I’ve just finished “The madness of crowds” by Douglas Murray and I found his narration on audio of an extremely fascinating book totally engrossing. I can’t recommend it highly enough
Ex Paks it’s not “racist” to oppose Islam and sharia law. Sharia law literally sees gays hung iran and gays tortured in Chechnya (a white nation btw). In a 2016 poll, 25% of Muslims in the uk stated they want some sharia law within secular law, 50% stated they thought homosexuality should be illegal. These people aren’t reading some revised Islamic scripture, it’s the same they study in Chechnya, Pakistan, Iran etc. You are honestly the perfect example of sheer ignorance and a perfect example of a product of mainstream media. Trevor Phillips (a black British man) and the head of Diversity for the Labour Party, has been expelled, for raising concerns within the Islamic community, based on empirical data. But okay Douglas is “racist” for opposing an ideology which literally sees people like him killed in 2020 in certain parts of the world.
@@expaks7069 You haven't read the book and you don't know what you are talking about. Added to that you are abusive. Your posts are perfect examples of typically narrow minded left wing hate speech.
What a enjoyable interview. Douglas is brilliant as always. But for once I liked the interviewer too, he was sharp and interesting aswell. Two witty brits. 🇬🇧😊
Agreed. My favorite, perhaps, is his interview with Jordan Peterson - so nuanced and eloquent in exploring the difficulty we, collectively have in seeing when the left "goes too far." That said, his most recent, with The Sun, in which he addresses the current riots was amazing, and he presents (unsurprisingly) a clear-headed voice of reason that I've yet to hear amidst the dismaying death and follow-on riots in the States. Too bad they turned off the comment section on that one - wish more people could discuss it.
You have enjoyed it only because it re-enforces your existing prejudices. You should really say, you found it soothing. Have you learned anything valuable?
@@expaks7069 The irrationalist - even the hysterical and narcissitic Left - it seems, is still about. They cannot enjoy anything. Try and smile... ...just a little.
@@RevRMBWest You are mistaken. It is neither Left, nor Left of Left. It is called decency. It is called Being a Decent Human Being. In the comment below I have set out in black & white, the fact that John O'Sullivan (the so called "president" of the so called "institute") is a proven liar, and an islamophobe. And if you insist, I would be happy to prove for you that what you call "moderate, temperate, polite" is garbage vomited out by a known liar and islamophobe - murray. Your ilk like him because he makes it acceptable for you to cultivate the hate-filled poison.
Love Douglas Murray’s no nonsense approach, courage and his ability to discuss such complex subjects in an accessible but never simplistic way. A Hungarian living in the UK, just found your channel and have subscribed of course! Thank you for this fantastic interview.
For me, he's gradually becoming a national treasure. The voice of reason. However, I miss the Hitch, we need another like him. He would have loved all this stuff, and destroyed the woke culture with his intellectual analysis and brutal, fearless wit
@Konzy Just like Christopher did, he never listened either. They are very much alike but whereas "the Hitch" remained rigid in his belief system and so stunted in development, Peter has come to see a lot of truth and he has spoken out. His film about Britain and the EU including much on the incredible Enoch Powell is really probing. What do you want from him? He has exposed so much it is amazing that he can still get published but there is no action because, as he says, it's too late. Look at what is happening to honest people like Enoch Powell or Jeffrey Corbyn. I have seen Peter mercilessly attacked by abysmal, ignorant people. If you don't like Peter's style, which everyone seems to be preoccupied with on this link, then read his books, but that would take more effort than watching someone for emulate "the Hitch", a charismatic man who actively promoted totally immoral wars which slaughtered thousands of innocent people and children. Talk about a waste of an intellect, that was Christopher Hitchens!
DM is the Hitch of this generation. His command of political philosophy and communication of ideas clearly enhanced with beautiful prose makes him our greatest public intellectual . As someone else has commented . I see a DM interview i watch listen reflect and I am enriched by the experience. Robx
what an absolutely incredible interview, and much credit to the interviewer!! i am a big fan of douglas and while I didn't write a book when I was 18, I read Douglas's first book, Bosie, when I was 18. this interviewer's exploration of Douglas's earlier works is great and something I haven't come across very often. i really hope Douglas would one day consider posting a picture of his library. I would love to know what books are on his shelf.
“I’m very wary of predictions because my own discovery in my own life so far is that there’s there’s a whole heap of things you just never see coming...” Douglas Murray in the time of Corona virus. (I just love his simple eloquence and truth.)
@@jennymisteqq5399 I'm hopeful that things are changing. I see channels like The Rubin Report, Triggernometry, Unherd, and others. The guests on these channels are brilliant, brave people like Douglas. Their ideas are spreading faster now. As a side note, I believe some people stayed quiet not because they lacked bravery but because they didn't think their voices mattered much. They didn't think they could make a difference. Others didn't speak up because they thought ideas like the ones explained by Douglas are clearly based on common sense and would be obvious to any critically thinking human being. Now they're starting to see that common sense is not as compelling as we thought, and they're starting to speak up.
In 'Bloody Sunday', what struck me was the quibbling over those memories that were from decades before, the interrogator just kept on trying to, mercilessly, pull down the witness so as to satisfy the continual Irish claims, who will not let things go; presenter is just mentioning the point, now, as I listen, so that is good to hear. But that was why I was left with a feeling of how weighted these Irish court cases are against the Brits, and made me even more annoyed at what the IRA have always got away with.
I read Bloody Sunday (or listened to the audiobook!). As an enquiry into truth snd memory, it was carefully written and deeply satisfying to hear, although gruelling to listen to. From personal knowledge of the conflict at one remove, it was scrupulously fair.and looked at the difficult issue of loyalty/betrayal and who was working for whom. I hope now Douglas Murray is better known, the book be read more widely. It has much that might give those playing in the (new) identitarian puddles cause to question the morality of what they are doing.
Boris is well liked by the majority of Northerner's, he comes across as humble, genuine and actually just 1 of us, we love that his hair is messy, we love that his shirt is sometimes not tucked in properly, in other words, what you see with Boris is what you get and we appreciate that.
@@bilbobaggins4710 Without Boris on team leave, we would more than likely have lost the 2016 ref, without Boris the result of the 2016 ref would have been over turned, without Boris we would have no Australian points based immigration system coming into effect 1st Jan 2021. Now i know Boris is more Liberal than most Tories, however the ERG and others will hold his feet to the fire.
When I was at school in the mid 80s. If a boy acted in a feminine manner, it was generally assumed that he was gay. Now if a boy does this he is assumed to be trans and possibly given hormones and encouraged to consider surgery. Does this mean that gay men are being replaced by trans women. Or does the population of gay men decline as the population of trans women grow.
And I might add, that if that effeminate boy was catholic, he would have been groomed by his mother to become a priest. We had a cousin like that. He rebelled and became a gay dancer. I think your last sentence is correct. Such boys will be subjected to the ultimate form of "reversion therapy".
Regarding immigrant workers in the NHS, is it morally right for a developed country like Great Britain to continue to take people, often trained and educated at another country's expense instead of training our own people? Great Britain is depriving these countries of the benefits of their investment in their own people. (Chris Whitty touched on the need for Great Britain to start training its own people in his Nuffield lecture). Regarding the disproportionate effect that Corona is having on BME people, why is this surprising? Living in an environment that is alien to your genetic development may well have an adverse effect. Look at the old graveyards In India and see the effect that a lack of build up of resistance had on Brirish people that lived there. Again, not surprising.
Spot on! It is immoral to create a brain and workers drain, plus it dumbs down and makes vulnerable the country taking them because they aren't forced to educate and train a greater number of indigenous. In North America blacks are being hit by the Corona virus is higher numbers because they are more susceptible to all kinds of disease (mainly diabetes) due to the fact they are not living the lifestyle or eating the foods their ancestors did. The importation of people is immoral on so many levels.
@@juliettailor1616 Would you be asking the same question if you were strapped up with a ventilator and breathing felt like trying to push out constipated stones? I don't think so. Migrant nurses would be wiping your lips as well as the backside, just to keep you alive.
@@expaks7069 your question shows you have no clue as to what Nick Jung or was saying. Read slowly: If migrant workers were not imported for financial and other reasons my own native countrymen would be wiping my backside. In the meantime those vital people are missing from their countries of origin. I happen to live on such a country. The medical schools are training people who leave en masse for the UK for more money leaving a multitude of patients being severely neglected due to staff shortages. The remaining staff are under great stress from over work. Next time you post try to think first.
@@juliettailor1616 Are you serious? You mean you searched across the entire internet to come to a xenophobic thread where you found people who have your interest at heart? These are racist folk who used explanations like yours to justify their repugnant views, by trying to sound as if they have the coloured people's interests at heart. Do you think Murray would be happy to pay twice as much to get a non-coloured nurse or get hernia while trying to push out his constipation - just so that some poor country could have its nurse back?
On the topic of free global trade. It would seem wise to encourage companies to outsource their manufacturing (when it is necessary), to emerging democratic countries, instead of totalitarian dictatorships.
@@noceboaffect3187 Its from another interview he did, on another channel. Snorgon above is just using a tired literary meme. One must forgive the simple their penchant for hanging onto dead jokes.
The demands upon the NHS and it's financial burden and inefficiency are not being solved by successive political parties. One of these variables will have to change significantly if things are to improve.
And to think that my parents supported Poland when the soviets were cracking the whip during 70s and 80s. Most poles are decent people. But today, poland is ruled by a bunch extremists; it will not last. there is no army at the gates of austria.
@@expaks7069 Where did you get your info about Poland? They are not ruled by a bunch of extremists. This is what you will read in The Guardian and this is what EU officials want you to believe. I suggest you read more and from different sources.
@@malgorzatajakubowska-chaab3613 Poland is ruled by an extremist bunch of hatemongers. They tried first to whitewash the Holocaust but got whacked so hard by the US & Israel that they quickly backtracked. And now, in the typical tradition of cowards, they are busy attacking asylum seekers because they are a soft target.
@@expaks7069 Sorry, my friend but that's not true. It's not Poland that is trying to change history. Hate is sth you might have a problem with ... judging by your comments. And cowards? Hm, looking at our history, I would say this is the most untrue description one could think of when speaking about Poland or Polish people. As for immigrants we have a very large number of Ukrainians in Poland. We weren't exactly thrilled by the idea of being dictated and taught morality by a German chancellor...do you mind?
@@malgorzatajakubowska-chaab3613 Yet Poles are happy to take the German money. Without German billions, 80% of the Poles would till be scrapping the rust off the decaying soviet tractors.
It's so rare for me to have a contemporary hero How he kept as straight face, resorting to the teacup defense at one point, during the dancing hands segments, is s thing of wonder
38:00 Sure, there are people who would want the expert to decide everything, and there are people on just who believe that there are other concerns as well. But there's also a growing group of people in the US who just want to chuck out the experts because it doesn't fit their beliefs. And that happens on both sides of the political spectrum. What you need is experts giving their expert opinion on the matter, advising the politicians to the best of their ability, and the politicians making decisions based on that knowledge. That requires that experts by provide their opinion without being pushed in a political corner, it means that politicians do get the ultimate say, and that is their heads when the decision goes wrong.
An argument against the markets being self-correcting is extant here. A long form intellectual discussion would otherwise be available on terrestrial TV., given your viewing figures.
If there's one thing we can always say about Germany, they have an incontrollable desire to conquer. Just because Merkel isn't nationalistic about Germany right now, that doesn't mean she doesn't want the EU to build an army. Guaranteed within a decade the EU will have an army and will fight an incredibly bloody and violent war to bring all the "rogue" nations back under the EU's thumb...include Britain.
"Lockdown or House Arrest" is hard/tough just wait until the Authorities/Establishment have to deal with LdS(Lockdown Syndrome) & will LdS become a new Medical Term or Condition?
Like the Safe Space contrivance so too is the Lockdown concept an A.I play based upon trillions of Social Media Data Points. A 15 year old $12 game called 21Q could 99% of the time guess what word you were thinking (no matter how bizarre) after 21 questions or less. A 15 year ago TOY. imagine A.I. today
Again Douglas hundreds of Doctors paper on the bad health issues of 5 G just small example creates insomnia decline in immune system and you become available for any virus of the day. That is serious example when we already have 40 % of the nation has sleep disorder syndrome. I'm in Public health, since 1975. Do your home work Douggy.
Get a back Douglas the reason in USA 2/3 of the deaths mostly Black Folks because they are forced by the system to live in polluted places next to oil refineries in Texas to poison led water of Flint Michigan, I can go but no. Do your home work don't be lazy.
I think it is becoming a cliche now to be interviewed in front of a totally filled set of book shelves, often with your latest book very prominently displayed.
He should have had his bloody Sunday book on display, I didn't know he wrote a book about that incident, and for someone who has served in the parachute regiment, I do know quite a bit already, so it would be good to have his insight on this. I will be looking to purchase this book now.
i Thought you defend Me British people bcoz you are understanding and Fight me as my Second home. I'm so upsets and feel Bad to British people bcoz of accusing me I'm a bad Evil worst creates propaganda ? it's such a stupid u tolerate by this bad Evil people behinds the scene.
I'm simple, see Douglas and hit the play button👍
I look for him !
I’ve just finished “The madness of crowds” by Douglas Murray and I found his narration on audio of an extremely fascinating book totally engrossing.
I can’t recommend it highly enough
Why? Because he makes it acceptable and soothing for you to now express your racist and repugnant views?
Ex Paks it’s not “racist” to oppose Islam and sharia law.
Sharia law literally sees gays hung iran and gays tortured in Chechnya (a white nation btw).
In a 2016 poll, 25% of Muslims in the uk stated they want some sharia law within secular law, 50% stated they thought homosexuality should be illegal.
These people aren’t reading some revised Islamic scripture, it’s the same they study in Chechnya, Pakistan, Iran etc.
You are honestly the perfect example of sheer ignorance and a perfect example of a product of mainstream media.
Trevor Phillips (a black British man) and the head of Diversity for the Labour Party, has been expelled, for raising concerns within the Islamic community, based on empirical data.
But okay Douglas is “racist” for opposing an ideology which literally sees people like him killed in 2020 in certain parts of the world.
@Logan You don't have to eat sh1t, to know it is sh1t !!!!!! You don't read Mein Kamf to know it is evil. Have you read Mein Kamf?
@@expaks7069 You haven't read the book and you don't know what you are talking about. Added to that you are abusive. Your posts are perfect examples of typically narrow minded left wing hate speech.
It is always a pleasure to listen to Douglas.
Many attendees at the Nuremberg rallies had the same feeling. Look, how that ended.
What a enjoyable interview. Douglas is brilliant as always. But for once I liked the interviewer too, he was sharp and interesting aswell. Two witty brits. 🇬🇧😊
Brilliant, in-depth discussion of important issues, which - sadly - one can no longer get from the dumbed-down and highly partisan BBC.
This is one of the best Douglas Murray interviews I've ever heard. And I've heard them all.
The one with Bret Weinstein was also very enjoyable ☺️
Looking forward to this then. I love the Dougster.
Agreed. My favorite, perhaps, is his interview with Jordan Peterson - so nuanced and eloquent in exploring the difficulty we, collectively have in seeing when the left "goes too far." That said, his most recent, with The Sun, in which he addresses the current riots was amazing, and he presents (unsurprisingly) a clear-headed voice of reason that I've yet to hear amidst the dismaying death and follow-on riots in the States. Too bad they turned off the comment section on that one - wish more people could discuss it.
I have enjoyed this interview: it has been very moderate, temperate, polite, at times amusing, incisive, informative, and enlightening. Thank you.
You have enjoyed it only because it re-enforces your existing prejudices. You should really say, you found it soothing. Have you learned anything valuable?
@@expaks7069 The irrationalist - even the hysterical and narcissitic Left - it seems, is still about. They cannot enjoy anything. Try and smile... ...just a little.
@@RevRMBWest You are mistaken. It is neither Left, nor Left of Left. It is called decency. It is called Being a Decent Human Being. In the comment below I have set out in black & white, the fact that John O'Sullivan (the so called "president" of the so called "institute") is a proven liar, and an islamophobe.
And if you insist, I would be happy to prove for you that what you call "moderate, temperate, polite" is garbage vomited out by a known liar and islamophobe - murray. Your ilk like him because he makes it acceptable for you to cultivate the hate-filled poison.
Love Douglas Murray’s no nonsense approach, courage and his ability to discuss such complex subjects in an accessible but never simplistic way. A Hungarian living in the UK, just found your channel and have subscribed of course! Thank you for this fantastic interview.
That he is Goebbels-esq cannot be denied. He makes hate filled turd seem like a delicious banana-fritter. Enjoy the dish.
For me, he's gradually becoming a national treasure. The voice of reason. However, I miss the Hitch, we need another like him. He would have loved all this stuff, and destroyed the woke culture with his intellectual analysis and brutal, fearless wit
Hitch was a dumb fuck
@@bilbobaggins4710 self awareness not your strong point obviously🤣😂
There is another Hitchens, Peter, his brother. Similarly gifted but more analytical. You can find him on UA-cam.
@@juliettailor1616 Yes, I follow him too. However there is nothing quite like Christopher
@Konzy Just like Christopher did, he never listened either. They are very much alike but whereas "the Hitch" remained rigid in his belief system and so stunted in development, Peter has come to see a lot of truth and he has spoken out. His film about Britain and the EU including much on the incredible Enoch Powell is really probing. What do you want from him? He has exposed so much it is amazing that he can still get published but there is no action because, as he says, it's too late. Look at what is happening to honest people like Enoch Powell or Jeffrey Corbyn. I have seen Peter mercilessly attacked by abysmal, ignorant people. If you don't like Peter's style, which everyone seems to be preoccupied with on this link, then read his books, but that would take more effort than watching someone for emulate "the Hitch", a charismatic man who actively promoted totally immoral wars which slaughtered thousands of innocent people and children. Talk about a waste of an intellect, that was Christopher Hitchens!
DM is the Hitch of this generation. His command of political philosophy and communication of ideas clearly enhanced with beautiful prose makes him our greatest public intellectual .
As someone else has commented . I see a DM interview i watch listen reflect and I am enriched by the experience.
Goebbels had the same effect. Do you also enjoy his speeches, with rousing applause?
what an absolutely incredible interview, and much credit to the interviewer!! i am a big fan of douglas and while I didn't write a book when I was 18, I read Douglas's first book, Bosie, when I was 18. this interviewer's exploration of Douglas's earlier works is great and something I haven't come across very often. i really hope Douglas would one day consider posting a picture of his library. I would love to know what books are on his shelf.
“I’m very wary of predictions because my own discovery in my own life so far is that there’s there’s a whole heap of things you just never see coming...”
Douglas Murray in the time of Corona virus. (I just love his simple eloquence and truth.)
Simple common sense,it's not rocket science,this man should be in a position of influence in our world.
The thing is most people agree with him, they just aren’t brave enough to say what he says.
@@jennymisteqq5399 I'm hopeful that things are changing. I see channels like The Rubin Report, Triggernometry, Unherd, and others. The guests on these channels are brilliant, brave people like Douglas. Their ideas are spreading faster now.
As a side note, I believe some people stayed quiet not because they lacked bravery but because they didn't think their voices mattered much. They didn't think they could make a difference.
Others didn't speak up because they thought ideas like the ones explained by Douglas are clearly based on common sense and would be obvious to any critically thinking human being. Now they're starting to see that common sense is not as compelling as we thought, and they're starting to speak up.
One of the brightes mind of today. Stay safe Douglas
Quarantine me with Douglass Murray! . 💞
In 'Bloody Sunday', what struck me was the quibbling over those memories that were from decades before, the interrogator just kept on trying to, mercilessly, pull down the witness so as to satisfy the continual Irish claims, who will not let things go; presenter is just mentioning the point, now, as I listen, so that is good to hear. But that was why I was left with a feeling of how weighted these Irish court cases are against the Brits, and made me even more annoyed at what the IRA have always got away with.
Excellent conversation. Douglas Murray has grown on me over the years, a measured voice of common sense.
Douglas, in my opinion........is never a waste of my time. Murry’s intellectual aptitude and articulations never miss their mark. 🏹 🥏
Every time I listen to Douglas I feel a wee bit wiser
I am but a simple soldier, but I know that when I see a Douglas Murray video I should click it. Cheers Danube Institute!
I read Bloody Sunday (or listened to the audiobook!). As an enquiry into truth snd memory, it was carefully written and deeply satisfying to hear, although gruelling to listen to. From personal knowledge of the conflict at one remove, it was scrupulously fair.and looked at the difficult issue of loyalty/betrayal and who was working for whom.
I hope now Douglas Murray is better known, the book be read more widely. It has much that might give those playing in the (new) identitarian puddles cause to question the morality of what they are doing.
Thanks Douglas and John. EDIT I enjoy these types of talks and the best ones have few cuts or edits.
Well done Danube Institute.
Boris is well liked by the majority of Northerner's, he comes across as humble, genuine and actually just 1 of us, we love that his hair is messy, we love that his shirt is sometimes not tucked in properly, in other words, what you see with Boris is what you get and we appreciate that.
Fuck Boris ....He's pro non white immigration
@@bilbobaggins4710 Without Boris on team leave, we would more than likely have lost the 2016 ref, without Boris the result of the 2016 ref would have been over turned, without Boris we would have no Australian points based immigration system coming into effect 1st Jan 2021. Now i know Boris is more Liberal than most Tories, however the ERG and others will hold his feet to the fire.
Excellent interview. On a lighter note, I had a chuckle at 36.30 when the oul man's headphones fall out 😂
I can’t wait to see what books Douglas is working on off-radar
When I was at school in the mid 80s. If a boy acted in a feminine manner, it was generally assumed that he was gay. Now if a boy does this he is assumed to be trans and possibly given hormones and encouraged to consider surgery. Does this mean that gay men are being replaced by trans women.
Or does the population of gay men decline as the population of trans women grow.
And I might add, that if that effeminate boy was catholic, he would have been groomed by his mother to become a priest. We had a cousin like that. He rebelled and became a gay dancer. I think your last sentence is correct. Such boys will be subjected to the ultimate form of "reversion therapy".
@liz t that is horrifying. Do you have any sources for that?
He will be on the carriculem of all the best Uni's as one of the greatest thinkers of the 21st century.
@BEN BENSON you got that right. However I live in hope that the "Woke" may actually wake up.
love Douglas Murray
Regarding immigrant workers in the NHS, is it morally right for a developed country like Great Britain to continue to take people, often trained and educated at another country's expense instead of training our own people? Great Britain is depriving these countries of the benefits of their investment in their own people. (Chris Whitty touched on the need for Great Britain to start training its own people in his Nuffield lecture). Regarding the disproportionate effect that Corona is having on BME people, why is this surprising? Living in an environment that is alien to your genetic development may well have an adverse effect. Look at the old graveyards In India and see the effect that a lack of build up of resistance had on Brirish people that lived there. Again, not surprising.
Spot on! It is immoral to create a brain and workers drain, plus it dumbs down and makes vulnerable the country taking them because they aren't forced to educate and train a greater number of indigenous.
In North America blacks are being hit by the Corona virus is higher numbers because they are more susceptible to all kinds of disease (mainly diabetes) due to the fact they are not living the lifestyle or eating the foods their ancestors did. The importation of people is immoral on so many levels.
@@juliettailor1616 Would you be asking the same question if you were strapped up with a ventilator and breathing felt like trying to push out constipated stones? I don't think so. Migrant nurses would be wiping your lips as well as the backside, just to keep you alive.
@@expaks7069 your question shows you have no clue as to what Nick Jung or was saying. Read slowly: If migrant workers were not imported for financial and other reasons my own native countrymen would be wiping my backside. In the meantime those vital people are missing from their countries of origin. I happen to live on such a country. The medical schools are training people who leave en masse for the UK for more money leaving a multitude of patients being severely neglected due to staff shortages. The remaining staff are under great stress from over work.
Next time you post try to think first.
@@juliettailor1616 Are you serious? You mean you searched across the entire internet to come to a xenophobic thread where you found people who have your interest at heart? These are racist folk who used explanations like yours to justify their repugnant views, by trying to sound as if they have the coloured people's interests at heart. Do you think Murray would be happy to pay twice as much to get a non-coloured nurse or get hernia while trying to push out his constipation - just so that some poor country could have its nurse back?
An interesting hour. Enjoyable. Could do other things while listening. Great!
On the topic of free global trade. It would seem wise to encourage companies to outsource their manufacturing (when it is necessary), to emerging democratic countries, instead of totalitarian dictatorships.
Nope...No outsourcing whatsoever
Outsourcing is one of the greatest crimes of the neo-liberal-con elite.
Thank you, Danube Institute.
Douglas "I've always taken fitness seriously, I guess I just don't wear t-shirts that often" Murray
SnorgonOfBorkkad timestamp????
@@noceboaffect3187 Its from another interview he did, on another channel. Snorgon above is just using a tired literary meme. One must forgive the simple their penchant for hanging onto dead jokes.
@@noceboaffect3187 It's from recent DM interview with Darren Grimes.
I'd like to thank Apple Inc for sponsoring this interview.
Well, this was a pleasant surprise. (Hello, John!)
You can still be straight and still love mr Murray
the title of his book is quite ironic
It's also heavy with numerous connotations 😵
The demands upon the NHS and it's financial burden and inefficiency are not being solved by successive political parties. One of these variables will have to change significantly if things are to improve.
Douglas, please get a better mic. I love listening to you, I want to listen to you with pleasure
India is another country on that hit list of the international media.
Yes it is
Another country criticized constantly especially by European Union is Poland.
And to think that my parents supported Poland when the soviets were cracking the whip during 70s and 80s. Most poles are decent people. But today, poland is ruled by a bunch extremists; it will not last. there is no army at the gates of austria.
@@expaks7069 Where did you get your info about Poland? They are not ruled by a bunch of extremists. This is what you will read in The Guardian and this is what EU officials want you to believe. I suggest you read more and from different sources.
@@malgorzatajakubowska-chaab3613 Poland is ruled by an extremist bunch of hatemongers. They tried first to whitewash the Holocaust but got whacked so hard by the US & Israel that they quickly backtracked.
And now, in the typical tradition of cowards, they are busy attacking asylum seekers because they are a soft target.
@@expaks7069 Sorry, my friend but that's not true. It's not Poland that is trying to change history. Hate is sth you might have a problem with ... judging by your comments. And cowards? Hm, looking at our history, I would say this is the most untrue description one could think of when speaking about Poland or Polish people. As for immigrants we have a very large number of Ukrainians in Poland. We weren't exactly thrilled by the idea of being dictated and taught morality by a German chancellor...do you mind?
@@malgorzatajakubowska-chaab3613 Yet Poles are happy to take the German money. Without German billions, 80% of the Poles would till be scrapping the rust off the decaying soviet tractors.
Really enjoyed this! Perhaps a bit much on the video perspective changes but excellent stuff! :)
Yes,, "a bit much"
Fire whichever intern told you these camera angles are helping the interview just put the 2 ppl talking or focus on the one speaking
I don't mind it except for the irritating diagonals.
It's so rare for me to have a contemporary hero How he kept as straight face, resorting to the teacup defense at one point, during the dancing hands segments, is s thing of wonder
36:11 what's the deal with that weird voice that talks over Douglas for about a second? I think I heard at a few other points in the conversation.
Most people in Extinction Rebellion seem to actually be Extinction Advocates.
Please use your mic clip.
Douglas working that rather lovely cardigan and an Oxford shirt.
Does anyone have the 'nature reclaiming' of Slough meme that Douglas mentioned?
Why the heck are they using a lens that obscures the book titles on the bookcase behind?
38:00 Sure, there are people who would want the expert to decide everything, and there are people on just who believe that there are other concerns as well.
But there's also a growing group of people in the US who just want to chuck out the experts because it doesn't fit their beliefs. And that happens on both sides of the political spectrum.
What you need is experts giving their expert opinion on the matter, advising the politicians to the best of their ability, and the politicians making decisions based on that knowledge.
That requires that experts by provide their opinion without being pushed in a political corner, it means that politicians do get the ultimate say, and that is their heads when the decision goes wrong.
Murray rules.
As usual, the dreaded M word is avoided...I.e. MUSLIM
Elwyn Jones Muslims were mentioned right at the beginning of the interview when lgbt etc "education" was discussed.
ohhhhhhhh, you disppointed? there, there. you will be fine after a while.
An argument against the markets being self-correcting is extant here. A long form intellectual discussion would otherwise be available on terrestrial TV., given your viewing figures.
Just a minor note, it was Owen Benjamin who invent the alphabet people joke. Dave Chappel stole it.
Social justice.....people just need to be polite and speak the home country language.
36:10 ???
Why is he rubbing the desk?!
Oliver Smith
Is it a Parkinsons symptom maybe?
If there's one thing we can always say about Germany, they have an incontrollable desire to conquer. Just because Merkel isn't nationalistic about Germany right now, that doesn't mean she doesn't want the EU to build an army. Guaranteed within a decade the EU will have an army and will fight an incredibly bloody and violent war to bring all the "rogue" nations back under the EU's thumb...include Britain.
John's table rubbing is really creepy
Hamza Saleem
Maybe he has a disorder of the nervous system age perhaps?
"Lockdown or House Arrest" is hard/tough just wait until the Authorities/Establishment have to deal with LdS(Lockdown Syndrome) & will LdS become a new Medical Term or Condition?
Men surrounded by their books🤩
Murray is such a coward. He walks around the edge of this convo but won't put his balls to the wall. Disapointing.
J NYC - and you are so incredibly brave, aye? J NYC!! :o)
@BEN BENSON Is that your argument?
@@kbeetles It isn't my job to be interviewed in public. People who are paid to speak publically ought to be more forthright.
@BEN BENSON This is what constitutes repartee in your world?
J NYC What did he avoid in your opinion?
oh no. Douglas said 'our NHS'
Like the Safe Space contrivance so too is the Lockdown concept an A.I play based upon trillions of Social Media Data Points. A 15 year old $12 game called 21Q could 99% of the time guess what word you were thinking (no matter how bizarre) after 21 questions or less. A 15 year ago TOY. imagine A.I. today
No UA-cam, you will NOT wean me onto this civ-nat thin gruel.
Is WE us plus them, or only us..?
I was named the least important intellectual in the British Isles. :-(
I love the incessant scratching
Harari is just as important as Douglas
They're too rare to compare
Again Douglas hundreds of Doctors paper on the bad health issues of 5 G just small example creates insomnia decline in immune system and you become available for any virus of the day. That is serious example when we already have 40 % of the nation has sleep disorder syndrome. I'm in Public health, since 1975. Do your home work Douggy.
sleep disorders probably because we are all staring hours and hours at our screens...
Who cares what sexuality someone is...FFS
Does he have a 2 day stubble on purpose? Every bloody video!
I like Douglas Murray very much, but I don't care for his greying five-o'clock shadow.
Douglas Murray really needs to get rid of that designer stubble or five o clock shadow he looks much better clean shaven
Just my opinion, but he spends too much time on gay stuff... majority of the population not that interested...
May be brilliant but not above some blatant cheap advertising
Dont forget AIDS in the 1980 !!! Everybody whent funny to
Could have done without the Johnson hagiography. No we do not feel this way about The OAF.
Has Douglas dyed his hair?
yes, thought that as well, too harsh...now, back to the sustance😀
Europe R, Madnes ov Crowds L
Get a back Douglas the reason in USA 2/3 of the deaths mostly Black Folks because they are forced by the system to live in polluted places next to oil refineries in Texas to poison led water of Flint Michigan, I can go but no. Do your home work don't be lazy.
Is the virus killing them quicker than they normally kill each other? 13% 52% Detroit, Chicago, NY and on and on....
Ideology does not require homework, or you would be lost without an identity to shout self-righteously into the void.
I think it is becoming a cliche now to be interviewed in front of a totally filled set of book shelves, often with your latest book very prominently displayed.
He’s probably trying to sell the book you’ve probably noticed. Well done.
He should have had his bloody Sunday book on display, I didn't know he wrote a book about that incident, and for someone who has served in the parachute regiment, I do know quite a bit already, so it would be good to have his insight on this. I will be looking to purchase this book now.
Come on Muslims marry 9 year olds...
The old guy is a bit Muppet like tbh
i Thought you defend Me British people bcoz you are understanding and Fight me as my Second home. I'm so upsets and feel Bad to British people bcoz of accusing me I'm a bad Evil worst creates propaganda ? it's such a stupid u tolerate by this bad Evil people behinds the scene.