Tsunamis were coming at the place where he was standing...but that said: NEVER go so close to the coast right there at the icefjord: sometimes the tsunamis actually kill tourists
Massive huh? Yah, towers a Volcano... and a hurricane that spreads through multiple states... and don't get me started about those weak 8.0 earthquakes... and has anybody really been killed from the direct effect of a Tsunami?... and if you won't stand in the path of a tornado, then I just can't trust you... LMFFFAAAOOO definitely nothing close to how massively devastating pretty much anything else besides an iceberg is 😂
The first time I watched this I was talking out loud, telling you to pan and zoom etc. Now I am just grateful to have seen this raw footage...thank-you. It was smart to get some good ground, that was a massive roll that berg did.
@@statementleaver8095 The asteroid that hit Yucatan were 66 million years ago. The glaciologists operating in Greenland have been able to, so far, drill down to find icecores a bit over 1,1 million years back. We thus now have knowledge of our atmospheres carbon content, YEAR BY YEAR, 1,1 million year back and to date. Our atmospheric carbon content in that period have been relatively stable around 220 PPM. It´s around 65.000 years Homo Sapiens first time left the African continent so it´s quite a remarkable gift we have been given by this science. 3 times in the 1,1 million years large global simultaneously volcanic eruptions and accompanying large widespread fires have caused the atmospheric carbon content to go up with up to 30 PPM and EACH time it have caused abrupt climate changes that have lasted thousands of years. There have been other cyclic caused climate change periods in the 1,1 million years as well but then it have happened slowly and not had any significant impacts on the atmospheric carbon content. THUS it can be scientific concluded that sudden rises in carbon content creates sudden climate changes that last for thousands of years and have significant impacts on fauna and species. Homo Sapiens were created as a species during this long period of stable 220 PPM carbon content in our atmosphere. During the last around 230 years humans burning fossil fuels have caused an increase of the carbon content in our atmosphere of not 30 PPM, not 100 PPM but insane 200 PPM so we now have passed scary 420 PPM carbon content in our atmosphere. Climate triggering points, like the thawing Siberian/Canadian tundra now fast increasingly releases huge amounts of CO2 and methane. ONLY way to stop this thawing are cooling down the planet again. ONLY way to cool down the planet again are transitioning to an emission free energy production and usage. WE HAVE TO stop burning fossil fuels RIGHT NOW and it´s insane that the three large nations with highest greenhouse gas emissions, Australia, USA, Canada are subsidising fossil fuels in 2024 thus downright scewing the market so the cheaper emission free solutions, especially the cheap and fast raised windmills, that even can be placed with benefits in our oceans, thus not taking up land while even aiding oceans taking out CO2, are prevented by this policy to even organically replace fossil fuels. Pure insanity! WE are the monkey generation. It have never been a winning strategy to put your head in the sand when your house is on fire. OUR house is on fire!
@@statementleaver8095 I do not know if you can read my reply it might be to long but if you go to the "sort by" function above and choose "Newest first" (and scroll down) instead of the default "Top comments" you can read it.
@@ghostladydarkling3250 You know the glacier was giving signs that it will break for several minutes if not hours, he could have been standing on higher ground before he started recording it.
@@KateDenthimamai You could be paying him to stand around and get footage for you as well, but you weren't, so what the hell are you complaining about? The level of self-entitlement on the internet is ridiculous.
@@oceanecastelnau9821 If anyone saw my original reply to this, I thought this was another thread I was replying to... ignore. But, anyhoo, yeh, that's basically it. I swear you can post a video of a kitten playing with a ball of yarn and someone will find some reason to be outraged about it.
@@deanroddey2881 *You think he just got there accidentally? Do you know where the Arctic is? He was already there for hours and should've gotten into position.*
Ok, You have some of your own Alaska videos, you are not just a troll. I think they were smart moving when they saw the size of that berg. Tripod would have been good yes, but I know what it feels like to want to capture the action and getting out of it.
Absolutely amazing. I actually held my breath at several points while watching this. I assume this must truly be the catch of a lifetime. Thank you for sharing such a breathtaking moment.
he was too late to move to higher ground! he should've moved while the breakup moved not during the rolled up...and we missed the wave that happened during the rolled up.
Second biggest one I ever saw on video! The booms and the sheer scope of it must be scary in person. You don't realize how insignificant you are until you see 50 million tons of ice flip over in front of you! :)
if you've never experienced something like that it's difficult to judge how big that wave is going to be or how far it will travel. turning in and running up the hill was the prudent thing to do. many people have perished due to tsunamis caused by things like land slides
Because their too stupid to think ahead thats why. Theres a saying in mountaineering, "Beware of the person that is an expert at getting out of trouble". Just assess the situation ahead of time, take the requisite precautions, then take action. Its a simple concept.
This is a perfect example of effects of global warming. It is hard to picture raising sea levels till you see this. All that ice towering above the ice melting and surging inland in wave after wave.
I do hope you are being sarcastic. Rule nr. 1 should be "do your best not to kill yourself over a video". The wave didn't get to where he was standing before, but it almost did, and he didn't know how far it would go. Better safe than sorry.
I appreciate that the person recording did not talk over the event! PS: I had no idea icebergs could move that fast. You always imagine them being really slow 🤔
@@etiennenel4494 I agree 100%. But, at the end we will be the losers in the process the innocent and beautiful animals will be affected. Greed is the basic cause. 🙏
If you have ever been on a frozen lake, when the ice cracks it bounces of the sides of the mountains and all around and it sounds very similar. Obviously this would make a lot more, but yes, very cool sounds.
Hardly looked like they were in danger. Did we watch the same video? The person filming proceeds to film the boring iceberg that's doing nothing when they returned focus. Pretty disappointing.
ArtofAngels. Past your bedtime there sport? Gettin' a little cranky?Awww Precious, did you miss your nap today?....UH OH! What's that smell? Does somebody have a poopy diaper??? Better go find mommy.......HONEY!!!!
Great video, one of the best I've ever watched. Kudos and thank you for letting only the sounds of Nature be heard. Also thanks for sharing. You've got my like!
Iceberg starts breaking up Camera Man: Hey, look, the sky is nice and clear today. Camera Man: Oh looks, some pretty grass. Camera Man: Oooo...Rocks! i'm making a great video... Oh and here is 2 seconds of after the Iceberg broke off...
Camera person: Hey, that berg is breaking apart.....COOL. *But HEY LOOKIE is that some GRASS I see on the hill?* *WOWZER, can't miss a shot of those WEEDS!*
Great Shot. Thank You for letting us see what's been going on for thousands of years. And to imagine that is Fresh Water!! I didn't even imagine it can travel so far as well. Great Video, good work.
Or a smart guy to film it, like the video of this same event from the guy that set up in a safe spot and didn't have to spend the best parts running away.
Mw: OMG! How did you know at the right time to focus on this iceberg? Was it giving off some cracking sound? How long after did it finally settle? Thanks a million for filming this and for keeping yourself safe.
@@chasefunk No, the was just SO lucky to be there right at that moment, but stupid to go so close to the coast: NEVER do that in Ilulissat Icefjord: Tsunamis sometimes kill tourists going near the coastline: keep at least 50 meters above waterlevel
It's amazing, you look at the ice sheet behind it and not only is there an inrush of the water but the sheet rises a good 50 feet from the loss of the weight.
@@deathbycheese850 As if that matters. It could have killed them either way. The comment was to thank them for not risking their lives. And thanks, I'm aware of plate tectonics.
Guys, it's completely understandable the guy filming ran at a certain point. We have no clue how gigantic those icebergs are. It's way, way bigger than we imagine! Even to someone who is there a few miles away it's not possible to truly realize the size of them... no wonder he ran in order to save his life. Tsunamis are still a thing.
Because people are angry he got to higher ground after seeing a massive wall of water coming towards him and missed some of the shot. They would prefer if he sacrificed his life so they could enjoy 10 seconds of extra film..
i scrolled down on comments to look at some amazed comments, i am amazed by the amount of people who are rambling upon him on having missed the actual break.
Thank you!! Thanks for sharing this video. For me, what I live in the tropics, this is fabuluos, only in the tells or fantastic stories of travelers. The magnitude of the ice mountains, moving, turning are stunning. Very good.
What a shame the person recording this couldn't hold the camera still so that we could all see the magnitude of what really happened from the beginning to the end. Nothing worse than missing some of the footage because he chose to run up the hill in thinking that the water would reach his level when clearly that wouldn't be the case. An outstanding sight to see for sure, just next time bud, hold the camera still eh? Would greatly appreciate it!
Ummmm you must not have watched the video. He ruined the video by spazzing out and missing the best part. Bravery? Bravery from what? He was in no danger at any point. Yet he still missed the best moment by being a complete moron.
There's a difference between self-preservation and stupidity. The dud could've gotten atop the hill BEFORE the shot was taken and still would've had a good view
@@commonsense9755 If the dude knew the iceberg was gonna blow a giant wave at him he should've stepped atop the hill while shooting it. His mistake cost everyone a once-in-a-lifetime shot
how on motherfucking earth this can be epic? its scary, this is climate change in work, how can you say that the result of human race destroying the planet is epic? how inbred are you?
Wow!! Great photography. Loved how you shook the ca.era & moved it away from every captivating event just as it began to happen.
Tsunamis were coming at the place where he was standing...but that said: NEVER go so close to the coast right there at the icefjord: sometimes the tsunamis actually kill tourists
@@kunstnersjael Sti no excuse to record for 3 more seconds when the iceberg turned upside down!
That’s funny as hell bro.
I kept moving my phone hoping to catch the event but alas it doesn't seem to work that way.
Thanks for turning around and showing us the hillside
He had to get to higher ground because of the approaching wave.
THANK YOU for not talking while filming!!!!!!
He laughed...why?? Nothing here is laughing matter...
U meen ..."OH My god" "Nooo Fuck"...
Too bad he didnt concentrate on shooting better
Great camera work. And oh yeah....the grassy hillside was *AMAZING!*
So, I wonder what happened with the iceberg?
It went to the bar to get a cold one.
Tsunami, I'd run to
@@cynthiaayers7696: 🤣🤣 Iceberg heads to the bar for a cold one! Love it.🍺
theres another video of this exact same iceberg flipping over, thank goodness, search Ilulissat Icefjord - Large iceberg breaking over
That's not an iceberg, those were his balls.
You would have ran like a child up the hill screaming for mommy if you saw something that big moving.
Thanks so much for this footage, without any music or voices. Just incredible.
Yes! ! It's awesome to hear the rushing water while you can hear the ice loudly cracking as it's dragged across the bottom!
Extreme natural sudden hell
.. We WONT make it.. 3000..global warming.. This Aint incredible watch dear 2045..
Yes the footage of grass as a loud sound happens off camera surely is an amazing spectacle
@@fluffthecloudhi7729 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for capturing and sharing this . But missed the closest part .
Wow. That must have really been sumthin. Wish I could have seen it
its not any fun thing
Don't worry, even the cameraman didn't see it properly. 😂
Cannot believe he turned the camera right at the most epic moment (as it was flipping)?…That iceberg is touching bottom.
One of the most unsatisfying videos ever.
It was satisfiying to me.
@@elbagrau bitch continue doing stuff that can melt the iceberg
@@oddhooligans9848 wtf u talking about
@@nooyes3136 was probly a climate change attack. Jus some more bullshit, to go with this bullshit video
I totally agree
When continent sized iceburg breaks and proceeds to roll, camera man takes video of mountain side. Beautiful!
His life is not worth appeasing cowards who feel they are entitled to free content.
A beautiful look of mountain side saving his own butt! I say it's a wonderful raw video!
These are some of the most awesome events on the planet.
The shear massive scale of it and the spectacular display is breathtaking.
It was oddly peaceful to watch 🤷♂️
Massive huh? Yah, towers a Volcano... and a hurricane that spreads through multiple states... and don't get me started about those weak 8.0 earthquakes... and has anybody really been killed from the direct effect of a Tsunami?... and if you won't stand in the path of a tornado, then I just can't trust you... LMFFFAAAOOO definitely nothing close to how massively devastating pretty much anything else besides an iceberg is 😂
The first time I watched this I was talking out loud, telling you to pan and zoom etc. Now I am just grateful to have seen this raw footage...thank-you. It was smart to get some good ground, that was a massive roll that berg did.
I can't even imagine witnessing an event of this magnitude. Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime blessing!
He can't imagine it either.
Thats definitely not a blessing
Perdeu de gravar bem na hora mais legal!!!🤔
This is the type of person would film first contact with aliens, camera rock steady but when the UFO appears they decide to have an epileptic fit.
Hahahaha! So true!
"Should I film all of this epic once-in-a-lifetime event? Nah, I think I'll film myself walking up the hill."
I was screaming at the screen..... "Turn the camera back to the iceberg. Grass is not interesting"
He just realized that the wave would be big and decided to go higher. The right decision, but I would shoot and climb at the same time.
Apart from actually missing the break, this is pretty good proof of the 10% ice floating above water and 90% below
I can see atleast 3 different glacial climate changes here.
Does this mean BigT-Rex was warned about Co2 Emissions aswell??
@@statementleaver8095 The asteroid that hit Yucatan were 66 million years ago. The glaciologists operating in Greenland have been able to, so far, drill down to find icecores a bit over 1,1 million years back. We thus now have knowledge of our atmospheres carbon content, YEAR BY YEAR, 1,1 million year back and to date. Our atmospheric carbon content in that period have been relatively stable around 220 PPM. It´s around 65.000 years Homo Sapiens first time left the African continent so it´s quite a remarkable gift we have been given by this science. 3 times in the 1,1 million years large global simultaneously volcanic eruptions and accompanying large widespread fires have caused the atmospheric carbon content to go up with up to 30 PPM and EACH time it have caused abrupt climate changes that have lasted thousands of years.
There have been other cyclic caused climate change periods in the 1,1 million years as well but then it have happened slowly and not had any significant impacts on the atmospheric carbon content. THUS it can be scientific concluded that sudden rises in carbon content creates sudden climate changes that last for thousands of years and have significant impacts on fauna and species. Homo Sapiens were created as a species during this long period of stable 220 PPM carbon content in our atmosphere. During the last around 230 years humans burning fossil fuels have caused an increase of the carbon content in our atmosphere of not 30 PPM, not 100 PPM but insane 200 PPM so we now have passed scary 420 PPM carbon content in our atmosphere. Climate triggering points, like the thawing Siberian/Canadian tundra now fast increasingly releases huge amounts of CO2 and methane. ONLY way to stop this thawing are cooling down the planet again. ONLY way to cool down the planet again are transitioning to an emission free energy production and usage. WE HAVE TO stop burning fossil fuels RIGHT NOW and it´s insane that the three large nations with highest greenhouse gas emissions, Australia, USA, Canada are subsidising fossil fuels in 2024 thus downright scewing the market so the cheaper emission free solutions, especially the cheap and fast raised windmills, that even can be placed with benefits in our oceans, thus not taking up land while even aiding oceans taking out CO2, are prevented by this policy to even organically replace fossil fuels. Pure insanity!
WE are the monkey generation.
It have never been a winning strategy to put your head in the sand when your house is on fire. OUR house is on fire!
@@statementleaver8095 I do not know if you can read my reply it might be to long but if you go to the "sort by" function above and choose "Newest first" (and scroll down) instead of the default "Top comments" you can read it.
Nice video, we're lucky that you were there to capture this.
How did you actually manage to miss the break!?
I imagine he had to get the hell outta there
fuck off. my guy wanted to live. you're probably on a couch and he's out there getting the footage of a lifetime.
@@Peter-zg3em u r so right
I would better ask how did the camera person was able to suck at recording
Great question. What a fool whomever was filming.
missed the shot of a lifetime
@@ghostladydarkling3250 You know the glacier was giving signs that it will break for several minutes if not hours, he could have been standing on higher ground before he started recording it.
@@KateDenthimamai You could be paying him to stand around and get footage for you as well, but you weren't, so what the hell are you complaining about? The level of self-entitlement on the internet is ridiculous.
@@deanroddey2881 But at least the internet isn't polluted by self righteousness and faux outrage 😂
@@oceanecastelnau9821 If anyone saw my original reply to this, I thought this was another thread I was replying to... ignore.
But, anyhoo, yeh, that's basically it. I swear you can post a video of a kitten playing with a ball of yarn and someone will find some reason to be outraged about it.
@@deanroddey2881 *You think he just got there accidentally? Do you know where the Arctic is? He was already there for hours and should've gotten into position.*
Had a real award winner there, too bad you didn't film the best part!!
When the new Titanic ran into it?
Ok, You have some of your own Alaska videos, you are not just a troll. I think they were smart moving when they saw the size of that berg. Tripod would have been good yes, but I know what it feels like to want to capture the action and getting out of it.
This could easily have been one of the best glacier videos in the world. So clean.
Glad someone was there to capture this amazing event.
A few people were. Hard to tell how massive it was until I watched someone else's that showed the whole thing from a different angle. So crazy.
What a fantastic opportunity and even more amazingly, your goat managed to record pats of it.
Absolutely amazing. I actually held my breath at several points while watching this. I assume this must truly be the catch of a lifetime. Thank you for sharing such a breathtaking moment.
thanks for turning around and showing a hill right at the most spectacular moment of the iceberg.
Such a massive dynamic event. The breaking and rotating. Truly awesome.
Thank you
When it started flipping because of the new center of mass, the actual size hit me right on the forehead.
So while getting footage of the coolest thing, let's pan the camera away. Good job.
Dude why would you blame him? you would also try to get a little far away from a breaking ICEBERG A BREAKING ICEBERG
Needed to get to higher ground or would of gotten wet
Then keep the camera on the shot and walk backwards
Spectacular event! Lucky to catch it, and the sound added so much.
Thanks for turning camera away at every major event. Just what we need, a hillside and the part of the glacier where nothing was happening.
How the fuck do you turn the camera away from that!??!?!
HA! When you know that thing out there is COMING FOR YOU NEXT! THAT'S HOW!
nice comment bro,
you know he turned it away because he had to run to higher ground since the iceberg sent a wave of water his way right?
he was too late to move to higher ground! he should've moved while the breakup moved not during the rolled up...and we missed the wave that happened during the rolled up.
Safety first.
Second biggest one I ever saw on video! The booms and the sheer scope of it must be scary in person. You don't realize how insignificant you are until you see 50 million tons of ice flip over in front of you! :)
if you've never experienced something like that it's difficult to judge how big that wave is going to be or how far it will travel. turning in and running up the hill was the prudent thing to do. many people have perished due to tsunamis caused by things like land slides
Because their too stupid to think ahead thats why. Theres a saying in mountaineering, "Beware of the person that is an expert at getting out of trouble". Just assess the situation ahead of time, take the requisite precautions, then take action. Its a simple concept.
This is a perfect example of effects of global warming. It is hard to picture raising sea levels till you see this. All that ice towering above the ice melting and surging inland in wave after wave.
He could have left the camera where it was so at least we could see it happen, or at least go up gill while pointing the camera at the action.
@@BlackBilby LOL!
You really drink the Kool-aid!
When is your iceberg mountain crashing video getting released you entitled prick?
So sorry you miss the best part! Rule no1: STAY PUT and keep filming when something big is happening.
I do hope you are being sarcastic. Rule nr. 1 should be "do your best not to kill yourself over a video". The wave didn't get to where he was standing before, but it almost did, and he didn't know how far it would go. Better safe than sorry.
Coulda walked uphill backwards, just sayin.
Yea, I would like to see you walk backwards up a steep hill side while trying to film.
Probably fall flat on your butt! Give the guy a break.
That's not something you see everyday!! Beautiful to watch. You were very lucky to witness that. Thanks.☺
I've seen videos of people hiking in tall grass many times... .
The camera man: *Misses the large iceberg breaking*
Everyone: So you have chosen death
@@DefundTheFringes its an ip tracker
How are you literally everywhere
Bro your literally everywhere
Incredible shots !. Great video 👍
I appreciate that the person recording did not talk over the event!
PS: I had no idea icebergs could move that fast. You always imagine them being really slow 🤔
nor did he record it.
You have to have Morgan Freeman for the voice for something this epic
And I appreciate, that there is no silly "music" in the background.
I was waiting for the squirrel from Ice Age to come running out screaming across the iceburg while holding his acorn
I came to see an iceberg breaking, but ended up with this
Incredible - thank you!! The sound made it so loud, just like I was there (almost).
That must of been frightening. Great video. You caught the moment.
Thank you for filming the grass right as the berg flipped over. I can only imagine what it was like.
Treznor 93 - Fancy that. He put his own safety, before my entitled enjoyment. Some people, eh !
I'm just thankful he gave me something to wonder about.
Was that a very obvious sarcasm? or am i just autistic :D i thought he was really thanking at some point
UA-cam new guidelines:
Shake camera when the audience is excited
Uploader: yes
Mother nature at her best. Thank you for sharing this amazing footage with the world. In awe of her beauty. 🙏
@@etiennenel4494 I agree 100%. But, at the end we will be the losers in the process the innocent and beautiful animals will be affected. Greed is the basic cause. 🙏
The nature and the people of Greenland are amazing ....greetings from Norway
I just cant get enough of the cracking and the sound of thunder as it moves!
If you have ever been on a frozen lake, when the ice cracks it bounces of the sides of the mountains and all around and it sounds very similar. Obviously this would make a lot more, but yes, very cool sounds.
I wish people would remember to always keep their eminent demise in focus while they run for their lives.
I know right?? People these days, lol!!!
Hardly looked like they were in danger. Did we watch the same video? The person filming proceeds to film the boring iceberg that's doing nothing when they returned focus. Pretty disappointing.
ArtofAngels. Past your bedtime there sport? Gettin' a little cranky?Awww Precious, did you miss your nap today?....UH OH! What's that smell? Does somebody have a poopy diaper??? Better go find mommy.......HONEY!!!!
The eminent demise has already occurred in public education. Hail the Church of Global Warming!
You blew it!!!!!!!
Just sit and watch. You move at the most exciting point.
Fantastic Video! Good job, thanks, amazing. Greetings from Germany!
What an awesome display of nature than decided to miss most what would hav been spectacular event caught on camera, blew it man!
if not left the position he might be washed away by the tsunamiwave…
Well..uh...he lived to show us ....thank goodness
Where is common sense now days?? He should've started out on top of the hill!! That would've actually been a better view. 🤦
Are you saying he should have KNOWN the iceberg would break at that moment?
Do you think it has a clock?
Great video! Was it really this loud?
Incredible footage and incredible timing being there to witness that and get it on camera.
So it completely turn upside down, cool to witness. What an awesome moment for you, thanks for sharing 👍
Incredible footage. Thank you for the post.
Wait until the best part and then point the camera at the sky, brilliant move. Let’s go Brandon!!
I know right worst camera work ever lol
Great video, one of the best I've ever watched. Kudos and thank you for letting only the sounds of Nature be heard. Also thanks for sharing. You've got my like!
Thanks for not playing music background, I was able to hear the powerful sound of water
where's a drone when you need one, a close up video would have been amazing
Tony V go find one
Tony V I agree that event would have been awesome with an overhead view
Tony V It would be dangerous
GamingWithØrange no it wouldn't it would only be dangerous for the drone and the camara
GamingWithØrange how would it be dangerous??
Iceberg starts breaking up
Camera Man: Hey, look, the sky is nice and clear today.
Camera Man: Oh looks, some pretty grass.
Camera Man: Oooo...Rocks! i'm making a great video... Oh and here is 2 seconds of after the Iceberg broke off...
Camera person: Hey, that berg is breaking apart.....COOL. *But HEY LOOKIE is that some GRASS I see on the hill?* *WOWZER, can't miss a shot of those WEEDS!*
Great Shot. Thank You for letting us see what's been going on for thousands of years. And to imagine that is Fresh Water!! I didn't even imagine it can travel so far as well. Great Video, good work.
I love the 'oh I gotta fuck off out of here' vibe. And the footage of course. Thanks.
I imagine this type of event in such close proximity makes one feel very small and fragile !
Great footage mate. One of the best Glazier break off I've ever seen.
FuckGodism err, that's "glacier". A glazier installs windows😊
There's nothing great about this event
Anwar Robertson yeah there is
Right place at the right time very nice capture of nature. Amazing surge of water it caused go thing you had safer ground to retreat to. Nice video.
Definitely love the erratic slow mo that made everything better
Fascinating. Too bad the cam is shaking while running for higher ground. But I understand!
The Antichrist Kid did your parents drop you when you were little? Stop disrespecting other people for no reason!
The noise it makes , it's like the end of the word 😱😱😬😬😬😬
gerard akoun what word?
gerard akoun word
che2016 a free America for all . WORLD.
gerard akoun That is indeed the end of the human race you hear.
You mean, end of your sentence?
A unique event that requires a brave person to document it
Or a smart guy to film it, like the video of this same event from the guy that set up in a safe spot and didn't have to spend the best parts running away.
An incredible sight for the cameraman to witness. Many thanks for sharing.
I love the birds flying around it so completely oblivious .
Mw: OMG! How did you know at the right time to focus on this iceberg? Was it giving off some cracking sound? How long after did it finally settle? Thanks a million for filming this and for keeping yourself safe.
+joseph dunn they set up camera's in advance they where just there swapping out the memory cards when it happend by chance.
@@chasefunk No, the was just SO lucky to be there right at that moment, but stupid to go so close to the coast: NEVER do that in Ilulissat Icefjord: Tsunamis sometimes kill tourists going near the coastline: keep at least 50 meters above waterlevel
Awesome recording! The breaking point and the tipping point! I thought that up before my coffee is even done perking,are you proud of me?
It's amazing, you look at the ice sheet behind it and not only is there an inrush of the water but the sheet rises a good 50 feet from the loss of the weight.
Bullshit. The water level has fallen due to the pull from the turning berg.
Thank you for not risking your life to get "the perfect shot"! There could have been a huge tsunami, moving to higher ground was a *very wise* move.
Um, no. Tsunamis are generated by seismological events or land slips. This is a surface wave which won't get very far, or gain height.
@@deathbycheese850 As if that matters. It could have killed them either way. The comment was to thank them for not risking their lives. And thanks, I'm aware of plate tectonics.
Guys, it's completely understandable the guy filming ran at a certain point. We have no clue how gigantic those icebergs are. It's way, way bigger than we imagine! Even to someone who is there a few miles away it's not possible to truly realize the size of them... no wonder he ran in order to save his life. Tsunamis are still a thing.
he panicked and could have had an epic video but blew it big time
@@ericmaher6606 you're stupid he isn't
The turning of that iceberg has just shown us it’s under belly and hundreds of thousands of years of ice history
I still don't understand why the ratings are off this is amazing dude
Because people are angry he got to higher ground after seeing a massive wall of water coming towards him and missed some of the shot. They would prefer if he sacrificed his life so they could enjoy 10 seconds of extra film..
Yup, I know I would have.
because people think icebergs are fake
People are able to walk to high ground while pointing the camera at the iceberg
Easily one of the most terrifying things I've seen all day lol
Terrifying?😂 Its called nature.
Absolutely amazing.
Patrick B Das Video ist atemberaubend, aber für die Umwelt traurig.
i scrolled down on comments to look at some amazed comments, i am amazed by the amount of people who are rambling upon him on having missed the actual break.
One of the best vids I've seen of such events. AWESOME!
Thank you!! Thanks for sharing this video. For me, what I live in the tropics, this is fabuluos, only in the tells or fantastic stories of travelers. The magnitude of the ice mountains, moving, turning are stunning. Very good.
Legend says he is still on the island, well done by the way😉.
What a shame the person recording this couldn't hold the camera still so that we could all see the magnitude of what really happened from the beginning to the end. Nothing worse than missing some of the footage because he chose to run up the hill in thinking that the water would reach his level when clearly that wouldn't be the case. An outstanding sight to see for sure, just next time bud, hold the camera still eh? Would greatly appreciate it!
I admire your camera skills and am astonished by your bravery! Amazing sight! Thank you so much!
Ummmm you must not have watched the video.
He ruined the video by spazzing out and missing the best part.
Bravery? Bravery from what? He was in no danger at any point. Yet he still missed the best moment by being a complete moron.
@@Jive33 i agree
Iceberg breaking sound scary & terrifying. its like a big land is moving.
i really like how the camera keeps going while realizing you better seek out the highest point around. adds to the intensity.
The person filming spent the 1st half keeping his shoes dry 😂. Nice slowmo and some good close ups.
Couldn't watch it all-- was having angry thoughts at the camera-person-- had to stop
Amazing! Great job on the video and smart move ascending to higher ground. Don't want those ice cold waves pull you in the punishing sea.
Yeah that meter and a half walk saved his life
what an amazing sight , pity you missed the main event when you had to run for you life ..haha
At least he had the sense to anticipate the wave. Many would just sit there like a drunk cow, going "Oooooh!" until Icy Death overtook them. :)
+Nuke Canada LOL.. "I thought we were friends!"
Walk for his life.
are you serious ?? i felt terrified just for watching the video, cant believe how its possible to be there and not get heart attack
What's with the name?
If this video was shot in a better way then it would be more satisfying and terrifying than any other videos👍😌
Btw you tried your level best🤩
camera person-“you had 1 job”!!!!
He has been on the Iceberg causes large tsunami course and run away - well done self preservation is better than a good looking video
There's a difference between self-preservation and stupidity. The dud could've gotten atop the hill BEFORE the shot was taken and still would've had a good view
@@wickermind6668 rude and wickermind.
@@commonsense9755 If the dude knew the iceberg was gonna blow a giant wave at him he should've stepped atop the hill while shooting it. His mistake cost everyone a once-in-a-lifetime shot
One of the most impressive videos ever seen.
The footage is incredible! The amazing power of nature!
So sad to see the ignorant comments of haters, blaming you for trying to stay safe as this massive event took place. Thanks for the amazing video.
Он всё испортил!
Не подумал об этом заранее!
That was epic.
Thank you
how on motherfucking earth this can be epic? its scary, this is climate change in work, how can you say that the result of human race destroying the planet is epic? how inbred are you?
Glacier - aight imma head out
Cameraman - aight imma head out
Fascinating! I would like to have had an explanation of the picture at the end. Thank you
The best moment had to come....and he turns the camera 🤔🤔🤔
Maybe he/she got scared,that’s a lot of power
ua-cam.com/video/hWPDQkssqmg/v-deo.html&ab_channel=peterelkjaer here you can see full vid by other ppl