The loop boundary stuff is brilliant, and the logic of this pedal looks to be very well thought out. Can't wait to pick it up when it drops in February.
Dave is a great guy, I traded a guitar for one of his amps and he gave me a tour of his factory/warehouse (next town over from me). Everyone there was super nice and mostly all musicians. Dave is a great player and just has an incredible mind and drive to keep moving things forward.
Haha, I ordered the double-looper having seen other's reviews. Had I see how stoked this guy is on his own product I would've not waited days and would've just ordered it right away. This was really fun to watch.
need to see your hands and feet together. Where is a detailed user guide? Mine came with nothing and nothing on line. Forums? What about the click at the end of the loop (mic)
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I love this guy's energy and enthusiasm! This is brilliant and clearly loves his job. I'm inspired 😊🤜🤛😊🌟🤘
Alexander Garrett Yeah, he’s on fire!
A+ salesman and AMAZING looper demo
best job since Hugh Hefner's...?
I will buy a pigtronix or supro product just because this man nailed this demo and how passionate he is.
Extremely well thought out pedal! All the features and in a relatively compact size.
David Koltai is a gift to the guitar community.
The loop boundary stuff is brilliant, and the logic of this pedal looks to be very well thought out. Can't wait to pick it up when it drops in February.
Dave is a great guy, I traded a guitar for one of his amps and he gave me a tour of his factory/warehouse (next town over from me). Everyone there was super nice and mostly all musicians. Dave is a great player and just has an incredible mind and drive to keep moving things forward.
Haha, I ordered the double-looper having seen other's reviews. Had I see how stoked this guy is on his own product I would've not waited days and would've just ordered it right away. This was really fun to watch.
That guy's so excited about some of the features he can hardly get the words out of his mouth, love it!
I ordered a Pigtronix Infinity 2 yesterday. Can't wait for it to arrive!
I found this demo to be the most informative and complete explanation
Fantastic explanation of the looper. I’m in.
I can feel his passion, make me want to try the amps.
I'd never figure out that looper but it looks cool! I did just order a Supro Blues King 10.
I have made it my life's mission to purchase the interviewer's hat. I am nothing without that hat.
Why in the world doesn't this have a sync mode to play both loops at the same time
Play both verse and chorus at the same time? Add the bridge and pre-chorus too.
I'm sold! I just really hope there is a real good user manual.
I don't think there are a line of pedals that look as good next to each other as the Supro stuff. Of course they sound good too
is the usb port for export import loop?
They're going to sell a bunch of those loopers. Dave is a really good player too.
So, was this a TED TALK?
That is one smart dude.
need to see your hands and feet together. Where is a detailed user guide? Mine came with nothing and nothing on line. Forums? What about the click at the end of the loop (mic)
When is the looper available?
Justin Garcia It’s being shipped to dealers this week.