I'm sorry but one can have types of experiences that are spiritual in its nature that would lead to exactly what J describes I've had them in 1990 as the result of what I'll call a Gift Of Desperation I never expected it to happen but it did. I didn't belong to any type of church but I *was* a member of an organization that helps people with a particular problem and the incident forced me to reevaluate everything I had learned before that because as it turned out that I really knew nothing. I left that organization in 1993 because I started to question even said organization that fancy themselves a type of spiritual authority which is why I resonate with Krishniji's teachings. And while it may be an "old experience" it is certainly a significant one. Thank you 🙏🙏
Krishnamurti often said that when the mind is absolutely free we comprehend something sacred and eternal. One can ask whether that too is not an illusion. He would perhaps tell one to realise the truth for oneself.
Anytime you experience something in your brain, it must be due to past memories etc in the brain that is computed, mapped and combined to produce an output that becomes your new experience. If your mind is free of contents (no memory), you will not experience anything (you cannot describe anything). When your mind is free (what he said), meaning free from clutter and racing thoughts, something amazing happens. You will see a world that is different from your prejudiced and narrow-minded view of the world when you had all those cluttered and prejudiced memories. There is no such thing called one universal truth. Our mind came up with that thought and so it is a concept (or object in your mind). Now, can you evet chase that object in your mind and find it? Maybe you will, when your brain at some point convinces you that some particular state of mind (based on input from your memories) is the ultimate truth. But that really is not the ultimate truth for others because their memories etc are different and their brain produces a different state of the mind..
No. What I call a new experience was really a new experience when I experienced it, but is, of course, no longer new as I share it; recalling it from memory; seperating myself from it as an 'experiencer'.
Hallo an Alle! Wie ich gerade sehe sind hier nur "kommentare" auf englisch! Gibt es denn auch deutsche oder deutschsprachige mitmenschen, die , genau wie ich, an den vorträgen von krishnaji interessiert sind? Ihren horizont erweitern wollen und einfach nur sein wollen? Mit ganz lieben Grüßen Elias
the audience knew him well...he got annoyed when asked questions with "mystical" content...he never used expressions of that kind..."kundalini" was a term that he particularly despised...
Most of them seem to be followers just like those of any guru, even though he didn't want followers or to be a guru. Knowingly or not, they try to please him, to gain his acceptance.
The feeling of being a part of something profound or important tends to convince those who feel to be part of it to think that they know what that experience is conveying to their own reasoning. It breeds a sense of confidence and psychological security, but most people rather filter that experience through a belief based on the sensation they know what it is all about, including what is being said eventually, and by doing that they actually prevent themselves from understanding carefully the contents that are being shared. In other words: the pleasure deriving from feeling to be a part of something, prevents most of those involved to find out for themselves and to reason in ways untethered from the group..
Sorry u can experience or have an incident doesn't mean the mind isn't clear u may not have all truth but u can feel the energy of it as an incident just because he is ignorant to it doesn't make non existant
@@liegon are psychic experiences like this necessary for illumination? to evaluate and question in investigation? or psychological investigation is what jk encourages to know the truth ? I'm a bit stuck there
What comprehends the total source of energy? "Energy that is not wasted apprehends the total energy of the universe." Gee, that's useful. Not! Non-duality is a linguistic nightmare. K muddles through it like the Vedanta people do using their own terminology. What gets illuminated, if not the ego? The ego doesn't wake up, but that total energy, or God, wakes up from the dream of being the ego. That universal intelligence seems to be as confused about its true nature as the rest of us. Probably best to just not try to answer this question since it leads nowhere.
I get what you’re saying. To people who do not understand it within, this would be a circular maze with no way through. But those who have some sort of inner understanding can work their way through the terminology to get at what he is speaking of, as you have. It is of no use to try to describe and answer these questions. But it is equally of no use to condemn those who try to. No one can describe it. It is the nature of it. You criticise the Vedanta people exclusively, yet who else has had any success in this endeavour? The nature of the thing is slippery!
I would say illumination is a realization and acceptance of all experience... understanding them to be nothing more than what they are... perhaps a person should ask themselves why they desire supernatural experience over the experience of feeling wonder while observing a tree for instance
To see things as they are rather than as they appear to us. He goes a bit into the mysteries of using energy and things like that, and for sure he knew so so much more.. I personally had hundreds out of body experiences and I know there's so much out there.. but Krishna always stayed away from going into much details about and perhaps he did it on purpose, these are not day to day things. He always went to the core, to the beingness itself rather to the apparent self that hides the pure beingness that envelopes and permeates all things.
Cant speak to judge the nature of others experiencing. Trips to spiritual realms may just happen like a movie when one is not expecting. When a movie is so graphically enhanced then one thinks one's brain doesn't have inherent capacity to render such high resolution brilliance, so the brain must have an antenna. Kundalini experiencing may just be myclonic fits. Other experiencing may just be synesthesia e.g see sound as colored light.
You cannot experience something that you don't know. U can only experience things that you know and have knowledge about. So when u do not experience things consciously , its a symptom of illumination. Out of time !! The moment you start recognising it by a name, you start experiencing it, therefore kicked out of the orbit of "out of time" to the orbit of "time". I wonder if you understand this :)
I think I understanding this. It seems as if, 'you are whatever you are in the moment' but that is not known to you while you are doing whatever you re doing. When I am watching a bird, 'I' cannot be aware of 'I am watching a bird while watching a bird'. Once 'I' is said then it becomes an experience from memory only. Zone in on the I. Who is I?
i dont agree at all experiences are sometimes very true and these interactions with the deity are very well known among shadus monks some scholars and in general spiritual people, they can become the roll of advicers teachers gurus or simply a contact and this can happen without any previous expectation from the side of the experiencer. i think krishnamurti is exclusive samadhi bigotry he simply denies the spiritual phenomena that arises after reaching samadhi ,i think he never ever reached true samadhi, sometimes people confuse samadhi with deep meditation and emptyness. if he would have reached samadhi, he would ve been more open to spiritual experiences. god sometimes comunicates by different ways no matter if it sounds incredible ridiculous or childish for krishnamurti and after all who is krishnamurti?he used to love his ridiculous flattering public ,who used to laugh confidently even before krishnamurti opened his mouth ..krishnamurti spiritual background belongs to the hollywoodian western outsiders writters ocultists cheap spirituality of spiritisme sessions with coffe and cakes not from people who live their life spiritually performing tapas sacrifice seva celibacy reclusion with strong wise tradition parampara lineage etc etc etc.this theory of the superhuman and avoiding fear at anycost and bla bla bla wont ever be possible cause humans are trapped in maya and as long as it is like this we will always be vulnerable and miss something someone somewhere someway somehow someday sometime.
I can understand bis emotional reaction to all kinds of religious experiences, because he must have had a lot of them for himlself. So he would not be open to all the beautiful Saints if all our religions.
You completely mistake what he is saying. Completely. Perhaps it is a problem of not listening to what he says. He describes experience as perceiving something that you are familiar with or expect out of listening to gurus or reading texts etc. Perception, just perception is different from experience.
I would have to disagree with Krishnamurti. Experience is anything and everything that traverses, emerges into, manifests within, your field of awareness. I also disagree with Krishnamurti in the way he states that you cannot know the ultimate reality, the wisdom of source. Of course you can! Why wouldn't you? The truth is known within you, and you access it through meditation, introspection. Quite simple! This makes Krishnamurti a hypocrite because he speaks conclusions he has come to from one corner of his mouth, and he says one is incapable of knowing from the other corner of his mouth. He has obviously not experienced it. I have. So-called spiritual people relish making the simple complex, mysterious. It is mysterious to the one who is ignorant of it, but it is quite clear and simple to the one who has come to know these truths through introspection and mindless silence. Laozi sums it up best in poem 10 of his Dào Dé Jīng: "When you have come to know in all four directions, are you then able to not know?" It's not that you cannot know. Of course you can! However, each one of us must know it from within. Thus, the one who has come to know allows others to find the treasure of wisdom the only way they will ever be able to, by looking within, self-inquiry, meditation, introspection. Meditation is not performed, it is living life in awareness, being attuned to inner guidance. Listen to others, including me, and evaluate, scrutinize, ponder within.
@ Mike Q: Do you want me to scrutinize you? First of all you should understand what he means by there is no cooking recipe to illumination. How many people are eagerly doing self-inquiry, meditation, introspection and all the rest of it and don't come close to illumination? If I follow the instruction of a cooking recipe, I will end up with exactly that dish. Second, you are not even aware that you and J.K. are talking about the same thing. What do you thing where he has his brain without any conflict? Outside? Where do you think you have to end any conflict? Outside, by calling others hypocrites? If you read this, you can check for yourself if you are illuminated. How did you feel reading my words? Did you feel that I am objecting to your words? Did you feel criticized? If you and me have now a conflict, we can't be illuminated. Anyway, I don't care. As J.K. says: "Don't listen to me! Find it out for yourself."
Scrutinising: you are doing nothing but getting into a battle of definitions with him. He defines experience as the sensation of something which you expect, which you can name, which you can define etc. This, as many yogis and monks have put it, is not the real thing. If you can describe it, talk about it, think about it, you’re not there. However, for sure you can have pure perception of certain phenomena and spiritual occurrences. He has had them. It manifests in everyone in different ways, but the same way. You are no one to say anything mate. “I have experienced it, and he has not”. What an egofull statement. What a totally untruthful statement full of vanity. At the very least, he is a respected and admired teacher to many mystics and spiritual teachers around his time and after his time, regardless of whether he wanted it or not. You cannot sit here and make such ridiculous claims. Watch any other videos of him and he does not ridicule kundalini or tantric yogas saying they are not real. He has experienced that they are real. Yet he consciously stays away from them. He realises the dangers and childishness in these - also like many other spiritual teachers who came before and after him. Again with the knowing you come to a battle of definitions. You have clearly not listened to many of his talks, maybe coming straight to this one which talks about mystical forces and such. He says knowing whatever enlightenment we talk about as a function of memory etc is the wrong way. That cannot be done. But knowing inside you, without memory, without words, without thoughts. That is something else. And he usually does not refer to that as knowing. From my limited knowledge of you it seems you have had a spiritual experience and built a very strong ego around that. Trust me, these experiences are not rare. You can see in these comments that many have them. It is a question of whether you persist you ego around that experience (which come from no ego).
When the mind is not in play, you have no memories, experiences of any kind etc. You experience nothing at all; it is as if you are dead. WHY? To experience anything (including the Brahman), you need some activity in your brain such as thoughts that are emanating from some previous knowledge. Experience by definition requires some knowledge (memories) about something that produces a given experience. When it is alive, your brain (mind) will have something always. While you are in the conscious state, you cannot wipe out everything no matter how hard you try. If anyone says they experienced something unique (like the Brahman), that means their mind was active with thoughts. Worse claim about this thing is that .......they remember enlightened experience; how can they remember an experience they had when their mind was empty? There is no way it can be remembered. If there is such a thing as Enlightenment, that person will not be able to recall anything or say anything about it. How can you experience something that is not knowable/fathomable, something that is not this or that, something that is beyond the mind? You can know or experience something that is only within the field of your mind (a product of the brain and its interaction with the world).
When the mind is not in play, you have no memories, experiences of any kind etc. You experience nothing at all; it is as if you are dead. WHY? To experience anything (including the Brahman), you need some activity in your brain such as thoughts that are emanating from some previous knowledge. Experience by definition requires some knowledge (memories) about something that produces a given experience. When it is alive, your brain (mind) will have something always. While you are in the conscious state, you cannot wipe out everything no matter how hard you try. If anyone says they experienced something unique (like the Brahman), that means their mind was active with thoughts. Worse claim about this thing is that .......they remember enlightened experience; how can they remember an experience they had when their mind was empty? There is no way it can be remembered. If there is such a thing as Enlightenment, that person will not be able to recall anything or say anything about it. How can you experience something that is not knowable/fathomable, something that is not this or that, something that is beyond the mind? You can know or experience something that is only within the field of your mind (a product of the brain and its interaction with the world).
pretty arrogant in my eyes. why cant illumination be a process. also i dislike the fact he speaks so downwards at kundalini. it's part of indian tradition and encompasses their Yoga, Ayurveda etc; so the fact he just speaks badly about it and on top of it with an english accent instantly makes me think that he just hates his own kin and succame to a british mindset, where only he is the owner of the real truth. extreme arrogance.
J.K only meant to tell us that the path to illumination is when the heart and brain is not utterly selfish and that of no trace of conflict. Pure heart and mind. The shimmering and magical idea of kundalini is what distracts you from actually experiencing it.
If you listen to this silently, you will have tears in your eyes, such is the powerful energy of JK ❤️❤️
I started following this guy, then pretty soon he was gone and i found i was following my self
He does that quite marvelously, doesn't he)
I'm sorry but one can have types of experiences that are spiritual in its nature that would lead to exactly what J describes I've had them in 1990 as the result of what I'll call a Gift Of Desperation I never expected it to happen but it did. I didn't belong to any type of church but I *was* a member of an organization that helps people with a particular problem and the incident forced me to reevaluate everything I had learned before that because as it turned out that I really knew nothing. I left that organization in 1993 because I started to question even said organization that fancy themselves a type of spiritual authority which is why I resonate with Krishniji's teachings. And while it may be an "old experience" it is certainly a significant one.
Thank you 🙏🙏
do you see that experience as an object of your mind now?
Krishnamurti often said that when the mind is absolutely free we comprehend something sacred and eternal. One can ask whether that too is not an illusion. He would perhaps tell one to realise the truth for oneself.
We're all in the same position - trying to say what can never be said. That's pretty wild
You can understand the very falseness of false in the truth at least heart knows that this is truth no need for your brain to accept anything
he said it in other videos that, it can not be expressed in words...
Anytime you experience something in your brain, it must be due to past memories etc in the brain that is computed, mapped and combined to produce an output that becomes your new experience. If your mind is free of contents (no memory), you will not experience anything (you cannot describe anything). When your mind is free (what he said), meaning free from clutter and racing thoughts, something amazing happens. You will see a world that is different from your prejudiced and narrow-minded view of the world when you had all those cluttered and prejudiced memories. There is no such thing called one universal truth. Our mind came up with that thought and so it is a concept (or object in your mind). Now, can you evet chase that object in your mind and find it? Maybe you will, when your brain at some point convinces you that some particular state of mind (based on input from your memories) is the ultimate truth. But that really is not the ultimate truth for others because their memories etc are different and their brain produces a different state of the mind..
thanks for this priceless sharing
How beautifully, easily he explained that energy kundalini.
the last line was answer to everything
I feel like a fish in the water when I listen to JK. He's talking about air, but I'm a fish and don't understand what air is.
Kundalini is in ancient gnostic teachings also.
No. What I call a new experience was really a new experience when I experienced it, but is, of course, no longer new as I share it; recalling it from memory; seperating myself from it as an 'experiencer'.
He's not talking about that. But that you would be separated into subject and object.
Thank you
Hallo an Alle!
Wie ich gerade sehe sind hier nur "kommentare" auf englisch! Gibt es denn auch deutsche oder deutschsprachige mitmenschen, die , genau wie ich, an den vorträgen von krishnaji interessiert sind? Ihren horizont erweitern wollen und einfach nur sein wollen?
Mit ganz lieben Grüßen Elias
I wonder why the audience laughs at certain questions, as if they know the subject being asked about.
the audience knew him well...he got annoyed when asked questions with "mystical" content...he never used expressions of that kind..."kundalini" was a term that he particularly despised...
Most of them seem to be followers just like those of any guru, even though he didn't want followers or to be a guru. Knowingly or not, they try to please him, to gain his acceptance.
Of what concern is it to you?
The feeling of being a part of something profound or important tends to convince those who feel to be part of it to think that they know what that experience is conveying to their own reasoning. It breeds a sense of confidence and psychological security, but most people rather filter that experience through a belief based on the sensation they know what it is all about, including what is being said eventually, and by doing that they actually prevent themselves from understanding carefully the contents that are being shared. In other words: the pleasure deriving from feeling to be a part of something, prevents most of those involved to find out for themselves and to reason in ways untethered from the group..
Thank you very much.
Wow this one 👍
4:04 Jk had visions of Krishna in his childhood.
Nice Krishnaji🙏🙏
Sorry u can experience or have an incident doesn't mean the mind isn't clear u may not have all truth but u can feel the energy of it as an incident just because he is ignorant to it doesn't make non existant
@@liegon are psychic experiences like this necessary for illumination? to evaluate and question in investigation? or psychological investigation is what jk encourages to know the truth ? I'm a bit stuck there
I didn't appreciate the audience laughing at the question, as if it was a flat-earther asking.
I think there is a chuckle factor to all this... 🙏
They are ignorant
Your ego is hurt due to false knowledge.
What comprehends the total source of energy? "Energy that is not wasted apprehends the total energy of the universe." Gee, that's useful. Not! Non-duality is a linguistic nightmare. K muddles through it like the Vedanta people do using their own terminology. What gets illuminated, if not the ego? The ego doesn't wake up, but that total energy, or God, wakes up from the dream of being the ego. That universal intelligence seems to be as confused about its true nature as the rest of us. Probably best to just not try to answer this question since it leads nowhere.
I get what you’re saying. To people who do not understand it within, this would be a circular maze with no way through. But those who have some sort of inner understanding can work their way through the terminology to get at what he is speaking of, as you have.
It is of no use to try to describe and answer these questions. But it is equally of no use to condemn those who try to. No one can describe it. It is the nature of it. You criticise the Vedanta people exclusively, yet who else has had any success in this endeavour? The nature of the thing is slippery!
Soo thankful for watching 😇 thanks for sharing 😇😇😇🙏 my deep gratitude, respect and love towards all
I would say illumination is a realization and acceptance of all experience... understanding them to be nothing more than what they are... perhaps a person should ask themselves why they desire supernatural experience over the experience of feeling wonder while observing a tree for instance
To see things as they are rather than as they appear to us. He goes a bit into the mysteries of using energy and things like that, and for sure he knew so so much more.. I personally had hundreds out of body experiences and I know there's so much out there.. but Krishna always stayed away from going into much details about and perhaps he did it on purpose, these are not day to day things. He always went to the core, to the beingness itself rather to the apparent self that hides the pure beingness that envelopes and permeates all things.
@@catalinul1461out of body, how?
Did he have a Kundalini Awakening that lead directly in Samadhi?
How is that relevant to what he's speaking?
yes he had in 1923
Yes, and as soon as you "experience" it, you realize how silly a Kundalini and a Samadhi is
Thank you very much for these collections
Cant speak to judge the nature of others experiencing. Trips to spiritual realms may just happen like a movie when one is not expecting. When a movie is so graphically enhanced then one thinks one's brain doesn't have inherent capacity to render such high resolution brilliance, so the brain must have an antenna. Kundalini experiencing may just be myclonic fits. Other experiencing may just be synesthesia e.g see sound as colored light.
The worst part is I can totally imagine asking that question 😂
Muito bom
Valdir Bergamo
Once again we are left with the impression that K is the only enlightened one in the house.
You cannot experience something that you don't know. U can only experience things that you know and have knowledge about. So when u do not experience things consciously , its a symptom of illumination. Out of time !!
The moment you start recognising it by a name, you start experiencing it, therefore kicked out of the orbit of "out of time" to the orbit of "time". I wonder if you understand this :)
I think I understanding this. It seems as if, 'you are whatever you are in the moment' but that is not known to you while you are doing whatever you re doing. When I am watching a bird, 'I' cannot be aware of 'I am watching a bird while watching a bird'. Once 'I' is said then it becomes an experience from memory only. Zone in on the I. Who is I?
Oh yes, also whatever the experience is is something that just happens like a cloud going across the sky.
i dont agree at all experiences are sometimes very true and these interactions with the deity are very well known among shadus monks some scholars and in general spiritual people, they can become the roll of advicers teachers gurus or simply a contact and this can happen without any previous expectation from the side of the experiencer. i think krishnamurti is exclusive samadhi bigotry he simply denies the spiritual phenomena that arises after reaching samadhi ,i think he never ever reached true samadhi, sometimes people confuse samadhi with deep meditation and emptyness. if he would have reached samadhi, he would ve been more open to spiritual experiences. god sometimes comunicates by different ways no matter if it sounds incredible ridiculous or childish for krishnamurti and after all who is krishnamurti?he used to love his ridiculous flattering public ,who used to laugh confidently even before krishnamurti opened his mouth ..krishnamurti spiritual background belongs to the hollywoodian western outsiders writters ocultists cheap spirituality of spiritisme sessions with coffe and cakes not from people who live their life spiritually performing tapas sacrifice seva celibacy reclusion with strong wise tradition parampara lineage etc etc etc.this theory of the superhuman and avoiding fear at anycost and bla bla bla wont ever be possible cause humans are trapped in maya and as long as it is like this we will always be vulnerable and miss something someone somewhere someway somehow someday sometime.
I can understand bis emotional reaction to all kinds of religious experiences, because he must have had a lot of them for himlself. So he would not be open to all the beautiful Saints if all our religions.
You completely mistake what he is saying. Completely.
Perhaps it is a problem of not listening to what he says. He describes experience as perceiving something that you are familiar with or expect out of listening to gurus or reading texts etc. Perception, just perception is different from experience.
There is no step toward illumination because illumination is the contrary of craving for illumination: Doing nothing. I mean doing nothing bad.
I would have to disagree with Krishnamurti.
Experience is anything and everything that traverses, emerges into, manifests within, your field of awareness.
I also disagree with Krishnamurti in the way he states that you cannot know the ultimate reality, the wisdom of source. Of course you can! Why wouldn't you?
The truth is known within you, and you access it through meditation, introspection. Quite simple!
This makes Krishnamurti a hypocrite because he speaks conclusions he has come to from one corner of his mouth, and he says one is incapable of knowing from the other corner of his mouth. He has obviously not experienced it. I have.
So-called spiritual people relish making the simple complex, mysterious. It is mysterious to the one who is ignorant of it, but it is quite clear and simple to the one who has come to know these truths through introspection and mindless silence.
Laozi sums it up best in poem 10 of his Dào Dé Jīng: "When you have come to know in all four directions, are you then able to not know?"
It's not that you cannot know. Of course you can! However, each one of us must know it from within. Thus, the one who has come to know allows others to find the treasure of wisdom the only way they will ever be able to, by looking within, self-inquiry, meditation, introspection. Meditation is not performed, it is living life in awareness, being attuned to inner guidance.
Listen to others, including me, and evaluate, scrutinize, ponder within.
@ Mike Q: Do you want me to scrutinize you?
First of all you should understand what he means by there is no cooking recipe to illumination. How many people are eagerly doing self-inquiry, meditation, introspection and all the rest of it and don't come close to illumination? If I follow the instruction of a cooking recipe, I will end up with exactly that dish. Second, you are not even aware that you and J.K. are talking about the same thing. What do you thing where he has his brain without any conflict? Outside? Where do you think you have to end any conflict? Outside, by calling others hypocrites?
If you read this, you can check for yourself if you are illuminated. How did you feel reading my words? Did you feel that I am objecting to your words? Did you feel criticized? If you and me have now a conflict, we can't be illuminated.
Anyway, I don't care. As J.K. says: "Don't listen to me! Find it out for yourself."
@David J 💜💜💜
Good reply@@elmarwagner2683
Scrutinising: you are doing nothing but getting into a battle of definitions with him. He defines experience as the sensation of something which you expect, which you can name, which you can define etc. This, as many yogis and monks have put it, is not the real thing. If you can describe it, talk about it, think about it, you’re not there. However, for sure you can have pure perception of certain phenomena and spiritual occurrences. He has had them. It manifests in everyone in different ways, but the same way.
You are no one to say anything mate. “I have experienced it, and he has not”. What an egofull statement. What a totally untruthful statement full of vanity. At the very least, he is a respected and admired teacher to many mystics and spiritual teachers around his time and after his time, regardless of whether he wanted it or not. You cannot sit here and make such ridiculous claims.
Watch any other videos of him and he does not ridicule kundalini or tantric yogas saying they are not real. He has experienced that they are real. Yet he consciously stays away from them. He realises the dangers and childishness in these - also like many other spiritual teachers who came before and after him.
Again with the knowing you come to a battle of definitions. You have clearly not listened to many of his talks, maybe coming straight to this one which talks about mystical forces and such. He says knowing whatever enlightenment we talk about as a function of memory etc is the wrong way. That cannot be done. But knowing inside you, without memory, without words, without thoughts. That is something else. And he usually does not refer to that as knowing.
From my limited knowledge of you it seems you have had a spiritual experience and built a very strong ego around that. Trust me, these experiences are not rare. You can see in these comments that many have them. It is a question of whether you persist you ego around that experience (which come from no ego).
When the mind is not in play, you have no memories, experiences of any kind etc. You experience nothing at all; it is as if you are dead. WHY? To experience anything (including the Brahman), you need some activity in your brain such as thoughts that are emanating from some previous knowledge. Experience by definition requires some knowledge (memories) about something that produces a given experience. When it is alive, your brain (mind) will have something always. While you are in the conscious state, you cannot wipe out everything no matter how hard you try. If anyone says they experienced something unique (like the Brahman), that means their mind was active with thoughts. Worse claim about this thing is that .......they remember enlightened experience; how can they remember an experience they had when their mind was empty? There is no way it can be remembered. If there is such a thing as Enlightenment, that person will not be able to recall anything or say anything about it. How can you experience something that is not knowable/fathomable, something that is not this or that, something that is beyond the mind? You can know or experience something that is only within the field of your mind (a product of the brain and its interaction with the world).
0:17 😂🙏
Suppose a native who does not know anything about a meteor see a falling metere
Suppose a native who does not know anything about the meteor see a falling meteor. Is it not a experience.
When the mind is not in play, you have no memories, experiences of any kind etc. You experience nothing at all; it is as if you are dead. WHY? To experience anything (including the Brahman), you need some activity in your brain such as thoughts that are emanating from some previous knowledge. Experience by definition requires some knowledge (memories) about something that produces a given experience. When it is alive, your brain (mind) will have something always. While you are in the conscious state, you cannot wipe out everything no matter how hard you try. If anyone says they experienced something unique (like the Brahman), that means their mind was active with thoughts. Worse claim about this thing is that .......they remember enlightened experience; how can they remember an experience they had when their mind was empty? There is no way it can be remembered. If there is such a thing as Enlightenment, that person will not be able to recall anything or say anything about it. How can you experience something that is not knowable/fathomable, something that is not this or that, something that is beyond the mind? You can know or experience something that is only within the field of your mind (a product of the brain and its interaction with the world).
Experience doesn't require knowledge. Experience is knowledge.
NO WAY..............
pretty arrogant in my eyes. why cant illumination be a process. also i dislike the fact he speaks so downwards at kundalini. it's part of indian tradition and encompasses their Yoga, Ayurveda etc; so the fact he just speaks badly about it and on top of it with an english accent instantly makes me think that he just hates his own kin and succame to a british mindset, where only he is the owner of the real truth. extreme arrogance.
J.K only meant to tell us that the path to illumination is when the heart and brain is not utterly selfish and that of no trace of conflict. Pure heart and mind. The shimmering and magical idea of kundalini is what distracts you from actually experiencing it.
Ahahah) are you 4 real?) He speaks the truth. Truth doesn't need you liking or disliking it ;)