16 missiles are for show and tell purposes. The sale afterwards is far beyond a mere "16", which isn't even a battery. Perhaps they meant 16 batteries encompassing 72 missiles each. That seems to be the minimum as far as any US missile sale.
US bases have nothing to do with independent Japanese purchases. US Base weapons purchases are determined by Congress, not outside purchases, such as Japanese airbases. Japanese purchases are offensive in nature and there are minimum purchase numbers. Defense manufactures are not about to load up normal US purchases lines with a foreign order. Foreign purchases are a separate production line.
Awesome missile hopefully they get the LRASM for anti ship defence too.
I was thinking the same thing.
Japan has both C-130s and Kawasaki C-2
perfect candidates for the Rapid Dragon with the JASSM or even Japanese made missiles
Wouldn't LRASM make more sense than JASSM-ER ?
Software whats inside cost more then exterior.
Money is services cost.
16 missiles are for show and tell purposes. The sale afterwards is far beyond a mere "16", which isn't even a battery. Perhaps they meant 16 batteries encompassing 72 missiles each. That seems to be the minimum as far as any US missile sale.
Every extension cost 100k a KM.
You don't need an F35 for these missiles to work...
Can make it happen with old planes...
Can sink many ship with that JAGR Penetrator combo
Because without that nothing happens properly. Overhead biy will of overseeing supervisors and boss legislation.
US bases have nothing to do with independent Japanese purchases. US Base weapons purchases are determined by Congress, not outside purchases, such as Japanese airbases. Japanese purchases are offensive in nature and there are minimum purchase numbers. Defense manufactures are not about to load up normal US purchases lines with a foreign order. Foreign purchases are a separate production line.
What are 16 missiles supposed to do?
I was just thinking the same thing. They need 1600, not 16. Maybe take up Anduril on their offer?
Its a start. It will grow.
Well the 16 they buy this year will go well with the 50 they bought last year. So that will be 66.
Reverse engineering? Clueless U?
@@gutstompenrockerJapan bought 50 last yr
Good, Xi needs the migraines.
why does japan have to acquire anything when you have permanent base there since 1945? then south korea and others will ask for this also
IBM = improvised binary missile.
16? Not sure why they would bother...
Possibly just for testing.
16 is just this purchase. They bought 50 last time.