Fun fact the screaming that it did is entirely possible in real life if left alone for that long the voicebox could have been damaged and like the animation showed with the battery acid also the eyes rolling back is part of the wake up animation most furbies had where it would roll back its eyes and yawn but instead of yawning it screamed I hope you enjoyed this fun fact so be warned when you leave old toys with batteries alone for years because they can give you a scare later on
This reminds me of one seahorse toy i had when i was young and it got low batteries. The seahorse toy played music when you pressed its belly, and because the batteries were low, the music was low pitched and freaked young me the frick out. I never touched that again.
This reminds me of a weird cowboy Mr. Potato Head toy I had as a kid that would talk when you pressed a button. As kids do, I lost it under my bed and forgot about it. Thwn one night I could hear something under my bed which freaked me right out. The damn thing jad damaged itself in such a way all it could do was play a staticy version of a voice clip it had, constant static filled laughter. I still remember it sometimes, probably one of the things that made me scared of the dark as a kid.
Nope, after a while a Furby just stops working. Even if you put batteries in it it would just be a paperweight I left a Furby in a bin for a while. After like a year I looked for it, found it and put batteries in it, and... Nothing. Sometimes I can get the motor to start buzzing but that's it. No demonic screaming. Although it could happen if the batteries die. My Furby's make all kinds of weird sounds when the batteries die.
@•Mr Moe• i think the scream could be a malfunction but the Clawing and stuff is'nt real because how could a toy become selfaware? And why didnt it claw at the inside of the Cabinet? So its 95% fake/ "urban legend"
One of the best elements of this video is that there’s no background music, just the microphone static. I think it makes this way more creepy and engaging.
It was releasing all it's unfiltered emotions and feelings all at once, after being trapped for years, left by the one they once loved most. If you're still alive..
Holy fuck, that was awesome to watch! I know this is a personal story, and thats probably half the storytelling drive and effort. But I know I and many others would totally watch the hell out of any more of these stories in this format, even if they aren't your own. This is amazing, I love it when talent intermingles with a seemingly unrelated personal exprience! Keep it up!
Hey thanks so much mate! This is a lovely compliment and I appreciate it a lot! I'd like to make more of this in the future, my current trajectory is SCP related readings. Depending on how things go I'd love to try doing this with other peoples scary stories, this Furby one made for a good trial as you're right, its an extremely personal one so it was a lot easier for me to recount memories and make it feel natural. I wasn't sure if it would make for enjoyable listening content but I'm glad to hear that it does! The positive receptions been a huge encouragement for me to try more of this type of video ^^
Not really. I collect them and this is common behavior. The eyes roll up like that, it's part of the Furby bootup. Also, it'll make that noise and freeze on the bootup when something is up with the batteries or when it's broken. As for the Furby still making that noise, it happens all the time. Now for the scratches and the Furby being missing, there's a few scenarios. 1. They made it up. 2. They could have a pet which left the scratches, and someone could have taken the Furby out of the trash since they do have value.
As a Furby collector, this is my take. I collect them and this is common behavior. The eyes roll up like that, it's part of the Furby bootup. Also, it'll make that noise and freeze on the bootup when something is up with the batteries or when it's broken. As for the Furby still making that noise, it happens all the time. Now for the scratches and the Furby being missing, there's a few scenarios. 1. They made it up. 2. They could have a pet which left the scratches, and someone could have taken the Furby out of the trash since they do have value.
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy I'm not even lying. I'm not even accusing you of lying. I'm just making it clear that the Furby isn't possessed or anything. There's a logical explanation. Also, a Furby couldn't leave those marks. Their beaks are very weak and they also don't have claws.
oml awesome job here, just found your channel and I already love it ^^ ngl ive been collecting old furbies and i love finding out how horribly broken they are. one of em is extremely easy to wake up, cries a bit, then goes back to sleep immediately. poor thing sometimes doesnt even get to turn back off, just sits there for a while all sad since its sensors for interaction dont work right anymore.
Honestly excepted this to be cheap and one of those “totally true, real story, not clickbait!!” videos, but this is actually really ominous. Good job :) hopefully your furby doesn’t still haunt you lol
Sure! Step 1. get a partner that knows electrical engineering (optional) and owns a function generator (required) step 2. strip down a pair of cheap headphones and remove one of the speakers step 3. connect signal and ground terminals of function generator to wires of speaker, polarity doesnt matter. Can't go wrong with this unless there's not much contact. step 4. turn it on and set some signals, adjust parameters of function generator (shape and frequency) to make a wacky sound, as desired. step 5. record on phone for extra crunchy quality, adjust parameters while recording to get a nice shift in sound midway through step 6. import into software of choice (audacity/sony vegas for me) and add filters, modify and layer multiple different recordings ontop until you have a noise that haunts you at night just right step 7. profit Hope this helps!
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy Wow, I was not expecting all that 😅 Good to know though. Now I'm glad I kept my old headphones, just need to get my hands on a function generator.
@Carson Ponsell Oh my, hello there 👀 It'll probably be a long while before the game is in an even remotely presentable state, as the project is just a personal hobby of mine, and I haven't had a lot of time to work on it, unfortunately. I'll try to have something worth looking at within a year, just for you ❤
Ah yes, the wonders of electric toys that use sounds. It reminds of this keychain that my mom was given to from her friend and since the batteries were getting tired, and some of the melodies that you could play or sounds that depended on what button you pressed, it has 8 total buttons. And one day, while I was just screwing around with it and pressing the buttons and having it play with these off-key tunes, and since one of my cats were present. Both which are Esma, the tabby and turtle shell hybrid and Sage, the black cat who has a very reminiscent of autistic traits like me. One of them meowed because of the I assume off-tune song that I pressed on the yellow button. So what we learned? Electric toys can be terrifying if left unchecked with the batteries.
That was a great furby story! This was one of the most concerning and startling furby stories ive heard. I wish mine would do this kind of stuff even though thats a bad wish, Mine was purple and it never moved or talked. It just sat there... eyes blank.
Actually, the sound thing is super common when they suffer blows, cables are damaged or their batteries are ruined and everything internal is damaged. Of course it can happen, it happened to my furby, the end, the end is terrifying xd. By the way, wonderful drawings.
Man, I got goosebumps at the end, and this story created such an atmosphere it gave me the chills... Cant quite place what it is that made it so... scary.. perhaps the fact that this whole story has multiple aspects of truth
I swear this could make a great SCP. Maybe make the furby a memetic so the whole scratches thing you actually saw but forgot, or maybe a Cognitohazard like you never had a furby but by seeing it you get the memories that you did. All I know is that this needs an SCP adaptation and a few tales.
the girl POV: aye aye there's a creepy *bleep* scratched on my door. Furby POV: yo guys it's me Furby 111 today ima scratch on this traitors door and add some ugly dots on it y e a.
I have 1998 furby (and 4 more 98's on the way) I always take out the batteries after every use, since I'd had a similar experience with a 2012 furby.. his batteries were all disgusting and even with a fresh set his voice was tattered.... he'd go in and out of being on and off before completely giving out. It was awful, not as bad as screaming but still-
I watched this exactly at midnight and right at the moment that it made that absolutely horrid screeching noise, I threw my phone. It didn’t break, obviously. But now I’ve been traumatized and watched it again. Amazing video :)
Similar thing I had a furby and I forgot it was in my closet and at night it would sit there going “feed meeee” “me sleepy dada” “let me oooooooout” and sometimes it would scream but a quick smack against the bed shut it up and I put it back and the. My dad got sick of it he took it to work and threw it into concrete and now it’s in the foundations of a church and legand has it that it still says “feed me dada” “let me out please” to this day
Damn did she just predict my future? I remember when I got a Furby boom on 2016 christmas and a year later, it just DISSAPPEARED?@?! I have absolutely no idea where it is because we recently moved into a new house, and my Furby is still gone.
I remember, I used to have a furbie, I loved it dearly but I had set it on my shelf one day and I hadn’t really touched it since then. But one day I bumped the shelf when I went to grab a book and the furbie fell off. It started screaming and I nearly pissed my self, but it’s batteries died and it slowed down during the screech which made it sound more demonic and evil. I threw that sucker in the trash and never saw it again.
I have a furby on my bookshelf, looking down on me. It ran out of battery just when it’s mouth and eyes were open, so now it’s just there with it’s mouth open and ears back.
My sister had a furby once, it actually disappeared. Dont know where but I always felt like the backyard was always creepy because I felt like I was watched or just been recorded. The backyard was quite spacious well actually it was huge because of the swing there but that place still made me feel like I'm being watched, the furby you talked about made me think about some things that really messed me up, my sisters furby didnt talk but it did try to like it was or if it was trying. I always had nightmares at that house for some reason but I didnt really care as it was always happening. The house was very weird for me, I dont think the stuff I saw was a dream... or even kids playing, I know that house was bad at the start.
Oh sh*t the ending terrified me- And I can watch R rated horror movies that end up finishing at twelve am. This story isn’t true, right? Also you’re an amazing artist
Great work! Also i don’t have a furby but i used to have a king ghidorah toy that was from a godzilla movie. It’s entire skin was gold. It stands like a human, had no arms, orange eyes, 3 heads, 2 spiky tails and bat-like wings and even has a spiky crest. It had a flying mechanic for its wings so it can fly and flap its wings. I really loved it and it had a remote to control it. Also walks! But sometimes it turns on all by itself (Off and no batteries) and it screamed "BIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDI" Which was his roar from the movie. It also goes outside and his middle head kept turning and it screamed the same way your furby screamed but it sounded even more demonic. When i played it for the final time it was outraged and nearly tried to attack me in mid-air. I grabbed it off the skies, Stomped on it but the toy still worked. It shot yellow fire at me and almost hit me. I tore both wings off and it flew without its wings. It flew away from my house to find a better owner. Stupid yellow dragon.
Her Furby: That's right i heard the story over and over again! Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends! That's right i heard the story don't really like how it ends! Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends! What did she say about me what did she say? What did you do without me what did you do? Did you play games without me what did you play? Did you think all the time i wouldn't fin out about you?! OH! that's right i heard the story over and over again? Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends. Who am i? WHO AM I?! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?! I'M THE LOSER OF THE GAME YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE PLAYING! Let's Play another game, this time i get to win! Lives on the line! (Starts to grow black tentacles from the area where arms should be) WINNER TAKES ALL! READY OR NOT LET'S BEGIN! OH! That's right i heard the story over and over again gee it's swell to finally beat her other friends! (Climbs on the ceiling with tentacles) OH! That's right i heard the story don't really like how it ends! Gee it's swell to finally beat her other (Jumps down) other (Raises the arms up and turns to scythe blades) OOOTHEEERRRRRE! (Decapitates her friends with Scythe Bladed tentacles) FRIENDS!
Awww hell NO! If I ever saw and had a furby, I'll chuck it with a bat. I'm still actually surprised about the stories of their furbies moving, it's as if they have an entity inside them.
I used to own a Furby part 2: Dielectric Absorption
Its relle god
Its me!
Fun fact the screaming that it did is entirely possible in real life if left alone for that long the voicebox could have been damaged and like the animation showed with the battery acid also the eyes rolling back is part of the wake up animation most furbies had where it would roll back its eyes and yawn but instead of yawning it screamed
I hope you enjoyed this fun fact so be warned when you leave old toys with batteries alone for years because they can give you a scare later on
They mention its based on a real story that happened to them in the description, so id argue that is what happened
This reminds me of one seahorse toy i had when i was young and it got low batteries.
The seahorse toy played music when you pressed its belly, and because the batteries were low, the music was low pitched and freaked young me the frick out.
I never touched that again.
This reminds me of a weird cowboy Mr. Potato Head toy I had as a kid that would talk when you pressed a button. As kids do, I lost it under my bed and forgot about it. Thwn one night I could hear something under my bed which freaked me right out. The damn thing jad damaged itself in such a way all it could do was play a staticy version of a voice clip it had, constant static filled laughter.
I still remember it sometimes, probably one of the things that made me scared of the dark as a kid.
Still scary as fuck
Nope, after a while a Furby just stops working. Even if you put batteries in it it would just be a paperweight I left a Furby in a bin for a while. After like a year I looked for it, found it and put batteries in it, and... Nothing. Sometimes I can get the motor to start buzzing but that's it. No demonic screaming. Although it could happen if the batteries die. My Furby's make all kinds of weird sounds when the batteries die.
ok that story was horrifying, there weren’t any cheap jump scares, just the ambience.
No fr I had a weird feeling through the whole thing
@@ysgramorssoupspoon I think we all did.
Ah yes the good kind of horror it's not scary just dusk d3jekdbdkd
Bro it’s def fake
@@ILoveAllah50 I never said it was real lmao.
Nicely creepy. Pretty sure I'm gonna be hearing that hell screech the rest of the week.
It's 2:27 and I just started and I don't wanna be spooked ????
Yeah me too
Ayeee you're still alive?? Terrifying story, loving the content.
The Rona hasnt taken me down yet!!! Cheers mate!
my brain: (eeeeeeeeeeee taaaa helppppp helppppppppppppp(tyler1)
@•Mr Moe• i think the scream could be a malfunction but the Clawing and stuff is'nt real because how could a toy become selfaware? And why didnt it claw at the inside of the Cabinet? So its 95% fake/ "urban legend"
@Puppy Pooper ew dont do that
get Excalibur
Bold of you to assume they didn't die from it, yet... came back.
One of the best elements of this video is that there’s no background music, just the microphone static. I think it makes this way more creepy and engaging.
Also, that scream actually jumpscared me. YIKES.
"I loved my Furby, and it loved me..." RELATIONSHIP GOALS
Hey at least you didn't have to make a whole ass satanic ritual to get rid of that furby's demon mom or whatever
nice reference
Nice Reference
Nice reference
tattletail reference perhaps?
This would be even more scary if it was a *long furby*
Curse you just why did you say that.
Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is our leader, and he maintains his position at the top through fear.
Lol I spelt curse wrong
Evan you are talking about leovinsible cretures
cursed furbys
This is more terrifying than realistic bloody eyes creepypastas
this could give someone ptsd
It was releasing all it's unfiltered emotions and feelings all at once, after being trapped for years, left by the one they once loved most. If you're still alive..
As a furby fan and collector this is by far the best and accurate furby creepy pasta i have ever hear and i respect you for that
@@OfficalBird_manthey scream when the batteries low
@@Morbid.obesity i dont remember that happening to my furrby
This was really good!
The narration, the illustrations, the subtle eeriness.
Best Furby creepypasta I've heard!
Thank you gamer!!
Holy fuck, that was awesome to watch! I know this is a personal story, and thats probably half the storytelling drive and effort. But I know I and many others would totally watch the hell out of any more of these stories in this format, even if they aren't your own.
This is amazing, I love it when talent intermingles with a seemingly unrelated personal exprience! Keep it up!
Hey thanks so much mate! This is a lovely compliment and I appreciate it a lot! I'd like to make more of this in the future, my current trajectory is SCP related readings. Depending on how things go I'd love to try doing this with other peoples scary stories, this Furby one made for a good trial as you're right, its an extremely personal one so it was a lot easier for me to recount memories and make it feel natural. I wasn't sure if it would make for enjoyable listening content but I'm glad to hear that it does! The positive receptions been a huge encouragement for me to try more of this type of video ^^
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuyhey so I recently got a furby who only sleeps and now I’m scared that he’s going to bust down my door and eat me
@@ImdefinitelynotCobaltion just don't wake it up
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy but I want to teach it the word sombrero
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy anyways is the ending real
Jesus christ, that was creepy
bruh frubies are imbued with the souls of dead children its common knowledge
@@tatotaytoman5934i don't belive that but I respect your opinion
@@tatotaytoman5934wtf no it's just a electronic toy☠️
Not really. I collect them and this is common behavior. The eyes roll up like that, it's part of the Furby bootup. Also, it'll make that noise and freeze on the bootup when something is up with the batteries or when it's broken. As for the Furby still making that noise, it happens all the time. Now for the scratches and the Furby being missing, there's a few scenarios. 1. They made it up. 2. They could have a pet which left the scratches, and someone could have taken the Furby out of the trash since they do have value.
As a Furby collector, this is my take. I collect them and this is common behavior. The eyes roll up like that, it's part of the Furby bootup. Also, it'll make that noise and freeze on the bootup when something is up with the batteries or when it's broken. As for the Furby still making that noise, it happens all the time. Now for the scratches and the Furby being missing, there's a few scenarios. 1. They made it up. 2. They could have a pet which left the scratches, and someone could have taken the Furby out of the trash since they do have value.
"You really think someone could do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?"
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy I'm not even lying. I'm not even accusing you of lying. I'm just making it clear that the Furby isn't possessed or anything. There's a logical explanation. Also, a Furby couldn't leave those marks. Their beaks are very weak and they also don't have claws.
@@fazbearanimations2622 its all good gamer, its just a silly horror story on the internet :) like a homebrewed creepypasta
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy Yeah. It was a good story tbh. I could tell you had knowledge of Furbies.
@@fazbearanimations2622 It's cause I used to own one ;)
How does this only have 266 views? One of the best videos I've seen on months!
Thanks you!! This is a very lovely compliment!
oml awesome job here, just found your channel and I already love it ^^
ngl ive been collecting old furbies and i love finding out how horribly broken they are. one of em is extremely easy to wake up, cries a bit, then goes back to sleep immediately. poor thing sometimes doesnt even get to turn back off, just sits there for a while all sad since its sensors for interaction dont work right anymore.
poor thing im the same as you in a way that i like old furbies
did you call the ghostbusters?
No Australian branch :'(
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy Hmm... Ghost Busters are world-wide now!!! They might come and unhaunt your place! Stay safe and have a non-haunted life!!! :D
@@sanukatharul1497 Can they Survive the trip to *-Brazil-* ?
@@sanukatharul1497 Well yes but the Bill would be more terryfying than a screaming furby
@@Lucas_Nuts ghosts in brazil dont haunt brazil haunts them
This reminded me of toy story a toy like that may not comprehend that it isn't a pet and is no longer wanted
this deserves to blow up man
The eye roll back of the furby will give me nightmares
Honestly excepted this to be cheap and one of those “totally true, real story, not clickbait!!” videos, but this is actually really ominous. Good job :) hopefully your furby doesn’t still haunt you lol
1:44 Could you possibly reveal how you created that nightmare inducing sound? I'd like to make a similar audio effect for a game.
Step 1. get a partner that knows electrical engineering (optional) and owns a function generator (required)
step 2. strip down a pair of cheap headphones and remove one of the speakers
step 3. connect signal and ground terminals of function generator to wires of speaker, polarity doesnt matter. Can't go wrong with this unless there's not much contact.
step 4. turn it on and set some signals, adjust parameters of function generator (shape and frequency) to make a wacky sound, as desired.
step 5. record on phone for extra crunchy quality, adjust parameters while recording to get a nice shift in sound midway through
step 6. import into software of choice (audacity/sony vegas for me) and add filters, modify and layer multiple different recordings ontop until you have a noise that haunts you at night just right
step 7. profit
Hope this helps!
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy Wow, I was not expecting all that 😅 Good to know though. Now I'm glad I kept my old headphones, just need to get my hands on a function generator.
@@PrettyFlyForAShyGuy no just use a harmonica
@Carson Ponsell Oh my, hello there 👀
It'll probably be a long while before the game is in an even remotely presentable state, as the project is just a personal hobby of mine, and I haven't had a lot of time to work on it, unfortunately. I'll try to have something worth looking at within a year, just for you ❤
Ah yes, the wonders of electric toys that use sounds. It reminds of this keychain that my mom was given to from her friend and since the batteries were getting tired, and some of the melodies that you could play or sounds that depended on what button you pressed, it has 8 total buttons. And one day, while I was just screwing around with it and pressing the buttons and having it play with these off-key tunes, and since one of my cats were present. Both which are Esma, the tabby and turtle shell hybrid and Sage, the black cat who has a very reminiscent of autistic traits like me. One of them meowed because of the I assume off-tune song that I pressed on the yellow button.
So what we learned? Electric toys can be terrifying if left unchecked with the batteries.
Love it ! An actual good creepy story. I felt really uncomfortable.
That was a great furby story!
This was one of the most concerning and startling furby stories ive heard.
I wish mine would do this kind of stuff even though thats a bad wish,
Mine was purple and it never moved or talked. It just sat there... eyes blank.
bro said “no thoughts head empty”
I thought the title said "I used to own a furry"....
What the frick is wrong with me
K ur not alone..... 😅
Im sad it wasn't the case 😔
I know right I mean who would not own their furry anymore
Actually, the sound thing is super common when they suffer blows, cables are damaged or their batteries are ruined and everything internal is damaged. Of course it can happen, it happened to my furby, the end, the end is terrifying xd. By the way, wonderful drawings.
Man, I got goosebumps at the end, and this story created such an atmosphere it gave me the chills...
Cant quite place what it is that made it so... scary.. perhaps the fact that this whole story has multiple aspects of truth
I swear this could make a great SCP. Maybe make the furby a memetic so the whole scratches thing you actually saw but forgot, or maybe a Cognitohazard like you never had a furby but by seeing it you get the memories that you did. All I know is that this needs an SCP adaptation and a few tales.
The screaming furby
@@GirrafeyYTthe forgotten toy......
SCP - 17401 “the forgotten furby”
@@spooki3382Keter class anomaly
just found this at 7 AM with all the lights off, a reversed sleep schedule, and a now gone will to sleep. thanks!
the girl POV: aye aye there's a creepy *bleep* scratched on my door. Furby POV: yo guys it's me Furby 111 today ima scratch on this traitors door and add some ugly dots on it y e a.
This is a good reminder to take batteries out of your old toys!
I have 1998 furby (and 4 more 98's on the way)
I always take out the batteries after every use, since I'd had a similar experience with a 2012 furby.. his batteries were all disgusting and even with a fresh set his voice was tattered.... he'd go in and out of being on and off before completely giving out. It was awful, not as bad as screaming but still-
I watched this exactly at midnight and right at the moment that it made that absolutely horrid screeching noise, I threw my phone. It didn’t break, obviously. But now I’ve been traumatized and watched it again. Amazing video :)
Similar thing I had a furby and I forgot it was in my closet and at night it would sit there going “feed meeee” “me sleepy dada” “let me oooooooout” and sometimes it would scream but a quick smack against the bed shut it up and I put it back and the. My dad got sick of it he took it to work and threw it into concrete and now it’s in the foundations of a church and legand has it that it still says “feed me dada” “let me out please” to this day
Lesss gooooo I got hearted
I was wondering where those voices came from!
Scared the ever living hell out of me when the audio shot out. I’m wearing headphones so every after I’m still so shook from the effect 😰
Holy crack this is amazing! Your going places dude!
I love these stories were if the people didn't do one simple thing it could of cost them there life...
...its terrifying in the best way
ah, just what i needed at 12:37 AM when i was just about to go to sleep.
*never watch this again when about to go to sleep,*
@@debrianaranzestonactoc3776 you're right
Imagine if Spinel had turned out like this.
We would be ded cus no-one can bear this
oh god.
imagine having a furby that still exist somewhere and it haunts you till this day .-.
Thanks it's not like I wanted to sleep or something
Damn did she just predict my future? I remember when I got a Furby boom on 2016 christmas and a year later, it just DISSAPPEARED?@?! I have absolutely no idea where it is because we recently moved into a new house, and my Furby is still gone.
I remember, I used to have a furbie, I loved it dearly but I had set it on my shelf one day and I hadn’t really touched it since then. But one day I bumped the shelf when I went to grab a book and the furbie fell off. It started screaming and I nearly pissed my self, but it’s batteries died and it slowed down during the screech which made it sound more demonic and evil. I threw that sucker in the trash and never saw it again.
ooo the haunting tone you used for this video gives me chills
Sent shivers down my spine
My microwave at 3 AM: 1:44
i own 8-9 furbies. they're terrifying and i love them
The screaming scared the hell out of me. I had earphones in. I took it out after almost peeing my slef.
Me: *goes to the furby noise*
Also me: "can u repeat that again"
I have a furby on my bookshelf, looking down on me. It ran out of battery just when it’s mouth and eyes were open, so now it’s just there with it’s mouth open and ears back.
Oh! That's horrifying! Great animation though!
Thanks mate!
thanks for adding some quality nightmare fuel to my life
Aight, I’m not even gonna look for my old furby
Good idea
Gosh, imagine if you left the door open 💀
My sister had a furby once, it actually disappeared. Dont know where but I always felt like the backyard was always creepy because I felt like I was watched or just been recorded. The backyard was quite spacious well actually it was huge because of the swing there but that place still made me feel like I'm being watched, the furby you talked about made me think about some things that really messed me up, my sisters furby didnt talk but it did try to like it was or if it was trying. I always had nightmares at that house for some reason but I didnt really care as it was always happening. The house was very weird for me, I dont think the stuff I saw was a dream... or even kids playing, I know that house was bad at the start.
This is the first time I crossed paths with this channel.
Good news, you got one more sub!
Edit: also, your writing is so damn good.
Whoa! That took a turn for the worse! The part where it started screaming scared me so bad lol
Quick question.
After you found out that the furby was gone in the trash can, did you ever find it anywhere else?
Omg that screaming. I watched this at night and that honestly terrified me
Oh sh*t the ending terrified me-
And I can watch R rated horror movies that end up finishing at twelve am.
This story isn’t true, right?
Also you’re an amazing artist
Matt Rose gonna pick up on this story.
I am forever traumatized
clicked on this expecting a matt rose furby story animated, got a short horror story. not disappointed. 10/10
This is so spooky
I've been looking for a furby for ages specifically because of stuff like this, they're just so damn creepy!
Here before it blows up
I think this might be the creepiest story I have ever heard in my entire life. Well done.
"Mama's Watching"
Great work! Also i don’t have a furby but i used to have a king ghidorah toy that was from a godzilla movie. It’s entire skin was gold. It stands like a human, had no arms, orange eyes, 3 heads, 2 spiky tails and bat-like wings and even has a spiky crest. It had a flying mechanic for its wings so it can fly and flap its wings. I really loved it and it had a remote to control it. Also walks! But sometimes it turns on all by itself (Off and no batteries) and it screamed "BIDIDIDIDIDIDIDIDI" Which was his roar from the movie. It also goes outside and his middle head kept turning and it screamed the same way your furby screamed but it sounded even more demonic. When i played it for the final time it was outraged and nearly tried to attack me in mid-air. I grabbed it off the skies, Stomped on it but the toy still worked. It shot yellow fire at me and almost hit me. I tore both wings off and it flew without its wings. It flew away from my house to find a better owner. Stupid yellow dragon.
This is the saddest story. The furby loved you :(
Don't throw away something you used to love.
good ending: she has a cat and a guy found the old furby.
if you find it burn it
That poor furby!! I hope the poor little guy found a new home. :(
Her Furby: That's right i heard the story over and over again! Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends!
That's right i heard the story don't really like how it ends! Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends!
What did she say about me what did she say?
What did you do without me what did you do?
Did you play games without me what did you play?
Did you think all the time i wouldn't fin out about you?!
OH! that's right i heard the story over and over again? Gee it's swell to finally meet her other friends.
Let's Play another game, this time i get to win! Lives on the line! (Starts to grow black tentacles from the area where arms should be) WINNER TAKES ALL! READY OR NOT LET'S BEGIN!
OH! That's right i heard the story over and over again gee it's swell to finally beat her other friends! (Climbs on the ceiling with tentacles) OH! That's right i heard the story don't really like how it ends!
Gee it's swell to finally beat her other (Jumps down) other (Raises the arms up and turns to scythe blades) OOOTHEEERRRRRE! (Decapitates her friends with Scythe Bladed tentacles) FRIENDS!
this could totally be in a music video
@@witherkilleryeh Yeah it could. And it would be awesome.
My tobbie robot toy:
Approaches furby with blue eyes and has 6 legs and is holding a rocket launcher and blows furby’s head off
Awww hell NO! If I ever saw and had a furby, I'll chuck it with a bat. I'm still actually surprised about the stories of their furbies moving, it's as if they have an entity inside them.
had a furby, from a year ago, laying in the closet and when i remembered about it, it was still fine working
ok but like the screeching was basically how you describe the static I see in my vision.
This is the best story I’ve ever heard and I loveeee it!
That sound the Furby made literally made me jump the first time I heard it. Well done!
at the end, the scratches could be just some random animals lol and furby being gone in the trash is just that someone took it. No need to be scared
Considering how the furby they owned worth a lot rn, that's probably the case
Would be a waste to get thrown away anyway
@@meriewanderer yeah true, i think there is a way to replace to new battery part thing where you put batteries
@@CandeSkunk there indeed is, sometime some scrapping can do the job even
Holy cow that's really scary! Glad you're still alive
When it made that demonic scream. That first photo of it screaming... I don't think I am going to sleep
the furby sittin next to me is straight up vibing
Why do you make it so emotional like dude furbys are demons from the deepest pits of hell
Mine disappeared somewhere, it was just chilling in front of the tv in my room one day, the next it’s gone. I live in constant fear
This scared the fuck out of me I'm so lucky in watching this at morning or else I'm not gonna sleep tonight
Therapist: Furby's Ahegao doesn't exist, he can't hurt you ...
Furby's Ahegao: 1:34
Dam hollywood would start a horror movie starring your furby and your dad
that screaming sound scared me when it played
Spooktacular. I love it.
This story just made me stop facing the wall in bed.
The fact that this was mostly realistic is scary.
Damn it that screaming part scared the sch*t out of me
I can’t believe you pulled a Pink Diamond on your furby.
This is one of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen