Great podcast! Skip Sligh who I’ve never heard of , you can see from his actions, he’s been there and done that. He knows what’s what when it come to land and habitat. I’m from NH and don’t have a farm. I believe what he says from my knowledge of hunting here 100 percent!
Can you please provide the community an update on where you are at addressing the camera and mobile app issues? Many are starting bow season with non working cameras. 😢
100% agree. Between that and an older camera that will not turn on, I have not gotten a response from anyone for over 2 weeks. The 5 year warranty is not good for much if they will not call back, email back, or answer the phone
Im up here in northern wisconsin,and unfortunately we face coyotes,bobcats,bear,and wolves,all competing for the fawns.Add on a tough winter,and the mortality in one year can be higher than you can imagine on fawns.
Give you guys a little wild perspective on coyotes…. My home farm area - home & neighboring farms …. We hunted all year for coyotes & trapped them relentlessly. About 6 of us guys on them “full time”…. In one calendar year we took somewhere between 250-300 coyotes off our small area there. Maybe 5 square miles. Our best night was maybe close to a dozen coyotes. I had 3 bow sits where I emptied my quiver on coyotes. Every coyote I saw hunting - I shot. Thermals, during deer season shooting & trapping - we pounded them all year. Will continue & more folks are stepping up. The fawn #’s this summer are ASTOUNDING!!! Constant battle & more guys on it the better. 👍
When Skip described does weighing 150 lbs I knew he wasn't talking abt Texas. Our does look like chihuahuas compared to midwest white tails! Dropping deer population on my 65 acres in west Texas, LOTS of coyotes though. This video is making me wonder if coyotes could be a big part of the problem. Good, informative video!
Totally agree Skip. I've got a 6 yr old living on about 10 acres. Obviously he moves around a little from time to time but he's really tight. I have great natural browse and some thick quiet cover.
In pa The game commission has the hunters believing if they see 3 doe in a field, they are overrun with deer. Highest hunter density in the country and over a million doe tags issued.
If you think coyotes are hard on a deer population; you should see what happens when the wolves show up. It is an absolute tragedy what has been allowed to happen to the northern half of Wisconsin and now happening throughout the entire state. Wolves = ungulate decimation.
Coyotes aren't hard on deer. Anyone who thinks that has no idea about real predation from wolves. In a bad winter they will literally wipe out or move out your whole population leaving you with zero deer in a given 10k acre section. Coyotes aren't crap, when you have wolves you'd dream about having coyotes again.
Agree. We still have land in the UP of MI. Don’t hunt it at all. Almost “no deer”. MN & WI- what happened in north parts is sad. & some of those areas still have lots of doe tags. WI has some high tag quota areas that make no sense. Hope u guys get common sense back & deer #’s back up!!
Not saying I don't believe. Not saying they can't be a problem. Just saying, the way the DNR, for lack of a better agency word, is not doing right, by most of us. Deer Heard is not what it should be, nor regulated properly / as it should be. Along with so many other damn things, we as sportsman/conservationist care about. I hate to say it, get the government involved, and everything falls to s***. That's what's happened. To the whole damn country, in just about every possible thing. I don't really care who you are, what you believe, but if you don't start standing up for yourself, and what you believe, you're going to lose it. To all the other dumbass, louder people that really don't give a s***, about what we care about. It's true people! Don't wait till it's gone! It's overdue for us to start stepping up for what we believe and care about! Time to step up and make your opinion/voices heard. However that maybe!😮😊
Do you know what the biggest killer of fawns in Michigan and Wisconsin are? Guess? Your gunna be wrong lol, it's black bears! The biologist said a Black Bear will wait back for up to three days because they can outsmell a wolf or coyote! They know when the doe ish will give birth and they immediately eat the fawn.!!!!!! Up to 50 percent he said die this way, not to mention? Sickness, wolves, coyotes, big raccoons, and so one. Mi would be Ohio if we did things smarter and killed more predators! But once again the bureaucrats......
We've had a massive amount of coyotes on our property in juneau county wis. It's something new. That changed last year, and I'm seeing it this year as well. We use to have a pretty substantial amount of deer on our property. Now the cameras are full of coyotes. Basically every sit I've had resulted in coyotes getting within 40 yards of me. We have hay fields so it wasn't abnormal to see 20 deer in the fields. Now we maybe see 1-4 and they are very skittish. I've started to hear rumors of a wolf pack or two that have made their way down to our area. One farmer said they killed one of their steers. Some neighbors have said they've seen one or two wolfs. I know I found a MASSIVE paw print. Much to big for a coyote. So I'm assuming it is something different. If it's coyotes causing what's going on now I dread what will happen once more wolfs make their way down. It's bad.
In what way? I see that 3 ways…. 1) guys might work & hunt really hard to find & hunt older bucks. Might Maximize time, $, work, effort & MAYBE achieve it. No problem by me on this. Few are willing to do this & this ambition should never be frowned upon IMO 2) some guys cut corners for big racks - long story short “I want EASY BUTTON” & hunting is degraded for everyone. Or just throw $ at it alone. Ya- I think many would agree that’s a direction we hope hunting stops going down. 3) poaching, cheating or doing unethical things… for sure- no argument & shameful. The pursuit of anything ….. any achievement or enjoyment or success …. Can be good & it can be bad. Even $…. $ has some up sides but many get corrupted by its downsides. So- the “pursuit of older or bigger bucks” isn’t inherently good or bad- it simply depends on the context in which we describe it.
Has that new doe deer season happened yet? But you know its running all the deer off state land. I have hunted SW michigan to Eatern UP public and private. Your statement is catagorically false and reinforces this issues we have in Michigan. The mentaility of deer hunters in Michigan is the biggest problem, not the DNR or any other governing body. You as hunter have more control or impact than any regulation. Its always someone elses fault, your hunting sucks.
I’m from MI & spent a decade pounding that whole state. Every region from southern belt to upper MI to the UP. They need regulation changes. 2 bucks & gun starts in middle of rut ….insanity. Then- they open every other thing up… more seasons, more quotas, new/more weapons. & what’s happened????? In about 25 years, 1/3rd of the hunters QUIT. MI has the lowest recruitment & retention rate of any state (or darn close). Until the quality & access to quality land bearing quality outdoor experiences improves - MI hunter #’s will continue to dive off a cliff. While the serious hunters of MI leave during November to go hunt other states in the Midwest. MI is a broken model on countless fronts. At the rate hunters are quitting - SOMETHING will give. It cannot keep going like this. Born in MI & started there hunting in 1995 when I was 14 years old…. Understand the issues there fluidly. The new generation of hunters will be the chance to fix the broken unsustainable system.
@@Iowa_Whitetail like I said the management is run by fools.... There all kinds of factors the deer were practically extinct in lower Mi, due to the lumber Barron's for one.
Please help us fix Illinois. I’m so disappointed in our dnr. Handing out nuisance tags like the deer population is extremely out of control, but limiting gun tags to hunters and not having the late season antlerless only seasons in several counties (even tho I realize those can be tough on shed bucks).
His comments are for his area. That has never been the case on the two properties I hunt in Pa. Every year we get to rifle season’s 2nd week and there are 100 doe in the field.
Agree!! Guys will pass does waiting on the buck to shoot. “Gotta get my buck” & many don’t wanna goof the hunt up shooting a doe. Same happened in MI The here I was from. Good observation & I agree I was talking mainly about iowa. 👍
Your comment about writing a check and cutting out a bunch of resident hunter's. Is exactly what happened to Kansas. It will never get fixed. Everywhere I grew up hunting is leased or owned by a non resident . And our public has been destroyed.
Heck yeah America first! lol I definitely agree it takes at least 3 years to figure out a new farm and imo then you start making changes from what you’ve learned AFTER you figure out what the deer are doing. Easy to make simple mistakes by getting too excited getting a new piece of ground.
Hay Jake just found you today, great job. You did a video with Phil Tuttle about a year ago. is it possible to get an email so that I can get a template for that letter. Thank you Eddie
How about a video apologizing for your lack of customer support with your failed app? Maybe a video offering some help to the list of people who can't get a reply to an email or phone call.
Guys the BROWNING trail camera I've been using the last two falls is cheap and absolutely amazing!!!!!!! Never had a problem, super cheap and the STRIKE FORCE MEDIA APP Is amazing and the customer service is out of this world!!!!!!!!!!
Did I say that? I’ll relisten. I farm & own dozens of farms. Pop around a lot. Most the farms I let others hunt though. I probably get to 20 or so farms a year. But most are not great hunting farms - or any hunting on them at all. Some are like “eah- there’s one iffy spot to maybe hunt”. I do pop around a ton but if I said 40 or 50- I misspoke.
Ok- ya- that’s probably about right. I’ve owned maybe 200 or so. In MI I probably hunted a few hundred as we popped around non-stop for a decade Then hunted countless for 30+ years in iowa, ks, mo, NE, etc. I’ll change that to “many hundreds” 😜👍
One of those doe you kill could of had a fawn next year that turned into a trophy 5 years from now. If the deer are malnourished ok the population is out of control but if the land can handle the population why change. Especially in Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, and some places your one bad winter away from wiping out 30-40% of the herd. Live in Maine and as a kid if someone shot a coyote it was a big deal now neighborhoods hire people to go in a take out coyotes, in highschool 20 + years ago we couldn't hunt turkeys at all and now we have a spring and fall season and in fall alone you can shoot 5 of any sex. In the southern part of the state if you put in your guaranteed a doe tag , it's a "lottery" and the last few years they started charging $14 and now hand them out like Candy just turned into a money grab for the state. Don't even get me started on the moose the DNR are trying to wipe out. When hunting is probably the biggest tourist money maker for the state and if they keep going this way they are gonna wipe it out.
I agree with that. If u are locked in to a 5 mile radius - way harder. I’m willing to go 2-5 hours though. Why I bought one way down in ks. My home farm in iowa to my furthest farm in iowa is probably 2.5 hours apart. Im willing to travel though. No right or wrong there- personal preference & with your criteria - I do agree with u.
What if everyone took the time to clean up their gut piles? It seems like we're just giving coyotes an easy meal, helping them get ready for a tough winter ahead.
Yep!!! MI often has a case of “I gotta get my buck”…. Guys will pass doe after doe to tag a young buck. Then say “needed one for the freezer!” 🤦♂️🤯. That’s case in point where the best thing for the resource, freezer, other hunters, etc- SHOOT A DOE!!!!! Let the little buck go. A lot of those folks (been there & I know them- lived in MI until I was 21) …. I don’t wanna mess my hunt up for a buck by shooting a doe. All this creates a $hit storm of “if I don’t shoot the buck my neighbor will”. “I get 2 buck tags so if I shoot a dinker, i stil have a tag”. “I shot 1-2 bucks so I don’t even need a doe anymore”. Whatever. It’s a broken system & MI needs fundamental changes.
644$ plus applicable fees for an out of state deer tag. I hardly call that peanuts. I'd find it not worth the money for what food you get. Unless your just a trophy buck guy
The $ to hunt for meat doesn’t ever make sense. Even with a $20 deer tag. But to travel to another state to hunt is a luxury. For residents to go hunt locally is a necessity in some cases. Why the NR fee should always be far higher than R fee. I agree- for the $ - makes no sense at all.
the whole industry is dumb and all about money - no one cares. where i hunt in NY, hunting is like 60% worse than like 20 years ago and thats on all species small and big except predstors. now with ehd forget about it deer can not recover when hit hard!!
I could care less how u manage your property & makes zero difference to me. I’ve hunted about 10 states including some of the worst. Hope the regs improve in many states. Lotta folks have questions & like info …. That’s what I provided. Repeating “in my opinion” a lot. & yes- iowa is a state with common sense regulations & the best management in the country. There’s a reason u hear from iowa even though we have a tiny deer herd and a drop of cover vs any other state in the Midwest.
Why? I’ve hunted YEARS on public. It’s harder. Absolutely. Wasn’t even enjoyable for me as my hunts were ruined most of the time. I want to be in nature watching somewhat natural animals. Public is often just beat down degraded hunting. I put in my years in MI seeing more hunters than deer on public. The deer are the SAME. They are both wild. On private- there’s simply more deer & older deer as people haven’t shot everything off of it. On private- deer can leave, can bust u, are not dumb. Go hunt 6-8 year old bucks ANYWHERE in country- private- whatever…. U think that’s easy? Really? & that’s not hunting? Just because some folks don’t want the degraded experience of crowds of people ruining land doesn’t mean it’s not hunting. That’s just a silly comment.
Ohio resident hunter here, thanks for speaking out
Great podcast! Skip Sligh who I’ve never heard of , you can see from his actions, he’s been there and done that. He knows what’s what when it come to land and habitat. I’m from NH and don’t have a farm. I believe what he says from my knowledge of hunting here 100 percent!
I've been missing these interviews! Thanks Jake and congratulations, I hear you are the new owner of whitetail academy. God bless
2:46 the mortality is insane if you add scent to your scrapes before July 4th.
Nice episode Jake! I’ll try to catch up on the rest 👊
Can you please provide the community an update on where you are at addressing the camera and mobile app issues? Many are starting bow season with non working cameras. 😢
100% agree. Between that and an older camera that will not turn on, I have not gotten a response from anyone for over 2 weeks. The 5 year warranty is not good for much if they will not call back, email back, or answer the phone
Im up here in northern wisconsin,and unfortunately we face coyotes,bobcats,bear,and wolves,all competing for the fawns.Add on a tough winter,and the mortality in one year can be higher than you can imagine on fawns.
Great episode! Love the coyote and doe talk!
Give you guys a little wild perspective on coyotes…. My home farm area - home & neighboring farms …. We hunted all year for coyotes & trapped them relentlessly. About 6 of us guys on them “full time”…. In one calendar year we took somewhere between 250-300 coyotes off our small area there. Maybe 5 square miles. Our best night was maybe close to a dozen coyotes. I had 3 bow sits where I emptied my quiver on coyotes. Every coyote I saw hunting - I shot. Thermals, during deer season shooting & trapping - we pounded them all year. Will continue & more folks are stepping up. The fawn #’s this summer are ASTOUNDING!!! Constant battle & more guys on it the better. 👍
When Skip described does weighing 150 lbs I knew he wasn't talking abt Texas. Our does look like chihuahuas compared to midwest white tails! Dropping deer population on my 65 acres in west Texas, LOTS of coyotes though. This video is making me wonder if coyotes could be a big part of the problem. Good, informative video!
Totally agree Skip. I've got a 6 yr old living on about 10 acres. Obviously he moves around a little from time to time but he's really tight. I have great natural browse and some thick quiet cover.
In pa The game commission has the hunters believing if they see 3 doe in a field, they are overrun with deer. Highest hunter density in the country and over a million doe tags issued.
If you think coyotes are hard on a deer population; you should see what happens when the wolves show up. It is an absolute tragedy what has been allowed to happen to the northern half of Wisconsin and now happening throughout the entire state. Wolves = ungulate decimation.
Coyotes aren't hard on deer. Anyone who thinks that has no idea about real predation from wolves. In a bad winter they will literally wipe out or move out your whole population leaving you with zero deer in a given 10k acre section. Coyotes aren't crap, when you have wolves you'd dream about having coyotes again.
Agree. We still have land in the UP of MI. Don’t hunt it at all. Almost “no deer”. MN & WI- what happened in north parts is sad. & some of those areas still have lots of doe tags. WI has some high tag quota areas that make no sense. Hope u guys get common sense back & deer #’s back up!!
Not saying I don't believe. Not saying they can't be a problem. Just saying, the way the DNR, for lack of a better agency word, is not doing right, by most of us. Deer Heard is not what it should be, nor regulated properly / as it should be. Along with so many other damn things, we as sportsman/conservationist care about. I hate to say it, get the government involved, and everything falls to s***. That's what's happened. To the whole damn country, in just about every possible thing. I don't really care who you are, what you believe, but if you don't start standing up for yourself, and what you believe, you're going to lose it. To all the other dumbass, louder people that really don't give a s***, about what we care about. It's true people! Don't wait till it's gone! It's overdue for us to start stepping up for what we believe and care about! Time to step up and make your opinion/voices heard. However that maybe!😮😊
Do you know what the biggest killer of fawns in Michigan and Wisconsin are? Guess? Your gunna be wrong lol, it's black bears! The biologist said a Black Bear will wait back for up to three days because they can outsmell a wolf or coyote! They know when the doe ish will give birth and they immediately eat the fawn.!!!!!! Up to 50 percent he said die this way, not to mention? Sickness, wolves, coyotes, big raccoons, and so one. Mi would be Ohio if we did things smarter and killed more predators! But once again the bureaucrats......
We've had a massive amount of coyotes on our property in juneau county wis. It's something new.
That changed last year, and I'm seeing it this year as well. We use to have a pretty substantial amount of deer on our property. Now the cameras are full of coyotes. Basically every sit I've had resulted in coyotes getting within 40 yards of me. We have hay fields so it wasn't abnormal to see 20 deer in the fields. Now we maybe see 1-4 and they are very skittish.
I've started to hear rumors of a wolf pack or two that have made their way down to our area. One farmer said they killed one of their steers. Some neighbors have said they've seen one or two wolfs.
I know I found a MASSIVE paw print. Much to big for a coyote. So I'm assuming it is something different.
If it's coyotes causing what's going on now I dread what will happen once more wolfs make their way down. It's bad.
I like this dude!! Straight shooter imo
It's crazy what people will do for a big set of antlers.
In what way? I see that 3 ways….
1) guys might work & hunt really hard to find & hunt older bucks. Might Maximize time, $, work, effort & MAYBE achieve it. No problem by me on this. Few are willing to do this & this ambition should never be frowned upon IMO
2) some guys cut corners for big racks - long story short “I want EASY BUTTON” & hunting is degraded for everyone. Or just throw $ at it alone. Ya- I think many would agree that’s a direction we hope hunting stops going down.
3) poaching, cheating or doing unethical things… for sure- no argument & shameful.
The pursuit of anything ….. any achievement or enjoyment or success …. Can be good & it can be bad. Even $…. $ has some up sides but many get corrupted by its downsides. So- the “pursuit of older or bigger bucks” isn’t inherently good or bad- it simply depends on the context in which we describe it.
Right on!
Let's go Jake. I'm an illinois boy
Skip I love it .. I've been calling deer big rabbits for years lol
I'm in mid Michigan,the DNR is running ALL the deer off the state game land with the new doe seasons, most get run off in the two week gun season.😮
I've hunted up here for nearly 50yrs. I hunt 97% on state game land.Ive seen more miss management, money wasted nonsense.
Has that new doe deer season happened yet? But you know its running all the deer off state land. I have hunted SW michigan to Eatern UP public and private. Your statement is catagorically false and reinforces this issues we have in Michigan. The mentaility of deer hunters in Michigan is the biggest problem, not the DNR or any other governing body. You as hunter have more control or impact than any regulation. Its always someone elses fault, your hunting sucks.
Ok. You keep listening to your master 😂
I’m from MI & spent a decade pounding that whole state. Every region from southern belt to upper MI to the UP. They need regulation changes. 2 bucks & gun starts in middle of rut ….insanity. Then- they open every other thing up… more seasons, more quotas, new/more weapons. & what’s happened????? In about 25 years, 1/3rd of the hunters QUIT. MI has the lowest recruitment & retention rate of any state (or darn close). Until the quality & access to quality land bearing quality outdoor experiences improves - MI hunter #’s will continue to dive off a cliff. While the serious hunters of MI leave during November to go hunt other states in the Midwest. MI is a broken model on countless fronts. At the rate hunters are quitting - SOMETHING will give. It cannot keep going like this. Born in MI & started there hunting in 1995 when I was 14 years old…. Understand the issues there fluidly. The new generation of hunters will be the chance to fix the broken unsustainable system.
@@Iowa_Whitetail like I said the management is run by fools.... There all kinds of factors the deer were practically extinct in lower Mi, due to the lumber Barron's for one.
Skip the man. Your should make a 5 min clip for sharing
Please help us fix Illinois. I’m so disappointed in our dnr. Handing out nuisance tags like the deer population is extremely out of control, but limiting gun tags to hunters and not having the late season antlerless only seasons in several counties (even tho I realize those can be tough on shed bucks).
His comments are for his area. That has never been the case on the two properties I hunt in Pa. Every year we get to rifle season’s 2nd week and there are 100 doe in the field.
Agree!! Guys will pass does waiting on the buck to shoot. “Gotta get my buck” & many don’t wanna goof the hunt up shooting a doe. Same happened in MI The here I was from. Good observation & I agree I was talking mainly about iowa. 👍
Your comment about writing a check and cutting out a bunch of resident hunter's. Is exactly what happened to Kansas. It will never get fixed. Everywhere I grew up hunting is leased or owned by a non resident . And our public has been destroyed.
I agree about the non-resident hunters. I'm from Mo.
I live in Ohio and he is 100% right! Everything is being leased by out of state hunters and the ODNR could care less about the residents.
Heck yeah America first! lol I definitely agree it takes at least 3 years to figure out a new farm and imo then you start making changes from what you’ve learned AFTER you figure out what the deer are doing. Easy to make simple mistakes by getting too excited getting a new piece of ground.
NE huge Black Bear problem doing alot of damage
Should come fix Nebraska that would be a challenge lol
Hay Jake just found you today, great job. You did a video with Phil Tuttle about a year ago. is it possible to get an email so that I can get a template for that letter. Thank you Eddie
Hey Eddie - dm Jake on instagram
How about a video apologizing for your lack of customer support with your failed app? Maybe a video offering some help to the list of people who can't get a reply to an email or phone call.
I completely agree. I am so frustrated. It's the middle of September, and I haven't had a camera out yet.
The app is a struggle when having to log in every time
Gallery doesn’t update
And cameras acting up
Wow didn’t know I was the only one. Haven’t been able to get ahold of anyone for 2 weeks. Cams won’t send pics to the app at all
Guys the BROWNING trail camera I've been using the last two falls is cheap and absolutely amazing!!!!!!! Never had a problem, super cheap and the STRIKE FORCE MEDIA APP Is amazing and the customer service is out of this world!!!!!!!!!!
@@greenriveroutdoors read what I wrote
The biggest problem I see with over doe hunting n hurting us is taking doe once breeding starts after that they should b off limits...
He's right on about doe killing.
So you hunt 40 - 50 different farms each year? That seems a little much maybe....
Did I say that? I’ll relisten. I farm & own dozens of farms. Pop around a lot. Most the farms I let others hunt though. I probably get to 20 or so farms a year. But most are not great hunting farms - or any hunting on them at all. Some are like “eah- there’s one iffy spot to maybe hunt”. I do pop around a ton but if I said 40 or 50- I misspoke.
@Iowa_Whitetail I save you that, you stated "thousands of farms".
Ok- ya- that’s probably about right. I’ve owned maybe 200 or so. In MI I probably hunted a few hundred as we popped around non-stop for a decade Then hunted countless for 30+ years in iowa, ks, mo, NE, etc. I’ll change that to “many hundreds” 😜👍
One of those doe you kill could of had a fawn next year that turned into a trophy 5 years from now. If the deer are malnourished ok the population is out of control but if the land can handle the population why change. Especially in Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, and some places your one bad winter away from wiping out 30-40% of the herd. Live in Maine and as a kid if someone shot a coyote it was a big deal now neighborhoods hire people to go in a take out coyotes, in highschool 20 + years ago we couldn't hunt turkeys at all and now we have a spring and fall season and in fall alone you can shoot 5 of any sex. In the southern part of the state if you put in your guaranteed a doe tag , it's a "lottery" and the last few years they started charging $14 and now hand them out like Candy just turned into a money grab for the state. Don't even get me started on the moose the DNR are trying to wipe out. When hunting is probably the biggest tourist money maker for the state and if they keep going this way they are gonna wipe it out.
When the farm is 5 min from home and nothing ever sells in the area it becomes a bit hard to relace a farn lol.
I agree with that. If u are locked in to a 5 mile radius - way harder. I’m willing to go 2-5 hours though. Why I bought one way down in ks. My home farm in iowa to my furthest farm in iowa is probably 2.5 hours apart. Im willing to travel though. No right or wrong there- personal preference & with your criteria - I do agree with u.
What if everyone took the time to clean up their gut piles? It seems like we're just giving coyotes an easy meal, helping them get ready for a tough winter ahead.
Interesting idea!
@Dnetx I gutted deer in front of a camera a few years ago it got hammered.
By turkeys, not what I expected.
Michigan has a over abundance of doe. The whole state is nothing but buck culture. Most green fields you see 40 doe to 2 or 3 small bucks
Yep!!! MI often has a case of “I gotta get my buck”…. Guys will pass doe after doe to tag a young buck. Then say “needed one for the freezer!” 🤦♂️🤯. That’s case in point where the best thing for the resource, freezer, other hunters, etc- SHOOT A DOE!!!!! Let the little buck go. A lot of those folks (been there & I know them- lived in MI until I was 21) …. I don’t wanna mess my hunt up for a buck by shooting a doe.
All this creates a $hit storm of “if I don’t shoot the buck my neighbor will”. “I get 2 buck tags so if I shoot a dinker, i stil have a tag”. “I shot 1-2 bucks so I don’t even need a doe anymore”. Whatever. It’s a broken system & MI needs fundamental changes.
Every coyote I see takes a dirt nap
100%!! Don’t shoot does!!!!
644$ plus applicable fees for an out of state deer tag. I hardly call that peanuts. I'd find it not worth the money for what food you get. Unless your just a trophy buck guy
The $ to hunt for meat doesn’t ever make sense. Even with a $20 deer tag. But to travel to another state to hunt is a luxury. For residents to go hunt locally is a necessity in some cases. Why the NR fee should always be far higher than R fee. I agree- for the $ - makes no sense at all.
2 Great
south west Iowa's deer population has been decimated in the past couple of years for sure.
Wee need all the does
the whole industry is dumb and all about money - no one cares.
where i hunt in NY, hunting is like 60% worse than like 20 years ago and thats on all species small and big except predstors.
now with ehd forget about it deer can not recover when hit hard!!
100% iowa is gona be screwed. There are no deer around where I hunt. Then rifle hunters pushed and made sure they filled their tags!
Right when you think you got it figured out, you’re wrong!!!
Predation has always been apart of land management. People are just very lazy these days
Have to use some common sense when it comes to harvesting does. Jeez!
Idk where people think we ... We have to take deer out. Gtfo here. Leave it be. Mother nature works great
Ever body that got a big farm wont to hunt some body else farm and leave ther farm along
Plus most does killed after rut are pregnant,hunter are the problem.
Thay dont no how to hunt
Another guy from Iowa telling everyone how to manage property.
I could care less how u manage your property & makes zero difference to me. I’ve hunted about 10 states including some of the worst. Hope the regs improve in many states. Lotta folks have questions & like info …. That’s what I provided. Repeating “in my opinion” a lot. & yes- iowa is a state with common sense regulations & the best management in the country. There’s a reason u hear from iowa even though we have a tiny deer herd and a drop of cover vs any other state in the Midwest.
Shooting bucks on managed farm is not hunting. Hunting public land with extreme pressure is true hunting.
Why? I’ve hunted YEARS on public. It’s harder. Absolutely. Wasn’t even enjoyable for me as my hunts were ruined most of the time. I want to be in nature watching somewhat natural animals. Public is often just beat down degraded hunting. I put in my years in MI seeing more hunters than deer on public.
The deer are the SAME. They are both wild. On private- there’s simply more deer & older deer as people haven’t shot everything off of it. On private- deer can leave, can bust u, are not dumb. Go hunt 6-8 year old bucks ANYWHERE in country- private- whatever…. U think that’s easy? Really? & that’s not hunting? Just because some folks don’t want the degraded experience of crowds of people ruining land doesn’t mean it’s not hunting. That’s just a silly comment.