i'll always ask, will derek ever make a video on how w could improve conditions and healing with peds? i have ens and is killig me: getting big is ok, but for me is surviving
@mertkacar6239 he may be listed at that but he is absolutely closer to 5 6. Source he never taller when standing in shoes next to 5 6 fighters in bare feet.
@@Parleyposadajr2248 Smashing your femur and/or tibia probably isn't good for potential top tier athletes. I'm assuming this procedure is almost entirely based off insecurity, but who knows.
being 6'1" is overrated to be honest. almost every famous bodybuilder is 5' something. i workout a lot im damn near 190lbs and girls tell me i skinny, but its "ok" because im tall lol wtf i look like i didnt skip leg day i look like i never did a leg day and i actually do squats and stuff lol
This may seem long but bear with me. As a 6’6 guy who had an extremely late growth spurt( I was still growing at 20), my personality was already developed before I stopped growing so I was completely aware of how literally every persons outlook on me just changed the taller I got. Below 6’ I was invisible, around 6’0 to 6’2 a lot more smiles from literally everyone, when I reached above 6’3 it was whole new world, undeserved respect for no reason. Right now at 6’6, I’m still baffled at how people treat me so positively without making any effort on my part. My point is, 6’ may be tall but I assure you being taller only comes with benefits.
@@kurekiller6070 I'm 5'6, 35 years old. I only found out height was an "issue" recently with people all over the internet cyring over it. Honestly, people should stop wasting their time with what they can't change.
Joe makes an interesting point about leg lengthening throwing off your distance perception. Doctors say the reason why teenage boys (moreso than teenage girls) are clumsy is because their limbs grow faster than their brains ability to learn to control them.
The man that went from 6’ to 6’6” still can’t walk by the way. He lost all the muscle mass in his legs and can’t play with his children. But hey, he got an extra 6”
@@hertz_me A lot of people look terrible as such but not this guy. He had pretty short legs for 6' and the upper body of a 6'6 guy including wingspan. His proportions at his "fake" 6'6 height are almost perfect. As good as mine and I'm a natural 6'2 with model proportions. He took almost 2 years to recover from his heavy body mass but is finally slowly getting into weight lifting. He just hit a 135 pound deadlift it was a struggle but a good start.
Jack Hanma got his arms and legs lengthened. All his other bones are still supposed to be representing his original height though which it doesn't look it. When a person is 6 foot naturally every bone in their body represents that including shoulder width. When someone get limb lengthening then it will look off with the rest of their bone structure
Despite this, honestly the most obsessed people when it comes to talking about height that I see are the 5'10 - 5'11 crowd. Everyone shorter is a 3 foot tall midget to them, and they will GLADLY remind you every five minutes how they are TOWERING over you, even if you're only a 2 or 3 inches shorter. Then again, I have yet to meet a single one, cause they all lie and say they're 6 feet. Most people under 5'8 or over 6'2 that I've met don't sit around talking about height. And yes, I am a proud 'shorty' at 5'7. But as a 70's baby, I come from a different generation where this leg sawing INSANITY would be laughed out the door.
I’m 5’11 and I never make fun of anyone short because I was a really short kid, but hit a huge growth spur in high school. Everyone that made fun of my height were suddenly shorter than me my freshman year 😂
Occupational therapist here 👋 Joe's curiosity about how this procedure might affect the body's mechanics relates to a sensory system called proprioception. Proprioception, one of the eight sensory systems, enables us to sense the position and movement of our limbs in space without relying on vision. It works closely with the vestibular system to maintain body awareness, stability, and coordinated movement. A procedure like limb lengthening can significantly disrupt the proprioceptive system, requiring intensive therapy to retrain the sensory input for functional movement and stability.
@PersonOnEarth Exactly! After a procedure like that, the body's proprioception can be significantly impacted. This is partially due to changes in muscle tension, tendon tension, and the functionality of key receptors like Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles. These sensory receptors play a critical role in sensing stretch and tension in the muscles and tendons, which helps regulate movement This same logic applies to how Derrick's basketball shot changed following recent muscle gain due to weight lifting.
Rogan always brings the convo back to: 1. Chimps 2. Playing pool 3. Aliens 4. “Only 250 of us good comedians” 5. I know Joey Diaz 6. Elk meat 7. Bears. Thanks @Arubio
I legitimately saved money for this in my 20s (because I am short), and limb lengthening was still a bit unusual/underground: I spent so, so much time on forums and reading diaries, etc. Back then, the full recovery rate was very low: when one patient was back to running and lifting like they did pre-surgery, it was labelled as an "exception" or, as used in this video, "genetic freak". I ultimately decided against this, because as many, many pointed out on said forums: you're only lengthening your legs. Unless your torso and arms are already long (unusual, and wasn't my case), you will look very unproportional the more you lengthen them. You can lenghten your arms as well, but that's a whole different operation and no doctor would try and lengthen your spine. So fingers crossed that in the next life, I am Olivier Richter's grandkid or something (jokes aside).
Cant you do like tons of stretching to elongate your spine a bit overtime? Iirc ive seen Quora users claiming to get results from it e.g. But then ofc how ttustworthy is Quora..
I'm like a bit under 6'1" and I've thought it would be cool to be like 6'4". But at same time i like being able to move well. It's tough for me to imagine those operations and the lengthening not affecting one's mobility and coordination. Not to mention aches and pains, especially when you get older. Being able to sit up in bed in morning and feel allright sounds simple but is extremely underrated imo.
Timberland boots + lifts adds 3 to 4 inches. Problem solved. As for a 6’4 guy doing the same - hence the equilizer; well not exactly. You see only 1% of male population stands 6’4”. So you will not have to compete with other 6’4” guys in the vicinity. So Timberlands + lifts is a legit cheat code, Hollywood male stars have been doing it for decades.
The hit to precision that comes with adding muscle is real, as someone who went from being a high endurance/lean athlete to bulking 30lbs of lean tissue. Even just opening doors is still a problem sometimes.
I hit things with a shoulder all the time after bulking muscularity for first time. It surprises me every time I bump something that my mind clearly thought was not close enough to avoid.
If you are already 6'2'' it's mostly, and by QUITE a bit, pointless if you are doing it for dating. At 6'2'' you've already reached close to the ideal and after 6'4'' you start dropping again. He can capture a niche, I guess.
this guy knows. I started watching Baki while being 6'3'' and now I'm doing deadhangs for 3 minutes after the gym everyday with a plan to grow to 6'5'' or even 6'7'' if possible. Would never risk doing this and potentially disabling myself for life though.
Went through the surgery when I was 6, only for my right leg as it was shorter than the left. The right leg gained about 8cm in 6 months, only from the tibia. The fibula was broken and screwed to the tibia in the ankle. I was able to walk during the procedure, now I'm 29yo, and I squat 190kg, no knee nor back pain and I still have a difference of leg lenght
I think this surgery has been around for quite a while. I remember seeing some aspiring models get this surgery on discovery channel or something when I was a kid around 2006
I know of a case in Germany, where a guy had that surgery done. The screws broke after a couple of months and he is in a wheelchair ever since. There was a big lawsuit going on. That surgery is super dangerous and I wonder how many more people are in a wheelchair after trying that shit. I reckon most of the videos that you see online are sponsored
there is plenty of tall people who are all legs. people who have proportionally normal or long legs are generally not short. the guy in the video had relatively short legs despite being 6 foot 2, so his legs wont look disproportional after being lengthened 4 feet, especially not because the guy is a body builder and has a disproportionally large upper body anyway.
To all the men out there with insecurities like this.I only ever hear this 6 foot cutoff coming from the US as most countries use the metric system that would be 182,8 cm...I even dated several girls who preferred to be taller than the guy because it made them feel like models.Instead of doing this surgergy or just feeling bad about it,I suggest travelling the world and see how people perceive you there. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Was just about to write this. In Europe it’s much more fluid, there isn’t a set point where guys are attractive. Mostly if you are a little taller than the girl she will just think ur tall
@@Greyalien587Here in Europe it's probably different. Yes, you can meet girls who have those kind of standard for height, but at leat for me.. i alwas dated taller girls.
i feel like girls are becoming weirdos in places where there are an abundance of social media and also confort. because where i live everyone of my friends are just sad and insecure and the one that are always with a girl its alwways the same kind of men that attract only trough artifices and apparences
The Femur is like a pillar main structure & to sever in half for stretching will compomise their ability to walk when older, look good now to be crippled later.
bone grows back though. It seems like it does get almost back to normal. one concern might be the bone marrow, if that grows back fully when they remove the nail.
it certainly is very risky. nobody knows the long term consequences, and you cannot get accurate information on it as people who got this would never admit to it being a blunder , due to the enormous investment and inability to reverse it. they would never mention chronic pain or any issues that cannot be seen, and try to pretend that nothing is wrong. to get an accurate picture, you would need to personally meet up with a bunch of people who have done this decades ago, and who do not have a public image. online forums and videos are not trust worthy, because a negative report or one of regret is a threat to their business, and they likely get a price cut for any patient directed to some clinic over the forum or video. I think nobody can say that CLL is viable unless he personally knows people who have done this years ago and are fine.
@sshreddderr9409 This surgery may kill you 30 years after you get it. For a BBL if there are complications, you can die immediately. I am waiting for his podcast with Brian Sanchez.
@@Voodoo_Occasions I know. I don't think CLL can kill you, but it can ruin your life if you do not recover fully, if that is even possible. If I had the money, I would consider it given that I am 5 foot 7, but I think given the severity of the operation and looking at it objectively, it would be stupid to take such a risk without actually confirming personally that this can be successful by meeting up with a number of people who have done this years ago and are now at least 50. The people who are doing this now are taking a huge risk because they cannot know the outcome for sure. You could argue that it's no different than normal bone fractures, but given that tendons, muscles and nerves are stretched, I have a hard time believing that this isnt going to have consequences. I know that those can grow and adapt too especially if your young, but still I think you would have to admit that it's a huge risk because there is no way of reversing it should you end up with chronic pain
The surgery isn't "new," but I wouldn't call it old. Doctor Illizarov came up with the technique and used it on patients since the 1950's, with it being more main stream in Russia since the 70's. I've worked with several children, (physical therapist by trade), that have had the procedure, but not adults. It was technically cosmetic, Achondroplasia/"little people" What's being talked about now is with non Achondroplasia patients, straight cosmetic, and the medical tourism in Turkey, and conversion rate per USD really gives the clinics over there a good reason to promote. That being said there's clinics doing this all over the world, just not as savy in social. If done in conservative parameters, with the right ancillary medical support, and compliance from the patient., experienced surgeons, and using internal nails, there are surgeries with much higher failure rates with much more complications, and deaths...ie; BBLs. It seems barbaric, but it's actually easy for any Ortho Trauma surgeon. These docs are the one's that are doing these surgeries. Think about vehicle crashes, and the myriad of traumatic Ortho issues you'd face with that, along with the person potentially barely hanging on to life....vs. literally any cosmetic procedure. I don't have extensive first hand knowledge, only brief, I do have third hand knowledge... colleges of colleges, that have worked with these cases....but nothing going past conservative lengthening. The potential issue is ballerina syndrome, (but worked out eventually, just took longer than to be expected), and one scare of compartment syndrome. I personally would worry if someone, (Androplasia patient), got their forerm done, because that can get very tricky, but due to that I've never heard a doc taking that chance, ...but reas about it being done in a couple medical journals. Other than that, the usual, potential for infection as per any surgery, and with the internal nail...welk technically the Precise Nail....most common, but their are others, ...you can stop and I believe with the newest version reverse the lengthening if need be, and it's lengthening slowly via an external medical device, which I've yet to know of it being painful for a patient. Things have the ability to get complicated if a patient isn't appropriately physically and mentally ready, not compliant for the long haul, and pushes the lengthening limits to much. Again though a standard total knee replacement has so much more potential to go array than CLL done "reasonably"...gotta put the quotes on that word 😂
That got mykneesdoneguy still cant walk properly 2 years later. He had a lot of complications tho. But according to him hes doing a lot better then some people that done it which is insane. There are some people who recover fine tho
height and size are so different, theres alot of 6,7 monsters here in germany but im a 5 10 american guy and if i got fake legs i would still be a different frame
This is extremely sad, it just shows you how competitive and insecure our society is when it comes to dating and male expectations. To some degree I can understand a BBL or breast implant for women, but THIS certainly isn't worth a year of pain for any man.
no. young women all drown in dating options, while most men are starved for opportunity, because of the huge imbalance in sexual attraction that is inherent to human biology. the plastic surgery women do doesnt increase their already abundant options, it makes them look worse. generally, women get plastic surgery not to look better, they do it to preserve their youth once they get older and realize that the attention they took for granted was age dependent and is fading. this is in stark contrast to men, who have few options, and because women are so discriminatory on height alone, just being taller can make the difference from being considered at all to being rejected on height alone. if you are 5 foot 5, your out of the dating pool for most good looking women no matter anything else even if they are 5 foot, simply because you are shorter than most other guys. in that case, doing this surgery to be say 5 foot 10, would mean that most women will not eliminate you on height alone, which would be the case for most women if you were 5 foot 5. not to mention that BBLs can be life threatening at worst, while LL can get you in a wheel chair at worst. so you on one hand, you have females with an abundance of options getting surgeries that make them look worse to preserve the fading wasted abundance, and on the other hand, you have men who who go through risky surgery to have any chance at all, and height alone does have a huge impact in dating, job and general social opportunity.
@@gracefool Just being taller isnt enough in 2024. They want a decent height gap. I got rejected by a girl I was 2 to 3 inches taller than because she said we were the sane height. And if being short wasnt a negative trait I wouldnt have to compensate for it. Even if I do Ill still be passed over for tall or even average height guys
Fibula doesn't carry any weight and it functions as site for muscle attachment, when elongating the tibia just crack it at some point and it will follow whatever lenght the tibia set it to be, as they are both well attached at diffrent locations.
no, people are generally deformed because of chronic malnutrition and hormone altering chemical in food and water. and people are genetically messed up because the lower genetic end isnt killed of and still reproduces, which means genetic illnesses and deformations induced by age of reproduction and life style are being transmitted through generations, causing being to have all kinds of issues. a group of humans in their natural environment is supposed to look as uniform as wild animal populations do. the degree of variance you see in humans is completely unnatural.
Dude I know that guy!! The really big jacked dude. He was at least 300lbs and could squat 600lbs. I worked out with him in a gym in toccoa GA years ago! Strongest guy in the gym but was very insecure over his height. It’s insane. It made me sad but I wish him the best
I have bilateral hip replacements due to a work accident and my mechanics are better. I squat every week. Not heavy but enough to keep main gaining. I would imagine after healing he’ll be alright. The doctors did put me on permanent trt at age 34. I just turned 37 and I’m in great shape and health.
a kid at my school had this because he was born with one leg basically missing the bones in his lower leg and had to just use crutches and hop everywhere
There are long term repercussions of this surgery. A lot of guys don't get their full motion, strength and functionality back. There are long term complication for many people.
Wouldn't you need to also lengthen your arms with the same surgical procedure in order to maintain proper proportions for biomechanics? Seems like you'd look like a weird cartoon character if you didn't.
You could but your arms are usually too long for your body. For proper proportions, your wing span should be your height. But for nearly all men, their wing span is longer. My wing span is 76" and I'm 72" tall
@giantent763 True. But it's also normal for people to have shorter arms. You literally won't be able to tell the difference since their wingspan would be 2-3" shorter than their height. Literally imperceivable. A 1" difference either arm is impossible to notice
And then ribcage and scapula aswell to not become too narrow..Oh and a bigger head maybe too while we're at it maybe since it might not be proportional anymore just lol
Joes way of thinking about this is quite limited.... when he says he knows where his shin is, yea, obviously, he trained to do it, a normal untrained person has no idea. Those kind of height changes can be adapted with training if its purely a technical thing. If the muscle is also made longer then you would just adapt over time, like 3-5 years
Honestly, I have really short legs even though I am 6 feet tall. My legs are pretty much as tall as my 5 foot six wife’s legs. I am mostly torso. I probably could get an extra 6 inches out of my legs and then have it not look that weird. People have different proportions and manage. I have tiny feet also. For 6 feet tall I’m size 9 in shoes. I got big hands. My thing is 8” but wide af and I’m skinny at 160. Again, people will come in different sizes.
It’s all good, I’m short and I laid beside a girl the same height as me. Noticed how much longer her legs were and became more conscious about my t-Rex legs
@@Rabbi-Jill-kews Girls more often than not will have longer legs and really short upper body compared to a guy. That's a biological gender difference, no need to feel like your legs are short. Pay attention in public when you see a couple together where they are both the same height. 8 times out of 10 or better the girl will have noticeably longer legs.
Exactly, People come in different sizes, I am huge and have a huge dick and long legs, but by gf says her exes were small ones like you and they were good men too she says
This surgery works well if you lengthen the femur by 2-3 inches and stop. You would recover completely in a year without side effects. The man on the video will recover to some degree but he will never have the athleticism level he had before.
This is wild. I’m not tall but I would never put myself through that for height. All those videos those guy look like they might not be the same, and I wonder if they’ll ever be able to walk correctly
I broke my arm radius bone and had surgery playe and 6 screws to align it. Can't imagine to go through 10 times more intensive surgery just to look taller.
The interview I mentioned in this clip was WILD. Coming soon.
What's up big delt man
Waiting brother! Excited.
cant wait, will be a historical podcast
Gotta see it!
i'll always ask, will derek ever make a video on how w could improve conditions and healing with peds? i have ens and is killig me: getting big is ok, but for me is surviving
Joe Rogan disappears for a year and comes back at 6'6
Joe could max out the surgery and still not touch 6'0" lmao😂
He listed at 5‘8, there are thousands who even went above 6 with this surgery. So he could
@mertkacar6239 he may be listed at that but he is absolutely closer to 5 6. Source he never taller when standing in shoes next to 5 6 fighters in bare feet.
@@mertkacar6239 He isn't 5'8". I am 5'9" and met him in person, I am more than one inch taller for sure.
@@nia.d33that's still 6'0 maxout
More plates in your legs to lengthen it is what actually leads to more dates.
😂🤣 For real!
This needs more likes
Tis' true.
The things men do to get P is actually insane. P isn't even worth the risks.
I love that Derek and JR are basically friends at this point.
Joe will definitely refer to him as a BUDDY O MINE
what are you talking about they've been friends for years
Ummm.. they talk once every 18 months that's not friends. This is business. Much different.
@@petermccavington8232associates than?
Yup 👌🏽
The level of insecurity you need to have to go through this is... insane.
Shout out to Bandman Kevo 😂
I can understand for a athlete as the difference of a few inches can me being pro and top tier. but that comes with huge downsides.
Imagine being already 6’0 tall and then going through it 😂
Also I’m a huge fan of you Les Twins 👏🏻
@Parleyposadajr2248 re learning to walk seems like it rules out any top level sports for life
@@Parleyposadajr2248 Smashing your femur and/or tibia probably isn't good for potential top tier athletes. I'm assuming this procedure is almost entirely based off insecurity, but who knows.
Joe is super curious because he's considering this procedure for himself
Yeah it’s funny watching him act like he hasn’t researched it himself lmao
No hes not
Yeah Rogan is a known dwarf 🤣
No way!!
Why would he sacrifice his kicking lol
Bro I am 5’7” living life and loving it with a beautiful wife, amazing career, normal sized truck and overall 10’ tall life.
being 6'1" is overrated to be honest. almost every famous bodybuilder is 5' something. i workout a lot im damn near 190lbs and girls tell me i skinny, but its "ok" because im tall lol wtf i look like i didnt skip leg day i look like i never did a leg day and i actually do squats and stuff lol
Good for you. Not every man can say the same.
Cope 🤡
Lmao my short friends get hella chicks and never had issues idk why anyone would do this
I get a really short guy having self-steem issues who is willing to do anything to get tall. But a 6ft muscular guy? wtf?
It's madness
This may seem long but bear with me. As a 6’6 guy who had an extremely late growth spurt( I was still growing at 20), my personality was already developed before I stopped growing so I was completely aware of how literally every persons outlook on me just changed the taller I got. Below 6’ I was invisible, around 6’0 to 6’2 a lot more smiles from literally everyone, when I reached above 6’3 it was whole new world, undeserved respect for no reason. Right now at 6’6, I’m still baffled at how people treat me so positively without making any effort on my part. My point is, 6’ may be tall but I assure you being taller only comes with benefits.
@@kurekiller6070 don't doubt that. tall people get more respect, its human nature.
@@kurekiller6070 I'm 5'6, 35 years old. I only found out height was an "issue" recently with people all over the internet cyring over it. Honestly, people should stop wasting their time with what they can't change.
@@Tenorio_CavalcanteBut you can change, you can get expensive dangerous surgery to give yourself permanently weakened legs!
Lmaoooo as if you're here, love your content.
Seriously dude.well you aren't wrong
My guy! 😂
Just watched yojr baki character top 10 video lol
Joe makes an interesting point about leg lengthening throwing off your distance perception. Doctors say the reason why teenage boys (moreso than teenage girls) are clumsy is because their limbs grow faster than their brains ability to learn to control them.
The man that went from 6’ to 6’6” still can’t walk by the way. He lost all the muscle mass in his legs and can’t play with his children. But hey, he got an extra 6”
yes he can? he's making a series about it on his instagram showing that he can
@@GymTokShortForm his upper body probably looks messed having extra long legs and short arms LOL
@@hertz_me A lot of people look terrible as such but not this guy. He had pretty short legs for 6' and the upper body of a 6'6 guy including wingspan.
His proportions at his "fake" 6'6 height are almost perfect. As good as mine and I'm a natural 6'2 with model proportions.
He took almost 2 years to recover from his heavy body mass but is finally slowly getting into weight lifting. He just hit a 135 pound deadlift it was a struggle but a good start.
@@GymTokShortForm What's his Instagram?
I mean, just buy fancy tall shoes. It's fake either way, but at least you don't cripple yourself.
glad to see MPMD as a regular. Good objective content. no media spin
Jamie pull up that video of that grizzly bear getting limb lengthening surgery
Nice Jack Hanma thumbnail. 😂
Was hoping they were actually gonna reference baki.
Jack Hanma got his arms and legs lengthened. All his other bones are still supposed to be representing his original height though which it doesn't look it. When a person is 6 foot naturally every bone in their body represents that including shoulder width. When someone get limb lengthening then it will look off with the rest of their bone structure
Despite this, honestly the most obsessed people when it comes to talking about height that I see are the 5'10 - 5'11 crowd. Everyone shorter is a 3 foot tall midget to them, and they will GLADLY remind you every five minutes how they are TOWERING over you, even if you're only a 2 or 3 inches shorter. Then again, I have yet to meet a single one, cause they all lie and say they're 6 feet. Most people under 5'8 or over 6'2 that I've met don't sit around talking about height. And yes, I am a proud 'shorty' at 5'7. But as a 70's baby, I come from a different generation where this leg sawing INSANITY would be laughed out the door.
Hahahhahaa sounds like you wanna be in the CROWD bud. TOOOOO BAD HAHAHA
The 5’10-5’11 are indeed the ones who go apeshit over height and think them being taller then a 5’8 guy makes them prime Lennox Lewis.
I’m 5’11 and I never make fun of anyone short because I was a really short kid, but hit a huge growth spur in high school. Everyone that made fun of my height were suddenly shorter than me my freshman year 😂
@@Drpepperspray1010 bro is five 9 max
@@SmudgellIm 5'9" and 200lbs lean, how about you? You may be 6ft+ but youre a shrimp compared to me kid.
What a fucking title, lmao
More legs, more dates.
Occupational therapist here 👋 Joe's curiosity about how this procedure might affect the body's mechanics relates to a sensory system called proprioception. Proprioception, one of the eight sensory systems, enables us to sense the position and movement of our limbs in space without relying on vision. It works closely with the vestibular system to maintain body awareness, stability, and coordinated movement. A procedure like limb lengthening can significantly disrupt the proprioceptive system, requiring intensive therapy to retrain the sensory input for functional movement and stability.
Makes sense, they do say you literally have to learn how to walk all over again, this must be part of that.
@PersonOnEarth Exactly! After a procedure like that, the body's proprioception can be significantly impacted. This is partially due to changes in muscle tension, tendon tension, and the functionality of key receptors like Golgi tendon organs and muscle spindles. These sensory receptors play a critical role in sensing stretch and tension in the muscles and tendons, which helps regulate movement
This same logic applies to how Derrick's basketball shot changed following recent muscle gain due to weight lifting.
Damn is it permanant and you cant fix it?@theroadless
Rogan always brings the convo back to:
1. Chimps
2. Playing pool
3. Aliens
4. “Only 250 of us good comedians”
5. I know Joey Diaz
6. Elk meat
7. Bears. Thanks @Arubio
At least he didn't ask Derek if he's tired DMT
@ he hasn’t mentioned DMT in like 500 podcasts.
@Boristhebulletdodger86 if you've ever done it you can't stop talking about it 😂
@@colton4017but how do you know, because you have never and will never do it….
I legitimately saved money for this in my 20s (because I am short), and limb lengthening was still a bit unusual/underground: I spent so, so much time on forums and reading diaries, etc. Back then, the full recovery rate was very low: when one patient was back to running and lifting like they did pre-surgery, it was labelled as an "exception" or, as used in this video, "genetic freak".
I ultimately decided against this, because as many, many pointed out on said forums: you're only lengthening your legs. Unless your torso and arms are already long (unusual, and wasn't my case), you will look very unproportional the more you lengthen them. You can lenghten your arms as well, but that's a whole different operation and no doctor would try and lengthen your spine. So fingers crossed that in the next life, I am Olivier Richter's grandkid or something (jokes aside).
Cant you do like tons of stretching to elongate your spine a bit overtime? Iirc ive seen Quora users claiming to get results from it e.g. But then ofc how ttustworthy is Quora..
Just out of curiosity how tall r you
@figmentcocktail3607 180 cm
I'm like a bit under 6'1" and I've thought it would be cool to be like 6'4". But at same time i like being able to move well. It's tough for me to imagine those operations and the lengthening not affecting one's mobility and coordination. Not to mention aches and pains, especially when you get older. Being able to sit up in bed in morning and feel allright sounds simple but is extremely underrated imo.
Timberland boots + lifts adds 3 to 4 inches. Problem solved. As for a 6’4 guy doing the same - hence the equilizer; well not exactly. You see only 1% of male population stands 6’4”. So you will not have to compete with other 6’4” guys in the vicinity. So Timberlands + lifts is a legit cheat code, Hollywood male stars have been doing it for decades.
The hit to precision that comes with adding muscle is real, as someone who went from being a high endurance/lean athlete to bulking 30lbs of lean tissue. Even just opening doors is still a problem sometimes.
I hit things with a shoulder all the time after bulking muscularity for first time. It surprises me every time I bump something that my mind clearly thought was not close enough to avoid.
Opening doors bro 😂 I think you just space out a lot lol or maybe just don't pay attention in general.
"He got the full 6 inches " is WIIILLLLLDDDDDD
never thought i’d see Jack Hanma in a title of Derek’s video 🤣
If you are already 6'2'' it's mostly, and by QUITE a bit, pointless if you are doing it for dating. At 6'2'' you've already reached close to the ideal and after 6'4'' you start dropping again. He can capture a niche, I guess.
I'd say 6'3-6'5 is as good as it gets, and then 6'2 and 6'6 are quite equivalent.
So yes, completely unnecessary
that guy was already married with kids... its not for dating, hes just super insecure
@@Antonio_Serdaranything above 6’3 is unnecessary
@@Antonio_Serdar6’0-6’7 imo totally not biased because im 6’7 😂
His already married he was doing this just for Fun lol
Madness? THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!
100% that dude watched Baki. Lol but the tech is still in its infancy. He’s actually a pioneer. We’ll get there one day
this guy knows. I started watching Baki while being 6'3'' and now I'm doing deadhangs for 3 minutes after the gym everyday with a plan to grow to 6'5'' or even 6'7'' if possible. Would never risk doing this and potentially disabling myself for life though.
More plates more dates has a whole new meaning
As a short man, I rather add 2-3" horizontally than vertically. I need my legs for jogging and jiu jitsu.
Fat bellies ain't good for jogging and jiu jitsu :)
I dont buy that.
Horizontally in pure muscle right?
@@ainz2579 that's er-correction
@@sshreddderr9409 i live it everyday.
This is what dating apps do to society. These are men trying to pass the Great Filter.
It would exist without dating apps too. Men are always going to be judged harder on looks due to supply and demand.
The real problems is women’s freedom to choose mates.
You okay buddy? that's quite the cry for help.
@@RadarFinsR What do you mean?
Timing seems right to have a discussion on hair transplants too..
My main concern is long term bone density. Your bones are getting taller, but they arent getting thicker. At least not that I know of.
From what I have seen in other videos, your legs stay way more fragile. Like they really can never run again or risk snapping them.
all that for a few inches of height....
It exists since 1976, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went through the surgery when I was 6, only for my right leg as it was shorter than the left. The right leg gained about 8cm in 6 months, only from the tibia. The fibula was broken and screwed to the tibia in the ankle. I was able to walk during the procedure, now I'm 29yo, and I squat 190kg, no knee nor back pain and I still have a difference of leg lenght
I think this surgery has been around for quite a while. I remember seeing some aspiring models get this surgery on discovery channel or something when I was a kid around 2006
just talking about this sounds painful
I know of a case in Germany, where a guy had that surgery done. The screws broke after a couple of months and he is in a wheelchair ever since. There was a big lawsuit going on.
That surgery is super dangerous and I wonder how many more people are in a wheelchair after trying that shit. I reckon most of the videos that you see online are sponsored
What screws? It is a metal nail inside the bone guiding growth
jack hanma going from
6’4 to
7’0 to
7’11 to
the way joe talks about pool, You KNOW he'll be a GOLF ADDICT Eventually.
so what about arms? you have big legs and t rex arms
there is plenty of tall people who are all legs. people who have proportionally normal or long legs are generally not short. the guy in the video had relatively short legs despite being 6 foot 2, so his legs wont look disproportional after being lengthened 4 feet, especially not because the guy is a body builder and has a disproportionally large upper body anyway.
@ I’m talking about the average person doing this survey I saw a docu on someone who was 5 ft 3 go to 5”11 his arms looked short still
Most short people have short legs and normal arms. I for example am 170cm but have a hand reach of 182cm I'm literally volk fr fr.
Basically losing all athleticism to look tall with narrow shoulders is wild
all that growth yet you cant do anything with it whats the point...
Elite supraphysiological video title.
What about blood vessels, muscles and tendons? Wouldn't that put excessive strain and risk stretching it to a breaking point?
The muscles, vessels, tendons grow with the gain in height.
@@nelsonkiiru7252 they only do so in an age dependent manner. the older you are, the less the body can do that.
One nice saying from my homeland is , sparrow in the hand is better than pigeon on the roof (for eating the birds)
Be glad with what you have
Yeah, wouldn't want my legs giving in on me on squat rack😭😭
You need to look at the Devon larratt video where he shows how arm wrestling training has lengthened his arm.
Was literally thinking about jack hanma when I was watching this part of the pod. Crazy you're referencing that here. Baki is a great show
To all the men out there with insecurities like this.I only ever hear this 6 foot cutoff coming from the US as most countries use the metric system that would be 182,8 cm...I even dated several girls who preferred to be taller than the guy because it made them feel like models.Instead of doing this surgergy or just feeling bad about it,I suggest travelling the world and see how people perceive you there. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Where did you date these tall woman, asking for a friend
Was just about to write this. In Europe it’s much more fluid, there isn’t a set point where guys are attractive. Mostly if you are a little taller than the girl she will just think ur tall
@@Greyalien587Here in Europe it's probably different.
Yes, you can meet girls who have those kind of standard for height, but at leat for me.. i alwas dated taller girls.
@@Rafskat yup, same with dick size. “ 6 inch” we don’t really have a set size like that
i feel like girls are becoming weirdos in places where there are an abundance of social media and also confort. because where i live everyone of my friends are just sad and insecure and the one that are always with a girl its alwways the same kind of men that attract only trough artifices and apparences
The Femur is like a pillar main structure & to sever in half for stretching will compomise their ability to walk when older, look good now to be crippled later.
Listen bro, neither of us are getting our d**k s***ed when we're 90.
I thought they grow back to full strength or more
And has metal in there
bone grows back though. It seems like it does get almost back to normal. one concern might be the bone marrow, if that grows back fully when they remove the nail.
I thought you stopped posting because UA-cam hasn’t shown me your new videos for like 8 months
Jack Hanma is ridiculous...my fav.
I'm 5'7" and would never do this! I guess I've just never been insecure about my height.
Love some Rogan and MPMD
CLL isn't as maddening as you think, if you you're smart about it. A lot of work, but not as risky as other procedures, especially BBLs.
it certainly is very risky. nobody knows the long term consequences, and you cannot get accurate information on it as people who got this would never admit to it being a blunder , due to the enormous investment and inability to reverse it. they would never mention chronic pain or any issues that cannot be seen, and try to pretend that nothing is wrong. to get an accurate picture, you would need to personally meet up with a bunch of people who have done this decades ago, and who do not have a public image.
online forums and videos are not trust worthy, because a negative report or one of regret is a threat to their business, and they likely get a price cut for any patient directed to some clinic over the forum or video.
I think nobody can say that CLL is viable unless he personally knows people who have done this years ago and are fine.
@sshreddderr9409 This surgery may kill you 30 years after you get it. For a BBL if there are complications, you can die immediately. I am waiting for his podcast with Brian Sanchez.
@@Voodoo_Occasions I know. I don't think CLL can kill you, but it can ruin your life if you do not recover fully, if that is even possible. If I had the money, I would consider it given that I am 5 foot 7, but I think given the severity of the operation and looking at it objectively, it would be stupid to take such a risk without actually confirming personally that this can be successful by meeting up with a number of people who have done this years ago and are now at least 50.
The people who are doing this now are taking a huge risk because they cannot know the outcome for sure.
You could argue that it's no different than normal bone fractures, but given that tendons, muscles and nerves are stretched, I have a hard time believing that this isnt going to have consequences.
I know that those can grow and adapt too especially if your young, but still I think you would have to admit that it's a huge risk because there is no way of reversing it should you end up with chronic pain
The surgery isn't "new," but I wouldn't call it old. Doctor Illizarov came up with the technique and used it on patients since the 1950's, with it being more main stream in Russia since the 70's.
I've worked with several children, (physical therapist by trade), that have had the procedure, but not adults. It was technically cosmetic, Achondroplasia/"little people"
What's being talked about now is with non Achondroplasia patients, straight cosmetic, and the medical tourism in Turkey, and conversion rate per USD really gives the clinics over there a good reason to promote. That being said there's clinics doing this all over the world, just not as savy in social.
If done in conservative parameters, with the right ancillary medical support, and compliance from the patient., experienced surgeons, and using internal nails, there are surgeries with much higher failure rates with much more complications, and deaths...ie; BBLs.
It seems barbaric, but it's actually easy for any Ortho Trauma surgeon. These docs are the one's that are doing these surgeries. Think about vehicle crashes, and the myriad of traumatic Ortho issues you'd face with that, along with the person potentially barely hanging on to life....vs. literally any cosmetic procedure.
I don't have extensive first hand knowledge, only brief, I do have third hand knowledge... colleges of colleges, that have worked with these cases....but nothing going past conservative lengthening. The potential issue is ballerina syndrome, (but worked out eventually, just took longer than to be expected), and one scare of compartment syndrome. I personally would worry if someone, (Androplasia patient), got their forerm done, because that can get very tricky, but due to that I've never heard a doc taking that chance, ...but reas about it being done in a couple medical journals.
Other than that, the usual, potential for infection as per any surgery, and with the internal nail...welk technically the Precise Nail....most common, but their are others, ...you can stop and I believe with the newest version reverse the lengthening if need be, and it's lengthening slowly via an external medical device, which I've yet to know of it being painful for a patient.
Things have the ability to get complicated if a patient isn't appropriately physically and mentally ready, not compliant for the long haul, and pushes the lengthening limits to much. Again though a standard total knee replacement has so much more potential to go array than CLL done "reasonably"...gotta put the quotes on that word 😂
That got mykneesdoneguy still cant walk properly 2 years later. He had a lot of complications tho. But according to him hes doing a lot better then some people that done it which is insane. There are some people who recover fine tho
What wow congratulations have been watching since you first started your first UA-cam channel
Bruh, imagine letting your height bother you that much
😂 I can imagine it honestly I get it the way some people treat others it makes sense
I mean, if I was 5'2" I'd off myself. Just saying.....
> See current day dating meta
height and size are so different, theres alot of 6,7 monsters here in germany but im a 5 10 american guy and if i got fake legs i would still be a different frame
@@timboned5305 Facts being sub 5'7 - 5'8 as a man is a death sentence ppl don't understand..
Jack hanma is a beast js lol
This is extremely sad, it just shows you how competitive and insecure our society is when it comes to dating and male expectations. To some degree I can understand a BBL or breast implant for women, but THIS certainly isn't worth a year of pain for any man.
Men's beauty standards are higher, so this actually makes more sense than a BBL or implants.
Well that’s fucked up
One of them was married with children...
no. young women all drown in dating options, while most men are starved for opportunity, because of the huge imbalance in sexual attraction that is inherent to human biology. the plastic surgery women do doesnt increase their already abundant options, it makes them look worse. generally, women get plastic surgery not to look better, they do it to preserve their youth once they get older and realize that the attention they took for granted was age dependent and is fading.
this is in stark contrast to men, who have few options, and because women are so discriminatory on height alone, just being taller can make the difference from being considered at all to being rejected on height alone.
if you are 5 foot 5, your out of the dating pool for most good looking women no matter anything else even if they are 5 foot, simply because you are shorter than most other guys. in that case, doing this surgery to be say 5 foot 10, would mean that most women will not eliminate you on height alone, which would be the case for most women if you were 5 foot 5.
not to mention that BBLs can be life threatening at worst, while LL can get you in a wheel chair at worst.
so you on one hand, you have females with an abundance of options getting surgeries that make them look worse to preserve the fading wasted abundance, and on the other hand, you have men who who go through risky surgery to have any chance at all, and height alone does have a huge impact in dating, job and general social opportunity.
If you pick the tibia, fibula automatically is included
Watchu mean
I'm waiting for the guy who became a dolphin.
Getting yo knees done is keepin you big as hell
Im 5'6 and I would get it if it was less expensive and less risky. Girls in my age group basically hate short men and worship tall ones
Don't do it. P is 100% not worth it. Learn Ross Jeffries's Speed Seduction techniques instead.
So long as you're taller than them, you can win a girl despite the disadvantage against taller guys. You can compensate in many ways.
@@gracefool Just learn to capture and lead her imagination. Take every opportunity when interacting with women to do this.
@@gracefool Just being taller isnt enough in 2024. They want a decent height gap. I got rejected by a girl I was 2 to 3 inches taller than because she said we were the sane height. And if being short wasnt a negative trait I wouldnt have to compensate for it.
Even if I do Ill still be passed over for tall or even average height guys
Just get rich. You think Tom Cruise is short on pulling power?
Bruh got that knee-grow surgery .. 😂😂
Fibula doesn't carry any weight and it functions as site for muscle attachment, when elongating the tibia just crack it at some point and it will follow whatever lenght the tibia set it to be, as they are both well attached at diffrent locations.
Saw Jack Hanna in the title, had to click. I can’t imagine the level of pain induced from such surgery.
You’re exactly the hight you were meant to be.
No, its influence by hormones and lifestyle.
no, people are generally deformed because of chronic malnutrition and hormone altering chemical in food and water. and people are genetically messed up because the lower genetic end isnt killed of and still reproduces, which means genetic illnesses and deformations induced by age of reproduction and life style are being transmitted through generations, causing being to have all kinds of issues.
a group of humans in their natural environment is supposed to look as uniform as wild animal populations do. the degree of variance you see in humans is completely unnatural.
i will decide my own destiny ty
Dude I know that guy!! The really big jacked dude. He was at least 300lbs and could squat 600lbs. I worked out with him in a gym in toccoa GA years ago! Strongest guy in the gym but was very insecure over his height. It’s insane. It made me sad but I wish him the best
Bro the baki shit is crazy 😂 no way you know what baki shit is
weaker people should keep their heads out!
I miss death star delt Derrick but I'm glad he's off the sauce and killing it with his business
I have bilateral hip replacements due to a work accident and my mechanics are better. I squat every week. Not heavy but enough to keep main gaining. I would imagine after healing he’ll be alright. The doctors did put me on permanent trt at age 34. I just turned 37 and I’m in great shape and health.
a kid at my school had this because he was born with one leg basically missing the bones in his lower leg and had to just use crutches and hop everywhere
As someone at 5Ft 5" if I was rich I'd probably do it, but it would still be a hard decision.
Cyborg 4 life comes to mind when thinking of possibly sponsored content.. Idk tho
There are long term repercussions of this surgery. A lot of guys don't get their full motion, strength and functionality back. There are long term complication for many people.
Wouldn't you need to also lengthen your arms with the same surgical procedure in order to maintain proper proportions for biomechanics? Seems like you'd look like a weird cartoon character if you didn't.
This was my first thought. Need longer arms to match otherwise you end up looking like a T-rex.
You could but your arms are usually too long for your body.
For proper proportions, your wing span should be your height. But for nearly all men, their wing span is longer. My wing span is 76" and I'm 72" tall
@@snakevenom4954 If nearly all men have a wingspan that is "too long" then maybe what is considered "correct" is too short...
@giantent763 True. But it's also normal for people to have shorter arms. You literally won't be able to tell the difference since their wingspan would be 2-3" shorter than their height. Literally imperceivable. A 1" difference either arm is impossible to notice
And then ribcage and scapula aswell to not become too narrow..Oh and a bigger head maybe too while we're at it maybe since it might not be proportional anymore just lol
I wonder how strong that new bone connection between the "old" bones is as well.
More dense than the natural bone. Guaranteed
Imagine a girl marries you because you’re 6 ft and then her kids be 5’2 and she’s like “wtf just happened?”
its over
Height is pretty random. My brothers go from 5'9 to 6'4
Its not like that, i have seen my friends has really short parent's but he is above avg like a 5'10" ish
Interesting Title 👹
only clicked because of jack hanma thumbnail
Hey Derek What do you think of micro needling with oral minoxidil instead of topical ?
Joes way of thinking about this is quite limited.... when he says he knows where his shin is, yea, obviously, he trained to do it, a normal untrained person has no idea. Those kind of height changes can be adapted with training if its purely a technical thing. If the muscle is also made longer then you would just adapt over time, like 3-5 years
More Plates More Dates, Joe Rogan and Baki, now this combination i did not foresee 🤣
Honestly, I have really short legs even though I am 6 feet tall. My legs are pretty much as tall as my 5 foot six wife’s legs. I am mostly torso. I probably could get an extra 6 inches out of my legs and then have it not look that weird. People have different proportions and manage. I have tiny feet also. For 6 feet tall I’m size 9 in shoes. I got big hands. My thing is 8” but wide af and I’m skinny at 160. Again, people will come in different sizes.
It’s all good, I’m short and I laid beside a girl the same height as me. Noticed how much longer her legs were and became more conscious about my t-Rex legs
@@Rabbi-Jill-kews Girls more often than not will have longer legs and really short upper body compared to a guy. That's a biological gender difference, no need to feel like your legs are short. Pay attention in public when you see a couple together where they are both the same height. 8 times out of 10 or better the girl will have noticeably longer legs.
Exactly, People come in different sizes, I am huge and have a huge dick and long legs, but by gf says her exes were small ones like you and they were good men too she says
This surgery works well if you lengthen the femur by 2-3 inches and stop. You would recover completely in a year without side effects. The man on the video will recover to some degree but he will never have the athleticism level he had before.
I'm 5'5 , having an extra 6" in my lower legs would make my whole body look weird
At some point Medical Malpractice needs to be redefined and updated. We need legal restrictions
😮 I had surgery on my hamstrings and Achilles tendons to correct my cerebral palsy. It was extremely painful. I can only imagine how painful this is.
Imagine Joe from 5'8 to 6'2 game changer
This is wild. I’m not tall but I would never put myself through that for height. All those videos those guy look like they might not be the same, and I wonder if they’ll ever be able to walk correctly
attack on titans in real life, but the show must go on
Does the bone marrow still produce and fill that space? I got a million questions regards to science and health.
Look into distraction osteogenesis… new bone (including marrow) fills in the gap
Imagine being able to touch rim if you are 5’6” and getting the full 6 inches done and can’t even touch net at 6’ to me it wouldn’t be worth it
I work out at his gym in Dawsonville. He's super nice. Looks huge now though.
That one episode of South Park when Kyle gets black person surgery:
i'll always ask, will derek ever make a video on how w could improve conditions and healing with peds? i have ens and is killig me
legs hurt just watching this
Arms and torso are still short, imagine seeing them try to touch their toes after the surgery 😂😂
I broke my arm radius bone and had surgery playe and 6 screws to align it. Can't imagine to go through 10 times more intensive surgery just to look taller.