Glad you like the cannons, I think the end result is way better than what is suggested in the kit instructions. I’ve always dipped into model making over the years. From plastic kits to balsa aircraft and more recently, Bounty, Porquios Pas and Endeavour. So it would be hard to say in actual time how long. Suffice to say it spans at least 50 years, let’s put it like that.😉
Really nice work Andy, love the Canon details mate. How long have you been building models?
Glad you like the cannons, I think the end result is way better than what is suggested in the kit instructions. I’ve always dipped into model making over the years. From plastic kits to balsa aircraft and more recently, Bounty, Porquios Pas and Endeavour. So it would be hard to say in actual time how long. Suffice to say it spans at least 50 years, let’s put it like that.😉