Looks like the audio sync issue is because it's a newly uploaded video, and UA-cam takes a while to process it. Our uploaded file is in perfect sync. Just give it a few minutes (same goes for the video resolution).
You know what loves odd-cost cards like 1-drops, divine favor etc. and would love the justicar effect at the start of the game? Aggro/dude pally. Hopefully losing things like call to arms etc. will mean baku won't make it even stronger than it already is
sakmi kuhl But silverback got the beast tag so it's a totally different card which is potentially better in a special situation and can't be compared! - Every Blizzard Hearthstone employee
Old controll warrior used alot of uneven cost cards, and can now not deal with jades and has the tank up from the start. It can even use fiery win axe! (they must have planned it all along) So at least I know what Im doing first.
Lol, skipperino shows his true colors. He doesn't want us to skip kripp talking 6 min about nothing, he wants us to skip kripp useless rambling (lol jk,maybe). Thanks!
Mads Melballe You can still get her off of an RNG roll like Evolve, and if you have the treasure that adds any minion on the board to your Dungeon Deck, you can get her Battlecry. Or stumble upon a Brewmaster or Zola the Gorgon. So it's not impossible.
I doubt Azalina will perform well in aggro decks, it's a 7 mana 3/3, and stealing control cards, which mostly consist of board clears or heavy cards, won't do anyything whereas divine favor gives you more low cost insane value minions. tl;dr Azalina will most likely be a tech choice to out value other control decks or to fill your hand against midrange when you run out of cards. Future card reveals will show the truth tho
karts lulz If a control deck was bussy clearing the board untill turn 7 i guess most cards in their hand are going to be big drops and card draw, so it's still pretty nice.
Exactly. Against aggro (literally any paladin you see) you always go for the defiles and hell fires and try to tap into them if you don’t. Screw the voidlords, you won’t play them until turn nine or turn six maximum. Your hand will fill up with high value cards once you play all of your stanilizing cards, and where you were supposed to win late game with high value draws you now suffer from that exact plan. This expansion seems very shadowverse -esque and you are now forced to contend with cards that close out the game. Beyond the cards themselves, you catch a glimpse of your opponents hand and you now know how to play around them as do they. A hand copy could easily get you the fireball you need to finish the game.
karts lulz If an aggro player makes it to turn 7 without killing their opponent, they'll be pretty happy to fill their hand with control cards. A lot of control cards are only bad in aggro if you draw them before you have enough mana to play them.
Devine favor draws you a new hand of aggro cards for only 3 mana which allows you to play your hand before and get maximum value where this gives you a hand of control cards, and unless the meta reverts to rag, sylv and ysera like cards they won’t do anything to help you close out the game. What would you rather have: leeroy for potential lethal or waste your turn on a 7 mana 3/3 which gives you a defile, voidlord and a cube? And even if you disregard the time wasted your opponent is guaranteed to have exactly what you do a turn before you can use any of it, which makes you behind a turn tempo wise while they draw late game and you draw shitty one drops. As a final note devine favor was a one off in aggro dominated metas where this is unplayable in not only aggro but midrange ones as well because of the massive mana cost.
Marco's Epic Channel depends. Genn gets call to arms while Baku gets level up and all that stuff (and quartermaster in wild). In standard Genn will probably pull ahead just because of the maul, knife juggler, and call to arms, but there are definitely plays with Baku in wild spawning 2 dudes every few turns.
On the even/odd balance maths: -Having a 1-cost hero power allows you to dump all of your mana with even cost cards since there's no way to add even numbers to make odd numbers. -That same logic doesn't apply to even numbers, since you can add them up to make all even numbers, so instead of a 1-cost hero power you get the upgraded hero power. I'm guessing this also ups the consistency of your first 3 turns, since you can go 1-cost into hero power into 3-cost without losing too much tempo and only after turn 3 start burning cards in pairs.
Be Irrelevant Except that sometimes you want the extra health, but other times, especially with lifesteal, the attack is more valuable. It's true that high health has traditionally been preferred, but, believe it or not, there have been cases where people wish they had magma rager.
Before this, I watched Firebat's video from near the beginning of the last standard rotation where he challenged Purple to an "odd vs even" deck match. That's some serendipity!
How does Pumpkin Peasant interact with handbuff? Does it gain an additional + every time it swaps, like with persistent field effects and Crazed Alchemist? Or does it just swap the numbers?
Maybe. Losing bloodrazor is huge, losing dead man's hand means you can't use any of the current standard wincons and it's obviously just a huge drawback in general, not least of all because you're going to have a completely dead card in your hand roughly every third game. But tank up is extremely powerful and there's still a full expansion to see, so it's totally possible there will be enough support to bring it back.
Probably still better to just play the 1-drops and shoot your opponent to death. A T-rex is a bit slow when ten steady shots are lethal anyway, so I think the deck will probably exist in some form but doubt the quest will be good enough to make the cut.
What happens if you summon a minion with Rush from your deck? Can you attack face? Cause if not, Charged Devilsaur has a slight advantage and its text can't be changed to conform to rush
Jacob&Giotto I had fairly decent success with Quest Hunter when integrated with Menagerie synergy a while back. It was still sub 15 trash, but I managed to hit like 17 with it.
A question for anyone kind enough to answer. I'm in the UK but play on America servers. Can I buy Amazon coins and buy the pre-purchase expansion to make a saving?
There were a lot of speculations on the theme for the next expansion, someone on reddit was so sure that it would be about the Emerald Dream that he said if it wasn't he'd eat his own shoe
squalltheonly wouldn't matter tho, since it only reduces "starting" hero power so even if you used a DK or changed your hero powers by the means of "renounce darkness" or that guy who used to let you change your hero power in wild, it wouldn't matter cuz it would revert to 2
squalltheonly There is a difference between changing your hero power "for the rest of the game" and changing "your starting hero power." Justicar Trueheart from a while back changes just "your starting hero power," and it definitely doesn't work with the death knight powers, or stuff like shadowform and Rag blast.
@Kripparrian If cards with echo are reduced by effects such as thaurissan, shadowfiend, unstable portal, will they be reduced in cost as it appears again in the hand?
So plus one thing for Baku is echo, because you can fill the 2-6-10 curve with echo. Plus, 4 mana can be done with heropower plus the 1 mana echo, and 8 mana is with hero power and the 3 mana echo card. Ofc thus needs to have a 1 anf 5 mana echo card, but we might see them in the set
Even are numbers 0,2,4,6,8,10 and odd are 1,3,5,7,9. So, the condition of those cards is that you are not allowed to have any cards costing an even amount of mana in your deck if you want to fulfill the requirement for the odd cards effect and vice versa.
So does Rush means that Charged Devilsaur will be re-phrased and won't work with the hunter charge recruit combo? Just curious. Will that affect Icehowl too? I think it will.
Regarding new "rush" mechanic. If you "discover" a rush minion will it be able to go face or will it also be limited to only attacking minion. I'm assuming "rush" is not a battle cry. Please clarify.
Some additional thoughts on the cards: Genn Greymane - The most likely places I'd expect to see this card are Shadow Anduin decks and Rogue decks (although what Rogue decks I have no idea). I don't think it has great synergy with anything else. Maybe Frostlich Jaina, but I'd be surprised to see any elemental synergy in this expansion. Also possibly a meme Stormcaller deck, but that's gonna need a lot of support before it's a thing. Baku the Mooneater - Anywhere Justicar was good, this is really good. May also sneak in to aggro Paladin and make everyone sad. Pumpkin Peasant - In theory, this has some fun flexibility. In practice, it's clearly an arena card, not constructed, and only one stat distribution is worth jack in arena. Really cool idea, needs some tweaking still. Phantom Militia - This one is a pretty solid choice in arena. RIP, Squirming Tentacle. More importantly, watch out for potential Echo/Barnabus synergies incoming. If there's a single "Echo + Charge" option, combo druid will be a thing. Also watch out for incoming Sorcerer's Apprentice + Echo spell combos, as an alternate win condition to Antonidas. Militia Commander - I bet that monocle is really impractical in a sword fight. Perhaps with a few more tools like this, and the death of Jade Druid, we might see Control Warrior resurface. Especially with Baku synergy. Azalina Soulthief - It's worth noting that a lot of the cards that sit in your hand against an aggro deck don't synergise well with an aggro deck. This is really strong in aggro vs midrange and aggro vs combo, but pretty weak in aggro vs control and aggro vs aggro. If we get a replacement for Mistress of Mixtures then this card is completely dead.
A Rush minion can't attack face the first turn it is summoned, even when not played and recruited for example. That's pretty important for cubelock type decks
Another thought - the description of Genn greymane also states that the starting hero power costs one Mana i.e after death knight or a hero power upgrade, the cost goes up to two. I guess they learnt a lesson from Raza
sooo, is warsong commander gonna buff atk of *rush* minions by +1? edit : i think azalina will be better in ramp druid, soon to be known as ramzalina druid, cause as someone pointed out in this section, you might get to copy an opponent's combo or smthing, but then you got just 0-3 mana left, based on when did you play the legendary. if you however have 8 mana while your opponent has 5, but have empty hand, and draw azalina - well, you can nuke the enemy with the combo, or if they dont have a combo, maybe get an advantage over them cause you ll have more mana to act with (provded you managed to ramp, and drew azalina lols)
I just realized why the start of game effects have synergy, think about it. With greymane you only have even cost cards and your hero power costs one which means that it can be that last mana crystal on your odd crystal turns ( you have 3 mana, play an 2 drop because you only have even mana cards, then one mana left for your hero power). With the other, on turn two you have an improved hero power play even though you don't have any two drops. Just a little thing I noticed
The rush mechanic already exists in hearthstone (think charged devilsaur), it’s just getting it’s own keyword so you can’t bypass the minion only portion of it with revive/recruit mechanics
UA-cam did not notify me when you posted this video. Like in my subscriptioins it never came up so i just rang the bell to hopefully see more of your content pop up
Genn Greymane can fill out your curve potentially. Imagine a paladin deck with it. You could still run call to arms and 2 drops to support it. You get a silver hand recruit turn 1 100% of the time, and pretty much always a 2 drop on turn 2, and pretty likely a 2 drop + silver hand recruit on turn 3. You can even still run equality + consecration.
In case you are wondering, you can't put Baku and Genn in the same deck, and try to mulligan the one that messes up the decklist, since Genn reduces the mana cost of the STARTING Hero Power, and if you upgrade it first, it isn't the starting one.
Kripp, thank you so much for mentioning that Divine Favor should be in the Hall of Fame. I posted this on reddit recently and got trashed on. One jackass even mentioned that I have half a brain to even consider it. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way about Divine Favor.
Looks like the audio sync issue is because it's a newly uploaded video, and UA-cam takes a while to process it. Our uploaded file is in perfect sync. Just give it a few minutes (same goes for the video resolution).
360p DansGame
Call in Syncerino Kripperino
Suppose it's time for a new Kripperino to be born and then all will be good
same now
Lul, not emerald dream, go eat a shoe that guy
Is he going to be sentenced to go to a Reddit prison for a lifetime if he refuses to eat a shoe?
he should
Khinlop I made two comments. This one and another ‘eat a shoe faggot’ apparently no one saw that one. Fuck UA-cam algorithms
I was just about to mention this XD
it was just a prediction tho but still with his punishment lul
Does anyone know if naxx is out yet
Ayy Lmao PogChamp
EU here, still waiting.
Ayy Lmao Naxx Out!!! PogChamp
Ayy Lmao Is this a meme? I've definitely seen this before.
Nope still need to wait
I'm calling it. Brawl: Even cards vs Odd cards.
Brawl's an odd card. ;)
Not the card, the game mode tavern brawl ;)
S R That was his joke....
They have already done that. With even cards.
Really interesting expansion, but has no hats
Every witch has a hat, so if there is at least one witch card we get it!
isKrippWearingAHaterino feels bad man :'(
What about the thumbnail
not yet
upgraded hero power list:
mage - deal 2 damage
hunter - deal 3 damage to enemy hero
shaman - choose and summon a basic totem
rogue - equip a 2/2 weapon
priest - restore 4 hp to a character
paladin - summon 2 1/1 silver hands
warlock - draw 1 card (without taking 2 damage)
warrior - gain 4 armor
druid - gain 2 armor and +2 attack for this turn
Rogue upgraded was never used with justicar so maybe it will get used with the new legendary.
nope it really needs the even costs, although it might work w/ keleseth only
wait nvm keleseth needs 0 costs, which are even
Keleseth is also even, so it wouldn't work either way.
You know what loves odd-cost cards like 1-drops, divine favor etc. and would love the justicar effect at the start of the game? Aggro/dude pally. Hopefully losing things like call to arms etc. will mean baku won't make it even stronger than it already is
3 mana 2/4 taunt that can be played up to 3 times? silverback is really getting bullied now!
sakmi kuhl But silverback got the beast tag so it's a totally different card which is potentially better in a special situation and can't be compared!
- Every Blizzard Hearthstone employee
Squirming Tentacle FeelsBadMan
If you blessing of might a silverback it only has 4 attack so it can't be removed by shadow word death.
Make Quest Warrior Great Again!
On the face of the hooded person holding an arrow
The carrier of the Shirterino legacy?
When I first saw the name of the expansion I thought that it was the THICCwoods
Savior of the Kripperinos!
New favorite Kripperino
I hooe one day somebody will make a pokemon type game where you can catch various kripperinos
EZ Legend if you put Baku and Genn in your deck
skinnyluigi OpOp
Good one lmao
Damn why did I not see that combo until now. 1 mana upgraded hero power! So op
You can't, because Genn cost 6. And you can't either make a deck with only 9 mana cards.
aaaaaaaaand bait taken
Old controll warrior used alot of uneven cost cards, and can now not deal with jades and has the tank up from the start. It can even use fiery win axe! (they must have planned it all along)
So at least I know what Im doing first.
Shield Slams + Gorehowl are good again tho
sakmi kuhl You mean odd?
sakmi kuhl warrior is favorite class for me, I'm with you on that one.
Fatigue warrior is mostly even and armouring up for yip is gonna be even easier with greymane
Mountain Fire Armor is a good replacement. Execute is hard to replace. Especially while Spiteful summoner is good.
Lol, skipperino shows his true colors. He doesn't want us to skip kripp talking 6 min about nothing, he wants us to skip kripp useless rambling (lol jk,maybe). Thanks!
2h late skipperino, you need an alarmerino kripperino
Skipperino Kripperino not all heroes wear capes
Genn Greymane only makes your starting hero power cost 1, so any hero power manipulation will make it cost 2 again.
you deserve a prize, my man. For real, SO many people thinking this is like a Raza, even Kripp forgets to mention "STARTING" (no, it's not sarcasm)
Azalina Soulthief Might be really fun in old adventures or the Dungeon Run.
I am pretty sure that the Witchwood cards (and all other future expansions) will not be added to the KnC dungeon run card pools.
Mads Melballe You can still get her off of an RNG roll like Evolve, and if you have the treasure that adds any minion on the board to your Dungeon Deck, you can get her Battlecry. Or stumble upon a Brewmaster or Zola the Gorgon. So it's not impossible.
Then I guess just in old adventures. :D Might be something fun to do. :D
There's a new PvE mode called Monster Hunt
This and king togglwaggle and you litterally Stole your oponnents Deck xD
Why didn't they release this around Halloween? Fits perfect for a fall release around that date.
Panthror Probably because it fits the Year of the Raven theme better than the next 2 expansions this year.
Not everything spooky has to be released in October...
It kinda fits with the next WoW expansion in a way
flash back to Corpsetaker saying "Winter is here" in August
KotFK was released in summer lul.
I’m sorry. Which wood is it?
KYOGRE Ocean 4Head
clap clap
Rodrigo Lugao Ribeiro Pinto meme review
The one where trump hunt leftists...
>audio is fucked
feels good to be back in 2007 youtube
Tank up is back to standard. I'm just going to drop that bomb here.
i fucking hope so. im just going to drop that fbomb here.
Turns out the Fiery War axe nerf was a buff. Who knew?
Yes, now locks can also draw without worry
They wouldn't care. Healing is so rampant in Warlock at the moment.
Looks like someone on reddit is eating a shoe
Meat wagon into summoning portal into opop echo cards PogChamp
>VS OTK Mage
>Late Game
>See the full combo in your hands
vili rantala it was at that moment when player knew he fu ked up
Good job Ice block is hitting up the hall of fame
Who tf play quest mage without ice block?
Anyone in standard, hall of fame
Well, I hope they print some good defensive cards for mage so I could continue playing my favourite deck in standard.
Time for everyone to make 30 videos on the card reviews. Regis is gonna review like three cards and take 30 minutes.
Quality is over 9000
I doubt Azalina will perform well in aggro decks, it's a 7 mana 3/3, and stealing control cards, which mostly consist of board clears or heavy cards, won't do anyything whereas divine favor gives you more low cost insane value minions. tl;dr Azalina will most likely be a tech choice to out value other control decks or to fill your hand against midrange when you run out of cards. Future card reveals will show the truth tho
karts lulz If a control deck was bussy clearing the board untill turn 7 i guess most cards in their hand are going to be big drops and card draw, so it's still pretty nice.
Exactly. Against aggro (literally any paladin you see) you always go for the defiles and hell fires and try to tap into them if you don’t. Screw the voidlords, you won’t play them until turn nine or turn six maximum. Your hand will fill up with high value cards once you play all of your stanilizing cards, and where you were supposed to win late game with high value draws you now suffer from that exact plan. This expansion seems very shadowverse -esque and you are now forced to contend with cards that close out the game. Beyond the cards themselves, you catch a glimpse of your opponents hand and you now know how to play around them as do they. A hand copy could easily get you the fireball you need to finish the game.
karts lulz
If an aggro player makes it to turn 7 without killing their opponent, they'll be pretty happy to fill their hand with control cards. A lot of control cards are only bad in aggro if you draw them before you have enough mana to play them.
Devine favor draws you a new hand of aggro cards for only 3 mana which allows you to play your hand before and get maximum value where this gives you a hand of control cards, and unless the meta reverts to rag, sylv and ysera like cards they won’t do anything to help you close out the game. What would you rather have: leeroy for potential lethal or waste your turn on a 7 mana 3/3 which gives you a defile, voidlord and a cube? And even if you disregard the time wasted your opponent is guaranteed to have exactly what you do a turn before you can use any of it, which makes you behind a turn tempo wise while they draw late game and you draw shitty one drops. As a final note devine favor was a one off in aggro dominated metas where this is unplayable in not only aggro but midrange ones as well because of the massive mana cost.
I really appreciate the white make up to go full vampire for the spooky expansion.
“A aggro”
Lillianna H Fitting profile pic
V4 Enthusiast I get that a lot
Baku on Paladin seems promising.
FrankieWuzHere grenn seems better for paladin
Marco's Epic Channel depends. Genn gets call to arms while Baku gets level up and all that stuff (and quartermaster in wild). In standard Genn will probably pull ahead just because of the maul, knife juggler, and call to arms, but there are definitely plays with Baku in wild spawning 2 dudes every few turns.
Amethonys the maul is 3 mana, and does not synergizes with Genn
you guys are crazy if you think recruit will survive the rotation lol
Baku/raza priest would be an interesting meme deck in wild. Kazakus and Reno wouldn't fit but it would out-sustain DK Gul'dan.
On the even/odd balance maths:
-Having a 1-cost hero power allows you to dump all of your mana with even cost cards since there's no way to add even numbers to make odd numbers.
-That same logic doesn't apply to even numbers, since you can add them up to make all even numbers, so instead of a 1-cost hero power you get the upgraded hero power. I'm guessing this also ups the consistency of your first 3 turns, since you can go 1-cost into hero power into 3-cost without losing too much tempo and only after turn 3 start burning cards in pairs.
i landed my first irl job and the expansion was announced. what a fucking good day.
Unsurprisingly, the spoopiest thing in this video is a vegan talking about cards
ofcourse, the funniest comment doesnt get upvotes. the autistic ones do. REEEEEEEEE
Kripp the salty vegan
8:00 so like jade lighning?
Browsing UA-cam after work, and Kripp has a video out on a new expack before I've even heard of it. Good work Kripp & Rania.
8:30 Imagine ur Opponent have just finished his quest and u play this
I guess you could say... Pumpkin Peasant changes how much he sucks each turn it is in your hand
Be Irrelevant
Except that sometimes you want the extra health, but other times, especially with lifesteal, the attack is more valuable. It's true that high health has traditionally been preferred, but, believe it or not, there have been cases where people wish they had magma rager.
NanoWasabi hum... you see... it was a joke, I wasn’t talking about the quality of the card.
Because sometimes he SUCKS more life than others.
Oh my gosh.
Bless you, good sir.
Before this, I watched Firebat's video from near the beginning of the last standard rotation where he challenged Purple to an "odd vs even" deck match. That's some serendipity!
Judging by Kosak's first tweet, I thought this was going to be an expansion about Russia. Never lucky.
I was so drunk that I clicked this video and thought I was gonna hear “Heh, disguised toast” when Kripps logo was on
why is no one talking about the solo content?
I'm sure pumped for it. Dungeon runs were the best part of a pretty good expansion last time.
And this one's seem even better!
meh, I only cared about solo content when they where adventure cuz that way at least you got the cards without relying on freaking packs
How does Pumpkin Peasant interact with handbuff? Does it gain an additional + every time it swaps, like with persistent field effects and Crazed Alchemist? Or does it just swap the numbers?
Please change warsong commander to include Rush minions too... it would still suck, but still...
How would rush work if the minion is summoned via evolve? Does it have charge and can't attack heroes still or just no charge at all?
Control warrior back?
Maybe. Losing bloodrazor is huge, losing dead man's hand means you can't use any of the current standard wincons and it's obviously just a huge drawback in general, not least of all because you're going to have a completely dead card in your hand roughly every third game. But tank up is extremely powerful and there's still a full expansion to see, so it's totally possible there will be enough support to bring it back.
The question with the even/odd cards is , do zero cost cards count as even or odd, or is it just zero ?
Baku the Mooneater: Quest Hunter is back!
Probably still better to just play the 1-drops and shoot your opponent to death. A T-rex is a bit slow when ten steady shots are lethal anyway, so I think the deck will probably exist in some form but doubt the quest will be good enough to make the cut.
Does echo work with hand buffs? or does it give the copy of the unbuffed card?
One by one...
ankhi3 Oneerino byeerino Oneerino
What happens if you summon a minion with Rush from your deck? Can you attack face? Cause if not, Charged Devilsaur has a slight advantage and its text can't be changed to conform to rush
Only expansion Ill be spending money on, solely cause of werewolf cards. They win this time.
Does anyone know the last card reveled at the end of hearthstone witch wood video where brode ran away?
Quest Hunter Incoming
Make Quest Hunter Great Again
Douglas Cartee AGAIN?
Douglas Cartee when was he great,
Jacob&Giotto I had fairly decent success with Quest Hunter when integrated with Menagerie synergy a while back. It was still sub 15 trash, but I managed to hit like 17 with it.
Mahmoud Hassan these spoiler dont help quest hunter at all.
So genn greymane could be used in renounce darkness decks, right?
Nicholas Subocz youtube problems, but you cant blame them, they’re a small indie company after all
its fixed now
A question for anyone kind enough to answer. I'm in the UK but play on America servers. Can I buy Amazon coins and buy the pre-purchase expansion to make a saving?
That was fast
Wonder if u shadowstep an echo if u get the 1 mana copy back instead of 3
Looks like that redditor will have to eat his shoe
There were a lot of speculations on the theme for the next expansion, someone on reddit was so sure that it would be about the Emerald Dream that he said if it wasn't he'd eat his own shoe
Well... I was here to watch the Trailer for the Witchwood, because i thought it might be in your video. And as an ad, i got the Witchwood ad LUL 😂😂😂
You can't use genn greymane with a lot of death knights like jaina and uther lol
squalltheonly wouldn't matter tho, since it only reduces "starting" hero power so even if you used a DK or changed your hero powers by the means of "renounce darkness" or that guy who used to let you change your hero power in wild, it wouldn't matter cuz it would revert to 2
supersuato123 but raza lets you keep the discount, should work just like it.
There is a difference between changing your hero power "for the rest of the game" and changing "your starting hero power." Justicar Trueheart from a while back changes just "your starting hero power," and it definitely doesn't work with the death knight powers, or stuff like shadowform and Rag blast.
squalltheonly what squalltheonly said :)
True, because both DK Jaina and DK Uther are odd costed cards.
i love how kripps rap at the divine favour part
It's sync'ed with me. UA-cam app is having a problem, so watch on browser on desktop.
that was the first minute of the upload, they took the video down & put it back up for the fix
@Kripparrian If cards with echo are reduced by effects such as thaurissan, shadowfiend, unstable portal, will they be reduced in cost as it appears again in the hand?
Wow hearthstone actually riping off shadowverse for once lol
What about baku+malchezar? Will even-costed legends put in with malchezar disable it? What order will it go in?
So now we have Death Knight cards I was going to affect on them to upgrade hero power?
So plus one thing for Baku is echo, because you can fill the 2-6-10 curve with echo. Plus, 4 mana can be done with heropower plus the 1 mana echo, and 8 mana is with hero power and the 3 mana echo card. Ofc thus needs to have a 1 anf 5 mana echo card, but we might see them in the set
Can someone explain me what even and odd cost cards mean? i am crap so i realy did not understand.
Even are numbers 0,2,4,6,8,10 and odd are 1,3,5,7,9. So, the condition of those cards is that you are not allowed to have any cards costing an even amount of mana in your deck if you want to fulfill the requirement for the odd cards effect and vice versa.
ty for the reply
So does Rush means that Charged Devilsaur will be re-phrased and won't work with the hunter charge recruit combo? Just curious. Will that affect Icehowl too? I think it will.
Regarding new "rush" mechanic. If you "discover" a rush minion will it be able to go face or will it also be limited to only attacking minion. I'm assuming "rush" is not a battle cry. Please clarify.
Can you talk about ideas for the shaman thingy in the end of the expansion and what could it be next time?
Some additional thoughts on the cards:
Genn Greymane - The most likely places I'd expect to see this card are Shadow Anduin decks and Rogue decks (although what Rogue decks I have no idea). I don't think it has great synergy with anything else. Maybe Frostlich Jaina, but I'd be surprised to see any elemental synergy in this expansion. Also possibly a meme Stormcaller deck, but that's gonna need a lot of support before it's a thing.
Baku the Mooneater - Anywhere Justicar was good, this is really good. May also sneak in to aggro Paladin and make everyone sad.
Pumpkin Peasant - In theory, this has some fun flexibility. In practice, it's clearly an arena card, not constructed, and only one stat distribution is worth jack in arena. Really cool idea, needs some tweaking still.
Phantom Militia - This one is a pretty solid choice in arena. RIP, Squirming Tentacle. More importantly, watch out for potential Echo/Barnabus synergies incoming. If there's a single "Echo + Charge" option, combo druid will be a thing. Also watch out for incoming Sorcerer's Apprentice + Echo spell combos, as an alternate win condition to Antonidas.
Militia Commander - I bet that monocle is really impractical in a sword fight. Perhaps with a few more tools like this, and the death of Jade Druid, we might see Control Warrior resurface. Especially with Baku synergy.
Azalina Soulthief - It's worth noting that a lot of the cards that sit in your hand against an aggro deck don't synergise well with an aggro deck. This is really strong in aggro vs midrange and aggro vs combo, but pretty weak in aggro vs control and aggro vs aggro. If we get a replacement for Mistress of Mixtures then this card is completely dead.
would weasel stop greymanes effect or is it perm after start of duel
Does the *RUSH* keyword nerf the charged devilsaur so you can't go around the Battle cry?
A Rush minion can't attack face the first turn it is summoned, even when not played and recruited for example. That's pretty important for cubelock type decks
Another thought - the description of Genn greymane also states that the starting hero power costs one Mana i.e after death knight or a hero power upgrade, the cost goes up to two. I guess they learnt a lesson from Raza
Do the pity timers only work on packs you open in a row ??
What about the new shaman hero card at the end of the announcement video?
sooo, is warsong commander gonna buff atk of *rush* minions by +1?
edit : i think azalina will be better in ramp druid, soon to be known as ramzalina druid, cause as someone pointed out in this section, you might get to copy an opponent's combo or smthing, but then you got just 0-3 mana left, based on when did you play the legendary. if you however have 8 mana while your opponent has 5, but have empty hand, and draw azalina - well, you can nuke the enemy with the combo, or if they dont have a combo, maybe get an advantage over them cause you ll have more mana to act with (provded you managed to ramp, and drew azalina lols)
I just realized why the start of game effects have synergy, think about it. With greymane you only have even cost cards and your hero power costs one which means that it can be that last mana crystal on your odd crystal turns ( you have 3 mana, play an 2 drop because you only have even mana cards, then one mana left for your hero power). With the other, on turn two you have an improved hero power play even though you don't have any two drops. Just a little thing I noticed
Am i missing something or is there a reason cubelock wouldnt run baku?
The rush mechanic already exists in hearthstone (think charged devilsaur), it’s just getting it’s own keyword so you can’t bypass the minion only portion of it with revive/recruit mechanics
UA-cam did not notify me when you posted this video. Like in my subscriptioins it never came up so i just rang the bell to hopefully see more of your content pop up
That summoning portal combo, feel delicous with my flamestrike
sooooo, is control warrior going to be viable now with baku?
So I'm looking at the official site, and what is this about new classes?
6:00 i could think of a certain toasty deck that would be able to utalise this mechanic with meat wagon and a bunch of taunts (+the combo listed)
what was the card in the end of the video that is to OP ??
Genn Greymane can fill out your curve potentially. Imagine a paladin deck with it. You could still run call to arms and 2 drops to support it. You get a silver hand recruit turn 1 100% of the time, and pretty much always a 2 drop on turn 2, and pretty likely a 2 drop + silver hand recruit on turn 3. You can even still run equality + consecration.
I assume the "improved" hero powers are the same as the Justicar powers?
Is devilsaur getting changed with rush? I'm assuming rush wouldn't let you avoid the battlecry of not being able to attack face.
In case you are wondering, you can't put Baku and Genn in the same deck, and try to mulligan the one that messes up the decklist, since Genn reduces the mana cost of the STARTING Hero Power, and if you upgrade it first, it isn't the starting one.
Would cards like Prep be considered an even or odd?
Anyone know which way 0 mana cards are going to swing? Are they going to be both/neither or are they only going to count one way?
Diego G based on one of the previous brawls restricting the mana cost on cards in your deck, they are even
Diego G 0 is an even number.
Krip! Any prediction on "Hagatha" from the reveal trailer? Looks like shamans might make a comeback.
Does anyone know how echo works with handbuff?
Hopefully more support for me
I love the analysis Krip. Love the channel, where’s your podcast already bro?
Kripp, thank you so much for mentioning that Divine Favor should be in the Hall of Fame. I posted this on reddit recently and got trashed on. One jackass even mentioned that I have half a brain to even consider it. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way about Divine Favor.
If I buff the phantom militia card will the copies retain the buffs?