Searching for the Next Ret Paladin...Double Affliction Lock?! | Pikaboo WoW Arena

  • Опубліковано 16 лип 2024
  • Ігри


  • @ryanw6896
    @ryanw6896 Рік тому +22

    The most impressive thing about this here video, isn't the HUGE SUCKS or insane amounts of DOTs being placed. Its the fact they have made affliction warlock look fun - its a thumbs up from me!

    • @TheMeekMingeMaster
      @TheMeekMingeMaster Рік тому

      its even stronger when you actually use the instant cast malefic proc lmao, half thru the video and he hasnt used it once, but its the one other chunk ability other than stacked drain soul, does like 10k per dot on each target , a free 40k dmg on each , instantcast, with crit potential
      actually i forgot its the one shitty ability that has two procs, one just buffs the dmg i think, and the other is an instant cast from corruption proccing, he casted it once while lit and it was just the dmg boost, might not have the instant cast talented

    • @chrisk1458
      @chrisk1458 Рік тому

      ​@@TheMeekMingeMaster its Instant from drain soul scrub

    • @reecedactyl
      @reecedactyl Рік тому

      @@TheMeekMingeMaster yeh man seen it crit huge before hehe

  • @nomadic_shadow
    @nomadic_shadow Рік тому +2

    This is hilarious. I love seeing all you guys play these cheesy comps.

  • @Skateobyou
    @Skateobyou Рік тому

    haha 10:57 "i shield myself" sounded like "i shit myself" 😂

  • @Tixsi11
    @Tixsi11 Рік тому +8

    try with 2 demo locks. MS effect 50 pets, could be fun :P

  • @zack5738
    @zack5738 Рік тому

    what's better as warlock demo -or aff?

  • @jackcaffrey8493
    @jackcaffrey8493 Рік тому

    Nice affliction pika that was sick it’s so much to keep up with in wow pvp

  • @Teaberri
    @Teaberri Рік тому +1

    10:57 i shit myself lmao

  • @parkersmith597
    @parkersmith597 Рік тому

    What causes the shield bugs?

  • @btrain8016
    @btrain8016 Рік тому

    The lil baby gate got me dyin 😂

  • @theventhatiqtho8112
    @theventhatiqtho8112 Рік тому +8

    That might have been the worst gate I've ever seen 😂

  • @doctordank7420
    @doctordank7420 Рік тому

    are u actually not using haunt ? or am i tripping

  • @Alexeiddd
    @Alexeiddd Рік тому +1

    Help plz :D. Which Shaman totems do i have to kill?

  • @cybopigthespeedrunner4675
    @cybopigthespeedrunner4675 Рік тому +2

    Lol, running judge dispel into aff or shadow priest is a bad idea. Every class has a counter, even if the it is only slightly in your favor.

    • @reecedactyl
      @reecedactyl Рік тому

      do they actually take the damage tho, lots of people saying they aren;t. just like hunters being able to feign ua and take no damage big joke

    • @reecedactyl
      @reecedactyl Рік тому

      oh yeh just seen it in this video

    • @chrisk1458
      @chrisk1458 Рік тому

      ​@@reecedactyl they Take it but their shield is Just way overtuned

  • @doubloonhadron244
    @doubloonhadron244 Рік тому


  • @vulcainI80
    @vulcainI80 Рік тому +5

    I watching pika even if cant stand this game anymore, i've lost all faith in blizzard to make the game good, but damn i'll watch pika play anything, this is so good when he have fun.

    • @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff
      @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff Рік тому +4

      WoW is pretty enjoyable right now imo, sorry to hear it isn't like that for you.

    • @Ali-cr9ex
      @Ali-cr9ex Рік тому

      @@fgqgqlfqsfsffeff everything but pvp is enjoyable

  • @d3et1roi3t
    @d3et1roi3t Рік тому +4

    that Venruki?

    • @kastrohd8746
      @kastrohd8746 Рік тому +1

      imagine the irony of him complaining of other classes then does this Venruki is a pure manchild

  • @jackcaffrey8493
    @jackcaffrey8493 Рік тому

    Trinket the silence

  • @lilragnaros8220
    @lilragnaros8220 Рік тому

    Peekaabooo 😏❤️

  • @Vikwak
    @Vikwak Рік тому

    You barely used malefic rupture

  • @Spiretspvp
    @Spiretspvp Рік тому

    People are sleeping on aff, it’s strong as F

  • @venicebeachsurfer
    @venicebeachsurfer Рік тому +5

    FERAL is the next Ret - they are buffing their bleeds tremendously and I believe a finisher. This class will crazy. Why aren't you playing Rogue anymore? Not Fun, not competitive , what?

    • @zeusapollo6504
      @zeusapollo6504 Рік тому

      Rogue is trash all 3 specs, you should see what Nahj has to say its just big push into pve gameplay + nerfed assassin and sub dmg on top of that. I'd say there are only the outlaw rogues in mythic+ left. PShero even plays outlaw in high rated shuffles.
      The coin pretty much flipped on rogues, supatease thinks its the ret meta, but i think its not only that, but their castrated dmg in pvp and pve mechanics added to them to entertain the pve crowd.(they can't use cc as much and defensives after all)

    • @Kanoog
      @Kanoog Рік тому +2

      Warcraft is honestly annoying to follow, it feels like once you get the hang of it they fuck something up major. LIKE let's make RET into a Super Saiyan and in the process, lets Nerf Rogue / Mage to the ground.
      Next Week: Lets BUFF Feral and Nerf something else week after that.
      People wont CARE because they can BUY our Boost and PLAY what it in the META.
      I'm over rerolling just to stay relivant, I'm losing intrest in this game all over again and I just returned from Wrath a few months ago.

    • @McKayCameron
      @McKayCameron Рік тому

      ? Feral bleeds aren't getting buffed, they're getting nerfed because they're losing the tier set. And they're still squishy lol, far from the next rets.

    • @PurpleDragonSpike
      @PurpleDragonSpike Рік тому +2

      ​@@zeusapollo6504our reward for all the awful players crying about rogues is ret paladin lmfao

    • @RealCecilion
      @RealCecilion Рік тому

      @@zeusapollo6504ot sure where you got that copium from but the good rogues play sub in m+

  • @Toxyo
    @Toxyo Рік тому

    Where is rogue guide 😶😶😶

    • @DatBoiKobe1600
      @DatBoiKobe1600 Рік тому

      he alrdy posted one not too long ago plus u shouldnt even be touching rogue class is carbage

    • @philcoats6812
      @philcoats6812 Рік тому

      Step 1: Uninstall

    • @vedsj6091
      @vedsj6091 Рік тому

      @@DatBoiKobe1600 Assasa is insane wt u on about?

    • @Nillowo
      @Nillowo Рік тому

      @@vedsj6091it’s ass lmao

    • @vedsj6091
      @vedsj6091 Рік тому

      @@Nillowo im 3.2k in solo as assa rn so probly skill issues

  • @fancen
    @fancen Рік тому


  • @WorgenatorWoW
    @WorgenatorWoW Рік тому

    Now imagine the damage if Pika pressed phantom sing

  • @chrishartwig7226
    @chrishartwig7226 Рік тому

    Rogue will be the next ret. It always is. 1 day before awc, a hot fix will make rogues the meta once again.

  • @adamgrey268
    @adamgrey268 Рік тому +1

    Love some Venruki colab.

  • @AnnaNishikinomiya-vh8ps
    @AnnaNishikinomiya-vh8ps Рік тому +5

    You already have the class, its the current r1 ladder right now (aka Kalvish/Rogue). But you wont do it so it will be nerfed. Oh nvm, its their favorite class, its always op, they will never nerf it trolololol

    • @digbickhaver1302
      @digbickhaver1302 Рік тому +1

      Mfw i cant play rogue

    • @Talj_wow
      @Talj_wow Рік тому

      Bro wtf are you talking about? Rogue rn is dogshit and I main lock. When I see rogues in queue is a free win especially when their cloack is on cd

    • @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff
      @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff Рік тому +2

      If you still complain about rogue being broken after it being nerfed 5x already (yes, 5 times), you might be the problem, not the class.

  • @Jonas.Sargent
    @Jonas.Sargent Рік тому +2

    Any recent 3s video if any mid high raining 2k + has basically 0 rogues anymore.
    I am absolutely no fan of the big nerfs and buffs all the time just because some pro players know how to cheese with a spec vs 2k casual playing noobs like us.
    Of cause they can cheese us. They would do anyway even without a OP combo of any class.
    The game needs to be balanced for the average player not the top 10 players… they find a way to handle it anyway.

    • @Jonas.Sargent
      @Jonas.Sargent Рік тому

      No one of us noobs pull off those plays that are needed to be Op on their class in a constant matter anyway...

  • @tommyleft8495
    @tommyleft8495 Рік тому +13

    pika needs to watch more chan or something cuz this man is clueless on the lock

    • @Kanoog
      @Kanoog Рік тому +4

      Because Pika has like 30 alts at this point haha, it's only natural for that to happen.

    • @anthonysteinerv
      @anthonysteinerv Рік тому

      nigga he has like 30 alts, and still doing 40k dps, plus lock is the most braindead class ever lol, wdym.

    • @Ali-cr9ex
      @Ali-cr9ex Рік тому +1

      ?? he out damages ven while being trained in blues idk what u mean

    • @callumstoneman807
      @callumstoneman807 Рік тому +1

      @@Ali-cr9ex damage isn’t everything in arenas

    • @Ali-cr9ex
      @Ali-cr9ex Рік тому +2

      @@callumstoneman807 not sure if you’ve played arenas in the last month. damage is like 90% of it… sure landing your kicks and CCing on damage is important, but with double AFF lock their damage is what’s gonna win them the game

  • @christiandavis1143
    @christiandavis1143 Рік тому

    Man venruki is so annoying lmao

  • @colocode6979
    @colocode6979 Рік тому +2

    Convinced arena streamers are just pushing for any classes performing well to get nerfed so their comp gets better. The arena streamers are constantly crying about any changes that happen in PvP, ANY. It's comical.

  • @gtshenko3562
    @gtshenko3562 Рік тому +1

    The next ret still ret paladin =D

  • @VNNI
    @VNNI Рік тому

    The audio is.... 💀💀

  • @angrygun7826
    @angrygun7826 Рік тому +1

    Yeah aff lock the class that dies instantly is the new ret pally lol

  • @stoneblood9864
    @stoneblood9864 Рік тому +5

    Aff lock: 6 mill damage. 2 Mill healing
    These guys: “OmG NeRF ReTS sO BRokEn”

    • @Scumba
      @Scumba Рік тому +2

      The spec is completely dependent on not getting kicked and hoping you don't spend every moment of the game sitting in CC. Nerf Ret.

    • @stoneblood9864
      @stoneblood9864 Рік тому +1

      @@Scumba so like every caster/ spec in the game? sounds very unique in that way.

    • @Scumba
      @Scumba Рік тому +2

      @Stoneblood No, but kinda like Arcane Mage- just less crazy burst, far less front loaded damage, way more setup, and legit one functioning school of magic.

    • @stoneblood9864
      @stoneblood9864 Рік тому

      @@Scumba so your argument is a dot class, needs more set up time then ret? Who would have thought ret might actually be able to win quick games occasionally then. Mind blowing. Notice how the second game Ven actually used his wall at the start and lived and they in return melted the their entire team. Ret was actually one of the lowest damage that game.

    • @Scumba
      @Scumba Рік тому +2

      Almost forgot how absurdly global starved they are- managing core 3 dots on at least 2 targets, ID stacks, Shadows Embrace stacks, Malefic Afflcition stacks, and Dread Touch uptime- all requiring you to cast in that one single spell school, the same school your major defensive is on. But yea, Ret is fine.

  • @venicebeachsurfer
    @venicebeachsurfer Рік тому +15

    Is that Venruki you're talking to? He's got Rogues nerfed.... that constant crying..... Now, he knows they are not even worth bothering with.

    • @Nothingnesslol
      @Nothingnesslol Рік тому +6

      Imagine believing what you just said

    • @blueshadow3794
      @blueshadow3794 Рік тому +8

      Yup, "nerf these classes i'm playing against, but the ones i'm playing are fine" his channel in a nutshell.

    • @kevinvegerud205
      @kevinvegerud205 Рік тому +1

      I smell rogue tears in this comments, and I love it

    • @colocode6979
      @colocode6979 Рік тому

      @@blueshadow3794 complaining about ret in the same stream he had a positive win rate against them in high rated 3v3 games lol everyone comparing SS zug zug games to 3k+ MMR ladders. Asinine.

  • @Tyzen7
    @Tyzen7 Рік тому +2

    The SINGLE fact that Blizzard *BUFFED* and then immediately *NERF* Ret Paladin, is exactly why I quit this dogshit ass game. Nobody wants to play a game where they are constantly changing the way you play every single week.

    • @zoovaado7759
      @zoovaado7759 Рік тому

      Them making good changes is bad? Rets were literally ruining the game

    • @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff
      @fgqgqlfqsfsffeff Рік тому +2

      I don't know if you actually aren't playing the game or just saying it, but after the paladin massive overhaul they are broken beyond anything I've ever seen so it's good that they will fix them this quick! Also this is a PVP reduction nerf only, PVP is literally unplayable right now due to them being so insanely overtuned.
      People used to shit on blizzard for being too slow, now they shit on blizzard for balancing things too quick, never change WoW community.

  • @StrobeFireStudios
    @StrobeFireStudios Рік тому

    Pikaboo's whole brand is fucked. All because you can't blind into a sap anymore. I mean, come on right just get good mate.

    • @adhael4996
      @adhael4996 Рік тому

      "get good", he says to the multiple times AWC finalist.