Kim Woodburne & Aggie McKenzie on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - Part 2
- Опубліковано 31 січ 2025
- Kim & Aggie try to raise money for charity answering questions from Chris and Kim is rather rude to Aggie! Part two of two - part one was blocked for some odd reason saying it contained Charles Ingram but it didn't.
I'm surprised she ain't go off when he mentioned cleaning the studio 😂😂
Aggie explained palindrome yet didn't see it in the sentence.
lmao I know wtf?!
Neither did Kim. They should have just let Aggie go alone, she would have done better without Kim
That was excruciating to watch!
Kim ( we will put a thousand pounds each of our own money to make up for it)
Aggie proberly thinking ( u can, speak for yourself!)
quite sneaky actually, a palindrome usually refers to a single word. That was a bit tricky to see
VERY sneaky....considering it was a charity show.....and they were under considerable pressure to answer....
Yes, the "no melon" "no lemon" took some sussing out. Especially since technically, a palindrome usually refers to a single word like @michaelleacy rightly pointed out.
Totally agree. Not very honest.
Kim was quite cheeky saying even you can answer that. They obviously don't get on together.
They hate each other in real life 😂
Took me a minute to see that one an as soon as they said iWE GO WILL D... I SAW IT AN SHOUTED AT THE TV.. SNEEKY
My question is, would that smug arse of a host have known the answer himself if someone hadn't given it to him before hand?
Haha no lemon no melon... Nice one
I think it was the gap in between No melon that made it hard to see
If she knew a palindrome was the same spelled backward surely she should have noticed!!
It would be very difficult to identify that as a palindrome on the phone.
Why don't they clean on the show anymore?
Because they hate each other.
Now we know why they are cleaners . They have done well in life except going on BB mad as a box of frogs that one
Who else though richard sounded slightly like simon cowell
Poor Aggie. She's very patient
Thick as 2 short planks lol
I don't like how patronising Kim is by her touching Aggie every few seconds
What an eye opener here. You can see how well Mrs Woodburn is educated can’t you.
For all her front and all her talk, what lies behind it ?? Just a big bossy woman who
wants to call all the shots and feels she is always right. She’s an actress.
Her house is built on sand and the way she goes through life gratuitously insulting
others will come back to haunt her one day.
I like the big, brash bissy creature. But then my older sister is just the same 😄time
Correct god help her husband no excuse