As an Arab, I'm very proud of you and of the image you're projecting. You're a great teacher and you're fun and enthusiastic (and quite beautiful too.) Mashallah. Keep doing what you're doing
سلام حبيبة مها والله افتقدناك في تعلم الايطالية كنا نستفيد كتيرا منك وخصوصا نحن الدين نعيش في هدا البلد الجميل المرجو منك ان تستمر بافادتك لنا وشكرا يااحلى مها
Yazan Yazzy بتعرف ايش يعني فينقيين ؟! هههه اهم ابناء عم العرب الاصلين ،، الفنييقين كانو ف شرق السعوديه ف مدينة الجبيل وعمان في مدينة صور ،، واكبر دليل مدن نفس الاسم ف لبنان ، الجبل وصور ثاني شغله ،، اغلب سكان الشرق الاوسط سواء فرس يهود اسيريين اشوريين اكراد ، كلهم ابناء سام ابن نوح
مسيحيين لبنان ليسوا فينيقيين مسيحيين لبنان عدنانيين عرب و ليسوا فينيقيين و لنفرض إنهم فينيقيين طيب ما هي الفلسطينيين أصلهم كنعانيين أو فينيقيين لإنو الكنعانيين هني الفينيقيين بس الفرق إنو اسم كنعان هوي الاسم الأصلي و اسم فينيقي هوي الاسم يلي أطلقوه اليونان على الكنعانيين يعني خلاصة القصة إنو حتى لو أصولنا مش عربية فثقافتنا عربية و ما بصير ننكر حضارتنا القديمة و لا بصير ننكر ثقافتنا الحالية بعدين العرب جاؤوا من نسل الكنعانيين أصلا يعني هني مش ولاد عمهم متل ما اتفضل الأخ يلي فوقي هني فعليا من نسل الكنعانيين و لم يثبت أن الكنعانيين من شبه الجزيرة العربية لأن حضارة الكنعانيين أقدم بكتييييييير من العرب
انا اللي اعرفه ان الفينيقين جايين اصلا من شرق شبه الجزيرة العربية اضافة الى ان هناك من القبائل العربية فضلت البقاء على الديانة المسيحية وهاجرت الى الشام اعتقد ان الشام يوجد به عرب أصيلين اكثر من الموجودين في شبه الجزيرة التي اختلطت بهم الكثير من الأعراق الافريقية والفارسية والهندية والاندونيسية والتركية حتى لهجة اهل الشام من اكثر اللهجات قربا للغة العربية ووضوحا في النطق وسهولة في الفهم لكن لذي سؤال تونس لديها تاريخ ينتمي الى الفينيقيين لكنهم يفتخرون بعروبتهم ويتحدثون الفصحى بطلاقة بعكس بعض اللبنانيين الذي ينكرون انتمائهم العربي هل بسبب الحرب الأهلية ؟
thank you very much for this amazing videos, you have helped me very much in the study of the arabic language, I really appreciate the effort you put on every video. You are an excellent teacher :D thank you
Thanks for the lesson, Maha! When you were describing asla', I had the idea the word you wanted was "hairless." But then you said it also applies to a field with no grass, and then I realized the closer meaning would be "barren." This word in English has several meanings in context, but the original meaning is when something is missing and cannot be replaced. It is often used for land that cannot produce any crops. It also commonly is used when referring to a family which cannot have any children. Although the word "bare" is somewhat appropriate, it usually means when something is uncovered, particularly a person wearing no clothing. Now all this is really unnecessary, because we only need know that asla' means bald, and that is me. :)
عزيزتي♡ معنى كلمة شائب هي الخليط من نوعين او اكثر . مثال : هذا ماء شائب . بمعنى ، هذا الماء خالطه شيء كالتراب وغيره . اما المعنى الصحيح للكلمه التي تقصدينها فهو : شيبه و مشيب و شاب . نضع كل منها في جمله : شيبه (بعقب مرحلة الشباب ضعف وشيبه) . مشيب (هذا رجل قد بلغ المشيب) . شاب (هذا رجل رأسه قد شاب) . وكلمة شاب تختلف في المعنى بحسب موقعها في الجمله . فقد تأتي كلمة شاب بمعنى الشيب وقد تأتي بمعنى عمر الشباب والفتووه . ♡ انا احب متابعتك . شكرآ لك عزيزتي ♡
Maha for those who still don't know what "adam" or "al-udma" means, read what Ibn Al-Sayyidah, a reliable scholar of the Arabic language who lived from 1007 to 1066, says here: السواد شدة الأدمة "Black means shadid al-udma (very adam)" He also says: الأصدأ والأدلم وهما الشديدا الأدمة، "Al-Asdaa and al-adlam are both shadid al-udma (very adam)." Remember that adlam means tall and jet black. Asdaa means a redness so dark that it is near black. Al-Tha'aalabi says: فإذا قَارَبَتْ حُمْرَتُهُ السَّوَادَ، فَهُوَ أَصْدَا مَأَخْوُذٌ مِن صَدَإٍ الحَدِيدِ "If a person's redness is near black, then he is asdaa, which is taken from the sadaa (rust) of iron." Dark Rusty Iron Ibn Sayyidah is used as a reference for all scholars of the Arabic language including Ibn Mandhour, the author of Lisan Al-Arab.
Maha for those who don't yet know what asmar means, just take a look at Mount Thawr: Here's the description of Mount Thawr: Mount Thawr Situated behind Mount Uhud. It's a small, asmar-colored mountain جبل ثور ويقع خلف جبل أحد وهو جبل صغير أسمر اللون Here's Mount 'Aaj: Mount 'Aaj, too, is described as asmar-colored. As you can see, the color of these mountains is basically the same color as a buffalo, which was also compared to asmar-colored. Also the Arabian Nights or 1001 Nights tells the story of girls of different complexions bragging about their complexions. The white-skinned girl insults the black-skinned girl by calling her complexion: the color of ink the color of soot the color of the face of a crow The black-skinned girl then insults the white-skinned girl by calling her complexion: the color of the disease vitiligo The yellow-skinned girl then insults the asmar-skinned girl by calling her complexion: the color of a buffalo the color of a fly THIS SHOULD GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT WAS MEANT BY AN ASMAR COMPLEXION AND IT SHOULD SHOW YOU THAT ASMAR DID NOT MEAN TANNED. IT SHOULD ALSO SHOW YOU WHAT WAS MEANT BY BLACK-SKINNED.
"What did I say before Bare? Bare?!" Haha we miss you tons Maha! Shukran for this lesson and I hope you're doing well! Insha'Allah more videos to come soon!!!
I know but I'm still willing since I have done a test out of curiosity and seeing university's studying my 93 yr old grandmother actually wanted to see if she knew what she was taking about and was in shock which explains certain things in my life and past Hebrew I am writing it better then understanding it and picking up on okay but Aramaic holds some value also not a must seeing if you look past the worldly in the spiritual that what ever currency and nation ruled over the masses was its first language example America/Britain all English but I have a habit of getting to the roots of things to understand the fruits true potential as a whole
You said the feminine version of bald صلعاء is considered an insult but I guess it could be used to describe land with no grass (as you pointed out) if the noun is feminine (e.g. this countryside is very bald)
To those who are interested in Islam, I will be posting regular videos regarding Islam from a range of networks all on one feed as aim to clear misconception and teach the true meaning of Islam. Salam to all. :)
I have trouble pronouncing words like bekhayr and alkhayr. Are there any exercises to help me with these and other words that hard for English speakers?
+Steve Laminack It's a little bit difficult for non Arabic speakers to pronounce some sounds like /a'/ع /dh/ ض and so on,, coz their organs of speech are used to a specific way of pronouncing, as for the sound /kh/ it is pronounced the same way u produce /h/ but the soft palate should be lowered a bit to make a friction producing the sound /kh/ خ.. got it?
Hi maha..i wanna ask..i been trying to leaen arabic but egyptian dialekt..wuld it be too much for u to make lesson for vocab n grammar in egyptian ? If not what u suggest me.thanx
Assalamualaikum, I have watched your videos on youtube , alhamdulillah I have learnt a lot about Arabic Jazak Allah khair for that, But after watch many videos I realised that Your videos are not sequential or structural based. Due to that, I could not able learn Arabic speaking in proper manner. I mean , it has to be in step by step course. Could you please guide me or suggest me in this situation.
Hi there can Maya or any Arab reading please answer me a question on grammar? I have been watching some Arab TV shows and I hear loads of verbs I already know...but they seem to be pronounced without the final vowel .. I know that nouns are not cased in speech...but is it true that final verb vowels are not pronounced... فعل fa'al not fa'la يعرف ya'arif not ya'rifu Is this how it is? Thanks...Happy New Year?
In Arabic, if you talk and suddenly stop in word such as ( يعرف ya'arif) , you pronounce it as ( يعرف ya'arif) . but, if it is coming in the middle of your speech you pronounce it as ( يعرفُ ya'rifu) . I hope my answer help you :))
Hi maha my names nevaeh my mother past away when I was 8 I am 10 now and my father side all speaks Chaldean I don't know what to do I don't speak one I need to know how to speak it
+lover sniper can you resend me your comment again I can't find the whole thing you sent but God has shown me a long time ago what you said I didn't have proof but you said it it brought tears to my eyes what where you saying about Hebrew
ليه ما تعلمي اللغة الانجليزيه ... لانها لغة العالم وثاني شي في كثيرين محتاجين يتعلمو هذي اللغة وانتي ما شاء الله عليكي تعرفي تشرحي وتدخلي المعومات بسهوله وبسلاسه
As an Arab, I'm very proud of you and of the image you're projecting. You're a great teacher and you're fun and enthusiastic (and quite beautiful too.) Mashallah. Keep doing what you're doing
"My english sucks lately." LOL!!!
Love it. Made my day.
This girl is amazing ! Best and most attractive teacher out there !
Finally!!! I'm happy to see you again!!!
Glad you are back! Thanks for the lesson!
Your lessons are so usefull!! It really helps me a lot!! Thankyou!!!
Welcome back Maha! It's been a long time! I've missed you a lot!
سلام حبيبة مها والله افتقدناك في تعلم الايطالية كنا نستفيد كتيرا منك وخصوصا نحن الدين نعيش في هدا البلد الجميل المرجو منك ان تستمر بافادتك لنا وشكرا يااحلى مها
احلى شي فيكي انك بتلبسي التوب الفلسطيني، عن جد اصيله انتي ، الله يحميكي
والحلو انها مسيحية وفخورة بعروبتها وقليل تلاقي مسيحيين يفتخرون بعروبتهم مثل مسيحيين لبنان يدعون انهم فينيقيين
MrLiberali في الواقع اللبنانيين هم اصلاً فينيقيين لهذا السبب هم يرفضون ينسبون نفسهم للعرب
Yazan Yazzy بتعرف ايش يعني فينقيين ؟! هههه اهم ابناء عم العرب الاصلين ،، الفنييقين كانو ف شرق السعوديه ف مدينة الجبيل وعمان في مدينة صور ،، واكبر دليل مدن نفس الاسم ف لبنان ، الجبل وصور
ثاني شغله ،، اغلب سكان الشرق الاوسط سواء فرس يهود اسيريين اشوريين اكراد ، كلهم ابناء سام ابن نوح
مسيحيين لبنان ليسوا فينيقيين مسيحيين لبنان عدنانيين عرب و ليسوا فينيقيين و لنفرض إنهم فينيقيين طيب ما هي الفلسطينيين أصلهم كنعانيين أو فينيقيين لإنو الكنعانيين هني الفينيقيين بس الفرق إنو اسم كنعان هوي الاسم الأصلي و اسم فينيقي هوي الاسم يلي أطلقوه اليونان على الكنعانيين يعني خلاصة القصة إنو حتى لو أصولنا مش عربية فثقافتنا عربية و ما بصير ننكر حضارتنا القديمة و لا بصير ننكر ثقافتنا الحالية بعدين العرب جاؤوا من نسل الكنعانيين أصلا يعني هني مش ولاد عمهم متل ما اتفضل الأخ يلي فوقي هني فعليا من نسل الكنعانيين و لم يثبت أن الكنعانيين من شبه الجزيرة العربية لأن حضارة الكنعانيين أقدم بكتييييييير من العرب
انا اللي اعرفه ان الفينيقين جايين اصلا من شرق شبه الجزيرة العربية اضافة الى ان هناك من القبائل العربية فضلت البقاء على الديانة المسيحية وهاجرت الى الشام اعتقد ان الشام يوجد به عرب أصيلين اكثر من الموجودين في شبه الجزيرة التي اختلطت بهم الكثير من الأعراق الافريقية والفارسية والهندية والاندونيسية والتركية حتى لهجة اهل الشام من اكثر اللهجات قربا للغة العربية ووضوحا في النطق وسهولة في الفهم لكن لذي سؤال تونس لديها تاريخ ينتمي الى الفينيقيين لكنهم يفتخرون بعروبتهم ويتحدثون الفصحى بطلاقة بعكس بعض اللبنانيين الذي ينكرون انتمائهم العربي هل بسبب الحرب الأهلية ؟
thank you very much for this amazing videos, you have helped me very much in the study of the arabic language, I really appreciate the effort you put on every video. You are an excellent teacher :D thank you
This is a great video. It is important to know how to describe these actions we perform everyday. Thank You for making it. Please do more.
Happy New Year Maha.Wish You all well and happiness in life and waiting to learn from you can't wait to see your next lessons in future
Salaam 'Alayki Maha :) Sha'arii aswaad wa muja'a'ad. Shukran jazilaan lii addars.
I love your lifestyle videos.. cooking/beauty travel... bring them back :)
Maha Iam back!! its been so long. Missed your classes so much. (YourHost in Stockholm)
Mabruk to Maha and Luca! Laila is a beautiful name (my name is Layla). Shukran for helping me learn Arabic so far, and best wishes! Au revoir!
Maha your back... Awesome...
The Thawb is very BEAUTIFUL by the way ;)
Happy to see you, Maha!
glad you are back teaching arabic
It's been a long time Maha... We missed you 😢
Hello Maha your Arabic lessons are cool :) have a nice day
Thanks for the lesson, Maha!
When you were describing asla', I had the idea the word you wanted was "hairless." But then you said it also applies to a field with no grass, and then I realized the closer meaning would be "barren."
This word in English has several meanings in context, but the original meaning is when something is missing and cannot be replaced. It is often used for land that cannot produce any crops. It also commonly is used when referring to a family which cannot have any children.
Although the word "bare" is somewhat appropriate, it usually means when something is uncovered, particularly a person wearing no clothing.
Now all this is really unnecessary, because we only need know that asla' means bald, and that is me. :)
Grazie per tutti! Amo le tue lezione e questo è perfetto per io!
Pleased to see your lesson again. Thanks.
يا محلا هالطلة ... اشتقنا لك يا عسل
come back maha!! i love you and all your videos :)
Maha we missed you and your videos please don't disappear like that.
معنى كلمة شائب هي الخليط من نوعين او اكثر .
مثال :
هذا ماء شائب .
بمعنى ، هذا الماء خالطه شيء كالتراب وغيره .
اما المعنى الصحيح للكلمه التي تقصدينها فهو :
شيبه و مشيب و شاب .
نضع كل منها في جمله :
شيبه (بعقب مرحلة الشباب ضعف وشيبه) .
مشيب (هذا رجل قد بلغ المشيب) .
شاب (هذا رجل رأسه قد شاب) .
وكلمة شاب تختلف في المعنى بحسب موقعها في الجمله .
فقد تأتي كلمة شاب بمعنى الشيب
وقد تأتي بمعنى عمر الشباب والفتووه .
♡ انا احب متابعتك .
شكرآ لك عزيزتي ♡
Maha for those who still don't know what "adam" or "al-udma" means, read what Ibn Al-Sayyidah, a reliable scholar of the Arabic language who lived from 1007 to 1066, says here:
السواد شدة الأدمة
"Black means shadid al-udma (very adam)"
He also says:
الأصدأ والأدلم وهما الشديدا الأدمة،
"Al-Asdaa and al-adlam are both shadid al-udma (very adam)."
Remember that adlam means tall and jet black. Asdaa means a redness so dark that it is near black. Al-Tha'aalabi says:
فإذا قَارَبَتْ حُمْرَتُهُ السَّوَادَ، فَهُوَ أَصْدَا مَأَخْوُذٌ مِن صَدَإٍ الحَدِيدِ
"If a person's redness is near black, then he is asdaa, which is taken from the sadaa (rust) of iron."
Dark Rusty Iron
Ibn Sayyidah is used as a reference for all scholars of the Arabic language including Ibn Mandhour, the author of Lisan Al-Arab.
ahlan uasahlan maha!!!!!! shukran ktir!!!!
Maha where have you been ? :) we missed you..!
Maha for those who don't yet know what asmar means, just take a look at Mount Thawr:
Here's the description of Mount Thawr:
Mount Thawr
Situated behind Mount Uhud. It's a small, asmar-colored mountain
جبل ثور
ويقع خلف جبل أحد وهو جبل صغير أسمر اللون
Here's Mount 'Aaj:
Mount 'Aaj, too, is described as asmar-colored.
As you can see, the color of these mountains is basically the same color as a buffalo, which was also compared to asmar-colored.
Also the Arabian Nights or 1001 Nights tells the story of girls of different complexions bragging about their complexions. The white-skinned girl insults the black-skinned girl by calling her complexion:
the color of ink
the color of soot
the color of the face of a crow
The black-skinned girl then insults the white-skinned girl by calling her complexion:
the color of the disease vitiligo
The yellow-skinned girl then insults the asmar-skinned girl by calling her complexion:
the color of a buffalo
the color of a fly
very good your teaching.
Marhaba fellow UA-camr! Love your channel -- now I know where to go when I need to brush up on my Arabic. Hevin :D
Great lesson Maha! :)
could you do a new lesson in Hebrew??
"What did I say before Bare? Bare?!" Haha we miss you tons Maha! Shukran for this lesson and I hope you're doing well! Insha'Allah more videos to come soon!!!
I know but I'm still willing since I have done a test out of curiosity and seeing university's studying my 93 yr old grandmother actually wanted to see if she knew what she was taking about and was in shock which explains certain things in my life and past Hebrew I am writing it better then understanding it and picking up on okay but Aramaic holds some value also not a must seeing if you look past the worldly in the spiritual that what ever currency and nation ruled over the masses was its first language example America/Britain all English but I have a habit of getting to the roots of things to understand the fruits true potential as a whole
You're back!!!
اللغه العربيه لغه جميله جدا… 😊
arabic language is really beautiful
you are so lovely, God bless u!!!!
Hahaha I remembered Samra from Beiou Joudak yabou Samra from Habibi ya Einy =D Shukran Maha!!
excellent teaching
You said the feminine version of bald صلعاء is considered an insult but I guess it could be used to describe land with no grass (as you pointed out) if the noun is feminine (e.g. this countryside is very bald)
انتي جميييييييييييييييييييييييلة
ولك يسعد الله على هالحلاوه
Shukran Maha, Great Job and still amazingly beautiful! ;)
Maha! Can you please do more hebrew lessons ?!! And Draw my life video as well ! It would be very interesting
Very beautiful.
الله بيلبقلك ان تكوني مدرسة لغات وانا اول التلاميذ اتمنى لك لتوفيق الى الامام
مبدعة مها
Useful ya Maha
Where are you Maha? i really miss your videos
To those who are interested in Islam, I will be posting regular videos regarding Islam from a range of networks all on one feed as aim to clear misconception and teach the true meaning of Islam. Salam to all. :)
You upload very frequently
stop being so freaking cute! lol love your tutorials even tho I'm a native Arabic speaker!
Same in Spanish. Cabello and pelo
Maha!!! We miss u dearly!! :(((
Marhaba Maha!
I'm an arabic studient at madrasa allugat :)
As a arabic teacher, could you reccommend us a good grammar book?
ya maha we are waiting for more lessons :(
الله أكثر من أكثره والله أكبر من أكبِّر الله أكَّنز من أكنوز و الله أكتَر من أكَّتره
Hello I wanna to ask you as you speak arabic and hebrew the best way and tips to learn hebrew
because my naive language arabic ?
I have trouble pronouncing words like bekhayr and alkhayr. Are there any exercises to help me with these and other words that hard for English speakers?
+Steve Laminack It's a little bit difficult for non Arabic speakers to pronounce some sounds like /a'/ع /dh/ ض and so on,, coz their organs of speech are used to a specific way of pronouncing, as for the sound /kh/ it is pronounced the same way u produce /h/ but the soft palate should be lowered a bit to make a friction producing the sound /kh/ خ.. got it?
What about coarse / kinky hair? What's the name for that in Arabic?
yay your back :)
What song do you use at the end of video? Also, what is the song that you use in a lot of your cooking tutorials?
Where are you Maha? I miss you
more videos please
Hi maha..i wanna ask..i been trying to leaen arabic but egyptian dialekt..wuld it be too much for u to make lesson for vocab n grammar in egyptian ? If not what u suggest me.thanx
where are you maha?? :)) we miss youuu!
maha u just get cuter as the videos keep coming. Mashallah:-)
more videos please :)
أنتِ جميل!
I learned a lot
على فكره لو شرفتي لمملكة السويد بتكون استاذه بالغات والله
OMG I have the same name as you soooo I was just wondering if you knew what the name maha means in different languages
شعري سمراء و ناعم 😊😍
I have watched your videos on youtube , alhamdulillah I have learnt a lot about Arabic Jazak Allah khair for that, But after watch many videos I realised that Your videos are not sequential or structural based.
Due to that, I could not able learn Arabic speaking in proper manner.
I mean , it has to be in step by step course.
Could you please guide me or suggest me in this situation.
salam... if you want to learn arabic on youtube you can subscribe to Green lane mosque here on youtube they have great arabii lessons. in sha Allah!
Hi there can Maya or any Arab reading please answer me a question on grammar?
I have been watching some Arab TV shows and I hear loads of verbs I already know...but they seem to be pronounced without the final vowel .. I know that nouns are not cased in speech...but is it true that final verb vowels are not pronounced...
فعل fa'al not fa'la
يعرف ya'arif not ya'rifu
Is this how it is?
Thanks...Happy New Year?
duha mani but do Arabs skip the final vowel??? E.g. for درس darassa or darass....yadrissu or yadriss
duha mani great..Thanks
In Arabic, if you talk and suddenly stop in word such as ( يعرف ya'arif) , you pronounce it as ( يعرف ya'arif) . but, if it is coming in the middle of your speech you pronounce it as ( يعرفُ ya'rifu) .
I hope my answer help you :))
LegendOfSaudi شكرا حبيبي
How do you say beautiful in Arabic, because you are!
Hi i really need your help how to read arabic with no shadda sukun fatha ect that's my problem i can't read without does fatha sukun i
استمري 😍😍
iam moslem from indonesia, just start learning arabic and english. its weird that moslem like me doesnt fluent in arabic..
make more video maha
What is the difference between Aramaic and Hebrew
+SHA-EL Damon Ash They're different languages.
Well let's start with Hebrew can you please help me with that
Hi maha my names nevaeh my mother past away when I was 8 I am 10 now and my father side all speaks Chaldean I don't know what to do I don't speak one I need to know how to speak it
+lover sniper can you resend me your comment again I can't find the whole thing you sent but God has shown me a long time ago what you said I didn't have proof but you said it it brought tears to my eyes what where you saying about Hebrew
ليه ما تعلمي اللغة الانجليزيه ... لانها لغة العالم
وثاني شي في كثيرين محتاجين يتعلمو هذي اللغة
وانتي ما شاء الله عليكي تعرفي تشرحي وتدخلي المعومات بسهوله وبسلاسه
مممكن.نحكي ضروري
0556969552 واتساب
love it :))
أصلع بتستعمل لوصف الأرض؟ اول مرة اسمعها بهاد النطاق بصراحة (مع انو بينفع، لكن الاستخدام غريب).
و انا برضه اول مرة اسمع الاستخدام دا
ف الغالب بنقول ارض جرداء لكن اول مرة اسمع ارض صلعاء
يَوْمٌ أصلعُ : شديد الحرّ
هذه الكلمة لها العديد من الإستعمالات, وهذا ما تتميز به اللغة العربية. يمكنك البحث عن المزيد على google
If u know what i mean i really need your replz ok thanks
الثرى والترى والبرى والنرى والسرى
هل انت تتعلمين اللغة العربية في مصر؟
الارض توصف بالجرداء، القاحلة ولا نقول صلعاء هذا تشبيه فقط
i have grey hair.............. do i say ana shar sha'ib or just ana sha'ib
shary ramady = my hair is grey :)
ana sha'ib is used more commonly
Your so beautiful ! 😍😘😘
Haven't seen ya in awhile! :) I'm bald! :(
Here are some synonyms for bare:
Bald / hairless/naked//uncovered /undressed/ unclothed/ stripped
God bless :)
Asla = bold :)