A question about child support. If the debtor has a job, could the judge just order garnishment of their wages? Other than someone well off financially, and not supporting their kid just cause they are a jerk, most people I know struggle to make ends meet, and jail time doesn't help anyone financially. (The debtor, ex spouse or kid)
Which makes no sense since you can't pay the debt if your in jail anyway, but then again with private prisons making so much money of prisoners they can't wait to throw your butt in jail. Thanks 4 the info.
What about court ordered alimony? Can you be arrested and imprisoned for not paying?
How far back can a debt collector charge you for a debt and collect from you? In the state of oklahome?
A question about child support. If the debtor has a job, could the judge just order garnishment of their wages? Other than someone well off financially, and not supporting their kid just cause they are a jerk, most people I know struggle to make ends meet, and jail time doesn't help anyone financially. (The debtor, ex spouse or kid)
Which makes no sense since you can't pay the debt if your in jail anyway, but then again with private prisons making so much money of prisoners they can't wait to throw your butt in jail. Thanks 4 the info.