Bloodborne: More random boss fights (rush to Church Pick run)

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2024
  • 00:00 - Ludwig
    10:48 - Undead Giant (tougher version)
    14:01 - Abhorrent Beast (chalice version)
    16:50 - Lady Maria
    18:53 - Ebrietas (chalice version)
    22:39 - Orphan of Kos
    25:00 - Yharnam
    27:23 - Gehrman
    This isn't from a special challenge run, or a display of particularly high skill or anything, so not really sure why I'm posting it other than feeling guilty that people keep subscribing to my channel even though I never upload anything... This was all recorded, edited, and uploaded directly from my (non-Pro) PS4.
    So all of these clips are from a run of Bloodborne I just completed last night using the Church Pick, which I had not used before this. Unfortunately to get the Church Pick I had to make a beeline for Gasgoine and then Amelia to activate the DLC (not too tough), then somehow beat Ludwig with low stats and no blood gems or runes or other things one would normally have by that point, which turned out to be quite difficult. That made the rest of the run pretty easy in comparison though, so most boss fights weren't worth recording as they went down with no effort or really any skill on my part, just from stats alone. The clips included here are from bosses that actually took me several tries to succeed (well, except for Maria and Gehrman, which each only took 2 tries, but I just included them because they are two of my favorite bosses in the game).
    I don't normally bother with Chalice Dungeons but it had been a long time (I'd only gone through them once before now, to get the Platinum trophy) yet for some reason decided to also go through them enough to face Queen Yharnam this time, so most of the challenging fights came from the chalice dungeons and the DLC.
    I did this run because I had been playing Monster Hunter World solo for like 6 weeks straight and then realized that I never actually failed a hunt at any point after having killed everything in the game at least once. Not that that means the game is super easy really, given that it was the 5th Monster Hunter game I've played, but I was in the mood to get my ass kicked a bit and no matter how many times I complete Bloodborne there's always a few bosses that kill me multiple times when trying out a new weapon. That's probably why it remains my favorite game of the current console generation. Monster Hunter World is great too, don't get me wrong, but doesn't have the atmosphere or challenge of Bloodborne.
  • Ігри


  • @lorenzo4637
    @lorenzo4637 2 роки тому

    I’ve never played Bloodborne, as I don’t have a PlayStation, but I swear, I could watch it all day

  • @BigVEE
    @BigVEE 6 років тому +1

    >Church Pick
    An odd choice.
    I intend for them to be completed as with all bosses for the eventual BL4 NUR+ (perhaps two runs with how vanilla varies, but I really don't know about putting up with the old loadtimes for the small differences I'd experience).

    • @Rubikant
      @Rubikant  6 років тому +1

      Church Pick was mostly because I'm running low on new weapons to beat the game with that aren't super gimick-y or only available after completing most of the game (and the pick itself is a stretch in that regard), and because I wanted a build that had good visceral attack damage this time (which means a Skill-based weapon since VA damage is based on Skill) because my last two runs were Strength-based weapons and I found my VA damage disappointing...

    • @BigVEE
      @BigVEE 6 років тому

      >super gimmicky
      Such as the Boom Hammer? Wish they'd done a better job with that. 'Full Beast' Claws also seemed disappointing (for PvE, where they are said to be alright for PvP purposes).
      >game completion
      Save editing could be your salvation. I cannot advise on it, but I believe Distortion2 can help on that front (using this option to enable his 'meme runs' largely focusing on themed work with a given weapon given focus **though not too fussed about 'rules'**).
      >good visceral
      I take it you've exhausted your other Skill options (and didn't want to just use the rune slots to this end).
      >disappointing VA
      Meh. You would still have the option to land another blow or so after a 'parry' or 'backstab' set-up. I take it you've already done 'gun' (or even arcane) focused work, but with some rebalancing with the 'cost', it might open things up more (without the barely possible **and impossible at times** becoming just a matter of sensibly picking your openings**).
      Dist used infinite ammo, but there should be other ways (infinite vial storage would make sure you never ran out on restock, but could run out in fights while infinite vials just means the challenge is picking a moment to use them **not much of one, of course** while mostly wanting them for blood bullets).
      Between you and the 'cheating' to set-up something you see as interesting and 'fair' (perhaps halving cost to fire cannon, maybe buffing its damage, etc. **returning it at least to vanilla conditions prior to crying from PvP kids**).
      Real big fan of VA, eh? I wonder if it would be possible to make such a fine edit as changing hit property of Fist of Gratia only in that it acts like a bullet by being able to parry when landed within the frames of an enemy that enables this (aside from giving it better base damage **already has good scaling, I believe**). Don't think it has the option of charged attacks (though maybe an edit could put another version of the thing on the right hand to that end **Caestus style**). Would be a ton of work for what would be little more than an OP 'fist only'.
      NOTE: Infinite item use (not just stock) could help make some truly limited, but neat things more viable (or just change what they use **rather than themselves, bullet or even blood if you prefer**). Blue Elixir gives you a taste of stealth (Hidden Body, not so much Hush if I'm not mistaken **much less Fall Control, which seems to exist on the Kin transformation**). Those super slow, trash range (and damage) Shaman Blades have the ability to turn some foes against one another. That too could make for something fun to work around (while maybe limiting yourself in other ways to encourage it **though good luck when the gimmick option is entirely unavailable**).

  • @SkeletonManBones
    @SkeletonManBones 6 років тому +1

    Nice to see you upload once again, great video, have you played the new God of War by chance?

    • @Rubikant
      @Rubikant  6 років тому +1

      I was watching a friend play it this last weekend and did get to try it for a few minutes. The FPS-style character movement (have to use R-stick to change facing) annoyed me. You know it's a bad sign for a melee-based action game when the devs feel it necessary to include a "turn 180 degrees" button or little on-screen indicators when something is behind you - something totally unnecessary in other games in this genre like Bloodborne, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter, or indeed, even previous GoW games. I get that it makes the axe throwing mechanic smoother but Dragon's Dogma solved that by switching temporarily to the same FPS-style controls whenever you held down your aim button, then switched back to standard camera-relative controls when you released it. I believe Monster Hunter World does the same thing with the Slinger. You have to press an aim button to throw the axe in GoW anyway so they could have done the same thing, and I can't understand why they didn't. It makes dealing with enemies that surround you annoying - I prefer dodging or blocking an attack because I see it coming through an enemy animation, not through a blinking indicator icon on my back...
      That said, I may still get it anyway.

    • @SkeletonManBones
      @SkeletonManBones 6 років тому

      I think the reasoning behind this was because in some instances, there will be loads of enemies and they will constantly come at you, depending on what you're doing of course. I sometimes don't even realize the flashing red arrow indicator behind me, obviously though I see it more than I miss it and even your son Atreus, will cry out when projectiles are flying at you or even when enemies are behind you. There are also flashes of red or yellow, not sure if you saw that, letting you know if you can parry or you will have to dodge roll an attack. Overall I think the combat is excellent, I've played all the souls, DD, MHW, BB and while this does feel less skill based than those games, or whatever you'd like to call it, I can say that it's one of the best games I've played in awhile, and the story... oh man, good stuff. But.. that might be because I actually like Mythology and Gods and shit, anyway, hope to see more from you soon.