actions support the protestant pastors viewpoint.
Catholics ascribe God like power to multiple individuals other than God.
That's what catholics do!
Try as you like, your actions are indefensible and wholly unscriptural!
What actions?
What do you mean Catholics ascribe God like power to multiple individuals other than God?
@@IG88AAA That person desperately needs to believe that Catholics believe that Mary, the Saints, and Angels are gods.
Protestant churches tend to be cults focused on the pastor.
@@IG88AAA The catholic hierachy decide who is and isn't a saint.
Not so in the Bible!
The catholic hierachy decide what is and isn't a miracle
Not so in the Bible!
The catholic hierachy decide which saint is effective for what type of prayer
Not so in the Bible!
The catholic hierachy decide who is and isn't in heaven
Not so in the Bible!
The catholic hierachy have decided that God is incapable of cleaning up some people's lives prior to their death.
Not so in the Bible!
That's some of the actions.
In the Bible, God and/or Jesus hear our prayers.
According to catholicism, a saint that is created by concensus post mortem, somehow gets to heaven and has somehow gained the ability to hear and convey millions of prayers.
Not only that, but specific saints pay special attention to prayers based on certain criteria. That criteria was established post mortem and also by concensus.
You can call it what you want, and say how wonderful it is.....the bottom line is that the CC makes statues and catholics bow down befor them. You cant sweep that under the rug.
Bowing and kneeling is not necessarily worship. You are conflating things to support something we don't believe.
You can claim what want, it doesn't make it true.
@@francescoaccomando7781 I didnt say one word about worship. So i didnt conflate nothing. Thats your guilty conscience talking.
What’s your point? People also bow down to flags, royalty, the Bible, etc.
@@Doug8521 My point is that this guy bends over backwards to prove statues arent gods and this and that and the other thing. And everybody is falsely accusing poor ol catholics.
The point is, the CC makes statues, and catholics bow befor them. Thats it. Simple as that.
This guy canj blow all the smoke he wants, but this simple fact remains the same. Cant deny this.
There is nothing wrong with statues. It is Idols that God commands against having
Much as how Protestants bow before their food and kneel before their beds. Yet you haven't ever complained about that.
If you truly object against statues then you also have to include images in this view, yet here you are using a computer or Phone both of which use pictures to function.