I’m African i feel like we Africans are to be blamed for this. We could be rich continent if we stop jealousy and hate amongst ourselves. Leaders should be transparency and accountable for everything
100% totally agree! Look at the diversity!! People living like wild animals on a rich land that GOD have given us but the government is so blind and sinful they rather keep the monies gained from the land and sell whatever off to 3rd party companies! I hope one day I can go move to my motherland! " British African" until we have better leaders I believe I'm better off in the whitemana land.
But Western global companies would love to own it all so the profits would flow into their already rich pockets. When I think of how the Mozambican people could benefit if things were different. Just like most of the rest of the African continent. I wonder how things would be if the West (UK France Portugal Belgium the Netherlands and Spain Italy and Germany had never had the continent carved up between them.
Truma causes mental health issues. These are passed down through families. Until mental health care becomes available to all, I don't believe the violence in any country may stop.
The real corrupt are the French, hidden from the scenes but funding ISIS through proxies to destabilise resource rich countries and send Rwanda or Uganda as peace keepers as they syphon the minerals. This is just a game by the elites that really fools Afrikans .
With colonizers backing all of this, they control the politics by meddling and choosing who they want in office because when Africa gets a good leader they do a coup de'tat because their afraid of good leaders organizing the people and kicking the plundering colonizers out of their resources
like any country which was created in Berlin Mozambique is not unique when it comes to what the west wants from African minerals ,oil and peoples minds.
Just to show how little they care about us. The faces of the terrorists are blurred out but the faces of the allegedly 'illegal' miners are shown......like really guys😢
The mining was probably illegal because someone else had bought the land or because they did not follow the laws in Mozambique related to proper mining practices.
Until African countries eliminate corruption and put an end to centuries old tribalism, many of these resource rich countries will continue to be some of the poorest places on the planet. With proper oversight, transperancy, accountability, these countries would flourish! Continuing to do the same failed thing over and over again is just assanine. Most companies would be happy to invest in these countries if they were stable. It's up to the governments and the people to ensure that the contracts for development of resources are both fair and equitable for everyone. "promises" made should be enforced by law or the contracts should be voided or the company should be shut down and sanctioned until they comply. Maybe one day people will wake up.
This is a country next door to South Africa, and you hear a stupid politician in South Africa by the name of Julius Malema saying we must open borders for anyone to walk free, Now just imagines if these people cross the border.
Just because each of these religious people (all of them) claim to support the so-called ''good of religion'' means they just want to ignore and deny the reality that religion really brings to mankind?. That's not smart, It's not clever, and is, actually, the most Illogical approach to such problems. Religion Itself, is responsible for more murder, more torture, more inhumane heinous atrocities than can ever be seen as acceptable. There's simply no excuse any more, It's now unforgivable. Oh, of course, you can try to claim these murders and conflicts aren't religious, that it's people using religion, blah blah, that's not the case at all, it's a deliberate lie, they are religious, and they do represent religion! The Pope ordered the crusades that murdered hundreds of millions of completely innocent people, is that acceptable to religion? Seems it is. So tell me, how many need to die, before religion becomes unacceptable? Well, how many? Mankind has fought many wars, killed many millions of people in the name of religion. There have been more human lives lost to religious beliefs and causes, than can ever be seen as acceptable, in the eyes of any sane man, whatever they believe! Believing in one religion creates animosity from another religion. Religion bickers and argues with Itself, that process creates hate from one religion toward the other, that hate becomes the war, that war becomes brutal unnecessary human death, and in the millions. It always has, ever since it began, and what is it? What is religion? It's mankind's very own special ''man-made'' poison... It's harmful, it's deadly. And lie to yourselves, and disagree all you want because nobody can defend the undefendable. The religious all talk about, and they preach to others about, Gods/Allah's demands that all non-believers be put to death, nearly all modern day religions do, yet they'll even try desperately, to outright lie about this also, while the undeniable provable truth is, it's actually only religion itself, that commits the real evil, and the really filthy dirty sins.
Indeed, while the religious have murdered throughout history in the name of their God, I've been unable to find any evidence of atheists killing anyone in the name of atheism. Yet comically, their religious try to use the names of Stalin and Pot and other Communists trying to claim otherwise, (while obviously pretending they don't understand), that many weak-kneed communists, who fought for Communism, reasons were as follows: “Religion does not prevent me being a communist. I believe both in God and in Communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution”... In other words, the religious fought for Communism (killing other religious and atheists), the atheist's fought for communism (killing religious and other atheists). Showing us very clearly, It's not a fight for atheism at all, but it's a fight for Communism! And having to explain that, is only because that is what their religions claims against the atheist, it's how they attempt to portray the atheist, (so they can then turn all the crimes, murders, and killings during communism), onto the atheist. Only It's no different from religion, claiming that all atheists must be Communists? Ridiculous, but it really does show just how their own warped, deceiving religious mindset works. Actually willing to outright lie about others, to make some kind of case for their own brutality, and their own slaughter, is the truth. Atheists, are no more, or less, capable of evil than anyone else, but it seems that murder, particularly mass murder and war, is a sin of commission. (In other words, human beings are generally only prepared to fight and kill in the name of something). It can be a God, but it can also be a political philosophy - like Nazism or Communism, many fight for patriotism, for country, tribe or race, some kill because they're psychologically disturbed, but none - so far - in the name of atheism. So, while I don't agree, that only religion causes conflict, I argue that all mass murder and wars, are fought in the name, of a bigger-than-self, philosophy or idea. Atheism, simply a lack of belief in a God, has not yet proved compelling enough to motivate murder. So far - no one has gone into a crowded public space and blown themselves up while shouting, “No, god is great!” The religious people, themselves, really are the warmongers of mankind! (yet, they'll also deny that), even with history staring them in the face. The religious all believe in things they can't even prove exist, and they seem to expect the people, to respect them and their religion? Respect it? Really? While we're living through their endless wars? Living through their brutality, and living through their fighting and brutality all around the world? And for what? This is how incredibly sick it really is, it's over something as pathetically juvenile as, "whose religion is right, whose religion is wrong". That's actually tragic stupidity, man! Clearly, they're all completely wrong! It's not like it hasn't been proven? Only you also deny scientific facts. It will come one day soon, when the people will have had enough of the killing, the wars, the brutality, and the excuses. They'll pack all the religious off to some Island somewhere, and leave them to fight their wars against each other, (over whose religion is right, whose is wrong)... leaving the educated people in peace. And do you know what else? I'd not even be the slightest bit interested in who actually won.
Isn't it astonishing, that still, in the year 2023, that so many have not yet figured out that Genesis is only a book of books, that are simply retells of many much older myths. (And we also know that all records of those much older myths, had been gathered together, then buried, and hidden, for what turned out to be a couple of thousand years). So, I wonder who it was, that gathered them all together, and then buried them? They were rediscovered, in what is today Iran. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh, was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard. What they show us, very clearly, is, that the "Book of Genesis" (where nearly every modern day religion stems from) is just a book of books, containing retells of these rediscovered, and much older myths. For example, Noah and the flood story in Genesis?, it's the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Epic of Gilgamesh story. Gilgamesh was a myth from Babylon - hundreds of years before the Bible was written. Also, trying to deny this, really would take a completely closed mind. Everything you think you do know about the life of Jesus Christ, are, again, just many parts of ancient myths, that have been put together using many of these much older myths. For example... 1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer. 2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world. 3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal. 4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven. 5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol. 6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, and his birth (from a rock) was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, he had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven. On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God). His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners. 7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed. His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man. 8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion, while his parents were looking for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed. One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”. He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk, because his faith wasn’t strong enough. 9. Apollonius of Tyana (a contemporary of Jesus) performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.). His birth was of a virgin mother, foretold by an angel. He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”. The problem, of course, is, that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did.
I am also South African and when I lived their before moving to the Uk we helped lots of black people even when I almost got murdered but we are not racist people and when we see rich people there we see how badly they treat house keepers and maids it is horrendous and I miss my home country dearly
And also I see business with white people giving black people low pay but then whites get higher pay in Johannesburg we helped a local area of burned down houses giving people money and food but that was 8 years ago
I am quite confused about your question apart the fact the exchange rate has gone up so everything is more expensive and 200 rand is just enough for bread which people won’t understand if you have not lived there but also explain your question better please
As a black South African, my biggest problem in South Africa is other black people, by far. I face a lot of prejudice because I'm well spoken. South Africa is getting killed by this high school clique mentality. The funny thing is you can only blame white people for so long. The cold hard truth should start sinking in very soon.
...I have a suspicion that some, if not most of the conflicts are caused by UN and IMF...conflict is highly profitable for these two organisations. They pretend to be stepping in for help...
That's so true, why is there Jihadist and then France companies benefit under UN, so sad for the people of Mozambique they have lost a lot from civil war.
@@magwazatSo, does a poor third world coutry have the technology to extract their own oil? Are foreign countries supposed to extract it for free? Think, man. The French company or any other country has to be paid to do this.
Mother Africa has honestly some of the most beautiful people and places and it’s sad to see it taken advantage of groups with Il intent.. When I was in Tanzania I even seen China take over their entire infrastructure for their resources..
I have been to Mozambique and like every other African country it should have everything going for it, unfortunately like every African country it fails miserably. In my entire long lifetime billions has been poured into most nations yet nothing changes, in fact it is getting worse. There is a marked reluctance to state the truth, that most of these countries were safer and more prosperous under colonial rule, sad but true.
Yeah South Africa when I lived their for six years before moving to the uk and just two years ago we went on holiday and I am really sad about the state I of my home country with electric fences all over Johannesburg
@@7200darkcharmit's not, because it wasn't because romans didn't conquer it, just a tiny part if it south of the rhine, so basically some france and sonw bavaria and baden w. But yes those conquered parts were comparatively peaceful and prosperous, the other side were just forest savages, i thought you've learnt that much in school.
@@dannyboy-vtc5741 the reality is that humans don’t like to be controlled by outside groups, and just like it backfired on the Romans, it backfired on the modern day Germanics and their colonial ambitions. History is cyclical.
So much beauty. So much chaos and destruction. What a complex social environment this country is. I have been a couple places Soldiers from Rwanda were; awesome to see their presence making a difference. Thanks for informing those on the outside. Elements are elsewhere. That is for sure.
Please dont let these documentaries distract you from the real problem. Mozambique is rich in oil, LPG and LNG and countless other things. The west has huge interest in these ventures and the middle east do jave interest too. Tell me them how Jihadists came there? From Saudi? Isnt the west the biggest jihadi fan? Dont get distracted people.
I recommend you to do another documentary on the province called "Gaza province" ,there you will find out how the young people migrate to South africa due to lack of opporrunities
Something we just don't hear about here in the west is, the amount of terrorism going in in Africa, sadly those people don't always have the latest information thus fall victim to those terrible people before they realize its too late.
How else you gonna build the economy, you need skills and money to get these project going, I dont see Mozambique currently having those skills, I mean the Rwandan army drove the jihadists out.
Sadly our neighbours misfortune also befalls upon Southern Tanzania villages along River Ruvuma ....these people operate in Northern Mozambique pass through the border from Tanzania and some bribed citizens in exchange of money for foods and water ...they invaded in 2020 October in Kitaya village and took women , killed and burnt the village down ...sadly the Tanzania govt denied the threat to ever taken place...i wonder why!!!? These jihadists who finance them ? Why and to what end?
Those resources they are extracted from the country. How much of those resources are going back to the people and the citizen Mozambique. Those companies that's taking those resources. They should be tax to the max to bring in Revenue to Rebuild Mozambique.
The problem is not they paying taxes, is the people who control the taxes stuff their own pockets and the population sees very little of it 😂 same thing all over the continent, the money is there, what they lack is honest administration.
In this video I remember when years ago I was watching TV and my friend asked me if I wanted to work so I said yes and he came and picked me up and it was a FRENCH restaurant and the EXECUTIVE CHEF was Daniel Dufort and I was attending the CULINARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA UPSTATE NEW YORK STATE and he taught me NOUVELLE CUISINE and I worked for him for 2 years and he taught me salads and desserts all classical French and that opened the door for me and the rest is history and in HONOLULU HAWAII which there are not to many FRENCH restaurants because they are very expensive and my family came a couple of times but my father didn't care about the bill and not to often did he take us out so it was a treat and I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters plus ma.
What Africa needs to get rid of is islam not what you're saying. Is the west that brought jihad in Mozambique? You've hatred on people who actually help you. Look at your country sir, analyze what your government is doing to help you develop without stealing a single coin from the money it collects from you people through taxes. Then on the other hand, think about the help in millions of dollars your country receive from the same west you're bringing in a war that is as a result of middle east religion. You don't need to be so angry and show too much hatred for people who help you to be were you are.
Why Africa has been in such poor shape as a whole is because the world takes so much from Africa. Europe is much to blame for Africa's woes. Let that sink in.
How all of the companies are from Europe. The exploitation continues. Haven’t they taken enough. All they can do is give them fertilisers and tractors. They are not investing in educating the native. They just keep on exploiting,creating wars. Africa is a huge project for exploitation. 😢
Because extracting resources in bulk require technology that takes decades to develop, and a lot of money. Most of these countries can't fund or have to luxury to wait. Just use the taxes you get the correct way and in 2-3 generations you're a developed country. Real problem is local corruption.
What never happened before 1994, war in Mozambique? Before 1994, Mozambique experienced a civil war that killed thousands and displaced millions. The apartheid regime sponsored the rebels, RENAMO, that committed atrocities throughout the country. You are either too young to remember what went on in Mozambique in the eighties or you are a naive racist white guy.
Trade that was happening to India and Middle East before the europeans ever set foot on the country, don't forget. Gold, ivory and people were the main products of the continent for millenia.
Whenever there’s oil somewhere you see Europeans and UN flocking there , in fact minerals , one day is one day we will manage our own resources ourselves , they always accusing local officials as if they had a choice , obey or you pay with your life.
I’m African i feel like we Africans are to be blamed for this. We could be rich continent if we stop jealousy and hate amongst ourselves. Leaders should be transparency and accountable for everything
100% totally agree! Look at the diversity!! People living like wild animals on a rich land that GOD have given us but the government is so blind and sinful they rather keep the monies gained from the land and sell whatever off to 3rd party companies! I hope one day I can go move to my motherland! " British African" until we have better leaders I believe I'm better off in the whitemana land.
It’s the Africans fault. it’s colonialism
But Western global companies would love to own it all so the profits would flow into their already rich pockets. When I think of how the Mozambican people could benefit if things were different. Just like most of the rest of the African continent. I wonder how things would be if the West (UK France Portugal Belgium the Netherlands and Spain Italy and Germany had never had the continent carved up between them.
Truma causes mental health issues. These are passed down through families. Until mental health care becomes available to all, I don't believe the violence in any country may stop.
@@deniseg-hill1730 yeah don't cry do something to help your people blaming everything will not help anybody.
Mozambique is typical of Africa. Rich in resources, but no shortage of corrupt officials willing to syphon money for themselves.
The real corrupt are the French, hidden from the scenes but funding ISIS through proxies to destabilise resource rich countries and send Rwanda or Uganda as peace keepers as they syphon the minerals. This is just a game by the elites that really fools Afrikans .
With colonizers backing all of this, they control the politics by meddling and choosing who they want in office because when Africa gets a good leader they do a coup de'tat because their afraid of good leaders organizing the people and kicking the plundering colonizers out of their resources
Just like South Africa fraud and corruption.
like any country which was created in Berlin Mozambique is not unique when it comes to what the west wants from African minerals ,oil and peoples minds.
Just to show how little they care about us. The faces of the terrorists are blurred out but the faces of the allegedly 'illegal' miners are shown......like really guys😢
Exactly and I say it's illegal for a colonizer to own the mine and bring in immigrants to work that mine should benefit the country smh.
its islamophobic if you don't blur their faces
@@nompumelolo this has nothing to do with religion thats racist
The mining was probably illegal because someone else had bought the land or because they did not follow the laws in Mozambique related to proper mining practices.
God bless Rwanda for helping them get back the town sad for victims of jihad Al shabab wana be kill people in the name of Allah shame on Islam
They pretend to fight for Islam but they want the minerals !!! And they enjoy killing !!!
What’s the point of the blurring??? No point showing
The blurring!!! tells you all "the hidden agenda" behind the violence.
This and many other documentaries make me want to leave my life and go and fight against the jihad. Bring peace and freedom to all people
Amen brother 🙏
Beautiful sharing Vidio.... thanks for sharing..Very useful and informative God Bless You 🇮🇩🌸🌼👍👍
i really love this channel❤❤❤thank you for this interesting documentary
So basically if Mozambique was 100% Christian non of these jihad behaviours would occur
Yes, Christians tend not to carry out jihad. 😂
Peace religion
Problem creators everywhere
Yup!!!!!! It is what it is 🤷🏾♂️
Yes, at least not in name of religion.. Iam a Bathouism following religion. Excluding Muslims not a single religion will do religion war.
Yet they Colonized and Terrorized the Whole Continent of AFRICA N continue to do so till this day
Why blur the photage...
Makes it unwatchable
yes and I also don't speak french
Mozambique discovered oil and gas ,lo and behold the jihadists turned up.🤔
What do you mean by that usa did this just like they made Taliban just they made isis or just like agent cia osama
They were sponsored by Qatar as they didn’t want the gas deposit developed which would be a direct threat to their own exports.
I heard that the French oil and gas company paid the mozambiqan goverment for the land to mine and the people. Were not paid
Yea, because they deal in oil and gas too, look in syria, they take oil companies hostage
Painful to see all the violence and injust history of Mozambique, yet the only 'world heritage' sites are of the colonial descent.
I think the jihadist threat is way more important that world heritage sites. You saw the video and took colonialism from it...what a shame.
Because only the colonists built anything worth preserving.
You hear him, our plan. And he from India. What are ting.
I always wonder how they get weapons so fast or faster than they can get food. Does no-one monitor the entry points? It's a large shipment not to miss
They have allies in Muslim countries
Until African countries eliminate corruption and put an end to centuries old tribalism, many of these resource rich countries will continue to be some of the poorest places on the planet. With proper oversight, transperancy, accountability, these countries would flourish! Continuing to do the same failed thing over and over again is just assanine. Most companies would be happy to invest in these countries if they were stable. It's up to the governments and the people to ensure that the contracts for development of resources are both fair and equitable for everyone. "promises" made should be enforced by law or the contracts should be voided or the company should be shut down and sanctioned until they comply. Maybe one day people will wake up.
As a Nigerian Ex-Muslim I think you know nothing about Africa. In most of the conflicts in Africa, the common factor is Religion.
Most Muslim countries are always at war😢
Cia, mossad are behind it
They don't believe in Jesus
And everywhere islam exists violence, hatred and war also exist.
Mozambique never been a Moslem Country
It’s because the foreign forces finances terrorist groups who defame the name of Muslims
The infection of Islam 😢
It's not Islam it's colonialism pretending to be Islamic
@@violetsrayreikishop2what about the wars in Islamic nations? Stop it. We all know how poisonous that religion is
@@nompumelolo The religion isnt't poisonous
@@bobbobby3085 those wiped out villages would say it is explosive
@@bobbobby3085 Really? People die every day because of it.
Peaceful Community 😀✨😀 Then they talk about Israel 😀😀
Why blur an image?? Just don't show it because it's blured !! I turned it straight off .. poor documentary
Copyrighted property. They probably didn't ask for permission.
Very poor documentary with the intention of damaging our beautifull country
This is a country next door to South Africa, and you hear a stupid politician in South Africa by the name of Julius Malema saying we must open borders for anyone to walk free, Now just imagines if these people cross the border.
@@Wasengenyiewho is your source?or you just made all this up
@@mrphaladi6181money was already traced from South Africa into Mozambique shortly after the ISIS attack. You are in denial.
bro imagine the chaos if we have all these foreign nationals, jihadists and land expropriation. Our boarders need to be reinforced
😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅You just made this all up@@Wasengenyie
Honestly i don't know why Africans fight for borrowed religion
I wonder too
Check out (CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM DEBATES) very informative…
All have reason, i pray to Lord may God continue protect and blessing to the people of Africa. tq once again to Java's channel.
Religion, really is, mankind's very own special ''man-made'' poison. Lots of us don't want that poison.
Just because each of these religious people (all of them) claim to support the so-called ''good of religion'' means they just want to ignore and deny the reality that religion really brings to mankind?. That's not smart, It's not clever, and is, actually, the most Illogical approach to such problems. Religion Itself, is responsible for more murder, more torture, more inhumane heinous atrocities than can ever be seen as acceptable.
There's simply no excuse any more, It's now unforgivable. Oh, of course, you can try to claim these murders and conflicts aren't religious, that it's people using religion, blah blah, that's not the case at all, it's a deliberate lie, they are religious, and they do represent religion! The Pope ordered the crusades that murdered hundreds of millions of completely innocent people, is that acceptable to religion? Seems it is. So tell me, how many need to die, before religion becomes unacceptable? Well, how many?
Mankind has fought many wars, killed many millions of people in the name of religion. There have been more human lives lost to religious beliefs and causes, than can ever be seen as acceptable, in the eyes of any sane man, whatever they believe! Believing in one religion creates animosity from another religion. Religion bickers and argues with Itself, that process creates hate from one religion toward the other, that hate becomes the war, that war becomes brutal unnecessary human death, and in the millions. It always has, ever since it began, and what is it? What is religion?
It's mankind's very own special ''man-made'' poison... It's harmful, it's deadly. And lie to yourselves, and disagree all you want because nobody can defend the undefendable. The religious all talk about, and they preach to others about, Gods/Allah's demands that all non-believers be put to death, nearly all modern day religions do, yet they'll even try desperately, to outright lie about this also, while the undeniable provable truth is, it's actually only religion itself, that commits the real evil, and the really filthy dirty sins.
Indeed, while the religious have murdered throughout history in the name of their God, I've been unable to find any evidence of atheists killing anyone in the name of atheism. Yet comically, their religious try to use the names of Stalin and Pot and other Communists trying to claim otherwise, (while obviously pretending they don't understand), that many weak-kneed communists, who fought for Communism, reasons were as follows: “Religion does not prevent me being a communist. I believe both in God and in Communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution”...
In other words, the religious fought for Communism (killing other religious and atheists), the atheist's fought for communism (killing religious and other atheists). Showing us very clearly, It's not a fight for atheism at all, but it's a fight for Communism! And having to explain that, is only because that is what their religions claims against the atheist, it's how they attempt to portray the atheist, (so they can then turn all the crimes, murders, and killings during communism), onto the atheist. Only It's no different from religion, claiming that all atheists must be Communists?
Ridiculous, but it really does show just how their own warped, deceiving religious mindset works. Actually willing to outright lie about others, to make some kind of case for their own brutality, and their own slaughter, is the truth.
Atheists, are no more, or less, capable of evil than anyone else, but it seems that murder, particularly mass murder and war, is a sin of commission. (In other words, human beings are generally only prepared to fight and kill in the name of something). It can be a God, but it can also be a political philosophy - like Nazism or Communism, many fight for patriotism, for country, tribe or race, some kill because they're psychologically disturbed, but none - so far - in the name of atheism.
So, while I don't agree, that only religion causes conflict, I argue that all mass murder and wars, are fought in the name, of a bigger-than-self, philosophy or idea. Atheism, simply a lack of belief in a God, has not yet proved compelling enough to motivate murder. So far - no one has gone into a crowded public space and blown themselves up while shouting, “No, god is great!”
The religious people, themselves, really are the warmongers of mankind! (yet, they'll also deny that), even with history staring them in the face. The religious all believe in things they can't even prove exist, and they seem to expect the people, to respect them and their religion? Respect it? Really? While we're living through their endless wars? Living through their brutality, and living through their fighting and brutality all around the world?
And for what? This is how incredibly sick it really is, it's over something as pathetically juvenile as, "whose religion is right, whose religion is wrong". That's actually tragic stupidity, man! Clearly, they're all completely wrong! It's not like it hasn't been proven? Only you also deny scientific facts.
It will come one day soon, when the people will have had enough of the killing, the wars, the brutality, and the excuses. They'll pack all the religious off to some Island somewhere, and leave them to fight their wars against each other, (over whose religion is right, whose is wrong)... leaving the educated people in peace.
And do you know what else? I'd not even be the slightest bit interested in who actually won.
Isn't it astonishing, that still, in the year 2023, that so many have not yet figured out that Genesis is only a book of books, that are simply retells of many much older myths. (And we also know that all records of those much older myths, had been gathered together, then buried, and hidden, for what turned out to be a couple of thousand years). So, I wonder who it was, that gathered them all together, and then buried them?
They were rediscovered, in what is today Iran. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh, was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard. What they show us, very clearly, is, that the "Book of Genesis" (where nearly every modern day religion stems from) is just a book of books, containing retells of these rediscovered, and much older myths.
For example, Noah and the flood story in Genesis?, it's the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Epic of Gilgamesh story. Gilgamesh was a myth from Babylon - hundreds of years before the Bible was written.
Also, trying to deny this, really would take a completely closed mind. Everything you think you do know about the life of Jesus Christ, are, again, just many parts of ancient myths, that have been put together using many of these much older myths. For example...
1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer.
2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world.
3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal.
4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven.
5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol.
6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, and his birth (from a rock) was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, he had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven.
On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God). His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners.
7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed. His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man.
8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion, while his parents were looking for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed.
One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”. He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk, because his faith wasn’t strong enough.
9. Apollonius of Tyana (a contemporary of Jesus) performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.). His birth was of a virgin mother, foretold by an angel. He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”.
The problem, of course, is, that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did.
Instability is a tool that the US UK and France has been using to destabilize resources rich African countries
I am also South African and when I lived their before moving to the Uk we helped lots of black people even when I almost got murdered but we are not racist people and when we see rich people there we see how badly they treat house keepers and maids it is horrendous and I miss my home country dearly
And also I see business with white people giving black people low pay but then whites get higher pay in Johannesburg we helped a local area of burned down houses giving people money and food but that was 8 years ago
@@aidanmann6958Did you check on experience and qualifications in the pay grades, or just saying without knowing 🤔🤔🤔
I am quite confused about your question apart the fact the exchange rate has gone up so everything is more expensive and 200 rand is just enough for bread which people won’t understand if you have not lived there but also explain your question better please
As a black South African, my biggest problem in South Africa is other black people, by far. I face a lot of prejudice because I'm well spoken. South Africa is getting killed by this high school clique mentality. The funny thing is you can only blame white people for so long. The cold hard truth should start sinking in very soon.
...I have a suspicion that some, if not most of the conflicts are caused by UN and IMF...conflict is highly profitable for these two organisations. They pretend to be stepping in for help...
That's so true, why is there Jihadist and then France companies benefit under UN, so sad for the people of Mozambique they have lost a lot from civil war.
you said the truth
Your suspicion is correct...actually it's very deep , sad ,messy.
@@magwazatSo, does a poor third world coutry have the technology to extract their own oil? Are foreign countries supposed to extract it for free? Think, man. The French company or any other country has to be paid to do this.
Nah the UN is just too incompetent, and the IMF doesn’t give a shit
The blurry vision is such a detraction
Mother Africa has honestly some of the most beautiful people and places and it’s sad to see it taken advantage of groups with Il intent.. When I was in Tanzania I even seen China take over their entire infrastructure for their resources..
How have these foreigners been allowed to have so much say in other people's countries
Islam ruins everything
@@mohamedwaititi6192 look in the world islam is destroying everything
What's the point of documentary if it's partially blurred?
For several reasons: respect for the families of the victims of the violence. Then many people are sensitive find violence upsetting.
Hate, poverty, frustration, and misery. Oh, how I wish this could change.
When those who were in Berlin conference decide that hate and divide and conquer tactics are no longer usefully
Why don’t you blur the entire VIDEO !!!!!
I have been to Mozambique and like every other African country it should have everything going for it, unfortunately like every African country it fails miserably. In my entire long lifetime billions has been poured into most nations yet nothing changes, in fact it is getting worse. There is a marked reluctance to state the truth, that most of these countries were safer and more prosperous under colonial rule, sad but true.
Yeah South Africa when I lived their for six years before moving to the uk and just two years ago we went on holiday and I am really sad about the state I of my home country with electric fences all over Johannesburg
Especially when Zuma was president all he cared about was to spend all money he on his kids and not the country
Thats like saying Germania was safer and more prosporus under Roman rule.
@@7200darkcharmit's not, because it wasn't because romans didn't conquer it, just a tiny part if it south of the rhine, so basically some france and sonw bavaria and baden w.
But yes those conquered parts were comparatively peaceful and prosperous, the other side were just forest savages, i thought you've learnt that much in school.
@@dannyboy-vtc5741 the reality is that humans don’t like to be controlled by outside groups, and just like it backfired on the Romans, it backfired on the modern day Germanics and their colonial ambitions.
History is cyclical.
So much beauty. So much chaos and destruction. What a complex social environment this country is. I have been a couple places Soldiers from Rwanda were; awesome to see their presence making a difference. Thanks for informing those on the outside. Elements are elsewhere. That is for sure.
I love this channel am watching thise documentary now
Please dont let these documentaries distract you from the real problem. Mozambique is rich in oil, LPG and LNG and countless other things. The west has huge interest in these ventures and the middle east do jave interest too. Tell me them how Jihadists came there? From Saudi? Isnt the west the biggest jihadi fan? Dont get distracted people.
Africans are walking on diamond, gold, ruby and oil just to go to Europe and USA to walk on snow. Amazing.
I recommend you to do another documentary on the province called "Gaza province" ,there you will find out how the young people migrate to South africa due to lack of opporrunities
and commit crimes in our communities ugh
What's the use in watching the video if you're gonna block it out.
Seasons greetings to you in Mozambique
Something we just don't hear about here in the west is, the amount of terrorism going in in Africa, sadly those people don't always have the latest information thus fall victim to those terrible people before they realize its too late.
Since being kickout from Niger, the thieves from France and others are eyeing Mozambique to loot.
How else you gonna build the economy, you need skills and money to get these project going, I dont see Mozambique currently having those skills, I mean the Rwandan army drove the jihadists out.
And they say is Islam but don’t know who’s behind these goons. We know who’s doing to this to Mozambican
Sadly our neighbours misfortune also befalls upon Southern Tanzania villages along River Ruvuma ....these people operate in Northern Mozambique pass through the border from Tanzania and some bribed citizens in exchange of money for foods and water ...they invaded in 2020 October in Kitaya village and took women , killed and burnt the village down ...sadly the Tanzania govt denied the threat to ever taken place...i wonder why!!!? These jihadists who finance them ? Why and to what end?
They are funded by some countries from the middle East, because of the discovery of oil
Those resources they are extracted from the country. How much of those resources are going back to the people and the citizen Mozambique. Those companies that's taking those resources. They should be tax to the max to bring in Revenue to Rebuild Mozambique.
The problem is not they paying taxes, is the people who control the taxes stuff their own pockets and the population sees very little of it 😂 same thing all over the continent, the money is there, what they lack is honest administration.
Why it’s 85% of the video burred
You have problem with maths?
In our ancestral land we are considered illegal miners. Foreigners are trusted with our minerals as we continue to wallow in poverty. So painful
Why do you have to blur everything?
Proud to come from the strongest military country (Rwanda turahana)
So how come .. almost every African country has mineral … and we are still poor … is this a curse or what !!
Too much corruption
Crime is absolutely nuts with electric fences basically everywhere
looting mozambique..
Why was it blurred. Nothing was happening then ?
In this video I remember when years ago I was watching TV and my friend asked me if I wanted to work so I said yes and he came and picked me up and it was a FRENCH restaurant and the EXECUTIVE CHEF was Daniel Dufort and I was attending the CULINARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA UPSTATE NEW YORK STATE and he taught me NOUVELLE CUISINE and I worked for him for 2 years and he taught me salads and desserts all classical French and that opened the door for me and the rest is history and in HONOLULU HAWAII which there are not to many FRENCH restaurants because they are very expensive and my family came a couple of times but my father didn't care about the bill and not to often did he take us out so it was a treat and I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters plus ma.
As usual, Java scores with another documentary
Haven't they discovered Oil in this part of Mozambique ?
They discovered Gas, not oil.
You went a bit too heavy on the censorship. I can't continue
@43:28 that jacket had 4 pockets
Jesus is The Answer. Jesus is LORD and Savior of the universe. Run to Him
Jesus loves you.
Nor does it need any European countries in its borders !
Why is soo much blurred?
Wow. Great doci
very childish to blur parts! unless you want to raise yr channel to the ground too.
That's Africa no leadership like zim the next door
i dont think the islamic state is bringing anything positive to this world
The faster Africa gets the West off its territory the better off it will be. We don't have much time to waste; we must take action now!!!
Africans seem to not be able to handle themselves, this is very embarrassing for mozambique
What Africa needs to get rid of is islam not what you're saying. Is the west that brought jihad in Mozambique? You've hatred on people who actually help you. Look at your country sir, analyze what your government is doing to help you develop without stealing a single coin from the money it collects from you people through taxes. Then on the other hand, think about the help in millions of dollars your country receive from the same west you're bringing in a war that is as a result of middle east religion. You don't need to be so angry and show too much hatred for people who help you to be were you are.
China is there instead
Things were so peaceful before they showed up right? 🤣
Check out (CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM DEBATES) very informative
Why Africa has been in such poor shape as a whole is because the world takes so much from Africa. Europe is much to blame for Africa's woes. Let that sink in.
Africa was much better off under European rule.
Religion the world's biggest killer
"Protected from tourists": shows illegal fishing nets
Everywhere in this Earth the name of jihadis n radicalisme just brought suffer..
3:43 the next level of blurriness even in efing TV this doesn't happen, our internet is dead. Censorship will kill internet.
Watched until the blurred out section. Pointless censorship!!!
Tragic 😥
Rebuild my brother bigger we have some young leaders is on the arising
Come together leader of Africa do the best for all African God bless Africa.... Africa don't need no puppet president God bless Africa
The French will never lose a war cause no army can run away from a battle as fast as the French
Foreigners are not illegal. But the citizens are? SMH
weird if you have a VPN on to france you can not view this video
What is the point ov bluring out your documentary when i ca see Russians get hammed in 4k fpv drones?
All the wealth will be headed to Paris soon.
Nice Zambia is Zimbabwe
surprise surprise..the religion of peace not being very peaceful
How all of the companies are from Europe. The exploitation continues. Haven’t they taken enough. All they can do is give them fertilisers and tractors. They are not investing in educating the native. They just keep on exploiting,creating wars. Africa is a huge project for exploitation. 😢
Because extracting resources in bulk require technology that takes decades to develop, and a lot of money. Most of these countries can't fund or have to luxury to wait. Just use the taxes you get the correct way and in 2-3 generations you're a developed country. Real problem is local corruption.
Mousa Bin Bique/Mousa Ali Bique was a name of an Arab sultan that the Portuguese found him there as part of first enslavers exploiting Indian ocean
stop blurring every image.We are watching to understand not to feel sorry.
Most of it is clear! What are you on about?
Living in extreme poverty, has 7 children 😂
See what is happening in somalia and North sudan always fighting instead of leaving in peace
Funny how you don´t even mention the South African soldiers fighting in this region in support of Mozambique
Can Africans change to have compassion?
LOL no
Can Europeans change to have compassion?
“The UN has chartered a private jet” meanwhile I am always told the UN has no money whatsoever 😅
Colonisation, Religion , imperialism, Rasicim , our African brother had never have a chance to breathe..and enjoy there wealth
What's the reason now?
@paulovicente5781 not a problem but the cause imagine you having your legs and never get to use them it's like that..
It's not going to be easy
We have allowed the group to grow
We have to stop their supply route of weapons
Jip, been there, seen it, from another angle... take their rubies and teach them how to grow tomatoes...
Typical exploitation of Africa's poor....
This never happened pre 94... South Africa lements the day democracy occurred 😔. Such a waste
What never happened before 1994, war in Mozambique? Before 1994, Mozambique experienced a civil war that killed thousands and displaced millions. The apartheid regime sponsored the rebels, RENAMO, that committed atrocities throughout the country. You are either too young to remember what went on in Mozambique in the eighties or you are a naive racist white guy.
Why mention south Africa in Mozambican problems.
4:54 Rwanda Military is nowhere near the best of Africa
The risk of IEDs are also huge
All that resources and they won't even hire it's locals...while French & European ppl have oceanside villas living in bliss . .
Is this documentary sponsored by the Rwandan government? It wasn’t only the Rwandan army
"... ancient trading post to India..." a place of torture and inhuman treatment of Africans.
Trade that was happening to India and Middle East before the europeans ever set foot on the country, don't forget. Gold, ivory and people were the main products of the continent for millenia.
Ancient yes, but now???
Illegal in my house???
Daesh. Nasty methods with same ideology that wouldn't be shared in a asylum.
as usual religion ruins all
It doesn't if you use some basic knowledge you'll know that most of the problems facing Africa is not religious
Where there are riches there is war.
Whenever there’s oil somewhere you see Europeans and UN flocking there , in fact minerals , one day is one day we will manage our own resources ourselves , they always accusing local officials as if they had a choice , obey or you pay with your life.
Check out (CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM DEBATES) very informative