Reaction To Why I Left America For Poland

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @whiteobama3032
    @whiteobama3032 11 місяців тому +479

    Im from Poland, Warsaw and I traveled most of Europe and a lot of Asia, and I can confirm, Poland is one of the safest, cleanest and most friendly places you can visit. I agree with everything this guy said. Also I think Scots and Poles are pretty compatible socially.

    • @manierwarsaw9820
      @manierwarsaw9820 11 місяців тому +18

      Poland & Romania

    • @bodhizulber8596
      @bodhizulber8596 11 місяців тому +17

      Mam podobne doświadczenie i wnioski. Zauważyłem to dopiero, kiedy zacząłem podróżować.

    • @cathulhu3772
      @cathulhu3772 11 місяців тому +4

      Yeah but those effin' grafitti turns my stomach. All the way from kino Femina up to metro marymont and worst offender - Popiełuszki, itvlooks like ghetto.

    • @whiteobama3032
      @whiteobama3032 11 місяців тому +8

      @@cathulhu3772 honestly in comparison to what it was just a couple years ago it's not really the worst, at least in most of warsaw. Most of what you find are actual artistic instalations and I dont mind those. What grids my gears are the omnipresent bilboards and advertisements. Shit gives you seizure while driving.

    • @EyeScreamPL
      @EyeScreamPL 11 місяців тому +20

      Każdy (ok, większość), kto ma otwarty umysł, kto podróżuje, a nie recenzuje "rzeczywistości" (a właściwie to własnego światka) z poziomu kanapy i telewizora dochodzi do podobnych wniosków!
      Mam obecnie 51 lat i podróżuję od 38. byłem w wielu krajach Europy Zachodniej (jedyne, byłe "demoludy", jakie odwiedziłem - póki co - to Bułgaria w 1985), USA, Meksyk, w Kanadzie mieszkałem trzy razy po pół roku (miałem okazję zostać na stałe, bo moja mama była obywatelką Kanady [była, bo jakiś czas temu oideszła :/], ale nie chciałem), byłem na Dominikanie, W Peru, w Boliwii, Chile i zamierzam wracać do Am. Płd. dokąd zdrowie i finanse pozwolą(!). Wiele z tych podróży odbyłem niedawno (tuż przed "plandemią") i bez dwóch zdań Polska, na tle innych krajów jest miejscem, z którego jestem dumny, w którym chcę żyć, a inne tylko odwiedzać!
      P.S.: ...Choć swoją emeryturę (o ile dożyję :D ) planuję spędzić w Peru i Boliwii! :p
      A czemu tak? Nie ze względów ekonomicznych, czy ideologicznych! Po prostu od małolata kocham te kraje, byłem tam i uwielbiam ludzi i klimat wiecznej wiosny (akurat tam, gdzie chciałbym zamieszkać, jak Pitumarca, gdzieś na końcu świata, w Andach I gdzieś, gdzie wiem, jak wygląda życie, bo byłem!) :)

  • @karmaketon236
    @karmaketon236 11 місяців тому +167

    We in Poland tend to complain about everything, but after watching this I am proud to be Polish.

    • @RealPigeonz
      @RealPigeonz 11 місяців тому +28

      Our complaining helps us stay grounded and see what needs to improve :P It's sort of usefull way of bounding between poles xD

    • @HanSor89
      @HanSor89 10 місяців тому +10

      Complaining is our sport :P

    • @anzark3382
      @anzark3382 10 місяців тому +7

      Indeed my brethren. We maybe complain, but we still get the shit done ;p

  • @agnesricher8412
    @agnesricher8412 10 місяців тому +56

    I moved from Toronto to Warsaw 2 years ago. Never going back 😊 I work in IT, super easy to get a job in Warsaw vs Toronto, I have the same salary, yet the cost of living is about 30 percent lower. Great food and I can travel anywhere within Europe with ease. Great public transportation, always something happening in Warsaw. Love it❤️

  • @FreeKanal
    @FreeKanal 11 місяців тому +281

    Anyone who respect our Polish history and us as a people is welcome here :)

    • @Just8gor
      @Just8gor 11 місяців тому +7

      Meanwhile immigrants:

    • @FreeKanal
      @FreeKanal 11 місяців тому

      @@Just8gor we got no problem with immigrants, we got problem with criminals who cross border ilegally.

    • @wlodek7422
      @wlodek7422 11 місяців тому

      ​​@@Just8gorlegal immigrants are definitely welcome in poland. What are you on about? Only ones we dont want are ones trying to force our border outside of legal means, at least thats what majority thinks about this issue. We have many immigrants in poland after all

    • @twisters999
      @twisters999 11 місяців тому +8

      And the Law 👌 Law is the most important here

    • @DariusAssasin
      @DariusAssasin 11 місяців тому

      Idiot! You don't even realize what will come after. Look for silicon Valley. When expacts come, it mean that prices for regular Poles will rise. Everything will be more expensive (houses, rent, grocery). Some day this companies will move and left us with poverty like they do with other countries.

  • @SithEso
    @SithEso 11 місяців тому +168

    Dziekuje za mile slowa o naszym Kraju. :) My best regards

    • @xot80
      @xot80 11 місяців тому +3

      niech się do nas przeprowadzi, nauczy języka, nauczy od Polaków narzekania i zobaczymy jaki wtedy nagra filmik hehe

    • @EyeScreamPL
      @EyeScreamPL 11 місяців тому +1

      @@xot80 Pewnie podobny do tych, jakie robi Nynke z "The Writing Traveler" - Holenderka, która opuściła Holandię, żeby podróżować, ale kiedy znalazła się w Polsce, to zakochała się w niej, została tu, pracuje tu, uczy się j. polskiego (właściwie, to już całkiem dobrze mówi). I od kilku lat z dnia na dzień zachwyca się Polską coraz bardziej, a ostatnio ściąga tu kolejnych członków swojej holenderskiej rodziny, którym Polska leży w sercu (bo odwiedzali ją wielokrotnie).
      A może będzie robił filmy podobne do żyjących w Polsce mieszkańców Nowej Zelandii, USA (szczególnie jedna Amerykanka, która przeprowadziła się do Polski "w ciemno" i 'błogosławi; nasz kraj, m. in. za to, że pierwszy raz w życiu może kupić dzieciom to, co one chcą! [link do Amerykanki i konkretnego filmu na życzenie!], UK (m. in. Anglika, który podczas swojej pierwszej wizyty w Polsce dostał taki wpie*dol na meczu jego zespołu z zespołem polskim, że znalazł się w szpitalu, ale który wracał tu, aż został na stałe? Mało tego - teraz uczestniczy we wszelkich polskich, patriotycznych marszach i wydarzeniach, sławi polskich bohaterów, robi life-streamy z nich a resztę wrzuca na YT, robił wszystko, żeby otrzymać polskie obywatelstwo, które zresztą w końcu otrzymał?), RPA, Włoch, Hiszpanii (ci natomiast mają niemal całe dzielnice w Krakowie), Japonii i wielu, wieeelu innych zakątków świata, którzy emigrowali do Polski, żyją tu od lat i wciąż się nią zachwycają, a których kanały śledzę na bieżąco?
      O nich mówisz? Czy tylko o Martim?
      Czy po prostu o sobie? :D

      @DJ_SECRET_YT 11 місяців тому +1

      Co z tego jak Tusk spierdoli polske jak zabierze 500+ hmm?😐

    • @spifer2326
      @spifer2326 11 місяців тому +4

      @@xot80 gdzie byś nie był trawa jest zawsze bardziej zielona po drugiej stronie płotu :)

  • @trafimow
    @trafimow 10 місяців тому +23

    I’m Polish myself. I’ve been leaving in London for the last 18 years and I absolutely love to see my country grow and change in such a positive way. Every time I find myself in Warsaw I can feel this energy, a vibe, an ambition to succeed. It’s very exciting. I will definitely move back sometime soon.

  • @ruleram1
    @ruleram1 11 місяців тому +199

    I've also moved to Poland 1 month before covid shut down transportation. I'm a programmer with ~5 years experience. Regarding the engineers I've worked with, yes they are impressive. I've always had very pleasant co-workers or at the very least it felt professional; this was a stark contrast to the types of people I worked with in the USA in Illinois. In the USA it was sufficient for something to appear to work, or seem good, artificially pumping up work statistics took place at every level of management. Fake smiles, fake people. In Poland mostly everything is as it seems; if it's run down, it's run down. If it's beautiful, it is beautiful. The gaslighting in the news is less advanced than American gaslighting and the bullshit is easier to distinguish; stepping out of American propaganda and into Polish propaganda is like Goku stepping out of the gravity pod. I am grateful that the television programs are unwatchably bad so I only use my tv as a second monitor for my computer. That being said, I think the tv programs that are targetted at a younger audience do a great job of instilling fear of teen pregnancy and promiscuity and real life drama... so bravo in that respect. I earn 1/4 of what everyone else in the EU earns but I'm for the first time in a long time HAPPY. I have great neighbors, no crime, women are gorgeous; it's one of the few places left where being overweight is seen as unattractive. The process of getting setup as a citizen and resident is a little fucky-wucky; government websites are god awful but the service in city hall in my experience was actually fantastic but the wait list can be a month or two and you need to meet multiple times to get everything set up.
    Also, food food food food food. Delicious fresh normal food. Polish food has the capacity to rot a short time after buying it! That means bacteria can live off of it -> that means it's edible and not sprayed with who knows what the fuck. I bought a bag of white (i think) Canellini beans, they all sprouted 5 days after buying them. The food Americans buy is completely sterile. They do offer pre-packaged food with all kinds of preservatives and shit but it's the alternative, it's not the first thing people reach for.
    There is a dark but fantastic optimistic philosophy. "nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło". Which to me basically means you can always find the good in the bad. I think this belief runs deep in many Poles and explains how quickly Poland recovers from devastation.
    Polish people (that don't work abroad) are financially poor but rich in almost every way that matters.

    • @mqrio
      @mqrio 11 місяців тому

      Ameryka to przykład jak kraj niszczą korporacje i globalizm. Mam nadzieję że Polacy w jakiś sposób przeciwstawią się temu i myślę, że ludzie religijni będą tu kluczowi.

    • @qleszwawa
      @qleszwawa 10 місяців тому +10

      "nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło" mean exacly every bad turn in to good. We also say "there is never that bad that can't be worse" witch is some kind of cheering up.

    • @magdalenawiszniewska2825
      @magdalenawiszniewska2825 10 місяців тому +2

      Tbh the government website are really great last years. Some things are slow. The change is often due to UE funds. In the end people in Germany or Spain suffer much more beaurecracy and offline paper work

    • @peteroz7332
      @peteroz7332 10 місяців тому

      "there is no bad thing that wouldn't turn out well in the end" 🤔💪
      so there's always a hope/believe that everything's great eventually 🙂
      I've heard similar saying somewhere:
      *in the end everything will be well... if it is not well -> it isn't the end yet*

    • @JoannaLukaszewska
      @JoannaLukaszewska 10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for this comment❤ a lot of people is complaining about their country, so it is a fresh breath of other point of view❤

  • @agatastevens
    @agatastevens 11 місяців тому +60

    I am from Poland and my husband is from the U.S. We lived together both in Poland and in America and we chose to raise our kids in Poland. It’s much safer here and there are a lot of opportunities. I can recommend not only Warsaw but Gdańsk and Wrocław. All these places are great to live and have a lot of foreigners living there. When it comes to the language it’s true that a lot of young people speak English. With older folks it’s kinda hit or miss. So if you’re looking for directions ask a young person. 😉

  • @vikoro1
    @vikoro1 10 місяців тому +13

    I fully agree with the video. I moved to Poland in 2000 to study here. Over these 23 years I can observe the huge progress Poland has made so far and there is still very big potential for further growth and development. I love the country and Polish history and I am proud to be a part of this success story😊

  • @mattstatkiewicz4876
    @mattstatkiewicz4876 11 місяців тому +17

    Funnily enough I moved from Edinburgh where I lived and worked for nearly 7 years to Warsaw, Poland. One of the best moves ever. I truly enjoy the dynamics and contrasts of this city, with it's pockets of pristine beauty. Honestly, a great place to call home :) Oh, and I have never felt safer when doing my late evening solo workouts in Warsaw's amazing parks. Try that in LND or NY :P

  • @Moonlightcatgirl
    @Moonlightcatgirl 11 місяців тому +18

    I'm from Poland and I,m often guest in Warsaw. Its really nice what you and this guy are saying about are country. Thank You!

  • @bartoszmalinowski7853
    @bartoszmalinowski7853 10 місяців тому +5

    I am Polish. I love this video. It is so true. I have been traveling around the world and I can confirm. Poland is one of the best place for living. Welcome! 🔥

  • @nick8292
    @nick8292 11 місяців тому +11

    I'm from the UK and came to Warsaw about 20 years ago. That was another world -- it has changed a lot. I easily got a job teaching English without any formal qualifications, and after time I gained a CELTA cert. Now it would be a bit harder to just come over and teach English without any qualifications, if at all possible. But I know you're in a different line of work.
    In your game, fintech, I would recommend securing a position first. Come over and do some reconnaissance for a short while. Although if you have a financial cushion so to speak you could move here and do the rounds face-to-face with employers. They will be interested in what you can provide for them, obviously. Just do the research first.
    Your amazing enthusiasm will be greatly appreciated, and I reckon you could make it here no probs.
    Good luck man.

  • @skusim6633
    @skusim6633 11 місяців тому +37

    You are more then welcome ❤. It is awesome that you would like to learn polish while Bering here but I have to say my language is quite difficult for foreigners. As long as you will be able to say two, three sentences everyone will be extremely proud.

    • @kudata7392
      @kudata7392 11 місяців тому +2

      For him it should be much easier as Scottish accent is pretty similar to ours, so he won't have problem with pronunciation 😂

  • @Xerox0928
    @Xerox0928 11 місяців тому +11

    Poland have most potential in the world, we just have to use it for our sake

  • @piotrkorzeniewski8539
    @piotrkorzeniewski8539 9 місяців тому +6

    Chcemy być najlepsi w europie. I będziemy ❤

  • @jahoonotes
    @jahoonotes 10 місяців тому +3

    Polish here. I find Your vids very encouraging and making me appreciate this place more and more. It's really a pleasure listening to what You say about us and would really love to greet You once You visit 😊

  • @izabelagmerek5640
    @izabelagmerek5640 11 місяців тому +5

    Pliiiiiiz., come to Poland,this is so pretty place and beautyful ladys all around

  • @SPAWN30670
    @SPAWN30670 11 місяців тому +72

    Feel invited with the whole family to Poland. Everyone who works honestly is welcome. Anyone coming on vacation, too.

    • @sebastianszrejter8519
      @sebastianszrejter8519 11 місяців тому +3

      Well f said. :)

    • @domicelabury4560
      @domicelabury4560 11 місяців тому +3

      A może zaproś wszystkich na Ukrainę bo tam jesteś gospodarzem a w Polsce gospodarzem są tylko i wyłącznie Polacy.

    • @SPAWN30670
      @SPAWN30670 11 місяців тому +4

      @@domicelabury4560 zdecydowanie jestem Polakiem więc mam prawo zapraszać.

    • @SPAWN30670
      @SPAWN30670 11 місяців тому +2

      @@domicelabury4560 Czyli ja , 100% Polak :)

    • @mateusztomczyk2899
      @mateusztomczyk2899 11 місяців тому +1

      @@domicelabury4560no i widzisz jak się zbłaźniłeś ?

  • @gosiayanosh9503
    @gosiayanosh9503 11 місяців тому +26

    I'm Polish, lived in other countries...and can confirm that everything what this guy says, it is true. UK is not even close to Poland on work-life balance and life style. We welcome skilled workers 🎉 with opened hearts and arms❤

    • @mj4398
      @mj4398 11 місяців тому

      Skoro Polska to taka cudna kraina ,to dlaczego Polacy wyjezdzaja do UK NL itd ?

    • @keriusz1
      @keriusz1 10 місяців тому +1

      Bo lubią ryzyko! 🙂

    • @LisekFenek
      @LisekFenek 10 місяців тому +1

      @@mj4398Bo chcą sprawdzić powiedzenie „cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie”

  • @EyeScreamPL
    @EyeScreamPL 11 місяців тому +12

    You're most welcome in Poland - just keep it in mind during the future decisions. ; ]
    According to Warsaw - well, lots of people love this city, but there are ofc some people who hates it. I, personally, was born, rised and living here and I love Warsaw! It's undoubtly the city of opportunities, still developing, being more and more multicultural and multilinguistic, as well as more and more beautiful. Public transportation is very well organized and the city is clean and safe.
    So again - feel welcome to Poland/Warsaw if you will ever decide to move to another country!
    P.S. If you'd like to know the other reasons why people from around the world chooses Poland as their new home i recommend you to check out the channel of one girl from the Netherlands, who decided to leave Holland and travel around the Europe and World, but while she landed in Poland, she immediately fell in love with this country and made Poland her new home. Her YT channel is called "The Writing Traveler".

  • @krzysztofneubauer2390
    @krzysztofneubauer2390 11 місяців тому +5

    That's all nice to hear but you must stay realistic. The average salary is still much smaller than in those big western economies like germany, uk or france, which wasn't mention in the film.

  • @bjornironside72
    @bjornironside72 11 місяців тому +7

    Yes, I would rather live in Poland than in the US, but I want to say that Poland is not a cheap country, prices are usually lower than in the west but people earn less money and in the end living is just as expensive. In big cities like Warsaw or Wrocław there is a housing crisis just like in western cities, but polish cities are often cleaner and more pleasant than, for example, Paris or even Berlin. But Poland is liveable, in the US there are more homeless people and more crime, I think that with new goverment there may also be more tolerance and quality of democracy. So in general Poland is a very nice place and I'm not suprised that people want to live here.

    • @77mako77ful
      @77mako77ful 11 місяців тому

      co ty pier... nie jest tania???????

  • @jagodar869
    @jagodar869 11 місяців тому +8

    Come and try! I lived 5y in London, and I decided to come back to my hometown Wrocław, and I am thankful every day for this decision. One of the things, that I disliked in the UK was, that it was so difficult to do activities with people, you need to "announce" your plans. C'mon! we love to be a bit spontaneous! PS. your accent is super cool :D

    • @MakaroniiMisiek
      @MakaroniiMisiek 11 місяців тому +1

      i Living in UK, and I can Confirm Announce with people are ... omg... In Poland , catch-up any time NO PROBLEM !! :)

    • @motorlife7037
      @motorlife7037 11 місяців тому +2

      the scottish accent is the coolest of all english spoken countries

  • @mpingo91
    @mpingo91 11 місяців тому +21

    10:07 Poland is not a perfect country, because nothing in this world is perfect. But it's a country where, if one wants, one can live well as in the West and at the same time not experience the annoyances of the absurdities that have occurred in the West due to lax governments.

  • @jinxah2366
    @jinxah2366 11 місяців тому +5

    Me (Polish) and my partner (British) have been considering moving to Warsaw or Poland in general in a couple or so years. I’ve lived the first half of my life in Poland and the other half in the UK. The economy here is so bad along with other things. My British partner genuinely hates UK at this point and is very adamant to learn Polish more so we can move. Thank you for this video :) Every year I get more and more home sick

  • @aniaania3952
    @aniaania3952 11 місяців тому +7

    Hi Mert. I am very happy with your films about Poland, my homeland. I would like to ask if you could recommend us some films about Scotland, history, culture. Greetings and welcome to Poland. 🙋

  • @piotrusisisoon1214
    @piotrusisisoon1214 11 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for you😊

  • @apacz3995
    @apacz3995 11 місяців тому +3

    Greetings from Kraków :)

  • @dodekgniewny4687
    @dodekgniewny4687 11 місяців тому +53

    Jak kazdy kraj ma wady i zalety mysle ze najgorsza wada polski politycy wiecej psuja niż buduja

    • @motorlife7037
      @motorlife7037 11 місяців тому +12

      tak, swiéta prawda, my bysmy byli topem w Europie gdyby politycy dbali o Polské a nie swoje tluste dupy

    • @knightshroom2393
      @knightshroom2393 11 місяців тому +1

      @@motorlife7037 taj jak POtfusk zdrajca.

    • @patriotblood-t2f
      @patriotblood-t2f 10 місяців тому +3

      Najgorzej że Niemcy są w naszym rządzie

    • @sistar1989
      @sistar1989 10 місяців тому

      dokładnie. Mam takie samo zdanie. Gdyby politycy pracowali tak jak prywatny sektor, to już byśmy byli zamożniejsi niż Niemcy i Wielka Brytania.@@motorlife7037

    • @losiv44
      @losiv44 10 місяців тому +1

      to prawda, ale obcokrajowcom którzy nie siedzą w naszej polityce ciężko będzie to pojąć . Tacy zazwyczaj nie interesuj się polityka kraju do którego migrują.

  • @Anna-Bubu
    @Anna-Bubu 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for this reaction. Best regards from Warsaw. 🙂

  • @maniek-pp4hg
    @maniek-pp4hg 10 місяців тому +1

    As a Pole, I can thank you for such films. It's good to hear about your country from the point of view of someone who comes to us. What he said and what arguments the guy from America gave also appeal to a native Pole who was somewhere abroad. I'm glad that this gentleman is proud to be part of this history that Poland is writing. Well, it's true, history is created by all of us who live here and work for our GDP. And we must never fall into workaholism.

  • @genkur2912
    @genkur2912 10 місяців тому +2

    My relatives are living in Poland. I am going to move to Poland.I live in Seattle. Seattle is Dying / Homelessness/Addiction, and Death in the Emerald City -NO SAFE !!!! Lovely POLSKA!!!!

  • @ms9373
    @ms9373 11 місяців тому +6

    You'd be most welcome :) Wrocław is great for IT as well and a bit slower paced than Warsaw

  • @lukaszheliasz
    @lukaszheliasz 11 місяців тому +8

    Jeśli chcesz wybrać się do Polski, pomyśl o Wrocławiu. To bardzo niedocenione, ale warte odwiedzenia miasto. I koniecznie spotkanie z widzami! Dzięki za film, pozdrawiam

    • @motorlife7037
      @motorlife7037 11 місяців тому

      pewnie, ja bym sto % wybral Wrocka

    • @nieczerwony
      @nieczerwony 10 місяців тому +3

      Po co ma sie wyprowadzac do ukrainskiego miasta? Moze rownie dobrze do Kijowa pojechac.

    • @Robert_z_Wwy
      @Robert_z_Wwy 6 місяців тому +1

      Wrocław wcale nie jest niedoceniany. Jestem Warszawiakiem od kilku pokoleń. Warszawa jest moim miejscem. Jednak gdybym musiał je zmienić, Wrocław byłby na pierwszym miejscu. Naprawdę dobrze się kojarzy.

  • @ireneuszpyrak961
    @ireneuszpyrak961 11 місяців тому +4

    Poland is the best ❤️🙂

  • @twisters999
    @twisters999 11 місяців тому +3

    Well. True. And when it comes to the job, it's the job looking for you. There it's impossible to not get any job. Announcements on most of the shop vitrins.

  • @losiv44
    @losiv44 10 місяців тому +1

    I was born and raised in Warsaw, I lived for 15 years just 200 meters from spot in park(Saski Park) he walks in 7:49, now my sister lives there. Yes, thats all true, and there is more and more and more. You can't get bored here. Also theres a lot of beautiful nature, we have all, lakes, mountains, sea. And food is best

  • @sylwiabech610
    @sylwiabech610 11 місяців тому +2

    True ❤ safe, beautiful and full of potential.

    @TAMARARUFF1 11 місяців тому +8

    yes Poland has the highest education We are the champions . Every country know that Polish people are very high educated.

    • @tomaszstramel3594
      @tomaszstramel3594 11 місяців тому +2

      It's mostly quantity over quality, though.

    @TAMARARUFF1 11 місяців тому +2

    dont forget the film industry the best film school in LODZ

  • @onufryptak7978
    @onufryptak7978 11 місяців тому +4

    I think we have many more really good bakeries than 40 😂. More like 200, pretty much on every corner.

  • @tomekville7
    @tomekville7 9 місяців тому +1

    A lot of people thinking to move to Poland from US or Australia this is why I'm here on your channel I live in Canada everything after 2019 is going to trash here!! Many skilled polish Immigrants are returning home.. I watched so many Vlogs about Poland I dont see homeless people on streets living in tents or sleeping in transit system streets are so clean!! I have feeling that Poland is a place to live nowadays -seriously!!

  • @angiepiercing
    @angiepiercing 10 місяців тому +1

    Im from Poland live in Warsaw for 15 years. This city is amazing but business focused.

  • @tomekg6629
    @tomekg6629 11 місяців тому +3

    Another thing, the prices - these are prices dating at least a year ago (check when the video was recorded). Now it’s at least 20% more expensive.

    • @toms9864
      @toms9864 4 місяці тому

      The prices have gone up everywhere and not just in Poland.

    • @tomekg6629
      @tomekg6629 4 місяці тому

      @@toms9864 not everywhere, but in many countries for sure. In Switzerland inflation was relatively low, especially compared to the EU (the pandemic peak was at 3%, now it's 1%). In Japan inflation was even lower.

  • @zajks2464
    @zajks2464 11 місяців тому +4

    Mate, you have watched so many classic polish videos and comedies that you have already became part Polish. You are welcome to move in but consider Wrocław which is one of the most developing cities in PL right now

  • @mattlukaszewski
    @mattlukaszewski 10 місяців тому +1

    And the quality and standard of housing is so much better than in the UK! You would never feel high humidity and get mold as in the UK! Please feel invited :)

  • @danandrewkarpat3228
    @danandrewkarpat3228 11 місяців тому +1

    Your Polish pronunciation is quite good. Seriously.
    And your rrrrr. I love it
    You would master Polish R in no time at all.

  • @izabela5097
    @izabela5097 11 місяців тому +8

    Krajów idealnych nie ma. Wszystko zależy od ludzi i miejsca, w którym pracujesz. Był filmik (chyba anglika), który trafił do nas, nie podobało mu się, ale kiedy zmienił miejsce i firmę, zmienił zdanie i rozważał pozostanie na stałe. (niestety nie pamiętam nazwy kanału).

  • @ukaszskoczyk3383
    @ukaszskoczyk3383 9 місяців тому

    In point!basic language of country u staying over few weeks. Welcome to Poland Brother!!!!

  • @darthkura93
    @darthkura93 10 місяців тому +2

    I love the story how they rebuild the Warsaw. I have no idea if this is true or not but in the WW2 musem I was told, that guys from art or architecture university had to mesure buildings in old Town, as a tasks througg their 1-3 yo of college. And after the war it was used as a basis of rebuliding. Like I said, no idea if this is true, but I love stories like that!

  • @polish_pete_uk
    @polish_pete_uk 11 місяців тому +10

    The guy is not talking about Poland. Hes talking about Warsaw. That's a massive difference. It's like talking about London to somebody in Carlisle. Nothing against Carlisle, but that's two different worlds. Life in small town Poland has nothing to do with life in Warsaw.

    • @wlodek7422
      @wlodek7422 11 місяців тому +1

      Well, life in big cities largely does not reflect small cities in any country. But living in small city in poland is absolutely great, at least in my opinion. And if i ever need to go to big city i have it 1 hour away with public transport

    • @ASkyy166
      @ASkyy166 11 місяців тому

      Bingo!!! Exactly! This watched like a propaganda video for Warsaw lol cringe! Poland is very different in reality from what this man is projecting here, especially in smaller towns!

    • @MH-vx1fo
      @MH-vx1fo 10 місяців тому

      To prawda.
      Sam wyprowadziłem się z miasta i wiem że po dobroci bym nie wrócił nawet w najczarniejszych scenariuszach.
      Nawet nie ma co porównywać jakości życia do takich miejsc jak Warszawa.

    • @adamnar
      @adamnar 10 місяців тому +1

      I just left quite a long comment touching on the same thing. Warsaw is the capital of Poland, but it's NOT the whole country. I recently saw this video that was like "We flew to Poland to get cheaper groceries" and I was like: 1. cringe, 2. WTF? 3. Shall I make a video called "I flew to Moldova to get cheaper groceries"? I got the same feeling when I watched the video he is reacting to. Every country (literally: every) needs to face problems and nothing is ideal. Btw - I rarely comment on YT videos but I think I was a bit mad when I watched it so I could not keep this for myself haha.

    • @ASkyy166
      @ASkyy166 10 місяців тому

      @@adamnarFOR REAL.

  • @reginacyhil5523
    @reginacyhil5523 10 місяців тому

    I am impressed and I really like what he said about my country, I live in the UK myself but I am proud of my roots although I love both countries❤

  • @JRTP-Bart77PL
    @JRTP-Bart77PL 11 місяців тому +2

    Hahhaha Welcome in Poland :) Best Country in the World

  • @nemmens
    @nemmens 11 місяців тому +3

    We've got well developed video games sector too. Our companies created games like Witcher or Cyberpunk. You can also pay by card nearly everywhere, but the usually the simplest options are our fast paying methods like Blik. What's interesting, we're home country of one of the Europe's biggest magnetic rail company, inventor of MagRail technology. I hope government will help our inventors develop. Best regards:)

  • @vagabond_trader
    @vagabond_trader 10 місяців тому

    I saw this video some months ago and while he makes a lot of good points this is essentially a promo video for his VC fund.

  • @DominatorPuls
    @DominatorPuls 11 місяців тому

    Mert, come to Poland and even do not hesitate! :-)

  • @asdasdasds492
    @asdasdasds492 10 місяців тому

    I’ve meet canadian who moved to poland 4 years ago, now he’s speaking polish very well

  • @carlosaroundtheworld
    @carlosaroundtheworld 11 місяців тому +13

    I'm polish living abroad.
    I'm glad to hear that.
    It's a pity that the EU is bringing all illegal immigrants from Africa. They are making all this mess. Poor Sweden with no go zones, shootings every day 😢
    And now war in Israel, which can lead us to the 3rd WW. Peace to all of us ❤❤

  • @tomekg6629
    @tomekg6629 11 місяців тому +2

    The salaries are still much lower than in UK, although you may have higher a little bit higher living standards (because prices are lower).

    • @markusplu
      @markusplu 11 місяців тому

      But cists of living ans accomondations are nuch lower

  • @unHombreMayor
    @unHombreMayor 11 місяців тому

    It's nice to watch such comments, especially when someone lives in Polish province like me. The video commented by Mert isn't the whole picture of Poland in particular when we are after parliament elections. I'd like to mention the war in Ukraine. Greetings!

  • @rakpiotr
    @rakpiotr 11 місяців тому +1

    In IT sector finding your job won't be an issue. Just visit, travel bit pick your favourite city of biggest ones, check offers and you'll probably find something for your liking. Hybrid and remote work is also an option, since COVID. The pay is okey for local prices - you won't get rich by american standards but you'll be able to enjoy your life for sure. Some of us are pretty passionate about our work, so it is pretty easy find awesome team doing really neat stuff to be part of :) 15 years ago was lot of bugfixing/maintaince work as contractors but it changed and looks better and better each year.

  • @bluediddie
    @bluediddie 11 місяців тому +3

    As a Polish citizen I would like to comment on few things from this video. I think it should be treated only as type of advertisement and not a factual portray of reality. What I can agree is that yeah we are relatively safe country especially comparing to places like US or UK but most of the other things that are mentioned in the video are at least misleading. The video is also not very recent, what have to be taken into account. First of all, our economical situation has been hit hard by ongoing crisis that makes many business, (INCLUDING THOSE IN TECH INDUSTRY) to struggle. People are getting fired etc. Situation on job market is not good, especially again in tech industry where, yes, as the guy stated we have many graduates what results in plenty of applications for every available post. I work in the industry and I know what I'm talking about. When it comes to cost of living, it went up a lot during last 2 years, especially in bigger cities. Prices of basic things like food, not to even mention rent are simply crazy. Another thing, we are not as welcoming as this guy presents, we are doing better, sure but still there is PLENTY of nationalism, racism, homophobia, transphobia and gender inequality here (don't know where this guys saw tech company with 50/50 ratio...). He mentions also maternity leave, well sure is good to have some but 52 weeks that actually may be extended further by parental leave is a damn idea that makes woman to be cut off from the job market in very high percent of cases. It would be better to have less leave and way more early education/pre-school institutions where you could leave your kid and go back to work. When it comes to knowledge of English, well, maybe in Warsaw or other bigger cities is not bad but come to any smaller place and you will be doomed. Teaching someone English in school does not mean, he/she will actually learn it. Generally our education system is in terrible condition, at least the public one. Hopefully we will have some positive changes with the new government but it will still take years to be where it should be. The same situation is with out health care system (or maybe even worst). So, yeah, we don't have mass schootings, hurricanes and crazy private health care like in US but we have shit load of other problems. It's not a bad place to live (especially after last elections ❤) but its not such a paradise as this guy presents it to be.

    • @weronikafrackowiak7150
      @weronikafrackowiak7150 9 місяців тому +1

      Excellent summary of my own thoughts after watching the video. I’m Polish and 3 years ago I moved to The Netherlands where I currently work in Tech. I’m not planning to go back because my life in Poland was much harder than it is here. I was in the top 8% of best earning people in the country and still wouldn’t be able to buy an medium size (50 sqm) apartment in the next few years. And since then the prices went up significantly! I can assure you that you will not be able to pay 3 USD for Uber trip across Warsaw - it will be much more. And when you’re earning in PLN these costs adds up terrifyingly quickly 😔

  • @Vhsbdg
    @Vhsbdg 11 місяців тому

    Thank You again.

  • @Zoe-ot5kp
    @Zoe-ot5kp 11 місяців тому +1

    Im Polish . I left Poland when I was 27 . Im 65 and going back retired soon . I'm regrated i didnt move sooner bcs the USA became a hell hole.

  • @booboss
    @booboss 11 місяців тому +3

    If you're good IT engineer you will find a job in Poland in 5 minutes.... or the job will find you.

    • @sanproekt
      @sanproekt 11 місяців тому

      If you're any worker the job will find you in 5 min.

  • @kimson2869
    @kimson2869 11 місяців тому

    I live in the very Warsaw Old Town Piekarska street. I believe our country is worth considering to live in. Please be welcome to come here, reach me out I am more than happy to walk you through all of our habits. Cheers

  • @Hercacze
    @Hercacze 11 місяців тому +1

    Zapraszamy serdecznie do Polski 😎 prowadzący nie dodał że u nas jest bardzo czysto na ulicach i szanujemy porządek 😉 i mamy czystą komunikacje miejską wraz z metro bez grafitti i np. w Warszawie miliony ścieżek rowerowych 😎

  • @dziu22
    @dziu22 10 місяців тому

    It's unfortunately more expensive at this point than stated in the video. It's relatively easy to find a programming job if you have experience, way more difficult if you are looking for junior positions, since many ppl here are learning progamming now. I heard from my friend that if more profitable to work in IT in Warsaw compering the salary to the amount of money you need to spend here and in other capitals in EU, but I am not part of the industry so i only hear stories here and there.

  • @wuuemm
    @wuuemm 11 місяців тому

    We welcome everybody, This isi our culture.

  • @piecka2308
    @piecka2308 10 місяців тому

    When Poland was a kingdom 300 years ago, immigrants from Scotland came to us looking for work and a good life. So now we also invite immigrants from Scotland.🙂😉 The second half of the 16th century to the mid-17th century was a period of intensified Scottish immigration to the First Polish Republic. Scots came to Poland primarily for economic reasons (Scotland was a poor country at that time) and religious reasons (conflicts in Scotland between Protestants and Catholics).

  • @hikarimori6625
    @hikarimori6625 10 місяців тому

    I don't want to be pessimistic but through out history whenever Poland was thriving and graining strength the moment foreigners (neighboring countries) noticed it... a war started and Poland got destroyed so we had to start again from scratch (didn't pose any potential threat anymore...)
    Not to mention the reason why it's so save here is bcz despite globalization we still don't have an enormous amount of foreigners here who feel like law doesn't apply to them as it's not their country quite the opposite once you move here most people try to fit in and even learn to respect others more in the process

  • @kamilxinsot
    @kamilxinsot 11 місяців тому +3

    Warsaw is nice city but it's costy and movement by car is hard. I prefer others cities in Poland. If you wanna see more nature go east, more buildings go west.
    Warsaw is Top 1 in prices in country.

  • @akrumvatum1627
    @akrumvatum1627 9 місяців тому

    As a Polishman I visited Warsaw once and what got me shocked was negative things like:
    -the stench, especially near the metro station(any other Polish city I've been to isn't that stinky)
    - how many homeless people are there
    - the amount of buildings of modern architecture that are ugly af (I prefer the beauty of old-fashioned architecture)
    I know some of you might hate on me cause of this opinion, but these 3 things really push me away from visiting Warsaw again or moving in there.

  • @AwanisSixNine
    @AwanisSixNine 10 місяців тому +1

    the funny thing is if you were born in the west, and lets say you were making 40-80k $ per year for like 6-10 years, you can move to Poland and have easy start. For polish people including me im working non stop after graduating collage, i am not drinking %, and not using any drugs, im moving by bicycle and dont own car and l do live with my grandmother, because she is in poor healt. On my account i have free to use ~8-10k $... Im not doing any bonus hours, just normal 8h per day.
    All I am thinking right now is how to find job on the west because if I will stay here it will end up with suecide.
    I can add that im 31. Im proud to be polish but i cant find out a way to have a better life here. Im glad i was blessed with a fantastic mother, I do have 3 apartamens inheritance after mother and grandmother/father but its nothing that I did accomplish bymyself.

  • @viclimited9081
    @viclimited9081 9 місяців тому

    ......before the Splamflemic I used to go to Poland every month for a week and then started to go Belarus which is like Poland 15 years ago. Unfortunately Belarus is currently a no go zone due to the Biden fuelled catastrophy in Ukraine but Poland yes is THE place to be in Europe. I hope to restsrt my trips to Poland in the spring.

  • @izabelasiczek3547
    @izabelasiczek3547 11 місяців тому

    Wow the tables have turned just in my life time! Still Shocking to me!

  • @aczka212
    @aczka212 11 місяців тому +4

    Co tu się zastanawiać .........spakuj rzeczy i leć do Polski nic nie stracisz jedynie możesz zyskać

  • @juliawindstar
    @juliawindstar 10 місяців тому +1

    Kocham Polske😊

  • @jakubpomorski4485
    @jakubpomorski4485 19 днів тому

    Chareles Bronson - polish actor:, Polish song pop-jaaz : Basia Trzetrzelewska :

  • @wojciechzielinski7825
    @wojciechzielinski7825 11 місяців тому

    Check please: Rebuilding Warsaw: From the Ashes of WWII at Megaprojects

  • @anonymousbydefault
    @anonymousbydefault 11 місяців тому

    The thing about Poland, that differs it from the UK or France - countries which experience a massive immigration problems - and nobody dares to vocalise, is attitude to immigration and controlled immigration. As you can see from the multitude of u2be videos where foreigners express utter shock at how clean, safe, organised Poland is comes down to how foreigners who decide to live in Poland integrate with the society. Polish-Africans, Polish-Brazilians, Polish-Germans…I mean they speak the language, they accept the culture and respect it, adapt…This is complete opposite to what we have in the UK with a bunch of ‘communities’ (or ghettos if you will) where generations of foreigners never bothered to learn English; on top of that as soon as they arrived started claiming benefits without any contribution to the society. I’m not saying immigrants are the only problem (let’s not forget the 1%, messed up governments, the media brainwashing us, economy, etc..) but they are the problem which is not given enough attention to. As long as no one dares speak about it as it is, nothing will change.
    Don’t bother accusing me of racism and other crap, my children are bi-racial, so … just don’t…😅

  • @abc-zz5zf
    @abc-zz5zf 6 місяців тому +1

    What he said in that video is true, but... Poland is politically an extremely divided country. Another issue is money - if have money you can have a good life here, but to earn money here you need to be a politician - skills, education and hard work are not appreciated and the prices of flats/houses are similar to UK. Last thing are public services - apart from public transport they are pretty bad (especially in comparison to UK!)

  • @pdwmr
    @pdwmr 10 місяців тому

    One of the very few positive legacies after communism is the fact that Poland has high or very high-level technical universities in almost every major city other is..."kombinować"... Translating the concept of "kombinować" to English for a foreigner would involve explaining that during socialism and the years of systemic transformation '90 it meant finding shortcuts or dealing with things illegally to address the lack of electric outlets, light bulbs, empty store shelves, and the need to navigate through scarcity. The word "kombinować," meaning to manage to arrange or obtain something despite difficulties, has a unique nuance specific to the Polish language -it is untransatable! Absolutely, it also has a broader meaning, encompassing the idea of taking shortcuts, accomplishing a task planned for 5 hours in just 1 to have 4 hours for oneself, or working in a way that achieves the necessary results without overexertion. The pervasive state of shortages and the process of transformation led to the ingrained characteristic of "kombinować" in society, reflecting the need to navigate challenges and find resourceful solutions. Absolutely, such a characteristic in business processes, production processes, and others is highly desirable because optimizing processes by streamlining or simplifying, i.e., skipping unnecessary steps, aligns with modern management systems and is considered efficient. Indeed, the same applies to task execution, minimizing effort while achieving results efficiently. Hence, our national tendency for "kombinowanie" is regarded positively across various industries today. translating the word "kombinować" to someone unfamiliar with Polish culture will always be a challenge and often met with misunderstanding, given its unique cultural and linguistic nuances.

  • @MrDobko
    @MrDobko 11 місяців тому +1

    I wish you to make a new video straight from Poland. Good task, what do you think about it?

  • @marcelmarceli8238
    @marcelmarceli8238 11 місяців тому +1

    If I win the Eurojackpot today, I'll hire you.😀

  • @zbigniewszymanski3033
    @zbigniewszymanski3033 11 місяців тому

    Few people know this, but we had Scottish immigration to Poland. It started as early as the 14th century ( to Gdańsk ) and lasted until the beginning of the 19th century. In the 17th century, the data says about 37 thousand Scots in the Crown ( in Lithuania they generally did not reside, except in the army, for example, the Scottish regiment at Janusz Radziwill in Kiejdany ).
    The reason for emigration to the First Republic - was mainly an economic factor . Scotland was a poor country at the time and further oppressed by London.
    Scotland's population at the end of the 17th century was about 1.2 million people. ( ) ...
    It can be said that about 4% of Scots relative to their own homeland lived in Poland at the time...
    Currently in Scotland, it is estimated that about 100,000 Poles live in Scotland will be about 5% of the general population of Scotland. Of course, the main reason for their emigration is economic.
    History likes to repeat itself, once in one direction and once in the other.

  • @To_Ten_Inny
    @To_Ten_Inny 11 місяців тому +5

    Please react to some polish history : The Winged Hussars - Polish Pride (Husaria - polska duma - English subtitles) i know u done reaction about hussars but in this u have also more details about the battles fought by the hussars, believe me, you will be surprised :)

    • @grazynazubrzak1397
      @grazynazubrzak1397 11 місяців тому

  • @dariuszponski8389
    @dariuszponski8389 10 місяців тому

    well. I wouldn't completely agree about the part of balance between work and free time. Maybe it depends on the specific area but in logistics and transport - work and availability means everything. I would like to point out that polish TLS area has growth so much that completely outclass other EU cuntires. we are absolute leaders in logistics. There are so many areas where pols specialist are planning demand, production and transport for biggest factories in Europe. The world sems to understand that and pols are very welcomed to work abroad as a soecialist. But the cost of it is also very high.... No free time and 24h avaiability:-)

  • @mmosiek2077
    @mmosiek2077 10 місяців тому

    As for speaking English - a lot of young people do. And if You are in a big city then it will not be a problem for You. But if You want to go to small cities or villages then not many people will speak it ;/ (in tourist places and bigger cities - should not be a problem)

  • @karol23s91
    @karol23s91 10 місяців тому

    Things may probably be better in Poland at the moment because the mentality is not yet as polluted as in better developed countries because development brings economic and social benefits but also brings with it some social dirt that may affect Poland at a slower pace, I already encounter the mentality that If they don't like their job, they quickly change to another one, which is good, but it makes it more difficult to adapt to a permanent job in one job, so there is a quick rejection for uncertain benefits in another job.

  • @dejot86
    @dejot86 10 місяців тому

    So I would like to point two things as a native:
    1. Warsaw is Polish these days the same way, as modern London is British, New York American or Berlin German, It is just another European fully developed capital city. If you are doing some prosperous job you will manage to live within city borders.
    2. But there are some more nice cities to be in Poland like Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk,where buisness bloom without the hustle.
    Bonus 3:
    Youa are more than welcome here! :)

  • @TrueLazyGamer
    @TrueLazyGamer 10 місяців тому

    I live in Poland all my life. Guy in video one presented overly sweet face of reality but generaly he is not wrong. All things he said are true. But it is not a complete picture. For example, yes stuff is inexpensive but salaries are rather low (uk average salary is twice of polish one).

  • @joannarakoczy6267
    @joannarakoczy6267 11 місяців тому

    Im very astonish you have never listen to Polish guitarist Marcin Patrzałek. He is famous all over the world. Fenomen and genius he is incradeable.

  • @darksat6
    @darksat6 10 місяців тому

    I must say us Poles take the safety of our country for granted. I've emigrated to Germany a few years back and it's one of the biggest thing I miss from Poland. As a woman, I could go jogging during the night and I never had to worry. Being in Germany, unfortunately, the bloodcurdling stories I hear weekly prevent me from even trying that.

  • @tomekg6629
    @tomekg6629 11 місяців тому +1

    There was elections here recently, and the ruling party should change soon in effect. This may (or may not) influence the economy. I am afraid we are facing recession, but we will see.

  • @eriktopolsky8531
    @eriktopolsky8531 11 місяців тому +2


    • @darek4488
      @darek4488 11 місяців тому

      The amount of chewing gum on train platforms and bus stops is on an incline.

  • @michalkaszatronik1392
    @michalkaszatronik1392 11 місяців тому


  • @bonie1237
    @bonie1237 11 місяців тому +1

    i form poland and I live in warsaw and some things are false

    @TAMARARUFF1 11 місяців тому

    so many people from all the world moving to MY country. South America ,North America Asia you name it.Poland is te best. I live in us 40 years . Do you think i like it?NO NO NO,but i am old now and have problems with many things and i have very good insurance .this is the one of reasons why i cant go back home.Poland is the best countryin all world I am so proud to be Polish