The trap of self approval is real. I came from very humble (poor) beginnings. I have made a very comfortable living but I found myself in social and business circles with very wealthy people and I still struggle with them accepting me. My background should be a badge of honor and not something to be ashamed of. I still struggle with that and feel that I don't belong with those people. And when I am back with the people I grew up with, I feel like they look at me a little different now that I made some money and are not struggling like many of them are. I think that all this may be in my head and I just need to accept myself and be happy with who I am.
Growing and changing is apart of this journey. Not everyone is going to understand or even like it sometimes. As long as you’re happy with the direction your life is heading in, that’s all that matter. Keep growing Robert!
Who said you have to fit into either circle? Why not have a circle of your own where you set the standards of who fits in?? Non-belonging is perfectly fine and actually says you stand out of the herd. Wanting the approval of the herd/crowd puts them above you no matter who they are. Stick to who you are, first they mock you but with time everybody wants to be you. You did well good for you, you owe nobody a justification. When you seek approval and justify on the way, everybody becomes your boss. Freedom isn't about the some money you made, nor is it about belonging among circles of the absurd, freedom is all about letting go of things including approval of others or their opinions of you. Your journey is your own and will always be special no matter who thinks what. Between the envious and the snobbish you could suffer to death. There are the kind ones, the affectionate and the appreciative, go for such circles if socializing is a must. It's not btw.
It's like drinking poison you slowly choke and die being a mindless socialist consumer of drivel happiness humor empathy all dead as your a robotic consumerist and slave to consumption. My rebellion against materialism is one of seeing it all as huxleys brave new world or chinas 1984 as reality does not care for tyrants nor the greedy.
I always valued people who followed their own path and didn’t get caught up with societal norms. Having said that I purchased things in my life because I thought I should. Things like a setting of 8 wine glasses or multiple sets of sheets or table clothes because they were pretty or because I needed a set while the other was being washed. I didn’t think it through and ended up with duplicates. As I continue on my minimalist journey I challenge these norms and challenge my thought process before I purchase something. I am making progress and feel I am finally finding out who I am and what is truly important to me!
This is amazing! I love it and I love that you’re growing and learning more about yourself. That’s so important and it changes your journey in such a positive way! Love it! Keep growing
Oh yes... you’re absolutely right about that Cathy! That’s definitely a topic for another video for sure! I’m also on my debt free journey as well. My student loans is the only debt I have and I am working to pay it off this year hopefully!
Yep. Having too much stuff can make you miserable cause your overwhelmed with it all. But if there are payments attached that makes it even 10 times worse.
I’ve been trying to buy happiness for so many years and only in this last year have I realised that it has only made me miserable. So I’m on my minimalist journey now and feeling better for it x
Hello again Ron; I am unsure how old you are but regarding age I’ve personally found that as I’ve gotten older and matured (I’m 45 now) that my desire to impress people has greatly diminished. I can’t be a hypocrite and deny I like nice clothes and a groomed appearance but I’m doing it mainly for me as a representative of me. However people should be judged on their heart/soul/character and deeds. Nowadays; the way I wish to impress people is with my values; not by what I own or what I wear etc. I’m very far into my journey from a material minimalism perspective however I’m still evolving on my spiritual/inner journey and I believe this is an area that we can never stop learning. Peace ✌🏼
I agree with you 100% Kas! I like nice things and a groomed appearance as well... but like you said, it for ME not to impress others. My values and how I carry myself speak volumes over the things that I own. I love what you’re saying here. Thank you for sharing! Oh, and I’m currently 26.
Well Ron you have a fantastic outlook on life for 26! Very mature. I sure do wish I’d came to the same conclusions a lot earlier in life but as the saying goes: better late than never! 😊
I forgot to mention, I almost bought into the anti aging skin programs. There are so many “ fountain of youth” serums and crepes that have high ticket items.... it boils down to what we put into our bodies and using organic products like coconut oil and basic products from nature. You don’t have to spend a lot of money.
I agree but not with the natural diy blah blah you can have good skin care thats affordable that has extracted ingredients from natural things that is perfected and formulated to benefit ur skin issues. Look into The Ordinary if you're actually interested. It works amazing for me. Watch hyram on youtube his videos are amazing. I stick with the ordinary though bc its affordable and its at the mall I live by.
True. Use sunscreen ‼️during the day and a face cream at night. That's all you need. Coconut oil will give you acne (comedogenic) and don't buy into the clean beauty crap. They are another way to separate you from your money.
I am a new subscriber and I am a mature woman but I totally understand everything thing you are saying, because I have been in that trap, owning the big house, the expensive car, the designer's clothes and shoes, the friends who are only there for what you have. I walked away from it all and I am basically living as a minimalist even though I didn't realize that was who I had become. love your videos as a young man you makes so much sense.
Minimalism gives you that clarity and things become easier since there ain't a lot of clutter around the house. Your finances become better too since you're not constantly buying more stuff.
Unfortunately I have fallen into that first trap of "not having enough" but i realized that i need to act my age/pay grade and those materialistic items will always be there. its this idea of wanting it NOW because "so many people" have it, but really, does possessing those items make me a better person? is it worth not saving? so many people in america are living paycheck to paycheck because they are unable to save- and maxing out their credit cards. there was a statistic i saw that said many americans dont even have a stable/constant $5000 in their bank account, and that even less even have $10000. it kind of shows how we are all so driven by "needing" materialistic items but also how much it ruins us.
Ooo I love that you mentioned this Debbie. It’s true. We’ve be tricked to think that the more you have the better... even if you can’t afford it. Going into debt... especially over things you don’t actually need it crazy to me. I love that you’re realizing the trap you’ve fallen into and are reacting to it. Keep growing and learning! I’m really excited for you!
0:00 - 0:02 -----> Tasting himself, just wanna be seen, into himself instead of into it (In reality, it is due to superficial / narcissistic intentions he is making this video - Don't believe me? Turn of the volume - Analyze his facial expressions and body movement - Pretty clear to me (And yeah he shares some good points, be we allready know all of this) - And so many youtubers are repeating each other with the same message (And remember... most of them just want to be seen or heard... because they love to see them self and to hear them self talking) ...
I really enjoy how you re going about minimalism. Sometimes it is trippy when most videos mainly talk about giving away materials but not on working on the mindset needed to keep yourself from falling into the bad habit of finding fulfillment in materials. It’s takes time and continuous effort to keep our brain from defaulting to more familiar and “safer” habits. Anyway, this video was great.
Thank you I’m really happy that you enjoyed it! Plus you’re absolutely right we have to continue to work at it so we don’t fall back into what’s familiar!
I found the more money my partner and I make , the more materialistic we become and slowly more unhappy when we think about it and having to keep up with all our THINGS. Life was much more enjoyable when we practiced a minimalist lifestyle. We decided to go back to a simple life. Downsizing from a 2200 sq ft house to a 680 sq ft apartment.
Hey Ron! Man this video is live. Materialism can definitely be a trap. When you pull away from it is when you realize it. Now seeking other's approval and setting goals for needs have really helped me on this journey. People look at me and my life style and ask " why are you so different". The answer is it pleases me and shows who I really am and that's being true to me. Comfortable life dude! I can't thank you enough, Ron, for coaching and inspiring me along my journey. Keep 'em coming! Peace.
Yes I love when you share I much you’re growing Patricia! That’s awesome! Keep being you and if others don’t understand, that’s ok! And thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with you!
This world is so full of brands wanting what’s in your wallet and social media filled with people following the materialistic path of those 5 traps you mentioned. We need to continue to encourage miniminialsm and helps those around who don’t feel like they have enough and those who do but need to give their a soul a replenish and give back to those who need.
Growing up in a big family with very little possessions was a blessing for me.🥰 I learnt from very young that spending time with loved ones held so much more value than any toy or material item ever could. In fact the older I get (now having kids of my own) the more I feel strongly about my beliefs in owning less to make room for more important things like...making quality memories with my family/friends. I'd rather spend my money on creative or adventurous outings and being financially free. Rather than accumulate 'stuff' that sits around the house doing nothing but waste my hard earned time and money.😐
Hi. Thanks for the video. I used to think material things would get me to the "next level" where I thought I needed to be. Now I can't believe the amount of freedom I get from letting go of things that I don't love or use much. From clothes and shoes to gadgets and even watches...I try to only keep what I really use and love.
This a great Jonathan! I’m excited for you and your journey. You’re absolutely right about feel free when you let go, it’s a real feeling! Keep growing on your journey!
I’ve never had the issue where possessions define who I am, or my image, or my outward appearance, but I still want things that bring me joy. I’m currently paying off debt, and the lack of joy from that is tough after years. Hoping I can learn to let go of wanting new things for my hobbies.
Ron, I meant to say that not seeking the approval of others and caring for my inner most needs have helped me throughout my journey. Just wanted to clear that up lol.
I had a dream after watching your video about getting rid of clutter, I was desperate to get rid of all the cutter that I had in. my bedroom, it was so real, so next day a spent all day cleaning and decluterring my bedroom, still some more to do buy it is looking better.
This is so awesome! I’m glad you decided to just get started! That must have been a very encouraging dream! I’m excited for you! Keep growing on your journey!
Ronald I would love to see it that in my life time the majority of the worlds people will become less hung up on keeping up with the Joneses and even the Joneses become history. I am always in an external state of gratefulness and thankfulness. There is so much we all can do to help those less fortunate than ourselves by being of service. It all comes down to self love.
So glad i found your channel bro, you truly makes feel like a brother from another mother. Thank you for sharing your authentic self with the world, bless your soul
I came from Matt D'avella, and it's very interesting how you talk about the same things in a different way and bring new ideas. Thank you, friend, love from Russia. ❤️🇷🇺I am a minimalist too and I'm happy.
I just subscribed. It's amazing hearing hearing a young person speaking this way. I thank God for not having a Jones mentality. I don't have to keep up with them. I'm a practical person. I'm truly loving me.
@@RonaldLBanks Yes, I agree Balance is key and of course that varies per person ever so slightly. Lol That's a good way to end your videos. Encourage authenticity.
I don't have status issues, but I do have an issue with the sheer volume of my stuff. The quality over quantity aspect of minimalism has been the most appealing for me.
But do you have all of those “quality” material items that you think are going to make you happy? It’s never been about having the newest thing but rather a specific thing that you feel you know will make you happy and fulfilled. I don’t know anymore I’m confused on what this video tells me to wish for. Is it want absolutely nothing and be satisfied with basically nothing even tho i do have some cool “materials” that I’ve always wanted but not all of them. Or is it be sure to know exactly what you want and chase it. Still speaking about materialistic objects here lol.
@@Weeb32460I have this same confusion. Because the way I see it, is that I want to have my own stuff so I don’t have to depend on others, for example having my own house and car. And also learning skills such as learning how to style my hair with good tools. And making my life easier since I deal with a chronic illness. For example a veggie chopper would make it easier for my wrists instead of having to chop everything separately. And last comfort, such as having good pillows to support my back and good shoes to support my feet. And they don’t have to be name brand things. Just stuff that actually works is enough for me. Obviously we can’t avoid brand names for some things such as cars and appliances.
I recent have done more research about becoming wealthy in more ways than just money. This is is definitely a video i can agree with since he talks about inner peace and happiness. good job
I have a story of a friend of mine . He is a very materialistic person and growing up with him , I saw him becoming worst version of himself . He’s father was a corrupt govt official who was also very proud . My father on the other hand was a very humble person and extremely intelligent but he had a weakness for his brothers and sisters who took advantage of him so we end up being poor even when we were well to do . Anyway the lack of resources made me appreciate life more but I did use to get a bit envious from him because he had everything (psp , iPod , latest phone etc) . He lived in the moment , neglected his studies , had lots of friends and looked down upon me for I was a nerd . Long story short , reality hit him hard , he flunked school three times and everyone else started having careers and are now well off . After reconnecting with him I saw that he was still materialistic to the core and was conning people for their stuff . If you’re in your early twenties then remember that it took me a long time to understand that easy way to money is almost always bad . His love for stuff destroyed him .
Thank you Ronald. The first point is spot on less is more happiness. Having too much makes you unhappy. I am trying to clean up my apartment so I can have less things. Keeping to a minimum some items that I have represent what I love from my heart and soul. I never ask for anything more. I am not into branded things or the latest and greatest I am quiet happy with what I have. Just trying to survive in this material world. Others tend to buy alot of junk out there. I pitty them
I focused too much on my image. I wish I was how I waslike as a teenager. I used to be interested in books and developing friendships based on their hearts rather than work status. I didn't used to be jealous at all of anyone close to me as a kid. I used to care a lot for old people. Now I care about how I appear thinking it will help me find a good man. And get jealous of others doing better than me . If they're good people and friends, I should be happy for them instead. I need to keep and talk to the more loving friends that care about things like family elderly etc. I need to realise that I'll attract a man with a humble appearance and personality. I keep buying so much clothes and make up thinking it will make me better and attract the hardworking guy. But tbh the real me doesn't want to bother with looking good all the time. I just do it cuz I think it's what I need to do. But is it really I hope this helps anyone who reads this
Sometimes I get this urge of buying new furniture because I saw perfectly positioned on a photo on Instagram. "The minimalistic aesthetics" A video like this one reminds me to get back on track and focus on what's important but it is very challenging.
Just do what you like to do folks.Pack up everything and only use what you want. I do not like stuff all over. Controlled clutter, and index box with RM location and number, which had contents.
Because he tells the truth. People don’t actually want to follow channels where people will critically speak about topics that need to be spoken about. That’s why I respect him and his channel it’s amazing.
First time commenter. I’ve really enjoyed your content and the ease in which you tackle complex topics. The point about treating people like possessions was just the topic of conversation in a recent talk with a friend. Thank you for being willing to be seen and helping others see themselves. Respect. ✊🏾
Thank you Ronald, because i really find value in your youtube converasations! Really glad that one of your videos was included in my weekly reading recommendations from becoming minimalist. At this point i was completely engaged with one of your quotes regarding the self identity, once i began with this journey I truly understood that i dont need nothing else than myself to show the world my identity.
The more you have the more you worry they will break or not work or tarnish. Even when we buy cars we want every option but then we figure out it is just more things that can go wrong. And maybe that is the point the more you have the more things you have that can go "wrong"
That's so true. Expensive clothes require expensive dry cleaning. Expensive appliances have more parts that break down. Expensive handbags require an expensive outfit. On and on and on. It's better to just keep it simple.
Great video. Thanks. I know someone who is very obsessed at the moment with having label clothing. I just don't get it. They are always trying to present an image that doesn't seem real. I will be sharing this video with many people. Thank you again.
This is what life is about. Life is a competition. People with more resources always have the upper hand. Winners get everything. Losers get absolutely nothing.
Everyone is different. What I will say is that if you choose to decorate, do so intentionally and in a way that you want to enjoy the holidays. To not feel pressured is to not put pressure on yourself. I have a video here about how to budget for the holidays. I’m not taking about decorations but from a gift giving perspective this will definitely help you:
You can decorate with what you already own, no need to run out to buy stuff. Also, isn't Christmas a religious holiday? I really don't understand all the shopping and gifts.
not related to the topic of the video, but... i just love when someone cares about the visual aspect of their videos... I love your branding color combo, your logo is beautiful, i like the way you dress, i love the background... Not surprised, you are a poet after all :)
I had lived in a communal living setting and had nothing, no computers, no TV, no radio, and learned simplicity without unnecessary desires brang me happiness and peace.Buddhist monks live without possessions at all and are without turmoils that the rest of society is experiencing.Therefore consuming goods is not my cup of tea. Advertising does not create a need for me to buy what they are selling.I realized that our bottom line is happiness and joy, and material items do not bring any joy or happiness, and are just a way to combat unhappiness, and the feeling does not last.
I've just found you and have watched quite a few videos so far. I just wanted to comment that you really seem to have your head together, and understand what's important. It's inspirational. Thanks! 😊
This is the second video I'm watching of yours and I just want to say thank you, I've always thought that if I don't need something then I shouldn't even think about getting it One thing that helps me is keeping tabs on what I purchase and why I'm purchasing it....
Love this watching this before payday. I’m an only child. I’ve been materialistic my whole life. I’m over it. I want to stop today. It’s hard. I’m not about Louis Vuitton or anything like that but I do buy stuff a lot. It’s time to take a step back..... I want to invest in myself
My dads uncle never really cared about materialistic things like a nice car. He drove a old car but was a millionaire. Its funny that some people who have not even 1% of his wealth drive more expensive cars then he did. I mean he could have afforded a lamborghini so easily but he didnt gave a damn about that sh*t.
That was really good. My goals are to meditate and live in the present moment. I always had a hard time with goals in general, because I never felt like I was part of life. I was never really interested in excelling in life. Which made it hard because I never felt like I knew who I was. Years ago, I was in a car accident and I was in a come for 6 weeks and stopped breathing 3 times. I don’t remember waking up or anything that happened before the accident. I always felt lost. I was 9 years old when it happened. Although I did have one goal, I used to run, to help with the depression. I figured I would keep running after high school, so I ran races. I was never really that fast, but my one big goal was not to come in last and I never did. Running really helped. Your videos are really good 🌸
Hi Ron, I sure am enjoying...I am a teacher for a non profit financial literacy and I'm looking for things for young kids (elementary kids) to talk about how important finances and teaching them financial literacy. I was looking for what money can't buy and non-materialism. This is you have more for elementary kids?
It is a trap...because when you think you are satisfied, you crave more for the next best thing Then you look at your Bank Account and you're like...damn!!! I spent this much?
People treat people with less like trash here. It sucks. If you have no elder person like mom or grandpa with you and you live a simple life with less, people will chew you alive. 😭😭😭😭😞 Although for now what really want more of are BOOKS!!
All great points !! - Facebook is infested with the likes of this stuff , I finally deactivated my account in early January, An I must say , I’m more content now .. People don’t even realize how bad they are , but you see it from your end !!!
The trap of self approval is real. I came from very humble (poor) beginnings. I have made a very comfortable living but I found myself in social and business circles with very wealthy people and I still struggle with them accepting me. My background should be a badge of honor and not something to be ashamed of. I still struggle with that and feel that I don't belong with those people. And when I am back with the people I grew up with, I feel like they look at me a little different now that I made some money and are not struggling like many of them are. I think that all this may be in my head and I just need to accept myself and be happy with who I am.
Growing and changing is apart of this journey. Not everyone is going to understand or even like it sometimes. As long as you’re happy with the direction your life is heading in, that’s all that matter. Keep growing Robert!
If I may ask what do you do for a living?
Who said you have to fit into either circle? Why not have a circle of your own where you set the standards of who fits in?? Non-belonging is perfectly fine and actually says you stand out of the herd. Wanting the approval of the herd/crowd puts them above you no matter who they are. Stick to who you are, first they mock you but with time everybody wants to be you.
You did well good for you, you owe nobody a justification. When you seek approval and justify on the way, everybody becomes your boss. Freedom isn't about the some money you made, nor is it about belonging among circles of the absurd, freedom is all about letting go of things including approval of others or their opinions of you.
Your journey is your own and will always be special no matter who thinks what. Between the envious and the snobbish you could suffer to death. There are the kind ones, the affectionate and the appreciative, go for such circles if socializing is a must. It's not btw.
Material things are temporary happiness.
just like a narcissistic say they love you with all their heart.
Not even happiness, just a dopamine rush. Which isn't real happiness.
It's like drinking poison you slowly choke and die being a mindless socialist consumer of drivel happiness humor empathy all dead as your a robotic consumerist and slave to consumption. My rebellion against materialism is one of seeing it all as huxleys brave new world or chinas 1984 as reality does not care for tyrants nor the greedy.
everything is temporary happiness
I always valued people who followed their own path and didn’t get caught up with societal norms. Having said that I purchased things in my life because I thought I should. Things like a setting of 8 wine glasses or multiple sets of sheets or table clothes because they were pretty or because I needed a set while the other was being washed. I didn’t think it through and ended up with duplicates. As I continue on my minimalist journey I challenge these norms and challenge my thought process before I purchase something. I am making progress and feel I am finally finding out who I am and what is truly important to me!
This is amazing! I love it and I love that you’re growing and learning more about yourself. That’s so important and it changes your journey in such a positive way! Love it! Keep growing
Social media makes life miserable to some ppl. It causes depression. Ppl trying to keep up with everyone on FB.
About to become a Minimalist, not just to save money but to only buy what I need.
Me too. I gave away so much of my stuff and I actually feel happier.
Did you ever become minimalist?
JESUS loves you!
Hi Ron owning a lot of stuff can make your life miserable specially if you have to make payments on the things you own.
Oh yes... you’re absolutely right about that Cathy! That’s definitely a topic for another video for sure! I’m also on my debt free journey as well. My student loans is the only debt I have and I am working to pay it off this year hopefully!
Spot on.
Yep. Having too much stuff can make you miserable cause your overwhelmed with it all. But if there are payments attached that makes it even 10 times worse.
When I added up how much I spent on things, things I don't need, I feel stressed.
Right. A bunch of debt. You have to work hard to keep it. Some ppl need overtime to pay their bills. They can't make it on 40 hour pay check
I’ve been trying to buy happiness for so many years and only in this last year have I realised that it has only made me miserable. So I’m on my minimalist journey now and feeling better for it x
Im not trying to buy happiness but I'd love to have that new silverado lol
Hello again Ron; I am unsure how old you are but regarding age I’ve personally found that as I’ve gotten older and matured (I’m 45 now) that my desire to impress people has greatly diminished. I can’t be a hypocrite and deny I like nice clothes and a groomed appearance but I’m doing it mainly for me as a representative of me. However people should be judged on their heart/soul/character and deeds. Nowadays; the way I wish to impress people is with my values; not by what I own or what I wear etc. I’m very far into my journey from a material minimalism perspective however I’m still evolving on my spiritual/inner journey and I believe this is an area that we can never stop learning. Peace ✌🏼
I agree with you 100% Kas! I like nice things and a groomed appearance as well... but like you said, it for ME not to impress others. My values and how I carry myself speak volumes over the things that I own. I love what you’re saying here. Thank you for sharing! Oh, and I’m currently 26.
Well Ron you have a fantastic outlook on life for 26! Very mature. I sure do wish I’d came to the same conclusions a lot earlier in life but as the saying goes: better late than never! 😊
@@RonaldLBanks you are the same age as my youngest daughter. She does not want to have lots of items around and donates unwanted items. Proud mama.
I forgot to mention, I almost bought into the anti aging skin programs. There are so many “ fountain of youth” serums and crepes that have high ticket items.... it boils down to what we put into our bodies and using organic products like coconut oil and basic products from nature. You don’t have to spend a lot of money.
Exactly!! What you put in/on your body makes a huge difference on your life and appearance!
I agree but not with the natural diy blah blah you can have good skin care thats affordable that has extracted ingredients from natural things that is perfected and formulated to benefit ur skin issues. Look into The Ordinary if you're actually interested. It works amazing for me. Watch hyram on youtube his videos are amazing. I stick with the ordinary though bc its affordable and its at the mall I live by.
coconut oil is terrible for your skin and not everything 'natural' will work out great
Yes! Nutrition + drinking lots of water is a key. Plus some face yoga exercises 😉
True. Use sunscreen ‼️during the day and a face cream at night. That's all you need. Coconut oil will give you acne (comedogenic) and don't buy into the clean beauty crap. They are another way to separate you from your money.
I am a new subscriber and I am a mature woman but I totally understand everything thing you are saying, because I have been in that trap, owning the big house, the expensive car, the designer's clothes and shoes, the friends who are only there for what you have. I walked away from it all and I am basically living as a minimalist even though I didn't realize that was who I had become. love your videos as a young man you makes so much sense.
Minimalism gives you that clarity and things become easier since there ain't a lot of clutter around the house.
Your finances become better too since you're not constantly buying more stuff.
Unfortunately I have fallen into that first trap of "not having enough" but i realized that i need to act my age/pay grade and those materialistic items will always be there. its this idea of wanting it NOW because "so many people" have it, but really, does possessing those items make me a better person? is it worth not saving? so many people in america are living paycheck to paycheck because they are unable to save- and maxing out their credit cards. there was a statistic i saw that said many americans dont even have a stable/constant $5000 in their bank account, and that even less even have $10000. it kind of shows how we are all so driven by "needing" materialistic items but also how much it ruins us.
Ooo I love that you mentioned this Debbie. It’s true. We’ve be tricked to think that the more you have the better... even if you can’t afford it. Going into debt... especially over things you don’t actually need it crazy to me. I love that you’re realizing the trap you’ve fallen into and are reacting to it. Keep growing and learning! I’m really excited for you!
The older I get...the more I realize the less I need.
0:00 - 0:02 -----> Tasting himself, just wanna be seen, into himself instead of into it (In reality, it is due to superficial / narcissistic intentions he is making this video - Don't believe me? Turn of the volume - Analyze his facial expressions and body movement - Pretty clear to me (And yeah he shares some good points, be we allready know all of this) - And so many youtubers are repeating each other with the same message (And remember... most of them just want to be seen or heard... because they love to see them self and to hear them self talking) ...
I really enjoy how you re going about minimalism. Sometimes it is trippy when most videos mainly talk about giving away materials but not on working on the mindset needed to keep yourself from falling into the bad habit of finding fulfillment in materials. It’s takes time and continuous effort to keep our brain from defaulting to more familiar and “safer” habits. Anyway, this video was great.
Thank you I’m really happy that you enjoyed it! Plus you’re absolutely right we have to continue to work at it so we don’t fall back into what’s familiar!
*Bottom line:* Its okay to have nice things
_..just check your motives/perspectives_
(and make sure it's not a financial burden)
I found the more money my partner and I make , the more materialistic we become and slowly more unhappy when we think about it and having to keep up with all our THINGS. Life was much more enjoyable when we practiced a minimalist lifestyle. We decided to go back to a simple life. Downsizing from a 2200 sq ft house to a 680 sq ft apartment.
Dude, you need to start a podcast.
I want to listen prodcast plzz suggest me and from where
Totally agree
I just thought the sameee thing ❤🥰
Hey Ron! Man this video is live. Materialism can definitely be a trap. When you pull away from it is when you realize it. Now seeking other's approval and setting goals for needs have really helped me on this journey. People look at me and my life style and ask " why are you so different". The answer is it pleases me and shows who I really am and that's being true to me. Comfortable life dude! I can't thank you enough, Ron, for coaching and inspiring me along my journey. Keep 'em coming! Peace.
Yes I love when you share I much you’re growing Patricia! That’s awesome! Keep being you and if others don’t understand, that’s ok! And thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with you!
This world is so full of brands wanting what’s in your wallet and social media filled with people following the materialistic path of those 5 traps you mentioned. We need to continue to encourage miniminialsm and helps those around who don’t feel like they have enough and those who do but need to give their a soul a replenish and give back to those who need.
I find that honestly outwardly displaying your happiness leads to far more compliments than any watch/cologne/boots/etc.
Growing up in a big family with very little possessions was a blessing for me.🥰
I learnt from very young that spending time with loved ones held so much more value than any toy or material item ever could. In fact the older I get (now having kids of my own) the more I feel strongly about my beliefs in owning less to make room for more important things like...making quality memories with my family/friends. I'd rather spend my money on creative or adventurous outings and being financially free. Rather than accumulate 'stuff' that sits around the house doing nothing but waste my hard earned time and money.😐
Hi. Thanks for the video. I used to think material things would get me to the "next level" where I thought I needed to be. Now I can't believe the amount of freedom I get from letting go of things that I don't love or use much. From clothes and shoes to gadgets and even watches...I try to only keep what I really use and love.
This a great Jonathan! I’m excited for you and your journey. You’re absolutely right about feel free when you let go, it’s a real feeling! Keep growing on your journey!
I filled my world with "things" to displace my emptiness.
I’ve never had the issue where possessions define who I am, or my image, or my outward appearance, but I still want things that bring me joy. I’m currently paying off debt, and the lack of joy from that is tough after years. Hoping I can learn to let go of wanting new things for my hobbies.
Ron, I meant to say that not seeking the approval of others and caring for my inner most needs have helped me throughout my journey. Just wanted to clear that up lol.
I had a dream after watching your video about getting rid of clutter, I was desperate to get rid of all the cutter that I had in. my bedroom, it was so real, so next day a spent all day cleaning and decluterring my bedroom, still some more to do buy it is looking better.
This is so awesome! I’m glad you decided to just get started! That must have been a very encouraging dream! I’m excited for you! Keep growing on your journey!
Ronald I would love to see it that in my life time the majority of the worlds people will become less hung up on keeping up with the Joneses and even the Joneses become history. I am always in an external state of gratefulness and thankfulness.
There is so much we all can do to help those less fortunate than ourselves by being of service. It all comes down to self love.
So glad i found your channel bro, you truly makes feel like a brother from another mother. Thank you for sharing your authentic self with the world, bless your soul
I appreciate you my friend! Glad you’re enjoying my content. I look forward to growing on this journey with you!
I came from Matt D'avella, and it's very interesting how you talk about the same things in a different way and bring new ideas. Thank you, friend, love from Russia. ❤️🇷🇺I am a minimalist too and I'm happy.
I just subscribed. It's amazing hearing hearing a young person speaking this way. I thank God for not having a Jones mentality. I don't have to keep up with them. I'm a practical person. I'm truly loving me.
Any extremes are bad. Owning too little or too much makes ones life less enjoyable.
It’s all about finding the balance that works for you. You’re right Olga. That’s exactly why I say “stay true to you” at the end of all of my videos.
@@RonaldLBanks Yes, I agree Balance is key and of course that varies per person ever so slightly. Lol That's a good way to end your videos. Encourage authenticity.
Olga L exactly!!
Zen and balance that's what it is about.
I don't have status issues, but I do have an issue with the sheer volume of my stuff. The quality over quantity aspect of minimalism has been the most appealing for me.
But do you have all of those “quality” material items that you think are going to make you happy? It’s never been about having the newest thing but rather a specific thing that you feel you know will make you happy and fulfilled. I don’t know anymore I’m confused on what this video tells me to wish for. Is it want absolutely nothing and be satisfied with basically nothing even tho i do have some cool “materials” that I’ve always wanted but not all of them. Or is it be sure to know exactly what you want and chase it. Still speaking about materialistic objects here lol.
@@Weeb32460I have this same confusion. Because the way I see it, is that I want to have my own stuff so I don’t have to depend on others, for example having my own house and car. And also learning skills such as learning how to style my hair with good tools. And making my life easier since I deal with a chronic illness. For example a veggie chopper would make it easier for my wrists instead of having to chop everything separately. And last comfort, such as having good pillows to support my back and good shoes to support my feet. And they don’t have to be name brand things. Just stuff that actually works is enough for me. Obviously we can’t avoid brand names for some things such as cars and appliances.
I recent have done more research about becoming wealthy in more ways than just money. This is is definitely a video i can agree with since he talks about inner peace and happiness. good job
Happiness comes from simplicity, lot's of 'stuff ' is burdensome!
Holy crap, I check almost everyone of these boxes. Well dam....I need to reaccess things😟
I have a story of a friend of mine . He is a very materialistic person and growing up with him , I saw him becoming worst version of himself . He’s father was a corrupt govt official who was also very proud . My father on the other hand was a very humble person and extremely intelligent but he had a weakness for his brothers and sisters who took advantage of him so we end up being poor even when we were well to do . Anyway the lack of resources made me appreciate life more but I did use to get a bit envious from him because he had everything (psp , iPod , latest phone etc) . He lived in the moment , neglected his studies , had lots of friends and looked down upon me for I was a nerd .
Long story short , reality hit him hard , he flunked school three times and everyone else started having careers and are now well off . After reconnecting with him I saw that he was still materialistic to the core and was conning people for their stuff .
If you’re in your early twenties then remember that it took me a long time to understand that easy way to money is almost always bad . His love for stuff destroyed him .
Thank you for sharing true minimalism and mindful, intentional living. This way of living goes beyond "I have 2 spoons and 5 tshirts"
Yes it does Ashley, you’re absolutely right! I’m excited for you and your journey. Keep growing!
Thank you Ronald. The first point is spot on less is more happiness. Having too much makes you unhappy.
I am trying to clean up my apartment so I can have less things. Keeping to a minimum some items that I have represent what I love from my heart and soul. I never ask for anything more. I am not into branded things or the latest and greatest I am quiet happy with what I have. Just trying to survive in this material world. Others tend to buy alot of junk out there. I pitty them
I focused too much on my image. I wish I was how I waslike as a teenager. I used to be interested in books and developing friendships based on their hearts rather than work status. I didn't used to be jealous at all of anyone close to me as a kid. I used to care a lot for old people. Now I care about how I appear thinking it will help me find a good man. And get jealous of others doing better than me . If they're good people and friends, I should be happy for them instead. I need to keep and talk to the more loving friends that care about things like family elderly etc. I need to realise that I'll attract a man with a humble appearance and personality. I keep buying so much clothes and make up thinking it will make me better and attract the hardworking guy. But tbh the real me doesn't want to bother with looking good all the time. I just do it cuz I think it's what I need to do. But is it really
I hope this helps anyone who reads this
Yes it can. Watch videos of people in the rural area of the Philippines. Happiest people you have ever seen.
Sometimes I get this urge of buying new furniture because I saw perfectly positioned on a photo on Instagram.
"The minimalistic aesthetics"
A video like this one reminds me to get back on track and focus on what's important but it is very challenging.
Just do what you like to do folks.Pack up everything and only use what you want. I do not like stuff all over. Controlled clutter, and index box with RM location and number, which had contents.
Liked it, short and honest.
When you want nothing you have everything
Wow great video, your words are the ones I needed to hear to help me realize what’s more important in life
Awesome my friend! I’m glad this video reached you. Keep growing on your journey my friend!
what the heck your videos are amazing and have great quality how do you Not have millions of views?!!! :)
I appreciate the love and your compliment Stephy! The community that we’re building here is awesome and it continues to grow for sure!
Because he tells the truth.
People don’t actually want to follow channels where people will critically speak about topics that need to be spoken about. That’s why I respect him and his channel it’s amazing.
It is just a materialistic thing you can’t take none of it with you when you die.
First time commenter. I’ve really enjoyed your content and the ease in which you tackle complex topics. The point about treating people like possessions was just the topic of conversation in a recent talk with a friend. Thank you for being willing to be seen and helping others see themselves. Respect. ✊🏾
Thanks for leaving a comment my friend and I’m happy this resonated with you. Keep growing and thanks for being apart of the community!
Thank you Ronald, because i really find value in your youtube converasations! Really glad that one of your videos was included in my weekly reading recommendations from becoming minimalist. At this point i was completely engaged with one of your quotes regarding the self identity, once i began with this journey I truly understood that i dont need nothing else than myself to show the world my identity.
Love this Samra! I’m really happy you found my content and are finding value in it! Keep growing and learning! I’m excited for you!
The more you have the more you worry they will break or not work or tarnish. Even when we buy cars we want every option but then we figure out it is just more things that can go wrong. And maybe that is the point the more you have the more things you have that can go "wrong"
That's so true. Expensive clothes require expensive dry cleaning. Expensive appliances have more parts that break down. Expensive handbags require an expensive outfit. On and on and on. It's better to just keep it simple.
@@sct4040 you might like the book voluntary simplicity
Ronalds got quality content locked down! Every video is so easy, to the point, enjoyable and insightful. Great job man!
I appreciate the love Alex, thank you!
Materialism is so bad if they cause debt. Then you are miserable. I have learned to be minimal but have never regretted it. Feels right and freedom
Great video. Thanks. I know someone who is very obsessed at the moment with having label clothing. I just don't get it. They are always trying to present an image that doesn't seem real. I will be sharing this video with many people. Thank you again.
Man, a lot of people need to see your videos... Good videos. good advises... Thank you.
A million thanks to you, my new cheerleader!
Thank you Ron! You are a blessing!!! Gratitude turns what we have, into enough.
So glad I ran across your video. You gave a lot of good advice and I look forward to seeing more of your videos. Thank you!
I did buy a kitchenaid mixer. Lol Hated to put out 400 for it but I do cooking at home more these days so I kinda needed it.
Love the Energy in your Videos
Also I think it’s Great that you talk about some of the usually less talked about aspects of minimalism
I’m happy that you’re enjoying it! This journey is about so much more than just our physical space. Keep growing and learning!
Thank you so much for this video, for sharing these valuable and precious thoughts with others... x
You’re very welcome! Im really happy that you enjoyed this video. Keep growing and learning on your journey!
Ronald L. Banks .... Rare & very beautiful find, your channel.... xx ❤️🧠💪🏽❤️
I really appreciate your love and support! Thank you! 🙌🏾
This is what life is about. Life is a competition. People with more resources always have the upper hand. Winners get everything. Losers get absolutely nothing.
Love how u use your brain....
Sometimes it’s hard to break that mindset great video 💥
I loved your advice thanks so much for sharing!😘
Dar Oki I’m really glad that you liked it. Thank you!
Great stuff Ronald! Keep up the great work.
Question!! What do minimalist do around the holidays? decorate or not? How to not feel pressured to decorate/over consume around those times
Everyone is different. What I will say is that if you choose to decorate, do so intentionally and in a way that you want to enjoy the holidays. To not feel pressured is to not put pressure on yourself. I have a video here about how to budget for the holidays. I’m not taking about decorations but from a gift giving perspective this will definitely help you:
You can decorate with what you already own, no need to run out to buy stuff. Also, isn't Christmas a religious holiday? I really don't understand all the shopping and gifts.
Wow, killed it brother! Thanks! 💗
not related to the topic of the video, but... i just love when someone cares about the visual aspect of their videos... I love your branding color combo, your logo is beautiful, i like the way you dress, i love the background... Not surprised, you are a poet after all :)
LEELA living thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot!
Man, this is such a helpful channel, thank you :D
I had lived in a communal living setting and had nothing, no computers, no TV, no radio, and learned simplicity without unnecessary desires brang me happiness and peace.Buddhist monks live without possessions at all and are without turmoils that the rest of society is experiencing.Therefore consuming goods is not my cup of tea. Advertising does not create a need for me to buy what they are selling.I realized that our bottom line is happiness and joy, and material items do not bring any joy or happiness, and are just a way to combat unhappiness, and the feeling does not last.
I've just found you and have watched quite a few videos so far. I just wanted to comment that you really seem to have your head together, and understand what's important. It's inspirational. Thanks! 😊
This is the second video I'm watching of yours and I just want to say thank you, I've always thought that if I don't need something then I shouldn't even think about getting it
One thing that helps me is keeping tabs on what I purchase and why I'm purchasing it....
Love this watching this before payday. I’m an only child. I’ve been materialistic my whole life. I’m over it. I want to stop today. It’s hard. I’m not about Louis Vuitton or anything like that but I do buy stuff a lot. It’s time to take a step back..... I want to invest in myself
Wow, these points covered are truly profound and unique, and communicated so eloquently.
Do I have the newest things? "No."
Do I care? "HELL NO!!!"
I needed this. Thank you man. God bless you.
Glad I could share this with you Alfonso! Keep growing on your journey my man!
This tip is very essential for our present day life. Thanks
I'm happy you enjoyed this Rhonda, keep growing on your journey!
Always great honest videos. Thank you
Subscribed to your channel. Your extremely wise at such a young age. Keep up the good work.
Spot on on this vid thank you!
My dads uncle never really cared about materialistic things like a nice car. He drove a old car but was a millionaire. Its funny that some people who have not even 1% of his wealth drive more expensive cars then he did. I mean he could have afforded a lamborghini so easily but he didnt gave a damn about that sh*t.
That was really good. My goals are to meditate and live in the present moment. I always had a hard time with goals in general, because I never felt like I was part of life. I was never really interested in excelling in life. Which made it hard because I never felt like I knew who I was. Years ago, I was in a car accident and I was in a come for 6 weeks and stopped breathing 3 times. I don’t remember waking up or anything that happened before the accident. I always felt lost. I was 9 years old when it happened. Although I did have one goal, I used to run, to help with the depression. I figured I would keep running after high school, so I ran races. I was never really that fast, but my one big goal was not to come in last and I never did. Running really helped. Your videos are really good 🌸
Wow! I listen to you this morning and your words of uplifted my spirit. Thank you so much!! 👍❤👍
You are a wise man. Thank you.
Hi Ron, I sure am enjoying...I am a teacher for a non profit financial literacy and I'm looking for things for young kids (elementary kids) to talk about how important finances and teaching them financial literacy. I was looking for what money can't buy and non-materialism. This is you have more for elementary kids?
Thanks for the Great Advice
I’m glad you enjoyed this Charles!
GOD bless you!
It is a trap...because when you think you are satisfied, you crave more for the next best thing
Then you look at your Bank Account and you're like...damn!!! I spent this much?
First time on your Chanel but I already love your philosophy
Good conversation
People treat people with less like trash here. It sucks. If you have no elder person like mom or grandpa with you and you live a simple life with less, people will chew you alive. 😭😭😭😭😞
Although for now what really want more of are BOOKS!!
Owning to many clothes or accessories or anything reallly cause me anxiety.
I purged, donated and sold.
4:09 I'm enjoying it! I just subscribed :D
Makes me happy seeing you smile , really...
All great points !! - Facebook is infested with the likes of this stuff , I finally deactivated my account in early January, An I must say , I’m more content now .. People don’t even realize how bad they are , but you see it from your end !!!
Found another self improvement channel.💪
Hope this will help
I do #2 a lot. Didn't even know that I was doing it. Thank you for this. For real.❤
Awesome message
Thanks Patrick! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I never thought I was a materialist until my kids grew up - and I was left with just the stuff …. Lots and lots of stuff
Love your content and enthusiasm! ❤️