Yeshua is the Tzimtzum and Zeir Anpin (Philippians 2:5-8)



  • @Eklegomai
    @Eklegomai 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this insightful teaching. Helps understand humility, obedience….

  • @andrewcarter418
    @andrewcarter418 3 місяці тому

    I know my question has nothing to do with the teaching as I am listening to it. I'm wondering how up on Koine Greek you are.

    • @theguitarrabbi7173
      @theguitarrabbi7173  3 місяці тому

      I only know Hebrew and Aramaic. Though I don’t dismiss the Greek even though I am an Aramaic New Testament Primist. So to better understand the Greek I use the Delitzsch Hebrew which was directly translated from the Greek.

    • @andrewcarter418
      @andrewcarter418 3 місяці тому

      @@theguitarrabbi7173 I only ask because, christian scholars attempt to claim that Revelation 1:10-the Lord's day was on a Sunday. I sense deception in this, not to mention it makes the Torah either inconconsistent or a lie. This I know better. The Torah is all truth. Have a great day.

    • @theguitarrabbi7173
      @theguitarrabbi7173  3 місяці тому

      @@andrewcarter418 well from what I gather “The Day of the L-rd” is not the sabbath it is the coming of the Messiah.

    • @andrewcarter418
      @andrewcarter418 3 місяці тому

      @@theguitarrabbi7173 I'd love to discuss this further whenever it's convenient for you. I don't trust James White for a second. I hope you and your fiance' are doing well. She's probably your wife by now. I haven't conversed with you for quite a while.

    • @theguitarrabbi7173
      @theguitarrabbi7173  3 місяці тому

      @@termination9353 there are zero gospels pre-13th century in Hebrew. Sorry kiddo

  • @2dazetake
    @2dazetake 3 місяці тому

    As a chosen one, I find many things wrong with our religion,growing up I always felt that my relatives saw us as victims, and made it feel as if our religion is actually a race,who has science on our side,they agree that all your traits are passed down from your mother, which is also how our religion is passed on,thru your mother,if your mother is Jewish you are,and since so many jews believe we are a race, they also believe we deserve special treatment, I had to grow up believing we are the white N-word, and the Christians I went to school with didn't help much, even though they worship a jew,who didn't die for our sins,he died because he didn't want to lie,and he wanted to protect our religion, I believe he was faithful to our religion, right up to his end,and would of never approved of Christianity,why would g-d break his own commandments, commit adultery with another man's woman just to have a baby of himself,Jesus may have been some sort of spiritual being,but g-d himself though the 10 commandments tells us there is one g-d and we shouldn't worship any other, the Torah says there will be peace when the Messiah comes,it doesn't say the next time he comes, I don't believe the Messiah is a man nor our G-d, I believe it's a spiritual download that will happen within us, and change the world as we know it.

    • @theguitarrabbi7173
      @theguitarrabbi7173  3 місяці тому

      This has nothing to do with the video

    • @2dazetake
      @2dazetake 3 місяці тому

      @@theguitarrabbi7173 do you believe that Jesus was the Messiah? or are you trying to say he wasn't,hard to follow the video,when people start reciting scriptures, I tune out, man made words don't cut it for me, I reject all religious text, including the Torah, Bible,talmud, koran ect, it's as if G-d hasn't gotten more intelligent in the last 3000 years, what would G-d really think seeing a bunch of men dressed in Polish garb, rocking back and forth in a prayer trance, while seeking to be different from other's, they become the same in G-ds eyes,who would want a vengeful G-d in the first place, wouldn't any father of such power,not love all of his children no matter what, religion like politics has caused more deaths than all natural disasters or disease,and belief systems haven't proven jack squat,man made text are blastomy, every one of them, devil's words, I will go to grave ignorent of such nonsense,a sense of evil fills me,just holding what some call the good book, I know I'm in a coaxial existence with the most high,G-d lights our soul, people who are waiting for G-d to return ,don't even realize that he's right inside us,his signal to our soul, gets through even if you sleep in a faraday cage,every cell in your body has 7 tenths of a volt of electricity,some 2 trillion volts all together,even the ground we stand on is nothing but spinning atoms, often we hear we are all connected,in this electric universe, how much more clear can it be, the earth is our ground wire,water is our antenna,aether is the electric gird that encompasses everything on earth & in our universe, you become chosen when you reject the story other's want you to believe,no words are necessary when you feel G-ds love,your beliefs are something you learned and believe,man will use religion when it's beneficial to a society,or attack it when they hope to destroy our society, that's why I want no part of it.

  • @Eklegomai
    @Eklegomai 3 місяці тому

    Is it true that the letters of Paul was written in Aramaic too ?