Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3, Verse 10 - PART 12 in English by Yogishri

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @savithah8740
    @savithah8740 Місяць тому +1

    Hari Om Yogishri 🙏
    During every satsang with the master, we receive the healing energy (depending on how open/ receptive one is). This energy has to be put to good use through our sincere efforts for our growth. Surrender doesn't mean stopping one's efforts. Combination of effort and surrender turn our actions into yagnya.
    Kama (uncontrolled desires) spring from a state of unhappiness, frustration and complaints. These have to be converted into iccha. We are fulfilled and happy wherever we are at present and put in efforts for growth and improvement. When we thus make all our actions a series of yagnya, the higher shakti helps to set right all layers of our personality and starts burning up the accumulated karmas. This completely transforms us. Every human being has this potential for transformation.
    In whatever actions we do, if we bring in the bhavana of contribution to the future generations (in whatever small way) as part of the total scheme of things and give our best, then it becomes an yagnya. If we apply ourselves properly, every activity becomes sacred. Divinity is expressing from within us through whatever talents we have. We have to just play our part in this 🙏. No activity is small or big. It's the bhavana with which we do that makes it an yagnya.
    Thank you so very much Yogishri 🙏

  • @mravikumar5165
    @mravikumar5165 Місяць тому +1

    Hari Om Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏
    Thank you Guruji for this week’s wonderful session, Pranams Swamiji🙏🙏
    We need to put in tremendous and sincere efforts to get desired results. Surrendering actually means surrendering all our efforts. Only when we surrender, Guru can guide us.
    Guru can guide us not only to lead our life fully but also to overcome any challenges that we will face during the course of our life. With guidance our foundation becomes strong, with strong foundation we will get clarity and with clarity we can lead a relatively stress free, happy and peaceful life.
    When we have clarity on one principle, we will gain clarity over other principles as well. The key is to combine the effort and surrender and make it a Yagna.
    We need to get into a state of Itcha instead of desire state, to do Yagna. Only in Itcha state we will have focus and direction. During this process of Yagna our Karmas will start burning up layer by layer and we have the capacity to born again.
    Only human beings have the capacity to do Sadhana and hence human birth is so precious. Human birth is not required to live a mechanical life like all other creatures, we should make the best use of this birth and try to get released from the bondage and achieve our purpose of our life i.e., merging with the INFINITE.
    When all our Karmas are burned up, we will reach the state of Stitha Pragnya and attain the highest state.
    Any transformation is possible provided we put it sincere efforts and surrender to the Guru Sakthi.
    Thanks again Yogishri for this week’s powerful meditation session, installing subtler aspects in our deeper and sub-conscious minds 🙏🙏🙏

  • @thyyarravi1082
    @thyyarravi1082 Місяць тому +1

    Hari AUM. Thank you Sri Yogishri for giving dimensions for prasava.
    The following points were gathered during the discourse:
    SrishtvA is creating life.
    Every satsang with a master is like fueling up a car. That alone is not sufficient to make the car move, and one must drive a car to make it move. Therefore, surrender is essential to progress in spiritual life. Surrendering doesn’t mean stopping one’s effort.
    Whatever the nature of challenge, guru sakthi always guides one.
    Attunement to the Infinite leads to the highest wisdom.
    Success is due to a strong foundation, clarity, humility, surrender to the guru sakthi, guidance from guru Sakthi, and one’s effort.
    Akarma is no activity and karma is activity.
    “yajnah karma-samudbhavah” is activity done for the sake of action. It is converting activity into yajna. One must convert akarma into karma.
    One must find out one’s akarma and convert it into karma.
    The absence of activity, stubbornness, and failure to take guidance leads to one’s down fall.
    One must work on kAma which makes one weak by converting kAma into icha kAma i.e., controlled desire.
    Prati prasava is new birth obtained by getting rid of one’s karma-s.
    A human has the capacity to undertake sadana.
    Incessant practice of sadana leads to stitaprajna state.
    By yajna may you be born again (prasava).
    Prasava leads to breaking the shackles of bondage.
    The 2nd dimension of prasava also means fruit or product which means fulfillment of worldly goals.
    Fruit = effort of one’s action and product = to produce.
    Efforts at the state of karma may not yield the desired end result and by adding the principles of yajna one receives the optimal results or intended fruits.
    The 3rd dimension of prasava is to give birth which is not only confined to childbirth but also to other activities.
    Every activity is sacred.
    Each one of us have divine potential and talents which needs to be expressed.
    No activity is insignificant.
    It is not what one does matters but how it is done.

  • @sraj5415
    @sraj5415 Місяць тому +3

    Hari OM Yogishri, very deep, inspiring and powerful session today. Thank you so much😊🙏🙏

  • @rachandrannm275
    @rachandrannm275 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yoghishri pranam 🙏🏿

  • @yerravineela1402
    @yerravineela1402 Місяць тому

    Pranam Yogishri
    Thank you for today’s Divine session
    Energy received from highest has to be utilized for constructive purposes and to make life better.
    Sharanagathi = faith, surrender,taking refuge, seeking guidance. Complete surrendering to the divine power.
    Yagya is a combination of surrendering with putting efforts in our actions. A very powerful ritual in our life.
    Surrendering to our Guru :
    1. Our foundation becomes very strong,
    2. Clarity in decision making in the path of achieving goal,
    3. Consistency in putting efforts.
    As a sadhak, convert karmas and a karmas into yagya by surrendering to Guru, by seeking guidance added with efforts.
    Iccha means you are already happy and you aspire to become more better, evolve in life.
    Being stubborn is a tamasic quality, yet it can be converted into a great quality of Determination to achieve goal.
    When mind is tamasic, Just get into action, we need to force ourselves to put efforts and surrender, seek guidance from our Guru always.
    PRASAVAH a very powerful and Divine principle Yogishri
    It means being born again in the same life. Transformation from within and this is possible by doing Sadhana. All our karmas get burnt up, we become more refined, focused in actions and our whole personality transforms.
    Yogishri very inspiring and very powerful principle today you have installed in all of us.
    Let this Divine seed, principle get nourished in us with your divine blessings.
    Yogishri completely surrendering to the Guru Shakti. I choose to, promise to myself that I am and will put all necessary efforts to make my life better in your guidance.
    Genuinely grateful to you Yogishri for everything.
    Prasavishyadhvam - Let me be born again. Let me attain my true true potential. Let my whole life become a celebration.
    When KRISHNA is born within us, we get freedom from all bondages, all karmas are burnt.
    Other dimensions of PRASAVAH:
    * Fruit or Product, we obtain. Fulfillment of worldly goals.
    When we incorporate the principle of Yagya, our iccha, our goals will be achieved.
    * Creating, Contributing for the future generations - any activity which we do, we need to be focused and we need to give our best. We need to put our efforts for the benefit of the future generations.
    Thank you Yogishri for everything.
    Thank you very much 🙏🏻

  • @heritagefloorings893
    @heritagefloorings893 Місяць тому +1

    Hari Om Guruji 🙏 Namaha
    So many Krishna Jayantis have come and gone, but what did I do ? Visited a Krishna temple sometimes, had prasad there and that’s it. Never realised the significance of the day. Not anymore. On that day specially , specially, i will add a quality into me and bring about some transformation. Thank You for making us realise this importance and enrich us .
    The story of the squirrel is also so significant. It teaches us to do acts of kindness, however small, and also do our duties sincerely without any expectations and God will reward and bless us.
    The explanation of Prati Prasava is so well explained. A daily inner growth is essential if we wish to reach the goal: Stithapragnya 😊.
    Hanuman also wrote the Ramayana!!
    Very very interesting.
    Giving birth is not to a child but to a generation. It has become such a divine act. We attend so many child naming ceremonies, have dinner and come away. Not realising the divine importance of the act behind the function.
    Today’s session has enriched many of us. Guruji, Your stories are very interesting and are required for our Prati Prasava, inner growth.
    Thank You so much.

  • @ananthiganesh8827
    @ananthiganesh8827 Місяць тому

    Humble pranams,Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏
    Sharangati is being insisted by all the holy masters.
    When I put my efforts, why do I need to surrender?
    Once I surrender to my guru, I get immense confidence,clarity in decision making.
    Without surrender, I will be highly stressed and the journey will not be smooth.
    When I do my karma and then surrender, whatever I want to achieve, i will be able to achieve. No one stop me from growing. Whatever problems come on the way, can be handled by me.
    Being born as a human being is a ultimate blessing. The human being alone can elevate himself and become one with the God. He/she is envied by the Devas.
    Pratiprasava means going beyond karma and akarma.
    It also means fulfillment of desires. When I keep doing my sadhana and burn all my karmas, I am reborn. This is internal.
    Pratiprasava also means creating a generation by giving birth to a child.
    What ever we do, we should think how these will impact the next generation and keeping that in mind should act in a responsible way and put in all the efforts so the next generation also gets the benefit.
    I have divine potential and divine purpose in life. By doing sadhana, and surrendering to the Guru, I will keep uplifting my spirits, burn my karmas and attain pratiprasavishdvam by the grace of the Guru and the God.
    Thank you for today's very powerful session, Yogishri.
    Ananta koti pranams to you 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @narayanv2128
    @narayanv2128 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Guruji,
    Pranaams 🙏
    Thanks for the powerful session today Guruji with the blast of energy!!
    The energy level today was very powerful and Intense. As mentioned we have been filled with the powerful energy and it's upto us to use this energy in a constructive way and create our life. It's like the fuel has been filled in the car but now we need to drive it which is symbolic of putting in our honest effort and living our life and during the journey if we require any assistance and guidance the same can be sought from the master who shall guide us further.
    Another important message was effort and surrender is the key . Surrender does not mean we surrender our efforts as it's tamasic. When we put only the effort chances are that we will achieve our goal but the process will make us completely stressed and also it's possible that we may develop ego over it. So the combination is the key which is the true yagna.
    Coming to prasava from the yogic perspective mean prathi prasava - being reborn spiritually by doing our sadhana daily and making ourselves pure and divine. It's like Lord Krishna born and when that happens all our karmas will be destroyed.
    From the pratical or wordly level on one hand it means fruits of our actions and secondly it means giving birth to a child- it means giving birth to a generation. So this is the contribution which we do in our lifetime. So every activity that we do we should try to contribute for the future generation in our own way. It's like the little squirrel helping Lord Rama while building the bridge to Lanka. If we do or play our part blessings will come to us we don't have to ask for it. So what we do is karma and how we do it is yagna!!
    Thanks once again for the powerful session today Guruji!!

  • @arunmahendran7830
    @arunmahendran7830 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri,
    Thank you so much Yogishri for today's very deep meditation and discourse.
    Some important points from today's discourse:
    - By doing the Sadhana of Yagnya, which has two aspects, i.e intense efforts and complete surrender we can achieve anything in this world.
    - there is no substitute to hard work. It is mandatory in order to achieve our goals. Likewise, complete surrender and taking guidance of the Guru and the Gurushakti is required to achieve in life. Without either of both it's not possible and if one puts 100% in both, anything is possible.
    - By doing the sadhana of Yagnya, it will lead to being born again i.e sadhana of prathi prasava.
    - while when we get this body we are physically born once, through the sadhana of prathi prasava we can be born as many times as we want and completely clense all our bodies.
    Thank you so much Yogishri. 🙏

  • @madhus13
    @madhus13 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri 🌺🤍
    Thank you for today's session🙏
    - Just efforts alone = Karma (Action)
    - Just surrender alone = Akarma (Inaction)
    Yagna / Karma yoga = Efforts + Surrender + Humility
    - When karma is converted to Yagna it is a prathi prasava (new birth). It is when Krsna is born within.
    It ll attract the Divine blessings, and the healing Guru Shakti penetrates till the Karmic body and burns up all the stored karma making the person bondage free. Yagna guarantees the fruits are obtained quickly. Nobody can give a guarantee apart from God.
    - Everyone has a divine purpose. Your talents are through which the Divine expresses itself. Play your part as the squirrel did, with pure bhavana and without expectations.

  • @umachandrasekar1803
    @umachandrasekar1803 Місяць тому

    Hari OM Yogisiri 🙏🙏🙏. Thank you for this very very enlightening session. So beautifully yo had unfolded the principles (Yagna Karma, Prasavisyadwam/Prathi Prasav) and the duties of a Sadhak and the how one should go about with life following these principles and the purpose to act and the areas to take refuge (Saranagathi/ Guru Sakthi). It was all so wonderful and thank you for the same my dear Guruji 🙏🙏🙏
    Whenever you attend a powerful session a lot of energy is being showered at you. As a Sadak make use of these opportunities and use that to make your life better.
    Every Sathsang with the Master is like pouring fuel to your life. But it is you who needs to drive your car. You can always reach out to the Master for help and guidance, but you need to drive.
    Saranagathi - taking refuge in the Guru Sakthi. Surrendering yourself does not mean surrendering all your efforts.
    If you want to be successful there are several factors - foundation/building. When you surrender to the Guru Sakthi - 1) then your foundation becomes strong and you can face any challenges in life. 2) through the Higher guidance you get more clarity thru the Guru’s teachings and hence your decision making will be right.
    When we talk about Yagna - it has both aspects - effort and surrender both are involved. This combination makes your action into Yagna.
    When you just do your effort with no surrender then is just Karma. Akarma means non-activity. Karma and Akarma are two sides of a coin.
    Yagna Karma - combining effort and surrender. This is a powerful ritual in life. It can be any activity.
    As a Sadak you need to learn to convert your Karmas and Akarma into Yagna. Then you will be doing Karma Yoga.
    When you find areas in your life where you don’t do Karma nor are you willing to take any guidance there you need to force yourself to put in effort and stat taking guidance/surrender. For those areas logic does not work… you need to force yourself to get into action.
    Work on your Khama - uncontrolled desires will make you weak. Convert that into Itcha. Itcha is a state of happy/contentment - powerful state. When you are in a state of craving (Khama) you cannot focus your energies, you cannot attract abundance in your life, you cannot attract positive energy in your life. So that is why Krishna mentioned Ishta Khama.
    Prasavisyadwam - Prathi Prasav - Being born again. When you convert all your Karama/akarma to Yagna then it is a new birth for you. When you start functioning in the spirit of Yagna - then you will start attracting the Divine blessings and the Higher healing Sakthi/ guru Skathi will start penetrating in you and it will slowly go into the intracellular level and then to the empty space between the atoms, pranas and it will set right all your emotions and thoughts. Then when it hits the karmic body then the accumulated Karmas from many many births (Janmanthra Karma) - all those Karms will start getting burnt up. When the Karmic body gets brunt up/purified what happens??? You get a new birth. Your thought structure gets change, your emotions will become positive, your speech will be more refined, actions will be more focus/productive. A new you is born.
    A human birth is the most precious of all birth as only in this birth you can transform yourself and have the Prathi Prasav/inner birth. Only in this birth you have the capacity to do Sadhana. Sadhana in its essence means the spiritual practice of the principles to create a transformation from within to be born again - this tool is called Sadhana. When all your Karmas are burnt then you become a Sthitha Pragnya - you reach the highest state - that is what these great Masters have achieved - take Valmiki as an example/inspiration. He got guidance from Sage Naradha and put efforts to transform (Prathi Prasav) from a highway robber to writing Ramayana.
    When Krishna is born within you then all your bondages will get pulverized. You attain total freedom /Moksha - self-realization/God realization. For this to happen you need to do Yagna/Sadhana and you need to have a Guru - who helps you reach God.
    When you face challenges or issues in life never leave your Sadhana. Keep doing it consistently. As you need to take the fruits of your Sadhana in your next birth. Prasavishyadhwam - this is the true celebration of guru Poornima, of any celebration…
    Prasavaha - means a fruit/product - it refers to the fulfillment of your worldly goals. Using Yagna you can achieve these worldly goals.
    Prasavaha - giving birth to a child - creating a generation - you should contribute for the generations to come - this is a powerful Yagna. DO not consider your life in a mechanically way . Each one of us have a divine purpose and we have our own talents, and we must use it constructively. We need to play our part to the best - small or big should not matter. It is not what you do (Karma) that matters, it is how you do (Yagna) that matters.

  • @sridevir
    @sridevir Місяць тому

    Hari Om Gurudev🙏🙏🙏

  • @heritagefloorings893
    @heritagefloorings893 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Guruji, Namaha 🙏

  • @chandrasekharkalaivaniasho3953
    @chandrasekharkalaivaniasho3953 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri!
    Thank you so much for a deep and inspiring session and blissful meditation as well!
    Points that I could grasp:
    In every Sunday session, as well as the Guru Purnima session, we receive a lot of energy from the Master and that is equivalent to the fuel that is provided to a car, but the car has to be taken to its destiny by the driver, which is each one of us. In otherwords, one has to apply efforts to take one to his or her own goal. The Guru can provide the fuel, which is fundamental and important for the car to move towards the goal, but it has to be driven to its destination by the driver. The underlying principle here is Sarana gathi- one has to surrender to the Guru, to get his guidance and at the same time take the necessary efforts to achieve one’s goal. One may reach one’s goal even without surrendering or seeking guidance from the Guru, but the journey to the goal may be very arduous, one may get stressed out at every challenge faced and on achieving the goal at the end of the journey it may not leave one happy and fulfilled. On the other hand, when surrendering and taking the guidance of a Guru, the journey may be smooth, one will have great clarity of purpose and gain the capacity to face all challenges and achieve the goal happily. This is also known as Ichcha.
    The secret in following this principle is to find a balance between applying the right efforts and surrendering to the Guru Shakthi. Applying efforts alone without surrender will never lead to attracting abundance and happiness in life. On the other hand having the humility and readiness to surrender alone, without applying any efforts will lead to Akarma- non action, which is a form of tamas.
    Ishta kama implies willful desire which is entirely different from Kama which means uncontrollable desire.
    Prasava- means giving birth. One has to perform action with the right balance of surrender and applying efforts along the principle of Yagna, then it becomes a sadhana. The practice of this sadhana can be extended to all aspect of one’s life. Then the person’s entire life will become a series of Yagna. In doing so, one will attract the divine energy into one’s being, which permeates into every cell of one’s body, into the space between the atoms, into the five koshas until it reaches the karmic body. At every level, where the divine energy reaches, it heals, it restructures one’s thoughts, emotions, intellect. On hitting the karmic body, it has the capacity to burn the karma that one has accumulated over the previous births - Aneka janmaandhara karma. When the karmas that have been accumulated from several previous births are burnt, then one undergoes complete transformation and is considered to be born again, a new birth from within- which is the true meaning of prasavishyaddhwam. This ability to be reborn is an opportunity that is given exclusively to human beings. Only the human being is capable of being born within, using Sadhana, and performing actions along the principle of Yagna. It is the birth of the Infinite from within.
    Prasava also means, fruit, product, contribution. Giving birth to offsprings is considered as a contribution to the next generation. Our actions should be driven from Ichcha and not Kama with an attitude of surrender to the Guru shakthi, and applying efforts consistently and appropriately following the principle of Yagna, with an intention to contribute to our capacity which will automatically fit well with the larger scheme of things. Just as the squirrel contributed its might in building the sethu bridge in the Ramayana and won the grace of Lord Rama. In the same manner when we contribute to our capacity following the principle of Yagna, we will automatically attract the Divine Grace and achieve all our goals. God will come to you, you need not go in search of God.
    Thank you so much Yogishri, need to listen a few more times to absorb this deep wisdom correctly. The concept of finding one’s rebirth, transformation, is fascinating and so true!
    Thank you for the Divine meditation session ! Pranams and thank you!

  • @bhavyapk574
    @bhavyapk574 Місяць тому

    Hari om guruji...
    'Pratiprasav' reborn: We should realise the purpose of life and reborn ...
    Life is beautiful make use of it by changing it for a good purpose...
    Thank you guruji...
    Pranams 🙏...

  • @anushkaram440
    @anushkaram440 Місяць тому

    Hari 🕉 Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    Thank you for this blessed opportunity to listen to the life transforming discourses repeatedly. It's very very useful in taking your mind off from unnecessary worries and channelising it in a useful and blissful direction.
    *** What you are doing [your actions] is karma ; how you do it [with a pure bhavna - of surrender, gratitude and without expectations/being result oriented ] makes it a yagnya. Thus you become a shrishtva - creator of your life.
    Very inspiring Yogishri. Thank you for this amazing guidance.
    Our lives were getting exhausted in a mechanical way - with nil awareness. You have indeed removed the darkness and showed us the lighted pathway.
    Deeply grateful Sir. I am also veryveryvery happy to share that I have booked my air tickets to attend the Yoga sankirtan launch in november. Very grateful to the Infinite and to You for this blessed opportunity. Yoga sankirtan is the best thing that I have ever been gifted and blessed with, in my life.
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    Your humble Sadhak

  • @sridevir
    @sridevir Місяць тому

    Hari Om Gurudev🙏🙏🙏🪷. Thank You so very much for today's session.
    Some points to ponder:
    The Principle of Yagnya can be followed in each and every action of ours.
    Sharanagathi means to do our actions and put the effort with humility , having in mind, The Divine.
    To give birth to.
    Prathi prasava: The inner Spiritual birth.
    When we do all our actions along with The Principle of Yagnya our inner personality becomes Divine from the intra cellular level right up to our emotions and thoughts.
    We should convert our uncontrollable desires to icha and we need to put the right effort and do our actions along with The Principle of Yagnya to attain it.
    The two dimensions of Yagnya are:
    Fruit or product:
    We need to put the right effort in order to achieve our desire and it should be a positive and a constructive desire. The bhavana is the most important aspect.
    Give birth to a child: by giving birth to a child, we are creating a generation for the world. We need to inculcate The Higher values in them.
    Sadhana tip: to absorb the given Deeper Principles and start practicing them in our lives.
    Thank You Dear Holy Master for Everything🙏🙏🙏🌸🍬.
    Deepest gratitude and humble pranams.

  • @mravikumar5165
    @mravikumar5165 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏

  • @rajendraprasad6153
    @rajendraprasad6153 Місяць тому

    Thank you guru ji 🙏 Hari om 🙏

  • @dhanyaar7160
    @dhanyaar7160 Місяць тому

    Hari Om GuruDev 🙏

  • @subraece
    @subraece Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri,
    Thank you so much for today's wonderful session filled with energy and bliss. Few points I noted down and also recollecting :-
    In the Guru purnima session and also in the bhagavad gita, emphasis is laid on surrendering to the Guru shakthi. Here surrendering means surrendering the ego, and not the efforts. This balance is required since many people go to extremes to achieve success and when they take the success to their minds, it causes lot of imbalance. To strike a balance between worldly achievement and inner balance, this principle of surrendering all the results to the divine is really helpful. You are just a plain personality doing whatever is best, with your current skill/ability.
    We saw the difference between - karma (action), akarma (inaction) and Yagnya karma (action that is backed by the principles of Yagnya = perfect action). We also saw how the principle of Yagnya if done can slowly start lessening the janmanthara karma of oneself and there will be a point where, all the karma is neutralized and hence a person enters into the realm of becoming a sthithapragnya.
    We saw how Prasavishyadhwam can mean inner birth after realization and also external birth (giving rise to a generation of people through physical union).
    In inner birth - we saw the example of how Ratnakar became Sage Valmiki by being under the guidance of Sage Narada. The story of how Hanuman composed a version of Ramayana was also very interesting. The human body is a great blessing as only a human being has been given the ability to do sadhana, all other creatures can only be mechanical. There is no option available for Prasava (re-birth)
    Also, this years Guru Purnima sadhana was so wonderful.. during the meditation session, all I remember is closing my eyes.. some deep healing and a lot of energy was received. It was just like floating somewhere. Can't even explain the experience. Thank you so much for increasing the energies every year.

  • @rajagopalan.ramesh
    @rajagopalan.ramesh Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri!!

  • @ushashenoy9564
    @ushashenoy9564 Місяць тому

    Namaste Guruji,
    Thank you yet again for the inspiring experience.
    What I learnt today:
    True surrender:make an effort,take guidance from master when needed
    Needed to create positive experiences in life.
    Yagna:effort with Surrender
    Karma:only effort
    Akarma:tamassic,no effort,only surrender
    Yagnakarma:key to materialisation
    Need to have Ichah :satisfied with the present,yet wanting to get better.
    No craving
    Needs a change from within first;inner new birth,prathi prasava
    Spiritual birth
    Prasavah:fruit /product,achieve worldly goals,creating another generation
    With sincere gratitude,

  • @ACTech-tp5oq
    @ACTech-tp5oq Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri,
    Points to ponder:
    Sharanagati and effort goes hand in hand.
    Prasavishyadvam - being born again, by inner transformation.
    Thanks a ton Guruji.

  • @ramankb5516
    @ramankb5516 Місяць тому

    Hari om
    Here Yogisri points out that what is being offered every week in satsung, is not merely for listening, it is a tool for total complete transformation, equal to rebirth with a new mind completely devoid of past inherited tendencies of generations.
    Yagna bhava in every action is the key, which is only change of thought process. Instead of calling as my son, call him as a citizen of the country and the world came out for the world's welfare. That will bring needed change in attitude.

  • @parulgoyal5039
    @parulgoyal5039 Місяць тому

    Thanks Yogishri for Todays session. You shall surrender to Guru and higher shakti, but shall also put all the efforts in right direction. Surrndering to Guru creates a strong foundation, gives strength to face challegenes in life and clarity to make decisions. Based on strong foundation , when all efforts are put in right direction we achieve success.
    Each and every action or inaction can be converted to Yagna, by either surrending or by performing the action.
    It is not what u r performing, but how u r performing which can convert all ur actions To Yagna.
    With gratitide

  • @anushkaram440
    @anushkaram440 Місяць тому

    Hari 🕉 Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    With respect to this principle of ‘’Right karma + Right bhavna of unconditional surrender and gratitude = Yagna which makes you a creator of your destiny’’ I have a doubt Yogishri.
    You had asked us to observe and learn from people around us , as to what principles they have applied or failed to apply in their respective lives , of course without judging them.
    As I introspected in this context, I found that there is a stream of people who plan and do the right things and every step turns out favourable for them and they easily climb the stairs of success smoothly. They seem successful even without sadhana. Here I see only efforts and no element of surrender or gratitude..sometimes they are egoistic too. Another category where , whatever they plan and do, gets goofed up and they are stuck without any progress although they have this element of devotion and gratitude naturally. Both of them are not sadhaks . So I got a tad confused here ; where have they gone wrong ? how do we approach this..what should be my perspective towards this?
    Please throw some light on this confusion Yogishri.
    Deeeeeply grateful for your unconditional love and guidance Yogishri.
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    Your humble Sadhak

  • @anushkaram440
    @anushkaram440 Місяць тому

    Hari 🕉 Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    Thank you sooooo much for a very deeeep and very veeerryyyy inspiring session.
    I feel sooo inspired to focus on the true purpose of this birth.
    ‘’ Whether you are doing karma or akarma , what really matters is the combo…your deep efforts + your unconditional surrender which makes it a yagna and thus you become a creator. ‘’
    Deeply grateful for your unparalleled guidance Yogishri.
    And also grateful for the online ‘Finding rhythm in life’ course. I was eagerly awaiting it. Thank you sooo much. Will definitely do it with an open mind and unconditional surrender as suggested by you.
    🕉 Shri Gurubhyo Namaha.🙏🙏🙏
    Your humble Sadhak

  • @user-ur2ol5ei6m
    @user-ur2ol5ei6m Місяць тому

    Thank you Yogishri for this stirring session
    Surrender and Direction
    Unless you surrender to the higher guidance you will not be able to access the right direction in your life. It is through a combination of surrender and effort that you fulfil your goals.
    You are born again every time you surrender to the higher principle.

  • @savithah8740
    @savithah8740 Місяць тому

    Thank you so very much Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏. It was a very powerful and inspiring session 🙏

  • @ragavd9508
    @ragavd9508 Місяць тому

    Thank you Yogishri 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sasikalabhat7154
    @sasikalabhat7154 Місяць тому

    Thank you so much Yogishri 🙏

  • @subraece
    @subraece Місяць тому

    Posting as a separate comment :
    There is good news that in my official endeavors a lot of goals have been materialized, especially in one goal during the Finding Rhythm in life empowerment - I wanted to have a good rapport with both upper management and the lower employee level, my position and responsibilities have perfectly been aligned that now, I am being exposed to my company and customer management through daily meeting and also taking care of overall project compliance, so have to interact with juniors and getting exposed to the lower level also. I have been placed in a unique level when compared to other leads/managers.
    Also financially my wife had taken up a course on nifty trading and stock market. Now she is practicing and able to gain some money that really helps us to manage our current financial situation. She is seeing positive results in the endeavor.

  • @anjanaravi11
    @anjanaravi11 Місяць тому


  • @heritagefloorings893
    @heritagefloorings893 Місяць тому

    HariOm Guruji Namaha🙏

  • @vasundharavedvyas6440
    @vasundharavedvyas6440 Місяць тому

    Hari Om Yogishri 🙏