SCP-1013 │ Cockatrice │ Keter │ Predatory/Reptile SCP

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @daniell1483
    @daniell1483 10 місяців тому +748

    What I find weird is how the "local communities" dismissed this anomaly without the need for amnestics. Almost like they thought this SCP was just a normal fact of life. How strange!

    • @BeyondAIR15
      @BeyondAIR15 10 місяців тому +107

      Hit em with the old folk lore

    • @EnriqueLaberintico
      @EnriqueLaberintico 10 місяців тому +39

      Well, this was written for the 1kon with the theme being urban legends.

    • @raulportela3039
      @raulportela3039 10 місяців тому +148

      It's hilarious to me. Imagine how the post op conversation must have went;
      "Okay, how much amnestics did we expend?"
      "OH, none, sir."
      "What do you mean?"
      "We did a sweep of the town and everyone thinks it was bullshit anyway, so we didn't bother wasting anything. We just left"
      "Huh....well. good work. Now go fight a reality warping 9 year old with black holes for knees or something, idk"

    • @daniell1483
      @daniell1483 10 місяців тому +81

      @@raulportela3039 Exactly! I think this is the only SCP (that I've read at least) where there was essentially zero need for a coverup because the people already exposed to the anomaly just... accept it, I guess. "Oh yeah, the government came through and wiped out the cockatrice infestation. They've been out of control this season."
      So bizarre!

    • @orcsareevil
      @orcsareevil 10 місяців тому +24

      I've seen mad things in real life. I accepted it, my friend rationalized it into ridiculousness. Sometimes accepting the unreal seems far less insane to me.

  • @dunamisd
    @dunamisd 10 місяців тому +559

    Oh shit, thats clever, it has an adaptation that lets it make a startling noise preying on our instinct to look directly at potential threats i love it

    • @WobblesandBean
      @WobblesandBean 10 місяців тому +18

      I know, that part was really cool.

    • @damenwhelan3236
      @damenwhelan3236 10 місяців тому +20

      It affects those who look first.
      There are people who run first.
      I call the following story the birth of monsters.
      Long long ago. In the time before writing.
      2 people out hunting.
      They hear a noise.
      1 turns to look the other runs away.
      The one what turned to look gets eaten by a lion.
      The one who ran to safety tells everyone their friend was eaten by a monster.

    • @Fisher_Films
      @Fisher_Films 4 місяці тому

      “Clever girl…”

    • @twilightwings9582
      @twilightwings9582 Місяць тому

      Very cool, but I would simply wind uwu

  • @Secret_Takodachi
    @Secret_Takodachi 10 місяців тому +101

    Thank god for that blind division of MTF
    "Three Blind Mice" those guys have managed to handle several sight based anomalies like they were puppies with their skills!

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 Місяць тому

      They brought to mind the time Oliver North sneered at the U.N. inspectors as "Hans Blix and his Blind Mice" because they weren't finding any of Saddam Hussein's nuclear arsenal.
      AFAIK, he never apologized to them, after Iraq was invaded and it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Saddam had never reactivated his nuclear program.

  • @IntergalacticPirateRadio
    @IntergalacticPirateRadio 10 місяців тому +392

    Agent: So, honestly speaking... Would you rather keep watch over the Monsters, or-
    Agent: Monsters, any day.
    Agent: Really?
    Agent: Listen Rookie, i was here when the whole "Cicada Jesus" thing went down. After that, i'll take guarding Monsters over metaphysical nightmare scenarios every day of the *week*.

    • @Netbro678
      @Netbro678 10 місяців тому +8

      Can you edit it to agent 1 and agent 2, cuz I m little bad at English and it's confusing to me to understand especially the last paragraph, I can't understand which agent is speaking

    • @bettinahuntenburg488
      @bettinahuntenburg488 10 місяців тому +6

      @@Netbro678 the first and third lines are the new ‘rookie’ agent. The second and fourth lines are the experienced agent giving advice.

    • @Mondy667
      @Mondy667 10 місяців тому +11

      Nice Cousins Johnny -3004 reference

    • @IntergalacticPirateRadio
      @IntergalacticPirateRadio 10 місяців тому

      I thought so too, lol.@@Mondy667

    • @bluegum6438
      @bluegum6438 10 місяців тому +3

      @@Mondy667 I'm glad that other people enjoyed that page as much as I did

  • @Lorric101
    @Lorric101 10 місяців тому +131

    Surprised no one has anything to say about how gruesome and horrific a way to die it would be to fall prey to this thing. It would be bad enough if it just went to town on you, but it wants living tissue so it's going to keep you alive as long as it can while it feeds on you.

    • @Silverserri
      @Silverserri 10 місяців тому +17

      This is why nature in its basic, non-SCP form still scares me. Jewel wasps and spider wasps give me the screemie meemies.

    • @cosmicmuse2195
      @cosmicmuse2195 10 місяців тому +10

      Yeah as horrific as this is... It's just a supernatural flavoring of the scary crap we actually have in our world.

  • @EnragedPhoenix91
    @EnragedPhoenix91 10 місяців тому +139

    You can tell this is from an older article from the Keter designation. A long while ago it was meant for the danger of a subject rather than the difficulty containing it, and this one has tricks but it's really not that troublesome.

    • @bugjams
      @bugjams 10 місяців тому +26

      I was also wondering why this thing was Keter. Seems Euclid at worst.

    • @johnathanmonsen6567
      @johnathanmonsen6567 10 місяців тому +48

      Except for the whole part where they escaped containment and reached triple digit numbers. That's pretty Keter-like.

    • @kamirostorino9416
      @kamirostorino9416 10 місяців тому +17

      yea... immagine if the escaped the containment and spread around... i think Australia has that problem with actual rabits

    • @DeathKhan
      @DeathKhan 10 місяців тому

      I was thinking so as well, until it got to the reproduction cycle. That it can rapidly propagate itself and slip out of containment quickly enough to "infest a site" to the point that it took two solid months to wipe out seems a step beyond Euclid to me. It's definitely in the "older Keter" zone, but that mass reproduction feels like a potential time bomb waiting to happen.

    • @zombieranger3410
      @zombieranger3410 10 місяців тому

      Its a bio-weapon, that multiplies as fast as it can find food. However, it can’t escape a metal box. Why it was able to escape multiple times is beyond me, just keep the doors locked and drop food down a hole. If mess is a concern then use a robot. Especially with these old posts they make the Foundation out to be incompetent enough to not even be able to run a nuclear reactor without its core “breaching containment” every month. “Oops Jerry sat on the “release horrible monster” button and now 30 people died but don’t worry its all cleaned up won’t happen again”.

  • @SymbioteMullet
    @SymbioteMullet 10 місяців тому +109

    I know interactions between SCPs are generally discouraged as part of the reports, but i really want to know what occurs if you put this in the same room as Peanut, given that it stares things down...

    • @raistlarn
      @raistlarn 10 місяців тому +38

      Peanut kills it. It'll eventually blink or ignore Peanut, because it's not living. The second either of those happens **SNAP** dead cockatrice.

    • @ngcf4238
      @ngcf4238 10 місяців тому +2

      I'd also like to see what would happen to 682

    • @Ravus_Sapiens
      @Ravus_Sapiens 10 місяців тому +26

      ​@@raistlarnnot necessarily, some reptiles and birds have secondary transparent eyelids (called a nictitating membrane). If that includes 1013, then blinking wouldn't disrupt line of sight.

    • @jackhazardous4008
      @jackhazardous4008 10 місяців тому +1

      Its all fun and games until you find out this horrible monster you were using against this other horrible monster came from the same "set" of parts.

  • @MrMementoMori
    @MrMementoMori 10 місяців тому +165

    The model looks great. It’s a lizard creepy yet amazing looking model.

    • @EmonWBKstudios
      @EmonWBKstudios 10 місяців тому +11

      I think this is image generation, not artwork.

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому +2

      @@EmonWBKstudios How is "image generation" not artwork?
      Whether you generate an image with pencils on paper, paint on canvas, clay on a wire frame or pixels on a computer screen, it's all the human mind generating an image using some medium or other.

    • @MaledictGaming
      @MaledictGaming 10 місяців тому +15

      @@arcadiaberger9204 I think he meant that it's AI generated (generated by an autonomous program trained to recycle artwork it has seen in the past).
      Could be either way honestly, the black and white shading doesn't help figuring out if it is rendered 3D or higly detailed 2D. However I don't recall Volgun ever not doing his models...

    • @Misanthropy_Incarnate
      @Misanthropy_Incarnate 10 місяців тому +10

      @@EmonWBKstudiosthe volgun does them himself. He’s a good artist.

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому +2

      @@MaledictGaming Ah, I get it. Yes, the so-called "AI Art" is disturbingly good, since it's basically a really good method of swiping artwork from many different human creators.
      My guess, though, is that @Misantropy_Incarnate is right, that the Volgun created this, as with most of the art on Volgun videos.

  • @arcadiaberger9204
    @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому +113

    I once devised a "natural history" for the Gorgon species, in which it had one female form, a biped somewhat larger than a human called a Medusa, and three different quadrupedal male forms: the raccoon-sized Cockatrice, the crocodile-sized Basilisk and the bison-sized Catoblepas.
    A Medusa would claim a territory and prevent any other Medusa from living in it. She would mate with any Cockatrice, Basilisk or Catoblepas she encountered and found appealing. Basilisks can easily drive out Cockatrices, of course, and Catoblepases can easily drive out Basilisks. A Catoblepas can claim a Medusa's territory for himself and keep any other Catoblepas away, also.
    When a Catoblepas has cleared away all of the Basilisks and Catoblepases, it becomes easy for Cockatrices to infiltrate a Medusa's territory, and very difficult for a single Catoblepas to chase the tiny Cockatrices out of the Medusa's territory. Thus, the Medusa is more likely to bear Cockatrice cubs instead of Catoblepas calves.
    [This life cycle actually takes place in at least one lizard species.]

    • @Washeek
      @Washeek 10 місяців тому +4

      which one?

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Washeek Aw, Hell, IDR which one. Read about it years ago in one of the popular science magazines.

    • @williamklemp3764
      @williamklemp3764 10 місяців тому +9

      That's....pretty lit LOOOOORE, and I'm totally not gunna steal it for my DnD games 😂

    • @damenwhelan3236
      @damenwhelan3236 10 місяців тому +2

      I will find the lizard.

    • @skremblo
      @skremblo 10 місяців тому +1

      @@damenwhelan3236 i am here for cool lizard facts

  • @ajzephyros7454
    @ajzephyros7454 10 місяців тому +27

    Would have made so much more sense for the locals to be totally blasé about this thing if they found it in Australia

    • @jwalster9412
      @jwalster9412 10 місяців тому +3

      "No cover up was needed, as none of the locals in the area seemed frightened or scared, most presumably assumed it was a local species, further more some even asked a reward to capture the anomaly, but we're later declined.."

  • @jwalster9412
    @jwalster9412 10 місяців тому +19

    What's interesting is that they only found 1 instance, if they were any later finding this anomaly, it could have gotten out of hand really quickly.

    • @han3wmanwukong125
      @han3wmanwukong125 10 місяців тому +3

      There was an infestation at one point and it apparently did get out of hand. Whatxs weird is that if something like this was found, how many out in the wild are really out there? I mean if you look at it, it kills you.

  • @comotastu
    @comotastu 10 місяців тому +10

    an oldie but goodie, from back when keter didnt mean instant maddness or timeline deletion, amazing video as always

  • @timobrien2738
    @timobrien2738 10 місяців тому +13

    As rooster he calls the new day's beginning
    As dragon he roasts those guilty of sinning

  • @mikebertonica4443
    @mikebertonica4443 10 місяців тому +16

    Also, the long ones are GREAT. I’m sure it’s a lot of work but just full send 3 hours a week man! You kill your readings dude

    • @mikebertonica4443
      @mikebertonica4443 10 місяців тому

      Never enough

    • @false_guru
      @false_guru 10 місяців тому +3

      He’s also gotta create the scp model and edit. Sadly this takes even longer on a longer video

  • @primordialious6945
    @primordialious6945 10 місяців тому +5

    I need to make an SCP so stupid that it is terrifying, and have the containment procedure involve people having multi different classes of insurance.

  • @atimidbirb
    @atimidbirb 10 місяців тому +5

    It´s kind of an adorable image to imagine a baby cockatrice hiding in a shoe

  • @scionofdorn9101
    @scionofdorn9101 10 місяців тому +6

    True story, one of the first things I ever killed in D&D back in the 80s was a cockatrice.

  • @mercury5003
    @mercury5003 10 місяців тому +3

    Ive always liked how your thumbnails red border doesn't close at the bottom so it only fills in after youve watched the video

  • @jestersmith9349
    @jestersmith9349 10 місяців тому +13

    It’s always exciting to see a video so soon to release! This one was interesting, I love when they speculate about SCP biology! Mean chicken

  • @Anon_Spartan
    @Anon_Spartan 9 місяців тому +2

    I would not have been surprised if the 54m range of the Cockatrice's stare was directly from the Monster Manual.

  • @JustBackgroundNoise
    @JustBackgroundNoise 10 місяців тому +6

    Gotta keep you mirror shield handy.

  • @MrMoorfrosch
    @MrMoorfrosch 10 місяців тому +1

    Nice spin on classic depictions of basilisks, half rooster half snake.

  • @redacteddata
    @redacteddata 10 місяців тому +1

    You're alive and kicking!
    And the stocks seem to show that we have one less SCP-500 "Panacea" in containment.
    The science dept is ok with this; you're fundamental to our research.

  • @kungfuskull
    @kungfuskull 9 місяців тому +1

    Okay, it was just amazingly lucky timing: but my headphones died after the logo at start, but before the speech began. So... I thought it was supposed to be a joke about Millar calcifying. 🤦‍♂️

  • @MrQuantumInc
    @MrQuantumInc 10 місяців тому +4

    Of course it can reproduce rapidly, of course.

  • @Thangarth
    @Thangarth 10 місяців тому +5

    Wonder what you would get if you put SCP-1013 inside SCP-914 and set the settings to "fine".

    • @jackpowwe9012
      @jackpowwe9012 10 місяців тому +4

      Go back to your corner Dr. Bright

    • @Amigo21189
      @Amigo21189 10 місяців тому +1

      Not sure what happens on "fine," but on "very fine" it turns into a totally normal chicken and now the boys in the lab are all kinds of confused.

    • @jwalster9412
      @jwalster9412 10 місяців тому

      A handsome chicken.

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому +2

      Coarse setting: A substance which looks and tastes very much like ground chicken (and is fatal withon one hour of being consumed).
      1:1 setting: Interestingly, not a Cockatrice, but a dozen eggs with a leathery surface much like reptile eggs, which hatch into hairless warm-blooded lizardlike animals described by researchers as "Basilisks".
      Fine setting: An infant mammal resembling a tiny American bison. As it grows to adulthood, it weighs 800-1000 kilograms, described by researchers as "Catoblepas".
      Very Fine setting: A hairless creature resembling a human infant girl with snakes growing from her scalp . . . .

  • @MrPrussianjester
    @MrPrussianjester 2 місяці тому

    I miss old designations. Simple and to the point. Why they could just add on words like "optical" for the sense it effects I'll never know. Optical keter threat sounds cool.

  • @NemoEtNihil
    @NemoEtNihil 10 місяців тому +1

    Nothing beats a good, old fashioned "scary monster" SCP.

  • @colchronic
    @colchronic 10 місяців тому +1

    Class: keter
    Foundation: yeah but we can turn this into a bio weapon right

  • @lordshmaxx4810
    @lordshmaxx4810 10 місяців тому +2

    Hey Volgun, been watching your videos for some time now and I love all you've been able to teach me about the SCP universe. I was mostly here wondering if you'd take a request, for the release of Alan Wake 2 i think you should do a video of SCP-696. I didn't see any video of it from you when I started doing more digging about the game and would love what you'd have to share about it. Hopefully this makes it too you, keep up the amazing content.

  • @brianlewolfhunt
    @brianlewolfhunt 10 місяців тому

    Casualty report. 2 civilian deaths pre capture, 1 foundation death during capture, and 20 staff calcified during a breach. There is also the swarm event causing more foundation deaths, but the amount was not specified. As of the reported deaths, there are 23.
    But come on, that thing is adorable!

  • @ReachEvilCity
    @ReachEvilCity 5 місяців тому

    Im surprised this wasn’t given a possible nk class grey goo scenario warning.
    Edit: I just realized this was a series 2 scp so it probably would have one if it was made today

  • @farenthor7409
    @farenthor7409 10 місяців тому +1

    Bit confused why this one is classified as a Keter. None of the abilities listed would keep it from being contained or allow it to just break containment whenever it wanted to. I’d definitely rank it as Euclid since it’s been contained but still has the potential to break out and cause problems if it multiplied.
    Maybe the keter is because they’re not sure if all instances are contained? Idk 🤔

    • @awesomeman8385
      @awesomeman8385 5 місяців тому

      This is older. Originally the rankings were based on how dangerous it was to a person/group of people. Later the rankings were changed and made official

  • @billheathcock
    @billheathcock 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for posting 😸

  • @SodaPopBarbecue
    @SodaPopBarbecue 10 місяців тому

    Gears's mastery of clinical tone is a model for the main part of articles.

  • @normfredriksen1381
    @normfredriksen1381 10 місяців тому +3

    Ok. Now I'm looking at the blue belly lizards in my yard from a whole new light. 😮

  • @alistaircraig7849
    @alistaircraig7849 4 місяці тому

    Volgun, we need a big, scary one soon.

  • @Stormfin
    @Stormfin 10 місяців тому +1

    I wonder how -1013 would interact with -096.
    I'm dead serious, what would happen if a bunch of -1013 broke into -096's holding cell and tried to make it look at them?

  • @DJCallidus
    @DJCallidus 10 місяців тому +1

    I do appreciate a good old fashioned monster. 🐉🐍💀

  • @daemon.running
    @daemon.running 10 місяців тому +1

    Hm. It seems contained. I wonder what the reasoning for the Keter classification is.

  • @SolidifiedHoney
    @SolidifiedHoney 10 місяців тому +1

    It needs eye contact, but if the subject is blind does it start the process or not?

  • @alucard3374
    @alucard3374 9 місяців тому

    DAMN. It took 8 weeks to kill a bunch of these tiny reptiles, fighting something you can’t look in the eye is terrifying.

  • @o80y1
    @o80y1 7 місяців тому

    I’m surprised that the GOC hasn’t tried to neutralise this anomaly lol

  • @bigboygamez9176
    @bigboygamez9176 10 місяців тому

    This takes the term cobra chicken to a whole new level

  • @SONICgokuverine
    @SONICgokuverine 10 місяців тому +1

    Love me a good old fashioned critter SCP

  • @SyntheticHuman01
    @SyntheticHuman01 10 місяців тому +1

    Scp 3199 the human chicken, i wonder what would happen if they both ran into eachother?

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean 10 місяців тому +1

    I love the visual! I like lizards and birbs.

  • @basimaziz
    @basimaziz 8 місяців тому

    Y'know, some of these SCP's are too dangerous to let live.
    This one definitely falls under that category.
    "It could be a bio-weapon-" It could also bend us over royally. Axe it.

    • @oddbunchyeet28
      @oddbunchyeet28 7 місяців тому

      I mean, the foundation doesn't really axe scp's all that much. There purpose is to hide the anomalous and protect humanity, doesn't mean they need to kill the anomalous and I'm sure the 05 have very reasonable reasons, given the 05 could be anomalous themselves I imagine that don't want to set a precedent for murder anomalous things.

  • @EnriqueLaberintico
    @EnriqueLaberintico 10 місяців тому +4

    Pointless commentary incoming:
    You know... I know it was the first kon, but the slots the SCP-1000 contestants picked always seemed odd to me. Of course there's no-brainers like 1111, 1001 and 1666; but then the other ones are so damn random. Alright, 1337 is elite, 1448 is BEES in hex, but how does one choose numbers like 1013 or 1102 (no 1100??)? And the elephant in the room is no 1999, which was afterwards taken by a random AWCY article. Maybe there was but it got deleted along the way.
    Idk, I was waiting for the opportunity to say it, and finally got it out.

  • @lapidations
    @lapidations 10 місяців тому +1

    Male chicken enjoyers Vs Rooster connoisseurs

  • @realMrVent
    @realMrVent 9 місяців тому

    Nothing tops the 1000 and 2000 series SCPs. They're written to such a high standard!

  • @OldJerzyDevil
    @OldJerzyDevil 10 місяців тому

    Possibly the scariest Keter I've ever heard of!

  • @Sebboebbo
    @Sebboebbo 10 місяців тому +1

    Da king is back baby he neva miss

  • @ZalmanBroocker
    @ZalmanBroocker 8 місяців тому

    I love this channel. I sort of miss the 3d models. The ai is fine, but it doesn't feel the same.

  • @kingspotsdaze2397
    @kingspotsdaze2397 9 місяців тому

    Aw…look at his little smile.
    He’s up to no good you can tell!

  • @Bibbers
    @Bibbers 10 місяців тому

    i only watch these videos to hear The Volgun switch to his native dialect and read “Big Sip.”
    I have to watch the video from the beginning to get that build up.

  • @punkuke
    @punkuke 10 місяців тому

    This was really cool, though I'm not sure I understand how agents only found one of these in Egypt given the way their reproduction is described.

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean 10 місяців тому +2

    Why they haven't they tried to use this against 682?

    • @3rdEyeMangekyoRinnegan
      @3rdEyeMangekyoRinnegan 10 місяців тому +1

      682 would emit a toxic oder to discourage the bird. Calcification would be a non-factor as well even if just after 1 exposure, and we know that bird would not want a physical combat with 682

  • @MrDEMarq
    @MrDEMarq 10 місяців тому

    I'm late, but it's nice to see another CLASSIC FAVORITE. 💯

  • @VultureXV
    @VultureXV 10 місяців тому

    With a reproductive strategy like that, it suggests this species is commonly a mid-level animal and frequently prey.

  • @irespondtotheads7453
    @irespondtotheads7453 Місяць тому

    It turns you into an eggshell for its young 😮

  • @katerinachelmis568
    @katerinachelmis568 10 місяців тому

    If you told me this was in Australia I wouldn’t question it

  • @3XC4L1B3R
    @3XC4L1B3R 10 місяців тому

    Nothing like a good old fashioned mythological creature.

  • @Slutlyfe
    @Slutlyfe 10 місяців тому

    This whole entry I was thinking " ok but that's still Euclid" then the restricted section at the end happened lol. NVM keter makes sense

  • @the1misscinny
    @the1misscinny 5 місяців тому

    Just need to use the 'Soft' item from Final Fantasy.

  • @SuperSonic68
    @SuperSonic68 10 місяців тому +3

    Does this really require Keter-class containment?
    Feed it a rabbit once a day. Done. How is this Keter.

  • @terrysherron2581
    @terrysherron2581 10 місяців тому

    What an amazing birthday gift

  • @MoldyPoff
    @MoldyPoff 10 місяців тому

    Nice surprise there, damn, I was not expecting that.

  • @nebricback1430
    @nebricback1430 10 місяців тому

    Now this is metal

  • @Balrog4242
    @Balrog4242 10 місяців тому +19

    "I challenge you to make a cute thing the worst SCP in the world then have it just keep getting worse for 11 minutes." "Challenge accepted."

  • @asgarion9938
    @asgarion9938 10 місяців тому +1

    Luh calm fit

  • @wagz781
    @wagz781 10 місяців тому

    Man they slap keter on anything nowadays. Considering containment failures seem to only occur due to outside interference, it should probably be classified as Safe instead.

  • @AllanVelazquez
    @AllanVelazquez 10 місяців тому +1

    Can you cover Scp 7881 I would like that

  • @gewhiz1494
    @gewhiz1494 10 місяців тому

    It’s kind of adorable.

  • @seangoz
    @seangoz 10 місяців тому

    Luh calm fit, nothing too extravagant

  • @justinschauwecker
    @justinschauwecker 9 місяців тому

    The cockatrice has the reputed ability to kill people by either looking at them-"the death-darting eye of Cockatrice"- touching them, or sometimes breathing on them.
    It was repeated in the late-medieval bestiaries that the weasel is the only animal that is immune to the glance of a cockatrice.

  • @joshuab.8108
    @joshuab.8108 10 місяців тому

    Do you have any plans of uploading the rest of your SCP Explained to Spotify?

  • @VersusMe101
    @VersusMe101 6 місяців тому


  • @JemmaSinclair
    @JemmaSinclair 10 місяців тому +3


  • @Roadvoice
    @Roadvoice 9 місяців тому

    I knew this little fella from DnD... didn't knew it was also an SCP. Great entry!

  • @kanadakid147
    @kanadakid147 10 місяців тому +2

    So its a cockitrace/basalisk? Neat!

    • @arcadiaberger9204
      @arcadiaberger9204 10 місяців тому

      I once devised a "natural history" for the Gorgon species, in which it had one female form, a biped somewhat larger than a human called a Medusa, and three different quadrupedal male forms: the raccoon-sized Cockatrice, the crocodile-sized Basilisk and the bison-sized Catoblepas.
      A Medusa would claim a territory and prevent any other Medusa from living in it. She would mate with any Cockatrice, Basilisk or Catoblepas she encountered and found appealing. Basilisks can easily drive out Cockatrices, of course, and Catoblepases can easily drive out Basilisks. A Catoblepas can claim a Medusa's territory for himself and keep any other Catoblepas away, also.
      When a Catoblepas has cleared away all of the Basilisks and Catoblepases, it becomes easy for Cockatrices to infiltrate a Medusa's territory, and very difficult for a single Catoblepas to chase the tiny Cockatrices out of the Medusa's territory. Thus, the Medusa is more likely to bear Cockatrice cubs instead of Catoblepas calves.
      [This life cycle actually takes place in at least one lizard species.]

  • @ashleighstratmann7783
    @ashleighstratmann7783 10 місяців тому

    I think Dr. Bob has a video on this SCP

  • @blackdogairsoft7163
    @blackdogairsoft7163 10 місяців тому

    Oh, so it's a basilisk

  • @GreenGj-
    @GreenGj- 10 місяців тому

    oh boy its 3PM!

  • @MrDEMarq
    @MrDEMarq 10 місяців тому

    Gonna wait till halloween to listen to the classic chicken-man S.C.P
    That one still gives me the creeps.

  • @subarachaos104
    @subarachaos104 6 місяців тому

    is it bad i want one as a pet?

  • @K11NNGG
    @K11NNGG 5 місяців тому

    Oh hey it’s a basilisk

  • @graver5032
    @graver5032 10 місяців тому

    why the hell they got the dark n darker bird on scp readings 😭

  • @rodneypeterson8322
    @rodneypeterson8322 10 місяців тому

    🤔might be able to take out 682

  • @catherinejaddii828
    @catherinejaddii828 10 місяців тому

    You can defeat it by wielding a mirror shield.

  • @TheAbigailDee
    @TheAbigailDee 10 місяців тому

    The model is kinda cute though 😢

  • @markchang2964
    @markchang2964 10 місяців тому +1


  • @DerrickPark-zq8yk
    @DerrickPark-zq8yk 10 місяців тому

    I gotta get a tattoo of it.

  • @drakelanam3073
    @drakelanam3073 18 днів тому

    Permission to test scp-1013 against scp-682?

  • @chunison
    @chunison 10 місяців тому

    That's just Chris Kattan

  • @lastofthe4horsemen279
    @lastofthe4horsemen279 10 місяців тому

    That is one mean creature

  • @alexanderrupert4379
    @alexanderrupert4379 10 місяців тому

    A basilisk.

  • @VultureXV
    @VultureXV 10 місяців тому

    This is just instructions for a pet lizard.

  • @legitusername-zl7to
    @legitusername-zl7to 10 місяців тому

    You should try scp 556 or scp 7868

  • @Molonara
    @Molonara 10 місяців тому +12

    This looks like AI artwork, which is extremely disappointing. I miss the 3D models he used to use. Even if it took more time to put out videos, I would prefer that then using a Generative, Art Stealing, Program.

    • @aliaslocket5856
      @aliaslocket5856 3 місяці тому +3

      Absolutely, I love TheVolgun he’s talented artist. This is extremely disappointing…. I hope he stops eventually, until than I don’t think can watch anything that has AI images/art.