i love how she handles herself with all the cameras flashing... not like justin bieber who reacts and complains about papparazzis everywhere... maybe he should've thought about becoming an artist and what he's going to face...
Taylor didn't look to happy most of the time. I would feel akward with all those camrea flasing and people talking and staring and just being annoying! I LOVE YOU TAY!!!!!!!!!!!
i love how she handles herself with all the cameras flashing... not like justin bieber who reacts and complains about papparazzis everywhere... maybe he should've thought about becoming an artist and what he's going to face...
she is so preety
omg she doesn't deserve to be yelled at like that D: I feel sooo bad for her :'(
At least they aren't rude at all, they say things like "Taylor, you're beautiful" and "Taylor, that georgeous smile" and stuff. =)
Don't her eyes hurt from the flash? Haha. Love you, Taylor. ♥
Poor taylor! OMG.
omg i love queen latifah, drew, ellen, taylor n Penelope cruz.. .. =) i respect them..
omg i would become crazy if they were all yellin at me like that :o poor herrrr
@mabentle It's still blonde. Hair just fades sometime ha,
man... if they were all yellin at me like that i would cry! shut up!
Taylor didn't look to happy most of the time. I would feel akward with all those camrea flasing and people talking and staring and just being annoying! I LOVE YOU TAY!!!!!!!!!!!
i love tayyyy xo.....what happened to her blonde hair tho....it's just not what it used to be.
Buahahaha Taylor you giant :D
omg she doesn't deserve to be yelled at like that D: I feel sooo bad for her :'(