Should I Divorce My Husband For Adultery? - Ask Pastor Tim

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • What should a woman do who is inwardly torn apart from her husband having lived in adultery with another woman? Can she biblically divorce him? What can help a sister in a grievous situation like this?
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  • @karen1052
    @karen1052 6 років тому +21

    I am going through this situation right now. It happened last year and it is a far more serious and complex situation. I felt like killing myself. No one could help me. It was then I found Christ. He was the only one to pull me out of the quick sand that I was drowning in. I was a luke-warm Christian in the past but now I've been born again. I could have come to Christ with a far less traumatic event as I was ready. My husband however needed a very traumatic experience to wake him up. So when I came to Christ, I let my husband see where my light was coming from. How I was still able to talk to him, to try to forgive him. He didn't understand. I sent him scripture upon scripture and we began our walk with Christ together. We bought bibles and I prayed to God to heal my truly unbearable broken heart that made it so hard to actually breathe. We both became born-again after a number of months of walking with Christ. The repercussions of his actions are long-lasting and because I wanted to forgive him and not cut him off, my blood family cut me off. I hurt so badly sometimes and know how hard it is to control the tongue. Anger is a totally natural reaction to this. When I focus on all the negative things, I don't want my husband near me even though he has repented. I find it so hard to trust him. When I feel like this, I pray so fervently and spend time alone with the Lord and ask Him to get me through this because I cannot do it myself. He never lets me down and always answers my prayers. There were times when I was so broken-hearted, that all I could do was lay down in bed for days and let Him minister to my heart. The pain felt as sore as what a broken leg etc would feel like. He kept getting me through. There's been times when I've thought I can't continue and my heart begins to harden to my husband and so I ask the Lord to lift it if He wants me to still be with my husband. So far, I am still in love with my husband as the Lord keeps getting me through. It's not just my life at stake. I know I have a biblical get out clause but I know it's not for my best to leave my husband. We have special needs children. It's been a very isolating, difficult, heart-breaking and exhausting situation. Through it though, I got saved (but I think I would have gotten saved regardless), however, my husband got saved and that's massive as he had completely rejected the bible and Christianity after being brought up Catholic. Now we both know the Truth and so do our children. It really is all glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer. Without Him, as Tim said, I would not have been given the supernatural grace to get this far. Indeed, we both may have been in hell right now due to suicide which we were both individually considering at the start of this nightmare. God is indeed using all my husband's sin to bring about good out of this situation. God knew we were both going to get saved too. Right after everything came out when my husband was considering ways to kill himself, he had a dream/vision where God cut the rope he hanged himself with (in his dream/vision). He fell before the huge throne of God and I was seated at His feet to His right emanating light. God spoke and said to my husband "It's not your time yet. Karen will help you". Then my husband awoke. That's the very same day, I was led by the Holy Spirit to go and speak to my husband for the first time in months. The Holy Spirit was leading me to seek out my suicidal husband and help him. Our journey is not over yet, and we still have many battles to overcome. Thank you for reading this far and I hope it has blessed someone. My email is if you feel led to contact me for help with a similar situation. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless you.

    • @shqiperirsjacobo2879
      @shqiperirsjacobo2879 6 років тому +2

      Karen Margaret greetings and God bless I'm very grateful and glad for your situation things turned around. But not every case or situation will turn out like yours.. I know mine didn't an I was very careful as I sought Christ daily for direction an I'm now divorce... I'm a better Man and stronger man in my situation my experience wife was not wanting to repent of her adultery an other things physical abuse and always throwing me out the house.. She had a Jezebel spirit.. I was faced with I either follow Jesus or I turn my back an follow her which since she was possessed I would worship her an that wasn't an option for me.. I love Christ first and above all.. That situation almost killed me. Now I'm stronger a better follower of yeshua the Messiah now being out of that situation. God bless

    • @karen1052
      @karen1052 6 років тому

      ShqiperiRS Jacobo I'm sorry you've been through so much pain. I totally understand every situation is different and each of us has to navigate through in the way God wants us to. In my case, my husband eventually was repentant. It took many months to get there though. If he hadn't have truly repented it would have made the situation much more difficult. We still talk about his repentance as and when it comes up. I truly believe God wanted me to forgive my husband because he was repentant. I could not deal with any more new pain in the future and the Lord knows this. He saw the future and I believe sees a new man in my husband who would not go back to his old ways and thus has made the love grow again between my husband and I. If my husband was not genuinely repentant and there was a chance he would go back to his old ways, then I believe the Lord would lead me away just like He did with you. Sorry it took me a long roundabout way to say this. I'm so glad you are doing much better and you are having a true walk with Christ. You are much loved and cherished as one of His. This life is pain and suffering and we are being refined in the furnace for just a short while. Keep well my brother.

    • @adithso7279
      @adithso7279 6 років тому +1

      This reminds me a lot of the videos of Michael Chriswell... Have you heard of him? He has many videos on suffering. I'm glad you have understood how to manage through it though, and how it can be turned to good.

    • @karen1052
      @karen1052 6 років тому

      Adithso yes I have watched some of Michael's testimonies. He has been through a lot and God has given him a great measure of faith. I do believe Michael has led the way for many with Christ as his foundation. In the days to come we will need to draw on one another for encouragement to finish the race well.

    • @shqiperirsjacobo2879
      @shqiperirsjacobo2879 6 років тому +1

      Karen Margaret thank u very much for that message sister. An brings joy to me to know of your situation how Things turned around for the good.... My marriage started in beginning of 2013 an 2 months after we got married she abused me bad on regular basis while throwing me out an I was homeless an she would go cheat I stayed true an then she would call me back that she changed I come back to her never repenting an month later right back to horrible mistreatment this went ongoing whole time I prayed an prayed an almost died my health was going down hill The lord showed me death ahead of I didn't get out so I endured whole way up till it almost killed me so in 2016 after another divorce an guy she cheated on me with threaten my life with cartel an that was it for me... I'm just grateful I'm alive to be able to tell another testimony of what the lord brought me through God bless sister

  • @faithtoken5010
    @faithtoken5010 6 років тому +17

    Until you have been in her shoes, you HAVE NO IDEA THE PAIN. IT'S NOT ABOUT FORGIVENESS. If your truly saved, forgiveness is easy. After all we all have been forgiven much MUCH MUCH!! It's trusting again. I can not trust him again. It's on going. You men are being very judgemental. Until you've been betrayed over and over by the one you share your bed with... The one you've become "one" with. . . YOU simply do not have a CLUE. IF he had truly repented, he would have patience and remorse. He would not call her crazy or tell her to get over it. God came to ADAM first, when EVE and he sinned. There is a REASON JESUS SAID " EXCEPT FOR UNFAITHFULNESS." THE SISTERS seem to be the ONLY ONES THAT ARE HAVING THE HEART OF CHRIST IN THIS DISCUSSION. That breaks my heart. God is faithful and has embraced me thru all of this, and I know HE loves my husband too.
    Some of what you men are saying just is not scriptural. If your wife cheated on you and did not come clean about everything, that is her acting on her free will. Saying God is allowing the author of this letter to get hurt over and over to deal with her imperfections is like telling a mother of a murdered child that God allowed it due to her needing to be refined more like Him. Shame on a brother or sister for saying such things. That's EXACTLY why many unbelievers say they can't surrender to a God that allows such atrocities to take place in this world. When you explain it's a fallen world and He has given us all free will, but His perfect will one day over ride and bring justice in this world. Many unbelievers can accept that truth. But when they hear all this evil and pain is to get people to live rightly in Him, that brings no one to Him. Yes, He can use our sufferings to bring us into a closer walk with Him. But by NO means should you ever say God allowed it because that person needed to get right with Him. GOD ALONE knows our hearts. He ALONE is the judge of them. God give your children grace to love and have empathy without judgement. Righteous judgment is needed in the body. But telling someone in deep deep depth of pain due to a disloyal spouse. . .A spouse who broke covenant vow of marriage with not only them but God, that they somehow deserve it or are being allowed to be hurt over and over due to their need for growth in Christ is very very hurtful and adding furtger damage to an already frail heart that God holds preciosly in His hand. Women ARE the weaker vessel. Women ARE to be covered by their husbands. That is why God came to ADAM first. I listen to Tim often. He is one of my favorites, along with Francis Chan, and Paul Washer. This is the first time I've ever been saddened by his response to a letter. May you never have to walk in her shoes. I still love you brother. But I will pray for you in this. For it's a very fragile subject and one that should be possibly dealt with thru prayer and fasting.

    • @steventaylor1522
      @steventaylor1522 6 років тому +6

      Amen. She can biblically divorce him if she wanted to.

    • @steventaylor1522
      @steventaylor1522 6 років тому +7

      And even when you are saved. Forgiveness isn't easy

    • @faithtoken5010
      @faithtoken5010 6 років тому +3

      Steven Taylor true Steven. Sorry for making light of it. We all have different areas of weakness. I guess I could relate to the letter so sincerely, that as she wrote, it seems forgiveness is not nearly as difficult for her( as with me) rather it's the trusting. I pray nearly every night with tears, not for me but for him. The Holy Spirit often takes over and the weeping increases. He is the father of my 3 children. He's been amazing during several years of our marriage. He KNOWS THE TRUTH OF SCRIPTURE AND EVEN BELIEVES ALL OF IT. YET HIS LOVE FOR SIN over the past 15 years has brought a snare to his soul. As of yet, his fruit shows a lack of true repentance.

    • @shanbraz6011
      @shanbraz6011 6 років тому +3

      Forgiveness is not easy. Why do you think we need the Holy Spirit in is? Why do you think The Bible told us multiple times to forgive? Also, yes I believe that this situation is more painful than most people, especially the men in these comments, do not understand. People seem to have no compassion toward her which is verrrryyyy very sad

    • @salenasheppherd7551
      @salenasheppherd7551 5 років тому +1

      Beautifully said my sister!!!.😊😊😊

  • @standinginthegap7118
    @standinginthegap7118 2 роки тому +2

    I would like to add, that I respect you pastor Tim for being willing to take on horribly difficult questions publicly, teaching about them, and opening the questions up for discussion. May God bless you and your family.

  • @christopherdebattista6350
    @christopherdebattista6350 6 років тому +5

    One word...Hosea. I will pray for all of those who are suffering because of the behaviour of others. Yes we must forgive but also rebuke those who do wrong.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @elijahsmommy08
    @elijahsmommy08 6 років тому +17

    she needs to seperate and get away so she can be alone with Jesus and heal. THEN reconciliation can be possible.

    • @steventaylor1522
      @steventaylor1522 6 років тому +1

      Christian mom of 5 agreed

    • @shanbraz6011
      @shanbraz6011 6 років тому

      How is it her responsibility? He you really think that if she separated then he wouldn’t go right back to cheating? We have to be realistic and stop putting the pressure on women to fix the sins of their husbands. But don’t put reconciliation on her completely. That is so awful to do knowing he was unfaithful. Reconciliation occurs in certain situations. But Jesus clearly clearly clearly says that adultery is biblical grounds for divorce. Bottom line. She is not obligated to divorce but she has rights.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @lesliemontagne6797
    @lesliemontagne6797 2 роки тому +4

    Pastor asks what this wounded woman should do. How should she be advised. An excellent starting point. There are three options: stay with him (continue suffering), divorce him (perhaps she's not quite sure of that yet) or, why not separate and gain clarity, therapy, spiritual guidance? This is what I did. To heal, I had to get away from the pain source. Two years of prayer, guidance and hard work on myself led me to a place of stronger, surer womanhood. This led me to a place of really hearing God, knowing Him, developing an incredible relationship with Him. I have my answer now. My spouse blamed me, wasn't repentant, didn't apologize, told me to "get over it" (11 years of contact plus a secret getaway with her even after we'd moved to another city). Seek God first, alone, away from the triggers and hurt. A spouse's behavior will either continue to make you feel a lack of trust and respect for you, or you will absolutely know if he has taken responsibility and the initiative to now help YOU heal. It's his job to be the protector of the marriage and your heart. Sadly in my case, this is not what happened with us.

  • @EricSmyth4Christ
    @EricSmyth4Christ 6 років тому +6

    If you're not sure, lean towards forgiveness. You have been forgiven of more then what you are expected to forgive to others. Parable of the middle class man. Your debt has been removed, so you should more than strongly consider removing the debts of others, regardless of how extreme it seems. Think about how relieved you are to be forgiven of your sins when you are considering whether or not to forgive someone. That always helps me.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @woodle1snurz75
    @woodle1snurz75 6 років тому +11

    Dee Henry
    Quite simply, he broke the covenant. She is no longer obligated.

    • @salenasheppherd7551
      @salenasheppherd7551 5 років тому +1

      Thank you.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      how was that....

  • @atisembroidarydiary7626
    @atisembroidarydiary7626 3 роки тому +7

    My husband cheated on me with his ex girlfriend and now they have a child and he wants to live with that woman and on the other hand he wants my forgiveness. I'm going through a lot and I don't know what to do. I'm feeling helpless, everything is going against me. My family wants me to divorce him, even a part me too want to divorce him but a part of me is waiting for his comeback. I have loved him so much and I still do but this betrayal is getting over my love💔

  • @whitenerlife6975
    @whitenerlife6975 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you for sharing pastor this is exactly what im going threw. Im crying my eyes out bc i know im not the only one that feels exactly the same way as her. You guys are so helpful. Thank you so much i know God put this video for me to watch. This was all God pray for my healing im hurting and lost all trust i need prayers thank you

  • @zingscorner9031
    @zingscorner9031 6 років тому +8

    As I quickly looked down the list of replies I am shocked by the many who simply say "divorce him". This is just the "beginning" of a very long road for these two people. I see this as two, one way roads. What I mean by that is this: she has to answer to the Lord, He has to answer to the Lord. God is dealing with each one separately (and yet as one). She has the responsibility before her King to obey and He (sounding to be a lost man) has the responsibility to seek the Lord and repent and believe. This is a great and wonderful opportunity to see the Lord work in these two lives! a short answer to her would be, trust the Lord, Pray, saturate yourself with Christ, pray for salvation for you husband - let God fight for you. My short answer to him would be, Repent and Believe and his comments of saying "get over it" is coming forth from an unrepentant heart and an unbelieving heart whose end is the lake of fire. He needs to come clean, and as painful and awkward as it may be he needs to reveal "ALL" to his wife - no more secrets! Share one email, have a deal that the wife can access your cell phone at any time, even trade with yours for a day or two, no personal passwords, EVERYTHING must be revealed, no more SECRETS. This is only the beginning. He needs to understand the crime he has committed and what may take 30 seconds for a man who finally comes to Christ to "get over" may take years for the bride to get over and he needs to understand this, now it is his turn to be patient and pray like crazy. Forgiveness may be vocalized in a moments, but the heart will need time for the scars to heal. GOD can take a situation like this and create the most beautiful thing from it! God can take this situation and so turn it around that this couple can become a couple that can help so many others who are in a like situation and how God can heal. Is there anything Impossible with God? - then we must trust him, heed to the promises he has given us and always put before our eyes what Christ has done for us, as we "cheated" on him over and over again. May God be Glorified in all of this. And before someone reads this and think I have "no Clue" - this is written from a man who did just this... a man who committed adultery for years, a man who would say he was saved, a man who could justify sex outside of marriage, a man who was just a plain "jerk"!! and saw a woman who loved God and her cheating husband enough to trust her Saviour and pray and wait. And today God has blessed us and kept us, saved us (me). Is anything impossible with God? NOPE!!

    • @angelsanchezprieto5053
      @angelsanchezprieto5053 6 років тому

      Bill Zing good answer. It cannot be a person who has made such a terrible thing just to say get over it. The fruits and the works of the holy spirit have to be seen by her wife!

    • @aprilstorm329
      @aprilstorm329 6 років тому

      Hi Bill..This is going to be quite a long response nonetheless, I decided to share it..What came into my mind when I read some of your comment was Carla Faye Tucker. She was a woman who violently murdered 2 people in a robbery. She was sentenced to be executed however in between time people of God came to her prison and ministered the word and salvation of God in a prison ministry. Later on this woman got radically saved and transformed by the power of God and was so loved that even at the time of her execution which became public there was state wide prayer and even the 700 Club was publicly trying to intervene on her behalf . The story was so big that the Supreme Court and Gov. George W. Bush got involved and denied her the right to live any longer. Here is the exact quote of Gov. Bush.
      "When I was sworn in as the governor of Texas I took an oath of office to uphold the laws of our state, including the death penalty. My responsibility is to ensure our laws are enforced fairly and evenly without preference or special treatment.
      "Many people have contacted my office about this execution. I respect the strong convictions which have prompted some to call for mercy and others to emphasize accountability and consequences.
      "Like many touched by this case, I have sought guidance through prayer. I have concluded judgment about the heart and soul of an individual on death row are best left to a higher authority.
      "Karla Faye Tucker has acknowledged she is guilty of a horrible crime. She was convicted and sentenced by a jury of her peers. The role of the state is to enforce our laws and to make sure all individuals are treated fairly under those laws.
      "The state must make sure each individual sentenced to death has opportunity for access to the court and a thorough legal review. The courts, including the United States Supreme Court, have reviewed the legal issues in this case, and therefore I will not grant a 30-day stay.
      "May God bless Karla Faye Tucker and may God bless her victims and their families."..
      Yes, Carla Faye Tucker acknowledge her wrong and repented of her horrible past and by the mercy and grace of God she was forgiven and became born again. However, there was still a consequence she was going to suffer and that was her life. She would lose her natural life and than went into everlasting life. My point is you cannot use your individual situation and think everyone else should fit "your" mold. You sound like you repented and turned your life around and submitted to the Lord because you actually didnt want to lose your wife after you got caught or she found out and this was the hammer coming down in your life that you better seek the Lord or shes gone. Not all people men/women are willing to do that but choose to continued in their adulteress affairs. God always gives us a way out and the benefit of this is Jesus said In Matthew 19: 9.." I say anyone who puts away his wife accept for fornication and marries another is committing adultery." The power goes over to the offended spouse who was cheated on and I believe its their choice in ending the marriage or seeking restoration. It sounds in your case there was a willingness on both sides. This is not the case in all couples. One may feel they could never trust that spouse again due to repeated adultery or they just simply have no more trust. Again your mold is not for everyone and does not fit anyone accept yourself.
      You also quoted "Is anything impossible with God? NOPE!!" If you truly believed that than why didnt you present that fact before God in your yrs of adultery and ask the Lord to deliver and help you? All in all there is forgiveness, restoration and healing in each of our circumstances when we truly come to God. However, there is still consequences we have to pay for all those choices.

    • @susanmuncan3170
      @susanmuncan3170 6 років тому +1

      Well that's nice Advice, but did you Really experience something like that ?
      Giving someone advice is easier said then done, Why meddle into people's lives ? How do you know what God wants her to do ?

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @jaketryban8772
      @jaketryban8772 5 років тому

      Amen brother. Sad even the church is quick to divorce cuz they "have a right to"

  • @iidentifyasyourhighness9294
    @iidentifyasyourhighness9294 6 років тому +4

    Yes. Anyone that gets cheated on needs to get a divorce. I have given my ex boyfriend a second chance after he came clean and guess what he did? He cheated on me AGAIN and infected me with a STD. That was a long time ago, but if I ever get married and my spouse cheats on me, i will divorce him in a heartbeat.

  • @lesliemontagne6797
    @lesliemontagne6797 2 роки тому +4

    I wrote a prior comment before I finished listening here. I'm struggling with "your suffering is momentary suffering". Suffering is NOT momentary for a long-term cancer patient, or parents who have lost a child, or for a nation whose people have struggled for eternity under the yoke of slavery, OR for a man or woman who has been made to feel "less than", not good enough by an unfaithful spouse. Vows were broken, responsible adult behavior disappeared. Spouses and children's souls were decimated. Those who have been on the receiving end of some of the utmost in emotional relational cruelty suffer until they die. No, it's not momentary, sir.

    • @standinginthegap7118
      @standinginthegap7118 2 роки тому

      I agree with you 100%. People who never struggle in life, having an easy time with finding a godly dedicated spouse have no compassion or comprehension of what others face. The covenant was broken by her husband. Even Jesus said divorce was acceptable in these cases. A person is no longer bound by a covenant that is broken. It frustrates me that the majority of teachers teaching on suffering have never suffered in the ways the people they are counseling are suffering. When I am financially destitute I want to hear Paul Washer teach about it. When dealing with depression I wanna read from Spurgeon. I think most pastors are well meaning, but at times judgemental and uncompassionate because they have no personal point of reference.

    • @standinginthegap7118
      @standinginthegap7118 2 роки тому

      I thank you for your comments. You have helped me by being bold enough to speak. May God bless you and your family.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      Well said. I would have appreciated it if this elder had said "You have every right biblically to divorce your husband," because scripturally, she does. It is her right, but whether it is right may be a totally different answer depending on the facts and circumstances.
      I've heard people claim the so-called "exception clause" in Matt 19:9 applies only to immorality during the engagement period. Nonsense! It defies logic and common sense to hold that immorality prior to marriage would be grounds for divorce, but adultery during marriage would not be. This is not a reasonable position biblically any more than is moral relativism.

  • @lorityndall5783
    @lorityndall5783 2 роки тому +4

    My husband and I were married for 6 years. He was a habitual cheater. I fell in love with him and I still am in love him, however the cheating never ended. I did file for the divorce and just before our divorce he had a massive stroke and he passed away. In my heart I was remorseful for the divorce. However, i begged him time and time again to stop the marital affair and he never ended it. Now I struggle with the decision to divorce every day even after his death. There was a child born during this time and he put his name on the child's birth certificate. If he had repented and was truthful in the beginning I would have forgiven him.

    • @illbehonest
      @illbehonest  2 роки тому +3

      Hello Lori, in regards to, "Now I struggle with the decision to divorce every day even after his death"... this guilt, or however you might describe it, is really something you need to lay at the foot of the Cross. You might look back in hindsight and think your decision was wrong, or you might read Matthew 19 and realize the Scriptures did give you an exception to divorce (as some interpret it). Either way... you have to find peace through Christ who bore the anger and wrath of God for His people, to pay for all of their sins. There is no reason to continue on "every day" with reflecting on what could or should of been, but rather you need to live for Christ in the present. May God help you.

    • @RosasResources
      @RosasResources 2 роки тому


    • @paulajeanredditt841
      @paulajeanredditt841 2 роки тому +2

      You are not responsible for your husband's actions. May Jesus give you inner peace. I look forward to seeing you in Heaven one day!

    • @lorityndall5783
      @lorityndall5783 2 роки тому

      @@paulajeanredditt841 It's been a long period of healing and learning not to hold on to the guilt for his behavior has been a struggle. I pray each morning that God guides me through the struggle I have and thus far he has!! I am very grateful to God. I too hope that I see you in Heaven one day, take care.

    • @lorityndall5783
      @lorityndall5783 2 роки тому +1

      @@illbehonest thank you for your words of encouragement

  • @Monagl32
    @Monagl32 6 років тому +9

    You can forgive but you don't have to stay.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@iniubongnkanga9390 you say all in the first two words....I feel....well who cares, what you feel...that is an emotional rant....try to find out what the Bible teaches, on this subject...

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 An answer to "Who cares what you feel?" : God does.

  • @kathyhughes2333
    @kathyhughes2333 5 років тому +4

    why do these men act like they're now innocent and they're repented heart is now towards his wife. there is an evil there and a lack of love. I know, i'm going thru it myself.

  • @kathyhughes2333
    @kathyhughes2333 5 років тому +3

    some men and women don't realy have a conscience towards others or a spouse, I asked my husband if he was going to ever go and have another affair and he said he didn't know, God didn't take it lightly when Israel broke covenant with him.

  • @dh605x
    @dh605x 2 роки тому +1

    Tim is posing some very good questions here, and is showing a due sense of concern for the spouse. Good stuff.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 роки тому

      I did have a few concerns though:
      When hearing the letter read, I never got the sense that the woman who was cheated on was looking for some excuse to leave the marriage. She was wanting to see a genuine repentance in her husband, but she wasn't seeing it. It angers me to see people like this woman pressured into staying in a marriage with someone who is known to be unfaithful or unreliable.
      As for the profanity part, while it probably was not intended - adultery and use of profanity are nowhere each other on the sin scale. He should not have implied such a thing.

    • @remykisjes821
      @remykisjes821 2 роки тому

      @@dh605x God is teaching us to be merciful as God is merciful to us sinners. And not too soon chooce for a divorce.

  • @evinevlin5124
    @evinevlin5124 3 роки тому +1

    a wife does not allow to divorce her husband even though her hudband is abusive, adultery, left her for other woman
    (a wife is bound by Law to her husband as long as he lives (not only in their marriage) but if he dies (not if they are divorce), she is not bound no more.
    But if a wife is divorced, Let her remain unmarried ( not allowed to remarry another man) or reconciled to her husband.
    If divorced wife is married by other man, both of tbem commit adultery

  • @lindapreston9117
    @lindapreston9117 3 роки тому +2

    I can really understand her because I’ve also been in the same situation, she’s very hurt, but the guy is not humble in the destructive deed. And calling her crazy makes it worse, and emphasizes his un compassionate attitude toward her heart. Divorce with no remarriage is honorable. This individual has not repented, because true repentance brings humility. The heart of the woman is never at ease again, unless he lives with her as Christ instructed him to love his wife. Someone’s heart is not to be taken lightly. And forgiveness is necessary even if there is s divorce, because forgiveness have nothing to do with whether or not one repents. If they are not together she must forgive him, but that doesn’t necessarily make the marriage possible.

    • @lesliemontagne6797
      @lesliemontagne6797 2 роки тому

      Amen, Linda. An unrepentant, blaming, irresponsible spouse can bring such damage to another individual so that some decide the pain is so great they want to take their own lives. That's not what Christ wants for us.

  • @davidldurbin4702
    @davidldurbin4702 4 роки тому +3

    Pastor my husband may be having his second affair on me .im very heart broken and feel very lost. My husband has been being cruel to be very easily and causes me to argue after he teases me and hurts my feelings. I pray every night. I don’t know if God’s showing me but daily new signs fall on my lap .please pray for my family

    • @tanwatson55
      @tanwatson55 4 роки тому

      david L Durbin hi look up standing wife’s on UA-cam their are many standers and many women who have got their spouses back after letting go and letting God

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

  • @deehenry6192
    @deehenry6192 6 років тому +6

    ow God’s will we must take Scripture in its full context and be lead by the Holy Spirit instead of our flesh, emotions and limited humanistic thinking.
    When Jesus was speaking on divorce who was He talking to? He was talking to the Jews. What is their tradition with marriage? And why did he used the words sexual immorality and adultery? Why not just use adultery? Hmmm...because sexual immorality refers to someone who is sexually immoral BEFORE marriage. This is why Jesus’ earthly father Joeseph sought to divorce Mary quietly because he thought she was immoral (not adulterous) before they got married. When they were betrothed. And Paul does not give an out in 1 Corinthians 7. He says if your unbelieving spouse leaves let them leave and be at peace. Meaning let the peace of God in Christ (the Holy Spirit) dwell in you and let them leave. But Paul does not give a believer permission to divorce. Your husband or wife cheats or anything else you are to remain married to them. Period. That doesn’t mean you have to live in the same home or put your safety in jeaprody but you don’t end the marriage. Ever read the story of Hosea and Gomer? Not to mention the fact that every TRUE follower of Christ will face some sort of hardship. If you look at every disciple, prophet, strong man and woman of The Lord they faced hardship. God will deliver you if you do it His way. Your marriage is the greatest example of Christ’s love to His church. A broken marriage isn’t easily broken if you allow Him to be the third strand. (Ecc 4:12) If it takes several days, weeks, months or years you stay. A marriage and spouse that stands strong in Christ no matter what is what this world needs to see. I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me, unto Him who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above ALL that we ask according to the power that worketh in us. Not to mention the fact that we said “for better or WORSE til death do us part”. Jesus’ teaching is right in our vows! No matter what you’re going through you stay and depend on Christ and those committed to Him to get you through it.
    Just ask yourself which scenario looks most like Christ’s sacrificial and selfless love?
    I will be praying for all of you who are hurting. I pray this post gives you direction and hope.
    May God bless you according to His will and by His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

    • @ALMOND725
      @ALMOND725 6 років тому

      Wow. I'm going through this right now and I've never heard it explained like this through all my searching for answers and research on this heinous act. I'm am very grateful to have run across your explanation and may GOD continue to bless you with wisdom throughout your life. Thank you so much!!

    • @whitenerlife6975
      @whitenerlife6975 4 роки тому

      Wow im going threw this. I feel exactly like her and my husband is acting exactly the same thank you for your words well said.i wish u made a video on this

  • @debrannkaye861
    @debrannkaye861 5 місяців тому +1

    I am confused with everything you said. My husband cheated on me I want a divorce I can forgive but I can't forget yes or no. I don't want counseling he needed counseling before he went and slept with that woman he didn't ask for counseling then why I asked for it now I WANT A DIVORCE!!!!! I CAN FORGIVE HIM WHEN I LEAVE AS LONG AS I'M WITH HIM I CANNOT FORGIVE HIM BECAUSE JUST LOOKING AT HIM TRIGGERS ME???????

  • @autumn4115
    @autumn4115 10 місяців тому

    I've experienced something similar. I kept forgiving and opening my heart to an unrepentant person. Until I started making demands. I needed certain actions in place to help me heal. If I wasn't going to see consistent effort in helping me heal, I was going to leave the marriage. For the previous 7 seven years I let my husband off the hook because I thought the Lord had to deal with me to learn forgiveness. My husband used that as a reason to take advantage of my willingness to forgive, even telling me he has a forgiving heart, when he had nothing forgive. So I drew the line and made demands. When he realised I would leave, only then did he make the effort to comply. And believe it or not, that absolutely accelerated my healing process. So we must extend forgiveness and stay in marriages where there is genuine repentance. And it will be easy to forgive and unrepentant person when you are no longer married to them.

  • @madeleinehuhtalo
    @madeleinehuhtalo Рік тому

    one feels in the heart if a man has repented, if he repented he should spend all his time proving love to her, if that doesn't happen it is not strange if she feels something is not right. But I hold on to forgiveness, if Christ has forgiven us, we must forgive the worst sins. but both must help. but it is a difficult problem emotionally.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +2

    the ideal is the name, of the game....if at all possible...and no one seems to have any idea as to what the exception in Matthew is all, err, on the side of caution, and reconcile....

  • @MickiB_Is4916
    @MickiB_Is4916 6 років тому +6

    The husband needs to read the bible and pray with her if he wants this marriage to heal. His relationship with the Lord needs to bear some fruit. If he's truly repentant it would be easier for her to forgive. This is a healing process for both of them not just her and if he really loves her he would recognize that. But it's questionable if he's calling her crazy for struggling with something he chose to do in their marriage, that shows a heart without Godly sorrow, lacking humility. Telling her to get over it? Even God himself requires a broken and contrite spirit, that He will not despise so how can She feel secure with a spouse with this attitude? There are reasons she is still struggling with this but 2 1/2 yrs. isn't alot of time for the offended spouse to be all better again. Also remember that he was exposed by his girlfriend, he didn't repent on his own..and for wife to stay in distrust is torment. if she feels she can't continue then the Lord has said she can divorce. So husband, if you mean it, get closer to God, put him at the center of your marriage. Don't expect her to carry the weight alone.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @klooster97
    @klooster97 2 роки тому +2

    Interpreting pornea as sexual immorality is not the best interpretation here. It is better interpreted as formication to contrast to moichea used as adultery in the Matthew 5 and 19. This is addressed to a Jewish audience taking about the betrothal period. Mark 10 and Luke 16 have no clause. The first 1500 years of the church recognized no exceptions for divorce and remarriage. My advice would be no to this woman. Separation is called for in the bible. They seem to be on a right Ravi but i would advise the husband to really get with God and try to write as full of a confession letter as he can, and try to listen and learn his wife's triggers. Make changes as necessary.

  • @The72Rabbit
    @The72Rabbit 6 років тому +3

    Two things are happening. For the woman, she has been betrayed. For the man, he is a dry drunk. Both are expressing hurt and not healing. If they both love each other in a Godly way, they both need healing and it takes time and a safe and loving group of people not to speak condemnation but to bring forgiveness and love to establish a process of healing.

  • @evinevlin5124
    @evinevlin5124 3 роки тому +2

    A wife after divorced from her unfaithful husband is not allowed to remarry other man, she will be called adulteress if she be one flesh with other man while her first hudband lives

    • @RosasResources
      @RosasResources Рік тому

      Its better to marry than to burn in passion, 1 Cor 7
      If your husband Commit adultery
      Matthew 19:8.
      The new covenant give grace right? Isn't that why he went to the cross?

  • @elijahsmommy08
    @elijahsmommy08 6 років тому +5

    I have another realted question. Can a woman divorce her husband for continuously partaking in watching pornography? if Jesus called lusting after a woman adultery and adultery is biblical grounds for divorce. Is a woman allowed to divorce in such cases or must she continually live with a husband who continues to repeatedly cheat on her with his eyes and heart?

    • @rayfieldwiseman5835
      @rayfieldwiseman5835 6 років тому +4


    • @felung2746
      @felung2746 6 років тому +3

      That is adultery , if he will not repent better for him to leave

    • @khole15
      @khole15 6 років тому +1

      Just know, that IF you divorce him, you have to remain single and celibate for the rest of your life.
      And if you have kids with him, know that u will ruin there lifes.

    • @screaminsunshine
      @screaminsunshine 6 років тому +3

      The Filador ... what chapter and verse says that, may I ask?

    • @khole15
      @khole15 6 років тому

      screaminsunshine read the bible

  • @jackmearl
    @jackmearl 6 років тому +2

    Adultery is a very serious evil. Justice demands that they divorce. But if there are children involved for their sake she should preserve the family and forgive him.

    • @shanbraz6011
      @shanbraz6011 6 років тому +1

      Jack Earl that’s not scripture at ALL. If there are children involved she is not obligated to stay in a relationship with him.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @lindapreston9117
    @lindapreston9117 3 роки тому

    When I realize what God has saved me for, it made me really forgive him from the heart, with no intention or knowledge that I would be with him. I used the Scriptures in every word that Pastor Tim says, because every person is allowed to sin and all needs His forgiveness. The enemy really wants to kill both and destroy the Christian and kill the unbeliever. This for the woman that’s saved you will find out your status in Christ and pray for more grace to be more. God is amazing if you are willing to suffer for the Kingdom in your marriage. God bless and my prayers with you

  • @ajlouviere202
    @ajlouviere202 4 роки тому +3

    The divorce and remarriage for adultery doctrine is based solely on the supposed guilt of the wife in Matthew 5:32, and Matthew 19:9. However, the wife in Matthew 5:31-32 is clearly not guilty of fornication because the Jews that Jesus was speaking to were still living under the law, and if fornication was discovered, there was a moral obligation to report the offender according to Deuteronomy 22:13-24. The wife, who would have been found guilty of fornication, was subsequently stoned to death, according to the law, which had still governed the Jews up until Christ's death on the cross. The same for a woman caught in adultery, according to Leviticus 20:10. How could a wife, guilty of fornication, or adultery, under the law of Moses, be given a writing of divorcement and be caused to commit adultery with whosoever marries her, that is divorced? Jesus is clear, in these examples, that the wife is not guilty of fornication, but is still caused to commit adultery if she marries another man now that she is divorced. This is the only way that Matthew 5:31-32, and Matthew 19:9 keep harmony with Romans 7:2-3, and 1 Corinthians 7:39.
    Unlike the synoptic gospels of Mark and Luke, which were written to evangelize the Gentiles, Matthew was written to the Jews, and has of 24 characteristics that identify it as intended for the house of Israel.
    The ancient Jews called the betrothed (engaged) "husband" and "wife" according to Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Matthew 1:18-25, and Luke 2:5-7.
    Deuteronomy 24:1-4 (Moses's precept of divorce and remarriage) was never for fornication or adultery. Allowing those guilty of fornication and adultery to remain living and become a prospect for remarriage was against the law of Moses in Deuteronomy 22:13-24 and Leviticus 20:10, which commanded that those who were found guilty of fornication and adultery be put away from Israel, and stoned to death.
    The law of Moses was not given to the world, only to the Jews. From the exodus, to Christ's death on the cross, the law of Moses governed the Jewish people. But when Jesus died on the cross, he caused the Jews to be dead to the law of Moses so they could be joined to Christ under a New Covenant. This is what Jesus's fulfillment of the law of Moses, including Deuteronomy 24:1-4 (Moses's precept of divorce and remarriage), means. Paul gave several warnings to Christian believers against keeping the law of Moses over following Christ and his commands under the New Covenant with Christ. Keeping the whole law is no longer possible for those in Israel and that is why Christ prophesied that the temple would be destroyed. These scriptures make it clear that if you choose the law over Christ, that you must keep the whole law: Romans 7:4, Galatians 3:1-9, Galatians 3:10-29, Galatians 4:1-7, Galatians 4:21-31, and Galatians 5:1-15.
    Being unequally yoked to unbelievers is not a cause for divorce, once two become one-flesh in a covenant of marriage, according to 1 Corinthians 7:12-14. Many one-flesh covenant marriages between unbelievers are recognized by God in the scriptures, most notably the marriage covenants between Herodias and King Herod's brother Philip, Potiphar and his wife, Ahab and Jezebel, and Ruth to her deceased husband Mahlon by Boaz when he took her to be his wife.
    Some are teaching that 1 Corinthians 7:15 implies that those who are abandoned by the unbeliever, are "no longer bound" in a one-flesh covenant of marriage. The reason this is in conflict is due to the way they word it, which gives it an entirely different meaning, and context. 1 Corinthians 7:15, says, "15But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace." As you can see, the actual scripture says "not under bondage," which means that the husband or wife is not enslaved to sin with the unbelieving spouse, and is free to worship Christ in peace. Subsequent translations have changed the words to imply that they nullify the marriage covenant, when this is not at all the case. The issue that this creates is with 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, which says, "10And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 11But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." As you can see, those who claim 1 Corinthians 7:15 has the Apostle Paul giving permission to remarry do not understand that the abandoned husband in 1 Corinthians 7:11 is expected to also remain unmarried, in order to be reconciled with his wife. The theory that 1 Corinthians 7:15 nullifies two as being one-flesh in marriage puts the Apostle Paul directly at odds with Christ, by implying that he has issued an opposing command.
    Some also teach that 1 Corinthians 7:27-28 is referring to both divorced men and virgin women, and not exclusively to men and women (virgins) who have never been married. This has been falsely taught for some time in churches as referring to anyone who is not currently in a marriage, which, for them, also includes those who are divorced. This is a very false assumption, and puts these verses in a different context, that is at odds with both the teachings of Christ and the apostle Paul. We see Paul refer to virgins, which signifies the unmarried who have never before been wed, which is the proper context here. We see Paul saying clearly that it is good for virgins, which is also speaking to never before wed men here, "that it is good for a man so to be." He goes on to say, "Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife." Who is he referring to here? Men who, like himself, have never married. The word "bound", in these verses, is a clear reference to betrothal (engagement) and not to a one-flesh covenant of marriage. The ancient Jews were considered bound as husband and wife during the betrothal (espousal/engagement) before becoming one-flesh in a covenant of marriage, through consummation. This is affirmed by the context of the term "bound" seen in Numbers 30:14-16.
    The Jewish couples in ancient Israel, who were betrothed (engaged) were also bound together until death, either by execution for fornication, or by other causes. Then Paul says, "But and if thou marry, thou has not sinned", which is who? The men who had never married in the congregation at Corinth. So he begins with verses 25-26 speaking exclusively to men that have never married. Paul then says, "and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned", which is speaking directly in regard to virgin women who have never been married, within the congregation, not divorced women. Notice that verse 34 says, "There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband." Paul speaks plainly when he says "there is a difference between a wife and a virgin." Paul goes on to say, "But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry." This is speaking of a virgin who has become of age to bear children when it says, "let them marry." This is a clear command, to a single man, who has taken a virgin to be his wife. Paul then says, "Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well." This is referring again to the single man who decides it is better not to marry, but to stay betrothed (engaged), under the present distress, by saying that he "hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin." Paul then says, "So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better", which again means single men, in the congregation, who have betrothed a wife, do well if they marry, and those who choose not to marry their virgin brides do better, under the current climate. For more proper context of the word "bound", let's look further down in this chapter to verse 39, which says, "39The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 7:39). For so long, these scriptures, between verses 25-38, have been twisted and used to enable divorce and remarriage, by wayward churches and teachers, and have caused many to stumble and to be trapped in unscriptural unions.
    The use of the woman at the well, in regard to marriage, falsely implies that Christ was endorsing remarriage after a divorce. This teaching is in defiance of Matthew 22:23-28, which shows a woman who had been widowed seven times, and entered into each subsequent marriage without any scriptural conflicts with God's law of marriage (one-flesh covenant) seen in Genesis 2:23-24.
    Mark 10:1-12 and Matthew 19:1-12 both record Christ's teaching that day beyond the Jordan. There is no mention of the words "fornication", "writing of divorcement", or "divorced" in Mark's Gospel, because Mark was not written to the Jews (as Matthew's Gospel was), but to evangelize the Romans and Greeks, who had no knowledge of the law of Moses in Deuteronomy 22 or Deuteronomy 24. All of these facts draw a clear understanding that remarriage after a divorce, under the New Covenant with Christ, is a scripturally false and baseless teaching. Please use wisdom when living in any situation against what the scriptures command.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      you get a lot of milage, out of this post....why not summarize....your point....because if you cant give a basic answer.....then how likely are we to understand your excessive information, in the post...

    • @ajlouviere202
      @ajlouviere202 4 роки тому

      @@philipbuckley759 are you a proponent of remarriage after a divorce?

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

    • @kresivarivkah612
      @kresivarivkah612 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you. Best answer yet. You should make a video. No one would ever ask this question again. Thanks! 💮

    • @ajlouviere202
      @ajlouviere202 3 роки тому +2

      @@kresivarivkah612 Amen.

  • @thecurlyexperiment5924
    @thecurlyexperiment5924 4 роки тому +2

    I agree if the husband is repentant an has made strives to show u how he has changed an how god has changed him u shouldn’t divorce it’s not right they acknowledge their sin an will not do it again that’s enough forgive an move on. God doesn’t give up on us after we sin that’s the reason we can’t give up on our spouses. He doesn’t say I forgive u but I’m still sending u to hell. No he works with u to make you better god would never leave his bride no matter how far we run from him. That’s why I stay with my husband.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      you are someone willing to stand, for the covenant you made, with your spouse...

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

  • @klooster97
    @klooster97 2 роки тому

    Beautifully discussed brother and sisters.

  • @aprilstorm329
    @aprilstorm329 6 років тому +3

    Jesus said In Matthew 19: 9.." I say anyone who puts away his wife accept for fornication and marries another is committing adultery." The power goes over to the offended spouse who was cheated on and I believe its their choice in ending the marriage or seeking restoration. . There may be a willingness on both sides for healing and continuing the marriage. However, this is not the case in all couples. One may feel they could never trust that spouse again due to repeated adultery or they just simply have no more trust. Each individual situation does not have the same mold and does not fit the same as another. All in all there is forgiveness, restoration and healing in each of these circumstances when one truly come to God. However, there is still consequences we have to pay for choices and that could be that the husband/wife who was the offending party decides to divorce and they are biblical free to do so.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @hyacinthhart5502
    @hyacinthhart5502 6 років тому +1

    Pastor Tim - I'm in the same situation. He has separated from me. Not divorced yet. I have two teenage girls. Please advise/help.

  • @naomigiselle00
    @naomigiselle00 2 роки тому +1

    "And if your right-hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." Matthew 5:30. He sounds unrepentant, and It's leading her to act out in ways that she shouldn't. Cut him off.

  • @evinevlin5124
    @evinevlin5124 3 роки тому +2

    Matthew 5: 32is the words of Jesus to all married men or husbands ( not to married women or wives)
    Jesus says : whoever (husband) divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality ( wife commited sex with other man) then he marries another woman, he commits adultery.
    there are two type of wives, one is faithful wife and other is unfaitful one.
    When husband divorces a faithful wife, he causes her commits adultery, then he marries another woman, he commits adultery.
    Except for sex immorality ( wife commits sex with other man)
    Husband allows to divorce his unfaithful and defiled wife, then he can remarry but marries woman who never been married or virgin
    Matt 5 : 32b, Luke 16 : 18b is the word of Jesus to all men : Whoever marries a divorce woman/wife, he commits adultery

  • @Shellshellzee
    @Shellshellzee 6 років тому +3

    Can barely hear the other brother, give him a mic too please so we can hear him like we hear you

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому +2

    this all seems to be academic as adultery is not the exception, for divorce, and is fornication, and many times it has been said that Erasmus changed this term, fornication, to sexual immorality, which the reformers, such as Luther promoted....thus opening the flood gates to divorce and remarriage....and if fornication were sex, ala Joseph and Mary, then there would be no exception to divorce and remarriage....once the covenant is in effect, that is....

    • @TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus
      @TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus 8 місяців тому

      Well said, brother. There is no exception for adultery, and all these preachers spend too much time trying to justifying sin.

  • @evinevlin5124
    @evinevlin5124 3 роки тому +1

    Wife/woman asks : Should I divorce my hudband for adultery ?
    Lord Jesus answer : if a wife divorces her husband then marries another man she commits adultery (Mark 10 : 12)
    Lord commands : if a wife is divorced from husband, Let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
    She is bound to her husband as long as he lives (not as long as only in their marriage) but if her hudbanfd dies ( not if her husband divorces her) she is free to remarry ( 1 Cor 7 : 11, 39, Romans 7 : 2, 3)
    Lord Jesus says to all men : Whoever marries a divorced woman he commits adultery (Matt 5 : 32b, Luke 16 : 18b)

  • @doreenlane2370
    @doreenlane2370 5 років тому +5

    Her husband is not really repentant

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      @@iniubongnkanga9390 once again...someone getting a lot of mileage...out of this post.....people make vows for better or what is your excuse...

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

  • @gersonmelendez8940
    @gersonmelendez8940 6 років тому +3

    The man is not sinless but if he has repented God has forgiven him. And as for the woman she said it herself she is wrestling eith unforgiveness, God how many times are you ought to forgive your brother? Seventy times 7.......point is she need forgive him period and understand thats Gods mercies are NEW every morning so she should be the same with her husband, either that or get a divorce.....amen

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @susanmuncan3170
    @susanmuncan3170 6 років тому +3

    My advice to her is, She needs to turn to God, she should ask God in Jesus name to guide her to what she should do, and the Lord will help.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @kathyhughes2333
    @kathyhughes2333 5 років тому +1

    my husband came and told me and then continued to rub my face in it telling me the details and expects me to stay and allow it to continue

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @farasatliaqat3405
    @farasatliaqat3405 2 роки тому

    I need help ,my husband who is pastor did adultery and now that woman pregnant ,as I know that now very much heart,what should I do and punishment should that woman need even she married she did that because she know her husband not able to become father so please let me know what I do in law and biblically

    • @remykisjes821
      @remykisjes821 2 роки тому +1

      Simply that man cannot be a pastor anymore.

  • @kaylajoseph8334
    @kaylajoseph8334 6 років тому +2

    How about my husband left me & live with his girlfriend?

    • @matildejimenez5871
      @matildejimenez5871 6 років тому +3

      There is a great book called Love must be tough, by Dr. James Dobson. I know we are called to be loving and to forgive, but that doesn't mean to ignore psychology and human nature, especially when interacting with non-believers.

    • @kaylajoseph8334
      @kaylajoseph8334 6 років тому +1

      Matilde Jiménez thanks for advice

    • @charlesterrizzi8311
      @charlesterrizzi8311 6 років тому

      He needs to repent quickly, you should pray and seek all means to this end. Sometimes church discuss plane can straighten up a rebel like that. Give it some time and real effort (God effort) .....otherwise you have been both abandoned and the victim of fornication.

    • @kaylajoseph8334
      @kaylajoseph8334 6 років тому

      Charles Terrizzi what you mean about we both been abandoned & victim of fornication?

    • @salenasheppherd7551
      @salenasheppherd7551 5 років тому

      @@charlesterrizzi8311 Kayla stated that her HUSBAND left her to go live with his girlfriend (mistress). That's ADULTERY.......not fornication.
      @Kayla Joseph my husband did the exact same thing. Abandoned me and our infant son to go live with his mistress and now she's pregnant by him. The Lord has given me clearance to divorce (Adultery). I still PRAY for my husband's deliverance and at the same time the Lord granted me my freedom once the vows were viciously broken. The church loves to try and encourage women to remain in marriages were the husbands don't honor their vows, but when the tables are turned they don't hesitate to encourage the man to FILE FOR DIVORCE AND MOVE ON.

  • @johnfranks3835
    @johnfranks3835 6 років тому +2

    Of course you can get a divorce. Don't let restrictive principles be applied in some TRADITIONAL hyper puritan way. Matthew 19:9 is pretty clear. Just be in the right frame of mind. We are called on to forgive others, but that doesn't mean you are in a marriage that is thriving or healthy in any way. Maybe its just me, but the man you are married, if he cheated and you feel uneasy about it even after many years, should dedicate his life to make you feel better and reassured. Perhaps I'm wrong, and if so please show me through exegesis.

    • @charlesterrizzi8311
      @charlesterrizzi8311 6 років тому +1

      John Franks Depends on the egregiousness of the situation. God still hates divorce...but a pedophile would almost certainly have to be divorced. Generally if someone was unfaithful, but has repented, the situation could be borne with and better blessings could come from reconciliation. Even with many aggravations.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому +1

    forgive us, our we forgive those who trespass agains us......the Bible...

  • @natishacopeland6756
    @natishacopeland6756 5 років тому

    Sadly I'm in the same situation as this lady 😔I never thought my marriage would come to this but it did. I love my husband so much, that sometimes I feel so ashamed that I love him. My husband has stated that it was pretty much texting between him and another woman, I found out he lied and that him and this other woman met up a few occasions for lunch and coffee for over 2 years. I found out that on one occasion she was 6 months pregnant when he had coffee with her. Of course my suspicions ran wild and still do. I ended up finding out he told her we were separated which we were not, and our marriage wasn't the great. He shared personal stuff how me and our children, discussed things to her about how mad and angry I was all the time. 20 years married to whom I thought was my soul mate, who shared all my emotions with, who I pulled away and would say what's going on in our marriage something doesn't feel right. I gave him so many openings to open up about the truth, he never did. I had to reach out the other woman. From the both of them they never had sex. In my heart I choose to not believe it due to the length of time they new eachother. The woman had decided to share after I had asked that my husband would consistently text her, even to a point she had to tell him to leave her alone. She has then moved on with another man, only to still receive texts from my husband, making her feel bad she was with her boyfriend and not him,( My Husband). She had told me my husband wasn't the father of her child cause they never had sex, but again I'm still in disbelief, although the child looks nothing related to my husband, it doesn't mean they didn't engaged sexually. Since finding out this, my life as been hell. My days may consist of good ones, bad ones, angry and bitter ones. I saw my husband get down on both knees and ask God to forgive him and my forgiveness. I've seen him cry and beg me not to leave him, yet I'll always remember he begged this other woman who wasn't his wife. he's offers for us to go church. I do see him try for my love, which was lost because of my lack of trust for the past 10 years. He ask me everyday why can't just leave it alone and move forward, yet again he never had the heart to tell me, watchede cry in pain, begging him to please tell me if there was someone else. Nope... Never opened up. I feel if my husband was truly sorry and truly committed to our marraige/relationship he wouldn't have put me through such torment. Now that it's out of the bag I don't know how to cope with all this, we are in marriage counseling, but feel as though he is distance and not sincere, more the less still upset about something. My gut still says there's something else, but I don't know if it's my severe lack of trust eating me up. I ask God everyday day to guide me and listen with every strength I have.

    • @gracebaksh5454
      @gracebaksh5454 5 років тому

      Trust in the Lord and leave it alone. God loves you both. Jesus already forgave him and you can forgave him too.

    • @iniubongnkanga9390
      @iniubongnkanga9390 5 років тому +1

      I feel no one deserves to be in a relationship with a narcissist they are terrible people that feel entitled thank God for my friend who referred me to an hacker and i was able to hack my narcissist partner's phone, all i did was to share his phone number with (geniustracker) without touching his phone and see all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned contact him to help he is a genius. You can text/call +1 (415) 323-6758 or reach him on WhatsApp +1 (724) 330-3252 and also write to Via Gmail (geniustracker701) don't forget to thank me later...

    • @jaketryban8772
      @jaketryban8772 5 років тому

      @@iniubongnkanga9390 ok bert we get it. Leave everyone alone. Jeeze.

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому +1

    why do so many beat the same drum....sexual immorality....and why was this changed from seems to be a hopeless mess....

    • @rosserscott4376
      @rosserscott4376 3 роки тому +1

      It's only hopeless for those that won't except the truth. Remarriage while a spouse is still living is adultery. Not my words but the words of Jesus christ.

  • @lulla7165
    @lulla7165 4 роки тому

    Bonjour est ce que quelqu'un pourrait traduire cette vidéo en français svp ? 🙏🙏

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

      I think you can change the language.....check with the advanced settings with the utube video....

    • @magicianmukoro6807
      @magicianmukoro6807 4 роки тому

      how i got my ex lover back by the help of dr Ncube marriage/relationship
      specialist. contact him if you need help
      WhatsApp contact. +27657245603
      His email Address to get your own help...

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@magicianmukoro6807 demon.....

  • @evapeace2385
    @evapeace2385 Рік тому

    I would separate and seek God she needs some alone time and he needs God to work on him!!!

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 4 роки тому

    well one thing is exchange, instead of a talking head....from a preacher....

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@magicianmukoro6807 go away....even you name appears to be demonic...

  • @maunder01
    @maunder01 3 роки тому

    Run. He's behaviour sounds narcissistic and emotional abuse

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      these do not constitute a Biblical reason for divorce and remarriage...

    • @maunder01
      @maunder01 3 роки тому +1

      @@philipbuckley759 you are not God. God will lead each one of us. You need to stop going on every video condemning people. You do not know each circumstance or how God will lead.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@maunder01 you have to go, to every video because no one wants to preach what the Bible teaches.....if you would like a comprehensive straight forward presentation, on this subject, try David Pawson....he will tell you straight up.....comply with the teachings of Scripture, or pay the would you like to know that, today, when you can change...or on judgement day....when there are not options, left....just judgement....

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

      @@maunder01 you have to go, to every video because no one wants to preach what the Bible teaches.....if you would like a comprehensive straight forward presentation, on this subject, try David Pawson....he will tell you straight up.....comply with the teachings of Scripture, or pay the would you like to know that, today, when you can change...or on judgement day....when there are not options, left....just judgement....

    • @maunder01
      @maunder01 3 роки тому +3

      @@philipbuckley759 l appreciate what you are saying but you are not God. The Holy Spirit will guide each one into truth and righteousness. Only He knows our hearts and the details of our lives.

  • @sweetsoul4269
    @sweetsoul4269 3 роки тому +1

    He's foul

  • @darryltognarelli6769
    @darryltognarelli6769 2 роки тому +1

    She needs to leave him, and continue with Jesus and stay single

  • @clydeholiday5907
    @clydeholiday5907 Рік тому

    And plus there's no such thing as a Christian Jesus never taught it he taught us to be disciples of Jesus of Christ disciple means student in Jesus is our teacher he matter of fact Jesus said call nobody your teacher and if these are people following Jesus so why do every church have Sunday School and Sunday school you have teachers Jesus talked against that stuff wake up read it yourself don't take my word for it I know I don't want to go to hell by listening to these people

    • @madeleinehuhtalo
      @madeleinehuhtalo Рік тому

      What would it look like if God didn't call teachers??? teachers are appointed by God. Tim Conway has been VERY helpful to me.

    • @clydeholiday5907
      @clydeholiday5907 Рік тому

      Your an idiot God did call us to be teachers

    • @clydeholiday5907
      @clydeholiday5907 Рік тому

      Jesus sesd call nobody your teacher

    • @clydeholiday5907
      @clydeholiday5907 Рік тому

      So if you disagree with that keep your thoughts to yourself cuz I can care less because I know you're I know you're a Satanist

    • @madeleinehuhtalo
      @madeleinehuhtalo Рік тому

      @@clydeholiday5907 yet God has called teachers, that word must mean something deeper