Worked in Germany in the early 70’s with several WWII veterans. They wouldn’t talk about the war, but were hard working men happy with the simplest luxuries of a lower middle class life. They were all in their 50’s which seemed like very old men to me, but did tough manual labor without complaint. One man was captured at Stalingrad and released eight yrs later. He learned some English by watching cowboy westerns. When asked why they fought for Hitler, he said something which stuck with me forever. “Wir was manner der zeit, (we were men of the times). Don’t think for one minute that you would not have done the same as a young man in 1939.
Exactly: they were men of the times. It's difficult to blame them really. They were just doing what they thought was best. That's why war is so awful. Many of these men could just as easily been best of friends. I don't mean to oversimplify but it's still true. sad. very sad.
Sono italiano, nato nel 1964. Ho conosciuto un veterano qualche anno fa della 12 divisione panzer SS. Non ha mai voluto parlare della guerra. Onore e rispetto per tutti coloro che hanno dovuto combattere sia da una parte che da un' altra!
How refreshing to see a film about WW2 that's full of emotion, pathos and has none of the usual gung-ho rubbish. This is typical of the very high standard of films portraying the German side that are being made at the moment and show the huge sacrifices made. Wunderbar!
I saw " My honor was loyalty". Incredible movie. I was blessed with a teacher who was WW2 vet, a Ranger, who told us " To study history, military history, you must recognize and appreciate that there are brave men on both sides of any conflict. You can not denigrate their Valor without denigrating your own."
One of the most emotionally charged films I've seen in UA-cam. Much credit to the team that wrote and made this short movie. A generation of dreams and aspirations destroyed because the leaders of this time decided war is the only recourse. May their sacrifice be a lesson for the future generations.
I‘m sitting in my kitchen, holding the medals of my grandfather in my hands. He was 15, when he got the „Verwundetenabzeichen“, the german Purple Heart. But the most imprerssive and dark medal is the „Nahkampfspange“. Earned by 15 days close combat. I can not imagine the horror he did experience. He never talked about. Thank you for this impressive film.
If your Grandfather was in the SS he didn't leave you with any great legacy. You need to catch up with their litany of murdering so many innocent civilians.
Question is, would hollywood really produce anything other than the rubbish that seem to have become their standard? Well done to the producers of films such as this. The future is of such and not the mayor propaganda machines that is pushing agendas down in the public's throats.
@@zakkyun beside the fact that I don't think that number is true, these were russian soldiers which took revenge, every side committed crimes some less some more but all did
@LSSJ a large number the jugund were all but annihilated in the battle of caen and the following battle of the falaise-chambois gap for little reason other than hitler forbade the retreat of units in the area while the lines surrounding them were pushed back by patton to the south and the british and others to the north, if they were pulled back with the rest of the line they couldve avoided massive losses that resulted in comparatively few allied losses
Zack Zero It was a higher number than that and it was boys, girls, men, women and geriatrics that were raped by Russians. For the most part it was to the death as well and crude instruments used in the rapings were all too common.
This short film captures the spirit of Hitlerjugend and the Bund Deutsche Madchen in both school and war settings. In the middle of all of this is a powerful and deep teenage romance between Johann Freudenburgher and Klara Hoffmann. When Johann was fighting in France, he couldn't understand why his girlfriend failed to respond to his letters. His squad joked that his girlfriend had met someone new. In fact, Klara was dead, unknown to Johann, having died during an aerial bombing by the Allies in Ludwigshaven. Over half a million German civilians died as a result of these air raids. The film was beautiful as much as it was dreadfully sad. It was moving and highlighted the futility of war.
Damn that was actually sad when it said she had died two months earlier and that's why he hadn't got any letters, probably happened to many German soldiers in the war
@Von Krieg No ability to grasp a concept, huh... Your nazi buddies picked a fight, committed atrocities on a mass scale and got the butts whipped good. No tears coming from here. So much for "The Master Race..." But your pathetic arrogance endures... Now that really is laughable, but go ahead, carry-on, I'm sure you'll get your nasty little butt whooped again.
I've been watching some of the short films of WW2 from the Germans side of the war. I feel that there movies are more to the facts. And are more realistic.
@@therightway1413 Not so much propaganda as a marketable product. not as many people want to see the helpless chaos and confusion and ultimate tragedy of war as they do an action movie. I have no problem whit action movies but i am glad that there are people who make films that show more than fabricated glory.
@Celtic Snow that’s human history. The better civilisation conquering the lesser. What of the Arabs who enslaved the North Africans and Southern Europeans. They were a greater civilisation that conquered the lesser. We’re mammals just like lions and hyenas.
Beautiful film. There were millions of peaceful souls on both sides who lost their lives in this hideous conflict. May they rest in peace - and may the those who brought this horror on the world for selfish, wicked reasons, see true justice in the afterlife.
Congratulations, this held my interest to the end. These short ww2 films always seem better when actual German is spoken and I appreciate the English subtitles. You should really consider making a longer film like this.
I wish people can understand these movies are not politic but showing the true colors of thousands of men fought for their country. History is always recording winners as heroes and defeated as the enemy....
It’s often overlooked these men were fathers,sons loved and had hopes aspirations like all who fought irrespective what side they were on , war dehumanises and objectifies it’s glorified through propaganda and politics , so much wasted youth so much wasted potential.
I love it... I’m discovering that there is a new genre of short films about WW2 from the german soldier experience... these short films are ubiquitous and as someone who has studied WW2 for 20 years, I’m absolutely thrilled that many young directors are producing these short films, because 60 years post WW2 it was apart of the German History that was still to painful to revisit. I’m fascinated with the German Army of WW2. They were incredible cohesive and advanced fighting army, and their modern weapons, tank and armament would be the genesis and blueprint for much of today’s modern weapons. --- Ich liebe es ... Ich entdecke, dass es ein neues Genre von Kurzfilmen über den 2. Weltkrieg aus der Erfahrung deutscher Soldaten gibt ... diese Filme sind allgegenwärtig und als jemand, der den 2. Weltkrieg seit 20 Jahren studiert, bin ich absolut begeistert davon Viele junge Regisseure produzieren diese Kurzfilme, denn 60 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war es ein Teil der deutschen Geschichte, der noch immer zu schmerzhaft war, um ihn noch einmal zu sehen. Ich bin fasziniert von der deutschen Armee des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Sie waren eine unglaublich geschlossene und fortschrittliche Kampfarmee, und ihre modernen Waffen, Panzer und Bewaffnung waren die Genese und Blaupause für viele der heutigen modernen Waffen.
Before you get too over-excited about the Nazi-German war machine remember that we are talking about a facist state who brainwashed its people to fight an insane war supported by an arms industry using millions of slave labourers.
Das is Wundeschoen. Greetings from a German perspective, I am English but I understand that the men and boys sent to war all had lives before them and the destruction of any creation, human or animal is murder of a gross nature. It is the ending of life, no beginning, even for survivors who ended up living in a world of peace, because for the there was no peace. I have subscribed and a s a poet who wishes to understand, this told of emotion that many war movies do not, the missing emotion all suffer in war, that we need to get off our chest, our mind because if we do not bury the hate and the grief, it will bury us. Everyone who watches war movies and more so, anyone who thinks they know history will learn from this. This is a great film, thank you.
Amazing to see things from the German side here in Canada it’s never talked about. How easily we forget that 99% of them were soldiers following orders like anyone else they had lives and family, not all were evil like we depict them and the fallen Germans deserve the same respect as anyone else RIP all the fallen soldiers of WWII
Ed Duboce no respect from you for anything the terrible people in Germany were mostly the ones in high command. Not the average everyday soldier. Don’t call me a nazi just cuz I’m smarter than to put a whole country into one narrow group.
Strange,.only downfall is believing in certain superiority of race over others. America also has that for its African Americans and ethnic minorities but they all fought for a multitude of reasons only society and human psychology determines. Such a sad situation indeed.
I am a Vet of the 80s but my career has blessed me with the opportunity to meet and converse with WWII vets from ALL sides. All I can say is these men were soldiers, none were more evil or more good than the other and all I have spoken to have to deepest respect for the man they were fighting at the time. I pray every day that God has welcomed them into the kingdom of heaven they all deserve to be there even if they don't believe in its existence.
@@Kitiwake wrong, my brother became a die hard atheist during his deploymend. He said, that what ever you belived in, if you see what humans can do to each other, you lose all faith you might have left.
Wow...I’m crying; which is ODD because while I love watching short films showing the Wehrmacht as sympathetic human beings and not monsters, I was hesitant to watch a short film from the POV of an SS unit. But I decided to try it because as a WWII enthusiast, I of course knew the sad story of the Jugend and as basically indoctrinated child soldiers, I decided to try this out...congratulations on an excellent, poignant and beautifully done short film!
I'm always on the lookout for stuff from the German/ axis pov that isn't the usual black and white "all of these guys were horrible monsters" narrative. When I was younger my Oma told me stories of living in occupied Netherlands during ww2. since the family had cows on their farm soldiers would ask for milk. She said most were polite enough but one in particular would come by frequently and bring sweets for the kids or offer help around the farm in return for the milk or food they gave him. That always stuck with me. These guys were still people at the end of the day and I don't think that should be forgotten
That's because he left out the scene where they went thru Belgium and killed every civilian they could find... or when they shot all their allied prisoners... So it's OK because even Hitler loved his mommy? I have just become aware of these "shorts" and while I appreciate the intent of their makers, the problem is the Germans are Germans. They are a people who cannot admit blame or fault. Yes, it's true the majority did not want Hitler or war... but when it happened they did what anyone would have done... they went along. However they were so horrified by the result, and what they found out their leaders had done, that it became practically a crime to even speak of it. They spent the next 70 years pretending it never happened. It is good to see they are now finally trying to face it, but even then, all of these films are late war period pieces, where they are already beaten and these young boys are forced to go off and die for nothing, wringing sympathy from you. Where's the film from 1940 when EVERYONE was on board the victory train because it looked like they would conquer the world? Where is the sympathy for the innocent people of Poland and France and the Low Countries? Right... they're not making films about that.... or the death camps. The germans alive today should have no guilt. No man is responsible for the crimes of his father. But if they are going to pretend they were the victims... all that does is plant the seed for it to happen again. It was feeling that WWI victimized them that prompted the starting of WWII. Face the truth if you are german - your ancestors did HORRIBLE things, and the world sat or enabled it to happen. (because it could have been prevented) In that light I will admit our side did horrible things too. The bombing of Dresden was a crime against humanity we would have been tried for if we were the losers. There was no need for it militarily. It was retribution, nothing more, and it was beyond vile and inhuman... but I didn't do it. All I can try to do is learn from it and see it never happens again. I do that by facing it head on, and admitting it was wrong.
@@56squadron the answer to your question is yes; even with everything they did. They were child soldiers, indoctrinated since the age of 7. The first to reach the age to fight from the Nazi militarized boyscout program so yes. Even with all of that, I have sympathy. I have sympathy for so many people from that war, it would be a mistake to judge me one dimensionally. I reserve in my mind the 9th level of hell for most SS; but even my grandfather had nightmares over having to fight the HitlerJugendSS. He called them the ‘Baby Division’. They all did. If a man living through that hell and FIGHTING through that hell could reserve human sympathy for them, then I can too. My grandpa never took SS prisoner- even the Jugend; this is because such fanaticism meant they would often break the codes of war, such as pretending to surrender only to fool you- except- it was the Jugend who gave them the nightmares, not anyone else (of the SS). Such young, sweet faces capable of brutality on a level seen only from the most hardened of men was such a shocking cognitive’s nightmare WAS nightmare fuel.
Alessandro es todo un Héroe es el unico que a tocado temas que ningún otro director de cine millonario cobarde a querido tocar!!! Felicitaciones Pepe sigue a si tienes mi apoyo y el de muchos entusiastas saludos cordiales
In that war,the right side won. The other side was conducting a criminal assault on human decency. What we don;'t see enough of is the war as fought by the Red Army, which was the crucial factor in winning the war. They caused 80% of German combat casualties, the other Allies caused 20%. Yet we don't see many films about that aspect of the war, no doubt because the Red Army was fighting for a Communist regime.
This is a successful staging. I can't believe some people are saying the film is more authentic than American war movies. Folks, this is a production like any other, in which the story is reinterpreted for its own purposes. Here a narrative is told in which female innocence is considered a place of longing, while the courageous but young innocent man fights and dies. Come on, Riefenstahl would be proud. If you have a different opinion, I am happy to discuss civilly and logically. I don't reply to stupid comments.
2 роки тому+4
Your logic would stand if you consider that each individual have the same thinking when belonging to a group. Group identity is a real thing, yet it is impossible to assume that every individual would reason in the same way as others. The young man thought his duty was to fight, but in reality, he just wanted to be by his loved one, he didn't care at all about war, or politics, he was just preoccupied about the girl he was in love with. I am the director of this shortfilm, so you can be sure that your opinion did not catch the real meaning of this project. But thank you so much for leaving a healthy opinion. Really appreciated.
Thank you for a very good movie with English subtitles. It made me think life was just starting for those two and then gone so quickly. When war wins living things lose, time after time.
He thought she stopped writing to him but had no idea she had been killed in a bombing raid. Everything that happens during war is pretty awful. No matter what country you fought for killing another human being will pull at you're heart. You wouldn't be human if it didn't.
84 LoneDreamer84 are you american? since its pretty obvious you are, i would shut my mouth pretty quick. at the moment the exact fucking thing that happend in germany is happening in the USA...
But the thing is that at war an enemy is an enemy regardless his age. He has a weapon and he wants to kill you. I wish to live in a peaceful world. Sometime shit happens and somebody is responsible for it. Blame them. Sure, being a human being i can feel compassion to any victim but it is natural that my compassion is stronger towards my fellows.
Dante Hiestand Another one who believes everything the news media says, yawn. Maybe one day you'll realize that your media is no different than Goebbels was when he was spreading lies.
it’s easy to dehumanise “the enemy” from conflicts fought, I think short films provoke a closer examination of how our impressions formed which can only be a good thing I think, conflict although at times inevitable always dehumanises the losers . This was a good piece of work simple and effective.
Nicely filmed, good story, realistic feel...When I said "don't end it there!" out loud, you didn't. I've been binge watching shorts, and this is one of the best.
Very similar to 'stream of consciousness' scenes in the Thin Red Line, which is one of my favorite movies. Some lines taken from that movie: "Come back to me...come back to where I am." Beautiful.
This so called baby division were in fact an evil bunch of bastard who carried out terrible atrocities in the name of Nazi germany on both civilians and troops who surrendered to them. As a result many were slaughtered after being taken prisoner especially by the canadian troops
As a British soldier seeing this movie was very moving as I understand the 'soldiers plight'. We are pawns for our governments, and that's something my grandfather told me many years ago. He fought off the beach at Normandy and he saw action against the 12th SS and he said they were fanatical and hardened war veterans. They were dedicated to the defence of their homeland and died for each other, if my grandfather can respect them so can I.
I love those Tommy Pipes at the end!!! I'm glad the English + British and the Germans aren't fighting each other anymore, it's so sad and regrettable.. We're practically the same. We were fighting our own Brothers...
You know, man, war is always bad, no matter who's against whom. I in 1996 in Chechnya killed a friend and I still can't forgive myself for not being able to save him. As for this film. I'm nice to the Germans when they come to visit me with the world) and the Nazis, I will tear the teeth is still alive! Good luck))
I must say I really liked this one. There were some rather random events, but in the end it was pretty good. I especially liked the expression of feelings, and I think you should use this resource in future films. It is obvious that you lack experience, but I believe you have talent. Keep it up!
There sure does they need to show the bravery heroism and sacrifices the german soldiers displayed in ww2 and there needs to be more russain ones to because they suffered the most and sacrificed and lost the most of its people in ww2 but all you see is the bullshit movies of Hollywood showing the jewmericans as heros in ww2 they were the biggest pussies in ww2 and still are they joined the war against germany in late 41 after the germans suffered there first major defeat at Stalingrad and were weakened to the point of no return Russia did all the hard work and when the americans were sure there was no way the germans could win that's when they joined in the war and even then they only did there fighting from the satety of the air not face to face like the germas and russains and only invaded mainland Europe after bombing germany into oblivion and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent women old people and children americans never go into battle unless they out number the enemy at least ten to one and even then they have to have the backing of air power helicopter gunships artillery tanks and all the other weapons at there disposal even in Afghanistan today as soon as the afghans fire a few ak47 rounds at them they don't engage them until they call in fighter jets and gunships or artillery first they are the biggest bunch of pussies cowardly bastaerds ever and after all that when they come back to jewmerica after fighting for there masters the jews intrests they complain to be suffering from ptsd and other bullshit so called mental disorders just because they can't handle the pressures of war.
Years ago I befriended a veteran of the US 83rd Inf. Div. 329th RCT. He told me that in Normandy an SS mg squad held up the entire regiment for the day. By the time he got to them they were all dead and that he found a group of pictures that had fallen out of one of their pockets. He said that they were very young. He kept them, was wounded in Belgium and sent home. He gave me the pictures. After a little research I discovered that the 83rd went face to face with the 12th SS. I figure that those pics are of members of the 12SS. I still have them.
Mit Tränen 😢..... Die Beste, die Würdigste Division die Das System representierte, EHRE, DEM EHRE GEBÜRT. .. ich zumindest, werde euch niemals vergessen. Danke!!! 👍🏼, authentisch, auf emotionaler, einer starken Gefühls Ebene
@@americascrewchief2004 das ist eine andere Zeit gewesen und man muss wenigstens versuchen, zu verstehen... Das funktioniert nur wenn man sich in diese Zeit versetzen... Das funktioniert nicht, aber ich weiß das jeder Mensch aus sehr verschieden Gründen, unzufrieden waren
@@americascrewchief2004 zurecht!! Versailles Diktat hat natürlich der Treibstoff gewesen und Demokratie ist auch heute noch ein Experiment, ungewöhnlich für die Menschen. Demokratie hat den Nachteil, wenn der Mensch hungrig ist, dann spätestens ist der Augenblick, dann ist das Demokratische nicht mehr gewünscht. Aktuell ist das eher ein Theater als Politik... Ich,als deutscher fühle mich wirklich verarscht...
@@americascrewchief2004 ansonsten fühle ich sachlich und rein militärisch!! Das Individuum, das ist eine andere sehr wichtige Geschichte und Thema. Militärisch bin ich extrem stolz auf die 12. SS Division, Hitlerjugend..!! Caen und bis zum letzten Mann... Natürlich militärisch respektieren alle Feinde diese Division von ca 12000 Mann. Sehr gut ausgebildet und Fanatismus 101%. Aufgeben ist keine Alternative!! Das ist nur sinnvoll,wenn ich dadurch viele Kräfte binde. Aber diese Jungs , die haben auch nur mit Sparten und Messer weiter gekämpft. Dabei wurde die Division zu über 90% Liquidiert.. Die Kampfmoral war trotzdem sehr groß und ein paar haben es geschafft. Das repräsentiert für mich Deutsche Kultur, militärisch!! Und Trauer um die armen Jungs. Auch heute noch, damals, hätte ich mich unbedingt, sogar ausschließlich für die Truppe gemeldet. Das wäre selbstverständlich gewesen. Aus deren Sicht haben sie die Größten Ideale vertreten und waren stolz darauf, an dem Ort zu der Zeit gewesen zu sein. Militärisch, absolut Elite!!! Extreme Moral!! Echte Löwen!! Das war Krieg und im Osten, was glaubst Du hat der Russe Gemacht??? Das ist so unvorstellbar!! Dagegen ist eine freiwillige Division von 12k Menschen 16-18+ Viele waren auch älter. Natürlich alle Offiziere, zum Beispiel!!! Nan misst die Qualität eines Battalion über die Kampfkraft. Brutto/Netto 😉 12. War 160% Kampfkraft. Durch diesen extremen Willen!! Jeder, Engländer, canadia, Neuseeländer oder auch Australier... Es gibt dutzende Bücher darüber... Aber in allen sind glaube ich alle einer Meinung. Diese Division war,... Sie haben gekämpft wie Löwen und gestorben wie Kinder. Militärisch, leider der Nachschub. Nochmal 2 solche Divisionen, und der Tommy wäre zurück in das Meer. Rommel hatte mit allem Recht und den besten Offizier für solche offensiv Aktionen. Den haben wir selbst getötet.... Und er war kein "Verschwörer". Der Eid muss ihm extrem wichtig gewesen sein und ich persönlich wäre für Rommel durch das Feuer gelaufen. Er hat nichts befohlen, was er nicht selbst auch gemacht hätte
@Edgardus Well, that's your prerogative. I lost a great uncle stopping your "brave young German lads" from stuffing all the elderly, the Jews, intellectuals that disagree, innocent women, and children into gas chambers. I can't say I've seen much mass shoving of people into gas chambers in the proto capitalist culture.
@@mralexlex Stoned 2 of mine to death. They were school teachers. We didn't kill enough of them during or after the war. Now there's AFD in Germany and it's all starting again.
Sehr schön gemacht ... tiefsinnig und herzlich rübergebrcht ... gleichzeitig mit einer irrsinnigen harten realistischen Vergangenheit das es einen bei nah den Atem raubt ! So wie das wirkliche Leben ist... schön und herz erwärmend und auf die nächste Sekunde skrupellos und brutal .
Sentimental nonsense. Are you saying that all the soldiers who survived the war were cowards? This kind of "sorrowful", "mournful" sentimentality is a way of sugar coating war, and making it into a kind of heroic struggle where the only morality is obedience and "honour". It is not honourable to fight for a criminal like Hitler, to carry out his criminal orders, and to do your best to wipe out innocent people who have done no harm.
The Germans themselves do not go around talking about "war is terrible" and "only the brave get killed". That is sentimental nonsense. They acknowledge that their country started the war, that it used barbaric tactics and committed terrible crimes, and that they German people must take action to repair the damage their country caused, compensate -- as far as possible -- those they persecuted and murdered, and to ensure that Nazism never again gains power in Germany. There are many memorials in Germany to "the victims of war and tyranny", to the brave people who resisted Nazism, and, in the square opposite the German Reichstag, a Holocaust Memorial. The only ones who love to talk about how great the Germans were at fighting, and how brave their soldiers were when obeying the orders of the dictator, are the Nazis and their imitators. Not every German soldier was cruel and barbaric. But most of them knew what was going on, and many of them took part in atrocities themselves (or took photos of innocent people being hanged etc). Very few of them had the courage to refuse to follow Hitler's orders, or to take action to stop Hitler's crimes. But those who did resist show that some Germans had the courage to do what was right, in spite of the danger they faced. It is their courage that should be celebrated.
@@LeeZaslofsky precisely. They fell in that battle. You really don’t understand the term and the context. Please try to understand what that phrase really means. It is indeed borrowed from poetry, but the meaning is indeed deep. Out of interest, what do you think of the on-goings in Gaza / Palestine / Israel at the moment?
I understand the phrase perfectly. I was horrified by Hamas's attack on October 7 -- it was as if the Holocaust was happening again. It is incredible that the Israelis were taken by surprise on this -- they supposedly have excellent intelligence about Hamas. The Israeli reaction is understandable, and the US is so tightly linked to Israel that it might as well be the 51st state. So it is not surprising that Biden rushed to Israel's side. I have no idea whether it is militarily "necessary" for Israel to mobilize such a huge force to subdue Hamas. So far they haven't used most of their ground forces, who have been sitting around for weeks. I support the Palestinians n their struggle for nationhood and independence. My own view is that the Zionist experiment has failed and should be ended. Palestine should be one country, without an official religion, composed of Jews, Arabs, and others living together in a secular republic like France or the US. I know this is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. Israel has the right to defend itself, but it does not have he right to occupy and dominate the West Bank and Gaza; nor does it have the right to place settlers all over the West Bank in obvious preparation for eventual annexation. Now I support a ceasefire and the opening of Gaza's border and the restoration of utilities and supplies to Gaza. It would be good if Gaza and the West Bank were able to form a union and elect a government. It would be good if the Jewish settlements on the West Bank would be turned over to the Palestinians on whose territory they are located, and the settlers given land in Israel. In the long term, Israel and Palestine should be encouraged and given strong incentives to form some kind of union, which would have the goal of eventual inclusion in a single state, under a democratic constitution in which all citizens are equal. Most Jews nowadays live in liberal democratic countries where the form a minority, and rely on respect for human rights and democracy to guarantee their safety and full participation in society.
@@AllesSpitze Irgendwo in der Welt giebt es Krieg. Ich bin eine Deutsche, lebe jetzt in Texas. Ich hoffe nur das nie ein Krieg nach Amerika kommt weil ich hier lebe. Sollte das mal passieren, hoffe ich das ich dann schon Tot bin. Meine Mutti hat mir furchtbare Geschichten erzaehlt von WW2. Der Krieg war ja total Wahnsinnig von dehm damaligen Fuehrer. Peace fuer alle Menscheit ist mein Wunsch.
There is an excellent book written about the 1SS Panzer Corps comprised of the 1SS and 12SS Panzer Divisions fighting the British and Canadians in Normandy June 1944 titled "Steel Inferno: 1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy" by Michael Reynolds. Regardless of outcome and side preference it is a magnificent retelling of their successful defense of Caen and other areas in Normandy. Regardless of their youthful recruits they absolutely delayed and stalled the Allies' advances in their sectors. Gives one a great feel and knowledge of the poor tactics of the British and Canadians in attack and the superlative tactics used by the Germans in tactical defense, along with a history of the 12SS's development and construction prior to D-Day.
Croaker, it should be pointed out that the German forces in & around the Caen area were well dug in & in a high state of readiness on 6th June 1944, as they had been for some time previously. The German High Command had no intention of letting go of Caen (A huge road, rail junction & inland port) without a bitter, costly and protracted struggle! It had immense strategic importance for the whole Normandy region, basically, who controlled it, basically commanded most of North/NW France. Caen was also located closest to where the SS & Wehrmacht Panzer Reserves were stationed in areas just east of the Orne River & they were kept under Hitler's direct orders at all times! I disagree that the British & Canadians were not inept in carrying out offensive operations there at anytime, however they were then hampered immensely by operating in a relatively small area, landing & resupplying men & materials in what rapidly became a logistic bottleneck & under constant enemy artillery fire from German batteries from only some 8 to 12 miles distance! It must also be strongly emphasized that both the British & Canadian forces in Normandy took on 70% of all the combined (SS & Wehrmacht) German Armoured Units engaged in the Normandy Campaign in 1944 between the 6th June & 25th August, '44 (Paris' Liberation). Another problem of operating in such a confined area was that as soon as one attack was launched the Germans would immediately initiate a counter-attack, which effectively cancelled out the initial attack each time & led to huge, attritional casualties. It must also be pointed out that the local 'lie of the ground' & general topography (Bocage, narrow wooded lanes & rolling be-forested hillsides greatly favoured a defending force, much to the detriment of the attackers! However, what did happen at Caen, & in and around the Orne Valley & at Falaise was that the flower of the German Armed forces were bled, shelled & bombed into oblivion. Tactically, the German's ground forces were superb, due to the experiences that had previously accrued in Russia & elsewhere. Their equipment generally was better (Tiger & Panther tanks, Panzerfaust - anti tank weapons; MG - 42s & 34s could fire up to 1200 rounds per minute, the Krupp 88s etc.). However, strategically, they were eventually overwhelmed by the Allies huge advantage in men, machines, material & their ability to keep their logistical supply lines moving. The fact that the Allied forces could call in at anytime for huge amounts of devastatingly heavy & accurate naval gun support was an additional advantage that was put to effective use throughout the campaign. The Allied command of the air also effectively consigned the Germans to defeat both with the vast strategic Allied Bomber Force as well as the squadrons of Tank-busting ground attack aircraft (E.g. Typhoons) at a tactical level throughout this campaign & beyond till the end of hostilities in May 1945. As an interesting footnote, while you always must respect the efforts of the basic German soldier of WW2 or even in WW1 for that matter. I wouldn't be too misty-eyed regarding the fate of the Hitler Youth or any of the other SS units or some Wehrmacht ones as well. They justifiably accrued a reputation of vicious and utterly ruthless fanatics who seldom took prisoners, especially in the early days of this campaign. Ask the Canadians about that, as many Nova Scotia Highlanders were butchered after they had surrendered at Audie near the Carpicquet airfield to the 12th SS (Hitler-Jugend) in early June 1944. They actually got what they deserved at Falaise and elsewhere in Normandy, namely total annihilation! Bt the way, Croaker, this is not meant to be a Monty-justification, he made his mistakes there that's very true, but overall his plan worked! The British & Canadians absorbed most of the initial German armoured & infantry pressure that allowed Bradley & eventually Patton to break out from the coastal countryside in the Cotetin peninsula and western Normandy in Operation Cobra. & brought about the ensuing entrapment & disintegration of the German Army at Falaise. After Normandy, the Germans were not the cutting-edge armoured or infantry units as before, but the Allies were! All American, British, Canadian & Other international ground units in the Allied army had then received a bitter introduction into modern, mid-20th century warfare & they were by then very, very good at it!
Croaker & others: This should have read - I disagree that the British & Canadians were inept in carrying out offensive operations there at anytime. Apologies for this proofreading error!
allenvbarrett As did Poland during the initial invasion by Germany and Russia or the British and Australians at Trobruk ect. The difference is; Germany lost.
Era hora de que se realicen películas desde el lado alemán, mostrando las el lado humano del soldado alemán, dejando de lado la ideología. Desde el punto de vista estrictamente castrense elogia la valentía, disciplina y profesionalismo del Ejército Alemán. Borrando la imágen, herronia, de que eran insensibles y asesinos, como los describían las películas de Holywood. Felicitaciones!
These short ww2 films are surprisingly good. Gritty and realistic, not flashy like Hollywood with overpaid twits as actors. Personally, though, I would like to see some other infantry perspectives. Maybe British, Soviet or Japanese?
@Einheimischer mit Migrationshintergrund You know that she changed her her color to play the role in the movie. You know that all movies are fake. Her uniform is also fake, all the uniforms and weapons in the movie are fake. You perhaps should not be watching movies as they are all fake. View only documentaries as they are not fake. I just found that your comment that the woman playing the part of a German youth is ugly somewhat odd. I and I am sure that a lot of viewers found her to be quite good looking. Do you not like pretty women? Did your Mother not love you enough?
They use pieces of truth, and the fact that the allies committed many war crimes to push a narrative that the nazis were just defending the west. If we received a balanced education that explained the war crimes of the allies people wouldn’t be so susceptible to this garbage. Yes the Germans were victimized after WW1. Yes the allies in both wars were also committing war crimes, but this does not make them the good guys. There is no such thing as good guys in war. Just two army’s filled with relativity innocent people propagandized to kill each other.
Thank you for showing the humanity of the German side. Beautiful. My grandfather told me stories like this (he fought in German side of the war) I’m sick of the American dehumanization of the Wehrmacht. They were people too
The 12 ss Hitler Jugend div. Was a fierce finatical out fit . 15,16, 17,and 18yrs.of age they were. They helped nearly 60,000 Nazi troops escape the Falaise Pocket and were nearly anihilated themselves ; never rrcovered their losses at Normandy!
@@hugbug4408 On October 2, 1943, in Russian village of Stary Ropsk (Oryol region), they were hanged: - Hans Rome, German, born in 1924, ex. member of "Hitler Jugend", corporal of sapper battalion (292nd infantry division). - Joseph Schwarzinger, German, born in 1912, Chief Corporal of 448th Infantry Regiment (137th Infantry Division) - Wilhelm Odinius, Austrian, born in 1910, corporal of 6th Infantry Regiment. These Nazis took part in mass civilian executions near Stary Ropsk village in Sitniki forest on September 23, 1943. After the murders in Sitniki forest, about 100 residents of Stary Ropsk and Novy Ropsk Russian villages were shot in Stary Ropsk. On September 28, Hans Rim, Joseph Schwarzinger and Wilhelm Odinius were taken prisoner and identified by local residents of Stary Ropsk as participants in mass execution on September 23, 1943.
@@sudfac Ok. But , they're not part of The Hitler Jugend 12th ss. Just by looking @ the birth dates listed , you can see these dudes were almost in their 30s? Where does the executions take place? And, how were the 3 just mentioned captured? Not doubting your findings at all , but very cutious about the 3 so called nazis hanged . There is a documentary dealing with acouple of nazi- germans, and a russian/ukranian nazi collaborator who were hanged in public in Kharkov in 12/1943 ! A trial is shown in front of a civilian audience and 3 nzis and the russian/ ukranian colaberator were tried and taken to a town square and hanged . This was filmed live showing all 4 if the convicted of atrocities , going through death throws in front of a massive eastern ukranian crowd , who were cheering as those culprits died! Now is this what you are referring to? This has been shown on some ww2 docu's of atrocities commited by the Nazis!
@@sudfac Now, you say Hitler Youth. But, that doesn't signify they belonging to the 12th ss Hitler Jugend division . Many young german males belonged to the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany! Like being , and belonging, in the boy scouts. I don't know if the 12 ss fought in tht Soviet Union! Pardon me for not knowing this. But, likemost waffen ss units, the russian front eas a baptism of fire in which these youngins would pay the butchers bill!
@@pawelpulchny9235 If these boys born in US, the uniforms change but the story will be the same.Politicians made war thru the history. Soldiers fight. And about "Sins of War", all armies have their history
The bagpiper at the end was particularly touching; my grandfather was an officer in a Highland regiment, killed a few days after the Normandy landings. I would love to see a feature length version of this short film.
My father was a British company medical officer in Normandy. He never talked about the war, and his only war story was of a young HitlerJugend boy who tried to stab him while he (my father) was dressing the kid's wounds. Apparently the boy had been so badly wounded and so young that the stretcher bearers who brought him in hadn't searched him properly. I asked my father what happened to the boy. 'Oh' he said, 'my orderly got the knife off him and we finished patching him as best we could...we sent him back to division with the others(wounded) but we did put a note to be careful around him'. He told me the story while we were watching The World at War on TV, and the point of it was, in his words 'it's a terrible thing to indoctinate children like that'.
As one who also enlisted at a young age (50 years ago), I understand all too well why it is mainly young men who are drafted or enlist with enthusiasm, not realizing what they may encounter. I don't regret my service, but wish I'd had more maturity at the time to comprehend more fully what I was committing to.
Klara Hoffmann is connected to the film My Honor Was Loyalty.
You can see her connection in this link
MHWL Productions thank you! 🙏🏻
Thanks for chance to see her again!👍
Great film, but you should have got a native English-speaker to check the English text. Next time I can check it for you if you like - for free!
MHWL Productions
John Woodcock
Worked in Germany in the early 70’s with several WWII veterans. They wouldn’t talk about the war, but were hard working men happy with the simplest luxuries of a lower middle class life. They were all in their 50’s which seemed like very old men to me, but did tough manual labor without complaint. One man was captured at Stalingrad and released eight yrs later. He learned some English by watching cowboy westerns. When asked why they fought for Hitler, he said something which stuck with me forever. “Wir was manner der zeit, (we were men of the times). Don’t think for one minute that you would not have done the same as a young man in 1939.
Exactly: they were men of the times. It's difficult to blame them really. They were just doing what they thought was best. That's why war is so awful. Many of these men could just as easily been best of friends. I don't mean to oversimplify but it's still true. sad. very sad.
@Jake-xn5of yes, thank you
Sono italiano, nato nel 1964. Ho conosciuto un veterano qualche anno fa della 12 divisione panzer SS. Non ha mai voluto parlare della guerra. Onore e rispetto per tutti coloro che hanno dovuto combattere sia da una parte che da un' altra!
Probably wouldn't want people to know what they did on behalf of a fascist dictator and world wrecker.
A tale as old as time
How refreshing to see a film about WW2 that's full of emotion, pathos and has none of the usual gung-ho rubbish. This is typical of the very high standard of films portraying the German side that are being made at the moment and show the huge sacrifices made. Wunderbar!
Thank you very much
I saw " My honor was loyalty". Incredible movie.
I was blessed with a teacher who was WW2 vet, a Ranger, who told us " To study history, military history, you must recognize and appreciate that there are brave men on both sides of any conflict. You can not denigrate their Valor without denigrating your own."
To whoever gave this English subtitles:
*God bless you.*
You call us Nazis like it’s an insult in this day and age it’s a very good compliment
@@Mackdaddysan a good communication is needed so thats why im a grammar nazi
@@Mackdaddysan Maybe you need to shut the fuck up, and stay away from channels that show history.
Who the hell subscribed to Ed Duboce himself?
Ed Duboce
You didn’t need to be a douche about it.
One of the most emotionally charged films I've seen in UA-cam. Much credit to the team that wrote and made this short movie. A generation of dreams and aspirations destroyed because the leaders of this time decided war is the only recourse. May their sacrifice be a lesson for the future generations.
I am afraid it hasn't been a lesson for our future generations, knowing this, it deeply saddens me.
I‘m sitting in my kitchen, holding the medals of my grandfather in my hands. He was 15, when he got the „Verwundetenabzeichen“, the german Purple Heart. But the most imprerssive and dark medal is the „Nahkampfspange“. Earned by 15 days close combat. I can not imagine the horror he did experience. He never talked about. Thank you for this impressive film.
If your Grandfather was in the SS he didn't leave you with any great legacy. You need to catch up with their litany of murdering so many innocent civilians.
a powerful short film. if only they could have a Hollywood-size budget , what a masterpiece that film would be
Question is, would hollywood really produce anything other than the rubbish that seem to have become their standard? Well done to the producers of films such as this. The future is of such and not the mayor propaganda machines that is pushing agendas down in the public's
It is a masterpiece already. My heart is very moved watching this for the secont time
Hollywood would destroy it with their pedo filth.
A good full length film is on Netflix called “My honor was loyalty” very similar but they are in Russia for the first three/fourths
Still very good
Hollywood wouldn’t touch this. Anything that shows Germans as actual human beings with feelings would “offend” everyone
Left me stunned. It may be a short film, but ranks as one of the best war films I've seen. Excellent stuff.
Un cortometraggio realizzato in maniera impeccabile. Bellissimo e toccante!
One of the best ww2 Short films on UA-cam!
Greetings from Germany :)
ParaLight WorX habt ihr das Problem mittlerweile wieder gelöst? 😂
Von euch hätte ich mir eigentlich schon ein differenzierteres Urteil gewünscht und erwartet.
Eure sind besser.
Meine Meinung.
Wir können ja mal ne Review machen :D
Welche meinst du?
My great uncle fought at Caen in WW2 and said that these kids were absolutely excellent fighters and really gave the Allies a hard time.
yes and died uselessly and that is Hitlers real crime
@@zakkyun beside the fact that I don't think that number is true, these were russian soldiers which took revenge, every side committed crimes some less some more but all did
@LSSJ a large number the jugund were all but annihilated in the battle of caen and the following battle of the falaise-chambois gap for little reason other than hitler forbade the retreat of units in the area while the lines surrounding them were pushed back by patton to the south and the british and others to the north, if they were pulled back with the rest of the line they couldve avoided massive losses that resulted in comparatively few allied losses
I just can’t imagine how many times this type of story played out on all sides. This is really well done.
Zack Zero It was a higher number than that and it was boys, girls, men, women and geriatrics that were raped by Russians. For the most part it was to the death as well and crude instruments used in the rapings were all too common.
This short film captures the spirit of Hitlerjugend and the Bund Deutsche Madchen in both school and war settings. In the middle of all of this is a powerful and deep teenage romance between Johann Freudenburgher and Klara Hoffmann. When Johann was fighting in France, he couldn't understand why his girlfriend failed to respond to his letters. His squad joked that his girlfriend had met someone new. In fact, Klara was dead, unknown to Johann, having died during an aerial bombing by the Allies in Ludwigshaven. Over half a million German civilians died as a result of these air raids. The film was beautiful as much as it was dreadfully sad. It was moving and highlighted the futility of war.
Damn that was actually sad when it said she had died two months earlier and that's why he hadn't got any letters, probably happened to many German soldiers in the war
It happened to Americans and Britains and Jews and Polish and everyone else the Germans DECLARED WAR ON... Feel teary-eyed for them too...?
@@tedc4982 in none of these countries the civilians were bombed just like the Germans
@Von Krieg lol... you're not even worth typing what I'm thinking. Krieg
@Von Krieg No ability to grasp a concept, huh... Your nazi buddies picked a fight, committed atrocities on a mass scale and got the butts whipped good.
No tears coming from here.
So much for "The Master Race..."
But your pathetic arrogance endures...
Now that really is laughable, but go ahead, carry-on, I'm sure you'll get your nasty little butt whooped again.
I've been watching some of the short films of WW2 from the Germans side of the war. I feel that there movies are more to the facts. And are more realistic.
That’s because the Allies version is uneducated propaganda most of the time.
@@therightway1413 Not so much propaganda as a marketable product. not as many people want to see the helpless chaos and confusion and ultimate tragedy of war as they do an action movie.
I have no problem whit action movies but i am glad that there are people who make films that show more than fabricated glory.
Ты просто за белых как все белые!
@@leafboy3967 Propoganda
@Celtic Snow that’s human history. The better civilisation conquering the lesser. What of the Arabs who enslaved the North Africans and Southern Europeans. They were a greater civilisation that conquered the lesser. We’re mammals just like lions and hyenas.
Beautiful film. There were millions of peaceful souls on both sides who lost their lives in this hideous conflict. May they rest in peace - and may the those who brought this horror on the world for selfish, wicked reasons, see true justice in the afterlife.
Those who brought this on the world had a lot of help -- millions of people obeyed their criminal orders.
Congratulations, this held my interest to the end. These short ww2 films always seem better when actual German is spoken and I appreciate the English subtitles. You should really consider making a longer film like this.
I wish people can understand these movies are not politic but showing the true colors of thousands of men fought for their country. History is always recording winners as heroes and defeated as the enemy....
fought for what? france is nazis land, nice to know.
U couldnt decide where u born so please dont be so agressive the people in that time they fought for. In war, no side is good side. OKay.
It’s often overlooked these men were fathers,sons loved and had hopes aspirations like all who fought irrespective what side they were on , war dehumanises and objectifies it’s glorified through propaganda and politics , so much wasted youth so much wasted potential.
I can only image how God feels for all His flesh and bones with souls children
I love it... I’m discovering that there is a new genre of short films about WW2 from the german soldier experience... these short films are ubiquitous and as someone who has studied WW2 for 20 years, I’m absolutely thrilled that many young directors are producing these short films, because 60 years post WW2 it was apart of the German History that was still to painful to revisit. I’m fascinated with the German Army of WW2. They were incredible cohesive and advanced fighting army, and their modern weapons, tank and armament would be the genesis and blueprint for much of today’s modern weapons.
Ich liebe es ... Ich entdecke, dass es ein neues Genre von Kurzfilmen über den 2. Weltkrieg aus der Erfahrung deutscher Soldaten gibt ... diese Filme sind allgegenwärtig und als jemand, der den 2. Weltkrieg seit 20 Jahren studiert, bin ich absolut begeistert davon Viele junge Regisseure produzieren diese Kurzfilme, denn 60 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war es ein Teil der deutschen Geschichte, der noch immer zu schmerzhaft war, um ihn noch einmal zu sehen. Ich bin fasziniert von der deutschen Armee des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Sie waren eine unglaublich geschlossene und fortschrittliche Kampfarmee, und ihre modernen Waffen, Panzer und Bewaffnung waren die Genese und Blaupause für viele der heutigen modernen Waffen.
Thank you so much for your words.
Before you get too over-excited about the Nazi-German war machine remember that we are talking about a facist state who brainwashed its people to fight an insane war supported by an arms industry using millions of slave labourers.
Das is Wundeschoen.
Greetings from a German perspective, I am English but I understand that the men and boys sent to war all had lives before them and the destruction of any creation, human or animal is murder of a gross nature.
It is the ending of life, no beginning, even for survivors who ended up living in a world of peace, because for the there was no peace.
I have subscribed and a s a poet who wishes to understand, this told of emotion that many war movies do not, the missing emotion all suffer in war, that we need to get off our chest, our mind because if we do not bury the hate and the grief, it will bury us.
Everyone who watches war movies and more so, anyone who thinks they know history will learn from this.
This is a great film, thank you.
Pulling hard on my heart strings man. Why do you make me feel this way. I applaud you on your fantastic work.
hahaha how could you love that stupid story! they were nazis!
Seth Parks is this a serious inquiry?
Seth Parks because I'd be happy to explain my reasoning if you are curious.
ok sorry if I upset you :(
Seth Parks you Didnt, im just curious why you think its a bad story because it shows the perspective of the Germans in a humanitarian light. :D
This is the best WWII short film that I have ever seen. Beautifully done, though telling a very sad story.
Закономерен итог наших врагов
Spaghetti melodrama
Amazing to see things from the German side here in Canada it’s never talked about. How easily we forget that 99% of them were soldiers following orders like anyone else they had lives and family, not all were evil like we depict them and the fallen Germans deserve the same respect as anyone else RIP all the fallen soldiers of WWII
Thanks Nazi.
Ed Duboce no respect from you for anything the terrible people in Germany were mostly the ones in high command. Not the average everyday soldier. Don’t call me a nazi just cuz I’m smarter than to put a whole country into one narrow group.
@@joshkoroll6876 the average person today, when it comes to history, has a narrow tunnel vision and is probably extremely gullible. Such a shame.
@@charles_0017 Yep, propaganda education and Pedowood movies.
Strange,.only downfall is believing in certain superiority of race over others. America also has that for its African Americans and ethnic minorities but they all fought for a multitude of reasons only society and human psychology determines. Such a sad situation indeed.
I am a Vet of the 80s but my career has blessed me with the opportunity to meet and converse with WWII vets from ALL sides. All I can say is these men were soldiers, none were more evil or more good than the other and all I have spoken to have to deepest respect for the man they were fighting at the time. I pray every day that God has welcomed them into the kingdom of heaven they all deserve to be there even if they don't believe in its existence.
Perhaps ask your imaginary friend to stop creating war monger's and also priests that rape young boys, cheers
@@jupitorious7925 fuck off
@@DivePlane13 oh dear compassion and understanding, wishing you a delightful day
ADMIRALc studio
Please, fuck off.
@@Kitiwake wrong, my brother became a die hard atheist during his deploymend. He said, that what ever you belived in, if you see what humans can do to each other, you lose all faith you might have left.
Wow...I’m crying; which is ODD because while I love watching short films showing the Wehrmacht as sympathetic human beings and not monsters, I was hesitant to watch a short film from the POV of an SS unit. But I decided to try it because as a WWII enthusiast, I of course knew the sad story of the Jugend and as basically indoctrinated child soldiers, I decided to try this out...congratulations on an excellent, poignant and beautifully done short film!
I'm always on the lookout for stuff from the German/ axis pov that isn't the usual black and white "all of these guys were horrible monsters" narrative. When I was younger my Oma told me stories of living in occupied Netherlands during ww2. since the family had cows on their farm soldiers would ask for milk. She said most were polite enough but one in particular would come by frequently and bring sweets for the kids or offer help around the farm in return for the milk or food they gave him. That always stuck with me. These guys were still people at the end of the day and I don't think that should be forgotten
That's because he left out the scene where they went thru Belgium and killed every civilian they could find... or when they shot all their allied prisoners... So it's OK because even Hitler loved his mommy?
I have just become aware of these "shorts" and while I appreciate the intent of their makers, the problem is the Germans are Germans. They are a people who cannot admit blame or fault. Yes, it's true the majority did not want Hitler or war... but when it happened they did what anyone would have done... they went along. However they were so horrified by the result, and what they found out their leaders had done, that it became practically a crime to even speak of it. They spent the next 70 years pretending it never happened.
It is good to see they are now finally trying to face it, but even then, all of these films are late war period pieces, where they are already beaten and these young boys are forced to go off and die for nothing, wringing sympathy from you. Where's the film from 1940 when EVERYONE was on board the victory train because it looked like they would conquer the world? Where is the sympathy for the innocent people of Poland and France and the Low Countries? Right... they're not making films about that.... or the death camps.
The germans alive today should have no guilt. No man is responsible for the crimes of his father. But if they are going to pretend they were the victims... all that does is plant the seed for it to happen again. It was feeling that WWI victimized them that prompted the starting of WWII. Face the truth if you are german - your ancestors did HORRIBLE things, and the world sat or enabled it to happen. (because it could have been prevented) In that light I will admit our side did horrible things too. The bombing of Dresden was a crime against humanity we would have been tried for if we were the losers. There was no need for it militarily. It was retribution, nothing more, and it was beyond vile and inhuman... but I didn't do it. All I can try to do is learn from it and see it never happens again. I do that by facing it head on, and admitting it was wrong.
@@56squadron the answer to your question is yes; even with everything they did. They were child soldiers, indoctrinated since the age of 7. The first to reach the age to fight from the Nazi militarized boyscout program so yes. Even with all of that, I have sympathy.
I have sympathy for so many people from that war, it would be a mistake to judge me one dimensionally.
I reserve in my mind the 9th level of
hell for most SS; but even my grandfather had nightmares over having to fight the HitlerJugendSS. He called them the ‘Baby Division’. They all did. If a man living through that hell and FIGHTING through that hell could reserve human sympathy for them, then I can too.
My grandpa never took SS prisoner- even the Jugend; this is because such fanaticism meant they would often break the codes of war, such as pretending to surrender only to fool you- except- it was the Jugend who gave them the nightmares, not anyone else (of the SS).
Such young, sweet faces capable of brutality on a level seen only from the most hardened of men was such a shocking cognitive’s nightmare WAS nightmare fuel.
Эти простые ребята из сс..
@@56squadron nobodies pretending the Germans were the victims. And in fact the guilt train is enforced kinda hard here in Germany
Alessandro es todo un Héroe es el unico que a tocado temas que ningún otro director de cine millonario cobarde a querido tocar!!! Felicitaciones Pepe sigue a si tienes mi apoyo y el de muchos entusiastas saludos cordiales
That was a masterpiece. Short, brilliant and profound.
I love the historic perspective. Too often we see war from the lense of the "winner."
In life we’re only taught what they want us to learn.
@@emmajanewatts4388 Amen
@@emmajanewatts4388 Not really. Janis joplin is pathetic
In that war,the right side won. The other side was conducting a criminal assault on human decency.
What we don;'t see enough of is the war as fought by the Red Army, which was the crucial factor in winning the war. They caused 80% of German combat casualties, the other Allies caused 20%. Yet we don't see many films about that aspect of the war, no doubt because the Red Army was fighting for a Communist regime.
So now we get to see the side of the mass murderers ?? Let's remember who started that hell on earth !!!!!
Rest in peace soldiers of all sides
yes :( rest in peace true men's and true soldiers ...
Every side was thinking they fight fir freedom cause their leader lied to them just like NAZI but still nowadays some people hate NAZI
@osama sultan yeah you tried to be funny, but just flopped
@@jebbushh7974 brainwashed
The first one 👎. You for got to talk about Jesus. God bless brothers and sisters!!
This is a successful staging. I can't believe some people are saying the film is more authentic than American war movies. Folks, this is a production like any other, in which the story is reinterpreted for its own purposes. Here a narrative is told in which female innocence is considered a place of longing, while the courageous but young innocent man fights and dies. Come on, Riefenstahl would be proud.
If you have a different opinion, I am happy to discuss civilly and logically. I don't reply to stupid comments.
Your logic would stand if you consider that each individual have the same thinking when belonging to a group. Group identity is a real thing, yet it is impossible to assume that every individual would reason in the same way as others. The young man thought his duty was to fight, but in reality, he just wanted to be by his loved one, he didn't care at all about war, or politics, he was just preoccupied about the girl he was in love with. I am the director of this shortfilm, so you can be sure that your opinion did not catch the real meaning of this project. But thank you so much for leaving a healthy opinion. Really appreciated.
Thank you for a very good movie with English subtitles. It made me think life was just starting for those two and then gone so quickly. When war wins living things lose, time after time.
This is the best short film on the Hitleryouth from the German perspective
she says take me to france so i can see what u've been fitin for....they wernt fitin that bum hittle took over france
He thought she stopped writing to him but had no idea she had been killed in a bombing raid. Everything that happens during war is pretty awful. No matter what country you fought for killing another human being will pull at you're heart. You wouldn't be human if it didn't.
84 LoneDreamer84 are you american? since its pretty obvious you are, i would shut my mouth pretty quick. at the moment the exact fucking thing that happend in germany is happening in the USA...
Dante Hiestand Amercia has killed more people then anyone, their still killing this very moment.
sprocket580 damn straight. We absolutely kill that pussy in other countries. My wee wee hurts from pounding vaagine !
But the thing is that at war an enemy is an enemy regardless his age. He has a weapon and he wants to kill you. I wish to live in a peaceful world. Sometime shit happens and somebody is responsible for it. Blame them. Sure, being a human being i can feel compassion to any victim but it is natural that my compassion is stronger towards my fellows.
Dante Hiestand Another one who believes everything the news media says, yawn. Maybe one day you'll realize that your media is no different than Goebbels was when he was spreading lies.
it’s easy to dehumanise “the enemy” from conflicts fought, I think short films provoke a closer examination of how our impressions formed which can only be a good thing I think, conflict although at times inevitable always dehumanises the losers . This was a good piece of work simple and effective.
Они просто хотели убить все русских да и вообще славян.. про евреев неловко напоминать даже..
Ruhet in Frieden, Johann und Klara.
Nicely filmed, good story, realistic feel...When I said "don't end it there!" out loud, you didn't.
I've been binge watching shorts, and this is one of the best.
Really enjoyed that. I wear my poppy with pride. To remember All that gave thier lives. Best short film I've seen on YT.
German is such a beautiful language
Said nobody ever!!!
@Mr and Mrs. Smith
Actually it's quite vile and disgusting.
@@badmonkey2222 You look like a miserable loser
"Powerful, Beautiful, and Sad!"
Very similar to 'stream of consciousness' scenes in the Thin Red Line, which is one of my favorite movies. Some lines taken from that movie: "Come back to me...come back to where I am." Beautiful.
The soldier wearing spectacles always gets killed.
Yeah that NVA guy in we were soldiers is a good reference to that clique
Even in video games. In brothers in arms a guy with spectacles also dies.
'Pt Joker' in 'Full Metal Jacket' didn't..
Remember, spectacles=shot in the testicles
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Good work on this movie, it's rare you see stuff like this especially on the hitler youth
Un film bellissimo che tocca nel profondo.grazie pepe sei davvero bravissimo !
This so called baby division were in fact an evil bunch of bastard who carried out terrible atrocities in the name of Nazi germany on both civilians and troops who surrendered to them. As a result many were slaughtered after being taken prisoner especially by the canadian troops
What a truly amazing short film. The true heartbreak of War, no matter which "side" you happen to be on. If this doesn't bring a tear, nothing will.
As a British soldier seeing this movie was very moving as I understand the 'soldiers plight'. We are pawns for our governments, and that's something my grandfather told me many years ago. He fought off the beach at Normandy and he saw action against the 12th SS and he said they were fanatical and hardened war veterans. They were dedicated to the defence of their homeland and died for each other, if my grandfather can respect them so can I.
Ah, I wouldn’t give them respect.
@@theprodigy6713 That's your right, and I respect that.
Yea and I can also say that it sucked
@@theprodigy6713 No problem
I love those Tommy Pipes at the end!!! I'm glad the English + British and the Germans aren't fighting each other anymore, it's so sad and regrettable.. We're practically the same. We were fighting our own Brothers...
Look at ww 1, Kaiser Wilhelm, the Tsar and the King of Great Britain were Cousins. It was basicly family, fighting against each other.
Tommy pipes??? These are Scottish bagpipes most certainly not English!
You know, man, war is always bad, no matter who's against whom. I in 1996 in Chechnya killed a friend and I still can't forgive myself for not being able to save him. As for this film. I'm nice to the Germans when they come to visit me with the world) and the Nazis, I will tear the teeth is still alive! Good luck))
And what about fighting against russians?
Brothers war, never again
I must say I really liked this one. There were some rather random events, but in the end it was pretty good. I especially liked the expression of feelings, and I think you should use this resource in future films. It is obvious that you lack experience, but I believe you have talent. Keep it up!
I am sure that you have more experience. Where is your film?
This perfectly sums up the song "Erika"
An excellent little film. Very moving. Beautifully photographed. Based on a true story most probably. I was in tears at the end.
Finally a movie without the holly coaster interjection
Break the conditioning
Really great short film. I didn’t want it to end. Truly amazing
Wow so much more realistic than films. Thank you for producing such thought-provoking material.
this was beautiful. putting humanity into both sides with such a amazing story
There needs to be more German War Movie's
There sure does they need to show the bravery heroism and sacrifices the german soldiers displayed in ww2 and there needs to be more russain ones to because they suffered the most and sacrificed and lost the most of its people in ww2 but all you see is the bullshit movies of Hollywood showing the jewmericans as heros in ww2 they were the biggest pussies in ww2 and still are they joined the war against germany in late 41 after the germans suffered there first major defeat at Stalingrad and were weakened to the point of no return Russia did all the hard work and when the americans were sure there was no way the germans could win that's when they joined in the war and even then they only did there fighting from the satety of the air not face to face like the germas and russains and only invaded mainland Europe after bombing germany into oblivion and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent women old people and children americans never go into battle unless they out number the enemy at least ten to one and even then they have to have the backing of air power helicopter gunships artillery tanks and all the other weapons at there disposal even in Afghanistan today as soon as the afghans fire a few ak47 rounds at them they don't engage them until they call in fighter jets and gunships or artillery first they are the biggest bunch of pussies cowardly bastaerds ever and after all that when they come back to jewmerica after fighting for there masters the jews intrests they complain to be suffering from ptsd and other bullshit so called mental disorders just because they can't handle the pressures of war.
Native Outlaw Generation War was The Best!
Rommel would be an amazing movie with a sad ending
I agree my dude
@@gregbernstein6430 Absolutely the best!
Years ago I befriended a veteran of the US 83rd Inf. Div. 329th RCT. He told me that in Normandy an SS mg squad held up the entire regiment for the day. By the time he got to them they were all dead and that he found a group of pictures that had fallen out of one of their pockets. He said that they were very young. He kept them, was wounded in Belgium and sent home. He gave me the pictures. After a little research I discovered that the 83rd went face to face with the 12th SS. I figure that those pics are of members of the 12SS. I still have them.
Do you think you could upload these? Those photos are pieces of history that need to be shared.
@@nediji4rjoij4ro No
Mit Tränen 😢.....
Die Beste, die Würdigste Division die Das System representierte,
.. ich zumindest, werde euch niemals vergessen. Danke!!!
👍🏼, authentisch, auf emotionaler, einer starken Gefühls Ebene
How are you here.
@@americascrewchief2004 das ist eine andere Zeit gewesen und man muss wenigstens versuchen, zu verstehen...
Das funktioniert nur wenn man sich in diese Zeit versetzen...
Das funktioniert nicht, aber ich weiß das jeder Mensch aus sehr verschieden Gründen, unzufrieden waren
@@americascrewchief2004 zurecht!!
Versailles Diktat hat natürlich der Treibstoff gewesen und Demokratie ist auch heute noch ein Experiment, ungewöhnlich für die Menschen.
Demokratie hat den Nachteil, wenn der Mensch hungrig ist, dann spätestens ist der Augenblick, dann ist das Demokratische nicht mehr gewünscht.
Aktuell ist das eher ein Theater als Politik...
Ich,als deutscher fühle mich wirklich verarscht...
@@udokordes6579 translation?
@@americascrewchief2004 ansonsten fühle ich sachlich und rein militärisch!!
Das Individuum, das ist eine andere sehr wichtige Geschichte und Thema.
Militärisch bin ich extrem stolz auf die 12. SS Division, Hitlerjugend..!!
Caen und bis zum letzten Mann...
Natürlich militärisch respektieren alle Feinde diese Division von ca 12000 Mann.
Sehr gut ausgebildet und Fanatismus 101%.
Aufgeben ist keine Alternative!!
Das ist nur sinnvoll,wenn ich dadurch viele Kräfte binde.
Aber diese Jungs , die haben auch nur mit Sparten und Messer weiter gekämpft.
Dabei wurde die Division zu über 90% Liquidiert..
Die Kampfmoral war trotzdem sehr groß und ein paar haben es geschafft.
Das repräsentiert für mich Deutsche Kultur, militärisch!!
Und Trauer um die armen Jungs.
Auch heute noch, damals, hätte ich mich unbedingt, sogar ausschließlich für die Truppe gemeldet. Das wäre selbstverständlich gewesen.
Aus deren Sicht haben sie die Größten Ideale vertreten und waren stolz darauf, an dem Ort zu der Zeit gewesen zu sein.
Militärisch, absolut Elite!!!
Extreme Moral!!
Echte Löwen!!
Das war Krieg und im Osten, was glaubst Du hat der Russe Gemacht???
Das ist so unvorstellbar!!
Dagegen ist eine freiwillige Division von 12k Menschen 16-18+
Viele waren auch älter.
Natürlich alle Offiziere, zum Beispiel!!!
Nan misst die Qualität eines Battalion über die Kampfkraft.
Brutto/Netto 😉
12. War 160% Kampfkraft.
Durch diesen extremen Willen!!
Jeder, Engländer, canadia, Neuseeländer oder auch Australier...
Es gibt dutzende Bücher darüber...
Aber in allen sind glaube ich alle einer Meinung.
Diese Division war,... Sie haben gekämpft wie Löwen und gestorben wie Kinder.
Militärisch, leider der Nachschub.
Nochmal 2 solche Divisionen, und der Tommy wäre zurück in das Meer.
Rommel hatte mit allem Recht und den besten Offizier für solche offensiv Aktionen.
Den haben wir selbst getötet....
Und er war kein "Verschwörer". Der Eid muss ihm extrem wichtig gewesen sein und ich persönlich wäre für Rommel durch das Feuer gelaufen.
Er hat nichts befohlen, was er nicht selbst auch gemacht hätte
Broo what was this... So intense! I loved it!! Best ww2 short film ever. Greeting from Portugal, goob job! :)
Realmente incrível.
I am a Canadian who was married to a German girl. This film has plucked the strings of my heart. Thanks
The best war short film I have ever seen!
You should make a whole movie. Thank you for making these.
I agree!
@@klarhoffmann5571 I love you honey, you are so sweet and pretty.
In Memory of All Those Brave Young People who gave their lives for what they really believed and felt for their country.
In memory of all those brave young people who gave their lives stopping the Germans from what they believed and were prepared to do to others!
@Edgardus Well, that's your prerogative. I lost a great uncle stopping your "brave young German lads" from stuffing all the elderly, the Jews, intellectuals that disagree, innocent women, and children into gas chambers. I can't say I've seen much mass shoving of people into gas chambers in the proto capitalist culture.
Or who had their young lives taken by the adults who brainwashed them.
Nazi bastards killed 34 members of my family! Yeah, the were very brave killing civilians.
@@mralexlex Stoned 2 of mine to death. They were school teachers. We didn't kill enough of them during or after the war. Now there's AFD in Germany and it's all starting again.
Very well filmed. Thanks for all your hard work.
Sehr schön gemacht ... tiefsinnig und herzlich rübergebrcht ... gleichzeitig mit einer irrsinnigen harten realistischen Vergangenheit das es einen bei nah den Atem raubt !
So wie das wirkliche Leben ist... schön und herz erwärmend und auf die nächste Sekunde skrupellos und brutal .
Amazing. Just amazing. 5 stars from the states!!!!!( New York )
I'm with you 5 Stars blows hollywood productions the past 20 years away 100% Great Job from Pennsylvania (United States)
A beautifully made film. The humanity of the “enemy” is often overlooked. War costs all. Only the brave fall in battle.
Sentimental nonsense. Are you saying that all the soldiers who survived the war were cowards? This kind of "sorrowful", "mournful" sentimentality is a way of sugar coating war, and making it into a kind of heroic struggle where the only morality is obedience and "honour".
It is not honourable to fight for a criminal like Hitler, to carry out his criminal orders, and to do your best to wipe out innocent people who have done no harm.
@@LeeZaslofsky before you comment, try to understand what the other has said.
I suppose you’d hang all the Germans?
The Germans themselves do not go around talking about "war is terrible" and "only the brave get killed". That is sentimental nonsense.
They acknowledge that their country started the war, that it used barbaric tactics and committed terrible crimes, and that they German people must take action to repair the damage their country caused, compensate -- as far as possible -- those they persecuted and murdered, and to ensure that Nazism never again gains power in Germany.
There are many memorials in Germany to "the victims of war and tyranny", to the brave people who resisted Nazism, and, in the square opposite the German Reichstag, a Holocaust Memorial.
The only ones who love to talk about how great the Germans were at fighting, and how brave their soldiers were when obeying the orders of the dictator, are the Nazis and their imitators.
Not every German soldier was cruel and barbaric. But most of them knew what was going on, and many of them took part in atrocities themselves (or took photos of innocent people being hanged etc).
Very few of them had the courage to refuse to follow Hitler's orders, or to take action to stop Hitler's crimes. But those who did resist show that some Germans had the courage to do what was right, in spite of the danger they faced. It is their courage that should be celebrated.
@@LeeZaslofsky precisely. They fell in that battle. You really don’t understand the term and the context. Please try to understand what that phrase really means. It is indeed borrowed from poetry, but the meaning is indeed deep.
Out of interest, what do you think of the on-goings in Gaza / Palestine / Israel at the moment?
I understand the phrase perfectly.
I was horrified by Hamas's attack on October 7 -- it was as if the Holocaust was happening again. It is incredible that the Israelis were taken by surprise on this -- they supposedly have excellent intelligence about Hamas.
The Israeli reaction is understandable, and the US is so tightly linked to Israel that it might as well be the 51st state. So it is not surprising that Biden rushed to Israel's side.
I have no idea whether it is militarily "necessary" for Israel to mobilize such a huge force to subdue Hamas. So far they haven't used most of their ground forces, who have been sitting around for weeks.
I support the Palestinians n their struggle for nationhood and independence. My own view is that the Zionist experiment has failed and should be ended. Palestine should be one country, without an official religion, composed of Jews, Arabs, and others living together in a secular republic like France or the US. I know this is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future.
Israel has the right to defend itself, but it does not have he right to occupy and dominate the West Bank and Gaza; nor does it have the right to place settlers all over the West Bank in obvious preparation for eventual annexation.
Now I support a ceasefire and the opening of Gaza's border and the restoration of utilities and supplies to Gaza. It would be good if Gaza and the West Bank were able to form a union and elect a government. It would be good if the Jewish settlements on the West Bank would be turned over to the Palestinians on whose territory they are located, and the settlers given land in Israel.
In the long term, Israel and Palestine should be encouraged and given strong incentives to form some kind of union, which would have the goal of eventual inclusion in a single state, under a democratic constitution in which all citizens are equal. Most Jews nowadays live in liberal democratic countries where the form a minority, and rely on respect for human rights and democracy to guarantee their safety and full participation in society.
Your the only short film maker who talks about the germans. It's nice to see ww2 media in a different way.
Danke! Das war ein guter FIlm! ...bin jetzt aber etwas traurig ;-/
Keine Sorge der Krieg war nie vorbei, nur weil heut die Gewehre schweigen, sind wir zwar alles nur nicht frei.
@@Andree77 Gut gesagt, Kamerad !
@@AllesSpitze Irgendwo in der Welt giebt es Krieg. Ich bin eine Deutsche, lebe jetzt in Texas. Ich hoffe nur das nie ein Krieg nach Amerika kommt weil ich hier lebe. Sollte das mal passieren, hoffe ich das ich dann schon Tot bin. Meine Mutti hat mir furchtbare Geschichten erzaehlt von WW2. Der Krieg war ja total Wahnsinnig von dehm damaligen Fuehrer. Peace fuer alle Menscheit ist mein Wunsch.
Bon pied,bon oeil,on ne cédera jamais(Léon)
Hier ook...scheiss krieg
There is an excellent book written about the 1SS Panzer Corps comprised of the 1SS and 12SS Panzer Divisions fighting the British and Canadians in Normandy June 1944 titled "Steel Inferno: 1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy" by Michael Reynolds. Regardless of outcome and side preference it is a magnificent retelling of their successful defense of Caen and other areas in Normandy. Regardless of their youthful recruits they absolutely delayed and stalled the Allies' advances in their sectors. Gives one a great feel and knowledge of the poor tactics of the British and Canadians in attack and the superlative tactics used by the Germans in tactical defense, along with a history of the 12SS's development and construction prior to D-Day.
Whether or not they fought well....they lost.THAT is what counts.....and they'll lose again if they don't wise up their act politically.
Croaker, it should be pointed out that the German forces in & around the Caen area were well dug in & in a high state of readiness on 6th June 1944, as they had been for some time previously. The German High Command had no intention of letting go of Caen (A huge road, rail junction & inland port) without a bitter, costly and protracted struggle! It had immense strategic importance for the whole Normandy region, basically, who controlled it, basically commanded most of North/NW France. Caen was also located closest to where the SS & Wehrmacht Panzer Reserves were stationed in areas just east of the Orne River & they were kept under Hitler's direct orders at all times!
I disagree that the British & Canadians were not inept in carrying out offensive operations there at anytime, however they were then hampered immensely by operating in a relatively small area, landing & resupplying men & materials in what rapidly became a logistic bottleneck & under constant enemy artillery fire from German batteries from only some 8 to 12 miles distance! It must also be strongly emphasized that both the British & Canadian forces in Normandy took on 70% of all the combined (SS & Wehrmacht) German Armoured Units engaged in the Normandy Campaign in 1944 between the 6th June & 25th August, '44 (Paris' Liberation).
Another problem of operating in such a confined area was that as soon as one attack was launched the Germans would immediately initiate a counter-attack, which effectively cancelled out the initial attack each time & led to huge, attritional casualties. It must also be pointed out that the local 'lie of the ground' & general topography (Bocage, narrow wooded lanes & rolling be-forested hillsides greatly favoured a defending force, much to the detriment of the attackers! However, what did happen at Caen, & in and around the Orne Valley & at Falaise was that the flower of the German Armed forces were bled, shelled & bombed into oblivion. Tactically, the German's ground forces were superb, due to the experiences that had previously accrued in Russia & elsewhere. Their equipment generally was better (Tiger & Panther tanks, Panzerfaust - anti tank weapons; MG - 42s & 34s could fire up to 1200 rounds per minute, the Krupp 88s etc.). However, strategically, they were eventually overwhelmed by the Allies huge advantage in men, machines, material & their ability to keep their logistical supply lines moving. The fact that the Allied forces could call in at anytime for huge amounts of devastatingly heavy & accurate naval gun support was an additional advantage that was put to effective use throughout the campaign. The Allied command of the air also effectively consigned the Germans to defeat both with the vast strategic Allied Bomber Force as well as the squadrons of Tank-busting ground attack aircraft (E.g. Typhoons) at a tactical level throughout this campaign & beyond till the end of hostilities in May 1945.
As an interesting footnote, while you always must respect the efforts of the basic German soldier of WW2 or even in WW1 for that matter. I wouldn't be too misty-eyed regarding the fate of the Hitler Youth or any of the other SS units or some Wehrmacht ones as well. They justifiably accrued a reputation of vicious and utterly ruthless fanatics who seldom took prisoners, especially in the early days of this campaign. Ask the Canadians about that, as many Nova Scotia Highlanders were butchered after they had surrendered at Audie near the Carpicquet airfield to the 12th SS (Hitler-Jugend) in early June 1944. They actually got what they deserved at Falaise and elsewhere in Normandy, namely total annihilation! Bt the way, Croaker, this is not meant to be a Monty-justification, he made his mistakes there that's very true, but overall his plan worked! The British & Canadians absorbed most of the initial German armoured & infantry pressure that allowed Bradley & eventually Patton to break out from the coastal countryside in the Cotetin peninsula and western Normandy in Operation Cobra. & brought about the ensuing entrapment & disintegration of the German Army at Falaise. After Normandy, the Germans were not the cutting-edge armoured or infantry units as before, but the Allies were! All American, British, Canadian & Other international ground units in the Allied army had then received a bitter introduction into modern, mid-20th century warfare & they were by then very, very good at it!
Croaker & others: This should have read - I disagree that the British & Canadians were inept in carrying out offensive operations there at anytime. Apologies for this proofreading error!
Fully agreed!!!
allenvbarrett As did Poland during the initial invasion by Germany and Russia or the British and Australians at Trobruk ect. The difference is; Germany lost.
Well. That's why she stopped writing. All so sad.
Very good short film ... makes me value life than ever before, thanks very much for the English translation =)
Era hora de que se realicen películas desde el lado alemán, mostrando las el lado humano del soldado alemán, dejando de lado la ideología. Desde el punto de vista estrictamente castrense elogia la valentía, disciplina y profesionalismo del Ejército Alemán. Borrando la imágen, herronia, de que eran insensibles y asesinos, como los describían las películas de Holywood. Felicitaciones!
So ein wunderbarer Film . Danke !
They met again in Valhalla atleast.
Beautiful short!
Beauty coment
Oh I doubt it 🤔
Absolutely! 😭👍
Thanks for sharing this with Portuguese subtitles. 👍😄
These short ww2 films are surprisingly good. Gritty and realistic, not flashy like Hollywood with overpaid twits as actors. Personally, though, I would like to see some other infantry perspectives. Maybe British, Soviet or Japanese?
She is extraordinarily pretty
spektakelkd Thank you!!! 💓
All aryan women are.
Why do you say this? She is very beautiful.
@Einheimischer mit Migrationshintergrund
You know that she changed her her color to play the role in the movie. You know that all movies are fake. Her uniform is also fake, all the uniforms and weapons in the movie are fake. You perhaps should not be watching movies as they are all fake. View only documentaries as they are not fake. I just found that your comment that the woman playing the part of a German youth is ugly somewhat odd. I and I am sure that a lot of viewers found her to be quite good looking. Do you not like pretty women? Did your Mother not love you enough?
Better than real war movie
Respect from Japan🇯🇵
Respect to our Japanese brethren
This was SO GOOD! Thank you 🙏
The German soldier fought with pride and honour. God rest all European brothers.
Especialy the one from WW2
your just racist really
May god give all no matter their genetics rest, all Germans, no matter from their migration background and no matter on which side they fell. 🕊️🪦☮️
Apart from the ones involved in systemic murder of Jews, Slavs, gypsies and POWs. Men women and children. Which was most of them.
@@Trinster604who cares lol
check:" the greatest story never told"
Here come the trolls !!!!
They use pieces of truth, and the fact that the allies committed many war crimes to push a narrative that the nazis were just defending the west. If we received a balanced education that explained the war crimes of the allies people wouldn’t be so susceptible to this garbage. Yes the Germans were victimized after WW1. Yes the allies in both wars were also committing war crimes, but this does not make them the good guys. There is no such thing as good guys in war. Just two army’s filled with relativity innocent people propagandized to kill each other.
I forgot My name y
84 LoneDreamer84
We must believe American jew or communist bullshit LOL
@84 LoneDreamer84 r/woosh
Hardcore !!!!! I’m a tough guy, you made me cry, BRAVO !!!! Excellent story !!!
Thank you for showing the humanity of the German side. Beautiful. My grandfather told me stories like this (he fought in German side of the war) I’m sick of the American dehumanization of the Wehrmacht. They were people too
I totally share your feelings. I sincerely hope those who film stupid propaganda will be in the shoes of the defeated themselves.
"No bombs. Only you...and me"
amazing.. thank you for telling the story of these children..
it chokes me up a bit
Sad how many youngsters were fooled into war !
Great sad film ! 💪🙏🏼
Hitler Youth that took part in punitive actions against Jews and civilians in Soviet Union in 1941-1944 went to the devil in hell.
The 12 ss Hitler Jugend div. Was a fierce finatical out fit . 15,16, 17,and 18yrs.of age they were. They helped nearly 60,000 Nazi troops escape the Falaise Pocket and were nearly anihilated themselves ; never rrcovered their losses at Normandy!
@@hugbug4408 On October 2, 1943, in Russian village of Stary Ropsk (Oryol region), they were hanged:
- Hans Rome, German, born in 1924, ex. member of "Hitler Jugend", corporal of sapper battalion (292nd infantry division).
- Joseph Schwarzinger, German, born in 1912, Chief Corporal of 448th Infantry Regiment (137th Infantry Division)
- Wilhelm Odinius, Austrian, born in 1910, corporal of 6th Infantry Regiment.
These Nazis took part in mass civilian executions near Stary Ropsk village in Sitniki forest on September 23, 1943.
After the murders in Sitniki forest, about 100 residents of Stary Ropsk and Novy Ropsk Russian villages were shot in Stary Ropsk.
On September 28, Hans Rim, Joseph Schwarzinger and Wilhelm Odinius were taken prisoner and identified by local residents of Stary Ropsk as participants in mass execution on September 23, 1943.
@@sudfac Ok. But , they're not part of The Hitler Jugend 12th ss. Just by looking @ the birth dates listed , you can see these dudes were almost in their 30s?
Where does the executions take place? And, how were the 3 just mentioned captured? Not doubting your findings at all , but very cutious about the 3 so called nazis hanged .
There is a documentary dealing with acouple of nazi- germans, and a russian/ukranian nazi collaborator who were hanged in public in Kharkov in 12/1943 ! A trial is shown in front of a civilian audience and 3 nzis and the russian/ ukranian colaberator were tried and taken to a town square and hanged . This was filmed live showing all 4 if the convicted of atrocities , going through death throws in front of a massive eastern ukranian crowd , who were cheering as those culprits died! Now is this what you are referring to? This has been shown on some ww2 docu's of atrocities commited by the Nazis!
@@sudfac Now, you say Hitler Youth. But, that doesn't signify they belonging to the 12th ss Hitler Jugend division . Many young german males belonged to the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany! Like being , and belonging, in the boy scouts.
I don't know if the 12 ss fought in tht Soviet Union! Pardon me for not knowing this. But, likemost waffen ss units, the russian front eas a baptism of fire in which these youngins would pay the butchers bill!
Mr Pepe, another great film sir. Much respect to you and your work.
A Fan
This was emotional to the point where I felt that I was in the movie. Beautiful!
Excellent short film! Really excellent!
Great short film.....put any countries uniform on those boys...same story...
You got that right my friend.
so true
Not the same story ....nazi german start the war this is the diffrents
@@pawelpulchny9235 If these boys born in US, the uniforms change but the story will be the same.Politicians made war thru the history. Soldiers fight. And about "Sins of War", all armies have their history
Do U remember that america got bombed once? If they die they are in foreign countries. American civilization never suffered that much
The pipe music was "Flower of Scotland" which was written long after the war by the Corries.
The bagpiper at the end was particularly touching; my grandfather was an officer in a Highland regiment, killed a few days after the Normandy landings. I would love to see a feature length version of this short film.
It's extremely emotional. Love it.
Very hard hitting movie, heartbreaking but such a beautiful way to film it. Captures emotion so well.
just watch this in the uk, a very touching film. good one and thanks
Beautiful movie, should get an award.
My father was a British company medical officer in Normandy. He never talked about the war, and his only war story was of a young HitlerJugend boy who tried to stab him while he (my father) was dressing the kid's wounds. Apparently the boy had been so badly wounded and so young that the stretcher bearers who brought him in hadn't searched him properly. I asked my father what happened to the boy. 'Oh' he said, 'my orderly got the knife off him and we finished patching him as best we could...we sent him back to division with the others(wounded) but we did put a note to be careful around him'. He told me the story while we were watching The World at War on TV, and the point of it was, in his words 'it's a terrible thing to indoctinate children like that'.
Superbly made! Thanks for sharing with us this side of the story. War is suffering, for everybody.
As one who also enlisted at a young age (50 years ago), I understand all too well why it is mainly young men who are drafted or enlist with enthusiasm, not realizing what they may encounter. I don't regret my service, but wish I'd had more maturity at the time to comprehend more fully what I was committing to.
Tony D -- Please do your math, and read a history book or two. 50 years ago was 1968. Do you recall ever hearing what war was going on at that time?
Tony D There is no "typo", you just missunderstood him.
THX for Service in `Nam Sir!
Amazing film. It’s my favorite war film.
Thank you for your work : )
try watching 'Come And See,' by Elim Klimov,english subtitles,