Elastic Virtual Meetup: Aggregations, the Elasticsearch Group By

  • Опубліковано 14 тра 2024
  • Aggregations, the Elasticsearch Group By - John Sobanski, Sr. Director - Analytics Practice @ Pyramid Systems, Inc.
    Elastic Architects designed the distributed Elasticsearch platform to follow NoSql principles. In the traditional Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) world, SQL databases use GROUP BY syntax to group rows with similar values into summary rows. While Elasticsearch does not use the row construct to identify a unit of data (Elastic calls their rows Documents), we can still perform GROUP BY queries in Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch names their GROUP BY queries Aggregations. The Elasticsearch API provides an expressive REST API to execute Aggregations. Kibana also provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to execute Aggregations. John demonstrates both methods in his lightning talk.
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