It turned out to be a bad pitch servo which is what our initial troubleshooting identified. However, this video was taken after the refurbished pitch servo was received and installed. Since it did not correct the problem, we ran down a whole gamit of other solutions, none of which solved the issue. Finally we returned to suspecting the newly installed, refurbished pitch servo which turned out to be a bad unit. Problems with the KAP140 autopilot system tend to be failed servos more often then not based on my experience and research in fixing this one.
How did you solve the "Check pitch trim" problem Jason?
It turned out to be a bad pitch servo which is what our initial troubleshooting identified. However, this video was taken after the refurbished pitch servo was received and installed. Since it did not correct the problem, we ran down a whole gamit of other solutions, none of which solved the issue. Finally we returned to suspecting the newly installed, refurbished pitch servo which turned out to be a bad unit. Problems with the KAP140 autopilot system tend to be failed servos more often then not based on my experience and research in fixing this one.