10 Things That Happen When A Sigma Male Is Threatened

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @webdesign4619
    @webdesign4619 Рік тому +23

    When threatened Sigma gets annoyed and angry not because he is scared, but because he has to deal with this unnecessary situation and crush the idiot who started it, too.
    And he simply wonders, why?

  • @clintlewis8122
    @clintlewis8122 Рік тому +29

    As a Sigma it is a losing proposition to try to intimidate me. I can respond on any level: physicaly, intellectualiy or emotionally. I am a large man who has NEVER started a fight in my 65 years!

    • @Lupo32
      @Lupo32 Рік тому +2

      But have you ever picked someone
      Up and slammed them on their head ?

    • @phillysupra
      @phillysupra Рік тому +2

      ​@@Lupo32 he said "started" that doesn't mean we won't finish someone

  • @DentsByHandBoulder
    @DentsByHandBoulder Рік тому +177

    A sigma male will make a project out of someone that crosses them.

    • @protorhinocerator142
      @protorhinocerator142 Рік тому +19

      When they say, "I just made it my sacred mission in life to destroy you..."
      That's when you know you messed up.

    • @n.b.forrest
      @n.b.forrest Рік тому +16

      Absolutely correct. Unfortunately I have found myself doing that more than once. And it was as if I had no control over it, once attacked I had to go after them and make it right!

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 Рік тому +3

      Sigma male sounds more like opportunistic male

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 Рік тому +3

      @@protorhinocerator142 you can’t destroy something that’s destroyed though

    • @chrisstevens5165
      @chrisstevens5165 Рік тому +8

      I'm involved in that right now. my coworker hes a manipulative bully and extremely childish, 2 or 3 times my size we have almost faught twice.... we work in construction and he is an uneducated felon. I feel like his animosity is because I have more trade experience than he does. any thoughts??

  • @James-og6cx
    @James-og6cx Рік тому +37

    The statement that "Violence is never the answer" creates a vulnerability that can be predictably exploited by an enemy.
    Violence is sometimes the answer.
    I am a sigma male.

    • @phillysupra
      @phillysupra Рік тому +7

      Because we won't back down no matter what. The violence is usually not provoked by us but we WILL finish it when violence is called upon. I always knew I didn't fit into the cocky ass alpha male role and far far from being a beta. I'm just learning I'm a sigma

    • @yourcaseworker6916
      @yourcaseworker6916 Рік тому +1

      Or at least a crisp five finger bitch slap.

    • @Malmardian
      @Malmardian Рік тому +1

      95% there is another way but absolutly if there is no other option, i feel sorry for the ones that cross those lines.

    • @Omar_Zazzle
      @Omar_Zazzle Рік тому

      You are not a Sigma James! According to Janice you are a 💩🕳

    • @Gabrielnobre
      @Gabrielnobre Рік тому +2

      Yeah...I considered myself as a sigma....but I'm way more violent than the video showed (All my life I had to fight alphas who felt treatned by me, lost the count of how many I fought). Nowadays I can say that I sophisticated that (nowadays I think about the legal issues and stuff before, I can say that I plan more carefully how to deliver "karma" around).

  • @Balkans73
    @Balkans73 Рік тому +12

    Pure Soldier!!. The one's that always come home.

  • @koosmotormuis
    @koosmotormuis Рік тому +59

    I'm going to tell you something. I had a German psychiatrist as friends for two years. I asked her to analyze me. I thought of myself as having traits of different personalities. A little narcissist, a little psychopath, etc. She said: no, you are a Sigma. Never heard of it. I recognize myself in, almost, everything about a sigma. When it comes to conflict, the more threatening the situation, the more comfortable I feel. During a discussion I am "unbeatable". With a single sentence I can silence the other. Physical: the more aggressive the opponent becomes, the calmer and softer I speak. If the opponent gets physically aggressive, I have a program to put them down. So I have aggression in me, but it's controlled. Unfortunately, the relationship has come to an end. It was an educational time. And yes, I live alone, with my dog, have everything in order and feel happy.🇳🇱🌷👋

    • @rob.e.t.9107
      @rob.e.t.9107 Рік тому +7

      I applaud you. The realisation that my reactions both verbally & physically towards others, has a name & not just a me thing. Happy to be a Sigma.

    • @sideswipe1261
      @sideswipe1261 Рік тому +7

      You, Sir, with the wonderful (with apologies no ex) girlfriend, I totally agree with. If it’s not a movie, I don’t do violence. Unless I’ve no choice and it’s escalating to them showing or telling it’s gonna physically get serious FAST, I too have methods for those situations. As wrong as it may sound to say, my lifelong OTSD has saved my life and several others and kept people safe in situations they’d be utterly creamed in, as I can constantly assess and reassess on the fly and adjust my approach as needed. If it truly gets intense, my mind flips to “if only one of us walks away after this, if not both, it s GOING TO BE ME.” I hate fights. I’m the nicest, funniest, most caring and respectful guy, and I hate being forced to shift into an angry let alone violent confrontation, but if someone needs protecting it’s no longer any form of question: they will be protected. Back to OTSD advantages quick, I can scan a room with a casual, upbeat smile and ID every scumbag in the place with a glance and know it’s possible something severe could happen any moment. Not paranoia, realistic, fast, strategical perception constantly updating without arousing any suspicion to keep my totally oblivious friends safe with the goal of coaxing them to go somewhere else without a scene (ideally). It’s like secretly being their bodyguard and joke-cracking buddy at the same time and pulling it off naturally. I can take a deep breath and laugh about it later. They just haven’t seen what I have and don’t know what to look for at all as far as potential threats or warning signs or feeling the vibe of the whole place change. Once confident all is well, I can truly unwind and be my scrawny, nerdy hellu fun self in total ease. I shake it off fast.

    • @koosmotormuis
      @koosmotormuis Рік тому +2

      Now that we're talking so nicely: Unfortunately, the relationship ended because the whole thing was too oppressive for me. At the core I want to be alone. We are still good friends. I am a nice, funny, smart man and easy to connect with women. When asked if I have a girlfriend, I say "no steady girlfriend". The Dutch don't beat around the bush, so the question arises "why not"? Then I reply, and the effect on women is phenomenal "because I don't think I'm interesting enough to captivate a woman for a lifetime, and I know there isn't a single woman in this world who can captivate me for a lifetime. So I don't want to waste her time and mine." This answer usually hits like a bomb, is MY truth and immediately makes it clear how I stand in life. It puts me and the aspiring girlfriend in the right place. And it triggers women on all counts. Makes you think and is challenging. Is also erotic because it makes it clear that "I am independent in life". I can explain this this way because my german girlfriend did this. And yes, I have few male friends but they are rock solid. I have some female friends and they are rock solid as well. 😁🍻💃🕺

    • @koosmotormuis
      @koosmotormuis Рік тому

      Rob. Talking to a psychiatrist is interesting 🤣. So what I learned from Tina is enough: I asked her what in her expert eyes a normal person is. Her answer was, that is someone who has something of all personality disorder and problems! But is not dominated by the characteristics of all those individual. So a little narcissism, anti social personality disorder, a little paranoid etc. The dividing line is paper thin! Example: I said, yes but I think it's quite important how someone looks at me. Her definition was, we all agree, but what you experience, Koos, is a derivative of that, namely "that the layer below is with you, that you enjoy being there for the other when it matters". That's not the same........ It's fun chatting with a psychiatrist 🤣!

    • @bigblessed-themotivator221
      @bigblessed-themotivator221 Рік тому


  • @steveellington8313
    @steveellington8313 Рік тому +8

    It is not the violence in a man it is how far he’s willing to go .

  • @jamespirko2971
    @jamespirko2971 Рік тому +20

    Quoting my old Sigma Wiseguy Mentor, "Force is seldom necessary if the threat is strong enough."

    • @akapp
      @akapp Рік тому +4

      They always asking me "How strong are you" , and i always answering "What ever it takes".

    • @sideswipe1261
      @sideswipe1261 Рік тому +2

      @@akapp if we’re still here and alive, we’re getting something right.

  • @petermarchi1935
    @petermarchi1935 Рік тому +38

    Sigma's loathe violence for violence sake, but we use whatever means necessary to end the conflict!

    • @JonathanLittle001
      @JonathanLittle001 Рік тому +2

      Notice they eventually got to that "never back down" footnote 😂 we know what he meant lol just took a while

    • @petermarchi1935
      @petermarchi1935 Рік тому +2

      @@JonathanLittle001 : When a Sigma gets Violent there is only one outcome.

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Рік тому +2

      Up until you have no choice. ✌️💯

    • @petermarchi1935
      @petermarchi1935 Рік тому +3

      @@jessmason2112 : Speaking for myself I will say this, "If I can talk my way out of it i will, but if forced to."

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Рік тому

      @@petermarchi1935 many lack common sense and logic. Never regret the fight pity those that never knew the privilege of it.

  • @glenndavis9143
    @glenndavis9143 5 місяців тому +2

    They have no problem showing you who they are because you will never know who they are when they need to be

  • @YahuwshuaTruth
    @YahuwshuaTruth Рік тому +31

    Shout out to everyone who might be dealing with jealous and/or envious associates in the workplace..😊

  • @sirBarkho
    @sirBarkho Рік тому +17

    Wow! A great job you're doing. I like the part of ignoring the threat & due to lose of focus. Also assessing a fight before engaging... sort of like winning a war without throwing a punch

  • @craigwilson777
    @craigwilson777 Рік тому +29

    This is 100% true! Thanks for the video keep up your great work!

    • @Wise.Thinker
      @Wise.Thinker  Рік тому +3

      Thank you! I am so glad to hear that!

  • @jkuhn6179
    @jkuhn6179 Рік тому +10

    I agree with the slinky technique described. Approaching the threat as if you didn't hear and asking for them to repeat it. Usually, they will downplay it. Which allows you to offer an out for them and permit you to save face.

  • @yahowahsWords
    @yahowahsWords Рік тому +11

    My older brother, one day decided to beat me down, and I have never understood why. He even held a knife to my throat. He is twice my size and a lot stronger, but there is no way that I would stay down. He thought that I would, and he was surprised that I did not stay down when he knocked me down. He is an alpha male and has always tried to prove that he is better than me at everything. I would have rather had a real big brother.

    • @nickrakemer9277
      @nickrakemer9277 Рік тому +4

      You had a dominant older alpha-ish brother, that is one reason you turned sigma-ish. How do I know? I am the youngest of 3 brothers (4 and 6 years older than me) and also had a dominant sigma-ish dad (and a independent but overwhelmed mom, God bless her)

  • @honkderhase8724
    @honkderhase8724 Рік тому +9

    Seeing this and learning more about "Sigma", I believe there are tons of us out there, but they got unnoticed due to the way they are.
    I myself am one, as I learned. Never heard the term before recently (>50yrs old), but I have all the characteristics...

    • @lcarus42
      @lcarus42 Рік тому

      Perfect. A good life and unnoticed, sounds amazing

    • @HangMrH
      @HangMrH 9 місяців тому

      I have met countless people when i do public speaking, never meet one tbh

  • @JohnNorse
    @JohnNorse Рік тому +49

    All are not all the same, depends on situation and upbringing. some fit some dont. We always try to avoid violence,but if we must,,,we do..

  • @cmcbunch
    @cmcbunch Рік тому +3

    One of the most intimidating things you can do when threatened is to slowly and calmly turn to the threat. Look them up and down then scan the area. Assume a firm neutral stance. Relax. No tension, no clench. Stare right through them as if they are so insignificant as to not exist.
    Use this time to come up with a response that is expressly non violent but vague enough to cause slight confusion while figuring your fight strategy.
    The calm demeanor signals on a subconscious level that you are not remotely threatened, which will confuse them. This causes them to try to figure out what they overlooked.
    If the threat seems spooked. Disengage but maintain a firm relaxed state and never stop looking at them until you leave.
    If they panic and attack take it straight to 100% and end the threat. Once the threat is gone, disengage maintaining a firm relaxed state and never stop looking at them until you leave. Report to authorities if you must.
    Always be prepared for the 100% fight, but avoid it unless absolutely necessary while simultaneously appearing relaxed, aware, and ready.
    This will stop 95% of all of your conflicts.

  • @forlornfool221
    @forlornfool221 11 місяців тому +5

    Sigmas aren't born.. We're forged

  • @alexmarques2398
    @alexmarques2398 Рік тому +5

    Sigma does not fear any random person, even if his boss. They go angry and action mode when most people would fear and retract.

  • @marcusaewwburgdorf554
    @marcusaewwburgdorf554 Рік тому +15

    Sigma walks towards an aggressor because ready and prepared to unload some whuppass.. If the fight is not worth it Sigma will walk away, but if walking towards you it is on..

  • @protorhinocerator142
    @protorhinocerator142 Рік тому +43

    I particularly like the part where Sigmas prefer to see if problems resolve themselves. It may seem like procrastination, but there's a wisdom to it, especially when you might be tempted to solve all the problems in the world.
    It's like I tell my son, "Right now this is a someone else problem. Don't make this a YOU problem."

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 Рік тому

      So if someone finds a sigma man unlikable then they must directly play the hitman card and actually murder the sigma directly instead.

    • @mailliwnosneb
      @mailliwnosneb Рік тому +1

      It's called patients.✌️

    • @blaisequinones8647
      @blaisequinones8647 Рік тому

      It’s my favorite part of existence. Most of the time the problems do work them selves out. I was never a controlling person I feel it takes too much work. Sometimes I do get bored of everything working out so I take the controlling approach but hardly ever. Life and people are like open books you have to read not just look at it. If something is manipulated into boredom I go back to being entertained by existence again. It’s the naturally boring things that get to me which is close to nothing.

    • @Romans-10-9-13
      @Romans-10-9-13 29 днів тому +1

      @@mailliwnosneb Are you a doctor?

  • @myspirithand
    @myspirithand Рік тому +2

    It's nice to know someone understands

  • @PaulHattle
    @PaulHattle Рік тому +2

    Sigmas don't seek/need validation like others. They know their own worth.

  • @shanegates678
    @shanegates678 Рік тому +2

    Sigmas and alphas are both confident and courageous but Sigmas are about mental resourcefulness where as Alphas are about physical resourcefulness. A physically strong Sigma is unstoppable. A mentally strong Alpha is a narcissist

  • @raydunn2582
    @raydunn2582 Рік тому +4

    Back in the 1970's the company I was with asked employees to participate in a psychological evaluation program being run by some university. A few months later the results came back and I was told that only once had they identified an individual they felt never should have been hired (not me.) I was told that I was the first person they were unable to figure out either way. To this day I remember that evaluation fondly as a sign of uniqueness.
    What infuriated my first wife most was when I refused to get into yelling matches with her.

    • @brianlowe9397
      @brianlowe9397 Рік тому +1

      That drives every woman wild and they can't stand it

  • @andybarth5928
    @andybarth5928 Рік тому +8

    correct ... I would close a gap when threatened - If it is worth fighting for - then it is worth standing up to it to the last consequence

    • @devonmalcolm34
      @devonmalcolm34 Рік тому +2

      If it’s worth it a key point to remember, fools try to draw you in to put you into more problems.

    • @JohnNorse
      @JohnNorse Рік тому +1

      @@devonmalcolm34 True,walk if possible...

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Рік тому


  • @steverance1874
    @steverance1874 Рік тому +3

    If you feel the need to tell people that you are sigma, you are not sigma

  • @Diogenes425
    @Diogenes425 Рік тому +10

    There’s no such thing as a fair fight.

    • @Tech-ez1qj
      @Tech-ez1qj Рік тому

      Most people fight to hurt and not to kill. That's why the word fair is used. Fighting to kill is easy if that is what you truly want to do. You could bits someone in the neck and rip out the veins that supply blood to the brain. You could pick up a brick and bludgeon them to death. Or what people so easily chose to do these days is just shoot people. Keep it fair, and you're least likely to spend life in prison.

  • @dgtv71
    @dgtv71 Рік тому +4

    The word "No" only has value because it's backed by the possibility of violence. Violence is neither good nor bad it's just a means to an end.

    • @SovereignShooter
      @SovereignShooter Рік тому

      Violence may not always be the answer, but it's always an option.

  • @michau_12
    @michau_12 7 місяців тому

    Was in a company, there was a guy who did'nt speak to people if they did something he did'nt like.
    I did something to him, he did'nt speak to me in two months, every day I confronted him and at last we spoke again.
    The other people in the company said to me: How did you make him speak to you in only 2 months, normally it takes 6 months before he speaks to us?
    I just told them what I did every day, confronting him. 😊

  • @stoopid_roofer6447
    @stoopid_roofer6447 Рік тому +6

    This is almost spot on! Apparently I have this "look" that I give. I don't realize I'm even doing it. They either back off and leave, or they just freeze and calm down, as I simply calm the situation down. I have ice-water running through my veins, I'm very CC and C. More often than not, people that attempt it, become close friends, or even friends!...it's weird!

    • @michaeltamares7974
      @michaeltamares7974 Рік тому

      U wish.. now that being a sigma is the trend now,,,guys like u start thinking u sigma

    • @DifferentM14
      @DifferentM14 Рік тому

      I've had people grab my arm to pull me along with them. I then look directly into their eyes and speak softly with a very serious tone, "Let go." They instantly let go with a look of anger or fear. I calmly walk away to continue my life journey. 😊

  • @davidkwong3369
    @davidkwong3369 Рік тому +2

    Sigmas also make the best martial artists just in case threats turn into punches.

  • @Tech-ez1qj
    @Tech-ez1qj Рік тому +7

    There are to many experience and emotions to wrap this part up into a short video. As we get older we have to handle things differently. At 50 you have to handle things differently than in your 30s and 20s. I also realized after taking martial arts its a lot easier to kill someone in a fight than you think. Attack only in a defense situation. Everybody has an ego and wants to be the big man, the tough guy. Just like everyone goes to the gym and tries to lift more weight than they can to impress everyone when nobody cares. I few words for my fellow Sigmas. Life is short stop thinking too much, clear your mind and live in the moment. If you study Taoism you know what i mean. Also never trust anyone this includes women. Everyone has is looking for something to gain as a motive for everything they do. Keep your head up. Intelligent people suffer more from depression we see the world for what it really is.

  • @rangelnedelchev8264
    @rangelnedelchev8264 Рік тому +6

    I think that there are situations when a man should be sigma(when with wife), there are situations when a man should be alpha(as a head of the family) and there are situations when men should be beta(when he's with friends)

  • @mhonk33
    @mhonk33 Рік тому +3

    I give one very stark warning "you dont wanna make an enemy of me." Its usually enough to get people to back down.

    • @Sydopath
      @Sydopath Рік тому +1

      Oooh! Are you hard?

    • @aircnc9385
      @aircnc9385 Рік тому +1

      Oh no what a badass

    • @bigsmilezz
      @bigsmilezz Рік тому

      fighting without fighting😁💪🏼

    • @bigsmilezz
      @bigsmilezz Рік тому

      ​@@aircnc9385 you wouldn't dare say that to his face😌😏

    • @aircnc9385
      @aircnc9385 Рік тому

      @@bigsmilezz yea ok

  • @josephflavell8519
    @josephflavell8519 Рік тому

    true number 1&2,love and bless you all, your Jojo...

  • @allenfitzpatrick8485
    @allenfitzpatrick8485 Рік тому +1

    Only bullies and cowards threaten people

  • @keithfrederick877
    @keithfrederick877 Рік тому +3

    Someone threatens me with physical violence, I go really quiet, still, and look them in the eye with a certain look in my eye that says try me and find out. If there is a woman in the room, the guy usually hid behind her.

    • @EamonnGallagher
      @EamonnGallagher 7 місяців тому

      Agreed us sigmas threaten the common beta male, keep going and one day youll be as sigma as me

  • @tsmith3286
    @tsmith3286 Рік тому +2

    Survival is key not a strong show of dominance. Ego has no place in a Sigmas life.

  • @paulshaw3109
    @paulshaw3109 Рік тому

    Such a release to hear others!!!

  • @wayne7725
    @wayne7725 Рік тому +2

    Avoid getting so close you can't see your opponents hands and feet . I got stabbed lucky it hit my rib dead center I pivoted hard and drove my fist in to his temple and dropped him.

    • @bigsmilezz
      @bigsmilezz Рік тому


    • @mefobills279
      @mefobills279 Рік тому

      Strike first if close. Otherwise keep distance.

    • @wayne7725
      @wayne7725 Рік тому

      @mefobills279 I was 17 lesson learned. Same with a gun never let anyone to close.

    • @mefobills279
      @mefobills279 Рік тому

      @@wayne7725 I had similar learning experience. It's a balance between not getting hurt yourself, and standing your ground. If you can keep from getting angry and can think fast that is a good skill. Me..I think too slow and get angry too fast.

  • @seanfein3783
    @seanfein3783 Рік тому +2

    Did you know that 0.01 % of people in this chat are sigma’s

  • @glenndavis9143
    @glenndavis9143 Рік тому +2

    Having the edge is letting people know who you are ,cuz they will never know who you are when you need to be

  • @lupaswolfshead9971
    @lupaswolfshead9971 Рік тому +1

    I can't believe you used the violence is never the answer false narrative. 😂😂👅.I have to ask how many times you had to take a break so as to refocus and carry on with the deadpan delivery of points,contradicting each other and even themselves every single time.I salute you sir

  • @chrisbailey368
    @chrisbailey368 Рік тому

    When someone threatens me I remind them that the only reason they saw the sunrise was my generosity and now I am not feeling so generous.

  • @josephflavell8519
    @josephflavell8519 Рік тому +1

    Sigma person will use the chessboard tactics too the whole situation that Sigma been put in,love and bless you all, your Jojo...

  • @scottyates5758
    @scottyates5758 Рік тому +1

    Number 3, after 25 yrs doing door work, it’s was always the same golden rule. Barking dogs don’t bite, beware the quite one.
    Many times I saved mouthy doorman from making a very silly mistake.

  • @1satisfiedmind
    @1satisfiedmind Рік тому

    "How do you identify, Sir?"
    "Sigma, thank you."

  • @davidheard709
    @davidheard709 9 місяців тому +1

    Sigma's are a strategic team player.

  • @Intimacymessages
    @Intimacymessages Рік тому +8

    Sigma Males never take it easy when provoked.... They are very conscience of not being put down. These are some of the things I discuss on my profile

  • @whitegoldakarawstahh
    @whitegoldakarawstahh Рік тому +1

    truth be told

  • @ricklicano5115
    @ricklicano5115 Рік тому

    If threaten, it will not take me long to know every weakness of my attacker. Beware. ☠️

  • @glenndavis9143
    @glenndavis9143 Рік тому

    Having the edge is being true to yourself and those around you, and if the energy doesn't match, you know they are being fake

  • @maintain.faith.3657
    @maintain.faith.3657 Рік тому +7

    🤔 Informative yet too revealing.

    • @jasonvaughan2886
      @jasonvaughan2886 Рік тому +1

      Does it not seem to want a pat on the back??.
      How about you for your comment?
      How about me for mine?

    • @maintain.faith.3657
      @maintain.faith.3657 Рік тому

      @@jasonvaughan2886 I can only speak for myself. Seeing the number of views Vs likes & being the content is of great accuracy & quality. Implies Sigma's don't like the exposure or for other's to have the opportunity of having an advantage over them.

    • @maintain.faith.3657
      @maintain.faith.3657 Рік тому

      @@jasonvaughan2886 & No patting of the back is not required here Sir.

    • @AB-vc7ox
      @AB-vc7ox Рік тому +1

      a little less mysterious now, at least to those few that know pay attention to such things.

  • @philokrnotch387
    @philokrnotch387 Рік тому

    All too familiar. It's refreshing to understand. Like I've been told all those weird years do not matter. Forward ever forward

  • @nadinewhalen6316
    @nadinewhalen6316 16 годин тому

    I am doing just fine I am so successful at work that I can get over something in a second I am always clutch and present in the moment so I take control of my destiny and own it

  • @davewelbylivinginhistinyti4796

    So true !!!

  • @Sam-Alexander
    @Sam-Alexander Рік тому

    Please tell me where you get this information? Ive never heard this kind of stuff out loud.

  • @alanmitchell64
    @alanmitchell64 3 місяці тому

    Yup - unpredictable - often walk away, stare people down, plan next move and have a cup of coffee to think and clear mind and go silent even for days, but literally if really angry having things built up over time tend to explode - one way to clear a room. Aura becomes awesome and believe me this is frightening. Only ever done this twice which left every one reeling. Not a single punch thrown, but words were chosen with cutting precision. This was left with me retreating and analysing the situation. Everyone else totally gobsmacked. 😂

    • @paulcurtis1351
      @paulcurtis1351 3 місяці тому

      Yes ! Words are mightier than the sword! Do you care to share with us the words you used please?

    • @alanmitchell64
      @alanmitchell64 3 місяці тому

      @@paulcurtis1351 I can't be precisely sure what was said, but I do know both had to do with violating my boundaries. The last time was at work about five years ago, and it had to do with respect and colleagues talking while I was endeavouring to deliver training. Even now, five years later, everyone at work still discusses the incident, and needless to say, not even the MD of the firm has ever dared cross me again, and I have gained immense respect even though I'm happy being back in the shadows. Even the so-called Alpha males have openly admitted to me they didn't want to be anywhere near and felt very unsafe. The story's moral is not to mess with or disrespect Sigma’s boundaries.

    • @paulcurtis1351
      @paulcurtis1351 3 місяці тому

      @@alanmitchell64 Thanks for sharing!

  • @sonofgod5061
    @sonofgod5061 Рік тому

    I’m starting to believe there is an A.I that listens to me everyday through my phone. Then made a UA-cam channel explaining myself. Frfr.

  • @paulshaw3109
    @paulshaw3109 Рік тому

    The crazy truth!

  • @marcusaewwburgdorf554
    @marcusaewwburgdorf554 Рік тому +1

    A sigma male is a Stoic..

  • @cullenhopson9440
    @cullenhopson9440 Рік тому

    Never thought of myself like this, I just thought this was all normal. Anyone who ever said violence never solved anything was never in the military, a dead man can’t cause any more problems

  • @marcellemay7721
    @marcellemay7721 11 місяців тому

    Threatening a Sigma is a big mistake if the other person values the relationship. Chances are that the Sigma will let it slide but it will probably never be forgotten, and the relationship will never be the same after that. The trust has been broken. In a Sigmas mind, if you're willing to threaten him, you probably don't value the relationship much, and he will also devalue the relationship. This Sigma values trusted and trusting relationships, be it personal or professional. Chances are that this Sigma will end the relationship sooner rather than later on his own terms. When the trust is lost, it's pretty much over.

  • @warrior-wm8vb
    @warrior-wm8vb Рік тому +2

    100 percent threaten me and I will wait

  • @The-Sigma-Principle
    @The-Sigma-Principle Рік тому

    thank you,respect !

  • @erickdorsey556
    @erickdorsey556 Рік тому

    So very true

  • @nickngaronoa6955
    @nickngaronoa6955 Рік тому +3

    HELL YEAH!!! This just happened to me hours ago...I work in mental health & a client threatened me by shaking his fists in my face saying 'I'll use these if I have to' I had to take into account his mental illness, but as I knew him, this was not psychotic but simply behavioural, I stood my ground & showed no fear but gave the reaction that I didn't want any confrontation, I train in MMA, & held my hands up in front of me in a non threatening manner to display that I was not the aggressor here (but was at the ready should he decide to advance) & firmly told him to back up & leave the premises, to which he growled in frustration and walked away...being destructive to property outside as he left, the police were called & he became violent with them, they restrained him and took him away...now there could've been 2 scenarios that played out here, either utilize my physical skills?..(which I'm very confident with) or de-escalate the situation...I chose the latter to keep myself & my colleagues safe, plus recieved great accolades from my work peers (especially the females) afterwards,.in hindsight the police did my job for me, think smarter & wiser, not harder...

    • @protorhinocerator142
      @protorhinocerator142 Рік тому +4

      The easiest fight to win is the one you never engage in.
      De-escalate the situation, problem solved.
      Take the win.

  • @ezrhino100
    @ezrhino100 Рік тому

    I dont like anger. However no one wants to be around me when i get angry. I had a guy open the door for me at the store after i cleared out the room with my stare.

  • @sadLeshrac
    @sadLeshrac Рік тому +1

    You guys think Carl Jung was a high percentile sigma? My Lord Camus definitely is.

  • @TchakuntepatrickMonchow
    @TchakuntepatrickMonchow 2 місяці тому

    U are right bro thanks am sigma male

  • @user-oo5lg3zu3g
    @user-oo5lg3zu3g Рік тому

    I never have to belittle a person and try to help them if not I walk away. I’m incapable of being on that level and know I’m I’m better and don’t ever have too.

  • @PAPAof5
    @PAPAof5 Рік тому

    Violence is never off the table completely. Drunk guy pinned a woman against a wall outside of the bar. He was bigger but I choked him out and waited for the cops. Cops never came, bartender bought me some drinks for taking care of it.

  • @zakariamosah3607
    @zakariamosah3607 Рік тому

    Thanks for all

  • @Maistro69
    @Maistro69 10 місяців тому

    In regards to violence, a real Sigma is not afraid of using violence. But if there is a better way to achieve the goal, they will use that. Violence is a tool to a Sigma. If they use it, it means it’s the best tool for the job. If a Sigma uses violence, odds are one of you isnt walking away. “Violence isn’t an answer. It’s a question.”

  • @Damons-Old-Soul
    @Damons-Old-Soul Рік тому

    What most don't realize is that these things they do are not premeditated in any way. There is no need to think it out first. This list is their natural response to someone trying to intimidate them.

  • @josdenhartog7385
    @josdenhartog7385 Рік тому

    Wow!!! So recognise this! 💪

  • @TherealBrooks-zc5kc
    @TherealBrooks-zc5kc Рік тому +1

    I have always felt like everyone overreacts. I don't let other people's feelings change my mind or behavior. I only stand up for someone if they're right. I stay out of other conflicts. If someone is right and being scrutinized for it.... then I will step in. But any other time I stay out

  • @josephflavell8519
    @josephflavell8519 Рік тому

    10 -100% true aswell, silliness and pig headedness won't be tolerated from the start with Sigma people who are going through past thoughts and already being able to make the whole story and it's outcomes in the Sigma mindset of what is going to happen, Sigma will walk away and blank you or Sigma will make you see sense and advise you on the actions and situations,sigma's will then lastly you will always have a last stages in your apologies to them or to just get going and leave any Sigma on their own from that point,so if sigmas are starting to laugh at you in a way that is because they have been forced into an individual act of a stupidity and fare warning for you to go before they can take you apart,piece by piece,without any Sigma breaking a sweat,so love and bless you all, your Jojo...

  • @Mike-zr7qb
    @Mike-zr7qb 6 місяців тому

    I was so lucky my uncle trained me in Muay Thai while growing up😂

  • @user-oo5lg3zu3g
    @user-oo5lg3zu3g Рік тому

    We don’t want trouble we don’t want to finish it

  • @stoney_the_joker
    @stoney_the_joker Рік тому +7

    There are many different types of sigma males and the dark sigma will do and enjoy some of the things you say sigmas wont, but thats cause you are grouping them as one group though sigmas are not so easily defined.

    • @JohnNorse
      @JohnNorse Рік тому

      dark only stands for ignorance/beeing in the dark. Not evil or any such thing. Been there. blind but hell is sometimes needed to wake up.

    • @stoney_the_joker
      @stoney_the_joker Рік тому +3

      @@JohnNorse can also reference a state of bieng mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Sigma can get depressed too and/or embrace the use of self to do more harm than good in a dark state.

  • @jesusmoya2021
    @jesusmoya2021 Рік тому

    Some times you don't try to people notice some thing,oh how mysterious, oh he's quite,maybe he's better that's why he doesn't talk! Etc. Maybe those guys looks people or situations like turning circles aproaching,they see where starts and where it ends,cos they're too noisy so is. Very easy wish one to avoid ,or get,or neutralize,is not the matter of intelligence, is mostly when the hunter shoot at the air ,don't fly out to be away and you will see what happens and where he is at...

  • @brocious77
    @brocious77 Рік тому

    Basically, a stoic.

  • @darkwatch2816
    @darkwatch2816 6 місяців тому


  • @zero10111
    @zero10111 Рік тому

    Lol I like how you explain it it so real ✔️ & so manly 😸

  • @wouldntyouliketoknow3811
    @wouldntyouliketoknow3811 Рік тому

    Not to mention signals are very perceptive it takes a long time to understand or at least it took me a long time to understand that when I am threatened and intently looking at you I am watching your eyelids I'm watching your pupils the veins in your neck your rate of breathing where your feet are placed which direction your toes are I am watching your hands your elbows your knees I'm even paying attention to your ears I am subconsciously taking in and consciously taking in so much data that I can put together a pretty accurate picture of what you're thinking and what all your choices are and how you are going to make them long before you even know the type of clothes you are wearing and how you wear them I taken all this information in the blink of an eye most of the time the words coming out of someone's mouth have nothing to do with what is really going on in their head

  • @avikchatterjee1945
    @avikchatterjee1945 Рік тому

    Superb video

  • @lucbedard7564
    @lucbedard7564 Рік тому +1

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 Stories of my life, i've been an observer, investigator and writing all type of scenario. a scare tactic real or not won't cut it. ...i remember in high school 1976-81 this guy threat me a fist into his hand, i say something that scared him off, Dam it work i say i got Aids 🤪😜

  • @1957beefcake
    @1957beefcake Рік тому

    Smart enough to know the laws so we don’t hit we will encourage an enemy to strike us then use the law to destroy them. Never underestimate a silent man we are just living the scenario we all ready know what will happen. I’m going through a custody case with my EX she has no idea I have been 3 steps ahead of her this whole time sigmas are great friends and great enemies, people remember that and you will be much happier we are happy regardless.

  • @CalvinRedowl-rz8kk
    @CalvinRedowl-rz8kk Рік тому

    The Truth hurts

  • @glenndavis9143
    @glenndavis9143 Рік тому +1

    But they would never know who you will be when you need to

  • @wouldntyouliketoknow3811
    @wouldntyouliketoknow3811 Рік тому

    Threats are not threats unless they're standing in the way of where I am headed

  • @user-oo5lg3zu3g
    @user-oo5lg3zu3g Рік тому

    We can handle violence in spades just to strong to fight those that can’t handle a fight

  • @justinwilliam2865
    @justinwilliam2865 Рік тому +1

    I wonder in which category the Serial killers belong to...,since they aren't alphas nor betas...??

  • @BigEdKOWALIK-ok9co
    @BigEdKOWALIK-ok9co Рік тому


  • @user-oo5lg3zu3g
    @user-oo5lg3zu3g Рік тому

    Needed this recognition that I don’t want

  • @wouldntyouliketoknow3811
    @wouldntyouliketoknow3811 Рік тому

    Sigma will break you mentally to start when a beginning is necessary

  • @toddlipira8726
    @toddlipira8726 Рік тому

    Sigmas are extremely rare.
    Almost ever guy
    reading about Sigmas: Oh yeah, that's me! 😊