Top 5 Companion Ideas for Legends of Kingdom Rush

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @eladblaier898
    @eladblaier898 Рік тому +31

    Archmage and assassin would definitely be welcome additions in a desert or beach adventure. I’m also looking for a melee crafter or melee mage unit. I think it might create a really interesting playstyle

  • @aldoushuxley5953
    @aldoushuxley5953 Рік тому +15

    I want a new undead themed campaign, with Dante as the hero, and the neromancer as a regular unit. Then, have the final boss be Vasile, with Lucrezia as an additional 5th unit for that level, who you must keep alive or fail.
    Dante could resurrect similar to skeletons, and move as a ghost.

    • @aldoushuxley5953
      @aldoushuxley5953 Рік тому +4

      Also other new heroes I want:
      Joe Jenkins
      as a basic unit, assassins. There still is no instakill in the game :)
      I like your concept, but I would change the invisibility to only if you are nto moving, not if you are not attacking

    • @xKdsR
      @xKdsR Рік тому +2

      Super UP!, oh yeah.

  • @UpsetWizard
    @UpsetWizard Рік тому +9

    I want a gnome character. Doesn’t deal much direct damage but great at controlling the board.
    The amount of variety at play with a gnome would probably be better handled with a Razz and Rags hero though.

  • @therealmorganofficial
    @therealmorganofficial Рік тому +26

    Imagine getting a Saurian and his passive is gaining movement speed for every bit of health he loses!
    Legion should cap out at 1,000 total copies spawned, that way he’s not tooooo op ;)

  • @microwave.6953
    @microwave.6953 Рік тому +12

    I really like your ideas, especially the sulfur alchemist one. It's so unique and creative. And also a unit that can both buff and debuff multiple targets in an area? Heck yeah!

  • @danielplocica8766
    @danielplocica8766 Рік тому +3

    I think with the assasin you could make the invisibility range based. Like a trait: If no enemies are in 2 hex radius, becomes invisible". And enemies will act without him in mind
    Even though this could eliminate stealthing among enemies but that could still be possible with skills. Like a smoke bomb or full invisibility effect.

  • @KanderUdon
    @KanderUdon Рік тому +9

    Another amazing list! Sulfer alchemist, assassin, and death rider sound fantastic. I still just want the necromancer though(the best KingdomRush tower)

  • @lordofasshes657
    @lordofasshes657 11 місяців тому +1

    As for the Sulfur Alchemist ability idea: Tramin literally drinks nitroglycerin, which is fluid explosive of particular power. So-o-o, it would have some niche aftereffects when connected with either ally or enemy. But Bombardier is already a class)

  • @tezereth
    @tezereth Рік тому +5

    I think the red backs (the fish with the harpoon+net) could fit well as a companion, having abilities to bleed or stun opponents while having a great amount of hp for a non-tank class

  • @kingrexy8450
    @kingrexy8450 Рік тому +4

    I also made a video like this a few weeks ago, but I only included character design ideas from the original Kingdom Rush. The main difference is that I included both legend and companions ideas.

  • @luketalbot2643
    @luketalbot2643 Рік тому +2

    I hope Legends gets more content. It's really good, but as you say, it needs more stuff

  • @owoivlasle7597
    @owoivlasle7597 Рік тому +1

    I think that another good idea is that the necromancer, instead of only summoning skeletons, has a passive that makes a skeleton appear every time it kills an enemy and, as in the game, if the enemy is one of the strongest, a skeleton knight can appear, the life of the normal skeletons would be three and of the skeleton knights it would be 4 and they would have two armor, their damage would be 1-2 and 2-4 respectively, I saw another comment that mentioned immunity to poison as another passive and I think that would be very good, and the sclelet geenete would be a level 3 ability appearing for 4 turns and having 5 life and 4 or 6 shield, having a horse its mobility would be 3 or 4 its damage could be 5 or so, his skills could be, the classic blow with the sword and the second could be interesting a charge with his horse or something like that, I can't think of anything for the third skill, let's go back to the necromancer, it only occurs to me that his skill level 2 be a screen of poisonous smoke like Oloch's hexagonal fire but that does not stun.

  • @leon--osseusii4664
    @leon--osseusii4664 Рік тому +3

    funny thing is that i allready commented on the necro class in some of your videos:
    my take on necromancer is to him be a pure summon class and some support,
    i imagine hin not being dps oriented but instead be 3-4 regular units in one like those event allys,
    the pure summoner means that his summons are't on a timer and also have 1-2 unique skills, the 2nd tear mainly consists of some kind of support and 3rd tier make you summon eather death rider or a bonem with their own unique mechanics and playstiles,
    as a bonus package the necromancer hero from krv who has quantity over quality unlike the companion but uses his summons as resources to do some fun spells
    ( the hero will be zombie oriented meanwhile the companion will be skeleton oriented)
    i will check to see where i commented on the fleshed out thing and write here...

    • @leon--osseusii4664
      @leon--osseusii4664 Рік тому +2

      FOUND IT!
      Necro skills:
      Plague bomb- fire a blag ball at enemiea that deals ?-to-? Magic dammage, crit- if the enemy is weakend it also becomes poisoned.
      Secondery skill summon skelly boi:
      Summon a skeleton soldier that has the same stats as the enemy skeleton up to max of 3 skellys can be summoned, their passive skill barebones-makes them immune to poison/bleed, their active skill play dead- skeleton collapses into a pile of bones for 1-2 rounds this makes enemys not target them and pass over them, reactivate this skill to have a passive ammbush- skeleton is guaranteed to have a crit hit, this buff vears off after one round or the skelly moves more than one tile ( skellys have max off two tile movement). Summon skelly boi skills crit- if an enemy dies in previous round summon an armored skeleton warrior that has the same skills but the stats of the armored skeleton enemy plus its shield skill;
      The necromancers passive buffa: poison imunity, calcium reinforcment- if the unit does nothing this round buff all skellys dmg by +1.
      Lvl 2 Skill plagued land- targets hexagonal 7 areas this land becomes contaminated and enemys/allys who step on it become poisoned.
      Lvl 2 skill 2- buff the ally its main attack/skill can also inflict poison crit- if the enemy is bleeding the poison does +1 dmg or lasts another round.
      Lvl3 skill summon death rider- summons skeleton horsemen( same as the origins necro) that has the same movement as a dog, its passive skill buffs fellow skellys armor, dmg and or movement speed. Active skill slash death the unit deals ?-to-? Damage ( can also receive the necros passive buff) crit- if the enemy is also poisoned +1 dmg second active skill cavalry charge- charges at the targeted enemy up to 4 tiles away that deals ?-to-? Dmg, the unit receivevs +1 dmg for each tile it traveled, crit- if the target is rooted aply knockback and daze as well.
      Lvl 3 skill 2- summon bonem- summons a bonem( same one from bone flingers in krv) one tile movement, basic skill knukle sandwich- punches a target deals 1-to-2 damage and + 2 knockback( this and its skills can also have the necromancers passive buff) crit- if the enemy is weakend aply +1 knockback and dazed as well.
      Second skill bone blinger - throws bone at its target crit- "extra ammunition" for every summoned skelly near it +1 dmg.
      Its passive skill- aim assist- ranged unita near bonem receive +2 range and +1 damage.
      That is all of the new hero necomancers akills,a also the reason this has a new summoner class and why it's different than other units who can summon stuff is that the summoned units ( 3 skellys and lvl3 summons) are peeminent until killed, i came up with this unit because i wanted to answer enemys quantity with quantity.

  • @hellina_girlie
    @hellina_girlie Рік тому +3

    I think that Margosa from KRV should be a good companion. Vampirism and unit teleport ability would be unique in LoKR.

    • @Voduke789
      @Voduke789  Рік тому +2

      She should be a hero, so that she can have even more skills!

  • @danielplocica8766
    @danielplocica8766 Рік тому +2

    I would certainly like to see the Musketter to be added as a companion. It would be a great alternative to ranger, as only a legend (Asra) can fill a similiar role. I think he fits in as we don't have any snipers, as both sorceress and witch doctor only deal low magic damage. Also it's the only L4 tower that wasn't converted into a companion (assuming bombardier is Big Bertha and Holy Order wasn't added because of gerald and knight)

  • @vinvoius
    @vinvoius Рік тому +2

    I dont really know any idea for companions besides the musketeer, but for a legend, of course it's Karkinos.

    • @atendentedomarket7545
      @atendentedomarket7545 Рік тому

      Me too, o think a good passive for musketeer is to deal more damage to full life enemies.

  • @verestoyjanos5013
    @verestoyjanos5013 Рік тому

    I would personally add mirage.
    Her passive would be that every two turns when she would take damage, she won't be taking it, instead she would teleport back to her earlier position. If she doesnt move, then this can't activate.
    This passive would make a really nice playstyle because it would be all about offense. Since she has a high base mo ement speed in frontiers too, we would keep that, and she could use all her abilities after moving, like a true assasin.
    The strategy would be running foward, killing somebody and turning into dust under a turn.
    The problem is that she would be too much like astra.
    For her abilities, lethal strike would be 100% a level 3 ability, teleporting behind an enemy and inflicting high damage, and shadow dance would be a level 2 ability, sending shadows to nearby enemies, the number increasing with mirage's level.

  • @SaiteoTato
    @SaiteoTato Рік тому +1

    I love these kind of videos of yours; they make me hyped for the hopefully-coming-soon updates!

  • @Sunseaus
    @Sunseaus Рік тому +2

    nice thumbnail also I haven't played LKR myself but these companion ideas are pretty nice and fresh, would be nice to see at least 1 of them be added into the game so that when I start I can go mess around with one of your ideas and win the fight

  • @bruhmomentus69420
    @bruhmomentus69420 Рік тому +1

    Death rider LETS GOOOOOOOOOO (that’s what I’ve been waiting for, WOOOOOO)!

  • @mujtabaomar880
    @mujtabaomar880 Рік тому +2

    2 of the companions archmage and assassin I was hoping would get added in a desert campaign
    Along with almost all the enemies you encounter in the azure desert
    dune terrors would be underground when not attacking so like assassin they would have to come out of hiding sneaking past to do something of course you can counter them with summoners hard
    I was also thinking of adding crossbow fort girl but the problem is her skills would over lap too much and I can't figure out how to make her different
    As for demon legion well the basic attack should be true damage that inflicts burn because it would make sense considering they do true damage in the first game and their sword is made out of fire
    I can't wait for you to get to enemies adventures and bosses I might have some ideas for enemies too
    If you hadn't listed demon legion as a companion then I would have wanted him in enemies list but hey we have a orc companion rexy introduced a troll companion so why not a demon companion although I can't see why demons would join your side
    As for enemies I might have some ideas for which enemies I would add
    Also I got an idea for another video what would some of the companions and enemies be like in the tower defense games companions being in towers like witch doctor mage tower having 2 units and they fire like arcane archers If more than 1 enemy is within range then they both fire at different enemies and their abilities being support like tribal axe throwers one totem healing your units and the other dealing damage over time to enemies It won't be like an affliction just enemies will take damage while in range of totem and orc warrior being a mercenary tower in which they do high damage and have aoe attack for enemies there's bluegales which would do true damage with their ranged attack do a lot of physical damage with their melee attack they would also have an ability to summon a storm cloud over a single unit reducing it's movement and dealing true damage over time they could use this on their ally and heal it over time while increasing movement they would only have one movement tho to balance it out and also twilight elf who's basic attack is a double attack and they can have abilities that would probably be very similar to Sylvan elf like shooting all over the place and shadow clone probably which is an ability in which they create a shadow clone like oloch that has 1 HP and can attack

  • @diegogrunt6758
    @diegogrunt6758 Рік тому +2

    His level of imagination is beyond 10000

  • @aldoushuxley5953
    @aldoushuxley5953 Рік тому +3


  • @hellina_girlie
    @hellina_girlie Рік тому +2

    How about enemy from Origins that duplicate themselfes every time. This would be such a mess!

  • @uiopgamer4647
    @uiopgamer4647 Рік тому +2


  • @muntadar1655
    @muntadar1655 5 місяців тому

    Since vegneance has so many priestesses I'm sure they could spare one as a companion for LOKR

  • @mobgabriel1767
    @mobgabriel1767 Рік тому

    Sulfur alchemist in KRL(acording to voduke) be like:achievement get how did we get here?

  • @camehere1228
    @camehere1228 Рік тому +1

    What will it take to get a Kingdom Rush dwarf only spin-off game?

  • @veteran673
    @veteran673 Рік тому +1

    U were supposed to do hero reviews, wdym you forgot about the game D:

  • @amrotiti5793
    @amrotiti5793 Рік тому

    Do 2ry towers ranking

  • @xuansangdotrinh1055
    @xuansangdotrinh1055 Рік тому +1

    Number 1. The memester

  • @bratiaf2935
    @bratiaf2935 Рік тому +1

    But shoundnt the demon legion be an enemy

    • @Voduke789
      @Voduke789  Рік тому +7

      He could be either an enemy or a companion. After all, Oloch is on our side, so he could recruit more demons.

  • @TheOneAndOnlyOrb
    @TheOneAndOnlyOrb Рік тому +2

    Why demon legion and not drider? Drider is much cooler and has much better ability potential

    • @thekoboldintheattic8587
      @thekoboldintheattic8587 Рік тому +4

      The drider comes from the floating ruins in origins, and were most likely exterminated by the elves, so there may be none left, and also legions just look cooler than a half naked spider elf

    • @TheOneAndOnlyOrb
      @TheOneAndOnlyOrb Рік тому +4

      @@thekoboldintheattic8587 what the first part of message even made for? Demon legions can be extinct too, or be evil, since flareons are evil too. I dont understand why people want to think that spiders got extinct
      Demon legion looks dumb af and not threatening at all. Drider looks awesome

  • @troybaker5120
    @troybaker5120 Рік тому +1

    @IronHide - Hire this man

  • @love2allangels21
    @love2allangels21 Рік тому

    why would i want to heal enemies?