I worked as a travel nurse in El Paso. At orientation, they made it clear that gossip or talking about peers would not be tolerated. Needless to say, I spent a very good 8 weeks on my assignment, which was unlike about half of the places I worked at.
The bullying is so bad it even extends into the nursing schools with the faculty and clinical experiences. They fail to mention this when you apply to nursing school.
Yes ! My administrator threatened me before clinicals and then gave me a 2a accusatory resident that they knew wouldn’t let me do my assessments . They did it on purpose and I learned nothing the first week.
As a new graduate at 62 years old, I've had the discriminative targeting from many of my younger peers and nurses that felt I didn't belong to their generational group. I started my medical career in 1985. I have a lot of knowledge to share and do so willingly. Some just use me for information, others use me for a resource. Most are really interested in knowing what my experiences have been. I graduate on 12/17/21 and look forward to my final career in life. I written reports on this subject because I've lived it on several levels. I won't allow incivility to continue to exist in my presence. Great video sir.
I suffered bullying & back stabbing for being a male new hire. I was suspended after 6wks on my first gig for a false allegation of abuse, perpetuated by my trainer. They didn't tell me anything except to leave the facility immediately, and 2wks later called me to come in to discuss. I told them I'm not going to remember anything after 2wks in the dark & quit.
Bullying is one of the reasons why I left the bedside. I had an exit interview with HR and when I expressed my problems with bullying, the HR manager laughed! 😒
Bullying starts in nursing school with insecure teachers. I had 2 horrifically tortured souls who took their own hurts out on anyone that didn’t kiss butt. Hurt people hurt people. This field is the same. If you don’t kiss butt, you are bullied and shunned. Change has to start with the instructors, and accountability is a must!!!
This is a game-changer, every nursing school and workplace should undergo this training! It's possible I would still be a working nurse if armed with this information. Thank you for ensuring me walking away from nursing was the right decision for me.
I am so grateful that you are speaking about this. Even at times patients are bullied too. Now with watching these videos I am more strong to not allow this behavior any longer.
Yes as a patient fighting cancer I’ve been bullied by a nurse. Just today I was told I had no right to pick my own Dr.!?!? I have the right to refuse a dr that was not right for me and have a different Dr from this cancer treatment center or I can even choose to go to another cancer treatment center. I’m a very easy going patient and have only had one request from this place, that I not see a Dr who was very rude to me and to my mother who takes me. No matter how sick I’ve been I’ve always made my appointments but was told very snarkily that labs took an hour to an hour and a half as if I had not been going there for an entire year never late once for my appointments. All because she was upset that I didn’t want to see that one Dr again. Unfortunately for her this behavior had the opposite effect on me and have arranged a second opinion from another place now. Most of the nurses I have dealt with have been wonderful but it only takes one to ruin a relationship with a care center.
Have an RN, no interest in working as a nurse mostly due to the backstabbing and bullying. Have done lots of jobs. Never seen anything like it in my life.
They eat their young and their old. As I have gotten older I realize that the insecure and jealous gain strength when they gang together....its always easier to stand behind a bunch of jerks and torture someone who is new to a facility. It destroys the quality of a nursing unit. This also applies in school, neighbors, clubs.
It is so rife in nursing and kills the spirit of someone who wants to learn. When you are a novice and already anxious an environment that is made hostile by the bully you become afraid to confront them least they mark things worse for you. How many can one new grad suffer when you go home tearful and afraid to go back. It’s truly sad.
Some nurses are wonderful but as a student nurse I've been bullied and pushed down. I'm told not to say anything on social media. I'm tired and fed up as no matter how hard I try to become a good nurse and learn new skills I'm not supported. I wish you were here to hug me.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
As a young nurse a resident suggested I transfer to Trauma ICU. My support system encouraged me to go if this is what I really wanted. My best friend Susie pulled me aside with this great advice. “Eat the meat and throw away the bones.” I live by that motto as a nurse.
I used to be pretty naive and had this notion that Healthcare would be this place where the sole focus of everyone was doing the best in service of the patient. Little did I know that human beings, not saints, would be up for the task of becoming Healthcare workers, and they would bring their own failings into the profession and the patient would no longer be the sole focus... instead ego and feeding one's pride would be front and center for a lot of the health-care workers. There was a study done at an Isareli hospital showing how negatively talking about a fellow coworker would result in poorer outcomes for patients, and unsurprisingly, that's what the study found. So, bullying isn't only hurting those in Healthcare, it poses a danger for those whom health-care it is meant to serve.
This brings up the pain I experienced due to bullying in nursing. Terrible. Yes, we had doctors that behaved badly. But nothing compared to some nurses. Very damaging.
I relate to youd story alot. Ive been through roughly the same in my first 2 years has a nurse. Hoping someday ill be able to share my experience to new recruits and improving tge safety in yheir worplace, therefore benefiting the patients and their families
Just got off the phone with a nurse bullied out of the MICU. She was a breastfeeding mother, her preceptor used it against her. Slandered her. It was sad
Being in the hospital for an extended period of time I saw the bullying between the supervisor and the other nurses. You wouldn’t believe how many times one nurse after another came into my room to complain about this supervisor or that nurse I guess they just needed someone to talk to about the bullying.
Nurses should be rotated out of area after say 2 years to reduce the bulling click factor and to upskill. NO Nurse should come out of school and then into studying Nursing. They need life skills and maturity. I went into Nursing in my lake 40s, and seriously it stuns me the behaviour of some of the new Nurses out of Uni. Being young with a degree can sometimes be dangerous as they think they know everything until they have to do suddenly with the real world. As I suggest to any new nurse on a Ward, keep a diary and document after each shift, who you worked with and any outstanding issues. If an incident happens under a camera document the time to cover yourself. I work casual now so can avoid the crap, I don't leave a site until I know I have documented everything as to cover myself. I still document everything in a diary still today.
It happened to me that is why I left pima medical institute in Tucson Arizona in 2012 , the nursing director was behind it. So sad cause i became a wonderful caregiver
Surgeons can be really brutal, and cardiologists. No nurse should EVER be afraid to call the doctor the middle of the night because the patient is not doing well and the condition must be reported--and get your head ripped off. Most are professional but there is always a few that isn't. What makes it far, far worse the administration does NOTHING about it regardless how many times it is reported. Sometimes the nurses can get repercussions because they dared complain about the "almighty god" surgeon or cardiologist. What happens this endangers patients' lives.
Lucky me ! I graduated from an excellent nursing school with at least 4,000 solid hours of on all units clinical experience. I never got bullied once out in the real world. We were not thrown into the world naked so to speak. We did not get to graduate without all we needed to go into the work force without all necessary skills and confidence required to be effective.
Nurses who bully and those who turn a blind eye are all guilty. Health care professionals need to operate at a higher level. Realize as people move away from TMH, they find it easier to behave despicable. They will have to answer on judgement day, or on the other hand , some might meet their Waterloo before.WAKE UP : "TIME IS RUNNING OUT."
I was bullied as a CNA by my fellow coworkers and yes, nurses. I refuse to work again as a CNA in a nursing home. I was told I ‘talked like a baby’ to our residents ( which I didn’t)- but, I do have a speech impediment. I was told do to other coworkers cares-work. I’m all for team work, but not to do everyone work. I was a scapegoat on the unit. I got blamed for anything and everything that went wrong on the unit. My manager and HR weren’t any help. They told me to ‘pray and things will get better’ I went to work in tears and went home in tears. I will never again go into nursing again because of the trauma.
I am so glad more people are starting to bring up this disgusting the behavior. I had a class the other day where they were saying "nurses are at the forefront of social justice" FOH! I have never met a more disgusting group of angry racist karens in my entire life. That go above and beyond evil to try and destroy others! They are jealous when younger cuter nurses come on the scene and then they age discriminate against older ones. And the entire time crying about what Doctors and men do to them. Their hypocrisy is nauseating. They should be in prison for the damage they have caused.
Abuse starts at the top and trickles down. And, nurses are so abused that they pass it on down the line, not that it's right. The whole system is SO, SO toxic. 27 years ago I wrote my thesis paper on the hospital system toxicity. Back then I saw it. Nurses actually need to all walk out and/or fight the whole way to end this abuse.
Nursing is full of bullies and young men are the easiest target. I graduated from nursing school at the age of 22. At my graduation ceremony the OB clinical instructor (a nurse midwife) handed me a fleet enema while reciting a poem calling me the king of shit then presented me with my nursing degree. After two decades of working as a RN I discourage young men from entering the field in order to avoid the detrimental psychological and hormonal impact on young men. #DMACC #DMACCNURSING
New nurses are victims to this at the expense of patients care!! It vile! I made a commitment from that time to NEVER allow that. I go out of my way to be kind to new nurses or new employees. It’s pervasive! There’s a saying that nurses are so evil that they will eat their young. Be the change. Be kind. Compliment a new nurse to unit or to the the profession. It’s hard enough to be a nurse…nerve wracking not to make a mistake or say the wrong thing…they don’t need badgering too! Nasty nurses…STOP IT!!!
The whole profession is broken. I left after 15 years of neuro/ICU to do Door Dash. Make about the same money too with 1/16 of the stress. I'll come back when it's fixed. The culture is so toxic.
I don’t think you should say that “nobody in this room is going to be exposed as a bully” because it allows them to feel safe to hide in plain sight and it is incredibly invalidating to the victims.
Ugly, poor nurses get it bad. I guess everyone does though.. except the florence nightingale (aka: the rich girls).. learn your nurse history the poor girls were aides On a positive note: this video is great
Why is it allowed in this profession?? Nurse shortages, two faces of a nurse, many bully nurses are excellent "clinical nurses" but miserable maladjusted people. From experience. Never saw such behavior or tolerence for in other professions I had worked with.
I worked as a travel nurse in El Paso. At orientation, they made it clear that gossip or talking about peers would not be tolerated. Needless to say, I spent a very good 8 weeks on my assignment, which was unlike about half of the places I worked at.
Almost no one does this but they should
The bullying is so bad it even extends into the nursing schools with the faculty and clinical experiences. They fail to mention this when you apply to nursing school.
Yes ! My administrator threatened me before clinicals and then gave me a 2a accusatory resident that they knew wouldn’t let me do my assessments . They did it on purpose and I learned nothing the first week.
Imagine how the patients feel.
7 years later ,this bullying in Nursing still continues! 😢
As a new graduate at 62 years old, I've had the discriminative targeting from many of my younger peers and nurses that felt I didn't belong to their generational group. I started my medical career in 1985. I have a lot of knowledge to share and do so willingly. Some just use me for information, others use me for a resource. Most are really interested in knowing what my experiences have been. I graduate on 12/17/21 and look forward to my final career in life. I written reports on this subject because I've lived it on several levels. I won't allow incivility to continue to exist in my presence. Great video sir.
Just wear a 24hr cam like cops do and get their bullying on tape
So it's been a year....have you figured out yet that hospitals couldn't care less about the pts?
I suffered bullying & back stabbing for being a male new hire. I was suspended after 6wks on my first gig for a false allegation of abuse, perpetuated by my trainer. They didn't tell me anything except to leave the facility immediately, and 2wks later called me to come in to discuss. I told them I'm not going to remember anything after 2wks in the dark & quit.
Bullying is one of the reasons why I left the bedside. I had an exit interview with HR and when I expressed my problems with bullying, the HR manager laughed! 😒
They are bully themselves.We live in a cruel world.
Yep. The whole system top down is sick. That's why it continues to happen.
Bullying starts in nursing school with insecure teachers. I had 2 horrifically tortured souls who took their own hurts out on anyone that didn’t kiss butt. Hurt people hurt people. This field is the same. If you don’t kiss butt, you are bullied and shunned. Change has to start with the instructors, and accountability is a must!!!
This is a game-changer, every nursing school and workplace should undergo this training! It's possible I would still be a working nurse if armed with this information. Thank you for ensuring me walking away from nursing was the right decision for me.
I am so grateful that you are speaking about this. Even at times patients are bullied too. Now with watching these videos I am more strong to not allow this behavior any longer.
Yes as a patient fighting cancer I’ve been bullied by a nurse. Just today I was told I had no right to pick my own Dr.!?!? I have the right to refuse a dr that was not right for me and have a different Dr from this cancer treatment center or I can even choose to go to another cancer treatment center. I’m a very easy going patient and have only had one request from this place, that I not see a Dr who was very rude to me and to my mother who takes me. No matter how sick I’ve been I’ve always made my appointments but was told very snarkily that labs took an hour to an hour and a half as if I had not been going there for an entire year never late once for my appointments. All because she was upset that I didn’t want to see that one Dr again. Unfortunately for her this behavior had the opposite effect on me and have arranged a second opinion from another place now. Most of the nurses I have dealt with have been wonderful but it only takes one to ruin a relationship with a care center.
I stood up for a hug...and you were there for me... through this video. Thank you ! 10 years a NICU nurse ❤
Have an RN, no interest in working as a nurse mostly due to the backstabbing and bullying. Have done lots of jobs. Never seen anything like it in my life.
An APOLOGY goes a long way. A formal.written apology.
At 29:20- Greatly appreciated your story, it is a shame someone in power treated you this way. Thank you for sharing your story!!
They eat their young and their old. As I have gotten older I realize that the insecure and jealous gain strength when they gang together....its always easier to stand behind a bunch of jerks and torture someone who is new to a facility. It destroys the quality of a nursing unit. This also applies in school, neighbors, clubs.
It is so rife in nursing and kills the spirit of someone who wants to learn. When you are a novice and already anxious an environment that is made hostile by the bully you become afraid to confront them least they mark things worse for you.
How many can one new grad suffer when you go home tearful and afraid to go back. It’s truly sad.
You are amazing and courageous. Thank you for sharing 👍
Some nurses are wonderful but as a student nurse I've been bullied and pushed down. I'm told not to say anything on social media. I'm tired and fed up as no matter how hard I try to become a good nurse and learn new skills I'm not supported. I wish you were here to hug me.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Big hugs to you sister :)
As a young nurse a resident suggested I transfer to Trauma ICU. My support system encouraged me to go if this is what I really wanted. My best friend Susie pulled me aside with this great advice. “Eat the meat and throw away the bones.” I live by that motto as a nurse.
I used to be pretty naive and had this notion that Healthcare would be this place where the sole focus of everyone was doing the best in service of the patient.
Little did I know that human beings, not saints, would be up for the task of becoming Healthcare workers, and they would bring their own failings into the profession and the patient would no longer be the sole focus... instead ego and feeding one's pride would be front and center for a lot of the health-care workers.
There was a study done at an Isareli hospital showing how negatively talking about a fellow coworker would result in poorer outcomes for patients, and unsurprisingly, that's what the study found.
So, bullying isn't only hurting those in Healthcare, it poses a danger for those whom health-care it is meant to serve.
This brings up the pain I experienced due to bullying in nursing. Terrible. Yes, we had doctors that behaved badly. But nothing compared to some nurses. Very damaging.
I relate to youd story alot. Ive been through roughly the same in my first 2 years has a nurse. Hoping someday ill be able to share my experience to new recruits and improving tge safety in yheir worplace, therefore benefiting the patients and their families
Just got off the phone with a nurse bullied out of the MICU. She was a breastfeeding mother, her preceptor used it against her. Slandered her. It was sad
Being in the hospital for an extended period of time I saw the bullying between the supervisor and the other nurses. You wouldn’t believe how many times one nurse after another came into my room to complain about this supervisor or that nurse I guess they just needed someone to talk to about the bullying.
Oh btw I really love your attitude❤ keep doing your life changing work.
Compelling, fascinating, inspiring, transformative talk!
Very articulate guy! He's an Angel!!
Nurses should be rotated out of area after say 2 years to reduce the bulling click factor and to upskill. NO Nurse should come out of school and then into studying Nursing. They need life skills and maturity. I went into Nursing in my lake 40s, and seriously it stuns me the behaviour of some of the new Nurses out of Uni. Being young with a degree can sometimes be dangerous as they think they know everything until they have to do suddenly with the real world. As I suggest to any new nurse on a Ward, keep a diary and document after each shift, who you worked with and any outstanding issues. If an incident happens under a camera document the time to cover yourself.
I work casual now so can avoid the crap, I don't leave a site until I know I have documented everything as to cover myself. I still document everything in a diary still today.
Agree, i think in order to be a nurse, you have to be 35 and above.
It happened to me that is why I left pima medical institute in Tucson Arizona in 2012 , the nursing director was behind it. So sad cause i became a wonderful caregiver
Surgeons can be really brutal, and cardiologists. No nurse should EVER be afraid to call the doctor the middle of the night because the patient is not doing well and the condition must be reported--and get your head ripped off. Most are professional but there is always a few that isn't. What makes it far, far worse the administration does NOTHING about it regardless how many times it is reported. Sometimes the nurses can get repercussions because they dared complain about the "almighty god" surgeon or cardiologist. What happens this endangers patients' lives.
Lucky me ! I graduated from an excellent nursing school with at least 4,000 solid hours of on all units clinical experience. I never got bullied once out in the real world. We were not thrown into the world naked so to speak. We did not get to graduate without all we needed to go into the work force without all necessary skills and confidence required to be effective.
Kendra RN talks about this on her channel. It is very disturbing
Nurses who bully and those who turn a blind eye are all guilty. Health care professionals need to operate at a higher level. Realize as people move away from TMH, they find it easier to behave despicable. They will have to answer on judgement day, or on the other hand , some might meet their Waterloo before.WAKE UP : "TIME IS RUNNING OUT."
I worked as a pink lady and the nurses were awful. Florence nightingale must turn in her grave.
Ayo didn't kno this rabbit hole was THAT deep 💀
I got bullied by a fellow nurse. He told me that he would like to rip my tires off my car and then asked me for dinner.
I was bullied as a CNA by my fellow coworkers and yes, nurses. I refuse to work again as a CNA in a nursing home. I was told I ‘talked like a baby’ to our residents ( which I didn’t)- but, I do have a speech impediment.
I was told do to other coworkers cares-work. I’m all for team work, but not to do everyone work.
I was a scapegoat on the unit.
I got blamed for anything and everything that went wrong on the unit.
My manager and HR weren’t any help. They told me to ‘pray and things will get better’
I went to work in tears and went home in tears.
I will never again go into nursing again because of the trauma.
I am so glad more people are starting to bring up this disgusting the behavior. I had a class the other day where they were saying "nurses are at the forefront of social justice" FOH! I have never met a more disgusting group of angry racist karens in my entire life. That go above and beyond evil to try and destroy others! They are jealous when younger cuter nurses come on the scene and then they age discriminate against older ones. And the entire time crying about what Doctors and men do to them. Their hypocrisy is nauseating. They should be in prison for the damage they have caused.
Cuter ? Oh please...get over yourself !
Great. Thanks
Hi sir 👋 .
Can Associat Degree Nurse give NCLEX exam please
Amost all the nurses I work with bully me. Makes me want to quite my job. I love humans. Shouldn't you if you're a nurse?
Abuse starts at the top and trickles down. And, nurses are so abused that they pass it on down the line, not that it's right. The whole system is SO, SO toxic. 27 years ago I wrote my thesis paper on the hospital system toxicity. Back then I saw it. Nurses actually need to all walk out and/or fight the whole way to end this abuse.
Good points. Thanks
Nursing is full of bullies and young men are the easiest target. I graduated from nursing school at the age of 22. At my graduation ceremony the OB clinical instructor (a nurse midwife) handed me a fleet enema while reciting a poem calling me the king of shit then presented me with my nursing degree. After two decades of working as a RN I discourage young men from entering the field in order to avoid the detrimental psychological and hormonal impact on young men.
What do you mean hormonal effect?
Do bullies know they bully? Hurt people hurt people. Support is needed for both sides, as the priest who taught our ethics course used to say
Yes they do know they bully
New nurses are victims to this at the expense of patients care!! It vile! I made a commitment from that time to NEVER allow that. I go out of my way to be kind to new nurses or new employees. It’s pervasive! There’s a saying that nurses are so evil that they will eat their young. Be the change. Be kind. Compliment a new nurse to unit or to the the profession. It’s hard enough to be a nurse…nerve wracking not to make a mistake or say the wrong thing…they don’t need badgering too! Nasty nurses…STOP IT!!!
Sad, I was terminated from my first because I spoke up against bullying.😞and they kept my PTO hours and did not pay me for it. My own women folks.
The whole profession is broken. I left after 15 years of neuro/ICU to do Door Dash. Make about the same money too with 1/16 of the stress. I'll come back when it's fixed.
The culture is so toxic.
How are you making that much money as a Door Dasher?
I don’t think you should say that “nobody in this room is going to be exposed as a bully” because it allows them to feel safe to hide in plain sight and it is incredibly invalidating to the victims.
Nice 👍🏿
I think nurses should have a annual exorcism.
Ugly, poor nurses get it bad. I guess everyone does though.. except the florence nightingale (aka: the rich girls).. learn your nurse history the poor girls were aides
On a positive note: this video is great
I’m an aide in nursing school and agree
Why is it allowed in this profession?? Nurse shortages, two faces of a nurse, many bully nurses are excellent "clinical nurses" but miserable maladjusted people. From experience. Never saw such behavior or tolerence for in other professions I had worked with.