Satisfying Hoof Restoration | 4K FARRIER ASMR

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DoubleD19788
    @DoubleD19788 18 днів тому +25

    Where would humanity be without these magnificent creatures? They deserve our eternal gratitude and the best care possible.

  • @scottshockley7805
    @scottshockley7805 20 днів тому +7

    My son and I love watching you work. He gets a big kick when you spin the horse shoes around and fit it up to the horse. And the way you flip your tools around he sets and watches in awe of your talents. What a great job you have and you are a true professional of the craft. Keep making your videos my son and I spend a lot of quality time together and watching you work helps with the bond we have. He wonders who the tattoo on your right forearm is of. He hopes it doesn’t make you sad asking you but he thinks it’s cool you carry someone special on your arm. Any way thanks for what you do.

  • @arizonaidiot1250
    @arizonaidiot1250 Місяць тому +16

    Where would this country be without horses..... they deserve the best! 🙏🏼👌🏼🥰🐎

  •  Місяць тому +3

    I was a full time Farrier back in the 70s. That hoof does have thin hoof walls but I see no need for a sole pad. Good job fitting the shoe.

  • @marionhansen3627
    @marionhansen3627 2 місяці тому +10

    Today was so gorgeous to watch. Your skills by the vise and at the anvil are immaculate! Even when you show only a small part of your beautiful blacksmiting I guess that most people know how incredibly detailed and precise your work always is.
    Your nonverbal communication and trust in your horses and their trust in you, is so beautiful and very rare. I so much admire your gentle way with them. I pay my highest respects, because I know how hard you work every day!
    So please make sure to take some coffee breaks during your day Brett, and be well. Much much care❤️🇺🇸🇩🇰

  • @timtorkelson7201
    @timtorkelson7201 24 дні тому +15

    We had 7 horses as a kid,remember watching ferrier do his majic, you Sir are fantastic! Great skill set.

    • @artbecealba
      @artbecealba 6 днів тому


  • @curtchaplin
    @curtchaplin 11 днів тому +1

    Wow. I live in Manhattan, far, far from where this took place. And I loved every second of watching this caring and expert craftsman do this beautiful job for this most appreciative animal.

  • @k-dramagoodmorningseoul
    @k-dramagoodmorningseoul 2 місяці тому +7

    Good Evening!
    It's already Wednesday again this week - it's been cold as if it's early winter in Korea/Seoul since dawn today. The weather is really messed up this year.
    I hope the rest of the week brings you good health and good things.
    And always cheering for your beautiful/fascinating activities. ^^

  • @mario9133
    @mario9133 8 днів тому +7

    That... Young man. Is a work of Art. You worked those tools with the same Mastery and Grace as a Leonardo. Best I've ever seen. And I have seen a lot.

  • @jjv65uk
    @jjv65uk Місяць тому +14

    Seems like the Louis Vuitton of horse shoes! Great job ❤

  • @nmastepankaj
    @nmastepankaj 6 годин тому

    I don't know why I'm watching this
    It feels satisfied 😅

  • @paulmorris2035
    @paulmorris2035 8 днів тому +1

    You are an artist in your profession. W0W!!

  • @JDTee79
    @JDTee79 Місяць тому +15

    As a carpenter who is aging fast I can’t imagine this work is easy on that fellas back. Good on him…. Seems to love his work and has mastered his trade.

    • @mikespain8655
      @mikespain8655 12 днів тому +1

      A lot of jobs are not easy on the back.

  • @lydianegan
    @lydianegan 19 днів тому +2

    very good idea to protect the hooves from dirt or things that could get into the hooves, e.g. nails or the animal gets injured and the wound becomes inflamed as a result of which flies come etc. the wound may fester

  • @toledotoyota
    @toledotoyota Місяць тому +15

    Awesome video and best of all, no annoying and awful music playing along with your work!!!

    • @thiamchoywong465
      @thiamchoywong465 19 днів тому +2

      Totally agreed with you.

    • @johnarnold893
      @johnarnold893 9 днів тому

      Every video on youtube has got somebody saying the same thing.

  • @Mitya-RUS
    @Mitya-RUS Місяць тому +6

    The belt buckle is awesome

  • @niccoSun
    @niccoSun Місяць тому +8

    That one hoof got more care than i have on my entire life.

  • @lfilion72
    @lfilion72 17 днів тому +2

    Aux petits soins! Première fois que je vois le processus et ça semble tellement satisfaisant!
    Il aurait fier allure maintenant ! Travail de maître !
    Salutations du Québec 🇨🇦

    • @antonellacerutti4175
      @antonellacerutti4175 8 днів тому

      Lavoro accurato. Veramente bravo questo maniscalco! Saluti dall’Italia.

  • @shakespeare9602
    @shakespeare9602 26 днів тому +5

    When the blacksmith started with the oil, I could just smell it. About 65 years ago there was a blacksmith on our square and we were allowed to grease the hooves, lovely smell..

  • @TrevorDennis100
    @TrevorDennis100 2 дні тому

    What a good horse keeping so still while having his nails done. I had no idea that leather pads were sometimes used, and I wonder what the goo he put on the hoof before the pad was?

  • @joeperez1493
    @joeperez1493 20 днів тому +3

    Nice work! Keep going

  • @DAllan-lz3lg
    @DAllan-lz3lg 9 днів тому +1

    Ok so the UA-cam algorithm sees me here… couple of questions, what’s the pink & white putty for ? A protective barrier ? The leather (?) piece under the shoe, is that the equivalent of an insole ?

  • @JG40061
    @JG40061 16 днів тому +2

    Very professional, looks great 👍

  • @Island-drummer
    @Island-drummer 15 днів тому +2

    You’re a true artist as my friend

  • @ButchBrown-bone
    @ButchBrown-bone Місяць тому +6

    One of the best I've watched.

  • @BlitzedNostradamus
    @BlitzedNostradamus Місяць тому +5

    Bless these men, and their spines.

  • @BackinaFlash2010
    @BackinaFlash2010 Місяць тому +2

    This gentleman looks like he knows what he is doing!!!

  • @loriwinchester1517
    @loriwinchester1517 День тому

    I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:
    Why do you use heated shoes before nailing them on? What was the pink and white putty and what is it used for?

  • @Blessedmomma12
    @Blessedmomma12 Місяць тому +2

    Wow, I just have an entirely new appreciation for this line of work!!

  • @shaziachaudhry6240
    @shaziachaudhry6240 Місяць тому +6

    And there was me thinking you would only fit a steel horse shoe - what true skill and care for the animal.
    Well done 👍

  • @honesteagle98
    @honesteagle98 Місяць тому +11

    When the hot shoe branded the hoof, or at least made impression, reminded me of the episode from family guy of when the cow got branded.
    “Oh yeah! Yeah! That’s the spot!”

  • @StringDriver
    @StringDriver 4 дні тому

    Beautiful craftsmanship.

  • @mariaeugenia.9128
    @mariaeugenia.9128 Місяць тому +5

    Wounderful job❤

  • @chriswalker8378
    @chriswalker8378 17 днів тому +1

    You made it look so easy

  • @FiestaFoo
    @FiestaFoo Місяць тому +2

    Whatever farriers get paid, it isn’t nearly enough.
    My back and wrists hurt just from watching this.

  • @ramonapodaca1123
    @ramonapodaca1123 2 місяці тому +4

    Very good job I’m proud of you

  • @edmundkaiser9395
    @edmundkaiser9395 6 днів тому +1

    Ein wahres Handwerk unter Tolerierung des Pferdes, von echtem Interesse wäre zu wissen, wie sich die Vierbeiner während und danach fühlen...

  • @Aziz-xw9hb
    @Aziz-xw9hb 4 дні тому

    I love this guy

  • @mac2708
    @mac2708 Місяць тому +3

    Dude smiths his own horseshoes.... what a certified badass

  • @solitairesmith3553
    @solitairesmith3553 2 місяці тому +2


  • @meghapaul3406
    @meghapaul3406 3 дні тому

    Your video very satisfying

  • @gwedoh69
    @gwedoh69 29 днів тому +2

    Good work indeed. 👍

  • @davidmoore1220
    @davidmoore1220 12 днів тому

    Impressive. Educational .
    Watch and learn in silence. 👍

  • @brics6873
    @brics6873 18 днів тому +1

    This is fascinating!

  • @walterwaller9784
    @walterwaller9784 2 місяці тому +16

    You sure do make a nice pair of boots/shoes and that’s coming from a leather crafter! Nice work and the final product is second to none.

  • @sami7048
    @sami7048 14 днів тому


  • @kennydings3879
    @kennydings3879 Місяць тому +6

    Are you sure he is actually doing something with that shoe ? I think he is just banging around it for show 😂🤪🤪

  • @vrltk74
    @vrltk74 6 днів тому

    Wouah quel beau métier je ne c'est pas comment je suis arrivé à regarder cette vidéo mais chapeau

  • @FoxLieb1996
    @FoxLieb1996 2 місяці тому +4

    What does the leather do for the hoof? Does it offer extra protection?

    • @tammypearre5033
      @tammypearre5033 Місяць тому +1

      My question as well. Also what was the white and pink putty like stuff?

    • @crazyboi6654
      @crazyboi6654 Місяць тому +6

      Leather question : Helps prevent the snow build-up in the horse's shoes and protects the sole from bruising
      Putty Question : Pink Hoof Clay can be used on the hoof and skin of all equines, and it will help aid the recovery of many conditions, such as: mud-fever, cuts, scratches, sunburn, sweet-itch, bites. The Pink Hoof Clay (PHC) can also be used as a barrier if required.

    • @tammypearre5033
      @tammypearre5033 13 годин тому

      @@crazyboi6654 thanks!

    • @crazyboi6654
      @crazyboi6654 11 годин тому

      @@tammypearre5033 no worries

  • @brummettsoutdoors576
    @brummettsoutdoors576 14 днів тому

    Was this pad added for extra protection or was this due to a problem area being protected? Looks amazing just wondered what the reason behind the leather pad on this horse was.

  • @robsoncutrim3755
    @robsoncutrim3755 2 місяці тому +4

    Rapaiz que trabalho é este ?! Lindo, profissional 👍

  • @ItsekramShaif
    @ItsekramShaif 2 місяці тому +4

    Excellent sir 👍

  • @shilicaso
    @shilicaso 13 днів тому +1

    Excelente trabajo, felicitaciones al experto tatuado.

  • @RicardoSanchez-lp2nm
    @RicardoSanchez-lp2nm 17 днів тому +1

    De lujo.

  • @noeltorres4539
    @noeltorres4539 11 днів тому

    I bet the horse will be gratefull for this. What I don't know is It got yo that state.

  • @333AHO3AAA
    @333AHO3AAA 23 дні тому +2

    У меня даже пони нет, но в 3 часа ночи я смотрю, как лошади копыта чистят... 😂😂😂

  • @filibertomendoza8790
    @filibertomendoza8790 Місяць тому +2

    Excelente trabajo, ¿podrias mostrar como se ve el caballo con las cuatro pesuñas arregladas? Serían un excelente final para tus videos.
    Saludos desde México.

  • @codygeorge6813
    @codygeorge6813 2 дні тому

    Hi question what are the pads for

  • @noiseosoutros
    @noiseosoutros 2 місяці тому +3

    Very very good.

  • @natulenka1962
    @natulenka1962 16 днів тому +3

    Great job! Well done. Thanks for this video.

  • @JA51711
    @JA51711 17 днів тому

    The doggies cant wait for some snipped off hoof to chew lol. Ive never seen a dremel buffer before. Is it taking off too much? I knew of horses needing pads for certain reasons such as degrees of navocular , chronic infection, why was this horse padded?

  • @rompervroomKTM
    @rompervroomKTM 10 днів тому

    So what was the reason for that pads?

  • @ramonapodaca1123
    @ramonapodaca1123 13 днів тому

    Very good job on proud of you

  • @JaskaranSingh-o3p
    @JaskaranSingh-o3p Місяць тому +1

    Good year

  • @SJLamb-te3dt
    @SJLamb-te3dt 22 дні тому +1

    Professional equine pedicurist!😂

  • @viperexpress305
    @viperexpress305 Місяць тому +1

    How long will shoes last on the horse ? 🤔

  • @arshilansari437
    @arshilansari437 12 годин тому

    These irons did not hurt horses?

  • @lechchudzinski9635
    @lechchudzinski9635 19 днів тому


  • @okim8807
    @okim8807 16 днів тому

    It looks like genuine leather.
    This horse is very special, isn't it?

    • @okim8807
      @okim8807 15 днів тому

      I could make wrong estimates of annual cattle and horse production.

  • @torhildsvendsen9424
    @torhildsvendsen9424 2 місяці тому

    After nail fixed, the horse made funny cha cha cha like Fred Astaire. ..... 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉......

  • @s4m20777
    @s4m20777 5 днів тому

    I’m curious why there are 3 nails on one side and only 2 nails on the other

  • @normadejesus3840
    @normadejesus3840 Місяць тому

    Que lindo y bueno su trabajo😊

  • @mell9860
    @mell9860 8 днів тому

    Trabalho perfeito e maravilhoso. Parabéns ao grande profissional 👏👏👏👏 adoro os seus vídeos . Assisto a todos que Deus te abençoe sempre em sua vida 🙏

  • @alec4902
    @alec4902 4 дні тому

    What is the difference from this to the shoes they sale in the store.

  • @blair821
    @blair821 Місяць тому

    Love it.

  • @user-zv7ov4rm5w
    @user-zv7ov4rm5w Місяць тому +1

    About how much $$ will something like this cost?

  • @tinytittoo8474
    @tinytittoo8474 6 годин тому

    How deep the hoof?

  • @woolncathairs
    @woolncathairs 9 днів тому

    Do farriers get backaches?

  • @donaldevans5752
    @donaldevans5752 6 днів тому

    wowderful video .

  • @karinaperezlugo6044
    @karinaperezlugo6044 2 місяці тому

    Fabulous ❤️ very good😊

  • @findjonmoses
    @findjonmoses 18 днів тому

    That horse has better shoes than me

  • @susanbegley7363
    @susanbegley7363 25 днів тому

    Outstanding job

  • @peteriscelotajs5181
    @peteriscelotajs5181 17 днів тому

    I wish the result could be seen for a longer time.

  • @gmpr5
    @gmpr5 Місяць тому

    That is a work of art!! Love me a masculine man who can work and create beautiful work with his hands. That’s why I married one 😂

  • @valerioceci5313
    @valerioceci5313 19 днів тому

    Ma tu sei un artista, non avevo mai visto ferrare un cavallo così, come sarà contento il cavallino e salutare per lui un saluto.

  • @sandginkable
    @sandginkable 20 днів тому

    What is the purpose of the putty and leather

  • @Elmercitoprado1
    @Elmercitoprado1 15 днів тому +1


  • @davidsridharan202
    @davidsridharan202 Місяць тому

    All that's missing is the Jumpman Logo. Baller kicks.

  • @kunalroyKR
    @kunalroyKR 25 днів тому

    My back started paining by watching him being bent for such prolonged duration

  • @rosenarielohsl2382Forella
    @rosenarielohsl2382Forella 18 днів тому +2

    Was für eine gute Arbeit !

  • @IREN-ts4cd
    @IREN-ts4cd 19 днів тому


  • @ArsalanAhmed-z4p
    @ArsalanAhmed-z4p 5 днів тому

    13: 00 does it hurt the horse?

  • @JorgealendroSoruco
    @JorgealendroSoruco 12 днів тому

    El trabajo está de 10

  • @ЕленаГеоргиева-о2э


  • @tawseefbataf
    @tawseefbataf Місяць тому

    how much for one shoe ?

  • @AndyTingstrom
    @AndyTingstrom 17 днів тому

    Couldn't use that job in my country, pads would make shoe loose after the first time they got soaked then dried out.graet job for city people but not for working people.

  • @swampy1584
    @swampy1584 17 днів тому

    I didn't realise some horseshoes had leather soles

  • @whctjsdlfqhrlfprl
    @whctjsdlfqhrlfprl 9 днів тому

    Do horses really know the difference? I mean we definitely can notice if we change our shoes ,etc.

  • @коккок-й5к
    @коккок-й5к Місяць тому +1


  • @ma-bo1103
    @ma-bo1103 Місяць тому +51

    I think horses all over the world wouldn't be able to trim their nails if it weren't for humans.

    • @jesustirado6453
      @jesustirado6453 Місяць тому +17

      se las cortan cambiando de terreno y controlando la cantidad de movimiento, de hecho las herraduras se ponen para que no se desgaste la pezuña. Si buscas los caballos se "cortar las uñas" igual que otros animales como los perros o los gatos

    • @Linahdia
      @Linahdia 28 днів тому +7

      Nature has its way to survive I believe they would find a way or there is a way they do it.....humans just made it easier .... everything on earth has been put to aid in survival from the sun to the moon to the trees to water

    • @matt72986
      @matt72986 21 день тому +17

      On the contrary, humans are the problem. Horses and cows naturally wear down their hooves when they roam free. Animals in captivity are unable to do so, hence why they need trimming.

    • @109367
      @109367 21 день тому +1


    • @PaddyDoc
      @PaddyDoc 20 днів тому

      Nor would they cut, brush or plait their own hair.