  • Опубліковано 23 січ 2025


  • @natasha_rusnow
    @natasha_rusnow  8 місяців тому +105

    Support me, my channel and video tutorials, buy me a cup of coffee 💜

    • @shohidul7257
      @shohidul7257 8 місяців тому

      It is the Alphabet r wich is harder to pronounce

    • @nogag8219
      @nogag8219 8 місяців тому

      I think all native russian teachers are crap. They are clueless on how to teach russian. How can you teach alphabets without using them in some words.

    • @renatoherren4217
      @renatoherren4217 8 місяців тому

      Useful is only its first name. (lame translation of a swiss saying) That was by far the best introduction to the russian alphabeth i ever found. 😎😎😎😎 You could also admit, that you stole some greek letters, like rho, phi and pi. 😜😜

    • @c2dvr
      @c2dvr 7 місяців тому

      You are a very good teacher Natasha. Spaseba for all you do.

    • @robiulhossain5319
      @robiulhossain5319 6 місяців тому

      Dear how can join your watercourse? Please let me assist. I'm belong to Bangladesh but right now i'm here in Russia tobolsk for my job.

  • @rozmi97
    @rozmi97 Рік тому +355

    I am from Mexico and I have just started to learn Русский. I loved how you explained hard and soft sound, it was crystal clear. Muchas gracias Natasha! 😇

  • @MateusPilot
    @MateusPilot 4 місяці тому +59

    I'm brazilian, and it is kinda easy for portuguese speakears to work on any voice sound in russian.
    Thx for this class, absolutely masterpiece

    • @vicereja
      @vicereja 4 місяці тому +3

      yeah, that’s so true

    • @MateusPilot
      @MateusPilot 4 місяці тому

      @@vicereja bom demais sksksks

    • @gabrielmiranda5068
      @gabrielmiranda5068 2 місяці тому

      Bom achar brasileiros por aqui, tem alguma sugestão de series ou filmes em russo?

    • @fernandobeltrao9257
      @fernandobeltrao9257 Місяць тому +1

      @@gabrielmiranda5068 BRs estão em todos os canais de linguas 😅, o que pega é o alfabeto diferente, mas depois pega o jeito e só vai

  • @johnstrickland9555
    @johnstrickland9555 10 місяців тому +12

    I have just started learning Russian. Your video has really helped me understand the basics. Thank you very much. 😊😊😊

  • @padamarya3967
    @padamarya3967 8 місяців тому +54

    You are speaking very clear english so it is very easy to understand.

  • @survivingasteoridapophis225
    @survivingasteoridapophis225 8 місяців тому +31

    This is a smart way to learn the Russian alphabet, I like it.

  • @jamespeterson1042
    @jamespeterson1042 8 місяців тому +35

    Russian is one of the tougher languages for a native English speaker to learn. Thank you so much this is not only helped me learn the alphabet but how to pronounce and spell correctly in Russian! You take a difficult and abstract concept and simplifiy it in 20 minutes in such a way for anyone to understand (was pausing and writing notes for retention purposes) Like this was such a good video and I am so happy I found your channel. 😊

    • @freddiehoch1954
      @freddiehoch1954 Місяць тому

      One of my Bulgarian friends is trying to understand how we use this word “like” in our conversational English. And I sent him the part of your comment where you used it. That was such a great example; thank you!!

    • @ManeShores
      @ManeShores 22 дні тому

      @@freddiehoch1954 It wasn't a good example, lots of people from native English throw words like "like" into their sentences when they shouldn't.
      You could say "I like to drive a car", which means, "I enjoy driving cars".
      The second use would be "he is like a brother to me". Which means, he is not my brother, but he is something that resembles a brother.

  • @Ester_Krupova
    @Ester_Krupova 10 місяців тому +157

    "Hard" vowels: а, э, о, у, ы
    "Soft" vowels: я, е, ё, ю, и
    Voiced -> Voiceless consonants:
    Д -> Т
    В -> Ф
    Г -> К
    Б -> П
    Reduction rules:
    1) Voiced consonant at the end of a word becomes voiceless
    2) Voiced consonant followed by a voiceless consonants becomes voiceless
    3) О sounds like "o" only when it's stressed, otherwise it sounds like "a" or "ə"
    4) Е sounds like "ee" when it's unstressed

    • @Ami-raaa
      @Ami-raaa 7 місяців тому +4

      when do you know it's a stressed letter ?

    • @Ester_Krupova
      @Ester_Krupova 7 місяців тому +3

      @@Ami-raaa Maybe there are some rules to it, but I dunno. I just memorize it

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  7 місяців тому +9

      @Ester_Krupova no rules 😭😭😭

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  7 місяців тому +10

      You must memorise ✊

    • @Жандос-х7д
      @Жандос-х7д 5 місяців тому

      ТезКриминналдықтезЖазыпТезОқыпалатыңымғаңаТезВйдеоТезФотоТез Должнйкй МағаңғаңаТезБағыңатыңғаңаТезЕстіпалатыңТезҚұлағыңдығаңаТезҚорқытыпТезАйтыпсалмыңғаңаТез Сыгеміңсеніғаңа Пйдорас Турекулов Жандосхаңбатырымың Мағаңғаңақарызекіңсіңдер Талаптаңамыңғаңа КөралмайтыңғаңаТезҚасдұшпаңыңғаңаТезОйбасыңғаңаТезҚаттыАуырыпТезӨліпкетесіңсеің ШешеіңамыңсыгейіңҚотақтығамыңғаңа Страдатьсағаңғаңа ыеТезПошолнахуыеТезЗоеболыеТезДолбоевоые экранға Жүректамырыңғаңа ТезЖақсарамыңімеіңғаңа Кылйпсуреттерімғаңа Төлқұжаттарыңғаңа БастықБасішымыңғаңа МенәіқіғаңаҚұдайыңмыңАллахыңмыңғаңа ЕіреікысіугеТезШақыратыңыңғаңаТезТөмеіңекіңсіңТезНашарекіңсіңсеіңғаңа ҚарғыстауТезТійеыіпұрсыңсеіңғаңа копировать етіп Зоподльоыев Салатыңсеіңғаңа ҚайтысболыпкетсіңТезОйлаңаытыңТезОйбасыңғаңа ҚасқырбайТезМықіттымыңТезКүшітітыміңТезТекмеіңғаңа Пожизнноые ВоровЗоконаех Авторитетіміңғаңа АіқышаңдаТезТіеіңігіеілілыеіріңдеТезТүсіпшығукереікТез ҚоылАйяыағыңғаңа КөтіңдіғаңаТезТіыгіыпТезӨтікізіпТезСатамыңіғаңа Криминалымыдағаңа БайыңмыңТезКүйеуіңыміңТезСыгеітыңТезЖыгітіңмыңіғаңа ЖалыңатыңыңғаңаТезМалайдаңғаңаТезРобыеҚұлымсыңғаңа АрыздаңаітыңТезПйдоразғаңа ШтрафыТезЗопрещьноыеТезДухыоев Жйнағымғаңа ЕріпалатыңыңағаңаТезГеыйГольубыое СұраңыатыңімығаңаТезОрыңдалукерекғаңа КіөіңіліңдеТезҚалысыңғаңа МінідетітіүріңдеғаңаТезЖазыпалыпТезоіқйтыңыңімыдағаңаТезБолыптұратыңғаңа БоқтағаныТезКездерімідеғаңаТезЖаңдосыңмыңДегеіңіңідіғаңаТезАйамайКөтіңсыгеіміңғаңа ДеңедеіғңаТезСезіңедіғаңаТезБіліпқалатыекіңғаңа іңәЛаймыңсеіңғаңаТезДолжниковТезадамдары ТезЖалғаңатыңғаңатезСаңдарығаңа ПогоньялонғаңаТезКлычкоңдағаңаТезМазақтыесімдіғаңаекің МағаңҒаңаТезСеніпқалатыңыдыңыңдығаңаТезСыгіпқойыпыңғаңа ЫстептұратыңғаңаТезЖұмысыңдығаңаТезБағалапсыңдырамыңғаңа ЫшіңдеігіТезтуатыңТезҚызбалаңдығаңаТезСыгыпөлтіреміңғаңа МеіңеіңғаңаТезПровельноыеТезДүрүсболатыңғаңаТез ҚарызсызТезДолжникомеэкіңсіңдерғаңаТез геңшеТезТышатыңТезБоғымдыТезЖепқойяыасыңТез ТүрәілпеітіңдеТезСыгетіңТезКөтболсаңғаңа МеіңеіңғаңаТезЖазыламайсыңсеіңғаңа АйяыақоылыңдығаңаТезСұрайтыңыңдығаңаТез ҚайыршылықттарыңғаңаТезДіуаңаларыңаңғаңаТез ӨзіңмеіңғаңаТезЕріпжүретіңіңғаңаТезБомеыежыдығыңғаңаТез МеіңіойлайтыңыңғаңаТезТұңғйқыабатыпТезӨліпқаласыңғаңаТез ТауыпстапалыпТезКөтыіңдіТезСыгеміңғаңаТезБратковТезПидорасғаңаТезКрутоебола ЕркекемісңсеіңғаңаТез ЖезөкшелеріңіңғаңаТез ҚаттарыңаңекіңсіңғаңаТез КәзіртұрғаңаТез МекіңжайңғаңаТез ТабылатыңғаңаТез НемесноыеТезТұралмайсыңғаңаТез АтақаңтамырыңдығаңаТезСыгыпіқойыпыңғаңа ҚйсықаузымеіңТезДаусыңдығаңаТезСыгыпқойыпыңғаңа Экраңымғаңа Фльещкамғаңа Допущеынеңғаңа Должникомғаңа Қожайңыңмыңғаңа Жалғаңатығаңа Жалғасатыңғаңа Пйдыорыасыңғой Ұйықтапқатлатыңдығаңа Көтіңдіғаңа Сыгыпіқойяыамыңғаңа Сыгыпкөріміңғаңа Ойлайтың Басыңмозгоыңдығаңа Қотақбасыңдығаңа Фотоальбомғаңа Энергиянығаңа Сынйуовльов Должникоймсеіңғаңа Қарызсыңғаңа Денсаулығңғаңакерек Касаякысйттйіңдеріңдіғаңа Кіңәлапқаламыңғаңа Боқттаңамыңсеіңіғаңа МафйяаңыСыгеміңғаңа Гомасексуалыдықғаңа Туалетімдіғаңа Тазартыпқойяасыңғаңа Ауырылықттарымдығаңа КартйнкыеХарамоыоев СталасыңСотталасыңғаңа СудрегАуруысыңғаңа Зарегистрируйся Қожайңыңмыңғаңа ТекмеіңіғаңаТезАйтатыңмдығаңаТезТыңдайсыңғаңаТез клавиатура Тёска шешеңнің Амынсігейң АтпьущныеТез Опущеноые ВыпйюуыщноынТез Пйдыорыасыңғой ЩенейрыяХуейвоые Автомотыческоые ТезКөтіңдыіғаңа ТезСыгыптасатацмыңғой Атқаралмайсыңғаңа Тезорыңдайяалмайсыңсеіңғаңа Бйшараныңнағызөзісіңсеіңғаңа Қарызсыздарымғаңа Кіңәлапкөреміңғаңа Орыңыңтауыпысттегіңіңғаңа Жылдамдықпеінғаңаорыңдайтыңыңғаңа Кедейекіңсіңсеіңғаңа СүмірейгеіңсүмелекСорлысыңғаңа Пйдыдыорыаскойев Адасасыңалдаңасыңсеіңғаңа Қорықытыптастаймыңсеіңіғаңа ОйлайтыңБасыңаҚотамғым Кәізірқайтысболсасыңсеіңғаңа МеіңыкідегеніңдіғаңаСыгыпқойыпыңғаңа ПрйвечкойяыаңдығаңаҚапқақалдықсалыпқойяыасыңсеіңғаңа ЗопоыдлыойыевАдамысыңсіңғаңа ЖаныашйтыңыңдығаңаСезіңіпбілетіңғаңа Ысқймылыңдарыңғаңа ҚалыпқаласыңТоқтапқаласыңсеіңғаңа БльеаткаЁборыое КөніліңдеғаңаҚалсыңСезіңіңіпалатыңдағаңа ҚасжауДұшпаңдарыңғаңаСеміңғаңаболсың МалайларымғаңаТыңдапЖүретіңіңғаңа ҚалтытрайсыңДірілдйсіңЖақыңдамаукерекісіңғаңа БірорыңыңдыаТезотыралматыңыңғаңа МеіңіңғаңаНоскймеіміміңді ТезТурсйкттерімдіғаңа ТезЖуыпшайыпҚойяыатыңыңғаңа КоменторйямдыОқужазбаТез Жазуларымғаңа,

  • @DianaMezma
    @DianaMezma 2 роки тому +26

    Спасибо Наташа! Brilliant videos. Love the simple orderly fashion you conduct each lesson. Even though I am on my sixth month of learning, refreshing the basics is perfect for a before sleep practice. And you explain beautifully. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your new videos.

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  2 роки тому +7

      Hi Diane! This means a lot to me!😊 Thank you so much for this comment! Удачи в изучении! ☺☺☺

    • @WonWin-nr3dw
      @WonWin-nr3dw 3 місяці тому +1

      🇮🇩Диана Мезма...привет...приятно приветствовать вас...передаю привет из Индонезии...(ирония)🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @kelvinthehuman
    @kelvinthehuman 2 місяці тому +13

    From the Dominican Republic....learning Russian. Both beautiful, the instructor and the language. Amazing!!

  • @nessa390
    @nessa390 6 місяців тому +11

    I am from Croatia and this really helped me learn the Russian alphabet! I really want to visit Russia one day, so I'm trying to learn the language. Great video! 💗

    • @allentertainment8366
      @allentertainment8366 5 місяців тому


    • @xohyuu
      @xohyuu 5 місяців тому

      Please let me know about 🇭🇷 greetings. | Миру мир!

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  4 місяці тому

      Good luck! 🤗 🍀
      And thank you for the comment!

  • @Strawberry-hearts
    @Strawberry-hearts Рік тому +44

    I was very surprised to see that the Russian language is very similar to Swedish. Most words and letters we pronounce very alike, and hard and easy vowels are very similar too. I’m really happy that it’s not going be a very hard and difficult journey in learning Russian as a Swedish Person!

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  Рік тому +6

      Class! Now I am also very surprised! 😀 I wish you success in your learning! 🥰

  • @rohanthakur8674
    @rohanthakur8674 7 місяців тому +10

    Very soft language. Lonely & lovely.

    • @AndreiBerezin
      @AndreiBerezin 4 місяці тому

      It's the narrator who's soft))

  • @modernsoftware9129
    @modernsoftware9129 2 роки тому +16

    Спасибо! Очень поучительные уроки. Думаю у тех, кто смотрел, обязательно все должно получится!

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  2 роки тому

      Спасибо за комментарий! Я очень на это надеюсь! 😊

  • @ayooubmaftouh7594
    @ayooubmaftouh7594 2 місяці тому +3

    I have just started learning Russian. Your video has really helped me understand the basics. Thank you very much

  • @hanantabak
    @hanantabak 9 місяців тому +9

    So far this is the best channel I encountered to learn Russian. Thank you Natasha. In Arabic, soft and hard letters are totally separate letters, not two versions of the same letter.

  • @RamosSports0810
    @RamosSports0810 10 місяців тому +6

    What a great teacher.

  • @avemaria1984
    @avemaria1984 8 місяців тому +13

    привет Наташа,я плохо понимать по русску язык , но я буду старатися ,спасибо.

  • @chevurivenugopal2847
    @chevurivenugopal2847 8 місяців тому +5

    You made it simpler thank you very much Madam!
    Venu from India 🇮🇳

  • @louismorgiewicz622
    @louismorgiewicz622 5 місяців тому +5

    I love the way you went over the alphabet and the different sounds and the effects of hard and soft letters

    • @ArshadKhan-q5z
      @ArshadKhan-q5z 5 місяців тому +1

      Hi dear friend am Arshad from Indian

    • @NavalAjmera98
      @NavalAjmera98 2 місяці тому

      hello, ma'am my can i have an english conversation with you?
      I have recently started my youtube channel where I post english conversational videos to help people to learn English

  • @Euphonious_User
    @Euphonious_User 4 місяці тому +4

    I really love to learn Russian. I love everything about Russia (language, culture, literature, architecture, etc) much love from IRAN 🇮🇷💌🇷🇺

  • @Optimus888Amicus
    @Optimus888Amicus 10 місяців тому +3

    Привет, всем ! 🌞😉👍
    Здравствуй, Наташа !
    Я рад знакомству с тобой !
    Интересный урок у тебя получился !
    Ты умничка !

  • @SKumar-Mlin123
    @SKumar-Mlin123 2 місяці тому +1

    Hi Ms. Natasha! Am from India and Just a week ago I started learning Russian. Now i learned Russian alphabets and pronounce them as you do. Thank you so much for teaching. I assure i will learn and complete your 12 learning sessions. Bye.. bye..

  • @acub3music725
    @acub3music725 7 місяців тому +3

    Your explanation is super comprehensive Natasha 🤘🏻
    I love RUSSIA and Language❤🇷🇺

  • @Nicky355
    @Nicky355 Рік тому +44

    As a Kurd I would say It’s not that difficult to pronounce the Cyrillic Alphabet at some point because we have alot of similar sounds. Thanks for providing us this awesome video ❤️

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  Рік тому +7

      This is wonderful! Thank you very much for watching and commenting! 🥰

    • @rebaz7256
      @rebaz7256 11 місяців тому +1

      I'm Kurdish and I find it really difficult

    • @ertugrulozturk5433
      @ertugrulozturk5433 11 місяців тому

      Do you have an alphabet as a Kurd?

    • @GW-274
      @GW-274 5 місяців тому +1

      Your way of teaching Russian is outstanding!

  • @1DrBar
    @1DrBar 9 місяців тому +3

    This is the best introductory lesson I've seen on the alphabet and it's pronounciation, anywhere on you tube. You cleared up some frustrating confusion for me in explaining how the letter e can effect the consonant before it. Thank you very much for such a well paced and logical progression of learning.

  • @jerseyboyz2265
    @jerseyboyz2265 Рік тому +5

    i am russian orthodox and my grandad used to live in Sochi plus my hockey teammates are russian so i am really trying to learn and get good at russian so i can communicate better thanks so much for making these videos they are amazing

  • @ckrao341
    @ckrao341 10 місяців тому +3

    Good morning Natasha!
    Your voice is sweet and soft. Make many more videos for Russian language lovers.

  • @abdallahzaini4929
    @abdallahzaini4929 5 місяців тому +2

    Привет, добрый день Большое спасибо Наташа, это было очень интересно и болезни урок 😊

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  4 місяці тому

      Спасибо! 🤗

    • @abdallahzaini4929
      @abdallahzaini4929 4 місяці тому

      @@natasha_rusnow Пожалуйста,С удовольствием.☺☺

  • @MuhammadNaeem-if4gh
    @MuhammadNaeem-if4gh 3 місяці тому +2

    I am a veterinarian from Pakistan, working in Saudi Arabia for last 14 years. Just started learning Russian from your lectures. The teaching techniques, material, and way of delivering excellent. God bless you.

  • @ronaldpascalkelejan6281
    @ronaldpascalkelejan6281 20 днів тому

    I am from indonesia. I got your channel because my 3 years old son sings abc song in russian beside english and bahasa indonesia. I was shocked that he even remembers and pronounces russian alphabet better than me. Toddlers are great learner, and you are a great teacher. Thanks

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  19 днів тому +1

      Haha, yeah, toddlers don’t worry about anything, and they manage to learn everything faster! 😀😀😀

  • @MarianaLafoskayl
    @MarianaLafoskayl 8 місяців тому +2

    I really like to learn Russian , And I've seen u and try to learn it with u , And u r the best teacher ever!! I wish I can learn it well and go to Russia

  • @letsgobrandon4429
    @letsgobrandon4429 10 місяців тому +5

    I have been taking private lessons online via webcam and this makes it so much clearer to me. Although, I appreciate my teacher but I think you are so much better. I wonder if you give private lessons.

  • @rubenbadalian29
    @rubenbadalian29 2 місяці тому +1

    Спасибо за это видео, и я должен сказать, что оно было полезным, потому что я учу русский язык за 3 месяца.

  • @RandyMiller-YAS
    @RandyMiller-YAS 27 днів тому

    I've watched several different instruction videos. I find this one to be more suited for my learning. Thank you. Every video from other Russian people giving lessons are good. We just have to find the style that matches our own learning.

  • @JohnAdams-1
    @JohnAdams-1 8 місяців тому +9

    The Y sounds so pretty

  • @mdalhasan8475
    @mdalhasan8475 16 днів тому

    Wonderful class for international students. I love you very much.

  • @SteveShi-p9e
    @SteveShi-p9e 9 місяців тому +10

    The best Russian teaching videos, precise and clear. Inlike your teaching very much. I am from America and plan to live in Russia for the whole summer. Hope to meet you in person in Moscow 😊

  • @SaiduTuray-s2v
    @SaiduTuray-s2v 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm from Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 I want to confess that you really understand the stuff.
    I have automatically followed you.❤❤❤

  • @VladMetal26
    @VladMetal26 8 місяців тому +32

    0:55 - "Yeah" - James Hetfield 🤘

  • @ismailsk9777
    @ismailsk9777 11 днів тому

    Love you mam, I'm from India. And now I'm in Russia. Just started to learn Russiaan language. You are amazing. The way you teach really awesome.

  • @Swatantracode
    @Swatantracode 29 днів тому +2

    Very well explained 🎉🎉

  • @aegotu
    @aegotu 3 місяці тому

    I've finally figured out why the final 'o' in 'Яблоко' is pronounced like 'a,' and I also understand where the 'a' sound in the middle of 'Молоко' originates from. There are plenty more where that came from, but this is sufficient for now 😅
    Exactly what I was looking for! Your video is really helpful and fundamental for learning Russian, in my humblest opinion.
    I've been studying Russian on Duolingo for 36 days, and it's definitely challenging.
    Reading is still a struggle for me, as I can only decipher words I've memorized. Even then, I often lack confidence, especially when it comes to speaking. However, I'm hoping to make significant progress in the next 3 to 5 years ahead.
    My goal is to learn Russian so well that I can forget English completely (which isn't my native language, by the way. Sorry for my bad English). Then, I'll relearn English to have a Russian accent. That would be awesome!
    You've got a new subscriber from Indonesia.
    🇮🇩 Hai! Salam kenal.
    🇺🇸🇬🇧 Hi! It's so nice to know you.
    🇷🇺 Привет! Рад познакомиться.

  • @mrkd6529
    @mrkd6529 Місяць тому

    I have just started learning Russian, and I want to thank you as I was able to understand and speak some phrases that my teacher is teaching me right now, i am going to complete your full coarse with full discipline ❤❤ Saransk

  • @peterbutter2054
    @peterbutter2054 9 місяців тому +2

    Excellent video!!! That's how I teach Enlish beginner learn pronunciation.

  • @muhammadashiq0786
    @muhammadashiq0786 3 дні тому

    Dear Mis.Natasha you are doing great 👍 work.

  • @Jinhokim120
    @Jinhokim120 Місяць тому

    Such a great and superb job! I find this content is one of the most efficient way to use my limited time. If I knew this website earlier, I wouldn't have paid for my Russian lesson from other online class.

  • @greenradish2662
    @greenradish2662 6 місяців тому

    ive been trying to study Русски for 3 days and this is helping me alot this migth help me get into a russian job interview once im fluent with Русски!!

  • @Matti_us_Alpe
    @Matti_us_Alpe 7 місяців тому

    Thank you Natalko, pronunciation is essential even at the beginner's level since hardly ever we pay attention later.

  • @tamoghnasen5158
    @tamoghnasen5158 8 місяців тому +1

    Madam, I am from India, Your teaching is great. I have enjoyed it.

  • @Jules-740
    @Jules-740 10 місяців тому +3

    I am lo❤ing these lessons! These are super helpful!

  • @amitkumartiwari8075
    @amitkumartiwari8075 2 місяці тому

    Я из Индии. Вы меня очень впечатлили. Как бы она ни была прекрасна, она прекрасно объясняет

  • @Hypejeevan
    @Hypejeevan 9 місяців тому +3

    I find very easy to learn with your videos. Thank you.

  • @bazbriggan1572
    @bazbriggan1572 Рік тому +3

    Keep these videos coming 🙏 this been the best video on the alphabet I've seen

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  Рік тому

      Thank you very much for watching, commenting and these kind words! 🥰

  • @MuhammedIshaq-tg3qm
    @MuhammedIshaq-tg3qm 6 місяців тому +1

    ❤ you are good teacher. Your teaching method is very nice . Continue this job good luck.

  • @kamalHossen0583
    @kamalHossen0583 2 місяці тому +1

    I'm from Bangladesh. I'm new learner. I prefer to your teaching technic. I hope, I'll be happy.

  • @blackjaguarink
    @blackjaguarink 2 місяці тому +1

    Starting today! 🙏🏼❤️Thank you so much for uploading! Who else here from Germany learning a new language in 2024? 😘 Maybe also some musicians and or artists?

  • @tesscot
    @tesscot 4 місяці тому +1

    She is AWESOME!

  • @mr_alijonov
    @mr_alijonov 2 роки тому +10

    Pls Natasha make more videos !

  • @gandhamrambabu2825
    @gandhamrambabu2825 10 місяців тому +2

    Super mam it was so easy to remember I am learning Russian language to coming to Russia for study , it is absolutely Great lesson . ❤

  • @RajnaPathakkumar
    @RajnaPathakkumar 9 місяців тому +4

    आप की पढ़ाने की कला की मै दिल से प्रशंसा करता है।

  • @TrialErrorTriumph-d4h
    @TrialErrorTriumph-d4h 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for taking the time to make this video the way you did. I like how you enunciate every letter and word you speak, explaining rules of the Russian language - thanks again! 🙂 You have a new subscriber. ❤

  • @SKumar-Mlin123
    @SKumar-Mlin123 2 місяці тому

    🎉🎉🎉 Thanks. Very clear pronunciation and its very easy to understand🎉🎉🎉

  • @AdalbertoMartinezalumar
    @AdalbertoMartinezalumar Місяць тому +1

    I love your, explanation, good to star learning.

  • @freddiehoch1954
    @freddiehoch1954 Місяць тому

    This is amazing!! Thank you!!! Из этого видео Вас, мог для первого раза понимать как звуки изменяются с мягким знаком!

  • @kunalkandpal7454
    @kunalkandpal7454 Місяць тому +1

    i am Indian 8th grade trying to learn russian thnks for the lesson just understood the basics in frst try

  • @TheBlackSales
    @TheBlackSales 2 місяці тому

    This is a great video broken down very clearly for beginners. These rules are certainly not easy especially the reduction but I will revisit and keep learning. Thank you!

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  2 місяці тому

      Don’t worry, it will get a bit easier over time! The main thing is to start and stay disciplined! Good luck!

  • @Eshmuhammedovich_blogi
    @Eshmuhammedovich_blogi 5 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for video

  • @arunahirrao6308
    @arunahirrao6308 2 місяці тому

    Your teaching skills and pronunciation are absolutely fine.

  • @dharmpalrawat5342
    @dharmpalrawat5342 5 місяців тому +1

    My main purpose of listening to this video is because I'm fantasised to learn Russian, because my father also learned Russian, many years back, when he went to Russia, on Government Duty, from the side of Ministry Of Defense, Government Of India, as an " Assistant- Foreman " among with some Indian Army Officers, for the purchasing of " SMERCH- Launch Vehicle ", for Indian Army.
    My father mainly stayed at two places, "Moscow " and " St. Petersburg " in Russia.

  • @JeanClaudeBeaucage
    @JeanClaudeBeaucage 5 місяців тому

    Thank you. I am trying to learn again and pick up where I left off but this is better to start all over again with what I already kind of know.

  • @xivaon
    @xivaon 5 місяців тому

    I am from Morocco and I want to Спасибо большое very much for today's Russian alphabet lesson, I benefited a lot from your clear and detailed explanation, You are a wonderful and inspiring teacher and I feel lucky to have lessons from you, I look forward to your upcoming lessons😻🇷🇺✨

  • @zay_1223
    @zay_1223 6 місяців тому

    Since listening to Slaughter to Prevail, I've really wanted to learn Russian. It's a very interesting and awesome language!

  • @SergitoMartin18
    @SergitoMartin18 8 місяців тому +4

    Excelente Video y Explicación Natasha!!!!!
    (Отличное видео и пояснения Наташа!!!!!)
    I am trying to learn Russian with several of these apps for mobile phones, I'm using one with Android
    Было бы здорово, если бы вы сделали такой контент на испанском языке для тех, кто не говорит или не понимает по-английски. Привет из города из Mar del Plata, Провинция из Buenos Aires, Argentina (Город из Мар-дель-Плата, Провинция из Буэнос айрес, Страна из Аргентина)

  • @ParvesKhan-il8ht
    @ParvesKhan-il8ht 6 місяців тому

    You are wonderful.
    Learning Russian language has become easier for me

  • @HermanRathore
    @HermanRathore 5 місяців тому

    Your method of teaching is great thank-you teach

  • @Pattiemarie3
    @Pattiemarie3 3 місяці тому

    Fabulous teaching. I really enjoyed your explanation of the placement of the tongue when speaking. Thank you for your time. 😀🐩🎵🤗

  • @thangavelupalanichami1964
    @thangavelupalanichami1964 8 місяців тому +2

    Very nicely teaching your language 🙏🏽💐

  • @danieloliveiratavares5144
    @danieloliveiratavares5144 29 днів тому

    Obrigado professora, eu sou do Brasil e amo suas aulas.❤❤❤

  • @richardharperii5840
    @richardharperii5840 9 місяців тому +2

    Mechanical but very well explained especially the tongue placement wish french was like that or maybe I have not noticed those instructions were available

  • @QDomitiusCalvinus
    @QDomitiusCalvinus 5 місяців тому +1

    I actually started Ελληνικά sometime before Русский, it eased up things a tiny bit in terms of similar letters. I'm currently learning Latine Classica, Italiano, Català, Español, Português, Français, Romană, Ελληνικά, and Русский. This was very helpful, and informative.

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  4 місяці тому

      Wow, awesome! I'm sure that knowing all these languages will help you in learning Russian. 🤗🤗🤗

  • @Clairenceajaa
    @Clairenceajaa 3 місяці тому

    I used to study on my own and I want to do even more to learn Russian thanks nathasa!

  • @GokuNoyd
    @GokuNoyd 6 місяців тому

    I will learn Russian as well. Aww so cute 😂❤ I'm glad Russian people love me, I love them too.

  • @ParvesKhan-il8ht
    @ParvesKhan-il8ht 6 місяців тому

    Hi! Natasha.
    It's amazing, thanks a lot.

  • @Jamesestatesmaine
    @Jamesestatesmaine 5 місяців тому

    Thank You Natasha!

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  4 місяці тому

      Thank you for your comment and support! 🤗

  • @najibkharimart2209
    @najibkharimart2209 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you please am from Uganda 🇺🇬 and a beginer in Russian but everything is super now спасибо🙏💕

  • @nene1082
    @nene1082 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you so, so much for this video! It was so quick and easy to learn! I can't wait to learn more!
    Update: I just subscribed to your channel! Thanks again!

  • @sidshark4799
    @sidshark4799 Місяць тому

    I'm from India and I like that Russian the way you speak ❤ now I made up my mind to learn Russian with you .

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  Місяць тому

      Good luck! 😊

    • @sidshark4799
      @sidshark4799 Місяць тому

      @natasha_rusnow what's your native language Ms.natasha ?

  • @juanvargas9
    @juanvargas9 6 місяців тому

    You are a wonderful teacher. Congrats! I am trying.

  • @burhancelikbas7792
    @burhancelikbas7792 9 місяців тому +3

    Как турок, я всегда предлагаю ваши видео, кто хочет выучить русский, спасибо.

  • @pier9501
    @pier9501 Рік тому +3

    Spassiba Natascha, like your way of teaching!

  • @KharkivWillHold
    @KharkivWillHold 27 днів тому

    Thanks. Wanted to know how to spell out words vocally, but most just want to teach you how to make the just the sound of the letters.

  • @shujaatali2092
    @shujaatali2092 11 місяців тому +1

    This is so useful. Pronunciation is very clear, as a beginner it’s helping a lot. Cool! 👌

  • @gerardljean-baptiste4673
    @gerardljean-baptiste4673 24 дні тому

    I am in Port-au-Prince, capital city of the République of Haïti which occupies the western part of the island of Haïti. Très bonne leçon. Merci

  • @saniya7649
    @saniya7649 2 місяці тому

    Hi, I am glad that found your channel! Apart from speaking hindi, English and German,I decided to learn Russian as a foreign language. Learning Russian can be quite hard but I am willing to take the challenge.

    • @КристинаШульгинна
      @КристинаШульгинна 2 місяці тому

      hii, do you study Russian language? I study English and learn him 2 month. Maybe you want to be my friend? I can help you Russian, and you can help me English.
      Sorry, for my mistakes

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  2 місяці тому

      Of course, it's a challenge! But you'll enjoy it! Good luck!

  • @navedhindimohd.3859
    @navedhindimohd.3859 4 місяці тому

    Your explaining is fantastic. May God bless you!

  • @dagreatblaise4206
    @dagreatblaise4206 2 місяці тому

    Thank you very much
    I learn this ( Доктор ) ❤❤❤

  • @drtbedits5417
    @drtbedits5417 2 роки тому +4

    I am new to learn Russian language
    It's very helpful for me thanks
    Make more videos

    • @natasha_rusnow
      @natasha_rusnow  2 роки тому +1

      Happy to hear that! Thank you for the comment!😊😊😊

  • @rogerrico13
    @rogerrico13 9 місяців тому +1

    You are doing great work very clear and very professional

  • @MikasaHarumi
    @MikasaHarumi 6 місяців тому

    Thank you sm, you are a great teacher !