The defence budget and the super rich. War is done by drones, computers and misinformation anyway now. You could reduce the number of aircraft carriers to 5 ... and make a propaganda video showing a CGI flotilla of 40 aircraft carriers allegedly policing the South China Sea [actually the 007 set at Pinewood studios UK, plus big green screen] In so doing - you would save hundred of billions ... some of which could be given to injured ex-servicemen who are usually left to rot on the streets.
Oxy Moron Dude.. you should totally be a troll account.. just go to random crazy videos like infowars and start screaming about chemtrails and turning frogs gay. It'd be a full-time hobby
The fact that some of the poorest people in the country voted for a BILLIONAIRE that dodged taxes and abused the bankruptcy system for his own gain blows my mind. How can these people possibly believe he's on their side? In private he probably calls them disgusting and you can tell during rallies he's not exactly comfortable.
Hillary Clinton was given hundreds of thousands of dollars to give speeches to banks. You know the same people who caused the '08 collapse and Obama bailed out. I didn't vote for her I voted against her.
AcidicMentality I'm sorry but you're saying you'd rather die in nuclear war than watch Hillary suck a CEO's dick...? I mean Trump is an actual danger to people and the country. Hillary might have been a corporate shill but at least they just want to bankrupt the country and not destroy it.
Devin Jones I'll take that over an evil woman who has a pile of bodies behind her that would rival Hitler, I'll take a rich asshole over a corrupt murderer anyday
Jeez. Look, I'm German. Half of Germany WAS socialist from the early 60s to the late 80s. We know what socialism is. What you Americans call "socialism" is not socialism by a long shot. What Bernie Sanders suggests is not socialism by a long shot, either. It's free capitalism with a few socialist elements. Just like most European countries have. And it works, and it has worked for decades. The only thing that's standing between US citizens and a more humane system is the idea that you don't deserve help when you need it. You know what I call that? Sad. SAD!!
Socialism is defined, at least in the English Dictionary as, "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
You know what I call sad? 33.8 percent youth unemployment more than half a decade after the european financial crisis. Oh it "works". Go look at the OECD better life index. Economically, we are doing way better than you, just like in the 20th century. So stop lecturing us about how to do things, because you are an intellectual embarrassment.
You all mean social democracy. Socialism is social ownership over the means of production. Social democracy is capitalism + social programs, a welfare state, etc.
@@klauspohl1142 fuck no they wont understand it, they're village idiots. I had a Twitter exchange where I stated the exact same thing that social democracy isn't socialism, that It is well regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net and this was the reply: "It’s not social democracy,,get off your ass and work for what you want.!! Stop with the BS free hand outs you lazy ass libtards."😂🤦♂️
Thank you! American political discourse as regards social policies is tilted so much to the right that people have problems identifying basic concepts. A lot of European countries have universal healthcare, state-run childcare, pension and communal housing enshrined in their constitutions, but that doesn't mean they're not running a capitalist economy with an open market.
Kevin Kalbermatten Hear, hear.....finally someone who understands what countries like Australia have been engaging with. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Americans have such little interest in supporting those who have difficulty supporting themselves..........
US is a mixed economy...not 100% socialism nor 100% capitalism.... a blend Government health care paid through taxation is what most developed countries have. Doesn't mean the economy isn't capitalistic and it's a far cry from communism.
@@toddlavigne6441 changing the form of payment does not make health care cheaper or more affordable. it just means you are using your neighbors credit card and he is using yours.
@@mayainverse9429 it makes it cheaper because it eliminates the for profit motive of Big Pharma and the insurance companies that provide zero value whatsoever. it also allows a single block to negotiate with healthcare professionals meaning that they won't be able to charge the exorbitant rates they do now. it's the reasons the AMA has been against socialized healthcare since Truman's time. it can't work in America they say, but it works in about 50 other nations around the world. we're the only ones who don't know how to make it work. go figure.
"One thing I’ve learnt in American politics: never underestimate the capacity of the Democratic party to screw it up." -Andrew Sullivan "I am fully aware that Democrats are always capable of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory." -Bruce Bartlett
Keith Gallistel Democratic Party is the controlled-opposition party. They are there to absorb populist movements, yet still fall in line to what their corporate donors tell them.
@@johnjohnson3450 Agreed. Whatever my disagreements with them, I will always credit The Young Turks for explaining it to me in plain English. The establishment Democrat politicians are the limp-wristed bunch which the money in politics bred over time like a dog breed, intentionally, precisely to weed out the impactful winners and keep only the all-talk-no-walk losers.
Call it what we call it here in Germany: Social(ized) Capitalism ("Soziale Marktwirtschaft"). That is exactly what you want. Nobody wants to remove or get rid of capitalism, it is about defining boundaries for it and regulating it so it mainly serves the people, and not only corporations.
the only reason this is working in Germany is because you're sucking the poor EU countries dry of their wealthy and of their brightest minds, the EU trade policy also forces the people in the EU to buy overpriced German products.
the corporations serve the people who are able to tell you how creating wealth works. without free market economists who are willing to share their knowledge, social market economy would be as dead as german social democracy now. strong regulated markets mainly lead to corporation between the state and the economy which will be denied in public because it is viewed as corruption. so this leads to intransparent governments who lose the trust of their voters. social democracy is a fine idea (just like the the original liberalism was created to have an alternative to capitalism and communism) but only a free market economy based on a global market is able to create and preserve wealth. look at statistics about the world wide poverty going down, western and central europe being free of wars since 1945, the developement of medical help and technical tools and so on. globalisation, an open market based on humanitarian morals will help a lot.
What a load of horseshit! "Preserving wealth"? For who? Look at what's happening ... there is no "trickle down" effect ... it's all being "hoovered up" by the most greedy people on Earth... and at an increasing rate too. The corporations and their shareholders are obsessive about one thing - making the most money possible. In the USA, it is actually illegal for a corporation not to hold this sociopathic philosophy. That's why - despite trillions of dollars in profit - none of Amazon's warehouse slaves are given any minimum wage pay rise, unless the government insists. That's why Subway dodges the minimum wage completely by routinely using expendable slaves under the guise of "training wages", which are roughly 50% of the legal minimum wage [some people are still being "trained" to make a sandwich after 6 months] You need to wake up. Socialism means - being social! That's all ... sharing good fortune. Trickle-down kindness!
Nobody forces you to leave your country, it is the fault of the countries national politics that they cannot provide their minds with a foundation to build their future on. Nobody forces you to buy a "overpriced" product. Stop blaming others for your own inabilities.
"He really puts the moron in oxymoron doesn't he?" "Socialism is the reason you don't have to bring your own highway when you wanna drive somewhere." ROFL
Insert Food Here Yeah people often mix the two up, I don't think socialism is the same as tax payed essential services. If you define socialism as tax payed essential services then why have we got subsidies for companies for instance? That's not an essential service even like policing, firemen, roads, health care, care is much more of an essential service than paying companies to make their products more competitive.....wouldn't this then be classed as capitalist socialism?.....😁 that makes a lot of sense...🤣 no, socialised services is not socialism then. So bill, Jim Carey and trump and co are wrong.
@@dimwitsadvocate6264 and for whom is the government supposed to work for in a democracy? is supposed to represent the interest of the people, that’s why most socialist want a more direct democracy, many are not even statists, so they advocate cutting out the middle man entirely (a.i. libertarian socialists, and anarcho-syndicalists)
I was a naval officer for ten years. The government paid for my health care, housing, travel, some of my clothing, part of my education, subsidized our groceries and other purchases and in many ways it was the best job I ever had. My son, an Army officer, agrees that basically it's socialism and it worked very well for us. Everyone, every minute of every day, benefits from some government program or expenditure for the common good. To deny that is the basest form of ignorance. And hypocrisy, particularly from members of the House and Senate who receive generous health and pension benefits to name but a few.
You were a Naval Officer and you spewed out this type of comment? The numbers have already been crunched, in order for socialism to work in theory in a large populated economy like the U.S you would need to allocate funds from somewhere, this means higher sales taxes, higher corporate taxes,higher income taxes, higher property taxes, decreased funding from the military (I think the percentage was like 60%, there goes your best job ever), you would have to cut almost all imports, take over sectors of mining, agriculture, oil..etc. The consequences will be: 1: The U.S will no longer have the required defense budget. 2: Large corporations like Apple, Amazon...will leave the country. 3: Mass exodus of the wealthy and middle class spenders. 4: Stock markets would crumble. 5: Unemployment rate would be at the 20's or even 30's. and many others
This kind of argument, both Bill's, as well as yours, is a perfect idea of ignorance feeding ignorance. While Republicans drum up a big fuss over the very word and core idea of socialism with little to actually dissect and understand its full context, democrats and liberals are doing the same injustice by just pointing to some examples and saying "its all good" or "your complaints are invalid" while those examples exist in plenty of countries in some kind of debt, corruption, etc. No common sense is used to apply the very basic idea that these things do cost someone somewhere, and you don't just have the infinite pool to draw from. You may say that life being subsidized by the gov was good, but you're also in a time and world where the gov is constantly creating its own problems, and falling deeper into debt, you can't actually just pretend socialism is suddenly fine without a better argument. This is why there are actual fears, warnings, and serious thought underlying the right's fear of socialism. There are people out there right now, be it Trump or Obama's bailouts, are fussing because of the actual principle instead of playing tribalism games. Its terrible that other parts of the right have just relied on it as a scary word, while actually committing to it while hiding away from admitting so, but others know better and have been calling for the bullshit to end for an actual return to more capitalism. ...but heck, the same issue goes on with capitalism. For every stupid nonsensical claim of how evil capitalism is that fails to express it beyond surface level stuff, there's a republican chiming back with "bet you wrote that on your iphone!" and thinks that wins the whole issue, and there's no flaws whatsoever. Be it left or right, its time that people actually address socialism/capitalism for its actual economic value rather than... Rep: Its eviiiiil! Dem: Nuh uh, you do it to! ...and concluding that therefor, somehow nothing is wrong right before we cut to the next topic about something falling apart, broken school systems, impoverished cities, or social unrest, etc.
Yep no free lunch still need people working in private sector to pay for BIg Government expenditures including the military, but while ur active by all means thank u for serving but u shud habe to save for retirement like everyone else not get a free ride on civilians tax dollars the rest of ur days?? Not saying u didnt but jst saying..
@Mike Beglin So in your opinion how does the U.S allocate money for these very expensive and generous programs with a 20 trillion dollar deficit and a massive trade deficit? You don't have many options, you would need to raise taxes and allocate money from somewhere else, if it's a socialist state you cannot cut from the big money drainers like Social Security, Education, Healthcare...etc.. So your only option would be military. The government will also have to take over private industry and sectors in order to control domestic production and manufacturing for profit.
That last few seconds or so when Maher looked into the camera and said, "We're not Socialists, you're traitors!" gave me chills, he said it absolutely the right way.
@@johndillinger6563 I bet you loved trumps reign, lmao the worst president in history, presidents lie to an extent, but that idiot lied and he used to forget that he lied...
Every modern nation is a hybrid system of socialism and capitalism, as are we. We need a better mix in this country that's more in alignment with much of Europe that kicks our asses in healthcare, education and many other social areas.
Zach, you hit the nail on the head! There has to be a balance. A well funded compassionate social safety net, balanced off with a free enterprise system that encourages innovation and incentives to prosper. Countries like Canada offer this. Universal healthcare, subsidized college tuition, and a pro-business environment to invest in and make money.
Hans Meier ...shame it costs an arm and a leg (throw in a kidney or two to boot) making it unattainable for the majority 🤷♀️. “This keeps America’s Dumb Again”
Not cool but way way before the Insurance companies had the power they have 30 years later that's why they are so scared because he saw it before it happened.
The average person doesn't watch Bill Magee though and that's the problem: the message doesn't get out. It's the exact same message Bill is saying in that the democratic politicians need better messaging and stop being ineffectual pussies. They need to fight republican fire with fire.
A lot of young people don’t watch Blll Marhher Because he’s been around for 25 years saying the same thing over and over again just like a lot of Young people don’t know who George Carlin was most people in their 20s and 30s like to buy Nike shoes like to smoke dope and they really don’t like to vote either that is just the way it is💰💰💰💰🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
New Message “Your” name is “new message” and you have a picture of a notification icon with one unseen notification...... Lmao hahahahahahaha wtf is that? Are “you” a bot????
I bet there are some Democrats who are up for giving it a go but they don't have the support to back them up. I could be wrong. I am immersing myself in understanding American politics. American people are helping me in this. The things that are going on affects the rest of the world.
It’s not a particularly awful statement though. I think he meant something that they would need to take money (raid) from Medicare in order to pay for the rest of the socialistic policies. Also bill blatantly lied about what socialism is, like, that’s a trump level lie
@@benc.3128 It is an awful statement if you have a brain and think about it for 0.5 seconds. Centralized state-ownership of any enterprise is the literal definition of socialism. In other words, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. are all examples of socialism. So no, Bill did not lie. Just because you don't understand something someone is saying doesn't mean they're lying. It just means your stupid.
@@johnsacromoni6775 You just defined a welfare state/state capitalism not Socialism. Socialism is where workers control the means of production via worker cooperatives instead of private entities. Make sure you actually research ideologies and understand what they are before arrogantly calling someone else stupid
@@logan0v723 The fact that you have to resort to a petty game of semantics just further proves my point. Even if I'd humor you, you'd still be wrong. Here, I'll correct you. You're defining the traditional sense of socialism and pretending like that's the only meaning it can have. Here's the definition of socialism most people work with... "populist economic and political system based on public ownership of the means of production" Got that? **Public ownership**, i.e. the public sector, i.e. the government, i.e. government run programs such as medicare, medicaid, etc. For God's sake, *SOCIAL* security it's in the name you moron. Any program that is not run by the private sector can be considered a form of socialism. Those stimulus checks we all got during covid is literally the redistribution of wealth. We do have elements of socialism in this country, that is an objective fact. This isn't up for debate.
I am German, but was born and raised in the US. I used to believe the „socialism will destroy the world“ rhetoric. Then I went home and saw that socialism works. Not perfect, but we have mostly free education, universal health care, rational gun control, etc. and I we are not starving and fighting off rats. The arrogance is unbelievable. When a German calls you arrogant, you had best listen. I thought we had that market cornered. :)
Just a word, Canada has complete social programs, Labor Union, Free education, Free Healthcare system, and capitalist nation,,, But When I pay $0.10 a liter of Gas more than in the US, and pay 5% more on income tax, 50% more on my drivers Licence, or car plate, I knoe I have no worries,,, At any given time I go see my doctor, and I don't worry how much it will cost me, Hospital, Ah who cares,,, A car accident and you are paid for life through the Government Car Insurance society,,, My daughter finished University and it cost me $1200 a year,,, And Still, I go on vacation once or even twice a year, to Europe or to the Caribbean,,, I have my car, and my wife her car, we have a house,,, And I didn't finish a University degree neither my wife,,,, No the Americans don't know the difference between a political System, and an economical system,,, Democracy would still be the same if the economical system is a mix,,,
How come no one in this debate ever takes the time to simply look up the definition of Socialism? Socialism is defined by communal ownership of the means of production. 'Social' is different from 'socialist', measures like social security or redistribution of wealth are not socialist measures per se, neither are the Scandinavian countries socialist states. Bottom line: The Republican scare tactics regarding socialism are ridiculous when we are really just dealing with standard left-leaning policies that have been largely implemented in most of Europe. On the other hand is it incomprehensible how a person could label theirselves as a socialist considering the spectacular failure of this ideology all over the world in the second half of the twentiest century.
Yes, many Republicans don't know there's a difference between strong social safety net or economic system. But unfortunately far too many Americans actually want to abolish private property and appropriate the means of production. For decades -subversive education system is producing revolutionary wannabe activists. Numbers are alarmingly high. And rising.
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18). "Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18) Absolutely frightening!😲
@@antoniobiguini6073 Is it a lie that Trump once stated decades ago, that if were to run for president, that he'd run as a republican. Because he said that the republican voters would be dumb enough to vote him in.
When republicans say European countries are socialist the common response is that they don’t know what socialism is and that a country like France is not socialist but a social democracy. Bill Maher is using the word to refer to pretty much anything the government does. I’m not using the word in either the context of social Democracy, or more government power or the Soviet Union but I wish everyone would get on the same page.
Agreed. The "Socialist Scandinavia" argument is refuted by...Scandinavian countries...b/c they say "here are all the ways we are not socialist". I think in this case, it is simply "lazy consistency". Being technically accurate doesn't win you anything, so take the R's horrendously wrong use of the word and counter with some somewhat correct uses of the word in order to inoculate the populace against the worst...and worry about what "real" Socialism is, later (and how that contrasts with Laissez-Faire Capitalism, Mixed Economies, and Communist Dictatorships).
You know who’s a great liberal that would set the record straight on issues such as democratic socialism and Medicare? Kyle Kulinski. He should be on the show some day. Considering he’s growing in popularity I think he’ll be on at some point. You’d be doing yourself a huge favor by bringing him on the show, Bill. He’s not your typical democrat.
Sergio Ribeiro yeah...he’s afraid of planes, that’s why he’s only been on TYT once and the only reason he flew over there was because of the JR podcast.
Problem is he hates Maher. And who can blame him? Just listen to the FBI/intelligence agencies vs Russia joke 2/3rds of the way into this. It's embarrassing
@Peter Similac If Bernie was elected the sky would turn black, flames would rain from the sky and he would porably start a trade war with our allies or smtg
The last time the USA enacted Bernie's policies - it got the whole planet out of a global depression ... and the President was so popular that he got elected 4 times! It means more employment - more people with money to spend. Not some fat cats hoovering up all of the money and keeping it for their greedy selves.
Robert Coxswain Who comes in after Bernie? Another Democratic socialist, seeing as the last one in office was elected 4 times in a row. When people get policies they like, they tend to elect the people who gave them those policies.
Robert Coxswain We wouldn't be giving the resources directly to Bernie. He would raise taxes on the rich and corporations, create a corporate gains tax, and close loopholes that give those corporations the ability to pay 0% on their taxes. That money would go into social programs, like medicare for all and tuition-free college, which directly impacts the poor and middle class of this country. Bernie isn't rich for the same reasons as Hillary (who is paid off by Wallstreet) and Trump (silver spoon trust baby scam artist w/ a small loan of a million dollars and daddy's business that grew from huge to huger through no fault of his own). Bernie is rich because a U.S. Senator makes a good but not extravagant salary considering how important the position is and he's been in that job for 30 years. If I made almost $200,000 a year for 30 years with no kids and a wife that was making lots of money too, I'd be a millionaire easy, but that isn't exploitative. He didn't take any bribes from special interests, he just worked really hard in an important position.
Bill has always been strong about that point. That the republicans play this game better. They are so dedicated. They may be the "squarest" of the group, but they are so good at plotting stuff. While democrats seem all willy-nilly about winning. About not taking on a "take-no-prisoners attitude. Whenever that attitude is implemented, the results will be different.
@ItsStillRealToMe DamnIt " The next time you encounter one of those ' public-spirited ' dreamers who tells you rancorously that, ' some very desirable goals cannot be achieved without everybody's participation ', tell him that if he cannot obtain everybody's voluntary participation, his goals had jolly well better remain unachieved---and that men's lives are not his to dispose of. " -Ayn Rand-
They are getting the tax cuts, deregulation and budget cuts to social and other left friendly programs they don't like. Not to mention the Constitutional Convention they want. Use him for that and try to keep the crazy lid on him. The problem will be when he fires people he deems untrustworthy and gets Lindsey Graham and a few more "Stephen Miller" types that won't tell him no.
@@michaelanderson5747 you aren't really buying the tax cut bullshit are you? Lol wow. Its a massive cut for rich people. I guess your rich? The rest of us get an extra thousand bucks or so for one more year then our taxes go UP. How is that useful to the people who voted him in? A pathetic carrot on a stick. Its insulting. Trickle down exonomics has NEVER worked.
@@michaelanderson5747 I fail tonsee how these deregulations are useful or good for the average american. Please explain how these deregulations are nothing except damaging to society.
1:23 - That face little kids get when they've done something the adults love but don't really understand why so they try to repeat it just for the laughter and applause.
@Queenie You're delusional. I followed every day of the American elections, also I have to specify that I'm not American. The only ones who kept calling Clinton a communist are the same ones who also called Obama a communist. Both Clinton and Obama are centrist at best and center-right at some specific issues. Basically just slightly better than Republicans. I'll try to be as neutral as possible, I'm also from another country so you won't be able to accuse of being biased for one party or another. The fact is that Clinton lost against Donald fucking Trump, ok? Practically one of the easiest elections in the American history. Do you know why she lost? Because some disappointed democrats saw how the DP was biased towards her, how the corporations were biased towards her, how basically almost the entire establishment was for her and the DP and Hillary herself decided to pull off some very scary and unfair moves on Sanders. Clinton refused to appeal to the center-left voters of the party and kept betting on the establishment and the status quo politics instead. Bernie also promised beforehand that he would have supported Hillary if he lost, and he did, that's also why he lost many voters after, calling him a traitor and accusing him of having been bought by the establishment. Clinton lost to Donald Trump, and most of the division was caused by Clinton and the establishment of the Democratic Party. Sanders has an almost entirely different view of politics compared to Clinton. I'm sorry that you cannot see that. It's true that Clinton was pushed a bit more to the left on some issues, because they were popular, but she just started copying Sanders and looking at the polls, that's all. Sanders political philosophy is just something else, and his policies are social democratic and based on the Nordic model mostly. She's only slightly different from Republicans, and I'm sorry that many of you Americans cannot see this. This is what happens when you get used to only right wing politics for so many decades, even by the supposed american left (it doesn't exist). I hope you'll take your time to think about it and do some research against your own bias for Clinton. If you commit the same mistake, in 2020 you're going to get 4 more years of Trump so I hope you're ready in that case.
@@SkyHize the only diffrence between the american right and "left " is that the left is more liberal meanwhile the right more conservative , they only issue on which they dispute is "healthcare" the rest is just social issues. Both are right wing by european standarts.
Always been a very proud democratic socialist. Nothing to be ashamed of caring about working people and the average person instead of giving big companies welfare that they send to their Swiss banks.
I live in the UK and have known MANY NHS doctors, young and old, throughout my life. They work extremely hard for a very modest wage (still not a bad wage - but not megabucks either) ... ... none of them do this for the money. They knew that from the off. In some ways, their kindness gets taken advantage of by the Tories - especially for junior doctors. TORIES: "We want you to 'have the opportunity' and 'enjoy the dignity' of working 7 days a week" JUNIOR DOCTORS: "We're going on strike!!" TORIES: "... ah, but you wouldn't want your patients to SUFFER (!) ... would you?" JUNIOR DOCTORS: [grumble] "... you have a point" [that's what the Tories hoped would happen ... using patients as a human shield ... but the Junior Doctors stood firm and won the battle] The incentive is simple - to help people. That's what a doctor does. That's also why people vote for socialism ... to want the best for everyone, not just yourself. My cleaner is here right now - she's been with us for over 5 years ... we pay her £16 an hour. Could we find a cheaper cleaner? ... easily ... minimum wage is less than half that But there's more to life than money. Not everything - whether it be doctors, soldiers, cops, teachers or firemen - is about who can make the most money. Actors - the famous ones - make a TON of money. But you'll often see the better ones doing fringe projects that - in all likelihood - must be like performing for free. Because they like the independent script/character. Yes - they'll do the odd blockbuster to keep the wolf from the door ... ... but after that, money doesn't come into it, they do a project that interests them. I suppose what I'm saying is "follow your heart .. not your wallet" ... you'll be happier that way.
SD BO that they want to be a doctor and also they don’t have student debt that will crush their early years after graduation and a guaranteed job till they choose to find a different one. Basically your question implies you don’t know any policies we suggest
Watch his more recent video where he acknowledges that dems are losing voters cause more and more dems keep pushing socialism. He comes off as a hypocrite here after watching that recent vid
" Socialism has been tried on every continent of the globe . In the light of its results, it is time to question the motives of socialism's advocates. " -Ayn Rand-
Bernie asshats bitching so much about Clinton gave you Trump cos you were all so fucking butthurt you were willing to hurt the rest of the country for not giving you what YOU fucking wanted and until you learn from that lesson you're getting a lot more assholes like Trump
Wankee Bummer, if you look closely, you'll be able to discern that what "gave us Drumpf" was James "The Cunt" Comey, y'KNOW, with "his" decision to announce that "he" was reopening "his" investigation of HRC's use of a private email server, while conveniently forgetting to mention Das Gropenfuhrer's ties to "his" boss, and the possessor of the pee-pee tapes, Vladimir Putin. Just, y'know, sayin'...
American version of socialism isn't really about socialism. Canada isn't a socialist country and yet even if democrats win the next 6 elections, the U.S. Will most probably still be more to the right than Canada........and there are plenty of countries to the left of Canada. Accessible healthcare is a matter of basic logic, not a matter of left vs right.
we have more accessible healthcare than canada, it is just more expensive. the problems with socialized healthcare is they do nothing to solve the problems in the industry, they just try and cure the symptoms, not the illness. Why are the costs so high in health care in the US?
@@purpleliver12 It's not more accessible if few can afford it. Being able to afford it is part of - probably the most important part - of accessibility
@@purpleliver12 - USA health costs are high because they insist on paying for 50 different sets of laws and insurance regulations in the 50 states thus wasting 34% of every healthcare dollar on overhead. The ACA sets some federal standards to lower overhead costs and enhance consistency but it is just a first step. Germany is a good model for studying how to improve healthcare in the USA. Canada and the UK are not.
"They want to raid Medi-Care to pay for Socialism" - Trump There is absolutely no truth in that statement. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18). "Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18)
I'm from India and I can tell you one thing, capitalism looks bad untill you have seen rampant socialism. The road to socialism always ends up with communism and once you get there it's really hard to get to a capitalism system again. The amount of cynicism Indians have from 40 years of communism is extraordinary even today. People rather sit for 10 years not producing anything preparing for government positions where they know they will get to do use the power of the state to benifit themselves.
Definition from Brittanica - "Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public." When did India ever have that ? You are conflating the nationalization of a few entities ( like Tata's airlines...) into communism.
I love how people think Socialism is just a less severe form of communism. I was esentially taught that in school. Meanwhile, you can easily look up the definition of socialism on the internet.
Most of you commenters are so hung up on the definition of socialism, what's not socialism and what is socialism and to what degree something is or isn't socialism. It's intellectual masturbation that accomplishes nothing on the ground. I have a suggestion. Let's start with what the mass of the American people are EXPERIENCING as lack in their lives. The big lack that most are experiencing is not being able to afford America anymore. I hope we can all agree on that. You work a full-time job that takes you paycheck to paycheck in covering needed staples. It doesn't allow you to handle $500 emergencies. A health infirmity threatens to bankrupt you, even if you have private health insurance, which itself is difficult to pay. A drug prescription can make you decide what other necessities in your life you may have to cut back on or give up completely. You can't live in an urban area due to unaffordable rents. You have children to raise. You keep using credit to make ends meet. Pensions are gone. A person graduates with a college degree but is strapped with massive loan repayments, and on and on and on. All of this is being experienced while the stock market is at its highest level while wages have been flat for 30 years (factoring in inflation). The stock market benefits the corporations and those who invest in them. WORKERS can only benefit from a growing economy WHEN WAGES GROW. America's GDP has been growing but it has not found its way to a LIVING WAGE for workers. The only place where wage growth can come from is increased corporate revenue/wealth. Those that control the wealth are NOT increasing wages to the detriment of workers in the short and intermediate term, and to their own detriment in the long term. This is what people are experiencing. What POLICIES need to be implemented in an era of rising GDP, rising stock market levels, and stagnant poverty wages? That is a discussion that can actually accomplish something for the betterment of American society. No more intellectual masturbation. It's a waste of energy and just serves to divide.
Great comment and I agree with virtually everything you said, but I disagree that it's intellectual masturbation. We're talking about two different economic models here and an incorrect conflation of socialism with whatever the government does. Such a thing is only going to create even more confusion and American politics are already enough messed up. Let's not make it worse, ok?
As someone who lives in a country that was "socialist" from 1945 (boy does that year can give you some ideas how we went socialist) to 1980s, and had to learn in classes about our history of how many people our government executed, starved to death, exiled, tortured and murdered in the name of socialism, i pose that it's quite important to distinguish what is or is not socialism. Maybe your great grandfather was not transported to russia, tortured for years and broadcasted on national television when they finally broken him to the point he, hero of war against nazis called himself and entire contry's army traitors and was grateful to USSR for executing him, and then executed. Neither was mine. But many people's family members were. And some of these people's relatives live in USA. And they did not forget who the real villain of World War was, or who remained a villain for 50 years after that. Maybe you dont remember or wasnt taught at school that the reason 10 milion people in Ukraine starved to death during USSR times was not some kind of petty cruelty or Stalin';s hatred towards the country, but the fact that they tried to ignore science and push their ideology in study and practice of agriculture. Result was, ofc, dead crops and mass starvation. Because they thouht that every plant is equal and there is no difference between them, and tried to enforce that. Lots of people from old USSR in your country as well. Assuming you're american ofc, if you are not im sorry, but that just changes to "in USA". Dont you think to these people, who have such heavily scared past, word socialism quite rightfully so seems very frightrening, and they have deep need to examine both if isomething is socialist or not, and why its seemingly important to people whos decisions can ultimately repeat dark history of eastern europe that noone born, raised and educated in US seems to give a fuck about? These feelings transfer across generations, and you will have young people questioning such things without even realising why. And because socialism leads to worst in people you can possibly imagine when taken to the extreme, it should be given ALL the shit, ALL the time, without stop. Make it defend itself, make it prove over and over and over again, every fucking day, that it is what it says it is. The reason left needs to be attacked more and at all times is because they demand more power than the right, by definition. And if i were you i would not for a second trust these sociopaths left puts as "political candidates" for you to give up all your remaining rights and hand them all control and money. Precisely because we in europe KNOW where it CAN end, and you have absolutely no reason to believe it wont end there. Because many things people in your country do are exactly the same. You ignore science and push forward politics and researches despite it. Why would i trust socialists that they wont at some point decide that normal farming is sexist and wont start homosexual farms aiming to prove that pigs can still reproduce, leading to your entire fucking economy crashing? I have nor eason to trust them so i will keep as many rights as i possibly can so when they tell me to do it i can tell them to go fuck themselves.
Xellos, with all deep and due respect, you have shared descriptions of harsh truths with me that I have not experienced as a child or adult having been raised in the United States. My ancestors were slaves in this country, but I've been separated from the harsher realities of that experience by virtue of geography and time. From your explanations, I better understand the need for a continued discussion of what is and is not socialism and your suspicion of leftist platforms. So be it. Xellos, what I don't want to see happen is for that discussion, given its merits but also with all of its emotional attachments, to demonize an entire range of policies which would keep us from moving toward a needed correction of what I see as the main problem facing America presently - wage inequality, the division of the spoils. The corporate interests in this country have been associating any kind of move toward the regulation of business with "socialism" for the past 40 years, and before that with "communism." I support the capitalist system and the benefits it has bestowed upon America, but there are "social" programs and regulations of business that can contribute to MAKING AMERICA AFFORDABLE FOR ALL OF ITS CITIZENS. Let's institute those policies and let capitalism do what it does after that.
@@r.forrestblount9222 Oh no i totally agree its silly to argue just for arguments sake. i just say i think not all of the whats socialims is and isnt discussion is pure intellectual masturbation. People have real fears founded in reality and even if they are wrong, its not the best idea to dismiss them as easily because thats what ultimately makes them mad and vote for someone they mistakenly believe will give them stability and freedom aka right leaning movements. its just that same countries i described also had policies of "job for everyone", and "free healthcare" and government directed economy. its like PTSD built into whole nations. You hear this and recall police dragging students out of schools and beating them up on the streets. Will US do that? Nope! Most likely not. But i didnt want to guilt you into something i just wanted to warn you not to dismiss people just because many people on internet like to do what you describing. There is sometimes real fear behind sceptics about socialism that they themselves picked up from parents and grandparents without even realising it. So examining what is or isnt socialism can be also helpful to you as well. Because socialism and communism are related but not equal and you americans would do well teaching masses what the difference is. It may seem subtle, so it will be difficult, but necessary if you want public to hear u .
The only growth of wealth in the past 100 years has come from war-like innovation and exploitation of workers. Does anyone else think it's time to advance beyond the superficial and achieve real growth as a species?
Trump knows how to keep his name in the news, keep headlines, and use basic psychological tricks to get you in. It's brilliant. Everything from the nick names(like Sleepy Joe), to saying win 20 times in a minute, to pressing on the socialist idea. Also, you are very wrong about what socialism is. Socialism is a government structure, social programs are not one in the same. Every Democracy has a basic level of social programming, but that does not make them socialist.
Pure Capitalism .. $1,000/mo health insurance but an option to cancel your insurance anytime without notice. Any law that impairs any profit is considered Socialism.
More important than who is president is who controls senate majority. Vote republicans out of senate. Then, impose term limits. Tariffs are hidden tax on middle class.
" As capitalism created new markets, so it created an ever-widening market for labor: it multiplied the number and kinds of jobs available, increased the demand and competition for the workers' services, and thus drove wage rates upward." -Nathaniel Branden-
That clip he played of Steve Schmidt was a perfect example of me expecting some one to say "and Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!". That kept happening every day of the Trump presidency.
Good job I'm also tired of watching them not fight back . But have you ever thought that they are two sides controlled by one like bad cop good cop ? And they are doing what they are told
" If some men are entitled by right to the products of the work of others, it means those others are deprived of rights and condemned to slave labor." -Ayn Rand-
I think most of them (on both sides) have too much pride to admit that their own little system is not perfect and admit that their opponents are right on some points.
Because representative democratic socialism is not its own mode of production so it must be applied to an economic mode of production like capitalism and capitalism doesn't work. If you're talking about just socialism, the most advanced form of Socialism in its current state is a natural law resource-based economy which eliminates money, labor for income, centralized governance and many other things.
Paul, that is all we have been trying to do all along. Nobody has been going for the type of socialism they tell you we want on fox news, we keep trying to tell you nordic countries, they are democratic socialist, a mix of capitalism and social programs. America is a mix too, you just keep trying to kill the socialism part, SS medicare, medicaid, fire depts, food stamps, the military is all socialist, and they have socialized medicine. Our social safety net is supposed to fix the flaws in capitalism, which alone is just like somalia.
Quite right. Most people don't realize that social programs were put in place by conservatives (eg, Bismarck in Germany) nearly 150 years ago when it became obvious that unfettered capitalism - with absolute poverty for the many and immense riches for the few - was unsustainable. Social programs and other forms of income redistribution are not socialism. They are an essential part of a workable and sustainable capitalist system.
@@istvanglock7445 The idea of welfare state become more strong also during cold war when ussr was growing at very good rate(although growth was not sustainable) so capitalist country come up with idea of welfare state and board directors to re invent and counter them. This tendency to modify itself has led to why captalism survived till now(even though marx claim capitalism will not survive)
Ah, remember when Maher pushed for Socialism and supported Bernie? He now refers to Socialism as "extreme left ideology", laughs it up with Ben Shapiro and tells us with a straight face that he hasn't changed one bit.
Social programs are different than having a Socialist Country. Socialist countries put the economy, industry, private enterprise, all forms of business, and everything under direct government control. Everyone basically works for the government. The government takes all of the profits paid for by customers, and then gives a TINY amount back because the amount of money it takes to fund the government usually can't afford to pay people livable wages. Not to mention, customers not having much money means that they don't put it back into the government business, which means that the government spends money quicker than it makes it, and eventually that system collapses far faster than Capitalism. I'm sorry, but there's literally not such thing as a country that DOESN'T have Social Programs, so there's no alternate example to go off of. There are, however, countries that have declared themselves Socialist and collapsed not long after. There are far more successful countries that run on Capitalist economy and industry, than Socialist nations. And before you start citing the Nordic countries as Socialist, they're actually not. The Prime Ministers of Denmark and Sweden both went on the record after Bernie kept spouting his bullshit. They said that, while they have a strong emphasis on the Social Safety Net, they are not Socialist Countries. Denmark actually has less regulation on it's market than the United States. Sweden has more regulation and there is one big thing to note: On the Forbes list of Top 10 Richest Countries, the United States was Number 1, with almost 40% of the world's wealth; Sweden was not in the Top 10. On the same article, there was a list of Top 10 Nations by Income Disparity, with the U.S. ranking number 1, but Sweden ranking number 2. So, we have the greatest disparity, but we have A LOT of money and that can cause that gap. Meanwhile, Sweden barely has any money, and they're number 2. So, just some food for thought before everyone starts running alongside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into a debt canyon that we can never come back from.
Jesus, dude, I addressed this one with you already. It's because it's political and sounds better than just trying to tell people that certain programs are too expensive for the country to enact. That's all. It's just like the Democrats crying fascist, sexism, racism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia (not a real word), Islamophobia (not a real word), or hate speech when Republicans try to enact a policy that meets conservative standards. Also, Bill Maher right here, plus Jim Carrey last week, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and several other candidates are running on the back of a message of actual Socialism. They keep lying to people about what Democratic Socialism is, because the truth would actually turn people off. Instead, they try to use the Nordic countries as their example, and stupid people just accept it instead of actually addressing their platform head-on. The Republicans didn't used to have a case that Democrats were Socialist, but now they do because they're running on that platform.
A country with a state-planned economy is only ONE form of socialism. Marx's definition of socialism is that of a system in which workers actually OWN what they produce, without the middle man. So countries with a state-planned economy don't really adjust to this definition, unless you really want to believe the lie that the state represents its people (which it seldom, if ever, does).
@@AxKlein what country has ever actually had EVERY means of the economy owned by the people? It's fucking impossible. That's why we have a state, because you can't just have a rabble of idiots claiming ownership of everything. The state, regardless of whether you want to believe it or not, is actually a representation of the voters. When someone says land is public, it doesn't include you going out there and cutting the grass or tending to the forest. You have a state that uses your tax dollars to do it for you because everyone would either be too lazy to do it themselves, or a small amount of people would do it and try to stake greater claim for their efforts. Socialist countries are also quick to devolve into dictatorships because of populist ideals that manifest into worship of authority.
Really Bill must be losing his memory. Sanders was saying this all last election . Bill sniped at sanders all last election calling him cooky, crazy, wacky then complains about people being on he same page.
@Southerncomfortblack - Maher actually supported Sanders, had him on the show and promoted him as the best option for president. He was however centrist to the point that he still viewed Clinton as a good candidate.
It's never been a battle between capitalism vs socialism, it's been corporate socialism vs democratic socialism. Socialism is any instance where a program is funded by the government, and that applies to pretty much everything. It just depends on who the recipient is that defines it, and whether it works or not is based on how well it is implemented.
That's not the defintion of socialism. Socialism means the collective ownership of the means of production. You are talking about social programs, which you got in social democracies = capitalism + social programs.
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18). "Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18)
How do you distribute someone's wealth if you remove the incentive to produce wealth in the first place? When you go to work in a factory or a mine or even a restaurant or a store or perhaps on the farm or railway you are in fact creating wealth that you may share with your boss or fellow employees. If you re buying shares or selling them short or exchanging paper dollars for paper pounds sterling in a bank, you are not creating wealth. If you inherit wealth, you are not creating it. If you are building a house or putting in the plumbing you are creating wealth. The incentive is to feed yourself and your family and pay the rent or the mortgage. Yes, if you invent something then you create wealth but most people do not invent. The myth that people who work for a living do not create wealth but those that because they have capital do create wealth is dead.
All wealth is created by the working class - all wealth! When an investor opens a factory the money to do so had, at one time, come from the exploitation of workers. Workers produce everything, capital produces nothing.
Lol none of the things Bill listed are socialism at all - Socialism is an economic system in which private property and private markets are abolished in favor of a state-run or community-run economy. Bill's examples are all instances of social welfare, which might carry out some of the desired effects of socialism, but do not fundamentally shift the U.S. economy. Not even the so-called Scandinavian Socialist countries are actually socialist but would be better termed Social Democracies. Even China has shifted more and more away from a socialist command economy towards a market economy, though a highly regulated one. The data on the effectiveness of truly socialist economies is pretty clear: They're abysmal.
Yeah, they are so abysmal that year after year, the Scandinavian countries top all other in general happiness. I'd like to suffer like that. Even my Medicare is way from free.
I'm not surprised that the Republicans misrepresent Swedish style socialism. But the Democrats aren't honest about it either. The Swedes don't pay for their welfare state by taxing and regulating big business, in fact they have a lower rate of corporate tax and less regulation. The pay pay for it with a 25% sales tax and eye watering marginal rates on payroll tax. In effect, the working class pay more, not less. So be my guest, become a more socialist country, but at least be honest about how it's done.
HEY, Bill! You forgot to mention the biggest Socialism program: The Public School System... ...It's "Free"/Paid for With ALL of Our Citizens' Tax Dollars (just like Social Security, Medicare etc.).
Bill Maher - if you genuinely feel that the Dem party is not vocal enough, you have a plat form DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Track down the Democratic politicians or those aspiring to office and Interview them. Create more public conversation about this apathy. Help to mobilize these politicians who think that success will fall into their laps (as they did in 2016).
Thats not socialism, that’s what state is, socialism is the take of all production, real state and services by the state. That’s why I think democrats shouldn’t use that word, the state should provide 3 things security healthcare and education that’s not socialism
That's false. Communism is the state taking everything and doling it out. Socialism is simply equitable conditions for the masses. And things like highways are part of socialism. And fire departments. We all pay a little so that we all, collectively, benefit a lot.
nop, socialism is a economic and social system characterised by social ownership and workers self management of the means of production. Communism is a variation of Socialism
They're all rebranding words for gov't taking everything and hindering the rights to make employment. Maybe, gov't made corps that create the illusion of a free-market....wait, that's fascism.
That"s it! I'm no longer watching you Bill. You're costing me $. I have expensive Sonoma wine that I had to spit out. "The man of the golden shower"...
I'm sorry, but "they want to raid Medicare to pay for Socialism" may just be the stupidest sentence I've ever heard. Like, EVER.
Unfortunately, I doubt anyone at the rally even understood how stupid it was.
Just because someone can read doesn't mean they do.
Well the money for these utopian handouts isn't going to grow on a tree. Its not coming out of the defense budget. So where will it come from?
You could cut your defence budget in half easily. You spend $700bn/year on being a terrorist nation state.
The defence budget and the super rich.
War is done by drones, computers and misinformation anyway now.
You could reduce the number of aircraft carriers to 5 ... and make a propaganda video showing a CGI flotilla of 40 aircraft carriers allegedly policing the South China Sea [actually the 007 set at Pinewood studios UK, plus big green screen]
In so doing - you would save hundred of billions ... some of which could be given to injured ex-servicemen who are usually left to rot on the streets.
"He puts the Moron in Oxymoron!" Love Bill Maher
Oxy Moron Thanks for the subtle correction hence your name *rolls eyes again lol
He beat Hillary
And I Love you so much because u support good smart man (Bill Maher ) ...🤩😋👍🍺🍻🍺
Oxy Moron Dude.. you should totally be a troll account.. just go to random crazy videos like infowars and start screaming about chemtrails and turning frogs gay. It'd be a full-time hobby
The fact that some of the poorest people in the country voted for a BILLIONAIRE that dodged taxes and abused the bankruptcy system for his own gain blows my mind. How can these people possibly believe he's on their side? In private he probably calls them disgusting and you can tell during rallies he's not exactly comfortable.
Devin Jones they voted against Hillary
Hillary Clinton was given hundreds of thousands of dollars to give speeches to banks. You know the same people who caused the '08 collapse and Obama bailed out. I didn't vote for her I voted against her.
AcidicMentality I'm sorry but you're saying you'd rather die in nuclear war than watch Hillary suck a CEO's dick...? I mean Trump is an actual danger to people and the country. Hillary might have been a corporate shill but at least they just want to bankrupt the country and not destroy it.
They were voting against the establishment. Trump totally swindled them, but he was the only one saying some of the things they wanted to hear.
Devin Jones I'll take that over an evil woman who has a pile of bodies behind her that would rival Hitler, I'll take a rich asshole over a corrupt murderer anyday
One of the best Bill Maher monologues ever.
Jeez. Look, I'm German. Half of Germany WAS socialist from the early 60s to the late 80s. We know what socialism is. What you Americans call "socialism" is not socialism by a long shot. What Bernie Sanders suggests is not socialism by a long shot, either. It's free capitalism with a few socialist elements. Just like most European countries have. And it works, and it has worked for decades.
The only thing that's standing between US citizens and a more humane system is the idea that you don't deserve help when you need it. You know what I call that? Sad.
Socialism is defined, at least in the English Dictionary as, "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."
You know what I call sad? 33.8 percent youth unemployment more than half a decade after the european financial crisis. Oh it "works". Go look at the OECD better life index. Economically, we are doing way better than you, just like in the 20th century. So stop lecturing us about how to do things, because you are an intellectual embarrassment.
@@mdtalley By community they mean government.
ZERO Define irony: what most Americans point to as the grade A example of the evils of socialism-as not socialism at all. It was Stalinism.
@@dkupke Stalinism was Stalins version of socialism. Same with Leninism.
You all mean social democracy.
Socialism is social ownership over the means of production.
Social democracy is capitalism + social programs, a welfare state, etc.
Bravo, finally someone finds the right definition that even Republicans will understand!
@@klauspohl1142 fuck no they wont understand it, they're village idiots. I had a Twitter exchange where I stated the exact same thing that social democracy isn't socialism, that It is well regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net and this was the reply: "It’s not social democracy,,get off your ass and work for what you want.!! Stop with the BS free hand outs you lazy ass libtards."😂🤦♂️
People really need to get this. It's a super duper important distinction.
Thank you! American political discourse as regards social policies is tilted so much to the right that people have problems identifying basic concepts. A lot of European countries have universal healthcare, state-run childcare, pension and communal housing enshrined in their constitutions, but that doesn't mean they're not running a capitalist economy with an open market.
Kevin Kalbermatten Hear, hear.....finally someone who understands what countries like Australia have been engaging with. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Americans have such little interest in supporting those who have difficulty supporting themselves..........
It's still alarming how many people can't distinguish socialism from communism, though it is a useful indicator of when someone is not worth my time.
What is it you're trying to say?
US is a mixed economy...not 100% socialism nor 100% capitalism.... a blend
Government health care paid through taxation is what most developed countries have. Doesn't mean the economy isn't capitalistic and it's a far cry from communism.
@@toddlavigne6441 changing the form of payment does not make health care cheaper or more affordable. it just means you are using your neighbors credit card and he is using yours.
it makes it cheaper because it eliminates the for profit motive of Big Pharma and the insurance companies that provide zero value whatsoever.
it also allows a single block to negotiate with healthcare professionals meaning that they won't be able to charge the exorbitant rates they do now. it's the reasons the AMA has been against socialized healthcare since Truman's time. it can't work in America they say,
but it works in about 50 other nations around the world. we're the only ones who don't know how to make it work. go figure.
@Christien du Preez You think Democrats are "Nazi-like"? 🤔😕🤦♂️
Do Americans actually know anything about political spectrums and history? 🤦♂️🤦♂️
"One thing I’ve learnt in American politics: never underestimate the capacity of the Democratic party to screw it up." -Andrew Sullivan
"I am fully aware that Democrats are always capable of seizing defeat from the jaws of victory." -Bruce Bartlett
Keith Gallistel Democratic Party is the controlled-opposition party. They are there to absorb populist movements, yet still fall in line to what their corporate donors tell them.
The words of a Republican. Duh--------!)
@@johnjohnson3450 Agreed. Whatever my disagreements with them, I will always credit The Young Turks for explaining it to me in plain English. The establishment Democrat politicians are the limp-wristed bunch which the money in politics bred over time like a dog breed, intentionally, precisely to weed out the impactful winners and keep only the all-talk-no-walk losers.
Boo....repubs have no sense of humor
Call it what we call it here in Germany: Social(ized) Capitalism ("Soziale Marktwirtschaft").
That is exactly what you want. Nobody wants to remove or get rid of capitalism, it is about defining boundaries for it and regulating it so it mainly serves the people, and not only corporations.
the only reason this is working in Germany is because you're sucking the poor EU countries dry of their wealthy and of their brightest minds, the EU trade policy also forces the people in the EU to buy overpriced German products.
the corporations serve the people who are able to tell you how creating wealth works. without free market economists who are willing to share their knowledge, social market economy would be as dead as german social democracy now.
strong regulated markets mainly lead to corporation between the state and the economy which will be denied in public because it is viewed as corruption. so this leads to intransparent governments who lose the trust of their voters.
social democracy is a fine idea (just like the the original liberalism was created to have an alternative to capitalism and communism) but only a free market economy based on a global market is able to create and preserve wealth. look at statistics about the world wide poverty going down, western and central europe being free of wars since 1945, the developement of medical help and technical tools and so on. globalisation, an open market based on humanitarian morals will help a lot.
What a load of horseshit!
"Preserving wealth"?
For who?
Look at what's happening ... there is no "trickle down" effect ... it's all being "hoovered up" by the most greedy people on Earth... and at an increasing rate too.
The corporations and their shareholders are obsessive about one thing - making the most money possible.
In the USA, it is actually illegal for a corporation not to hold this sociopathic philosophy.
That's why - despite trillions of dollars in profit - none of Amazon's warehouse slaves are given any minimum wage pay rise, unless the government insists.
That's why Subway dodges the minimum wage completely by routinely using expendable slaves under the guise of "training wages", which are roughly 50% of the legal minimum wage [some people are still being "trained" to make a sandwich after 6 months]
You need to wake up.
Socialism means - being social!
That's all ... sharing good fortune.
Trickle-down kindness!
Wizdomizer1 - well put.
Nobody forces you to leave your country, it is the fault of the countries national politics that they cannot provide their minds with a foundation to build their future on. Nobody forces you to buy a "overpriced" product. Stop blaming others for your own inabilities.
Absolutely killer point. Bill Maher keeps hitting the nail on the head so hard every week.
Man! How I wish I could eventually meet a girl who looks at me the way Trump looked at Putin at Helsinki summit.
@Colonel Muammar Covfefe yes
you're killing it
Kim Jong Fun Too funny!! Love it!!! HAHAHAHA! GREAT!!!
What if u r d real kim?😁
Colonel Muammar Covfefe
Might be like a battered wife, but then it was a battered wife who still have a huge crush on her husband......
"He really puts the moron in oxymoron doesn't he?" "Socialism is the reason you don't have to bring your own highway when you wanna drive somewhere." ROFL
Socialism is not any government intervention. It is the state controlling the means of production
Insert Food Here Yeah people often mix the two up, I don't think socialism is the same as tax payed essential services. If you define socialism as tax payed essential services then why have we got subsidies for companies for instance? That's not an essential service even like policing, firemen, roads, health care, care is much more of an essential service than paying companies to make their products more competitive.....wouldn't this then be classed as capitalist socialism?.....😁 that makes a lot of sense...🤣 no, socialised services is not socialism then. So bill, Jim Carey and trump and co are wrong.
@@insertfoodhere8353 is the workers* controlling the means production
@@amellirizarry9503 The worker's controlling is just to make it sound nice. The government actually does the controlling.
@@dimwitsadvocate6264 and for whom is the government supposed to work for in a democracy? is supposed to represent the interest of the people, that’s why most socialist want a more direct democracy, many are not even statists, so they advocate cutting out the middle man entirely (a.i. libertarian socialists, and anarcho-syndicalists)
I was a naval officer for ten years. The government paid for my health care, housing, travel, some of my clothing, part of my education, subsidized our groceries and other purchases and in many ways it was the best job I ever had. My son, an Army officer, agrees that basically it's socialism and it worked very well for us. Everyone, every minute of every day, benefits from some government program or expenditure for the common good. To deny that is the basest form of ignorance. And hypocrisy, particularly from members of the House and Senate who receive generous health and pension benefits to name but a few.
You were a Naval Officer and you spewed out this type of comment?
The numbers have already been crunched, in order for socialism to work in theory in a large populated economy like the U.S you would need to allocate funds from somewhere, this means higher sales taxes, higher corporate taxes,higher income taxes, higher property taxes, decreased funding from the military (I think the percentage was like 60%, there goes your best job ever), you would have to cut almost all imports, take over sectors of mining, agriculture, oil..etc.
The consequences will be:
1: The U.S will no longer have the required defense budget.
2: Large corporations like Apple, Amazon...will leave the country.
3: Mass exodus of the wealthy and middle class spenders.
4: Stock markets would crumble.
5: Unemployment rate would be at the 20's or even 30's.
and many others
This kind of argument, both Bill's, as well as yours, is a perfect idea of ignorance feeding ignorance. While Republicans drum up a big fuss over the very word and core idea of socialism with little to actually dissect and understand its full context, democrats and liberals are doing the same injustice by just pointing to some examples and saying "its all good" or "your complaints are invalid" while those examples exist in plenty of countries in some kind of debt, corruption, etc. No common sense is used to apply the very basic idea that these things do cost someone somewhere, and you don't just have the infinite pool to draw from. You may say that life being subsidized by the gov was good, but you're also in a time and world where the gov is constantly creating its own problems, and falling deeper into debt, you can't actually just pretend socialism is suddenly fine without a better argument. This is why there are actual fears, warnings, and serious thought underlying the right's fear of socialism. There are people out there right now, be it Trump or Obama's bailouts, are fussing because of the actual principle instead of playing tribalism games. Its terrible that other parts of the right have just relied on it as a scary word, while actually committing to it while hiding away from admitting so, but others know better and have been calling for the bullshit to end for an actual return to more capitalism. ...but heck, the same issue goes on with capitalism. For every stupid nonsensical claim of how evil capitalism is that fails to express it beyond surface level stuff, there's a republican chiming back with "bet you wrote that on your iphone!" and thinks that wins the whole issue, and there's no flaws whatsoever. Be it left or right, its time that people actually address socialism/capitalism for its actual economic value rather than...
Rep: Its eviiiiil!
Dem: Nuh uh, you do it to!
...and concluding that therefor, somehow nothing is wrong right before we cut to the next topic about something falling apart, broken school systems, impoverished cities, or social unrest, etc.
mackjeez: there is more than one kind of "socialism". You are using an extreme, cherry-picked, slippery-slope definition.
Yep no free lunch still need people working in private sector to pay for BIg Government expenditures including the military, but while ur active by all means thank u for serving but u shud habe to save for retirement like everyone else not get a free ride on civilians tax dollars the rest of ur days?? Not saying u didnt but jst saying..
@Mike Beglin
So in your opinion how does the U.S allocate money for these very expensive and generous programs with a 20 trillion dollar deficit and a massive trade deficit? You don't have many options, you would need to raise taxes and allocate money from somewhere else, if it's a socialist state you cannot cut from the big money drainers like Social Security, Education, Healthcare...etc.. So your only option would be military. The government will also have to take over private industry and sectors in order to control domestic production and manufacturing for profit.
That last few seconds or so when Maher looked into the camera and said, "We're not Socialists, you're traitors!" gave me chills, he said it absolutely the right way.
Seeing this comment after January 6th makes it more evident
He meant to say "We're not socialists, we're traitors." Simple mistake
@@johndillinger6563 I bet you loved trumps reign, lmao the worst president in history, presidents lie to an extent, but that idiot lied and he used to forget that he lied...
Oh wow, a "no u" rebuttal. Guess you sat the whole last night on this one.
Nothing more to expext from a Trumpard traitor!
What do u think now? I mean, the Twitter files are out. FBI did intervene in the elections.
Every modern nation is a hybrid system of socialism and capitalism, as are we. We need a better mix in this country that's more in alignment with much of Europe that kicks our asses in healthcare, education and many other social areas.
Zach, you hit the nail on the head! There has to be a balance. A well funded compassionate social safety net, balanced off with a free enterprise system that encourages innovation and incentives to prosper. Countries like Canada offer this. Universal healthcare, subsidized college tuition, and a pro-business environment to invest in and make money.
Or, we just do away with Capitalism?
You guys still got way better higher education than in most parts of Europe with the exception of possibly UK, Germany, Switzerland and a few others.
Hans Meier ...shame it costs an arm and a leg (throw in a kidney or two to boot) making it unattainable for the majority 🤷♀️. “This keeps America’s Dumb Again”
Nooooo. We do NOT need to emulate weak feeble Europe. Support Europe, stay in NATO, but do not emulate Europe.
Sounds great Bill. Bring on Bernie and give him some props since he was saying these things before it was cool.
Not cool but way way before the Insurance companies had the power they have 30 years later that's why they are so scared because he saw it before it happened.
Eric Shira Bill is an “establishment “ Democrat. He fawned over Obama, and donated $1M to Hillary 2016
John Johnson gave a million to Obama not Hillary. And it was Obama’s 2nd term
He did
@paul lennon oh ffs -_-
I made these points last week. Thank you for catching up, Bill.
You've been landing some pretty good punches from day one, though...
The average person doesn't watch Bill Magee though and that's the problem: the message doesn't get out. It's the exact same message Bill is saying in that the democratic politicians need better messaging and stop being ineffectual pussies. They need to fight republican fire with fire.
A lot of young people don’t watch Blll Marhher Because he’s been around for 25 years saying the same thing over and over again just like a lot of Young people don’t know who George Carlin was most people in their 20s and 30s like to buy Nike shoes like to smoke dope and they really don’t like to vote either that is just the way it is💰💰💰💰🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@@TheMasterhomaster because the "average" person needs Bill to tell them whats best! Hahaha
New Message
“Your” name is “new message” and you have a picture of a notification icon with one unseen notification......
Lmao hahahahahahaha wtf is that? Are “you” a bot????
What are you brain dead? Bills had the same message to both parties since the 90s.
I bet there are some Democrats who are up for giving it a go but they don't have the support to back them up. I could be wrong. I am immersing myself in understanding American politics. American people are helping me in this. The things that are going on affects the rest of the world.
I love Bill Maher. He has the ability of putting words on many people’s frustrations!
@Alf Mucha
" Needless to say, capitalism does not force individuals or nations into the collectivist slave pen of a world government."
-Ayn Rand-
'They want to raid Medicare to pay for socialism.'
I facepalmed so hard I knocked a tooth out.
It’s not a particularly awful statement though.
I think he meant something that they would need to take money (raid) from Medicare in order to pay for the rest of the socialistic policies.
Also bill blatantly lied about what socialism is, like, that’s a trump level lie
@@benc.3128 It is an awful statement if you have a brain and think about it for 0.5 seconds. Centralized state-ownership of any enterprise is the literal definition of socialism. In other words, programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. are all examples of socialism. So no, Bill did not lie. Just because you don't understand something someone is saying doesn't mean they're lying. It just means your stupid.
@@johnsacromoni6775 You just defined a welfare state/state capitalism not Socialism. Socialism is where workers control the means of production via worker cooperatives instead of private entities. Make sure you actually research ideologies and understand what they are before arrogantly calling someone else stupid
@@logan0v723 The fact that you have to resort to a petty game of semantics just further proves my point. Even if I'd humor you, you'd still be wrong. Here, I'll correct you.
You're defining the traditional sense of socialism and pretending like that's the only meaning it can have. Here's the definition of socialism most people work with...
"populist economic and political system based on public ownership of the means of production"
Got that? **Public ownership**, i.e. the public sector, i.e. the government, i.e. government run programs such as medicare, medicaid, etc.
For God's sake, *SOCIAL* security it's in the name you moron. Any program that is not run by the private sector can be considered a form of socialism. Those stimulus checks we all got during covid is literally the redistribution of wealth.
We do have elements of socialism in this country, that is an objective fact. This isn't up for debate.
I am German, but was born and raised in the US. I used to believe the „socialism will destroy the world“ rhetoric. Then I went home and saw that socialism works. Not perfect, but we have mostly free education, universal health care, rational gun control, etc. and I we are not starving and fighting off rats. The arrogance is unbelievable. When a German calls you arrogant, you had best listen. I thought we had that market cornered. :)
It would be corrupt here
Some true there, specially coming from a german, one of the most arrogant species on earth, your comment comes from an specialist POV.
Pfälzerwald Gumby that’s very true it worked very well for Hitler
Just a word, Canada has complete social programs, Labor Union, Free education, Free Healthcare system, and capitalist nation,,, But When I pay $0.10 a liter of Gas more than in the US, and pay 5% more on income tax, 50% more on my drivers Licence, or car plate, I knoe I have no worries,,, At any given time I go see my doctor, and I don't worry how much it will cost me, Hospital, Ah who cares,,, A car accident and you are paid for life through the Government Car Insurance society,,, My daughter finished University and it cost me $1200 a year,,, And Still, I go on vacation once or even twice a year, to Europe or to the Caribbean,,, I have my car, and my wife her car, we have a house,,, And I didn't finish a University degree neither my wife,,,, No the Americans don't know the difference between a political System, and an economical system,,, Democracy would still be the same if the economical system is a mix,,,
And we all know that Germany's economy is pure shit.
How come no one in this debate ever takes the time to simply look up the definition of Socialism?
Socialism is defined by communal ownership of the means of production. 'Social' is different from 'socialist', measures like social security or redistribution of wealth are not socialist measures per se, neither are the Scandinavian countries socialist states.
Bottom line: The Republican scare tactics regarding socialism are ridiculous when we are really just dealing with standard left-leaning policies that have been largely implemented in most of Europe. On the other hand is it incomprehensible how a person could label theirselves as a socialist considering the spectacular failure of this ideology all over the world in the second half of the twentiest century.
Well, we, thankfully, have AOC, who is a SOCIAL DEMOCRAT, not a "democratic Socialist".
Just sayin'...
Yes, many Republicans don't know there's a difference between strong social safety net or economic system. But unfortunately far too many Americans actually want to abolish private property and appropriate the means of production. For decades -subversive education system is producing revolutionary wannabe activists. Numbers are alarmingly high. And rising.
I've noticed that it's difficult to explain something to the unconvinced without sounding condescending.
Yeah like this Maher video from before the wind changed
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18).
"Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18)
Absolutely frightening!😲
It is frightening, however the general news needs to stop playing into trumps hands by not being full of shit and bias.....
So, stop covering Trump?
Stop lying about him.
@@antoniobiguini6073, EXACTLY...
@@antoniobiguini6073 Is it a lie that Trump once stated decades ago, that if were to run for president, that he'd run as a republican. Because he said that the republican voters would be dumb enough to vote him in.
When republicans say European countries are socialist the common response is that they don’t know what socialism is and that a country like France is not socialist but a social democracy. Bill Maher is using the word to refer to pretty much anything the government does. I’m not using the word in either the context of social
Democracy, or more government power or the Soviet Union but I wish everyone would get on the same page.
Agreed. The "Socialist Scandinavia" argument is refuted by...Scandinavian countries...b/c they say "here are all the ways we are not socialist". I think in this case, it is simply "lazy consistency". Being technically accurate doesn't win you anything, so take the R's horrendously wrong use of the word and counter with some somewhat correct uses of the word in order to inoculate the populace against the worst...and worry about what "real" Socialism is, later (and how that contrasts with Laissez-Faire Capitalism, Mixed Economies, and Communist Dictatorships).
Eric Sell fine can we be a social democracy then .
You know who’s a great liberal that would set the record straight on issues such as democratic socialism and Medicare? Kyle Kulinski.
He should be on the show some day. Considering he’s growing in popularity I think he’ll be on at some point. You’d be doing yourself a huge favor by bringing him on the show, Bill. He’s not your typical democrat.
Sergio Ribeiro yeah...he’s afraid of planes, that’s why he’s only been on TYT once and the only reason he flew over there was because of the JR podcast.
Kyle is definitely the man.
Yeah, Kyle is pretty awesome.
Problem is he hates Maher. And who can blame him? Just listen to the FBI/intelligence agencies vs Russia joke 2/3rds of the way into this. It's embarrassing
I don’t think Kyle is a liberal
Thank you Bill. Always feel better after I watch your show.
Do you really have a sailboat?
" To condemn capitalism, one must first mis-represent its history "
-Robert Hessen-
The Dems don't answer with "Medicare is Socialism" because then you might start to like the more progressive candidates like Bernie over them.
@Peter Similac If Bernie was elected the sky would turn black, flames would rain from the sky and he would porably start a trade war with our allies or smtg
The last time the USA enacted Bernie's policies - it got the whole planet out of a global depression ... and the President was so popular that he got elected 4 times!
It means more employment - more people with money to spend.
Not some fat cats hoovering up all of the money and keeping it for their greedy selves.
Robert Coxswain Who comes in after Bernie? Another Democratic socialist, seeing as the last one in office was elected 4 times in a row. When people get policies they like, they tend to elect the people who gave them those policies.
What's your definition of rich? Bernie isn't what I see as that.
Robert Coxswain We wouldn't be giving the resources directly to Bernie. He would raise taxes on the rich and corporations, create a corporate gains tax, and close loopholes that give those corporations the ability to pay 0% on their taxes. That money would go into social programs, like medicare for all and tuition-free college, which directly impacts the poor and middle class of this country.
Bernie isn't rich for the same reasons as Hillary (who is paid off by Wallstreet) and Trump (silver spoon trust baby scam artist w/ a small loan of a million dollars and daddy's business that grew from huge to huger through no fault of his own). Bernie is rich because a U.S. Senator makes a good but not extravagant salary considering how important the position is and he's been in that job for 30 years. If I made almost $200,000 a year for 30 years with no kids and a wife that was making lots of money too, I'd be a millionaire easy, but that isn't exploitative. He didn't take any bribes from special interests, he just worked really hard in an important position.
Bill has always been strong about that point. That the republicans play this game better. They are so dedicated. They may be the "squarest" of the group, but they are so good at plotting stuff. While democrats seem all willy-nilly about winning. About not taking on a "take-no-prisoners attitude. Whenever that attitude is implemented, the results will be different.
@ItsStillRealToMe DamnIt " The next time you encounter one of those ' public-spirited ' dreamers who tells you rancorously that, ' some very desirable goals cannot be achieved without everybody's participation ', tell him that if he cannot obtain everybody's voluntary participation, his goals had jolly well better remain unachieved---and that men's lives are not his to dispose of. "
-Ayn Rand-
"A useful idiot." Same thing the Republicans on the Hill call him.
They are getting the tax cuts, deregulation and budget cuts to social and other left friendly programs they don't like. Not to mention the Constitutional Convention they want. Use him for that and try to keep the crazy lid on him. The problem will be when he fires people he deems untrustworthy and gets Lindsey Graham and a few more "Stephen Miller" types that won't tell him no.
@@michaelanderson5747 you aren't really buying the tax cut bullshit are you? Lol wow. Its a massive cut for rich people. I guess your rich? The rest of us get an extra thousand bucks or so for one more year then our taxes go UP. How is that useful to the people who voted him in? A pathetic carrot on a stick. Its insulting. Trickle down exonomics has NEVER worked.
@@michaelanderson5747 I fail tonsee how these deregulations are useful or good for the average american. Please explain how these deregulations are nothing except damaging to society.
Why are you arguing with me? I'm on your side. I never said they were good for America, I said they were good for the REPUBLICANS on the Hill.
1:23 - That face little kids get when they've done something the adults love but don't really understand why so they try to repeat it just for the laughter and applause.
That's a brilliant analogy! 😂
Well, when you leave out people like Bernie Sanders, of course you will have all Republicans or Republicans Lite.
@Queenie You're delusional. I followed every day of the American elections, also I have to specify that I'm not American. The only ones who kept calling Clinton a communist are the same ones who also called Obama a communist. Both Clinton and Obama are centrist at best and center-right at some specific issues. Basically just slightly better than Republicans.
I'll try to be as neutral as possible, I'm also from another country so you won't be able to accuse of being biased for one party or another.
The fact is that Clinton lost against Donald fucking Trump, ok? Practically one of the easiest elections in the American history. Do you know why she lost? Because some disappointed democrats saw how the DP was biased towards her, how the corporations were biased towards her, how basically almost the entire establishment was for her and the DP and Hillary herself decided to pull off some very scary and unfair moves on Sanders. Clinton refused to appeal to the center-left voters of the party and kept betting on the establishment and the status quo politics instead. Bernie also promised beforehand that he would have supported Hillary if he lost, and he did, that's also why he lost many voters after, calling him a traitor and accusing him of having been bought by the establishment.
Clinton lost to Donald Trump, and most of the division was caused by Clinton and the establishment of the Democratic Party.
Sanders has an almost entirely different view of politics compared to Clinton. I'm sorry that you cannot see that. It's true that Clinton was pushed a bit more to the left on some issues, because they were popular, but she just started copying Sanders and looking at the polls, that's all. Sanders political philosophy is just something else, and his policies are social democratic and based on the Nordic model mostly. She's only slightly different from Republicans, and I'm sorry that many of you Americans cannot see this. This is what happens when you get used to only right wing politics for so many decades, even by the supposed american left (it doesn't exist).
I hope you'll take your time to think about it and do some research against your own bias for Clinton. If you commit the same mistake, in 2020 you're going to get 4 more years of Trump so I hope you're ready in that case.
@@SkyHize the only diffrence between the american right and "left " is that the left is more liberal meanwhile the right more conservative , they only issue on which they dispute is "healthcare" the rest is just social issues. Both are right wing by european standarts.
REALLY enjoyed this one!
Thank you Bill. I couldn't agree with you more.
Thank you Bill. For putting a fine point on the disgust I feel with this presidency and this zeitgeist.
Always been a very proud democratic socialist. Nothing to be ashamed of caring about working people and the average person instead of giving big companies welfare that they send to their Swiss banks.
honest question, do you think you have a right to the fruits of your labor? as in, do you think you should be compensated for your labor?
what’s the incentive for a person to study 8+ grueling years to become a doctor under “democratic socialism”??
That's to advanced for this crowd
I live in the UK and have known MANY NHS doctors, young and old, throughout my life.
They work extremely hard for a very modest wage (still not a bad wage - but not megabucks either) ...
... none of them do this for the money. They knew that from the off.
In some ways, their kindness gets taken advantage of by the Tories - especially for junior doctors.
TORIES: "We want you to 'have the opportunity' and 'enjoy the dignity' of working 7 days a week"
JUNIOR DOCTORS: "We're going on strike!!"
TORIES: "... ah, but you wouldn't want your patients to SUFFER (!) ... would you?"
JUNIOR DOCTORS: [grumble] "... you have a point"
[that's what the Tories hoped would happen ... using patients as a human shield ... but the Junior Doctors stood firm and won the battle]
The incentive is simple - to help people. That's what a doctor does.
That's also why people vote for socialism ... to want the best for everyone, not just yourself.
My cleaner is here right now - she's been with us for over 5 years ... we pay her £16 an hour.
Could we find a cheaper cleaner? ... easily ... minimum wage is less than half that
But there's more to life than money.
Not everything - whether it be doctors, soldiers, cops, teachers or firemen - is about who can make the most money.
Actors - the famous ones - make a TON of money.
But you'll often see the better ones doing fringe projects that - in all likelihood - must be like performing for free. Because they like the independent script/character.
Yes - they'll do the odd blockbuster to keep the wolf from the door ...
... but after that, money doesn't come into it, they do a project that interests them.
I suppose what I'm saying is "follow your heart .. not your wallet" ... you'll be happier that way.
SD BO that they want to be a doctor and also they don’t have student debt that will crush their early years after graduation and a guaranteed job till they choose to find a different one. Basically your question implies you don’t know any policies we suggest
"We're not Socialists, You're Traitors!". Best slogan!
Watch his more recent video where he acknowledges that dems are losing voters cause more and more dems keep pushing socialism. He comes off as a hypocrite here after watching that recent vid
@@ernestmarshall5846 Well we don't need Socialism. But we need the government to use our taxes to good work and benefits.
"...until even Tomi Lahren can do it."
I have been telling people this for years. I never understood why people can't understand that the US has socialized programs that we ALL use daily!
There's a difference between public good and socialism.
" Socialism has been tried on every continent of the globe . In the light of its results, it is time to question the motives of socialism's advocates. "
-Ayn Rand-
Bernie 2020!
arv4572 you’re dumb
Bernie asshats bitching so much about Clinton gave you Trump cos you were all so fucking butthurt you were willing to hurt the rest of the country for not giving you what YOU fucking wanted and until you learn from that lesson you're getting a lot more assholes like Trump
May you get what you deserve.....ALL of it
Wankee Bummer, if you look closely, you'll be able to discern that what "gave us Drumpf" was James "The Cunt" Comey, y'KNOW, with "his" decision to announce that "he" was reopening "his" investigation of HRC's use of a private email server, while conveniently forgetting to mention Das Gropenfuhrer's ties to "his" boss, and the possessor of the pee-pee tapes, Vladimir Putin.
Just, y'know, sayin'...
Bernie's a communist. No communists!!!
American version of socialism isn't really about socialism. Canada isn't a socialist country and yet even if democrats win the next 6 elections, the U.S. Will most probably still be more to the right than Canada........and there are plenty of countries to the left of Canada. Accessible healthcare is a matter of basic logic, not a matter of left vs right.
we have more accessible healthcare than canada, it is just more expensive. the problems with socialized healthcare is they do nothing to solve the problems in the industry, they just try and cure the symptoms, not the illness. Why are the costs so high in health care in the US?
@@purpleliver12 It's not more accessible if few can afford it. Being able to afford it is part of - probably the most important part - of accessibility
The US is by far the most right wing country in the West. By FAR.
It's why it is somewhat self-destructing.
big pharma companies .. over blown wages of medical workers at the top like docs
@@purpleliver12 - USA health costs are high because they insist on paying for 50 different sets of laws and insurance regulations in the 50 states thus wasting 34% of every healthcare dollar on overhead. The ACA sets some federal standards to lower overhead costs and enhance consistency but it is just a first step. Germany is a good model for studying how to improve healthcare in the USA. Canada and the UK are not.
"They want to raid Medi-Care to pay for Socialism" - Trump
There is absolutely no truth in that statement.
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18).
"Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18)
I'm from India and I can tell you one thing, capitalism looks bad untill you have seen rampant socialism. The road to socialism always ends up with communism and once you get there it's really hard to get to a capitalism system again. The amount of cynicism Indians have from 40 years of communism is extraordinary even today. People rather sit for 10 years not producing anything preparing for government positions where they know they will get to do use the power of the state to benifit themselves.
Definition from Brittanica - "Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public." When did India ever have that ? You are conflating the nationalization of a few entities ( like Tata's airlines...) into communism.
I love how people think Socialism is just a less severe form of communism. I was esentially taught that in school. Meanwhile, you can easily look up the definition of socialism on the internet.
Most of you commenters are so hung up on the definition of socialism, what's not socialism and what is socialism and to what degree something is or isn't socialism. It's intellectual masturbation that accomplishes nothing on the ground.
I have a suggestion. Let's start with what the mass of the American people are EXPERIENCING as lack in their lives. The big lack that most are experiencing is not being able to afford America anymore. I hope we can all agree on that. You work a full-time job that takes you paycheck to paycheck in covering needed staples. It doesn't allow you to handle $500 emergencies. A health infirmity threatens to bankrupt you, even if you have private health insurance, which itself is difficult to pay. A drug prescription can make you decide what other necessities in your life you may have to cut back on or give up completely. You can't live in an urban area due to unaffordable rents. You have children to raise. You keep using credit to make ends meet. Pensions are gone. A person graduates with a college degree but is strapped with massive loan repayments, and on and on and on.
All of this is being experienced while the stock market is at its highest level while wages have been flat for 30 years (factoring in inflation). The stock market benefits the corporations and those who invest in them. WORKERS can only benefit from a growing economy WHEN WAGES GROW. America's GDP has been growing but it has not found its way to a LIVING WAGE for workers. The only place where wage growth can come from is increased corporate revenue/wealth. Those that control the wealth are NOT increasing wages to the detriment of workers in the short and intermediate term, and to their own detriment in the long term.
This is what people are experiencing. What POLICIES need to be implemented in an era of rising GDP, rising stock market levels, and stagnant poverty wages? That is a discussion that can actually accomplish something for the betterment of American society. No more intellectual masturbation. It's a waste of energy and just serves to divide.
Great comment and I agree with virtually everything you said, but I disagree that it's intellectual masturbation. We're talking about two different economic models here and an incorrect conflation of socialism with whatever the government does. Such a thing is only going to create even more confusion and American politics are already enough messed up. Let's not make it worse, ok?
As someone who lives in a country that was "socialist" from 1945 (boy does that year can give you some ideas how we went socialist) to 1980s, and had to learn in classes about our history of how many people our government executed, starved to death, exiled, tortured and murdered in the name of socialism, i pose that it's quite important to distinguish what is or is not socialism.
Maybe your great grandfather was not transported to russia, tortured for years and broadcasted on national television when they finally broken him to the point he, hero of war against nazis called himself and entire contry's army traitors and was grateful to USSR for executing him, and then executed. Neither was mine. But many people's family members were. And some of these people's relatives live in USA. And they did not forget who the real villain of World War was, or who remained a villain for 50 years after that.
Maybe you dont remember or wasnt taught at school that the reason 10 milion people in Ukraine starved to death during USSR times was not some kind of petty cruelty or Stalin';s hatred towards the country, but the fact that they tried to ignore science and push their ideology in study and practice of agriculture. Result was, ofc, dead crops and mass starvation. Because they thouht that every plant is equal and there is no difference between them, and tried to enforce that. Lots of people from old USSR in your country as well. Assuming you're american ofc, if you are not im sorry, but that just changes to "in USA".
Dont you think to these people, who have such heavily scared past, word socialism quite rightfully so seems very frightrening, and they have deep need to examine both if isomething is socialist or not, and why its seemingly important to people whos decisions can ultimately repeat dark history of eastern europe that noone born, raised and educated in US seems to give a fuck about? These feelings transfer across generations, and you will have young people questioning such things without even realising why. And because socialism leads to worst in people you can possibly imagine when taken to the extreme, it should be given ALL the shit, ALL the time, without stop. Make it defend itself, make it prove over and over and over again, every fucking day, that it is what it says it is. The reason left needs to be attacked more and at all times is because they demand more power than the right, by definition.
And if i were you i would not for a second trust these sociopaths left puts as "political candidates" for you to give up all your remaining rights and hand them all control and money. Precisely because we in europe KNOW where it CAN end, and you have absolutely no reason to believe it wont end there. Because many things people in your country do are exactly the same. You ignore science and push forward politics and researches despite it. Why would i trust socialists that they wont at some point decide that normal farming is sexist and wont start homosexual farms aiming to prove that pigs can still reproduce, leading to your entire fucking economy crashing? I have nor eason to trust them so i will keep as many rights as i possibly can so when they tell me to do it i can tell them to go fuck themselves.
Xellos, with all deep and due respect, you have shared descriptions of harsh truths with me that I have not experienced as a child or adult having been raised in the United States. My ancestors were slaves in this country, but I've been separated from the harsher realities of that experience by virtue of geography and time. From your explanations, I better understand the need for a continued discussion of what is and is not socialism and your suspicion of leftist platforms. So be it.
Xellos, what I don't want to see happen is for that discussion, given its merits but also with all of its emotional attachments, to demonize an entire range of policies which would keep us from moving toward a needed correction of what I see as the main problem facing America presently - wage inequality, the division of the spoils. The corporate interests in this country have been associating any kind of move toward the regulation of business with "socialism" for the past 40 years, and before that with "communism." I support the capitalist system and the benefits it has bestowed upon America, but there are "social" programs and regulations of business that can contribute to MAKING AMERICA AFFORDABLE FOR ALL OF ITS CITIZENS. Let's institute those policies and let capitalism do what it does after that.
@@r.forrestblount9222 Oh no i totally agree its silly to argue just for arguments sake. i just say i think not all of the whats socialims is and isnt discussion is pure intellectual masturbation.
People have real fears founded in reality and even if they are wrong, its not the best idea to dismiss them as easily because thats what ultimately makes them mad and vote for someone they mistakenly believe will give them stability and freedom aka right leaning movements.
its just that same countries i described also had policies of "job for everyone", and "free healthcare" and government directed economy. its like PTSD built into whole nations. You hear this and recall police dragging students out of schools and beating them up on the streets.
Will US do that? Nope! Most likely not. But i didnt want to guilt you into something i just wanted to warn you not to dismiss people just because many people on internet like to do what you describing. There is sometimes real fear behind sceptics about socialism that they themselves picked up from parents and grandparents without even realising it. So examining what is or isnt socialism can be also helpful to you as well. Because socialism and communism are related but not equal and you americans would do well teaching masses what the difference is. It may seem subtle, so it will be difficult, but necessary if you want public to hear u .
Xellos, excellent points. Thank you.
I'm totally at his feet out of gratitude. We are not alone
Bill yourE a great example of what a man should be....logical, blunt and funny
You forgot "rich".
Gotta love when people that don't know what socialism is advocate socialism.
The only growth of wealth in the past 100 years has come from war-like innovation and exploitation of workers. Does anyone else think it's time to advance beyond the superficial and achieve real growth as a species?
Watching this three years post. Bill has come a long way.
YOU ARE BRILLIANT BILL MAHER! I always enjoyed you on HBO!
Trump knows how to keep his name in the news, keep headlines, and use basic psychological tricks to get you in. It's brilliant. Everything from the nick names(like Sleepy Joe), to saying win 20 times in a minute, to pressing on the socialist idea. Also, you are very wrong about what socialism is. Socialism is a government structure, social programs are not one in the same. Every Democracy has a basic level of social programming, but that does not make them socialist.
Pure Capitalism .. $1,000/mo health insurance but an option to cancel your insurance anytime without notice. Any law that impairs any profit is considered Socialism.
So caught up in today's problems, we never have time for tomorrow. Exactly. Thank you, Bill Maher
Bill needs to do this segment in 2020
thanks for that . just shared to public on facebook .
Lol😂 ahhh Bill you're freaking hilarious man
More important than who is president is who controls senate majority. Vote republicans out of senate. Then, impose term limits.
Tariffs are hidden tax on middle class.
Bill Maher is Big Brother !
God Damn!!!
You tell them Bill.
Social programs are not socialism.
Building roads is not socialism. Ancient Rome build roads.
Was the Roman Empire really the Roman Socialist Empire?
@Sean Steele it's 2% socialism, Jesus fucking Christ...
Or maybe, at least in regard to some policies, "Yes, we are socialists. But you're traitors."
" As capitalism created new markets, so it created an ever-widening market for labor: it multiplied the number and kinds of jobs available, increased the demand and competition for the workers' services, and thus drove wage rates upward."
-Nathaniel Branden-
That clip he played of Steve Schmidt was a perfect example of me expecting some one to say "and Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!". That kept happening every day of the Trump presidency.
Man, this dude really explained some real stuff tonight.
Good job I'm also tired of watching them not fight back . But have you ever thought that they are two sides controlled by one like bad cop good cop ? And they are doing what they are told
Bill, you should write some material for Democrats across the country! Awesome stuff here!
" If some men are entitled by right to the products of the work of others, it means those others are deprived of rights and condemned to slave labor."
-Ayn Rand-
Spot on observations by Steve
While it's fun to bash Trump. He's getting everything he wants.
Does he REALLY want a compulsory vacation in Cuba for the rest of "his" life, d'you think?
Do you REALLY think that will actually happen? Do ya think.
Seriously, every ideology has its own BS and pros. So, why not learn the best of both worlds (capitalism and socialism) and apply it REAL TIME?
I think most of them (on both sides) have too much pride to admit that their own little system is not perfect and admit that their opponents are right on some points.
We all ready do we hve been applying it for the last 100 years
Because representative democratic socialism is not its own mode of production so it must be applied to an economic mode of production like capitalism and capitalism doesn't work. If you're talking about just socialism, the most advanced form of Socialism in its current state is a natural law resource-based economy which eliminates money, labor for income, centralized governance and many other things.
Paul, that is all we have been trying to do all along.
Nobody has been going for the type of socialism they tell you we want on fox news, we keep trying to tell you nordic countries, they are democratic socialist, a mix of capitalism and social programs.
America is a mix too, you just keep trying to kill the socialism part, SS medicare, medicaid, fire depts, food stamps, the military is all socialist, and they have socialized medicine. Our social safety net is supposed to fix the flaws in capitalism, which alone is just like somalia.
That would be called social democracy.
Bill maher is wrong. Medicare is not socialism. Its called welfare state and capitalism come up with it. Socialism is different economic model
Quite right. Most people don't realize that social programs were put in place by conservatives (eg, Bismarck in Germany) nearly 150 years ago when it became obvious that unfettered capitalism - with absolute poverty for the many and immense riches for the few - was unsustainable. Social programs and other forms of income redistribution are not socialism. They are an essential part of a workable and sustainable capitalist system.
@@istvanglock7445 The idea of welfare state become more strong also during cold war when ussr was growing at very good rate(although growth was not sustainable) so capitalist country come up with idea of welfare state and board directors to re invent and counter them. This tendency to modify itself has led to why captalism survived till now(even though marx claim capitalism will not survive)
Sushant Sagar What rock did you come out from under Sugar.
You are really stupid, Sugar.
@@JimmyDeLocke why don't you the intelligent one correct me
Ah, remember when Maher pushed for Socialism and supported Bernie? He now refers to Socialism as "extreme left ideology", laughs it up with Ben Shapiro and tells us with a straight face that he hasn't changed one bit.
Social programs are different than having a Socialist Country. Socialist countries put the economy, industry, private enterprise, all forms of business, and everything under direct government control. Everyone basically works for the government. The government takes all of the profits paid for by customers, and then gives a TINY amount back because the amount of money it takes to fund the government usually can't afford to pay people livable wages. Not to mention, customers not having much money means that they don't put it back into the government business, which means that the government spends money quicker than it makes it, and eventually that system collapses far faster than Capitalism. I'm sorry, but there's literally not such thing as a country that DOESN'T have Social Programs, so there's no alternate example to go off of. There are, however, countries that have declared themselves Socialist and collapsed not long after. There are far more successful countries that run on Capitalist economy and industry, than Socialist nations. And before you start citing the Nordic countries as Socialist, they're actually not. The Prime Ministers of Denmark and Sweden both went on the record after Bernie kept spouting his bullshit. They said that, while they have a strong emphasis on the Social Safety Net, they are not Socialist Countries. Denmark actually has less regulation on it's market than the United States. Sweden has more regulation and there is one big thing to note: On the Forbes list of Top 10 Richest Countries, the United States was Number 1, with almost 40% of the world's wealth; Sweden was not in the Top 10. On the same article, there was a list of Top 10 Nations by Income Disparity, with the U.S. ranking number 1, but Sweden ranking number 2. So, we have the greatest disparity, but we have A LOT of money and that can cause that gap. Meanwhile, Sweden barely has any money, and they're number 2. So, just some food for thought before everyone starts running alongside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into a debt canyon that we can never come back from.
so why do republicans cry socialism about social programs?
Jesus, dude, I addressed this one with you already. It's because it's political and sounds better than just trying to tell people that certain programs are too expensive for the country to enact. That's all. It's just like the Democrats crying fascist, sexism, racism, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia (not a real word), Islamophobia (not a real word), or hate speech when Republicans try to enact a policy that meets conservative standards.
Also, Bill Maher right here, plus Jim Carrey last week, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and several other candidates are running on the back of a message of actual Socialism. They keep lying to people about what Democratic Socialism is, because the truth would actually turn people off. Instead, they try to use the Nordic countries as their example, and stupid people just accept it instead of actually addressing their platform head-on. The Republicans didn't used to have a case that Democrats were Socialist, but now they do because they're running on that platform.
A country with a state-planned economy is only ONE form of socialism. Marx's definition of socialism is that of a system in which workers actually OWN what they produce, without the middle man. So countries with a state-planned economy don't really adjust to this definition, unless you really want to believe the lie that the state represents its people (which it seldom, if ever, does).
@@AxKlein what country has ever actually had EVERY means of the economy owned by the people? It's fucking impossible. That's why we have a state, because you can't just have a rabble of idiots claiming ownership of everything. The state, regardless of whether you want to believe it or not, is actually a representation of the voters. When someone says land is public, it doesn't include you going out there and cutting the grass or tending to the forest. You have a state that uses your tax dollars to do it for you because everyone would either be too lazy to do it themselves, or a small amount of people would do it and try to stake greater claim for their efforts. Socialist countries are also quick to devolve into dictatorships because of populist ideals that manifest into worship of authority.
@@AxKlein oh, and fuck Marx!
Liberals Conservatives
Not knowing what Socialism is
Tomi Lahren, lives here in California..I think I dislike her the most.
3:19 Geek props to Bill for quoting 1970s Madge, the Palmolive lady.
Really Bill must be losing his memory. Sanders was saying this all last election . Bill sniped at sanders all last election calling him cooky, crazy, wacky then complains about people being on he same page.
@Southerncomfortblack - Maher actually supported Sanders, had him on the show and promoted him as the best option for president. He was however centrist to the point that he still viewed Clinton as a good candidate.
It's never been a battle between capitalism vs socialism, it's been corporate socialism vs democratic socialism. Socialism is any instance where a program is funded by the government, and that applies to pretty much everything. It just depends on who the recipient is that defines it, and whether it works or not is based on how well it is implemented.
No it isnt. Socialism is the democratic control of the means of production
That's not the defintion of socialism. Socialism means the collective ownership of the means of production. You are talking about social programs, which you got in social democracies = capitalism + social programs.
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."- Trump (7/24/18).
"Anything you hear from anyone who is not me is not to be believed. "- Trump (7/25/18)
How do you distribute someone's wealth if you remove the incentive to produce wealth in the first place?
When you go to work in a factory or a mine or even a restaurant or a store or perhaps on the farm or railway you are in fact creating wealth that you may share with your boss or fellow employees. If you re buying shares or selling them short or exchanging paper dollars for paper pounds sterling in a bank, you are not creating wealth. If you inherit wealth, you are not creating it. If you are building a house or putting in the plumbing you are creating wealth. The incentive is
to feed yourself and your family and pay the rent or the mortgage. Yes, if you invent something then you create wealth but most people do not invent. The myth that people who work for a living do not create wealth but those that because they have capital do create wealth is dead.
All wealth is created by the working class - all wealth! When an investor opens a factory the money to do so had, at one time, come from the exploitation of workers. Workers produce everything, capital produces nothing.
Where the hell did this bill Maher go. I liked him. Not the Klobuchar Maher.
Bill Murray need to be the representative for our Democratic. He is best at it. Just let him write what you need to say to WIN.
East or west Bill maher is the best
Bill, trying to use common sense on Trump supporters, again.
We believe in truth over facts
Bill also thinks Amy Klobuchar would be a good candidate to go up against Trump. 😂😂😂😂😂
Nah. It is simply hate.
Lol none of the things Bill listed are socialism at all - Socialism is an economic system in which private property and private markets are abolished in favor of a state-run or community-run economy. Bill's examples are all instances of social welfare, which might carry out some of the desired effects of socialism, but do not fundamentally shift the U.S. economy. Not even the so-called Scandinavian Socialist countries are actually socialist but would be better termed Social Democracies. Even China has shifted more and more away from a socialist command economy towards a market economy, though a highly regulated one. The data on the effectiveness of truly socialist economies is pretty clear: They're abysmal.
so why do republicans cry socialism about social programs?
Fals3Agent Because they're idiots.
@@Fals3Agent Because anything to the left of Republicans is communism, didn't you know?
Yeah, they are so abysmal that year after year, the Scandinavian countries top all other in general happiness.
I'd like to suffer like that. Even my Medicare is way from free.
Frequently Cynical But he just told you that Scandinavia wasn’t socialist...
I'm not surprised that the Republicans misrepresent Swedish style socialism. But the Democrats aren't honest about it either. The Swedes don't pay for their welfare state by taxing and regulating big business, in fact they have a lower rate of corporate tax and less regulation. The pay pay for it with a 25% sales tax and eye watering marginal rates on payroll tax. In effect, the working class pay more, not less.
So be my guest, become a more socialist country, but at least be honest about how it's done.
I am also TIRED OF THE LACK OF RESPONSE by Democrats to Republican BS.
"We're not socialists, youre traitors", big oof
Bill finally taking a slightly progressive position. Color me skeptically surprised.
HEY, Bill! You forgot to mention the biggest Socialism program: The Public School System...
...It's "Free"/Paid for With ALL of Our Citizens' Tax Dollars (just like Social Security, Medicare etc.).
Zeno Vice Yes and it sucks. I wouldn’t send my kids to public school if it was the last institution on the planet.
From 4:00 to 4:30 is absolutely ridiculous. The fake indignation is sickening.
whew whew !! whew !!!! CANNED AUDIENCE !! whew whew !!!
Bill Maher - if you genuinely feel that the Dem party is not vocal enough, you have a plat form DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Track down the Democratic politicians or those aspiring to office and Interview them. Create more public conversation about this apathy. Help to mobilize these politicians who think that success will fall into their laps (as they did in 2016).
Thats not socialism, that’s what state is, socialism is the take of all production, real state and services by the state. That’s why I think democrats shouldn’t use that word, the state should provide 3 things security healthcare and education that’s not socialism
That's false. Communism is the state taking everything and doling it out. Socialism is simply equitable conditions for the masses. And things like highways are part of socialism. And fire departments. We all pay a little so that we all, collectively, benefit a lot.
nop, socialism is a economic and social system characterised by social ownership and workers self management of the means of production. Communism is a variation of Socialism
They're all rebranding words for gov't taking everything and hindering the rights to make employment.
Maybe, gov't made corps that create the illusion of a free-market....wait, that's fascism.
I'm glad bill maher understands what democratic socialism is now that Bernie isn't competing....
15000 likes 1.3 dislikes. repubs you should be ready for change.trumptrain about over
That"s it! I'm no longer watching you Bill. You're costing me $. I have expensive Sonoma wine that I had to spit out. "The man of the golden shower"...
"Socialism is good because..."
Wait for it...
"MUH ROADS!1!1!1!1!1!!"
Every. Time.
Thank you Bill, for helping me, understand, socialism, I appreciate, your work, !