Because in general, doctors didn’t have proper nutrition training, they are trained in medicine. They only see the result and give medicine. Nowadays, some doctors can get some ideas from other nutritionist or dietitian, but not details enough. Nutritionist or dietitian will tell you what to eat and not to eat to maintain healthy balance diet, of course including exercise . I am a student of nutritionist. So, I love this channel with scientific evidence-based. I agreed with what Priscilla said about UA-camr (artists as well) without nutrition backyard or scientific based these days. That’s what my professor said too.
The best indicators of cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs) are the size of LDL particles and the ratio of TG (triglycerides) to HDL (the good cholesterol). Sadly, few body-check services in HK provide these two indicators.
LDL particle size has its value, but ApoB is more recognized as the best marker for CVD. For your interest:
You have oversimplified the whole lipid profile interpretation. Please review Peter Attia, MD. and Robert Luzlig, MD UA-cams so that you will not mislead your viewers. Lp(a) , cholesterol particle size, TG/HDL ratio, APO(b), etc. biomarkers are all important considerations in understanding the lipid profile.
My goal is to communicate a focused and easy to understand message to general public in a 10 minute video, without confusing them further with additional health parameters. If the general public is bombarded with medical jargons, no wonder they are often confused 🤣
@@nutritionmama They are not jargons. They are biomarkers like what you get from a blood test. The way you presented your message in a way encouraged people with high LDL to take statins in most cases are not necessary. Hope you will embrace positive feedback with an open mind so that you will do a better job in your future messages. Interpreting lipid profile is a serious task which should not be taken lightly. Hope you do not mind my feedback. This is well intended. I am a board certified physician in the US. Our job is to educate people how to interpret the lipid profile in a scientific way. I understand you only have 10 minutes. How about make it a series on interpretation of lipid profile?
@@kelvinyip2694 我有吃膽固醇藥。請参閱論文⇒美國醫學會期刊JAMA(2024-9-2)發表兩篇關於「降低壞膽固醇對心肌梗塞病變的影響」的論文。 大量的研究顯示,降低「低密度脂蛋白膽固醇」(LDL-C,俗稱「壞膽固醇」)是跟心血管疾病發生率的降低有關。但是,30多年來的研究卻一直無法確定此一相關性的潛在機制,而這也就讓一些人,包括所謂的名醫和專家,認為「壞膽固醇」非但不應降低,反而需要提升。 研究論文:Lesion-Level Effects of LDL-C-Lowering Therapy in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
車多 塞車機會大,呢個比喻真的很好~ 車很重要,因須要他們運送人去唔同既地方~就像膽固醇很重要一樣,身體要靠佢運送東西都不同部位,但車太多會比較容易塞車,膽固醇太高也容易塞,不是絕對~但機會比較大,車不是壞東西,膽固醇也不是壞東西~是確實須要存在的,只是太多的話便會塞車風險變高了
最近我都有聽過,Apo B,所以我特登去做個測試,94mg/dL,因為七月嗰陣我都做咗一個體檢就醫生就話我膽固醇過高去到6.9 LDL都去4.8,HDL1.8,Tg0.7,醫生要我食藥,但我試吓飲食同埋運動改變一下,又睇到你嘅視頻又照你嘅方式試吓,食燕麥麩,麥粒,三個月後再check,膽固醇5.5,L D L3.52,HD L1.76,TG 0.56,真係有效啊好多謝營養師媽咪Priscilla,我諗都要繼續keep住咁樣去生活,其實我覺得咁樣生活都好舒服健康的😅
Because in general, doctors didn’t have proper nutrition training, they are trained in medicine. They only see the result and give medicine. Nowadays, some doctors can get some ideas from other nutritionist or dietitian, but not details enough. Nutritionist or dietitian will tell you what to eat and not to eat to maintain healthy balance diet, of course including exercise . I am a student of nutritionist. So, I love this channel with scientific evidence-based. I agreed with what Priscilla said about UA-camr (artists as well) without nutrition backyard or scientific based these days. That’s what my professor said too.
就係喇 @@tcnickylo
你淨係食燕麥麩,麥粒 冇食藥 LDL降到3.52??? 我LDL都成4.4
😂❤🎉感激 🎉解構精辟到位!完全將真相坦白導出 隨著年齡增長膽固醇大可能會升高 胆固醇高低好壞有賴肝藏功能
多謝主持的詳細分析!“不要以為高LDL不是問題”~這點同意!不過,刻意不進食 “膽固醇”,相信會死得仲快,身體花咁多努力及資源去生產及運送 “LDL”,就知 LDL 對人體是很重要的東西,太積極去灌輸 / 醜化 “LDL” 可能令某些人出事,蘋果手機主席喬布斯,有智慧又多錢,為什麼都死於胰臟癌,頂級的醫療團隊都救唔到佢,原來他日常只食生果,不食肉、是嚴格的 “生果食療主義者”,自作聰明,不食肉、不食油脂、沒有膽固醇,這就華佗再世都救不了你。
非常感謝 Pscrilla ❤
I couldn't agree more. The key is to have a balanced diet. My LDL is 2.6, HDL 1.3, and Triglyceride 0.8. I feel great.
講得好好呀! 嗰D人只係搏流量, 講嘢唔負責任
The best indicators of cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs) are the size of LDL particles and the ratio of TG (triglycerides) to HDL (the good cholesterol). Sadly, few body-check services in HK provide these two indicators.
LDL particle size has its value, but ApoB is more recognized as the best marker for CVD. For your interest:
LDL 同 甘油三酯先要控制, LDL會塞血管, 甘油三酯會脂肪肝, 其實最緊要都係Homocysteine
1. 很多素食人士,為何LDL,HDL偏低,高TG?肝為何不調節「正常」?
2. 為甚麽咁多風險因子?會否魚目混珠?為何找不出主因?
1. 高TG有很多原因的, 可以是碳水化合物太多, 酒精, 脂肪攝取過多, 亦可以是基因引起, 素食不一定健康無高TG的
2. 心血管病是多因素疾病
3. 肝的功能是製造LDL, 不是調節LDL的, 飲食失衡可以令肝製造過多LDL-cholesterol
4. ApoB是代驗出來的
我覺得現在既social media/KOL 將一些資料/觀念放得太大,令人好易睇野唔全面,所以我地要好小心,避免以偏概全,畢竟每一個人都唔一樣。
You have oversimplified the whole lipid profile interpretation. Please review Peter Attia, MD. and Robert Luzlig, MD UA-cams so that you will not mislead your viewers. Lp(a) , cholesterol particle size, TG/HDL ratio, APO(b), etc. biomarkers are all important considerations in understanding the lipid profile.
My goal is to communicate a focused and easy to understand message to general public in a 10 minute video, without confusing them further with additional health parameters. If the general public is bombarded with medical jargons, no wonder they are often confused 🤣
@@nutritionmama They are not jargons. They are biomarkers like what you get from a blood test. The way you presented your message in a way encouraged people with high LDL to take statins in most cases are not necessary. Hope you will embrace positive feedback with an open mind so that you will do a better job in your future messages. Interpreting lipid profile is a serious task which should not be taken lightly. Hope you do not mind my feedback. This is well intended. I am a board certified physician in the US. Our job is to educate people how to interpret the lipid profile in a scientific way. I understand you only have 10 minutes. How about make it a series on interpretation of lipid profile?
Please be advised if people on keto/carnivore their body is fat burning. High LDL, HDL >2, Trig
@@Connie7881 i would suggest you create your own yt channel, then we can have different info about lipid!
Dr Rex。
I like his channel
所謂好多嘅報告 背後好多都係藥廠贊助選寫
有些研究是藥廠資助的, 所以看研究要看資金來源, 要在報告內申報
影片我看到最後. 還有其他特徵(血壓高.血糖高….)才能判別心血管風險,即是LDL數值是一個心血管其中一個參考指數.不能單一個數值作準. ?
是的, 心血管病有多個高危因素, 不單是LDL
營養師媽媽,謝謝你講這題目。我的膽固醇砸界,比 max 高出了0.3 or 0.4, 但我的血壓指數仍好「靚仔」(不同的護士都幫我度完血壓都如此說)。我已經從 latte 轉了飲 Americano, 又吃麥片及每週去gym 做三次運動,希望下次回港做體檢時膽固醇指數有好轉,請問你有甚麼advice 給我,謝謝。
膽固醇, 血糖, 血壓, 體重, 腰圍, 那樣高危因素高了就試下降啦
Dr Berg is a chiropractor, not a licensed medical doctor!
發表燕麥會越食越多病?,指出網路上流傳的「燕麥有害論」是幾位網紅杜撰出來的,而其中一位就是所謂的「柏格醫生」。這位「柏格醫生中文健康知識」系列影片的主角其實並不是醫生,而是chiropractor(脊椎按摩師,整骨師)。簡單D,他影片內描述也寫得坦坦白白㗎! 另美國脊醫制度又係另一層面,不是每個省份也可註册。
真正的遺傳性高膽固醇, 是非常高的, 可以去到10度以上, 甚至吃藥也不能降到正常的. 很多人以為家人有高膽固醇, 不一定是遺傳性的, 可以是後天因素, 是可以調節的.
如果膽固醇未能去到正常, 要減低其他心血管病風險因素, 包括血壓, 血糖, 體重超標等等
@ 醫生和主流媒體誤導我哋LDL系導致心血管疾病嘅原因而一味要我哋食藥降膽固醇,卻忽略其他因素和what is the real root cause
@@kelvinyip2694 我有吃膽固醇藥。請参閱論文⇒美國醫學會期刊JAMA(2024-9-2)發表兩篇關於「降低壞膽固醇對心肌梗塞病變的影響」的論文。
大量的研究顯示,降低「低密度脂蛋白膽固醇」(LDL-C,俗稱「壞膽固醇」)是跟心血管疾病發生率的降低有關。但是,30多年來的研究卻一直無法確定此一相關性的潛在機制,而這也就讓一些人,包括所謂的名醫和專家,認為「壞膽固醇」非但不應降低,反而需要提升。 研究論文:Lesion-Level Effects of LDL-C-Lowering Therapy in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction
有研究指出, 過高的DHA劑量是有機會增加LDL膽固醇的. 有機會再和大家分享更多
膽固醇不是脂肪酸, 肝臟可以製造
最有效方法, 是用水沖後再浸. 即使不用梳打粉都可以的
Dr Berg唔係執業醫生/營養師吧!
趙博曾說 Dr. Berg 以前是骨科的(是不是醫生以忘記), 他已不做全職做 youtuber,可能做youtuber 賺錢更多吧。
有聽過什麼是lean mass hyper responder LMHR 嗎?ldl 高不一定有問題,ldl 高可能是身體需要,還有已有研究証明ldl高跟心血管疾病無關。你説的增加risk 是説relative risk , absolute risk 只差一兩個%吧了
Lean mass hyper responders不一定代表普羅大眾. LDL-cholesterol 不一定是最準確的指標, 雖然ApoB更有參考價值. 目前未有足夠數據證實LDL與CVD是完全無關. 歡迎提供報告討論
對,有看法是細LDL比大LDL有害,但目前是LDL數量(可由apoB 反映),與心血管疾病風險有最大關係
其實你所講網上哪些醫生都要用好多時間心血去研究去攞證據出嚟, 但睇到你講嗰啲嘢其實都幾慳水慳力, 隨時噏得出, 唯一支持自己嘅說法就係"營養師做乜要呃你啫",😮 真係咁都覺得支持到自己😮
你講嗰啲所謂網紅 其實人哋都係業內好出名做咗幾十年嘅醫生, 唔好隨隨便便就話人哋亂咁噏拆流量, 要想反駁就攞自己嘅數據 或者相關報告來支持, 唔好一味话人錯有冇 冇理佢支持自己 只係將一啲舊嘢重複再講一次, 本來見到標題入去想睇下你有冇啲新嘅知識畀到我哋,,但.........
網紅你指的是Dr Berg嗎?還是Steak and Butter Gal? 這兩位都不是醫生呢。😅
@@nutritionmama 你需要參考多啲
@@nutritionmama 似乎你嘅視野好狹窄 睇多啲會好啲😄