The Coerthan Torment animation is from the Fatebreaker boss. I used the same animation for Royal Authority in my Radiant Knight Redux mod. Back then, I extracted it using the PAP editor, converted it to FBX with MultiAssist to work it in Blender, then used the Rokoko Blender plugin to convert it to a player animation. It sounds complicated, but the whole thing took less than 5 minutes.
This is crazy good. I don't know where you sourced some of the animations from like from Coerthan Torment but they're awesome.
The Coerthan Torment animation is from the Fatebreaker boss. I used the same animation for Royal Authority in my Radiant Knight Redux mod. Back then, I extracted it using the PAP editor, converted it to FBX with MultiAssist to work it in Blender, then used the Rokoko Blender plugin to convert it to a player animation. It sounds complicated, but the whole thing took less than 5 minutes.
Oh man if only I played DRG... or if this were on RPR.
Unfortunately, I'd already done RPR as DRK. I wasn't planning to do all the tanks when I started with RPR.