Great video! My Seagate drive initially had the beeping sound, opened the drive and found the arm was sitting on the edge of the platter. After moving the arm to the bay; the beeps went away but the arm started to move back and forth. Can you confirm if replacing the arm will fix the back and forth issue?
You should : 1. Unstick the head, move the pream-head/arm with no force. 2. Turn the platter counter clockwise, turn it gently while move the arm. 3. Do your best in the clean room. 4. All those need practise. Do it in the no data hdd first. Good luck.
head assy having one screw that formed with top lid. Since lid opened then head assy becomes free to move in unexpected direction. You can change hexagon to any screws that fit
In my video I used damaged head (my mistake, supposed use good head). Good head will stick arround platter. Try your best to insert the head tools on head before move head on platters. Head tools I mean is white strip plastic as shown in video.
@@akanghadibatam7285 your video is interesting! actually i managed to replace heads successfully with your method! but it was a WD hard drive. much easier! seagate slim is hellish delicate! today i failed again..i have the heads replacement tool! but still not good we should avoid to move the heads on the platters.... i see
@@Data-Salvage-F You are right, head friction on platter will lead to serious problem on head. It will happen on lates hard drive. Old hard drive will no affected.
My Seagate hard drive fell to the ground and I opened it. Turns out the head wasn’t moving anymore so I’m wondering if changing the head can solve the problem. Almost like there is no read and write action
@@akanghadibatam7285 I have the video I wish I could send it to you on WhatsApp or something. Okay, the platter spins fine but the spindle is chocked in one corner and cannot move at all
More than one platter is quite hard to proceed. You should have hdd head replacement tools, find them on Ebay. Yours hdd Seagate family is rosewood. APEX products are cheap and good quality, not purchased made of plastic, waste your time and money
@@akanghadibatam7285 I had change myself the heads from donor disk but when connrected it start ot behave like this . What could go wrong? Is i heads crash again?
Untuk Seagate keluarga Rosewood LM series , antar head harus dipisah, bila tidak maka antar head akan lengket secara magnetik dan sangat sulit dipisahkan. Untuk itulah dipasang tools plastik. Selain itu tools plastik memudahkan kita saat melepas dan memasang head.
@@akanghadibatam7285 pak kalau obeng untuk tengahnya pangkal jarum head itu obeng/sekrup apa namanya? Soalnya kan itu lobang ulir kedalam, sementara dari bawah hd ngga ada sekrupnya sebab uk 2,/inch. Trima kasih.
@@hendrasb5963 spacer dan skrup biasa saja. Tanpa spacer dan hanya skrup juga bisa. Gunakan skrup aslinya saja, scrup T1.2 yg sebelumnya dipasang pada cover skrup tengah. Gunanya kita pasang skrup agar saat kita menggerakan head tidak nabrak sana sini. Terutama nabrak tempat parkir head (head ramp).
sir seagate ke 180 gb hdd drive ka head seagate ke 500 gb drive ko set ho sakata hai kya pls guide me meri seagate 500 gb hdd drive ka head kharab hua hai kya karu pls replay me
What if the head is not stucked on the platter? This happened to mine, When I opened the disk look just fine, but the problem is unreadble (not detected) and sounded bad click damage 😣 Ada kah saran utk coba ganti PCB atau bgmna? Thanks in advance
Head clicking is serious problem. Some DR company said "click of death". It can be happen in some circumstances : 1. Head problem. 2. Plattet problem, check platter if any schratces. Check filter, if dirth then head + platter having problem. 3. Hdd F/w corrupted.
It is possible, anyway there are some rules head preamp replacement , donor should : 1. Same p/n 2. Same s/n for first three char 3. Same country of mfg 4. Same date of mfg Otherwise we lost the donor as well as patient valuable data
@@akanghadibatam7285 in my case its samsung 2.5 2010 hdd, the only thing that same is hdd p/n mfg date mfg country, but i cant find the donor that has same 3 char s/n, do you it will work?
@@akanghadibatam7285 what if im just taking my plate and swap it and replace the bios only, do you think it will work the same way as changing identical head?
Hi im fans from Malaysia. Just want to ask, i already opened the aluminium cover of my disk and i found tht the head is not working as there is clicking sound and the head is not moving. So it is possible for me to take out the platter and replace it to the new hdd?
@@akanghadibatam7285 i see thanks so much for the advice. However, can i know if i just need to replace the head or i just take out the platter from the broken disk to the new disk?
@@arieffasyraffabdulrahim7911 you can do it but become complecated: 1. Remove the platter(s) 2. Remove the head 3. Remove the pcb(must do) Why not you just remove the drive head, donor to pattient? The point is your drive head problem.
@@Patrick-qs7sk 1 disk/platter ada dua permukaan atas dan bawah.. Katakanlah ada dua platter dalam satu hdd, dihitung dari permukaan platter paling bawah ; H0, H1, H2, H3 , jadi ada 4 head dalam dua platter. H0 dan H1 platter pertama sangat kritikal karena meyimpan data2 hardisk/firmware. Bila ini tergores, kemanapun tdk akan bisa recovery data.
Kenapa disk mau dipindah? Kalau platter cuma 1, pindah2 platter gak masalah. Head dipindah-pindah juga gak masalah, asal dgn cara yg benar. Kalau yg dimaksud mapping head, posisi head tdk bisa dipindah atas jadi bawah , head hanya bisa di skip/shield
@@akanghadibatam7285 hardisk maxtor 30gb bang, tipe headnya dibawah platter kalo hardisk biasa kan headnya diatas platter, disk nya mau dipindah headnya mati karna umur udah 20 tahun lebih masi make ide, jadi bisa kah bang pindahin disknya ke hardisk baru?
@@akanghadibatam7285 di youtube ada tu bang orang bongkar hdd maxtor 30gb itu headnya dibawah platter, jadi mending pindahin disknya aja apa gimana bang? Mau belajar aja (datanya udah di pindahin)
@@Patrick-qs7sk Maxtor IDE 30gb, kalau data sdh dibackup up, dan hdd untuk belajar tdk masalah. Cari hdd donor yg persis sama ; Merk,model, kapasitas, firmware, tanggal pembuatan, negara asal pembuatan, tiga nuruf/angka pertama serial number. Usahakan dapat yang sama. Selanjutnya bisa operasi tukar2 platter disk dan head tanpa masalah. Bila hdd donor beda syarat2 diatas tidak dijamim bisa, kalau mau experimen silahkan.
Numpang tanya, jika mau donor hardisk platter & pcb harus bawaan nya tapi head nya yang baru alasan head dganti karena rusak apakah langsung bisa kebaca ? Note Spek kedua hardisk sudah sesuai semua.
When I turn the Centre spindle screw, The disk-platter stays behind, Not connected to the drive spindle. The platter looks fine but when I re-set the head it still clicks, as expected because I suspect the spindle is spinning freely without the disc-platter What would be a DIY solution? .. Would a couple of drops of superglue gel by the spindle screw work?
Hello. Can you upload a video how to remove the headstack assembly and reinstall it. Is it simple? Do you need like a torque screwdriver to use the right amount of force to reseat the main screw or something like that?
I am sorry, currently many project to do. No time to make video. You just need "unstick toold head". Anyway need practised to use it. No torque needed. Again you need practised how many force on screwdriver. Strongly recomemded : Purchase used bad hard drive at computer shop it is only few cents. Do it for practise NEVER practised on valuable data hard drive, potentialy your data will los forever
@@exploitallowed695 it will not work. All swap parts ; head assy or platter have to same model/type/mfg/firmware/capacity. Other wise you will faced many problems.
bang, apakah harddisk yg baru terjatuh rusaknya selalu di bagian headnya.? sudah coba dibuka dilihat-lihat piringan harddisknya kgk ada goresan sama sekali, tp waktu dinyalakan headnya cuma2 gerak2 kyak gk bisa baca gitu..
Sdh dibuka ya? Dibuka diluar "clean room" akan bertambah parah. Membuka hardisk harus dalam ruangan husus yang 100% bebas debu (clean room). Melihat head rusak atau tidak tidak bisa hanya dgn visual mata saja. Harus pakai tools husus dan microscope.
@@akanghadibatam7285 klo boleh minta saran, coba diganti head saja dulu dg merk dan ukuran yg sama kira2 apakah direkomendasikan, bang.? krn saya mempunyai kembaran si hdd yg rusak dg ukuran yg sama persis dg catatan di dalam hdd backup tersebut datanya sudah dikosongkan terlebih dahulu.
@@andilaksana195 kalau data hdd tidak penting, silahkan lanjutkan dgn percobaan ganti head. Siapkan tools head replacement, kalau tdk punya agak susah memindahkan head. Saya tidak merekomendasikan experiment pada hardisk yg berisi data penting.
Hi I have a hardisk with the Rom (Bios burned - in the sense that PCB's rom is missing) Reason I had buying a card to do the swapping but the repairman lost the original card) Do you think it is possible to recover my Seagate Hardisk? In short, the HD has never been opened and card that has does not have the original BIOS I feel the engine turns but it doesn't see any data windows with new pcb donnor Thx Franco Italy.
Hi. Just take note ; 1 hard drive is belongs to 1 ROM, they are couple. Any things on hard drive you can replaced, unless ROM. Event you change 100% same pcb board but the ROM IC have to transfer from old pcb to new pcb, if not then hard drive will not work. So if you lost original ROM then you will lost forever, eventrought DR company in this case can not help.
Iya bisa, karena fungsi head untuk read/write data pada platter/disc. Kalau head lemah mengakibatkan baca/tulis jadi sangat lambat. Ini hanya salah satu faktor hardisk yg lemot.
Ijin tanya bang, kalo misalkan yg dilepas atau dipindah itu piringan disk nya bisa ngga? bukan head clickin nya. Jadi head clickin nya masih tetep pake yg awal?
Tukar platter bisa saja, namun pcb nya juga harus ditukar. Setiap hdd , platter dan pcb asli pasanganya tidak bisa dipisahkan. Walaupun hdd merk sama, model sama, type sama, tahun pembuatan sama, tapi platter dan pcb tidak bisa seenaknya ditukar-tukar. Kalau diceritakan panjang, jadi sebaiknya tukar head, bukan tukar platter.
@@akanghadibatam7285 posisi emang di batam bang? kalo kira2 saya kirim external hdd saya utk diperbaiki kejauhan ngga ya? Saya di jawa barat. Datanya aduh penting banget, data selama 10 thn lebih disana semua
@@mametibon mangga tiasa wae kang. Saya di Batam, saya dan keluarga sudah hijrah 26 tahun dari Bandung ke Batam. WA saja dulu kang, dideskripsi ada detail kontaknya
Why did you tighten the screw to the head interface and then unscrew it? What did that screw do? You easily removed the head, but I have a problem with this because it looks like the head is tied to something. can someone advise please? thanks
Hi Ali, this video for practice purpose. How to remove BAD head and how to fix GOD head. I am just showing you how to do it. If you are pretty sure your head is bad and you have good head and then go a head. Please take note : 1. You need more and more practise. 2. Do practise on bad hdd thats no data needed. 3. If you have trouble to take out head assembly; you have to take them line up and gently, to much force make them hard to remove, again you need more practise. Good luck.
Bang mau nanya, kalo harddisk eksternal dicolok ke laptop / pc tapi malah bikin hang itu kenapa ya? Sudah dibongkar cover harddisk eksternal dan colok pake docking usb, tetap sama aja. Solusinya apa ya bang? Makasih sebelumnya 🙏
Hdd tdk bisa berkomunikasi dgn pc. Coba tempelkan telinga pada hdd saat dikoneksilan ke pc/laptop. Dengarkan baik2 : 1. Spindle berpiutar? Ada suara gemuruh, normal. Bila tdk ada suara gemuruh sama sekali : spindle / pcb rusak. 2. Head bergerak? Ada suara klik halus. Normal. Bila suara klik2 berulang ulang ; head rusak, firmware corrupted atau platter cacat. Ganti head, update firmware. Bila platter cacat tdk ada solusinya, game over. 3. Tdk ada suara spindle, hanya suara seperti lebah/buzzer. Head macet diatas platter. Geser head ke posisi tempat parkir head/ramp head.
No where, no body sale heads. Only one things you can do, purchased same drive and swap the heads. Pay attention : 1. Hard drive must same model 2. Same firmware. 3. Do your best to get first 4 digit of S/N is same. 4. Same mfg country.
Mau tanya bang mohon dijawab, kalo sudah melakukan head replacement apakah hdd nya harus dikalibrasi / disetel ulang menggunakan software khusus atau gak perlu? dan apakah hdd nya akan langsung terdeteksi kah? makasih
Setelah head hdd diganti harus dilakukan pengecekan SA/service area. Operasi ini hanya bisa dilakulan dgn tools software dan hardware data recovery, misalnya PC3000, DFL dll. Bisa saja sih langsung cek di pc, namun dari pengalaman sy kemungkinan revoverynya sangat kecil
It is just one of many ways to do head assy replacement. You have to recognize and reason that why you have to replace the head assy. This video only for exercise anybody who want to replace head assy.
@@akanghadibatam7285 yes, I took it to a recovery service provider, they tested it and I was told the same. They were asking too much money for recovery that's more than 5 times the price of my hard disk.
@@shreeyanshdwivedi838 US $9.43 6%OFF | Automatic data recovery platter extractor HDD magnetic head Replace tool Head comb hard disk opening machine unwinding machine That link from You can found with key words : " platter replacement tools" . Don't forget to select 2.5" version, according to your hard drive.
Hello, I would like to analyze the fault on this non-functional Hdd if it is a malfunction of the read/write heads or some electronic part. The error occurred during Windows installation when it formatted the entire disk instead of the specified partition. The Hdd cannot be initialized or formatted in the computer, nor can Minitool Partition repair it. Thank you in advance for the advice.
hdd that having SA module damaged due to head malfunction, it won"t be detection and read/write by any PC anymore. Only DR company can do to fix it ; head replacement and repair damage SA modules. They have hardware and. software to support the job.
@Akang Hadi Batam I had change myself the heads from donor disk but when connrected it start ot behave like this . What could go wrong? Is i heads crash again?
@@kadekwijayanta4821 kemungkinan besar, IYA. Bongkar head perlu latihan. Beli hardisk rusak/bekas di toko komputer, harganya murah. Pakai latihan sampai lancar. Bila sudah lancar baru praktek dgn hardisk yg ada datanya. Jangan pernah latihan pakai hardisk yg ada data2 penting.
You open the hdd in clean room/clean cabinet? There is dust in micron that can kill hdd in open room. Clicking head always due to ; head damage/weak due to age and SA module failed.
indonesia banget. with simple effort but profesional result. nice
What is the name of that Hex Nut Key with screw @ 2:05 for releasing the head screw and where can I purchase one.
it is just an option, easily you can use the original hex screw that you untight before
Great video! My Seagate drive initially had the beeping sound, opened the drive and found the arm was sitting on the edge of the platter. After moving the arm to the bay; the beeps went away but the arm started to move back and forth. Can you confirm if replacing the arm will fix the back and forth issue?
You should :
1. Unstick the head, move the pream-head/arm with no force.
2. Turn the platter counter clockwise, turn it gently while move the arm.
3. Do your best in the clean room.
4. All those need practise. Do it in the no data hdd first.
Good luck.
@@akanghadibatam7285 where can i get tools especially one screw driver with 5 corners to seagate 2tb external hard disk
@@omnamovenkateshaya7977 screwdriver type is Pentalobe, size T1.2 , normally can get in your local hardware shop.
why do you need that screw with a long hexagon nut for the head? What's it called?
head assy having one screw that formed with top lid. Since lid opened then head assy becomes free to move in unexpected direction. You can change hexagon to any screws that fit
on seagate slim the heads will stick when i move over the platters! i tried many times!. how cai i avoid it?
In my video I used damaged head (my mistake, supposed use good head). Good head will stick arround platter.
Try your best to insert the head tools on head before move head on platters.
Head tools I mean is white strip plastic as shown in video.
@@akanghadibatam7285 your video is interesting! actually i managed to replace heads successfully with your method! but it was a WD hard drive. much easier! seagate slim is hellish delicate! today i failed again..i have the heads replacement tool! but still not good we should avoid to move the heads on the platters.... i see
You are right, head friction on platter will lead to serious problem on head. It will happen on lates hard drive. Old hard drive will no affected.
What you use for head spacer is it white sumple paper or else other?
It is something made from plastics. If you have a Panadol strip, then you get it.
My Seagate hard drive fell to the ground and I opened it. Turns out the head wasn’t moving anymore so I’m wondering if changing the head can solve the problem. Almost like there is no read and write action
Spindle spinning? Head arm move in/out into the head ramp?
@@akanghadibatam7285 I have the video I wish I could send it to you on WhatsApp or something. Okay, the platter spins fine but the spindle is chocked in one corner and cannot move at all
@@akanghadibatam7285 No
Is possible to use this paper tool for st1000lm024 (two of them because in this model are 2 platers)?. Thx
More than one platter is quite hard to proceed. You should have hdd head replacement tools, find them on Ebay. Yours hdd Seagate family is rosewood. APEX products are cheap and good quality, not purchased made of plastic, waste your time and money
@@akanghadibatam7285 I had change myself the heads from donor disk but when connrected it start ot behave like this . What could go wrong? Is i heads crash again?
Great video, I have a Samsung hd103si hard drive and need a head comb for it, can you tell me which one I'd need? Thank you.
Pak fungsinya plastik ganjal di head nya buat apa ya pak? Trima kasih
Untuk Seagate keluarga Rosewood LM series , antar head harus dipisah, bila tidak maka antar head akan lengket secara magnetik dan sangat sulit dipisahkan. Untuk itulah dipasang tools plastik.
Selain itu tools plastik memudahkan kita saat melepas dan memasang head.
@@akanghadibatam7285 pak kalau obeng untuk tengahnya pangkal jarum head itu obeng/sekrup apa namanya? Soalnya kan itu lobang ulir kedalam, sementara dari bawah hd ngga ada sekrupnya sebab uk 2,/inch. Trima kasih.
@@hendrasb5963 obeng skrup tengah menggunakan obeng TORX T1.2
@@akanghadibatam7285 pak yg menit ke 6.30 itu pakai obeng kembang sama sekrup paku apa pak namanya?
@@hendrasb5963 spacer dan skrup biasa saja. Tanpa spacer dan hanya skrup juga bisa. Gunakan skrup aslinya saja, scrup T1.2 yg sebelumnya dipasang pada cover skrup tengah.
Gunanya kita pasang skrup agar saat kita menggerakan head tidak nabrak sana sini. Terutama nabrak tempat parkir head (head ramp).
sir seagate ke 180 gb hdd drive ka head seagate ke 500 gb drive ko set ho sakata hai kya pls guide me meri seagate 500 gb hdd drive ka head kharab hua hai kya karu pls replay me
What if the head is not stucked on the platter? This happened to mine,
When I opened the disk look just fine, but the problem is unreadble (not detected) and sounded bad click damage 😣
Ada kah saran utk coba ganti PCB atau bgmna? Thanks in advance
Head clicking is serious problem. Some DR company said "click of death".
It can be happen in some circumstances :
1. Head problem.
2. Plattet problem, check platter if any schratces. Check filter, if dirth then head + platter having problem.
3. Hdd F/w corrupted.
@@akanghadibatam7285 the platter's been chacked, no scratch, but I hv'nt check the other parts b'coz i'm just a newbie..well thanks anyway
Can i replace a drive head comb with a donor that has different size but same manufacturer?
It is possible, anyway
there are some rules head preamp replacement , donor should :
1. Same p/n
2. Same s/n for first three char
3. Same country of mfg
4. Same date of mfg
Otherwise we lost the donor as well as patient valuable data
@@akanghadibatam7285 in my case its samsung 2.5 2010 hdd, the only thing that same is hdd p/n mfg date mfg country, but i cant find the donor that has same 3 char s/n, do you it will work?
@@akanghadibatam7285 what if im just taking my plate and swap it and replace the bios only, do you think it will work the same way as changing identical head?
Hi im fans from Malaysia. Just want to ask, i already opened the aluminium cover of my disk and i found tht the head is not working as there is clicking sound and the head is not moving. So it is possible for me to take out the platter and replace it to the new hdd?
Yes, if you are sure heads problem. You need donor drive that similar. I am sugestion you just need replace the head with donor.
@@akanghadibatam7285 i see thanks so much for the advice. However, can i know if i just need to replace the head or i just take out the platter from the broken disk to the new disk?
@@arieffasyraffabdulrahim7911 you can do it but become complecated:
1. Remove the platter(s)
2. Remove the head
3. Remove the pcb(must do)
Why not you just remove the drive head, donor to pattient? The point is your drive head problem.
@@akanghadibatam7285 i see… thank you so much for the meaningful advice 👍👍👍 will do later🙏 hopefully i can retrive all data again
@@arieffasyraffabdulrahim7911 just curious if you were able to get the thing working
Untuk head hdd seagate itu smua model sama atau beda2 om?
Beda2. Bahkan satu modelpun bisa beda. Misalkan Seagate 1Tb ST1000LM035 ada puluhan head yg berbeda.
Apakah arm/head hdd seagate slim bisa diganti/ditukar/dikanibal sama merk lain?
tidak bisa dan tidak usah dicoba coba guna menghindari kerusakan data yg lebih parah
@@akanghadibatam7285 hahaha. Dlm rangka berusaha menyelamatkan data je ini bang. Gk diapa2in pun juga data dh pasti parah..
Mau nanya gan memangnya kalo disk ada baret emg sudah mustahil diambil datanya?
Data disimpan dalam disk/platter. Kalau platter barret tentu jadi sangat sulit bagi head baca/tulis data
@@akanghadibatam7285 tapi masi ada harapan ga gan kalo udah baret gitu datanya diambil 50%
@@Patrick-qs7sk bisa, asal platter posisi head 0 dan head 1 msh bagus ( hdd firmware ada pada platter 0 &,1)
maksudnya posisi head 0 sama 1 apa ya gan? saya kepo soalnya tentang hardisk ni @@akanghadibatam7285
@@Patrick-qs7sk 1 disk/platter ada dua permukaan atas dan bawah.. Katakanlah ada dua platter dalam satu hdd, dihitung dari permukaan platter paling bawah ; H0, H1, H2, H3 , jadi ada 4 head dalam dua platter.
H0 dan H1 platter pertama sangat kritikal karena meyimpan data2 hardisk/firmware.
Bila ini tergores, kemanapun tdk akan bisa recovery data.
Mau nanya bang, kalau hardisk yang posisi headnya dibawah platter bisa ga tu bang pindahin disknya aja?
Kenapa disk mau dipindah? Kalau platter cuma 1, pindah2 platter gak masalah.
Head dipindah-pindah juga gak masalah, asal dgn cara yg benar.
Kalau yg dimaksud mapping head, posisi head tdk bisa dipindah atas jadi bawah , head hanya bisa di skip/shield
@@akanghadibatam7285 hardisk maxtor 30gb bang, tipe headnya dibawah platter kalo hardisk biasa kan headnya diatas platter, disk nya mau dipindah headnya mati karna umur udah 20 tahun lebih masi make ide, jadi bisa kah bang pindahin disknya ke hardisk baru?
@@akanghadibatam7285 di youtube ada tu bang orang bongkar hdd maxtor 30gb itu headnya dibawah platter, jadi mending pindahin disknya aja apa gimana bang? Mau belajar aja (datanya udah di pindahin)
@@Patrick-qs7sk Maxtor IDE 30gb, kalau data sdh dibackup up, dan hdd untuk belajar tdk masalah.
Cari hdd donor yg persis sama ;
Merk,model, kapasitas, firmware, tanggal pembuatan, negara asal pembuatan, tiga nuruf/angka pertama serial number.
Usahakan dapat yang sama.
Selanjutnya bisa operasi tukar2 platter disk dan head tanpa masalah.
Bila hdd donor beda syarat2 diatas tidak dijamim bisa, kalau mau experimen silahkan.
@@akanghadibatam7285 sip, thx ilmunya bang
Numpang tanya, jika mau donor hardisk platter & pcb harus bawaan nya tapi head nya yang baru alasan head dganti karena rusak apakah langsung bisa kebaca ? Note Spek kedua hardisk sudah sesuai semua.
Cek barcode di body/flexible cable head, sama ? Kalau sama pasti bisa.
When I turn the Centre spindle screw, The disk-platter stays behind, Not connected to the drive spindle. The platter looks fine but when I re-set the head it still clicks, as expected because I suspect the spindle is spinning freely without the disc-platter
What would be a DIY solution? .. Would a couple of drops of superglue gel by the spindle screw work?
Hello. Can you upload a video how to remove the headstack assembly and reinstall it. Is it simple?
Do you need like a torque screwdriver to use the right amount of force to reseat the main screw or something like that?
I am sorry, currently many project to do. No time to make video.
You just need "unstick toold head". Anyway need practised to use it.
No torque needed. Again you need practised how many force on screwdriver.
Strongly recomemded :
Purchase used bad hard drive at computer shop it is only few cents.
Do it for practise NEVER practised on valuable data hard drive, potentialy your data will los forever
What happ if you put platters from a 1tb hdd is 1 tb memory ?
Sorry not clear, 1Tb platters into 1Tb memory?
I mean if you put 1 tb hdd platters to another hdd that is 160 gb change the platters then 160 gb will change to 1tb
@@exploitallowed695 it will not work. All swap parts ; head assy or platter have to same model/type/mfg/firmware/capacity. Other wise you will faced many problems.
bang, apakah harddisk yg baru terjatuh rusaknya selalu di bagian headnya.? sudah coba dibuka dilihat-lihat piringan harddisknya kgk ada goresan sama sekali, tp waktu dinyalakan headnya cuma2 gerak2 kyak gk bisa baca gitu..
Sdh dibuka ya? Dibuka diluar "clean room" akan bertambah parah. Membuka hardisk harus dalam ruangan husus yang 100% bebas debu (clean room). Melihat head rusak atau tidak tidak bisa hanya dgn visual mata saja. Harus pakai tools husus dan microscope.
@@akanghadibatam7285 klo boleh minta saran, coba diganti head saja dulu dg merk dan ukuran yg sama kira2 apakah direkomendasikan, bang.? krn saya mempunyai kembaran si hdd yg rusak dg ukuran yg sama persis dg catatan di dalam hdd backup tersebut datanya sudah dikosongkan terlebih dahulu.
@@andilaksana195 kalau data hdd tidak penting, silahkan lanjutkan dgn percobaan ganti head. Siapkan tools head replacement, kalau tdk punya agak susah memindahkan head.
Saya tidak merekomendasikan experiment pada hardisk yg berisi data penting.
@@akanghadibatam7285 Baik. terima kasih banyak atas informasinya, kang.
Hi I have a hardisk with the Rom (Bios burned - in the sense that PCB's rom is missing)
Reason I had buying a card to do the swapping but the repairman lost the original card)
Do you think it is possible to recover my Seagate Hardisk?
In short, the HD has never been opened and card that has does not have the original BIOS
I feel the engine turns but it doesn't see any data windows with new pcb donnor
Thx Franco Italy.
Hi. Just take note ; 1 hard drive is belongs to 1 ROM, they are couple. Any things on hard drive you can replaced, unless ROM. Event you change 100% same pcb board but the ROM IC have to transfer from old pcb to new pcb, if not then hard drive will not work.
So if you lost original ROM then you will lost forever, eventrought DR company in this case can not help.
Numpang tanya gan. Kalau ganti headnya harus dengan tipe hardisk yg sama atau tdk?
Ya. Merk yg sama, part number sama, model yg sama.
Head yg rusak bisa bikin laemot hdd jg bang?
Iya bisa, karena fungsi head untuk read/write data pada platter/disc. Kalau head lemah mengakibatkan baca/tulis jadi sangat lambat. Ini hanya salah satu faktor hardisk yg lemot.
i have drive can detect but not spin & incorrect function message after choose initialize disk use MBR in disk management
Not spin? So do you heared the head sound, like a "buzz" , it may head stuck on platter and void spindle to spinning.
Ijin tanya bang, kalo misalkan yg dilepas atau dipindah itu piringan disk nya bisa ngga? bukan head clickin nya. Jadi head clickin nya masih tetep pake yg awal?
Tukar platter bisa saja, namun pcb nya juga harus ditukar. Setiap hdd , platter dan pcb asli pasanganya tidak bisa dipisahkan. Walaupun hdd merk sama, model sama, type sama, tahun pembuatan sama, tapi platter dan pcb tidak bisa seenaknya ditukar-tukar. Kalau diceritakan panjang, jadi sebaiknya tukar head, bukan tukar platter.
@@akanghadibatam7285 Oke bang, terimakasih banyak infonya. Sangat membantu.
@@akanghadibatam7285 posisi emang di batam bang? kalo kira2 saya kirim external hdd saya utk diperbaiki kejauhan ngga ya? Saya di jawa barat. Datanya aduh penting banget, data selama 10 thn lebih disana semua
@@mametibon mangga tiasa wae kang. Saya di Batam, saya dan keluarga sudah hijrah 26 tahun dari Bandung ke Batam.
WA saja dulu kang, dideskripsi ada detail kontaknya
@@akanghadibatam7285 batamna dimana kang ieu bau bau na dket padang hutan..dota mana..
Why did you tighten the screw to the head interface and then unscrew it?
What did that screw do?
You easily removed the head, but I have a problem with this because it looks like the head is tied to something.
can someone advise please?
Hi Ali, this video for practice purpose. How to remove BAD head and how to fix GOD head. I am just showing you how to do it. If you are pretty sure your head is bad and you have good head and then go a head. Please take note :
1. You need more and more practise.
2. Do practise on bad hdd thats no data needed.
3. If you have trouble to take out head assembly; you have to take them line up and gently, to much force make them hard to remove, again you need more practise.
Good luck.
@@akanghadibatam7285 thanks
on seagate slim the heads will stick when you move over the platters! i tried many times!.im looking for a solution too
Bang mau nanya, kalo harddisk eksternal dicolok ke laptop / pc tapi malah bikin hang itu kenapa ya? Sudah dibongkar cover harddisk eksternal dan colok pake docking usb, tetap sama aja. Solusinya apa ya bang? Makasih sebelumnya 🙏
Hdd tdk bisa berkomunikasi dgn pc. Coba tempelkan telinga pada hdd saat dikoneksilan ke pc/laptop. Dengarkan baik2 :
1. Spindle berpiutar? Ada suara gemuruh, normal. Bila tdk ada suara gemuruh sama sekali : spindle / pcb rusak.
2. Head bergerak? Ada suara klik halus. Normal. Bila suara klik2 berulang ulang ; head rusak, firmware corrupted atau platter cacat. Ganti head, update firmware. Bila platter cacat tdk ada solusinya, game over.
3. Tdk ada suara spindle, hanya suara seperti lebah/buzzer. Head macet diatas platter. Geser head ke posisi tempat parkir head/ramp head.
Bisa bantu recovery data kah?
bisa. semua kontak info ada dlm deskripsi
Where I get the new head?
No where, no body sale heads. Only one things you can do, purchased same drive and swap the heads.
Pay attention :
1. Hard drive must same model
2. Same firmware.
3. Do your best to get first 4 digit of S/N is same.
4. Same mfg country.
Mau tanya bang mohon dijawab, kalo sudah melakukan head replacement apakah hdd nya harus dikalibrasi / disetel ulang menggunakan software khusus atau gak perlu? dan apakah hdd nya akan langsung terdeteksi kah? makasih
Setelah head hdd diganti harus dilakukan pengecekan SA/service area. Operasi ini hanya bisa dilakulan dgn tools software dan hardware data recovery, misalnya PC3000, DFL dll.
Bisa saja sih langsung cek di pc, namun dari pengalaman sy kemungkinan revoverynya sangat kecil
Need a link of where to buy heads
Hi. No body sell preamp head. You have to purchase similar and identic hard drive to get donor preamp head.
if the sound can be heard, why you are not explaining ? how do i know you did it right, as no proof.
It is just one of many ways to do head assy replacement. You have to recognize and reason that why you have to replace the head assy. This video only for exercise anybody who want to replace head assy.
Hello sir I need to head online Seagate backup plus 2 tb head link please help me
Not sure what you need, do you have a preamp head problem?
I have a Seagate expansion drive 1.5 tb. It's head is not working, is it possible to recover data after replacing the head?
Are sure head is not working? Any indicated that head faulty?
@@akanghadibatam7285 yes, I took it to a recovery service provider, they tested it and I was told the same. They were asking too much money for recovery that's more than 5 times the price of my hard disk.
@@akanghadibatam7285 also the hard disk is beeping and I cannot see it on device list of computer when I connect it.
@@shivamshukla9850 if beeping like a bee, possible your head is sticking on platter. Make Sure beeping not clicking
Same here. Have you repaired it. Tell me where did you get the tools
Nice bg music ever
pnya saya headnya jg rusak kak hardsik eksternal kntak wa kak?
Ada di deskripsi
Please how can I fix my own please
What is your drive issue?
It is not coming up at all
And I have a lot of documents in it
@@sidiladi6987 this pc > right click > manage > disk management, can you see your drive?
@@akanghadibatam7285 I can see the drive on my Pc sir
@@sidiladi6987 then you can't access into your drive? Even though your drive present on MY PC?
Sudah saya WA, centang 1 yah? Yg baru brp nmrnya
Nomor tdk diganti. Mohon perhatikan jam dan hari kerjanya.
Wah bener bisa tuh bang? soalnya saya liat ganti gitu harus yang ahli nanganinnya. Harus gada debu, gaboleh ini itu
Btw thanks untuk info nya
@@Open6a-fx4qf memang itu dilakukan dalam clean room
Can We Remove Platter Of this Hard Dive ?
Yes. You have no worry to remove the platter. It is only one platter. Use proper platter replacement tools.
@@akanghadibatam7285 can You tell me name of platter remove tool for this?
@@shreeyanshdwivedi838 US $9.43 6%OFF | Automatic data recovery platter extractor HDD magnetic head Replace tool Head comb hard disk opening machine unwinding machine
That link from
You can found with key words : " platter replacement tools" .
Don't forget to select 2.5" version, according to your hard drive.
@@akanghadibatam7285 Omg... Thank You So much..tnx 🙏👍😊
Menerima servis kak
Hardisk/ssd data recovery, silahkan hubungi kontak pada deskripsi pada jam dan hari kerja. Minggu/libur nasional, turup
Sar hard disk mein hed ka jo kam krne ka tools ha iska name kya hai sar
English please...
@@akanghadibatam7285 sari mera hard disk krab ho gya hai aap shi kardijyega
Hello, I would like to analyze the fault on this non-functional Hdd if it is a malfunction of the read/write heads or some electronic part.
The error occurred during Windows installation when it formatted the entire disk instead of the specified partition.
The Hdd cannot be initialized or formatted in the computer, nor can Minitool Partition repair it. Thank you in advance for the advice.
hdd that having SA module damaged due to head malfunction, it won"t be detection and read/write by any PC anymore. Only DR company can do to fix it ; head replacement and repair damage SA modules. They have hardware and. software to support the job.
Kira² berapa ya biaya perbaikan nya?
Di deskripsi ada nomor kontaknya pak. Silahkan hubungi pada jam dan hari kerja.
@Akang Hadi Batam I had change myself the heads from donor disk but when connrected it start ot behave like this .
What could go wrong? Is i heads crash again?
Many possibilities :
1. Head donors do not match regard to hdd model ,type , year of mfg, country of mfg, hdd f/w..
2, Job done in a non clean room.
Itu plastik atau kertas bang?
Plastik mika. Biasanya buat sampul jilid buku.
@@akanghadibatam7285 makasi bang 🙏
@@akanghadibatam7285 nanya lagi bang, kalau clicking itu berarti headnya yang rusak?
@@kadekwijayanta4821 kemungkinan besar, IYA. Bongkar head perlu latihan. Beli hardisk rusak/bekas di toko komputer, harganya murah. Pakai latihan sampai lancar.
Bila sudah lancar baru praktek dgn hardisk yg ada datanya.
Jangan pernah latihan pakai hardisk yg ada data2 penting.
@@akanghadibatam7285 terimakasih gan, gan kalau hdd disknya debuan dikit tidak masalah?
berabe dengan cara seperti itu
Yah namanya juga simple tools, buat yg engga punya head comb set dan unstick head tools.
@@akanghadibatam7285 mantap moga tambah sukses gan 👍
Head kaha se buy kare
Any hdd head no body sell. You have to purchase whole unit of similar hdd as donor drive.
U didnt explained what u are doing and y u r doing
What do u need to know?
seegat hard repair kar denge
hi... in English please...
I got repaired my hard drive from the stellar data recovery and retrieve back my data efficiently.
How much was your expense?
I'm datarecovery expert
@@renjeeshkt5708 Probably an arm and a leg. They charge wayyyy too much.
No.wa ada bang
Ada di deskripsi
How can i fix the issue header issue in seagate barracuda 1 tb 3.5
You open the hdd in clean room/clean cabinet? There is dust in micron that can kill hdd in open room.
Clicking head always due to ; head damage/weak due to age and SA module failed.