Part 1: Tattoos - What Does The Bible Say?

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @BarcaDive
    @BarcaDive 11 років тому +23

    No don't try to follow the commandments from the law! You will fail in it and then be judged by the same law...
    Follow the two commandments:
    Love God with all your heart, mind and soul.
    Love others like you love yourself.
    Love is the fulfillment of the law! Love cannot do evil!
    If you love God and the way he created you, don't change it by putting permanent marks ( tattoo's on it ). Love God and love the way you are made by him.

  • @Mike-sg9tl
    @Mike-sg9tl 6 років тому +19

    I had many tattoos before I was born again and I sincerely believe that they are un-holy and un-Godly. Romans 12: 1 - 3 tells us that we must offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord, and not to be conformed by this world, and that we must prove ourselves to be perfect & acceptable in the will of God. Paul also tells us that if our conscience tells us that something is a Sin, and we ignore it, then we are sinning. I strongly feel that any worldly tattoo that isn't representing our savior Christ Jesus or the Holy Spirit or thus the teachings of, is an abomination against the Lord! Just because we are saved does not mean we can live without fear of God, once we are saved we must walk a righteous & Holy life with Christ. If you have tattoos like I do, repent and beg for forgiveness

  • @marleyjohnson8938
    @marleyjohnson8938 3 роки тому +7

    God is god, he can do whatever he wants to his hands. We cannot

  • @blessedmommy73
    @blessedmommy73 13 років тому +9

    I have one tatoo, and I'm so proud of it. It says "God is my Judge"...and I wear it with pride. It's the meaning of my name, but I agree with it completely!

  • @Dustin.HealthVlog
    @Dustin.HealthVlog 10 років тому +70

    ...and be not conformed to this world (Romans 12:1-2)

    • @tooXyounique
      @tooXyounique 9 років тому +5

      Scripture also says, "i have become all things to all people that some may be saved." We have liberty in Christ as the guy was saying, but it's a matter of motive and where the heart truly is, and of course not actually going against God's Word and or taking advantage of His grace, and or causing another to stumble or be a distraction, which comes through personal conviction based on one's personal relationship with Christ.

    • @tooXyounique
      @tooXyounique 9 років тому +5

      then again there are building and walls that have intentional graffiti that is intentional and adds a beauty to that building and the surrounding community, done the right way in the right culture.


      Dustin White YA, well said, brother!!! 👍👍👍👍👍😇😇😇

  • @RealConnieMcGee
    @RealConnieMcGee 11 років тому +38

    The truth of the matter is that we can all take what we want to from what we read in the Bible. I will always stand by the belief that "if you believe something is wrong, until you are led to believe otherwise by Yahweh, then don't do it." ;)

    • @minisight2000
      @minisight2000 6 років тому

      We don't take what we want from scripture! You take ALL scripture or not!! There's a reason why it's called HIS WORD... Because everything in there is his word!!!!!!!

  • @thestr8person
    @thestr8person 12 років тому +21

    I repent of my tattoo's. I pray I am forgiven.

    • @brotherpeter3022
      @brotherpeter3022 5 років тому

      suspect God bless you. Greetings from Sweden

  • @randyyandell9520
    @randyyandell9520 10 років тому +30

    The entire teaching in Leviticus 18-19 are commands written to separate the people from the heathen nations surrounding them. "Do not defile yourself by taking on heathen culture and customs. Seems to me that's exactly what having yourself "tramp stamped"or tattooed is doing. Prison culture, gang culture , the culture of the world gone mainstream and now adopted by the Church? This will for sure will be the first generation of the church in 2000 years taking on the practice instead of separating from it. Why? because it's always been assoc. with pagan cultures and living. The reason the church has always and should continue abstaining should be obvious to all.
    Romans 12:2- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
    Lev.18:24- Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

    • @banderson6470
      @banderson6470 6 років тому +2

      Randy Yandell here’s my conviction, Jesus, the Holy Spirit & my loving Father is my guide & the director of each step and decision I make. I am more concerned about my heart and soul rather than the flesh which will pass away. My tattoo will be the reminder everyday that I am who I am ONLY because of Him. He is my everything. I am 47 and have been His servant for over 22 years now and to be honest I could care less what others think or say or how they always use the precious scriptures to condemn those who don’t interpret the scriptures the way they do.

    • @minisight2000
      @minisight2000 6 років тому


  • @Irvindzimlaz
    @Irvindzimlaz 13 років тому +19

    but does being engraved in God`s dictionary mean the same thing with what we define as engraving? what if we are translating it wrong. He is God, even if we say he has us engraved on his hands, he then clearly say to us DONT do it.

  • @blksheepramirez
    @blksheepramirez 6 років тому +16

    To the doubters... If you only follow the part that says getting ink is a sin and not the ones there after, you are a hypocrite. Plain and simple. Follow the rest of the mosaic law, since tattooing is bad. At the end of the day this gray shaded area boils down to one thing - what is my motive? Jesus loves us all regardless of tattoos or not. God is good and good is God!

  • @oksanaanderson6276
    @oksanaanderson6276 7 років тому +14

    his is the wisdom: if God said so in Liviticus that means He still does not like it, coz He is unchangeable and true to Himself. If you had tattoos before being saved, they are washed now through the blood of Jesus as a sin, but if you go to get tattoos after being saved it is an abomination to God.

  • @martinborboa4293
    @martinborboa4293 5 років тому +2

    With all due respect and love, we as a whole sometimes try to justify the things we do. Because God does something doesn’t mean we are allowed to do it. Lev.19:28 is very clear. Should God say “ Do as I say not as I do”. Love you all

    • @mountainman8775
      @mountainman8775 3 роки тому +1

      If God engraves the palm of his hand with the name of Israel, it is worth pointing out that God doesn’t have a physical body that was made by higher beings, as we do. You do well to point out the difference between a mere man and God, and that what the Father does does not equal what a man does.

  • @seekYHWHministries
    @seekYHWHministries 11 років тому +8

    Rom 10:24: "end" of the law? The verse does not end there. He (Jesus) is the "end of the law for righteousness". Under the Levitical system sacrifices were required to be declared righteous before God, but when the Messiah came, He became our High Priest and the final sacrifice putting an end to the sacrificial requirements of the law. He did not come to put and end to His instructions on how to live before Him. He came to "pleroo" the law. (Matt 5:17) pleroo=carry it out. Let's follow Him.

  • @jesusnewshalom4529
    @jesusnewshalom4529 9 років тому +19

    Those engravings are prophetic of His-(the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world-God in the flesh-Jesus's) hands. Look if I was a great graffiti artist before I was saved GOD is not mad about the train car I defiled or even if it was my own room but, If I go spray paint the name of Jesus beautifully on an assembly hall-church building, the pastor might not be to happy. You are not your own, you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body. I also used to smoke weed after I received the Holy Spirit but, gentle yet steady conviction began to come concerning my witness. I could not continue to smoke weed. God is not going to clean up one person's life and then fill another person with those same things. Religion would have you try to do it yourself but, anyone who denies that God removes these worldly passions is turning the grace of God into laciviousness. The real peace comes from knowing God will finish the work He started in you untill the day of Jesus Christ. If your peace is come as you are stay as you are, you have to realize scripture says we ought to walk in this world even as He walked in this world. Jesus wasn't at the hookah bar-smoke shop, nor the tattoo parlour, nor doing many other behaviors people don't want to let go of. If you haven't yet gotten grace to overcome, than don't be condemned, but know the mind of God is to perfect you, Leviticus has eating ordinances and such that are spiritual symbols but, you still shouldn't burn your children on an alter to baal. So don't be foolish concerning the Law of God, Love does not work ill toward his neighbor nor the body which now belongs to God. You don't yield to the desire or imagination to kill when angry, you don't meditate on adultery or coveteousness, the Law gets engraven in your heart that's the mark you want on you the one made by the finger of God! AMEN! and Amen!

    • @trustinyeshua5966
      @trustinyeshua5966 6 років тому +1

      Jesus New Shalom .....Brother, well said! God Bless you!

  • @minisight2000
    @minisight2000 6 років тому +13

    I love the Bible and how it is the authority over are lives!!!! Amen god!!!

  • @haloeg3911
    @haloeg3911 11 років тому +16

    I feel led to tell you this but Isaiah 49:16 is referring to the holes in Jesus's hands from the nails driven in them at the cross. Its speaking in future terms, being that the book of Isaiah is prophecy. This would be the lord looking into the future to us, but always remember God is not bound by time. So past, present, future is all with in the same to him. Leviticus 49:16 means what it says, and God never changes his mind. Hebrews 13:8 "(Jesus Christ)... Yesterday, Today, and Forever" G.B.

  • @theophilousgebashe923
    @theophilousgebashe923 10 років тому +19

    Well, I hear the excuse you are giving. the question is, the bible says that our bodies are the temple of God. now if you came our of your yard and find your car full of grafiti, do you think you will be happy? and do you think that God should be happy with you putting grafiti on His temple. just a thought.

    • @CriticCorp
      @CriticCorp 10 років тому

      Have you drink Coca cola?

    • @karimabubakar8632
      @karimabubakar8632 10 років тому

      human body is not a temple, how can that be posible? LOL and car aint temple too. HAHAHAHA

    • @NeilRoy
      @NeilRoy 10 років тому +1

      Very good point.

    • @tooXyounique
      @tooXyounique 9 років тому +3

      true, but graffiti has been proven art, on city walls and buildings, there is graffiti. like he said, it's the motive. and in many cases graffiti is considered art. God never intended for us to look the same with out color and distinction. Every temple has it's own beauty, some that has pictures on the walls, others that don't, that doesn't make one better or more sacred than the other. It's motive and the actual tattoo i think, and one's personal conviction that is aligned with the Word of God.

    • @dinotexas6407
      @dinotexas6407 9 років тому +1

      tooXyounique I agree that every temple has it's own beauty; but there's only one truth.

  • @steveallen179
    @steveallen179 4 роки тому +1

    I seen that verse but I never seen it you realize what he's talking about he's talking about the cross the palms of my hands

  • @angelofgod7925
    @angelofgod7925 6 років тому +1

    wow i loved it so much you left me wanting more....i have two tattos that are 20 years old... i have two others that are 13 years old.... i woke up to realization that church will not save me and that its personal between me and God...i started to put my faith in God and his son Jesus Christ and my life has change the past five years have had more meaning to me than the past 35 years of my ironic when you seek the truth he will give it to you i am thankful to Jesus for his mercy i was in a path of corpses and total destruction and i no longer desire those things i would loose sleep over....Jesus has been teaching me patience and endurance trusting in him and in his love...ty for the video... when someone looks at my tattos i tell them they looking at my ignorance and rebellion to my heavenly father although they do not understand anything i said...i look up and i thank Jesus....:) smile people life is beautiful enjoy it to the fullest and trust GOD HAS ALL UNDER HIS CONTROL WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH...

  • @iLiveForTheTruth
    @iLiveForTheTruth 12 років тому +4

    You are truely a Godly man, may God bless you in all your teachings.
    We must know about every passage of what God feels as described in the bible,
    1Corinthians 6:19,
    "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,who is in you,whom you have received from God?You are not your own;you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies"
    I understand that this means in all things. If we tattoo not for God then we are not honouring our bodies, as Dan was talking about.

  • @naomifox9337
    @naomifox9337 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you i shared to my daughters cause they wanted to get tattoos. I my self are pure i dont have any thank the lord

  • @carmendee6481
    @carmendee6481 4 роки тому +3

    I honestly regret getting my tattoos. I was young and stupid. Wish I listened to my mom & never gotten them.

  • @barbaraannen3340
    @barbaraannen3340 6 років тому +16

    Next youll be eating shrimp and wearing mixed fabrics

  • @blacknight73107
    @blacknight73107 12 років тому +2

    I got a question not about tattoos but about firearms, what does the bible say about believers owning and carrying a firearm ?

  • @khareemcghee-bey3559
    @khareemcghee-bey3559 10 років тому +1

    Thank you for guiding me to Isaiah 49. This relieved a lot of concern about my ministry in Jesus.

  • @HunterTheCrab
    @HunterTheCrab 12 років тому

    You, my friend, are what is commonly known as - "The Man"
    You are awesome bro always refreshing to see someone like you talk.

  • @WestSideBarson
    @WestSideBarson 12 років тому

    I'm glad i found this video i have been struggling with this for years. My motive isn't because someone else has one but because i want one and like the tattoo i have been thinking about getting (a few of them actually) Thank you for this. God bless you my brother in Christ!!

  • @spreadthelovexoxo
    @spreadthelovexoxo 14 років тому

    Awesome video! I wanted to ask a specific question on a tattoo I am considering getting in the next several years but I want to make sure it isn't idolatry or against anything Biblical. Should I send it through a message via youtube or is there somewhere more direct?
    Thank you :)

  • @teddegraham
    @teddegraham 10 років тому +37

    Well, I say if your body is your temple, why not decorate the walls?

    • @judyvalencia3257
      @judyvalencia3257 6 років тому +4

      I always thought the Bible said that if God dwelt in you, this was HIS temple. not yours.

    • @bisdakpinoy3428
      @bisdakpinoy3428 6 років тому +3

      Ever Sweet Studio The Holy Spirit would not allow decorations on the walls

    • @cgreen777
      @cgreen777 6 років тому +2

      Your body is not your temple. It is only given to you as a temporary loan. Tatooing shows ingratitude.

    • @fortnitesoft141
      @fortnitesoft141 6 років тому +2

      Ever Sweet Studio
      Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it's Not your temple.

    • @dantyler6907
      @dantyler6907 6 років тому +2

      No thanks

  • @Guanajuatoeddie
    @Guanajuatoeddie 11 років тому +18

    I must respectfully disagree with your assessment. God can "tattoo" his hands.....It does not say....YOU CAN TATTOO your hand as God has....We are Made in the Image of God...We are NOT God......Respectfully disagree and NOT interested long drawn out arguments.....God Bless.

  • @IzzyKush4
    @IzzyKush4 11 років тому +1

    Hi i was wondering if you can make a video on your opinion acording to the Bible about Marijuana i really wanna know cuz im verry confused on this subject, im starting to go to church and having a better relationship with God but when people from church found out i smoked weed before and still do now they started to hate me witch kinda sucks, but i still love them cuz the bible says love one another (John 13:34) so please help me cuz i cant find anythind on cannabis in the bible.

  • @MostashProductions
    @MostashProductions 12 років тому +1

    Great video. I wish most people would think as you do. God bless you brother.

  • @SpiritandTruth
    @SpiritandTruth  13 років тому

    @PitchMichael - Dear Michael,
    Isaiah 49:16 is not about the Messiah, but about Zion. The context changes in verse 14. You can see this in the marginal notes of almost any good study Bible. The nails in the hands and feet is in Psalm 22.
    God bless you,
    John Schoenheit

  • @cavalopave639
    @cavalopave639 9 років тому

    If you have a large tattoo that it was painful to be drawn in your skin, fine... just remember not to complain about minor pain or headache. Be smart! I have seen people getting inked and it's painful.

    • @aahmas6670
      @aahmas6670 5 років тому

      I am covered in tattoos..I dont regret..but I have asked for forgiveness and promised no more...but it didnt hurt..none of me it was like a massage..

  • @PureGeauxld
    @PureGeauxld 11 років тому +3

    I hear you and believe the same things youre talking about. But, you didnt mention that in all you do, you do not want to make a brother or sister in Jesus The Christ fall because of you're actions or something you represent or wear on your body. Not to mention all the non believers. If you're walking around saying you're a Christian, yet wear an ear ring or have a tattoo or wear a tee shirt that represents something not of our Lord God, what kind of message are you portraying?

    • @nicobody7797
      @nicobody7797 5 років тому

      josephlight84 what if you have a cross on your shoulder and the people will ask you about that tattoo at the beach? I would never have a tattoo with a skull or something evil but a verse like john3:16 or a cross I would really like to have. Maybe someone would ask you for that verse on your right arm and you got to talk to the guy about God and what he did on the cross for you. My body is the temple of God that’s right, but he have to prove ourself what pleases him and what does not. I love Christ and I want to follow him everyday and I also would like to have the cross which is his symbol for his love to me on my chest, because he is the importantst person in my life. Other people don’t see the cross in my heart without talking to me and knowing me, but a cross on my chest everybody would see at the beach. Maybe the people start thinking about that cross and find their way to Jesus just because of the message the cross brings with

  • @sonjadeklerk2806
    @sonjadeklerk2806 6 років тому +5

    Thought.. . When we die our body are either cremated or will be devoured by worms. Our Spirit will leave our body... human body remain behind. Its what's in your heart and if you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour. I personally dont have any tattoos as I dont feel right to have any however I dont condemn people who has. I will have to condem my son which I cant. His heart is in the right place.... to me it's all about that we love one another as God command us. God's word say we should not get into debates as its foolish. Titus 3.1 Rom 14.1... ' Live and let Live'.

  • @christineescajeda3776
    @christineescajeda3776 2 роки тому

    Alot of kind loving godly people I know have tattoos
    my daughter and her boyfriend have them friends relatives and so forth just now came across this question
    now wondering about this
    Thank you and God bless
    Leviticus 19:28 NIV Bible
    Leviticus 19:28 kjv Bible
    Isaiah 49: 15-16 kjv Bible
    Please share
    Thank you

  • @RawBrilliance
    @RawBrilliance 3 роки тому

    Very good. I wish someone would do a thorough study on Biblical verses that speak to all the different versiins snd kinds of markings and piercings that God considers honorable and worthy of Him. I remember the piercings of bond sevants which os a mark of devotion and ltrustworthiness and love and markings of the Nazarites with their long hair as a symbol of their vows of devotikn to Him. I think thats beautiful. I want to understsnd His perspective on allbof it.

  • @paticakoos1
    @paticakoos1 4 роки тому +2

    What about the mark put on Cain?

  • @DistortionCinemas
    @DistortionCinemas 12 років тому +4

    i have a problem with my parents, they really dont like tattoos, they say its satanic. even when i say can i get a bible verse? they still say no, that i dont need a tattoo to remind me of a verse. i believe tattoos are a form of art, but is there anything i can tell them about tattoos? im 19 God bless you!

  • @patrickaulatjut9762
    @patrickaulatjut9762 10 років тому +7

    Then why do you have a tattoo?

    • @mariem7250
      @mariem7250 6 років тому +8

      He talked about that. I think it's clear he has regrets.

    • @CoffeeattheBeach
      @CoffeeattheBeach 6 років тому +4

      some people already had tattoos before becoming Christian and the amount of time, money, etc. to remove them is in the tens of thousands for some of us. One tattoo that I need removed will cost me over $4,000 just to remove one over time. not to mention that it will potentially take 2-4 years to be gone.

  • @charlesdavis9937
    @charlesdavis9937 3 роки тому

    If Jesus fulfilled the law and we don’t have to follow it. So tattoos are ok. .??? So it’s not ok to put a memorial tattoo on us. ?????? Confused, one pastor says it's a sin and another says it's not. Not doing tattoos now.

  • @faithd.s8081
    @faithd.s8081 3 роки тому +1

    All Praise for the edification of the word . Well done rightfully dividing
    We must study line upon line precept upon precept 🙏🏼🌹
    Blessings up 🕊️🔥
    Jesus Christ was crucified on Calvary now is the Covington ❤️
    Yeshua hamashiach mighty name
    The Holy Spirit within
    John 7:38 he will give you rivers of flowing water 🌊 Study thyself approved daily 📖👈

  • @randallgenshaw6724
    @randallgenshaw6724 5 років тому

    Sin is Sin. Sin brings death....thanks to Jesus he has overcome death.. praise the Lord...

  • @SymbolofPeeace
    @SymbolofPeeace 3 роки тому

    You were doing good until you got to the 6 minute mark. “For I have not come the abolish the law, but to fulfill it.” Matthew 5:17 fulfill means to complete and abolish means to “do away with or to destroy”
    Acts 15 19:21 you are to preach the law of Moses every Sabbath and apply the law to you life.

    • @pixelatedlunch
      @pixelatedlunch 3 роки тому

      The Law of Moses, meaning the 10 commandments. Which Jesus himself says boils down to loving your neighbor as yourself. Following the 10 commandments ultimately means so. Ceremonial laws don’t make us righteous. Follow them if you’re convicted to do so but don’t judge other believers for not having the same convictions. The Holy Spirit will correct us where we need correcting.

  • @Myctical24
    @Myctical24 11 років тому +1

    Fornication, Drugs, parting, I am so much happier now I am free of it. Don't be offended if someone is telling you this just take it in strides and ask your father what he thinks. (they mean well by telling you to stop but only God can help you understand)

  • @PitchMichael
    @PitchMichael 13 років тому +1

    I have a question... isn't Isaiah 16:9 a prophecy pointing to Jesus and His nail pierced hands, which is what much of Isaiah points to, rather than an actual 'engraving' of names on His hands?

  • @ranellerogers6588
    @ranellerogers6588 3 роки тому

    Wasn’t the Mossaic Law in Leviticus for the Jewish people? We live under the covenant of Grace not the Law

  • @princ3sst1ffany
    @princ3sst1ffany 14 років тому +1

    Love your series on tattoos! I am a leader in the Christian church. Thank you for mentioning Isiah! No one ever talks about it. Rev. 14:1 talks about the believers having the name of God on their foreheads and Rev. 19:16 the rider called faithful and true having the name on his robe and his thigh as well. It said "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS" Those three should be considered when thinking about tattoos!

  • @SpiritandTruth
    @SpiritandTruth  13 років тому

    @remusvivi - Dear Remu....
    I am sorry, but I am not sure what you are asking. Can you clarify?
    God bless,
    John Schoenheit

    • @markaraujo06
      @markaraujo06 4 роки тому

      he's talking about Jer 19:5 & Jer 7:31 but he didn't read the scripture well enough.

  • @Zeyp61
    @Zeyp61 14 років тому +1

    i needed this! Now i want more!

  • @BlackAndBlueGarage
    @BlackAndBlueGarage 10 років тому +3

    If tattoos are a sin than so is eating fast food, or not wearing sun block. This is more of an argument about Bible literalness than an opinion of tattoos. Christ was described to have a tat in revelations so... I want to be like Christ I.e. Christian.

  • @Jeanniemkiess
    @Jeanniemkiess 13 років тому

    @TruthOrTradition absolutely true!! The Lord doesn't speak until verse 18.

  • @davidurban6813
    @davidurban6813 3 роки тому

    If I'm wrong on this please let me know. But the way I look at it is if it's something demonic, suggestive, or just outright creepy or evil definitely bad. Need to.get it removed ASAP.. But if it portrays someones hobby in my case I would have one of something to do with trains because I'm a big railfan or something patriotic. I was thinking both versions of our flag 1776 & 1976 versions. And that's as far as I would go with it. And I would have it high enough up on my arm to be able to hide it of need so as not to offend anyone. Just my own take. Have a great everyone

  • @cacapp
    @cacapp 14 років тому +1

    I feel like so much weight has lifted off my shoulders !!

    @RURALPREPPERS 10 років тому +6


    • @FLKYTN1776
      @FLKYTN1776 10 років тому +10

      We are not under the CEREMONIAL LAW ... We are still bound by God's Moral and Civil Law ... For we would not know sin if it weren't for the law.

    • @temporal3817
      @temporal3817 10 років тому +1

      Shaun Embry Ok so do you cut your hair over your temple? Do you speak to non-Christians? see if we say tattoo's are not Godly then cutting your hair over your temple applies as well. Context matters, especially when people pick and choose what is wrong is right, they forget other aspects. Yes we are under the Moral law, but this is even difficult to keep than the ceremonial law.

    • @FLKYTN1776
      @FLKYTN1776 10 років тому +8

      Bad exegesis sir. The whole point of the "ceremonial " law including dietary law was the issue of " SEPARATION " .... Not doing what THE WORLD does. To eat the cow who chews his cud "i.e. man can't live on bread alone but every word that comes out of the mouth of God"... So like a cow you chew on the word of God and you have a cloven hoof. Which eludes to separation ... You see you Chew on God's Word and Be ye' Holy as I am Holy. Not like the Rabbit who chews the cud, read his Bible, but makes excuses as to why God's word doesn't apply to things he so choses them not to apply too. i.e you don't be an unclean animal like a rabbit that chews the cud but his hoof isn't cloven, "separate"... SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD!!! Don't follow Pagan cultures who cut their hair like the moon and worshipped it... I.E. BE SEPARATE.. Do you see a pattern? I mean is that's the case the only time bestiality is mentioned in the whole Bible is one chapter before the Tattoo verse. Or read Lev 19:29 where it says not to prostitute your daughters... Are we to say that's OK now ???? Come on now. Study to show yourself approved. Your acting like Satan right now saying "did God really say". That's original sin. Don't eat the fruit. Ahh come on it's just fruit, He really didn't mean that. NOW THE WHOLE WORLDS CURSED FROM THE SAME SATANIC MIDSET YOUR TRYING TO FEED ME. I tattooed for 10 years and been studying it for 20 + I know the dangers of letting the world into your life and acquiescing to it. One line of justification for sin leads to another and another and a huge snowball of sin. Beware of letting the worlds ideology's creep into your life. They are Satans cancer of your mind.

    • @temporal3817
      @temporal3817 10 років тому

      Thankyou my Friend for the detailed correction.

  • @jb-vd6bi
    @jb-vd6bi 6 років тому +2

    Jesus said go and sin no more turn from your ways are you of the world or are you of the spirit the spirit does not seek out Earthly things I think people need to read what Jesus actually said a little more because he plainly said once you know what his word is go and sin no more he said to keep his Commandments because he showed what the Commandments were as the Living Word .with faith hope and love to all.

  • @PureGeauxld
    @PureGeauxld 11 років тому

    Yes, in fact, we do not get to heaven through our works (the law), but through the grace of our Lord God. But dont throw the law out of the window. In fact try to follow most of it (except sacrificing, the laws about food, ect.) Because it is a great example of how to live our lives.

  • @hhson1
    @hhson1 13 років тому +1

    soooo, If Im not making myself a bad tattoo, can I still get a tattoo? Is ok?

    • @brenosantana1458
      @brenosantana1458 6 років тому

      Sonia Hilario What do you think about it today?

  • @mercyone2066
    @mercyone2066 4 роки тому +1

    Isn't that a tattoo on your right arm?

  • @Jeanniemkiess
    @Jeanniemkiess 13 років тому

    @TruthOrTradition absolutely true!!

  • @AwakeTruthSeeker
    @AwakeTruthSeeker 6 років тому +1

    The link to is not working

    • @SpiritandTruth
      @SpiritandTruth  6 років тому +2

      Hey David, thanks for letting us know! I've corrected the link in the description. You can find the article here:

  • @fairbouy
    @fairbouy 6 років тому +5

    It's only a sin if you get a tattoo for the dead

  • @donaldjgrav3yardguyy335
    @donaldjgrav3yardguyy335 5 років тому +5

    GOD has your name tattooed on his arm

  • @TheScruph
    @TheScruph 12 років тому +1

    The word tattoo never existed in the english language until 1769 when Joseph Banks the natualist aboard Capt. Cooks ship made reference to it in Samoan culture. Thats why it is not in the KJV or any other previous Bible.The word tattoo is not in the original scriptures either. Now in Leviticus it also tells you what to sacrifice for your sins...but didn't Jesus do that once and for all?.....Anyway a good vidio and you made some very good points....i feel that some just want us under the law.

  • @nlomeli011
    @nlomeli011 13 років тому

    @Irvindzimlaz where dose it say that? Where does it say DONT do It?

  • @lonecrusaider
    @lonecrusaider 5 років тому +1

    Much of it is your motivation behind it. When in doubt, don't do it.

  • @belindasoh
    @belindasoh 12 років тому +1

    To Mr kebabism: No that is not what he meant. He meant to say that if you get a tatoo out of bad intentions... than it is a Sin. Jesus have lifted our sins through his grace we have freedom to do what we love *in accordance to the commandments of coz* God sees your heart what is inside of you.. not whats on the outside.

  • @moso1994
    @moso1994 13 років тому +1

    I feel a little better about this now.I'm thinking about getting a tattoo & I may not but I'm glad to know that if I do then Im not sining. I would only get one 4 a positive reason.I would never get a skull or somthing like that !!

  • @ThePunisherPI
    @ThePunisherPI 12 років тому

    Thank you, you are the man.

  • @TheScruph
    @TheScruph 12 років тому +1

    Amen well put together!..... Just out of interest the word tattoo never existed in the english language until 1769 when Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Captain Cooks ship HMS Endeavour made reference to it, describing how in Samoan culture they marked themselves. That is why it is not in the KJV as the word tattoo never existed when it was written. Also there has never been a culture of tattoos in the jewish or middle east. Bless you.

  • @lisag18
    @lisag18 6 років тому +1

    What about surgery? Cuts are made in the body during surgery

    • @abitdarksome
      @abitdarksome 6 років тому +4

      Jetthead18 Leviticus 19:28 only refers to not cutting oneself for the dead. Not surgery :)

  • @gfaith7183
    @gfaith7183 3 роки тому

    Mathew 5:17

  • @vitonanocchio144
    @vitonanocchio144 4 роки тому

    I have a small tattoo that says Jesus

  • @martinwright4815
    @martinwright4815 10 років тому +2

    Thats awsome, God has tattoos, and there of us. I'm gonna get one of Him on my arm.

  • @Sparklebuttons2012
    @Sparklebuttons2012 12 років тому


  • @blessedmommy73
    @blessedmommy73 13 років тому

    This is why I have such a hard time completely believing what is in the Bible...I feel that so much of it is interpretation, and may have changed over I try hard to listen closely, and I can now begin to know the difference between what is my own thought and what is coming from God.

  • @trollocaust1
    @trollocaust1 12 років тому

    thanks for this video! You just gave me an idea for my next tattoo. :)

  • @1062venturesfan
    @1062venturesfan 13 років тому

    @blessedmommy73 Just remember that GOD talks to you in your spirit and not your mind. When it is GOD he will not contradict his word.

  • @terrorsquadlith
    @terrorsquadlith 11 років тому +2

    I am sure this is one sin that will be forgiven. there are so many worse sins..

    • @JH-hx2cl
      @JH-hx2cl 7 років тому +2

      terrorsquadlith its not a sin!! Thats the entire point lol

    • @stringerchick3650
      @stringerchick3650 5 років тому

      There is no one sin greater than the other scriptures tell us a liar the same as a murderer

  • @ulypotter9413
    @ulypotter9413 10 років тому +1

    Joyce Meyer Ponders Getting A Tattoo In Minneapolis Minnesota :)